I. ?Ije tU a tel) m an anD iSoutljroiu - _ ?_ rna SUMTER WATOHMA?. Established April. 1850. "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Ainis't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." THE TRUE SOUTHRON. Established Jone i = 6 > Cosolidated Aug. 2,1881. SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 10, 1903. New Series-Vol. XXII. . Xo. 45 liars I HAVE ONLY ONE HUNDRED OF THESE il ACH INES, s:s s.?SS?-srs.S;aS'S-sssa ? But while they last they will go for Five Dollars each, six records to go with every ma? chine. This is the genuine Columbia Graphophone, and every record bears the Columbiartrade mark, as well as the machine itself, which is of the latest design. Do you work hardball through the hot summer days ? A little recreation and amusement in the evenings will cheer you up and make happiness in the family circle. As you are not to enjoy a thousand years' so? journ in this land of flowers you may as well pick up a few lines of pleasure in passing, espe? cially when the cost does not exceed the five dollar mark. I am not living ten thousand miles away from you, and have the goods for sale, open for your inspection ; come and see them. TC*? I ?. ZT 5 liing Nw Hom Swing flachins, Columbia and Cl veland Bicycls, and a high=class lin of Sporting Goods. "Published Srsry Ve?&es&ay, IST. cst. Osteon, SUMTER,. S. C, TCS3C8 : fl 50 per acacm-ia advance. ?DTSBTIESXICT: Jae Square St3t insertion.......$2 00 Iverj subsequent insertion....... ........... 50 ?. Contracte for three montas, or longer will De made at reduced rates. Al! communications ichica subserve private interests will be charged for as ad verdemente. ; Obituaries sad tribales of respects will be charged for. UMR PBOFITS IN TiBPEHTiiMS. Twenty-Three Per Cent More Turpentine by New Method of Tapping Trees. Also Better Grade of ftosia-The New "Cup and Gutter" System Taking Place of Boxing. Washington, June 1.-The turpen? tine industry is receiving the benefit of discovery by Dr. Charles. H. Berty, an expert of the Bureau o? Forestry, the importance of which may be realized by the enormous gain in profits it secures for the turpentine '"operator. By a new method of tapping .trees, called the cup-and-gutter sys? tem, Dr. Berty has secured an in? crease over the old method of 23 per cent, of turpentine, besides uniformly hi^h grades of rosin. ? The demonstration of this increase is based on careful and elaborate experi? ments conducted by Mr. Berty at ""?cilia, Ga. One-half ef a first, a second, a third, and a fourth year crop was managed by the box system, the other half by the new cup-and gctter system. Every effort was made to have the conditions in the two divisions exactly similar and to make the comparison a just one. The in? creased output of 23 per cent, secured by the cup-and-gutter system during -the season of 1902 is guaranteed by Dr. Berty as being absolutely reliable for the turpentine orchard at Ocilla, rGa, and he believes there is no reason for not accepting it as representative of the increase that may be secured by this system throughout the tur? pentine belt. The experiments of 1902 showed the following gains of the cup and gutter ?*er the box system on a basis of one crop : First year, $4.12.54 Second year, 311.54 Third year, 513.38 ' Sourth year, 516.48 -?Fo striking and significant were the results of the Ocilla experiments that "turpentine operators have eagerly seized upon the discovery, and all over the South the new method is sup? planting the old. Dr. Berty has been constantly in the field this spring, installing the equipment of the new system under the direction of the Bureau of Forestry. Up to the pre? sent 345,000 cups have been installed by the following operators: Baxter & Co., Fargo, Ga., 21,000 cups; Florida Tie and Lumber Co., Middle? burg, Fla, 21,000cups ; Bast Coast Lum? ber Co., Watertown, Fla.., 31,000 cup; Powell, Ballard & Co., Ocilla, Ga., 40.000 cups; E. L. Vickers & Co., Adel, Ga., 15,000 cops; J. T. Hunt & ?o., Asburn, Ga., 21,6? eups; J. C. JdcCaskill & Co., Bainbridge, Ga., 21,000 cups; J. H. Tallevast & Bro., Braidentown, Fia., 10,000 cups;D. M. Deen & Co., Onega, Fla., 30,000 cups; fi. H. Elarbee & Co., Elarbee, Fla., 51,000 cups; Bay Naval Stores Co., Bay St. Louis, Miss., ? 0,000 cups; AvSeesoms, Bonifay, Fla., 10,000 ? ome time. John Rockefeller has been putting on too many airs since he has become a multi-millionaire. Worst of all Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last ? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H. Newson, De? catur, Ala. "For three years" she writes. 4iI endured insufferable pain, from indi? gestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now Fm completely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Elec? tric Bitters is the only Medicine. It's guaranteed by J. F. W. DeLorme, Druggist.