TSV S 2KTZB WATCHMAN, Established April, IS50 fc3e -Inst and Fear not-Let all the Ends then Aims't at be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's.' THE TRUE SOUTHRON, S tabiiBhed June, 1S6 Cosoii ated Ass. 2,1881. SUMTER, S. G., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1904. Sew Series-Yo!. XXIY. 3 o. 3 tte (Hakte Son ko , SUMTER, S. a TBSXS : $1 50 per sc nam-in advance. ? DY XSTI S S XE KT : 3ae Seriare first insertion..,.-.$1 CO very subsequent insertion... 50 Goa tracts fer three months, or longer wiK ne made at reduced rates. , All comtuanications winch subserve private interests will be charged for as ad vertieaseats. . Obituaries and tributes of respects will ibe sb&rged for. ROOSEVELT RIBMT FOR DUCE. Declares Men Guilty of Rape Should Suffer Death. Washington, Aug. 8.-President Roosevelt has declined to interfere in the case of John W. Bnrley, the negro confined in the jail of the District of Colombia under sentence of death for toe erime of assault, ,the victim hav ing been a little girl four and a half years old. President Roosevelt made the following statement : "White House, ^Washington, Aug. 8, 1901. 'The application for the commuta tion of sentence of John W. Burley is denied. This man committed the most hideous crime known to our laws, and twice before he committeed crimes of a similar, though less nor ri ble( character. In my judgment there is no justification whatever for paying heed to the allegations that he is not of sound mind, allegations mr.ie after the'trial and conviction. No body would pretend that there has ever been any such degree of mental unsoundness shown as would make people even consider sending him to an asylum if he had not committed this crime. Under such circum stances he should certainly be esteem ed sane enoegth to suffer the penalty .for his monstrous deed. I^have scant sympathy with the plea of insanity advanced to save & man from the con sequences of crime, when unless that rime had been committed it would hav3 been impossible to persuade any responsible authority to commit him to an asylum as insane. Among the most dangerous criminals, and espe cially among those prone to commit ailis particular kind of offense, there are plenty of a temper so fiendish or so brutal as to be incompatible with any other than a brutish order of in telligence ; but these men are never theless responsible for their acts ; and nothing more tends to encourage crime among such men than the be lief that through the plea of insanity or other method it is possible for them to escape paying the justv penal ly of their crimes. The crime in .question is one to which we largely owe tut existence of that spirit of lawlessness which takes form in lynch ing. It is a crime so revolting that the criminal is not entitled' to "one particle of sympathy from any human being. It is essential that the punish ment for it'should be not only as cer tain but as swift as possible. The jory in this case did their duty by re commending the indiction of the death penalty. It is to be regretted that we did not have special provision for more summary dealing with this type of cases. The more we do what in " us lies to secure certain and swift jns tice in dealing with these cases, the more effectively do we work against the arowth of that lynching spirit which is so ful* of evil omen for this people because it seeks to avenge one infamous crime by the commission of j another of equal infamy. The application is denied and the sentence will be carried into effect. (Signed) "Theodore Roosevelt." Ttse Conway and Marion Railroad. Saturday a large force of hands un: der the immediate supervision of Mr. F. A. Burroughs himself was at work laying track to the warehouse at the Gulley, in order to complete the con nection at this point. Everything is being put in order to start building the road to Marion and after the pro per surveys are made work will begin in earnest on the main line.-Conwav Field Aug. 10. A Summer Cold. A t-ammer cold is not only annoying but if not relieved Pneumonia will be the pro hable result by Fall. One Minute Cough j Cure clears the phlegm, draws out the in- j lamination, heals, soothes and strengthens j the lungs and bronchial tubes. One Min- i ute Cough Cure is an ideal remedy for i the children. It is pleasant to the taste : and perfectly harmless. A certain cure ; for Croup, Cough and Cold. Sold by O. | B. Davis. Chicago, Aug. 9.-A mother and her three children were killed and a number of other persons seriously in jared in a collision tonight between a west-bound Baltimore and Ohio local passenger train, known as No. 17, and a Chicago and Erie freight train at the Brighton Park Railroad crossing, at Western avenue and West 39th street Suicide Prevented The startling announcement that a pre ventive of suicide had been aiscovered will interest many. A run down system, or despondency invariably prectde suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes sui cide likely. At the r>t thoairht of ^elf destruction take Electric Bitters. Itbein^ a great tonic and nervine will stren^t^en the nerves and build up the syattm. It'a Also a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction nar aateed oy J. F. W. D Lonna Druggist. HEHLE il FM RIIUiOlD OIS STER. Mofe Than One Kindred Passengers Lose Their Lives, Three Cars Fell Through Trestle to the Bottom of a Roaring Torrent on Missouri Pa cific. Pueblo, Col,. Aug. 8.-The wreck of the World's Fair Flyer" cn the Denver and Rio Grande railroad near Eden, seven miles north of Pueblo, last evening proves to have been one of the greatest railroad disasters in the history of the country. T^o crowded passengers and a baggage car were engulfed in the torrent that tore out a trestle spanning Steel and Hollow, otherwise known as Dry creek, and, so far as known tonight, only three of the occupants of the three cars es caped death. Fortunately the sleep ing cars and a diner, completing the train, remained on the track at the edge of the abyss and none of their occupants was killed or injured. How many perished probably never will be definitely ascartained for the treacherous sands were drifting over the bodies. Searching fcp the dead was begun about midnight on an ex tensive scale and still is in progress tonight. All corpses found were Brought to Pueblo and placed in four morgues he^e,. At 8 o'clock this eve ning 76 bodies had been recovered and of these 50 had been identified. Dur ing the day bodies were recovered ali the way along Fountain river from the scene of the wreck to this city. At 1 o'clock this afternoon two bodies were taken from the stream at First street, Pueblo, more than eight miles from the point where the disaster oc crued and it is probable that some may be recovered even futher down stream. Pueblo, Colo., Aug. 9.-Organized searching parties scoured the. Foun tain river banks for miles today in the hope of finding the remainingl bodies of tbre victims of Sunday night's wreck at Eden. Late tonight the to tal number of identified bodies recov ered was 73, unidentified dead, 3. The list of those reported missing has been growing ali day and has now nearly reached 40. Way Delay Church Union. New York, Aug. IL-Fears are ex pressed by leading Presbyterian di vines o this and other cities that the decision just handed down by the House of Lords in the Free Church of Scotland case may militate against the carrying out of plans for the union of various-denominations in this coun try, plans which were expected to cul minate successfully in the future.' A union of free Church and the Uni ted Presbyterian Church wae effected fonr years ago. The union was opposed at the time by a handful of ministers of the Free Church, who carried the case into tjbe House of Lords. The latter body "has now decided the case in favor of the dissenting ministers and has awarded to them the entire prop erty and funds of the Free Church of Scotland, aggregating nearly 55,000, 000. The result of this case, say leading Pj esbyterian ministers berfe, shows that in the church unions now con templated in America the greatest care must be exercised as to the legal side of the procedure, lest the minor ity who oppose the union, as in Scot land, may come into possession of all the church property. Among the unions now being dis cussed in this country are the Cumber land Presbyterians with the Presby terian Church in the United States of America ; the Reformed Dutch Church with the Presbyterian Qhurch South, and the Associated Synod of the south tfith the United Presbtetrian Church. From Steam to Electricity. Buffalo, N. Y. A ag. IL-The Van de rbi Its are said to be ' planning to ,equip the entire West Shore Railroad 'with electricity and to adopt this mo tive power for the Niagara Falls ack re- - moved, to be entirely free from annoying. - dangerous urinary disorders is enough to" make any kidney sufferer grateful. To tell' how this great change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hundreds of Sumter readers. W. Ii. Kitlam. Florence, machinist at the Coast Line Ti. K. repair -hops, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills did me more good than any oth er remedy I ever used. They cured nie of a very lame back and a bad attack of headache f m wh^-h I suffered for a long while and could not find anything to relieve it. Several times could not work on account of my back, and the dull, heavy pain took all the strength out of my back so that I could not use it. could hardly stand up straight, much less work. The kidney secretions were strong, dark, thick, and like liver when left to stand. I used different remedies, but without any beneficial effect at all until I got Doan's Kidney Pills. I was very much surprised at the result obtained from their use. My backache left me. tnt kidney secre tions cleared up. the strong smell left them and my back became stronger than it had been for a long time. I give all the credit for these results to Doan's Kidney Pills." Plentv more proof like this from Sumter people." Call at Dr. A. J. China's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fos ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo. X. Y.. sole agents for the Fnited States. Remember the name-Doan's-and take no other. DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE THE ORIGINAL. A Well Known Cure for Pifes Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, ec zema, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds painless. We could not improve the quality if paid double thc price. The best salve that experience can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently Dewitt's is the original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for the name DeWITT on every box. All others are counterfeit, PREPARED BV . C. Dc WI TT & CO., CHICAGO For sale by Olin B. Davis.