I SE? MUTER TO THE DISPENSARY. Gver Half of the Confiscated Property BS Taken by the Repre? sentatives of the Federal Government. Dispensary officials are wondering what will oe the result of the conten? tion between the State of South Caro lina and the federal government in re? gard to the seizure of packages of con? traband liquor. If the matter is al? lowed te ran cn as it is now, the State will lose over 50 per cent, of the liquor seized by the constables. In the month I of February, out of the seizures made bf the constables, $600 worth of liquor was afterwards taken by the represen? tatives of the federal government. Mr. H. fi. Cram, the commissioner of the. State dispensary, yesterday ex? plained the. situation to a reporter of The State. Up to the time when Maj. Jenkins became collector of customs, Mr. Crum had had an agreement with the federal officials to the effect that the State was to be allowed to keep all liquor seized' by the constables unless the liquors so seized were evidently sold in violation of the United States revenue 2aws> But under a recent ruling the govern? ments gauger at the dispensary, Mrv A. S. Trumbo, is ordered to inspect every package shipped in by the con? stables and to seize ail such as have sot the names of well known and repu? table dealers as the parties from whom the stug had been obtained. Mr. Crum thinks this has been a very arbitrary position for the federal -authorities to take-for it throws the burden of proof on the State, when the State is not interested in fos? tering violators of the revenue laws, but is endeavoring to break up the operations of law breakers. During the month of January the federal government, through its agents, relieved the State dispensary of $500 worth of contraband, for the State could not, under the ruling of the de? partment, prove its own right to the packages. In February the value of stuff turned over to the revenue offi? cers was even more than in the month preceding. If this is kept up it will become a great hardship in the dis? pensary sytem, for not only does the dispensary lose the packages, but is not reimbursed for the express charges paid on the seized liquors from the point of seizure to the State dispensary ; and furthermore the State is but hir? ing constabulary to work for the gov? ernment. . The constabulary has for the past few years paid its expenses out of the value of the contraband turned into the big vats at the State dispensary, ont the proportion of stuff taken by the federal officers is 50 per cent, of the whole amount seized. The attorney general's'office is urging Mr. Cram's /claim for the return of the liquors -taken from the State by the revenue ?officials. The dispensary commissioner -does not censure Maj. Jenkins, but rsays the latter is doing right to en rfdrce the orders of the treasury de ?parfemec ta -State. Mers to Buy Tip of a Nose. "Fifty dollars reward for tip of a nose-A woman of fashion, having los? the tip oi her nose, will pay $50 ito the woman who supplies the tip ?for grafting. Dr. E. P. Robinson, 63 'West Tbirty-fifth street." This is an ^advertisement which appeared in New v York paper this morning. Two persons called at Dr. Robinson's -oiSee today with a view of having the ends of their noses transplanted, but ^nether proved satisfactory. The wo? man's first quesition was: "O. doctor wrfi it hurt?" The doctor said it