The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, September 14, 1904, Image 2

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ffHB WATCHMAN, Established April. 1850? 1 'Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at be thy Country's thy God's and Truth's. TEX TRCS 80CTHS0N, Establiehed June, 2 36 Cosolidated Aug. 2, ISSI. SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1904 New Senes-Toi. XX1Y. So. S ?SF. Gk Osteen, SUMTER, S. C, T5SKS : . $1 53 per anouta-io advance. &3TUTISCIIIT: -Jue Square Srst iusertioru*.,..?.$1 CO Krerv subsequent insertion. 50 Contracts for three months, or looser rc-ii: se tc*de at reduced rates. All communications Trh?ch subserve private reterests wH! becbareed foraaadvertietnenta. Obituaries and tributes of respects will be ?SAfged fer. S ORLY ? TEM MILLICH CROP. Hester's-Report Shows That Cot? ton Crop of1903-04 Aggregates bat i9,?lf,374 Bales. New Orleans, La., Sept. 6.-Secre? tary Hester's annual report was issued in full today. He puts the cotton crop c? 1S03-4 at 10,011,374 bales, a de? crease of 716,185 under tb at of 1902-3. Ho says that compared with last year in round figures, Texas, including Indian Territory, has increased 45, O00 bales. The group known'as other Gulf States, consisting of Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi. Tennessee, Ok? lahoma, Utan and Kansas has lost 430,-QpO, and the group of Atlantic States, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ken? tucky and Virginia has fallen off 332,* 000. ^ Mr. Hester's report on the cotton crop of the different States is given as follows in thousands of bales: Alabama 1,000, against 1,-650 last year. / Ark usas 705, against 1,000. Georiga 1,325, against L 470. Florida 55, against 55. Louisiana 824, against 824. Mississippi 1,387, against 1,404. North Carolina 563, against 575. South Carolina S25, against 950. Tennessee, etc, 451, against 509. Texas and Indian Territory 2,876, against % 331. Total crop 10,011, against 10,728. He makes the actual production of Indian Territory 266,555 bales, against 369,251 last year; of Oklahoma 177,057, against 186,000 last year; and of Mis? souri 34,367, against 35,906 last year, the two last being included nuder the head of Tennessee, etc ? He puts the average commercial value of the crop at $6L3S, against $44.52 last year, and the total value of ' the crop at $6rj,501,54S, against $480, . 77CL282 last year. In reference to the total value Mr. Hester says that while the crop if smaller by seven hundred and Odd thousand bales than last year and is less by 1.263,000 bales than the crop of 1896-&9 which was the largesgt ever marketed, it has brought a better return in money values than any ever produced in the South. Referring to the increase in values over last year he gives details as to prices, showing that while the lowest } range of last season svas from Sep? tember to January inclusive, this year the highest range of values was dur? ing the period of marketing the bulk ?of the crop and the result was that farmers obtained more of the advan? tage ef toe rise instead of its coming as usual af ter the cotton had passed ont of their ?ands. In other words, there ?eoe marketed np to January 31 of tais jearan round figurres 8,010,000 which sold for $447,710,000, while up to the same period last season the ?fiBonat mrketed was 7;9S5,000 which broBgbt $386^665,000, a difference of ealy 25,606 kales and an increase in the saeaat recievec of over $138,000,^ ooo. Furner reiessins to crop values, Mr. Hester says that when rt ie considered that tbe eojabioed values of the past three crops, resal ted in payment to farmers, comae on carriess, merchants and other handlers of over 33^536,000, ?00, their importance as a great factor, in the prosperity of the Sooth and of the estire country may be folly appre? ciated. The consumption has been divided as follows : Alabama 212,398, i aerease of 394. Arkansas 1.444, decrease of 1,471 Georgia 419,761, decrease of 6,138. Kentucky 20,341, decrease of 1,029. 4 Louisiana 16,121, decrease of LS82. Mississippi 31,84, decrease of 6,137. Missouri 4,341? decrease of 382. North Carolina 530,814, decrease of 2a 988. South Carolina 563,980., decrease of 49,295. Tennessee 4,773, decrea-u of 2.n3. Texas 16,736, decrease of 6,871. Virginia 56,939, increase of 14, 89L Total consumption of the South 1.919,252, a decrease nuder last year of 81,477. When troubled with constipation try Chaaibf-rlain'."* Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tb??y are wy to take and produce no griping ^r other unpleasant effect. For ?alt? by China drag atore. Montgomery, West Va., Sept. 7. Wade Hillstein, a passenger on the Cheseapeake and Ohio train yesterday shot and killed Frank Howard, a ne? gro, becanso the latter entered the train at Paint Creek and took a seat beside bim. Hillstein leaped Trom the rapidly moving train and made h s escape. CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. Ai Kind Yes Han Always Boaga! v Bears the v J^jpiatsie of "BEF?REB?Y" CL?BS SAID TO BE GENERAL Report From Florida of Many in Existence-Five Located in Leon County. Tallahassee, Fla., Sept. 6.-Since Saturday night's trouble it has been learned that there are five "Beioreday clubs" in Leon county. While it is said these clubs were organized last Christmas there are a number of ! per? sons who will make affidavits to the effect that these clubs have been known in Leon county for the past three years. It^is asserted^that -about three years ago "a negro appeared in Richmond, Va., (many averring that he came di? rect from Wshington city),f who made an incendiary speech advising mem? bers of his race to do all manner of mean things. He advised the organ? ization of the "Beforeday club." This organization has become national in its character. The clubs in this county are located at Tallahassee, Lake "Hall, Lake Jackson, Dawkins Pond and the Meridian neighborhood. Many of the best negroes of the coun? ty have refused to become members and are not in sympathy with such an organization. It is firmly believed here that Mr. Epps was a victim of this organiza? tion, and many of the people in this section are nervous and excited, but there are numbers of men in Leon county who are brave and determined, and who are prepared to meet and settle this issue squarely. DISASTROUS WRECK IN MISSOURI. Nine Killed and More Than Fifty Wounded on Wabash Road. Warrentdn, Mo., Sept. 7.-It devel? ?os that in the wreck yesterday on the Wabash railway more people were kill? ed and injured than at first expected. Officials of the company this morning announced that nine passengers were killed, while the list of injured will reach fifty. The wrcek was caused by the east bcuhd passenger train jump? ing the track. The dining car being thrown to', the left and the day coach down a steep embankment forty feet. Under the debris passengers were pinioned for hours pitifully appealing for help. As fast as possibe passengers were ?ken to Warrenton and cared for. The train is said to have been running sixty-five miles an hour. Over-Sea Markets for Cotton Goods. Consul-General Skinner writes from Marseilles that he believes American trade in cotton goods may he greatly extended throughout the Mediterra? nean,Red sea and Persian gulf regions. Although the American cotton trade in these markets is now considerable, many pf the consuming regions are not reached at all, and the business is limited elsewhere to the operation of a few highly favored houses, whose buyers have established themselves "in New York. The general attitude of the American cotton manufacturers and their selling agents has been un? favorable to the development of the export trade, because of their insist? ence that their goods be purchased in the United States through exporting brokers, who attend to all the details of shipping and of exchange. In short, American cotton manufacturers do not seem to be organized to do bus? iness directly in the consuming mark? ets; they employ no foreign agents, and they have at various times dis? couraged possible buyers abroad who have initiated correspondence in the hope of obtaining cotton for export in the United States. The inevitable consequence of this situation is that, aside from a Red sea trade in un? bleached cotton sheetings, oar ex? ports to the regions mentioned are ex? ceedingly limited. German and Ital? ian commercial travelers seek the con? suming markets, satisfying them to a considerable extent, and in many cases the large baying houses have agencies in Manchester, where their requirements are catered to by Brit? ish manufacturers. A few important ?firms bay in New York what they can not obtain in Manchester, and their .demands constitute our export trade ia the near east. Thus it would seem as if trade could only be developed by being on thu ground and personally soliciting orders. -??aH?- .... -- ? Race for Governor in 1906. Candidates for governor in 1906 will soon beat work, and there ?re plenty of them. Lieut. Gov. John T. Sloan of Columbia and Speaker M. L. Smith of Camden are almost certain entries, as is M. F. Ansel of Greenville, who made such a fine ran two years ago and won friends ail over the State - more friends than votes, because many people who liked the man were pledged to some other candidate. As other probable candidates in 1906 may also be mentioned Mayor R. G. Rhett of Charleston and F. il. Hyatt of Co? lumbia.-Greenville Mountaineer. In Praise of Chamberlain's Col- j ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re med}-. "Allow me to give vou a few wo^d* in praise of Chamberrain's Colie, Cholera and i iarrhoea jjemedy." Rays Mr. John Harriett, of Eagle P*ss, Texas. "1 suffered one week with bowel tron?le and too* all kinds of medioiue witliont wetting nay re? lief, wheu nay friend. Mr. C. Johnson, a merchant here, advised me tu take this T-.m-dy. After taking one dose I felt greatly relieved and when I had taken the third dose was entirely cured. S think you from the bottom of my heart for put? ting thi< great remedy ju the hands of mau kind.7' For sale by Chita'* drug DEMOCRATIC EDITORS HT ESOPUS. Judge Parker Compares Demo? cratic Economy and Honesty With Republican Extrava? gance and Corruption. Esopus, Sept. 8. -Tho steamer St. John, bearing aboard the contingent of Democratic editors drew np along side the Rosemount dock at^ ll :20 this morning. All were enthusiastic and bent upon exhibiting their devotion to the Democratic ticket. They cheer? ed the candidate lustily while the sea? men were making fast to the dock. The trip from Now York was une? ventful. There were six hundred in the party. The committee and editors inspired by the "Star Spangled Ban? ner," rendered by rbe band, climbed the hill to Judge Parker's house. Judge Parker met them at the piazza and after a general handshaking the party stepped out on the lawn 'and Charles W. Knapp, of the Sr. Louis Republic spoke for half an hour. When Mr. Knapp concluded Judge Pakrer stepped to the edge of the piazza and was greeted by tumultous cheers. Mr. Knapp's address consisted most? ly of a eulogy of Judge Parker and assurances that he would have the strongest support of all the editor's present. The speaker predicted a sweeping democratic success in No? vember. Judge Parker, after expressing his pleasure in welcoming to Rosemount, representad vs of the American press and pointing ont the power the news? paper have said : ' ' There are ques? tions of great importance to be passed upon by the people in November, questions that will be your duty, and, ! therefore I know your pleasure, as well, to present honesitly and so clearly that the people well under? stand them." Continuing he .stated that he would take up but one feature of the republican party platform, namely, That the repnblicn party had displayed a high capacity for rule and government, which had been mace conspicuous by the incapacity and in? firmity of purpose of the Democracy. Judge Parker said, he would just compare Clevelands administration with any administration of the Re? publicans since 1860. Comparision he said will show that under Democratic control the administrative purity Of the father's had been observed in the conduct of the government that not one of its departments bad been per? meated, as of late, with corruption rivalling the day of the star route frauds, that a successful effort had been made to check the growth of ex? penditures, that it resulted in each instance in cutting down expenses within the control of the executive department of government below that of preceeding administrations. After 1868 the Republicans had increased expenses and in some instances so great? ly as to indicate reckless extravagance and waste ci the people's money. He concluded with an appeal for perfect brmony in the conduct campaign. THE FREIGHT RATES CASE. Important Matter to Se Settled in a Short Time New. Colombia, Sept. 7.-The freight rate case, which has beea so long pend? ing, w?'?l now be settled by the rail? road Commission within forty-days. Today the railroad commission noti? fied the attorneys on both sides that ali arguments must be filed in the next thirty days, and that fifteen days additional would be given for further writ tee amendments to the ease. The prospects of the case being set? tled will be a gratifying statement to every merchant in the State. The case ha? .been pending for several months aad ir was necessary once to go over ail of the second day's pro? ceedings. The petition calls for a general re? duction ?ii many classes of goods in this State asad claims discrimination in favor of North Carolina and Vir? ginia. On account of the slowness in filing the arguments and the fact that Chairman Garr?s was busy with the campaign, the ease was not decided re? cently, because time was wanted to study the matter thoroughly, Mr. Garr?s, however, stated this morning that he wished to settle ap all matters pending before going out of office, so that the new mem? ber would have a clean sheet to start with. The order filed today will bring replies at once, and as soon as a date is fixed within the required time the case will be decided once for all. Just which way it will bs is, of course, a matter of conjecture, bot the board has several precedentst to study up and the argumentts submit? ted will have careful attention. J The order is as follows: Messrs. Mil- j 1er & Whaley. Attorneys, Charleston, i S. C.-Gentlemen: It is this day! ordered by the board of railroad com? missioners that attorneys for petition ets in the case of the chamber of commerce of Anderson, chamber of commerce of Columbia, chamber of commerce of Spartanburg, chamber of commecre of Charleston, board of trade of Greenville, boaid of trade of Greenwood, board of trade of New? berry, the Piedmont Wholesale Gro- t cers' Association and the bureau of I freight and transpotation of Charles-j ton, be allowed thirty days from this date to complete their testimony be- ! tore this board. Thereatfer fifteen 1 days will be allowed for argument. ; This notice has been served on the i various repesentafives of the rail- ! roads. Hy order of the hoard, C. W. Gams, Chairman. George Williams was legally execut? ed for rape at Monndsville, W. Ya., Friday. The crime was commit? ted in July. PROMINENT VIRGINIAN HELD FOR WIFE MURDER. Arrested and in Jail in Charlottes? ville on the Charge. He Claimed that He was Assaulted in His Own Home and His Wife Killed. Charlotteville, Va., Sept. 7.-Ex Mayor Samuel T. McCae was arrested this afternoon on the charge of wilful? ly and., premediatedly murdering his wife on the night of Sunday, Septem? ber 4. The arrest was made while cit? izens generally were attending a pub? lic sesi?n of the coroner's jury which had rendered no verdict at midnight. Tlie warrant was sworn out by Police Justice A. D. Dabney and served by two policemen of tbe city. Mr. Mc? Cae made no resistance and is now in the city jail. When McCue was arrest? ed he submitted to being searched by the officers and kissed his four chil? dren good-bye. He said to them: "By the grace of God I will come out of this trouble all right." McCue stated that he was assaulted and his wife murdered on last Sunday night. His story immediately aroused supic ion. His testimony and that of others before the coroner's jury strengthened the suspicion against him and the ar? rest followed. Crowds are gathering in the city to? night but no mob violence is feared. The city militia being absent from the city at the army manoeuvres at Manas sas a special jail guard of 30 men was summone . NEBRO LYNCHED IN ALABAMA. Mob Fired the Jail aird Defied the Officers of the Law. Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 7.-After setting fire to the jail and smoking out the prisoner while the fire department was held at bay with, guns and the sheriff, his deputies and the soldiers outwitted, ?k\ mob estimated at over 2,000 persons lynched Horace Maples, the negro accused of murdering John Waldrop, by stringing him to a tree on the court house lawn tonight. This action of the mob was taken notwithstanding strong protests made by Solicitor Erle Pettus and H. Wal? lace, Jr., in stirring speeches in which law and order were pleaded for eloquently. The crowd began to gather this aft? ernoon and tonight as soon as, the de? tails of the crime spread throughout th? country in which Waldrop had a number of friends and before the 'mi? litia, which was ordered from Birm? ingham by Gov. Cunningham arrived, the mob had swelled to enormous pro? portions. The sheriff and his deputies pluckily stood their guard but they were powerless before the mob and the fire. The local military company was called out but they were outwit? ted by the men who conceived the idea of smoking out the prisoner. At 10.25 o'clock the jail was fired in the back yard and barned fiercely, a dense smoke spreading through the upper stories and cells of the building. The fire department was not allowed to approach within a block of the scene and was driven away with bul? lets. The command on the outside would allow nobody to enter Or come oat until the person of Horace Maples was snrrenudered to the crowd. The sheriff and his guards would not give in but ia some manner the negro got through a window and jumped out of the building into the crowd. He was chased down and a rope thrown around his neck and he was palled ap to the county court house. There was au im? mense crowd on the lawn. While Maples was confessing his crime and implicating a white man and two negroes, John H. Wallace, Jr., and Solicitor Erle Pettus deliver? ed impassioned addresses trying to dis? suade the mob. They were hooted down in tum bat finally when Solici? tor Pettus called on all who were in favor of the law taking its course to hold up their hands, about half in the big crowd of several thousand did so. There was cheering for a moment bat the men with the rope pulled the hegro away, threw the end of the rope over a limb and drew him ap. The negro was dead in a few moments. A crowd will make au effort to" capture the negro's accomplices but no more disorder is feared to? night. During the attack on the jail United States District Judge Sbelby issued an order for the United States deputy marshal to protect United States pris? oners in the barning building and ob? tain names of ?ill parties engaged in endangering the prisoners* lives. Gainesville, Va., Sept. 8.-At 9 o'clock this morning General Bell, commander of the Brown army began his attack on the Blues for the pur- ; pose of forcing his way toward Wash ? ington. The supposed ultimate ob [ jcet of this movement being an assault [on the capital of the United States. Ti . is the second and last of the ? ratn-oeuvere problems laid down by Geneal Corrbin, Corps Commander, the first being ended yesterday at noon. Owing to the exhausted con? dition of the troops after the past two days of fighting, the beginning of the second problem was set forward nine hours. Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, ia brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Versailles, O. For ;'ears he wa? troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Elec? tric Bittere. It put him on his feet io short order and now he testifies. "I'm og the road-to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forme of Stomach and Bowel Com? plaint?. Only 50c. -Guaranteed by J. F. W. DeLorme's druggist. JAPANESE CAPTURE VALUABLE MI?TARY RUSSIAN ST?HES. Gen. Kuropatkin Abandons Guns, Provisions and Other Valuable Munitions in His Hurried Retreat from Liao Yang. London, Sept. 8.-The Rome corres? pondent of the Exchange Company wires that news has been received there of the capture of a large quanti? ty of guns and ammuuition by the Ja? panese during the retreat of the Rus? sians from Liao Yang. The Mikado's forces are said to have captured one hundred and thirty-two wagons of provisions and thirty-eight wagons of ammunition at Pankiaupu, and nine? ty-seven field guns, most of them un spiked, and several thousand small arms at Chang Kiaposho. From We Hai Wei it is reported that heavy cannonading was heard last night in the direction of Port Arthur, and that boats outside the harbor re? port seeing flashes distictly. Nothiing further has been obtainable. ANOTHER GREAT BATTLE IM? MINENT. St. Petersburg, Sept. 8.-A brief dis? patch was received this afternoon from Gen. Kuropatkin dated at G.30 yes? terday. The dispatch says that Gen. Kuroki is 27 miles east of ,the railway and Gen. Oku 20 miles west of it. VFhe general staff expects a general battle within the next day or two. Gen. Kuropatkin adds that his rear guard extends several miles south of Muk* den. Fighting has been continuous. Tokio, Sept. 9.-According toa dis? patch received at Tokio today 3,000 Russian corpses had been found by the Japanese up to Wednesday. Many more are believed to have been taken north by the retreating Russian army. This is taken to indicate that the Rus? sian losses were terrific. The opinion expressed by a majority cf papers is that another battle will occur north of Mukden. Rumor of a Russian Disaster. Paris, Sept. ?.-The Petit Parisian has a disptch from St. Petersburg containing the rumor that General Kuroki has succeeded in isolating a force of 30,000 of Gen. Kuropatkiu's rear guard and that they have been forced to surrender. . Rome, Sept. 9.-The newspaper Italia Militaire has a dispatch from Tokio reporting that the Japanese forces have reached Mukden. The dis? patch adds that no serious fighting occurred in the immediate vicinity of the strong hold, the Russians having retired beyond that place. St. Petersburg, Sept. 10.-Advices from the front indicate that there will he a long lull in the fighting while the Japanese replenish stores of ammuni? tion and bring in reenfoicements. A newJEuropean Brigade, has just reach? ed Gen. Kuropatkin, who is thereby able to give a rest to the troops recent? ly engaged. Experts here do not ex? pect the Japanese to make any real progress before cold weather sets ip, which is liable to stop everything un? til spring, when the Russians will be ready to begin offensive operations. St. Petersburg, Sept. 10.-Ordinary camp life set in at Mukden today and prevails along the whole of the im? mense front of the Russian army. The Japanese advance from the south and east has been stopped and Russian baggage trains have been proceeding uninterruptedly since Wednesday. Thousands of the Russian wounded have been sent northward, but the Red Cross nurses are still working night and day at Mukden to bring re? lief to the most seriously injured, ?he inactivity of the Japanese is as? cribed to the absence of mountain roads by which they could make the advance. On Thursday Mukden and the neighborhood were flooded by a terrific rain storm, but the roads are now drying. London, Sept. 10.-The Chefoo cor? respondent of the Reuter Telegraph Company reports that the Japanese loases at Port Arthur during the past few days exceed twelve thousand. Sour Stomach. When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, sour stomach is likely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by con? stipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticata the food thoroughly. Let five hours elapse between meals, and when you feel a full? ness and weight in the region of the stomach a'ter eating, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the boar stomach may be avoided. For sale by China's drug store. Greenville, Tenn., Sept. 7.-Early today several robbers entered the Greenfield postoffice au? blew open the safe. They made two unsuccessful at? tempts and the third time brought it open. Nitro-glycerine and other chemicals were used. About $150 in cash and $57)0 in stamps were taken out of the safe. Postmaster Farmer has been authorized by the postornee department to offer a reward of $200 for the capture of the robbers. A Boy's WildRide For Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 mi:es, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con? sumption. Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma:but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Con? sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis", Coughs, Cold* and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guar? anteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bot? tles free at J. F. W. DeLorme's drug store. HOW LEAO YANG WAS FOUGHT. Incidents of the Fierce Battle "Russians Worship their Guns" The Multiplying Japs. St. Petersburg, Sept. 8.-The cor? respondent of the Associated Press in a graphic description of the fighting at Liao Yang, saya : "Only the Russian? soldiers' tra? ditional splendid qualities enabled them to support the terrible condi? tions, of which the lack of sleep was the most unbearable. The Japanese availed themselves to the utmost of rain and darkness and did not cease fighting, their ,attacks testing Rus? sian endurance severely. The Japanese suffered terribly' but made light1, of their losses. They continually drafted fresh reserves into the ranks to replace the worn out men. "Indeed, the numerical superiority of the Japanese is astounding and in? comprehensible, for after losing .enough men at Port Arthur and else? where to form a perfect army, their effective strength appears only to in? crease and they still are concentrating fresh bodies of troops on the Liao river. "The battlefield was a perfect infer? no, Gen. Stakelberrg was wounded, but despising death he remained im movable at his post throughout day, regardless of the rain of around him. Several officers cf staff were killed or wounded. In evening Gen. Stakelberg notified Gtm. Kuropatkin that he could hold the po? sition or take the offensive,if neces? sary. . "Among the incidents of the day was the slaughter of two Japanese battalions which were pursued through the Chinese corn and grass to Saitaz and surrounded by the Russians. They resolutely refused to accept quarter, preferring death. " In another ?part of the field the Japanese shelled and captured by as? sault onejof the*Russian trenches, only to find too late that it had been abandoned by the Russians and oc? cupied by their comrades. They fell upon the p?strate bodies and flooded them with tears. "In one case a party of Japanese officers found a body of their men y e tiring in disorder and drove them back to the battlefield at the point- of the sword. "The Russian frontier guards died at their posts, refusing to surrender. It was the anniversary of the creation of their regiment which they had cel? ebrated the night previous. They lost a large proportioner their officers. "At many points the combatants stoned each other. "Of late the Russians have learned to mask their batteries more effectu? ally and tims have gained a sensible advantage over the Japanese. "The Russians worship their guns and to quote Geu. Kuropatkin's ad? monition, 'Soldiers, die for your guns as you would[for your tike. ' "The pits which the Russians had dug in the China corn and grass were filled with Japanese corpses, which were trodden over by their comrades. The ground was so thickly strewn with bodies in one fight that the Jap? anese raised a white flag and sought: permission tc bury their dead, but* this was refused. The air became pol-, luted with the stench. "The Russian evacuation of the forts and intrencbments was carried out without loss. Tte troops crossed the river on pontoon and railway bridges in perfect order and safety, burning the bridges behind them. "Liao Yang is enveloped in flames and clouds off smoke from the^ confla? gration are visible as far as Yen Tai. "The countryside is swarming with Chinese fugitives/' Bucklen's Arnica Sato??. Has world-wide fame for marvellous core?. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Barns, Boil?, Sores, Felon*, Ulcers, Tetter, Sait RheuTJ, Fever Sores, Chapped Hac?>, Sim Ernutionfs ; infallible for Piles. Cure guar? anteed. Only 25o at J. F. W. DeLcruae'a druggist Relatives of Boer General. Columbia Sept. 9-The three Boers who came here yesterday nuder Com? missioner Watson have been sent to Sumter county this morning and will there do farm work. Their names are P. A., G. V. and J. A. Joubart and they ar? blood relatives cf the famous Boer General.Joubbert. 1 A Power for Good. The pills that are potent in their action and pleasant in effect aro DeWitfs Little Early Risers. W. 8. Philpot, of Albany, Ga. says: ''During a bilious attack I took one. Smailes it was it did m'j more good than calomel, blue ma?8 or ar.y other pill 1 ever took and at the same lime the effect was pleasant. Little Sat ly Risers are cer? tainly an ideal pill." Sold by 0. H. Davis. DeWitt DeWitt Is the name to lock for when you go to buy Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve is the original and only genuine. In fact DeWitfs is the on!y Witch Hazel Sa;\-e that is made from the unadulterated Witch-Hazel All others are counterfeits-base Imi? tations, cheap and worthless - even dangerous. DeWrfTs Witch Hazel Sahre is a specific for Piles: Blind. Bleeding. Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts. Burns. Bruises, Sprains, Lacerations. Contusions. Boils. Carbuncles. Eczema. Tetter. Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Diseases. SALVE PRIPXRED BT E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., cuca*) For sale by Olin B. Davis.