The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 01, 1904, Image 1

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fSI 8UMT?R W ATO BM AK, ?stabllshe^ April, 1850. kBe Just and Fear not-Let all trie Ends thou Aims t at be thy Country's thy God's and Truth's. CosolMated Aug. 2,1881. SUMTER. S. C . WEDNESDAY. JUNE 1, 1904. TI3B TRUSS SOUTHRON, S* ta blabed Jane. 18? Sew Series-Vol. XXIII. So. U f?llt} --BY 97. Gr, Osteen, SUMTER, 8. C. TVBHS : $1 50 per annum-in advance. ?IDTSSTIS??I?T: 'Jae Square 5r3t insertion............=.....?1 IO subsequent insertion ....... 50 Goa tract? for three months, or longer wil; 56 er?de si reduced ratea. AH comtnacications ?hieb rabserve private aterests will bacharged for asadvertieaaects. Obituaries and tributes of respects will be tbargpd for. MEIWOOD SWEPT BY FUE. OBS M ?? Business Section Destroy? ed Yesterday Morniag. Mrs. Moseley, Proprietor of Cen? tra! Hotel Burned to Death Special to T.he State. Greenwood, May 25.-Fully one-half of the-business portion of Greenwood was wiped ont by fire e'arlythis morn? ing. The property loss will approxi mate,$133,000, with about $70,000 in? surance. Mrs. Annie Mosely, propri? etor of tbe Central hotel, lost her life in the fire. The fire originated, it is believed, in tbe kitchen of the Central hotel, located in the building owned by J. & D, M. S pige!, and occupying th 8 entire* second story. The first alarm was given at 3.15 a. m., by an engi? neer on a C. & W. C. freight train standing in the yard. The train crew was soon on the post and, the boarders were awakened by themi Mr. R. A. Abernethy, who occupied the room next to the kitchen, was almost over? come by smoke but wai able to wake Mrs. Moseley, Who was sleeping in the room next above bim. She was greatly excited and began screaming. It was supposed tbat she would at once escape as ali the others were doing. ' The fire was eating its way into tbe building with fiendish rapid? ity and tbe smoke was already filling every room. D. M. Spigel, one of the owaers of the building who has a room in the hotel, was the last one to be aroused. He escaped by making his way to the front veranda and jumping to the groud. Mrs. Moseley's .continued screams re? vealed her presence in the building, which was completely enveloped . by flame. . The few, present, having' no ladder, were under the window trying to get her to jump. Just a few min? utes before a ladder arrived her cries bushed and the red tongue cf flame filling ber "window told the horror stricken few chat her death agony had come and was over. /?BSI8BPH TBW? BURNED. Practically Whcle Business Part of Town Destroyed. Jackson, Miss, May 25.--With every business bouse of any import? ance in ashes, together with a large number of private residences, the prin? cipal hotel and tbe passen eg r depot, Yazoo City, a town of 6,000 peoplej 45 miles from Jackson, is tonight rest? ing after one of the most exciting days in its history. The ?re started at S.33 o'clock this morning atid burned until 5 o'clock this afternoon, destroying a total of 290 houses. The financial loss will be the heaviest in the history of Missis sip ni since the war. The fire was three blocks wide and 12 blocks long. The city was putting in a new system of water works and the old system which had wooden main?, was wholly inadequate to meet the department. The pipes burst all over the city and it was impossible to get the water even to the first floors of buildings. Tbe fire started in the residence of Mr. Wise, and though there is some I dispute as tr? how it originated, the j general belief is tbat it had its origin j in defective electric wires. Early in tbs day the authorities of Jackson ? were called on to render assistance ? and did so by sanding a hose cart and j one of the large engines, the run being made in 40 minutes. The Jack- j son firemen worked with might and main but could do little good. A I man by the name of Cbambliss, a j citizen of this place, was killed by j falling walls and Mayor Holmes was j very badly hurt and information from j Fazob tonight is that he is in a pre carious condition. 1 He had been in ; office but three or fonr weeks. In j the afternoon the fire jumped a bayon ! and reached Latonia, a residence sub- j urb wi'ere it destroyed some of the finest bornes. Tonight about 60 fam? ilies are homeless. CASTOR IA For Infants aad Children. Hts Kind YOB Have Always Bought Signature of tim SPRINGS WATER Jliz pris?? Cure. STILL Hl?E?fi OH PORT ARTHUB. Japs Made ?r?er Naval Attack on Tuesday, but Failed to Take lt. Various Rumors, from the Land Forces on the Liao Tung Pe? ninsula. Chef co, M ay 25, 10 p. m.-A portion of^the Japanese fleet bombarded Port Arthnr at ll o'clock yesterday morn? ing. The attack was witnessed by a Frenchman, who left Daluy on the night of the 22nd and arrived here to? night. He says that eight large war? ships circled before the entrance of Port Arthur harbor for one hour, firing broadsides at intervals of ten minutes. Up to the time this Frenchman left Dalny everything was quiet there, but an attack on the part of the Japanese was expected, hourly. The military and civil officials of Dalny are ready to leave. Only a few civilians remain there. * The attempt made abont a fortnight ago to destroy.the docks and piers at Dalny was not successful and after the receipt of the news bf the loss of the Japanese battleship Hatsuse, j Lieut. Gen. Stoessel, commander of the military forces at Port Arthur, ordered that the docks and pier be not destroyed. The Japanese are in force at Pitsewo and Kin Chou and are ready to march down either side of the peninsula toward Port Arthur. The German steamer Chefoo was fired on by a Japanese cruiser in Pe Chi Li gulf today. She misunder? stood the signals of the cruiser. The Sweedish steamer Karin also was fired on during last night while off Liao Tie Shan promontory, but it is not known whence this fire came. St. Petersburg, May 25, 9.28 p. m. -No confirmation is obtainaDle here of the report from Chefoo that Port Arthur was bombarded yesterday by the Japanese fleet, but with telegraph? ic communication interrupted the au? thorities here are not in a position to question tho accuracy of the statement made. STATUS MAINTAINED. ' St. Petersburg, May 25.-Emperor Nicholas today received the following telegram from Gen. Kuropatkin dated May 24 : . "There has been no change in the general situation in the direction of Feng Wang Cheng or the gulf of Liao Tung with regard to the position of the enemy. It is established that .40,000 Japanese troops have been con ! centrated at Feng Wang Cheng and that there are four line regiments and 50 guns at Pian Min. REPORT PERSISTENT. Mukden, May 25. ll p. m.-Accord? ing to the latest information obtaina? ble, the Japanese have resumed their forward movement Several columns are advancing, though the bulk of the invading army is still near Feng Wang Cheng. . There are persistent reports ol' a bloody battle having taken place be tween the Japanese army advancing along the railroad from Pnlantien and the Russians, near Kin Chou, Liao Tung peniusula, resulting in the de? feat ol the Japanese with great loss. Small parties of Japanese scouts have been seen northeast of Mukden, at a considerable distance, but no im? portant body of the enemy has been located in this vicinity. FIGHTING RUMORED. Liao Tang, May 25.-There are fur? ther rumors of heavy fighting at the advanced positions of Gen. Frock's forces cn the Liao Tang peninsala, but the correspondent of The Press has been unable to officially confirm the reports. NEW CH WANG ISOLATED. St. Petersburg, May 25.-Telegraphic communication with New CwaDg is interrupted and private messages for points south of Liao Yang are refused here at the telegraph ofi&ce. The na? ture of the interruption with New Chwang is not known but tho cause for refusing messages south of Liao Yang isvthe complete absorption of the lines for military purposes. LOOKS MIGH?T SUSPICIOUS. St. Petersburg, May 25, 2.2-j p. m. -There are indications that Gen. Kn ropatkin is preparing to make a very important move against the enemy. One of the reasons for this belief is the suddenly increased restrictions upon the war correspondents at the front. The prevailing belief here is tbat Gen. Kuroki's army is in diffi? culties. BATTLE FOUGHT? Chefoo, May 26, lia. m.-A jauk which left Dalny-on the night of the 23rd arrived today and reports that the Japaneso army reached Sansuripo, north of Dalny, that the Russians offered a stubborn resistance, and that a battle was fought at noon on the 22nd, the result of which has not been learned. London, May 20, 4.36 p. m - A dis? patch to the Central News from Tokio says the Japanese have stormed and captured the town of Kin Chou, about 32 miles north of Port Arth; . In earlier messages the Tokio corre? spondent of the Central News cabled that Japanese spies bas ascerta;ned that tho Russians had 3D guns at Kin Chou and numerons mines and wire entanglements at all the points where Japanese attack was expected. The fighting is said to have taken place today. After the occupation of Kin Chou the Russians retired in good order to heights further south which1 were attacked /fey the full Japanese force and carried after a stubborn resist? ance. DROVE BACK RUSSIANS. London, May 2, 7.06 p. m.-The correspondent of the Central News at Tokio cables that the Japanese at? tacked Nan Qwan Ling, o.n the nar? rowest part of the Kwan Tung penin snal yesterday and drove back the Russians by main force The attack on Kin Chou, *the dispatch adds, was begun at dawn today and by noon Kin Chou was in the hands of the Japa? nese, who occupied the castle. The fighting continued during the after? noon and was of the most desperate character. It is believed the casual ' ties were heavy. HARD FIGHTING IN PROGRESS. St. Petersburg, May 26, 6.20 p. m. While no news has been received from Lieut. Gen. Stoessel, commander of the Russian troops at Port Arthur, the war office is inclined to believe that severe fighting is in progress in the southern part of Liao Tung peninsula above the narrowest point of the peninsula but no credence is attached to the reports of the Japanese having entered' the Kwang Tung peninsula, onth of and connected with the Liao Tang peninsula. This is considered impossible before the capture of Kin Chou? which it is believed here would involve long and difficult siege opera? tions. The general staff denies the rumors of the final evacuation of New Chwang and says the heavy guns were not tak?n back when the town was reoc? cupied. S No changes of importance in the positions of Gen. Kuroki or Gen. Ku ropatkin are reported. TRYNG TO BLOCK THE HARBOR. St. Petersburg, May 26.-The fol? lowing dispatch from Viceroy Alexieff dated May 26, has been received by the emperor : "Reports from Rear Admirals Witt soef and Grigorvitch today state- that j the enemy bombarded from In Gen Tsi (on the west coast of the Kwang Tung peninsula, about 13 miles north of Pert Arthur) with gunboats. (The viceroys' dispatch does not give the date of the bombardment. ) *'On the following night the Japa? nese attempted to block roadstead of .Port Arthur with mines and from shore observations it is believed that some steam launches and two torpedo boats were sunk. "Between May 18 and May 21 the Russians cleared ll of the enemy's mines from the roadstead. "The boats of the merchant steamer Amur with a dredger and a steam launch have been brought to Port Ar? thur from Dalny. ' ' BATTLE PROGRESSING. Paris, May 27.-The' St. Petersburg correspondent of The Petit Parisien telegraphs that according to a private dispatch from Liao Yang, Gen. Ku? roki's army has begun an attack on the Russian position era the Liao Yang road and that it is believed what will prove to be a decisive bafcti? is progressing. > "JAPS" HAVE BEEN BUSY. London, May 27.-The Tokio corre? spondent of The Daily Chronicle under the date of May 26, sends the follow? ing: "The Japanese have already con? structed 30 miles of light railway for the transportation of siege guns to? wards Port Arthur. \ "Around Kin Chou the Japanese have been fighting stubbornly for the pase eight days but are making little progress against the Russians who Dccupy strong positions on the heights." i Tokio, May .27-Noon.-The Japa? nese army swept the Russians from Kin I'hon yesterday morning, and in a iesperate attack stormed the almost mpre^nable position of the Russians on Nanshan Hil!, west cf Talien Wan. The battle razed in the hills all ;brough the night and fragmentary .eleeram3 from tbe Japanese head? quarters report that the engagement is still in progress, and that the Jap? anese are still pursuing the Russians ?iouth from Nanshan and the head of Talien Wan Bay. The Russians bad made elaborate preparations to check the Japanese movement south on the Liao Tung peninsula toward Port Arthur. They had fortified the high ground on the south shore of-Talien Wan Bay, then works extending to the east and the west. The extreme Russian right was rt Hushangtao and the extreme lt ft at Na ^au Hill. This bill was the Etre est part of the Une : a series of kai nes, strongly emplaced. crowded the crest, while rifle pits extended rround its sides. Mines had been palced lower down on this hill, and around the base on the northern and eastern sides were streched well-made wire entanglements. Another line of cefencep. also protected with wire en? tanglements, extended from Yen Chia Tung, near the bead of Talien Wan Hay, due north of Liuchia Tien, which lies south of Kin Chou. A strong Russian battery was post? ed at Kin Chou. It consist.fl of in f miry and artillery. The Japanese first occupied the linc of hills to the east of Kin Oben. Their position had formed an clmost perfect right ansrle, showing its southern front tu Talien Wan and its western front to Kin Chou. Chin Lichau village was the apex rf this angle: the extreme right of tl.o J*,pa? tt sse line rested at Chen Cha 3 ien, v hich is almost due north of Chin Li Chan, while the extreme left was a: Cbaitsuho, a village due east of Chin Li Chan. Back of this angle the attacking force assembled in com? plete security. The Russians apparently attempted td draw the Japanese attack last Sat urday, for their batteries opened fire slowly on "the enemy on that day. The Japanese, however, refused to be drawn inpo an attack until the po? sition of the Russians, their guns and their strength had been fully devel? oped. To this end the Japanese began a se ' ries of careful manoeuvres, their offi? cers working their way close enough to the Russiaan position to draw the enemy's fire. . They thus secured frag? ments of shelis for the purposa of ascertaining the calibre of the Russian guns. They discovered that the batte? ries on Nanshan Hill included four howitzers of about 15-centi meters cali? bre, ten old style cannon of between 9 and 15-centimeters calibre, and two quick-firing guns of 12-ceutimeters. The Japanese discovered also a number of large emplacements, bnt they did not learn the number of guns contained therein. These emplace? ments faced to the north and to the east. The guns fired by the Russians de? veloped a range of 8.500 metres. Eight heavy guns, posted on the Russian right in the vicinity of Husanfitao, also were discover 2d and another these reconnoissances was on another strong Russian position developed by hill southwest of Nanshan Hill, where the Russians had a series of shelter trenches. On the shore of Talien Wan Bay, close to the bead of the bay, the Russians had established a series of positions. Here were set up the searchlights which nightly played over the Japanese angle, in the hills to the northwest. . Further reconnoissances developed the fact that west of Lin Chia Tien the Russians had no defences. Extend? ing to the northward fronr Yen Chia Tien, to the west coast of the Liao Tung Peninsula, there were no de? fences whatsoever, except the force posted at Kin Chou. This gap in the defence was a fatal defect in the Rus? sian position, and when it was per? ceived the. Japanese extended their right to the north and eastr envelop? ing Kin Chou, and the Russian ex? treme right. The Japanese left was also extended to Yang Chia Tung, on the shore of Talien Wan Bay, and the ? centre moved forward.' Wednesday morning at half-past five, the Japanese attacked Kin Chou, and for three hours they had an artil? lery duel with the- batteries on Nan? shan Hill. The Russian gunners searched the Japanese lines with their fire but failed to inflict much damage. The battle was resumed at dawn on Thursday. . Three Japanese gunboats then en? tered Kin Chou Bay, and, in co-ope? ration with the artillery on shore, shelled the Russiau positions on Nan? shan Hill. A Russian gunboat in Talien Wan Bay steamed close to the shore and shelled the Japanese fleet. From dawn the batteries on both sides hammered away at each other. At an early hour the Japanese in? fantry moved forward and at twenty minutes past five on Thursday morn? ing they entered Kin Chou, the Rus? sians retiring to the south Th9 fighting continued into Thurs? day night, the Japanese pressing to the south and storming Nanshan Hill. They followed the retreating Russians through the southern hills. The reports received here fail to cover the events on the Russian right. It is probable, however, that the Rus? sians have abandoned these positions. - ? ELOODY AFFAIR AT NANSHAN HILL. Tokio, May 27-5 p. m.-Subsequent reports received here indicate that the storming of Nanshan Hill yesterday was a bloody affair. The Japanese first centred their fire on the Russian batteries, in which wori: they were aided by four gunboats from Kin Chou Bay. They succeeded in silenc? ing many of the enemy's guns. The Russians had constructed a series of trenches around the hill and a terrace, protected by wire entangle? ments and other snch devices. The Japanese made a series of rushes, but they were in vain. The deadly rifle fire and cannon fire of the enemy checked them repeatedly. Fiually, at 3 o'clock in the after? noon, the Japanese reformed and stormed the crest of the hill. The Russians bein to their position dog? gedly, and it was 7 o'clock in the evening before the Japanese finally gained possession of the ridge. WAS RUSSIAN LOSS 12,000? London, May 27-9.15 p. m.-A dispatch to the Central News, from Harbin, says the Japanese losses dur? ing the fighting a Kin Chou are said to be twelve thousand m?n killed. It is said that these figures have been confirmed by an cffijial dispatch. Fighting, it is added, is still going on. TWELVE MILES FROM PORT AR? THUR, London, May 28.-The Tokio cor? respondent of the Daily Telegraph says he learns that the Japanese troops are now within twelve miles of Port Arthur, and that the Russians suffered heavier casualties than the Japanese who have taken guns and other material and a few prisoners. He predicts a further surprise, as j Japan is now increasing her efforts in all directions. The Tokio corres pondent of the Dally Chronicle says that, the Japanese captured ir any guns at Kin Chou. " A COMPLETE BLOCKADE." Tokio, May 27-10 a. m.-Vice Ad? miral Togo lias now established a com? plete blockade around the southern end of the Liao Tung Peninsula. This completely envelopes Port Ar- ? thur from the seaward, and probably j marks the opening of the final invest ment of the town and its fortifications. I GLENN SPRINGS WATER i i For the liyer. ! THE PRESBYTERS ASSEMBLY. Committee on Church Relations Makes Report. The Report Will Come Before Mobile Assembly for Discussion-Fort Worth Next Meeting Place. Mobile, Ala., May 26.-The follow? ing is the report of the committee on closer relations submitted before the general assembly of the Presbyterian chnrch in the United States in this city; "Your committee respectfully states that it has carefully considered the various overtures and memorials from synods and other Presyterian churches asking the appointment of commit? tees to confer with committees from other churches on the bringing about of closer relations and cooperation between the various reformed and Prebytenan churches. We have also considered a memorial from the pres? bytery of Nashville asking this assem? bly to assure our sister churches of our willingness to confer on the subject of closer relations whenever such con? ference would be likely to result in closer fellowship. We have had for our . careful consideration overtures from the presbyteries of Arkansas and the Red Ri7er asking the appointment of a committee to confer with a com? mittee .of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America looking to closer relations with that church. "We have considered also a commu? nication from the Reformed church in America (Dutch) expressing their willingness to confer with a commit? tee from our church on closer relations with ns-and also overtures from our presbyteries of Durant, Wilmington, Tuscaloosa, and North Alabama, ask? ing us to appoint a committee of con? ference with the Reformed chnrch in America. We have also given due consideration to the action of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, rescinding all form? er expressions of the general assem? blies reflecting on the Christian character of our church, and this, with a view to remove all obstacles to closer relations between these two churches. "Your commitee recognize that there is not only in our church, but also in other churches holding Pres? byterian Reformed Calvinistic systems, a very general and strong desire of closer relations. "We therefore recommend that this assembly, wishing to promote closer fraternity in a spirit of love and can? dor, appoint a committee of six min? isters and three ruling elders, which committee shall he named by the mod? erator, who shall be authorized and empowered to confer with a similar committee -that may be appointed by other Presbyterian churches to enter into conference with us. "And the committee appointed by this assembly is to confer on the sub? ject of closer "relations with such churches as enter the conference, with a view to discover : "1-The real sentiment of the churches OP this subject. "2-The leadings of God's provi? dence in the matter. "3-The obstacles that may stand in the way of closer fellowship. "4-Whether or how such obstacles can be removed. "5-Whether or what may be the nature or form of the relations which shall best secure effective cooperation, by federation or otherwise, and at the same time preserve loyalty to those great i prinicples for vvhich the vari? ous churches have been called to tes? tify. "And this committee shali report to the next meeting of the general assem? bly the result of its conferences." Tiie report was made the special or? der for tomorrow afternoon.( Fort Worth was chosen fer the meeting place next year. PRESBYTERIAN UNION FAVORED Mobile, Ate., May 26.-The general assembly of the Presbyterian church" in the United States today adopted the report of the committee favoring closer relations with other Presby? terian bodies. By a vere of ST to 79 debate on the subject was limited to five minnies hy each speaker. An ex? ception was made in the cases of Dr. Beggs, chairman of the special com? mittee, and Dr A. C. Hopkins, ?he leader of the opposition to the adopt? ion of the report. Speeches advocating the adoption ot the majority report for closer relations were made hy Judgrs S. M. Shelton of Vicksburg, Miss., Dr J. Y. Fair, Savannah ; J. H. Bill Maxton N C: H. W Burnell,, Augusta, Ga, and Rev A. E. Baker, Maryland. Speeches in opposition to the adopt ion of the report were made hy Rev. R. Archer cf Greenville, Miss, and Rev. G. A. Storer of Virginia. Dr. iiopkins said he was against the appointment of what he termed an omnibus conference committee as call? ed for in the majority report, but fa? vored a conference for closer relations with the Dutch Reformed church. He said that in his opinion tlie northern church had expunged nothing, as tho resolution of 1861 had not been with? drawn. He said the Dutch church wanted to be on friendly terms but did not desire a union. Dr. W. E. Boggs, chairman of the special committee that brought in the majority report favoring closer rela? tions, spoke for the adoption of the report. He said it would be discourt? eous to adopt the sub-report. The question was called for on the adoptior of the Hopkins substitute and it was lest by a vote of 154 to 30. The majority report, which favors closer relations, was then adopted and the assembly adjoarned until 3 o'clock. GLENN SPRINGS WAO Best Remsily for Stomach Trev s. GOL JAMES 4L HOYT DEAD. A Gallant Soldier and Distinguish ed Civilian. Greenville, May 27.-CoL James A. Hoyt, editor of the Mountaineer, died at his residence in this city at 3 o'clock this afternoon: He had been ill only three days, but few realized that his condition was alarming. He served throughout the entire four years of the war between the States, winning promotion on several occasions for conspicuous bravery, fl He took an active part in the re? demption of the State from the rule of. carpet-baggers, and was a member of the Democratic executive committee of 3876, being one of Gen. Hampton's most trusted, confidential sapporters. His work as a journalist covers near? ly half acentury, and until the day of his death he continued at his desk as editor of the Mountaineer of this city. In politics he was an ardent Prohi? bitionist, and as a candidate for Gov? ernor in 1900 came near carrying the State. i He served many*years as president of the State Baptist Convention, as vice president of the National Baptist Edncational Society, and as a trustee of Furman University and the Green? ville Female College, two leading in? stitutions of this city. Col. Hoyt was a Mason and served as Grand Master in 1875. The funeral services will take place Sunday afternoon at 5.30 with Masonic honors. Louisville, Ky., May 26.-The tow boat Fred Wilson was torn into frag? ments, ten men were blown to pieces and sixteen injured by the tremendous explosion of the boat's boilers today on the Ohio River. Of the thirty three persons aboard the boat only seven escaped unhurt. . Of the injured one will probably die. The force of the explosion was so great that it shat? tered windows and awakened the oc? cupants of houses in Louisville, four miles from the scene. / iimm ,, m,_ Nervous Dyspepsia Cured by Rydale's Stomach Tablets. Mr. R. E. Jones, buyer for Parker <fc Bridget, whose large department stcres are located at 9th and Penn Ave., Wash . ington D. C., writes, under date of April H, '04, as follows: Last February one year, while in New York on business fer ray house. I caught a severe cold, which laid me up for several week.* and left me wft?k and neivoas. I had little or no ap? petite and my digestion was very poor. . my physicians could not get at the cause of my trouble as my digestion seemed so much impaired. I decided to try Bj dale's Stomach Tablets, being assured by a friend the^ were good dyspepsia medi? cine. After using them for a few days I beg3n to realize that I was getting better. I gave up the doctor's prescription and have gained 20 pounds while using two bores of these tablet*. I never felt oetter in ray life, and accredit R; dale's St mach Tablets with having cur^d me. I caa re? commend them mo.-t heartily, to sufXezcrs... from nervous indigestion and general rna down conditions o? the^ys?em. AU dealers.... Are Yon Satisfied?" If Not What Better Proof Cnn Sumter Residents Ask For ? This is tlie statement o' a Sumter c?t?zers The testimony of a neighbor You eau readily investigate it The proof should con\ince you. J. A. I?urjress. clerk and bookkeeper, resid? ing :a:V:7 W. Liberty street, say?: "My back has been in a bad condition for a number of 3'ears. At times it was so weak I could not get about ard there was a constant duli pain across the loins. The secretions from the kidneys were ail out of sorts, very dari; and contained a brick dust sediment and were too frequent in action, disturbing my rest ai night. My eyes watered terribly and pained considerably. I saw Dean's Kidney Pills and heard them spoken so highly of that 1 pro? cured them at Dr. A. .*. China's dru.:: store, [may say that the result <-f :!.eir use rery much pleased me for I f?.lt a hundred pt c cent bi tter, the p.iin in roy back left, ray eyes stopped watering anti ray eyesight im? proved while the kidneys we:e regulated and I could sleep all eight vvi-hout having to get up. Doaa's Kidney Pills acted like a charm on me and lean rcccornraend them. Tor sale by all dealers. Price 5t> cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. X. Y.. sole agentsforthe United States. Remember the name-Donn's-and take no substitute "> Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine or every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when it was simple indiges? tion. It is a scientific fact that all' cases of heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to. but are the direct result of indi? gestion. Ail food taken into the stomach which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing it up against the heart. This interferes with the action of the heart, and in the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevada. O.. says : ] had stomach trouble and was in a bad state as I had heart trouble with it. I took Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure fer abeu: four months and it cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. Bottles only. $ 1.00 Size holding 2H times tie trial size, which sells fer 50c. Prepared by E. Q. DeWlTT & CO., CHICAGO? For sale by Olin B. Davis?