CS* .JV?T?LR WATCSMAK. Established April. ? s Sd? . "3? Just and Fear ncr-Le': ali tho'Ends thon ?Liras . as bath? Country's shy Gol ? and Truth's. re* T.K?Z: 8C?TH???>. , Ks^zisbed .inn-, ?^6 CtitoHdtited Aug. 2, 188L SUMTER. S. G . WEDNESDAY. M AR CM 9. 1904 . Sew Series-Vol. XXIII. No. 32 * --sr-' 1 . SUMTER, S. C, $? 50 per annsm-\n ad^ss^e. ?DV?STISSSSST'. Osa Square 5rs? insertion,.$1 CO 5very subseqnen* ?niferiior.. 50 Contract? for three months, cr ?occ^r wih ?ss raade at redoceorstes. AU citaiGiGoications which subserve private Merest? will becbarped for.id<' of the chamber. ROQSEVELT AND THE NEGRO. ; Mr. Williams, the minority loader, j charged that Mr. Roosevelt had dined Booker Washington to carry thc light of example to the South, which does ; not believe in social equality. When a i ( juestion is raised, he said, against i rhe appointment of a negro to post-'t tions in the South the statement is ' made r^at there can be no discrimina? tion on account of color, bur, contin? ued Mr. Williams, the Administra- J. ;icn would not appoint a Chinaman as \ postmaster on the Pacific coast if tho ? possessed the ability of Li Hi Chang. Mr. Williams >a?d the whole ii dent was a telling bio* stract theory of general equality, and that it "is a discovery cf' the underly? ing hypocrisy of the contention .that all men aro socially equal, regardless of color, race, traits and tendencies." Mr. Scott desired to know who had been asserting social equality. "I have understood," replied Mr. Williams, "that the political theory of your household of political faith for the last twenty years has been that men, regardless of color, race, traits, tendencies, characteristics, capabili? ties or what-not, ought to be strictly equal politically," and, he said, social equality must follow: "but that is not all : the head cf your party set the example cf social equality in the only manner in which it can be set, by inviting a black man to a ta? ble." Mr. Williams said that if what the President had done was not to carry the light of example, it was done for no purpose at all. "It was an unconscious exhibition," continued the minority leader, "of the arrogance that teaches men now and then to shed the light of example upon the benighted white population of the South." Mr. Williams went on: "Nor am I quarrelling with Mr. Rooseevlt, nor have I quarrelled with him at all. He has a perfect right to invite a colored man if he chooses, but as far as I know, he waited until he was Presi? dent of the United States so it could bear an official stamp, before he ever did it." Mr. Scott said he bad made no im putation of fault against Mr. Cleve? land. He had simply pointed to the allegation he made because the Demo? cratic party had gone into hysterics because one man had invited a colored man to his table. "All right," said Mr. Williams, "I am glad to hear that, because I thought the gentleman had a sharp stick and was after my dear and'much adored old friend, Grover Cleveland." (Laughter. ) Further discussion was cut short by a point of order. .The House passed the District of Columbia appropriation bill and took up the Indian appropriation bill before adjournment. Danger io Cold Weather. There is danger in cold weathsr because it produces conditions favorable to the de? velopment of those germ diseases known as la grippe, pneamonia, bronchitis, con? sumption, etc. These diseases are con? tracted while the mucous membrane of the throat and lungs is weakened by inflam? mation resulting from e. cold. It is dan? gerous to neglect even & slight cold. Help nature to ward off disease by using Ry dale's Elixir. This modern scientific rem? edy can always bo reli?e! on ir, all diseased conditions of the throat and lungs. Ail dealers. Mew Brunswick, N. J., March L-? Noah Raby died today in the Piscata way poor house, cf which he had been an inmate for the last thirty years. If he had lived until April 1 next according to his own statement, Paby" would have been 132 years old. He retained his memory, and would re? call man\- incidents oi: his long career until very recently. Raby is said to have been born in EatontowD, Gates county, N. C., on April 1, 1772. Ho enlisted in the navy in 1805 and serged on the ' ship Constitution and the frigate Brandywine, on the latter of which Farragut was a lieutenant. Proper Trea'm ?nt of Pneumo^ nia Pr?nmonia is too da'Jgeoss a disease for an>one to attempt to destor himself, although he may have th3 proper reme? dies at hand. A physician ahctld always be called, lt should be borne in mind, however, that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of the grip, and that by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tbs threatened attack of pneumo? nia may be warded off. This remedy i? also used by physicians in tua treatment cf pneumonia with?the beONOS and all he pain In my bark h:is left, the kidney sc :retions1tave become natnral and I feel A >o. t. Donn's Kidney Pills are thc best back Lche remedy on earth.** For sale by all dealers: price rt) couts. Fos er-M i Ibu rn 0?>.. Buffalo. N. \ .. sole agents or t he I'ni ted States. Remember tito name Doan's and take no l her. 5