THE STATESBORO AFFAIR. r rom The Daily Item, Aug. 18. The mob murders at Statesboro, "Ga., Tuesday evening were, without exception, the most outrageous exhibi? tion of lawlessness tbat has ever come within our observation, and shows to whr.t extremes the mob spirit will car? ry supposedly civilized American citi? zens.' There was not the shadow of an excuse for the lynching of the negroes, for they had been legally convicted and sentenced to death at an early day, and the savagely cruel methods resorted to by the mob are positive proof that the mob was actuated, not by a desire to see the negroes pay the" penalthy -prescribed by law for murder, but by a wanton and savage lust for blood. The men who participated in the burning of Cato and Seed flouted the majesty of the law, defied the courts and reverted to a type of ferociously primitive barbarism that one would scarcely believe possible among peop?e who are etizens of a civilized, Chistian country and decendants of a lorg line of law respecting and justice loving freemen. The Statesboro horror emphasizes a point that we endeavored to bring out clearly in an article published yester? day, but written before the dews of the burning- of Cato and Seed had been received: Mobs are, asa rule, cowardly and have not the\grit to face rail danger, as was instanced by the cau? tious tactics of the Statesboro crowd ?until it was revealed that the militia were more for show than for service - and were ornamentally armed wi th un? loaded guns and under orders not to shoot. Does any one question that the result would have been different ha d Sheri S Kendrick and the com? mander ot^ the militia drawn a dead line around the Court House and made /. it known to the mob that the first man to cross it would be shot do/ sona* supervision since its infancy. -?CC?^ZS Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-g-ood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment? What is CAST0R1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare? goric, Drops and'Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm? and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep? The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend? GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CSTY? Southeastern Lime & Cement COMPANY. CHARLESTON, S. C. Building Material of all kinds. High irado Roofing "R?BEROIB." ^?l0-" Feb 2 o WHISKEY I MORPHINE | CIGARETTE I ALL DRUG AND TOBACCO HABIT. I HABIT. ? HABIT. I HABITS. Cured by Keeley Institute of S. C. 1329 Lady St, (or P.O. Box 75) Columbia, S. C. Confidential correspondence solicited dit ian tie Coast JLime. Effective June 5, 1904. Passenger Trains arriving and leaving Sumter. Train 35 Florence to Augusta > Arrives 5 15 am " 54 Columbia to Wilmington '?? .- " S 10 am " *57 Gibson to Sumter " 9 20 aa? " 52 Charleston to Columbia and Greenville Leaves 9 21 am w 46 Orangeburg to Charleston (Tuesd'y,Thursd,y,Saturd,y) " 9 25 am " 53 Greenville and Columbia to Charleston " 6 20 pm u 32 Augusta to Florence w 6 30 pm " *56 Sumter to Gibson 44 6 50 pm " 47 Charleston to Orangeburg (Tuesd^Thursd'yjSaturd'y) tt 8 15 pm " 55 Wilmington to Columbia w 9 25 pm Freight Trains carrying Passengers. Train *24 Sumter to Hartsville Leaves 10 00 am " *19 Florence to Robbins Leaves 1 00 pir " *20 Bobbins to Florence Leaves 4 30 pt* u *25 Hartsville to Sumter Arrives 7 40 pm Northwestern Bailway. Train *70 Camdan to Sumter Arrives 9 00 au " *71 Sumter to Camden ^Leaves S 36 am " *68 Camden to Sumter " 5 45 pm " *72 Wilson Mill to 8umter ' Arriv?s 12 30 pm " *73 Sumter to WilsonMill Leaves 3 00 pm " *69 Sumter to Camden " 6 25 pm ' Trains marked * daily except Sunday ; all oth?r trains daily. For further information, apply to J. T. CHINA, Ticket Agent A. C. L. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Effective Apr. 17, 1904. Read down Read up No 142 No 140 No 141 No 143 2 15 pm 7 00 am Lv Sumter Ar 9 15 am 5 45 pm ll 40 am Ar Charleston Lv 3 20 am 7 10 am 11 40 am Ar Columbia Lv 7 20 am 3 10 pm 12 30 pm Ar Augusta Lv 6 55 am 6 10 am 10 55 pm Ar Atlanta 10 55 Lv 10 55 ll 45 pm 11 45 am 5 30 am Ar Birmingham Lv 5 20 4 10 po 8 30 pm ll 10 am Ar New Orleans Lv 9 20 am 12 35 am 3 30 pm Ar Spartanburg Lv 3 30 10 35 am 1 30 am 4 55 pm Ar Greenville Lv 4 55 9 40 air 7 15 pm Ar Asheville Lv 7 05 an* 8 15 pm Ar Louisville Lv 7 40 am 7 30 pm Ar Cincinnati Lv 8 30 ads 6 00 pm Ar Camden Lv 2 00 pm 8 35 pm Ar Rock Hill Lv 9 25 air 9 40 am Ar Charlotte L\ 8 10 a?i 9 45 am Ar Washington Lv 9 50 pea 4 15 pm Ar New York Lv 3 25 pia Trains 142 and 143 make dose connection at Samter Junction with 117 going Koral via Camden and Rock Hill, and No. 118 for Charleston and Atlanta via Augusta or Co? lumbia. Trains 140 and 141 make close connection ct Ringville for Charleston and Colum? bia, and a+ Colambia^nn solid Pullman train* composed of elegant DIDing Cars, Pull mau (V^partment, Club Library, Observation and Drawing-room Sleeping Cars to and from Northern and Western points. For full information or reservations apply to any agent or address S. H. Hardwick, C. H. Ackart, General Passenger Agent, J. R. Clack, General Manager, Washington, D. C. A^ent, Washington, D, 0. W. H. Tayloe, Sumter, S. C. R. W. Hunt, Assistant Gen. Pass. Agent, Division Passenger Agent Atlanta, Ga. Charleston^. C. JOB PRINTING First class work and good material. I do good work as cheap as possible, but do not make a spa-, cialty of cheap work. 1ST. G.OSTEE2S?. -r White Stone Lithia Springs HOTEL. A. STANLEY STANFORD, Proprietor. WHITE STONE LITHIA SPRINGS, - - SPANTANBURG COUNTY, S. C. It ls Open All the Year Round. UNEXCELLED CUISINE--UNSUPASSED COMFORTS. 'S*** The Hotel Has Accommodations for 500 Quests. I I It is the only Lithia Springs in the country whose waters | are forced by natural pressure twenty feet above tte granite g rock from which they flow. White Stone Lithia Springs have g rp been known for fifty years for their remarkable curative ^ properties. The hotel has the best appointments in the South. ^ They are located two miles from White Stone Station, eight |j miles from Spartanburg, and are connected by private trolley j?S line on the Savannah and Asheville Division of the Southern |? Railway. ?I SK * ... I Rates flade Known on Application to the Proprietor. 1 Send for Circulars and Other Information. i m