The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, August 03, 1904, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1904. B*r*re? at the Post Q?ct- ai-Sumter .g J., a*Second (T?as* Mitter NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. Foley's Kidney Cure. Wanted-Experienced Man. Orangeburg Collegiate Institute. J. .Edward Gaillard-FOP Sheriff. $ Blandirig~Rr Durant-Ring Found. .Jr?bw M. Kuisht-For the Legisla? ture. Altamont Moses-For the Legisla? ture. John H. Clifton-For the Legisla? ture. The D. J. Chandler Clothing Co. -Thin Prices on Thin Gooda O'Donnell & Co. 4-Cotton Picking Supulies. S. D. Cain-For Ca Supt. Educed j t???. Estate of! Sand. H. Jackson-Cita? tion. PERSONAL. Mr. J. D. Craign is at Glenn Springs. Hrs. T. B. Jenkins is visiting in C&aden. Mr. C D. Schwartz has returned from the No::th. Mr. F. M. Spann is in the city for a-few days stay. Miss May fiar vin is visiting rela? tives in Manning. Miss Gofbrth, of Union, is visiting J. C. Mnlloy. Mr. Spurgeon Cherry is on a visit to Bock Hill, S. C. Mr. T: P. Sanders, of Boy kins, Was in the city Monday. Mr. F. C. Hyman and family have returned to the city; Mr. Neill O'Donnell has returned from Glenn Springs. Miss Louisa Bultman has returned from Florence, S. C. Mr. J. Frank Pate has returned from Fletcher,- N. C.? Mr. Hv W. Beal! of Nbthport, Long Island, is in the city. Mrs. C. C. Brown is spending a month at Edisto Island. Mr. John Fishbburn, of Florence, spent Sunday in the city. Miss Hattie Jones has returned home from Laurens, S. C. Miss Ford, of Orangeburg is the guest of Miss Jane Tardy. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Colclough spent Saturday in the city. Mrs. F. D. Knight, and son are in Florence visiting relatives. Capt, Brainerd Yeadon has returned: from Henderson ville, N. Gi Mr. C. M. Hurst f: returned from Charleston Saturday.night. Mr. J. J. Barrett of Mayesville is spending a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Kennedy are visiting relatives at Lake Ci ty. ? Mis i-p R Gaston, of St. Charles, is visiting relatives in Sumter. Miss Estelle Cannon, of Orange burg, is visiting Miss1 Edna BulL Miss Annie MoranT has- returned from a visit to Greenville, S. C. Mr. S. M Pringle has gone to Hen? derson ville, N. C., for two weeks Mr. Eugene McGaUnm has . gone to Bennettsville to spend a fortnight. Miss Ruth Stern of Savannah Ga:, is visiting at Mrs. H. Ryttenberg's. Mrs. L. W. T?61som has returned to the city from a visit to Bishop vi Ile. Mrs. T. B. Jenkins has returned from a visit to relatives in Camden. Misses Clyde and Louise DuRant are visiting relatives in Brshopv?le Miss Mary Carson has returned from a two weeks visit to Greenville. Rev. C. M. Richaards, of States ville, N. C., was in the city yesterday. Miss Buford Brand is at home from Augusta, Ga., to spend several weeks Misses Rosa Cooper and Moneta Osteen left last Saturday for Myrtle Beach. Mrs. H. I. Dinkins and daughter, Miss Lizzie, are visiting relatives in Rock HilL Miss Emma Mood is visting her sister, Mrs. W. R. Scarborough, in Bishopville. Miss Mary Hill has returned from Rock Hill and is the guest of Miss Edna Hughson Misses Alma Stansill and Irma Smith and Mrs. Turner are visiting rela? tives in Ghera w. Mr. and - Mrs. J. T. China have re? turned to the city after a two weeks visit in Washington. Miss Mamie Brinkley, the popular telephone girl, is sick at her home, 180 Kendrick Street Mrs. J. P. McNeill and son of Flor? ence are visiting Mrs. H. B. Brown, Mrs. McNeill's mother. Mr. D. G. Zeiglar and family have moved into his new residence, 206 South Washington Street. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Newton and little daughter are visiting Mrs. Julia Beck, 202 Oakland avenue. Mr. B. D. Cuttino has returned from bis trip to Harris Lithia and Henderson vi lie much improved. Mr. M. C. Branson, travelling representative, of the News and Courier was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Strickland after a stay of four month? in Dar? lington have returned to Sumter to live. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox Corbett, and son and daughter from Arizona are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Row? land. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Branson have returned to Florence after a few days visit to their daughter, Mrs. W. F. Carr. Miss Hessie Bureh returned to Flor? ence last Saturday after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. C. P. Osteen. Mrs. T. B. Kennedy has returned from a visit to relatives at Shiloh. Mrs. Emmie Green, ber sister, return? ed with her. Mr. B- C. Wallace is spending a week on Sullivans Island. His friends hope that he will soon be restored to perfect health. Mrs. L. C. Glenn, of Nashville, Tenn., who bas been visiting relatives in Sumter, has gone to Waterloo, S. C., to visit her brother. Mr. W. R. Philips who has been with O'Donnell & Co. for the past fourteen years has accepted a posi feiou -with Geo. D. Shore & Bro. Prof. S. H. Edmunds has returned to .Sumter. The sommer sciiool which hs has been' conducting in Rock Hill closed this week. Misses Mattie Hammell of Augusta, Corinne Parier and MaggieMoorer of Orangeburg are visiting Miss Gussie Keels, 216 South Sumter street: Col. T. V. Walsh returned from Harris Springs on last week. Bte was quit? sick for several days prior to his return but is sightly better toe ay. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ii. Kicker and Miss Lizzie Winn, who have teen spending sometime at Glenn Spring*, j have returned home mncn benefited by the trip. Mr. J. Al Renno, who has beer on a trip of several months to visit rela? tives, and places familiar, to him in -former d?ys in the North and West, has returned to Sumter. Mr. Ernest M. Carson ha3 received the appointment to the beneficiary scholarship in the South Carolina Medical College, Charleston, S. C., for the Seventh Congressional Dis? trict. Messrs. Edward Haynsworth, W. S. Graham and Elisha Carson have re? turned from St. Louis. On the return trip they stopped over for s?ver?? d ays at the Greenbriar White Sulphur Springs. : Mist* C. G. Snead has gone to Glunh Springs. Mrs. Snead has not boen well and her many friends trust "be trip will improve her." M?ss.Beiriiian i Mrs. Snead's sister) will remain in Sumter until the return of Mrs. Snead. . A party from Bishopyille composed of Messrs. Geo. M. Stuckey, Verdie Green, R. E. Muldrow, Jr., and M. Scarborough, passed through the city Saturday oh the way to Myrtle Beach, where they will enjoy the de? lightful breezes for awhile. Mr. John Miller of Washington is spending his vcation at home. He is still employed in the government printing office, and is pleased with his- position and his residence in the capitel city. His many- friends fire glad to see him looking so well. . Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Yates left Mon? day for Conway and Myrtle Beach. Mr. Yates will serve as Cashier of the Bank of Conway for several weeks during the absence of Cashier Freeman who was seriously hurt in an automo? bile accident a week or two ago; Dr. E. P. Alford, of" Sumter, spent a few hours in town Saturday en route to his home near h?re where he will spend several weeks. Dr. Alford siysthat he and brother; Dr. W: Bi Aiford, who is well-known in: Dillon, are meeting with much suc? cess in the sale of the dental mot Dr which they have recently patented. A comp?uy with $12,000 capital: has beon organized arid the machines will te." manufactured right in the town of Sumter instead of at Cleveland; Ot? o, as:here?c^re.*^I)i???T? Her?13' Mr. H. W. Blake has gone to his old homein North Carolin? for ser eral' week?* stay.; , Mr. John A. Benno has again fallon * heir te a "fortune/ Bis friemte h?]5e that he will continue; to have good luck. Mrs.- W; Y. Spann and daughter, wR! return from ?etch?r, N. C., this afternoon. Miss Alice Stubbs: will return this afternoon from Fletcher, N. C. Mrs; Wm. K Harper of Savannnh Ga., is visiting Mrs. D. M. Blanding. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Rowland and children will leave this afternoon for Henderson, N. C. , to spend two weeks. Mr. Todd Folsom who is now on the road, his territory covering six south? ern states, was in the city Sunday. Miss Ida Ford, a cha ming young lady of Georgetown, who has been/ vin iting Miss Jane Purdy, goes to Sum? merton this afternoon on a visit to friends. Wedding in Darlington. Mr. Robert Latban, the popular court stenographer of the third cir ciut was married to Miss Bessie Early in Darlington yesterday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Latban passed through the city last night geing to St. Louin on their wedding trip. The bride iii an attractive young lady of Darling? ton, a daughter of W. F. Early. Mr. Lathan is well known all over thie district and his many friends will learn with interest of his wedding. He is from Sumter.-Florence Times. DEATH. Mrs. J. M. Christmas died on Wed? nesday at her home on East Calhoun street after a protracted illness. The remains were taken to St. Charles for burial today; Edith, the nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Venning, of Man? ning, died in this city at 1 o'clock Mon? day after a brief illness. She was brought to this city for treatment a few days ago. Ths body was taken to Manning for interment. Mr. James S. Pinckey, one of the best known and most highly esteem? ed citizens of the Stateburg neighbor? hood died last night at his home, the "Ruins" near Stateburg, aged 56 years, of bronchitis, after an illness of only a few days. The funeral services will be held at the Church |of the Holy Cross, Stateburg, at ll o'clock tomorrow morning. Farmers will find some interesting reading in the new advertisement of O'Donnell & Co. rrlZI Bishop Joseph S. Kev, Southern M. E. Church, writes: "We gave Dr. Moffett's ''TEETHINA" (Teething Powders) to our litte grandchild with the happiest results. The effects were almost magical, and certaiuly more satisfactory than from anything we ever used.'{ "TEETHINA" (Teeth? ing Powders) Counteracts and Over? comes the Effects of the Summer's Heat July 27-2t Coming, as this sale does, right in the midst of sweltering weather, when a man naturally thinks of Negligee wear, it makes it all the more important. Our prices will be of gre?t interest to every saving man. BinrMiTOiiMMiWTiimiiiiiiiiip^ .II milli Minim Mdinmimi mumrum i - All $ 1.50 Negligee Shirts, now $1.1 All $ 1 Underwear, now = 75c? All $1 Negligee Shirts, now = 75c. | All 50c Underwear, now = = 38c. All 75c Negligee Shirts, now 5?C. I All 50c Neckwear, now = 38c. All 50c Negligee Shirts, now 38c. All 15c Collars, now = - 10c* Everything in Clothing at cost. Straw Hats at half price. Our Clearance Sale will positively end August 12th. Phone 166 - - Sumter, S. O. ANOTHER OK. MILL. A Proposition Front Outside Capitalists to Furnish Half the Money for a Big Sill. A movement to establish : another cotton- oil mill in this city is w ell under way and if the business men of Snmter will do their part the mill will be built at an early day. Mr. Ben H. Harvin of Clarendon county has been in the city for two days in the interest of the proposed mill and has succeeded in interesting several of our substantial business men in the enterprise. A meting was held Monday night at which the plans were informally discussed and it was decided to hold another meeting yester? day at which/a larger number of those likely to be interested could be pre? sent. A meeting was accordingly held in the Court House at 12.30 o'clock Mr- Harvin laid his plans before the meeting which were, briefly stated, that a cotton oil mill company be organized with a capital of $40,000 of which the business men of Sumter should subscribe one half, the other half to be provided by outside capitalists. The proposition was favorably re? ceived by those present and $3,000 in subscription were made on the spot. A committee was selected to canvass for and receive subscription and this committee wiilgo to work at once. It is hoped that the necessary stock will be subscribe without delay so that it will be decided within a few days whether or not Sumter is to have another oil mill located here. Hunt's Round Pointed Pens for sale at Osteen's Book Store. 1 In Memoriam. In loving remembrance of Mrs. Eliza West Hammett, who departed this life, one year ago, Jnly 29th, 1903, . at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Venetia Auld, in Sumter, S. C. The deceased was a daughter of Joseph West, Esqr., and was born on the 27th of April, 1823, so that at the time of her death, she was in her S 1st year. In 1844 she was united in marriage with IVJr. William Hammett who laid down his life in the battle of Seven Pines, May 31st, 1862, a gallant Con? federate soldier fighting for his coun? try. By this afflictive dispensation, she waa left a needy widow, with eight helpless children, for whose maintenance and education she toiled day and night, although frail in body and of feeble health. Two of them preceded her to the grave ; ihe re? maining four sons and two daughters survive her. In 1853 9he professed faith in Jesus Christ, was baptized and received in? to the Presbyterian church, in which she continued a communicant until her death, about half a century. Amid the many trials of life, the failure of health, and the approach of death, she still declared that her reliance was in Jesus Christ, her Sav? iour, and His sweet words are, "Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out." "Her children rise up* and call ber blessed. " Mr. .John T. Green has sold is resi? dence on West Hampton Avenue and will build on Broad street in the near future. County Democratic Executive Committee. The County Democratic Executive Committee met S?turday at li o'clock. Present, County Chairman, E. W. Dabbs; Manchester, E. T. Geddings; Bossard, M. M. Dorn : Concord, J. J. Branson: Farmers, W. J. Dinkins; Laborers & Mechanics, H. L. B. Wells; Mayesviile, E. B. Muldrow; Providence, J. B. Raffield; Sumter, M. Moise: Scarborough, W. D. Scar? borough; Shiloh, W. J. Keels: Zoar, J. J. Britton, Jr. ; Rafting Creek, A. K. Sanders; Privateer, W. 0. Cain; Stateburg, W. J. Reese. Managers were appointed for these clubs. Committeemen from following clubs were absent: Salem, Earle, Taylors, Bandanna, Gaillard's X Roads, High Hills, Pleasant Grove, Bordens and Catchall. They are requested to send to Secretary list of managers at once. The assessment of candidates for Magistrates was reduced to $2.50. All bills were audited and paid from funds on hand. It was resolved to pay the managers who serve, SI each per day for one days service at each primary. The complete list of managers will be advertised in each of the connty papers two weeks before the primary. Prospective candidates will do well to remember that the pledges and as? sessments must be in the hands of tba County Chairman on or before 12 o'clock, Aug. 11th, and they should preserve the published list of cam? paign meetings. Up to Aug. 8th ad? dress Connty Chairman, at Goodwill, S. C., after that date care H. L. B. Wells, Sn Biter, S. C, . Automobile Trip to Columbia. Messrs D. W. Alderman, R. J Al? derman and T. B. Jenkins left on a trip" to Colnmbia, Friday morning, in Mr. Alderman's new Franklin, he jost received. The trip was made by Camden, from A leola, a distance of 84 miles. Round trip 168 miles. The party returned passing throngh Sumter Friday night, and reached Alcolu in good shape. Only 14 gallons of gasoline were used on trip, making a cost of $2.SO to carry three people 163 miles, which is a good showing for motor cars Jof the future. The party is thinking of making a trip to St. Louis in the near future. Announcement. Dr. R. V. Kennedy wishss to sav to the public that lie bas opened well equipped offices over Bultmaa Bros., Store Store for the practice of Osteo? pathy and will be glad to meet those interested in this advanc??d and ration? al method of treatment. Dr. Kennedy is a graduate of the American School of Osteopathy (nndor the Founder of the Science, and late of the St. Louis Branch of the A. T. Still Sanitarium, where he has had over four years practical experience in the treatment of acnte and chronic diseases. We bespeak for him much success in our city. Aug 2-lt. Capt. J. Walter Doar, of George? town was in this city Monday after? noon for the purpose of making arrange? ments to secure the Second Regiment Band for the encampment cf the Cav? alry brigade.