The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 30, 1904, Image 1

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r*jff 8TJ MT IPR WATCHSSAN, Kotablished April? 1850* Oosolidated kn?. 2,1881. tlllttt "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thoa Aims t at be thy Country's thy God's and Truth's. TBE TRUE SOUTHRON ? Established Jane. 13 SUMTER, S. 0 . WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30. 1904 Sew Series-Vol. XXIII. So. 85 Cfc Ma?tljnuin m ^mp? KT. <3k O^teen? SUMTER, S. C. T?RKS : $1 50 par sonata-in advance. * " A D V B s r I 8 B V 1 C T : Cue Square first insertion..................?1 CO Iv?ry ssbseqr.est insertion. 50 Contracts for three months, or longer wih oe oadeat reduced raies. AH coara n ti ? cation!; which ?nbeerTe private ateresu? will be charged for as ad ver tiemen ta. ObjtaHries and tributes of respects will be .barged for. > TEDDY ?NSTR?GTS ? GM&L COMMISSION. Letter of Instruction From Presi? dent Roosevelt*-The Prelim? inary Work Begins With First Full Meeting of Commission. Weshington, March 22.-Preliminary work was begnn today by the isthmian canal commission. The first full meet? ing of the commission was held in the oifiees of Admiral Walker, the chair? man. Little of importance was accom? plished, the session resolving itself into an informal discussion of various features of the preliminary work and of preparations for the first visit of the commission to Panama. * General instructions to the members of the commission were contained in a letter from President Roosevelt to the commission under date of March & The letter which was read at the meeting; says that "the commission has been appointed to undertake the most important and also the most formidable engineering feat that has hitherto been attempted." It says the commission has been chosen purely because of."personal and professional reputations for integ? rity anc ability "that it represents neither section * nor party and as to the majority the president has not the slightest .idea what their political affiliations are. The letter says the president will not hesitate to remove any member failing to give the begft ? service it is possible to procure, but j so long ss efficient service is rendered j "you may rest assured of my hearty! support and' backing." The letter! says the same principles should apply to the choice of subordinates-that, .any employe who falls short of expec? tations shonld be dismissed without the slightest heed to any backing or ! . influence he may have. "I assume as a matter of course, that in dealing with contractors you j will act on precisely the same princi? ples which would apply in any great private business undertaking. " As to the details of the work itself I have but little to say. It is to be done as expeditiously as possible and as economically as is consistent with thoroughness. There is one matter to which I wish to ask your special attention ; the question of sanitatiou and hygene. You will take measures ' to secure the best medical experts for this purpose whom you can obtain, and you Will, of course, make the con? tractors submit as implicitly as your own employes to all the rules and regulations of the medical department under you. I presume you will find it best to have one head for this medi . eal department, but that I shall leave to your own judgement. * 4,4 The plans are to be carefully made with a view to the needs not only of the moment, but of the future. The .expenditures are to be supervised as vigoroasy as if they were-being made for a private corporation dependent for its profits upon the returns. Von are to secure the best talent this eouury can afford to meet the condi? tions created by every need which may aris3. The methods for achieving the results must be yours. What this nation will insist upou is that the re? sults be achieved. .* ' Theodore Roosevelt ' ' President Roosevelt entertained the members of the commission and Secre? tary Taft at luncheon today. Best Remedy for Constipation. "The finest remedy for constipation I ever u?ed is Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets," says Mr. Eli Butler, of Fraakville, N. Y. uThey act gently and without any unpleasant effect, and leave the bowels in a perfectly natural condi? tion."7 Sold by China's Drug Store. Georgetown, Rock Hil! and Flor? ence Baildmgs Provided For -Charleston and GooVge ? town Harbors. " Washington, Ma*rcb -25.- In the sundry civil appropriation bill just completed by the house committee there are a number of appropriations for the carrying on of work under way in the southern States. For buildings under construction in South Carolina the following: Rock Hill 810,000: Georgetown, $15,000; Florence, 810, 000. in tlae river and harbor improve? ment item? there are the following: For Charleston, 873,000: ./inyah bay, 87J, 000: the Great Pee Dee, 810,000. i ill,li- ? - IO wi - Happy, Healthy Children. Any child can take Little Early Risers with perfect safety. They are harmless, never gripe or sicken, and y?t they are so certain in results that robust constitutions requiring drastic means are never disap? pointed. They cannot fail to perforai their mission and every one who uses De Witt's t??U? early risers prefer them to all other piils. They c^re biliousness. Sold by O Ja B. Davis, ESTATE OF DUKE OF ABRIDGE. His Sons Cannot Inherit Being the Issue of a Morganatic Marriage. London, March 23.-The death of the Duke of Cambridge has aroused considerable speculation as to the dis? position of Gloucester Bouse , which, contrary to general belief, does not belong to the crown, but was the pri? vate property of the late Duke, to whom it was bequeathed by his aunt, the Duchess of Gloucester. The mansion occupies a commanding posi? tion at the corner of Park Lane and Piccadilly, and its windows look on to both of these famous thorough? fares. It is filled from cellar to garret with art treasuees, including some magnificent pictures and a wonderful collection of jeweled snuff boxes, many of them dating from the eighteenth century and painted by the leading miniaturists of the day. The apartments are stately and contrast pleasantly with those of the more j modern palaces of the locality. ?Gloucester House is one of the few great mansions, of London where electric light has, never l$een admitted, the Duke sticking fast to the old custom of using candles. Gloucester House is altogether too palatial a mansion, and likewise much too costly a one to admit of its being retained by any of the Duke's sons. There are three of the latter, the offspring of the marriage of the late Duke to the Dublin actress, Miss Fairbrother, who up to the time of her death was known as Mrs. Fitz george, a name now borne by her sons. This marriage was an invalid one from a legal point of view and consequently the sons do not inherit the rank or title of their father. The lste Duke felt keenly the implied slight on the lady whom he honored as his wife, but was never able to take position as the duchess. Queen Victoria always had a kindly feeling for Mrs. Fitz george, aud to her children Windsor, Balmoral and Buckingham palaces were always open. King Edward has continued to. share this feeling for the family of the Dufce of Cambridge and on more than one occasion has made it a point to signal out one of the sons for honors. Perhaps the best known' of the three sons of the late Duke is Col. Augustus Charles Fred? erick Fitzgeorge, who has won his way in the army by sheer ability rath? er than by virtue of bis royal connec? tions. He has seen nearly forty years of active sevice, accompanying Lord Napier to Magdala and the Prince of Wales on his indian tour. Birthday of Blind Hymn Writer. . Bridgeport, Conn. March 24.-Miss Fanny Crosby, tli8 famous blind hymn writer, today celebrated her eighty-fifth birthday in the full pos? session of ail her faculties but the one denied her. Miss Crosby lives with her sister, Mrs. Carrie Rider, and in herold age is fully# as active as in her youth Miss Crosby became blind in her in? fancy, owing to improper treatment for a When she was fifteen years old'she entered the New York Institution for the Blind She was so apt in her studies that she subse? quently received an appointment as teacher of rhetoric, English gram? mar, Greek, American, English and Roman history in the institution. While still a teacher she com? posed songs, which were set tb music by George F. Root. Among the best known are "Rosalie, the Prairie Flower," "Hazel Dell," "Good-by, Proud World I'm Going Home, " u The Honeysuckle Glen" and "^There's Music in the Air." She also wrote the words for the cantatas, u\The Flower Queen" and "The Pilgrim Fathers." ; Miss Crosby, in 1864, took ap hyam writing aud since that time has writ? ten nearly three thousand of tfoem. notable among which is "Safe in the Arms of Jesus." There is seldom ai religious meeting at which one or more of Mies Crosby's hymns are not sung, and the deep religious pathos of her writings bas been felt in many lands. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. William Shaffer, a brakeman, of Denni? son, Ohio, was confined to his bed for sev? eral weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. "I used many remedies," he say?. "Finally I ?ent to McCaw's drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pam Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and in one week's time I was able to go to work as happy as a clam." For sale by China's Drug Store Broom Piants Combine. Chicago, 111., March 26.-Reports to the contrary notwithstanding the broom combine seems to be assured. Af a conference held this week all arrangements for organization of the combine were practically completed. The combiue will have a capital of $13, - 000,000 and will, it is said, represent 75 per cent, of the industry in the United States. The largest plants of New York, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois are interested. The combination hope to check the trade war which has been much in evidence during the last few years and also expects to cut the cost of production to a minimum and thereby increase the profits. Pneumonia May Be Prevented. If a cold lingers, there is danger of pneumonia. If la grippe leaves the lungs in an inflamed condition, there is great danger of pnenmonia. Prevent this fatal disease Dy using Rydale's Elixir ; it cures colds quickly and leaves the throat and lungs sound. It is the best remedy for that peculiar inflamed condition of the lungs that so frequently follows la grippe. This modern scientific throat and lung remedy is a safe remedy for young and old, in all throat aud lung diseases. All dealers. ANOTHER NAVAL BATTLE REPORTED. Japs Attack Port Arrhur-Bombard The forts and Sink Russian Battleships. The Invasion of Manchuria ls Pro? gressing Rapidly-Japanese Arfe Moving Forward Sys? tematically and Care? fully. Tokio, March 23.-A. special dis? patch from Moji (opposite Shimono seki, Japan) says the Japanese fleet made another attack on Port Arthnr March 18, bombarded the city and its defenses and fought a furious engage? ment with the Russian fleet outside the harbor, destroying one Russian battleship. Seven Japanese casual? ties are reported. There is no infor? mation concerning the Japanese fleet's condition. This is the first annonucemnt of an engaement off Port Arthur on March 18. Special dispatches received in London this afternoon contain the same details of an engagement being given as March 22, which probably is correct. The Associated Press dispatches from St. Petersburg last night gave full details of thc fight at Port Arthnr March 22. JAPANESE WELL ORGANIZED. London, March 24.-A seri?3 of mes? sages dated between March 10 and March 17 seat by a correspondent of The Daily Mail at Chinampho, Corea, describes the perfect organization and arran gemente- of the Japanese in Corea. Elaborate preparations have been made for landing troops and advancing them through the country and pontoon bridges and stables are built wherever they are found to be necessary. The greatest difficulty facing the Japanese is the commissa? riat, as owing to the poor food sup? plies of Corea it is only possible at present to maintain 90,000 men. * The Japanese hold two enormously strong positions, at Ping Yang and on the M i oka ic-San range, between Hwang-Jn and Seonl. The - latter, the correspondent says, is probably impregnable and secures Seoul from land attacks from the northwest. In the event of defeat it is intended to hold the passes at Kazan, thus protecting the Ping Yang Valley. The Japanese troops are suffering from dysentery and pneumonia and many of the cavalry horses, which the cor? respondent says are poor, have died, but the army is full of spirit. There probably are 20,000 Japanese at Ping Yang, which the correspon? dent points out might easily have been taken when the Russian scouts first arrived, there being then only 250 Japanese soldiers there,. The Russians intended to make Anju their base but owing to the de? lay , in the arrival of reenforeements, they were afraid they would be cut off and' so retired. Meanwhile the Japanese advanced to Ping Yang by "forced marches, the troops being almost without equipment. According to this correspondent; the Russians are preparing to prevent the Japanese landing at Pak-Chon, 20 miles west of Anja, and he says the Japanese saiiors admit that Port Arthnr is so protected by mines and torpedoes that it would mean death to approach it. WILL LAND AT NEW CHANG. Londou, March 24.-The Times this morning prominently publishes an opinion of a correspondent that Japan will land her main army at New Oh wang, which will be formed into a magnificent base, and that she also probably will seize Hai Cheng {15 ; ?liles eastward and on the railroad) as an additional base, and that, with? out seriously attacking either Port Arthur or Vladivostok, the war will be fought on the plains of central Manchuria. It ie almost certain, ia the corres? ponded t's opinion, that the war will be a long one and that at the worst Japan will retain a way to retreat overland into Corea. If she secures New Chwang. he says, her pestige will be established and he adds that the waterways of southern Manchuria will be of inestimable value in counter? balancing the weakness of Japan in her cavalry. THE KUSSIAN PLAN OF CAM? PAIGN. St. Petersburg, March 24.-When Gen. Kuropatkin reaches Mukden it is understood that the emperor's forces at the theatre of war will be divided into three armies-one in the penin? sula including'the Port Arthur garri? son under Gen. Stoessel, military commander at Port Arthur ; a central army under Gen. Liuevitch and a northern army nuder Gen. Baron Stackeiburg. Any idea that Gen. Kuropatkin's arrival will bc signaliz? ed by aggressive tactics is discouraged in the highest military circles, where attention is called to the general's repeated injunctions-" Patience, pa? tience, patience.'* "We can afford to wait whether or not the Japanese can, *' is the senti mnet among the believers in Gen. Kuropatkin. ; He expects to force the Japanese to fight him on grounds of his own choosing. There will be no forward movement into Corea. On the contrary, the Russians at the Vain are now screening their concentration to the westward and they probably will retire as the Japanese advance in force, harassing and retarding them as much as possilbe until the proper j time i to uncover the main Russian I army.' I The Russians also express much j more satisfaction at tbe pres. nt situa? tion at Liao Tang. The ?brees on the peninsula have been reenforced to an extent which will render a Japanese landing there difficult, if not impos? sible, and the garrison at Port Arthnr has been amply provisioned to with? stand a siege. So far as the peninsula is concerned the preparations there may now be regarded as complete. TOGO REPORTS FIFTH ATTACK. Tokio, March 24.-Vice Admiral Togo's report of the fifth attack on Port Arthur, which was made on March 22, reached Tokio tonight and is as follows: "Tho combined fleet acted according to the plan arranged. "Two flotillas of destroyers were outside Port Arthur, as instructed, from the night of the 21st until the morning of the 22nd. Although dur? ing this time our destroyers were under the fire of the enemy, they sus? tained no damage. The main fleet arrived off Port Arthur at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 22nd. "I dispatched a' part of the fleet in the "direction of Pigeon bay, and ordered the battleships Fuji and Yashimsha to make an indirect bom? bardment against the inner side of the port; -During the bombardment, the enemy's ships gradually came out of the harbor, and at the time when the indirect bombardment stopped, which was about 2 o'clock, the number of Russian ships was five battleships, four cruisers and several destroyers. We believed the enemy was trying to make a movement of their fleet to draw us near the forts. The enemy's ships shelled U9 indirectly and many of their shots fell near the battleship Fuji, but our ships sustained no damage. About 3 o'clock our vessels withdrew off the port." CHINA CHARGED WITH DULPI CITY. St. Petersburg, March 24.-The war office is in receipt of presistent reports that the Japanese are preparing to land on neutral Chinese territory, on the west coast of the gulf of Liao Tung, either at Tien Kian Chene, in Kin Chan bay, or at Shan Hai Kwan. Although slow to believe that Japan .deliberately contemplates a violation of her pledge to respect neutral Chinese territory, the reports received at the ministry of war are so specific that they compel consideration. The presence of disguised Japanese soldiers acting as spies along the Shan Hai Kwan road has been established, and Russian agents seems to coincide with other indications of an intended" land? ing on the west coast of the gulf of LiaoTung. The information conveyed by these agents seem to coincide with other information indicating a complete change in the Japanese plan of cam? paign or of its entrance into a second stage practically - involving tb9 aban? donment of further heavy landings of troops in Corea. According to advices received by the government there are only about 70,000 Japanese troops in the Hermit Kingdom at pr?sent. The latest ad? vices indicate ,tbat the Japanese will not send many more soldiers into Corea. They may make a diversion at Possiet bay in the direction of Vladivostock, but their main object henceforth will be in the gnlf of Liao Tung. The only two points feasible for landing are Chin Wan Toa and Tien Kian Cheng which are connected b." sail respectively with Shan Hai Rwan aud Kaukiau on the Pekin rail I road. A landing at either place will j give the Japanese possession of a splendid strategic line by which to strike the Russian flank and if desir? ed, to hold Pekin in subjection. The Russians have little faith in the Chinese generals. Ma and Mu, who might disregrad orders from Pekin and join forces with the Japanese. There is reason to affirm that the Rus? sian line of conduct in such a contin? gency has already- been decided upon in principle. The assurances obtained from Pekin require that the Chinese authorities should oppose with their arm}r such a step on the part of Japan. It is learned that the Russian mili? tary attache at Pekin is now at New Ch wang, watching the movements of the Chinese troops. BOTTLING UP PORT ARTHUR. London, March 25.-The Daily Telegraph publishes a dispatch from its Tokio correspondent, under yester? days date which says: "On the night of March22 the Japa? nese fleet renewed the attempt to bot? tle up Port Arthur. Sixteen warships escorted seven merchant steamers to the month of the harbor and, under cover of the bombardment, the steam? ers ran in and were sr.nk in desired, positions. Three thcasand Japanese officers and blue jackets volunteered for this duty. An official report is ex? pected this evening. " Working Overtime. Eight hoar laws are ignored by those tireless little' workers-Dr. King's New Life Pi il*. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing indigestion, bilious? ness, constipation, sick headache and all ? stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 2/?c. at J. F. W. De Lorine's drug store. - - i n t mwm - Wheat Crop Outlook. Kansas City, Mo., March 2G.- Crop prospects are reported as generally im? proved iu the southwestern and south? eastern sections of the winter wheat belt, where the appearance of the plant was poorest at the close of the winter. Late rains have greatly benefited the crop in-these sections, as well as else? where. Tragedy Averted. ''Just in the nick of time oar little boy was saved," writes Mrs. W. Watkins, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had play? ed sad havoc with him- and a terrible cough set. in besides. Doctors treated him, bat he grew worse every day. At length we ! tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- j sumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound and well." Everybody ought to know it's the only sure cure forr cough??, colds and all lung diseases. Guaranteed by J. F. W. DeLorme, druggist. Price 60c and $1. Trial bottles free. IS IT ? GOOD OR ? BAD I0E&? Amendment Proposed to Postoifice Appropriation Bill to Allow Ru? ral Delivery Carriers to Act as Agents of Newspapers. Washington, March 23.-Members of the Senate committee on post of fices ?re in favor of an amendment to the pending postoffice appropr ations bili; which will enable rural free de? livery carriers to distribute newspa? pers and other periodicals, and also act as agents for newspapers along their respective routes. There was an interesting bearing to day by the Senate postoffice commit? tee, at which this subject was freely discussed. Representatives of many of ' the leading newspapers of the country appeared before the committee to advocate an amendment offered by Senator Alger, of Michigan, which will enable rural carriers to act as circulation agents for newspapers along their routes, providing it does not interfere with their duties as Govern? ment officials. Representative pub? lishers present made it perfectly clear to the members of the committee that there is no intention of crippling the postal service by imposing additional duties on the carriers. It is general? ly conceded that the rural carriers are underpaid. The proposed plan allows them to make such terms as they can with the various newspapers, and thereby add to their income within the legitimate line of duty as mem? bers of the postal service. The postoffice department originally opposed the preposition and insisted that the carriers should be restrain? ed from engaging in any commercial business along their routes. Accord? ingly the Postmaster General has re? commended that the annual salary of rural carriers be increased from $600 to $7f>0. So strong has been the appeals from all parts of the country in favor of allowing the rural carriers to handle the newspaper circulation along' their routes that the department has reluctantly consented to accept the Alger amendment, with certain modifications. Members of the committee were somewhat surprised today when Sen? ator Penrose, chairman of the commit? tee, confirmed the statement that the department was prepared to accept the decision of Congress in the adjust? ment of the duties of rural carriers. In an order to make the intention of the committeee perfectly clear a provision was inserted, to the effect " that rural carriers may distribute newspapers and other periodicals along their re? spective routes and also act as agents of newspapers. ' ' Members of the- committee evinced a very fiendly interest in the subject, and expressed themselves well pleased that the postoffice department had seen fit to withdraw its opposition to the request made in behalf of the newspa? pers. The fact that the committee lias decided to report the amendment favorably is very gratifying to those interested in the matter, and it is generally believed that the Al^e amendment will be incorporated in the pending postoffice appropriation bia - i -< mw - Wisconsin 6. 0. P. Split. Milwaukee, Wis., March 23.-Now that the state committee has fixed the time and place for holding the Republican state convention the fight for the county delegations is on in earnest ' between the LaFollette forces and the opposition. The opposition is endeavoring to capture LaFollete's home county and in this way to dis? credit the Governor's candidacy for a third term. Governor La Follette's plan is said to include the defeat of Postmaster General Henry C. Payne as national committeeman from Wisconsin and the election of a La Follette man in his p?ace. Friends of the Governor say they have no doubt they will easily control the convention, and the four men most prominently men? tioned for delegates-at-larg'3 to the Chicago convention are Governor La Follette, ex-Governor . Hoard, Con? gressman H. A. Cooper of Racine and Isaac Stephenson of Marinette. A Favorite Remedy for Babies Its pleasant taste and prompt cures rave made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fa? vorite with the mothers of small children. Il quickly cures their coughs ard colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. It not only cores croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the at? tack. For sale by China's Drug Store. Giant Statue Successfully Cast. : Birmingham, Ala., March 26.-In the shops of the Birmingham Steel and Iron Company there haso just been successfully cast the first section of the giant statue of Vulcan, which will be one of the most prominent features of the Alabama exhibit at the St. Louis world's fair. The section con? tains i2,000 pounds of metal, though it comprises only that part of the statue from the waist down to a piont ra id-way between the thigh and knee. The statue when completed will be the largest work of its kind ever made. mm -??-??? mm Do You Want Strength ? If you want to increase your strength you must add to and not take from the physical. In other words, the food that you eat must be digested, assimilated and appropriated by the nerves, blood and tis? sues before being expelled from the intes? tines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical; Jt gives strength to and builds up strength iu the human system. It is pleasant to the taste and palatable, and the only combination of digestants that will digest the food and enable the system to appropriate all of its health an i ='rength-giving qualities. Sold by Olin B. Davis. CREDITORS PUSHIHO SOLLY. They Believe That Others are Re? sponsible With Him fer Debts. New York, March 24.-That D. J. Sully & Co., would be bale to do a good deal better than to offer 40 per cent, cash and 60 per cent, in notes to the creditors was the belief expressed by Receiver Taft today, and a new offer from the suspended finn is ex? pected. Samuel Untermeyer, who is counsel for a number of Sully's" creditors, said today: "We demand and intend to get the history of Sully's cotton trans? actions. We want the fullest exposure of the facts. Nothing else will satis? fy." Many of Sully's creditors are hoping that he will reveal the identity of his backers in the last pool. All of his associates are said to be men who could settle with the creditors. Receivers Taft and Miller do not ex? pect to learn of these backers from Sully, but Mr. Taft says that the books may reveal enough to show that certain silent partners were under obligations to stand the loss. If it can be found that such obligations exist steps will be taken, to make them pay 100 cents on thc dollar. Sully still stands ready to pay his creditors 40 cents on the dollar in cash and 60 cents in long time notes, hut most of the creditors expect better re? sults than that through the receivers. A conference lasting half an hour was held today in Sully's office be? tween Receivers Taft and Miller, and R. Seidehberg, George Chapman, Supt. Stroud of the coffee exchange, Expert Accountant Cuthbert, who has been at. work on the books of the Sully firm, and Boothby & Baldwin, counsel for the petitioning creditors. None of the parties to the conference would make any statement. A meeting of the creditors of Daniel J. Sully & Co., was held this after? noon. lt was called at the request of the receivers for the^purpose of having a committee named to represent the general body of creditors in dealing with the receivers. The meeting adopted a resolution giving President McDougall of the cotton exchange the power to appoint this committee, after which adjourn? ment was taken. Mr. McDougall appointed the follow? ing committee : Reinhard Siedenberg, J. Temple Gwathmey, Edward Shearson, George Chapman and J. S. Clark. They are the same members of the exebarge who were appointed as a similar com? mittee at the former meeting of the creditors and later discharged. Mr. McDougall said that this com; mittee will be without power to make any settlement but will confer with the receivers and act in an advisory: capacity toward them. Supt. King of the cotton exchange, announced today that the recently sus? pended firm of J. H. Garrison cc Co..v were prepared to settle in full and that all claims against them might be pre* sented for settlement today. --ara? ~c : ?????L?.^'T** If troibled with weak digestion, belch? ing or soar stomach, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Taileis ?#U? you will get quick relief. For sai3 by China's Drug Store. -?.? Sir Edward Arnold Dead. London, March 24.-Sir Edwin Arnold, the author, died in Loudon to? day. He waslDorn June 10, 1832. Although Sir Edwin snSered cf late years from partial paralysis he was not taken seriously ill until last week. Early this morning he had a relapse from which he did not rally and died, peacefully at 10.30. Sir Edwin- con? tinued his literary work until quite recently, his last writing being in cen nection with the Russo-Japanese war,, iu wbym he was greatly interested.. Tbe funeral will take place March 28. The body will be cremated at Working. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danfoi th, of LsGrahge, Ga., suf? fered for six months with a frightful run? ning sore on his leg; bat that Buck leu's Arcica Salve wholly cared it in ?va days. ? or ulcers, wounds, pite*, it'? the best saivein the world. Cure guaranteed, Only 25 cts. Sold by J. F. W. DeL rae. druggist. -v-?-** - - Bids will be solicited by J. T. Gantt, Secretary of State and ex-officio agent of the sinking fund for the nurebase of any and all property in the old and abandoned town of Hamburg, for which the State possesses a valid claim. This is the last act m the abandonment of old towns. Bien will be accepted until the 13th of next month. All property owued by the. State and the streets no ioDger used as thoroughfares or roads will be in? cluded in the sale. Bidders are al? lowed to make offers for each individ? ual piece of property cr parts of streets. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous? ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre? sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lismg the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bal!, of Ravenswood. V/. Va., says: '* 1 was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured ms and we are now using it in ntfflj for baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. $1.00 Size hold?r? 2H times the trial size, which sens for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT ii CO., CHICAGO* For sale by Olin B. Davis.