THE PROTOCOL SIGNED. Differences Between Venezuela and Powers Referred to Hague. % BLOCKADE DECLARED AT AN END, Minister Bowen as the Repres entative of Venezuela Has Ably Discharged a Diffi cult and Delicate Task, ? Washington, Feb. 13.?Herbert W. Bowen, Veneuzela's representative in the peace negotiations at Washington, tonight signed with each of the*allies' ] ie}areeentatives here a protocol pro Tiding for the immediate raising of the Veneuzelan blockade and for the re ference of the question of preferential treatment of -the claims of the allies against Venezuela to The Hague ar bitration tribunal. The final formali ties occurred at the British embassy. At 1L20 o'clock tonight Mr. Herbert Deering, first secretary* of the British embassy, announced to The Associated JPress that the British protocol had .'just been signed and that signature of I the Italian and German protocols would follow in the order named. ' The Italian protocol was singed at 11.50 and the German protocol at 12.10 o'clock, the presence of Baron Stern . berg at the White House musicale delaying a final close to the negotia tions until after midnight Mr. Bowen signed a duplicate for Venezuela, Sir Michael Herberrfor Great Britain, Signor Mayor des Planches for Italy and Baron Spec Ton Sternberg ? for Germany. Im mediately on ' the -s?gningt^pf th last protocol cables were dispatched to j London, Berlin and Borne announcing the fact It is exepcted that the com manders of the blockading feet within the next 24 hours will recieve their orders to withdraw their vessels at once. By the provisions of these prelminary protocols,- which have required more than three weeks of constant negotia tions, Venezuela makes two distinct -gains, the immediate raising of a blockade from which she has been suffering for some weeks and the re * turn of all the vessels, war and mer^ chant, which have been captured by the allied fleet. Great Britain, Germany and Italy receive' advance payments of five, thousand % five hundred pounds each, Great Britain recieving her pay ment on the signature of tbe protocol 'and Germany and Italy within 30 or 60 days from date. Germany, in addition, will receive five monthly installments until the full amount paid here in ad vance aggregates $340,COO. As- a guaranty for the satisfaction of ijeir claims Mr. Bowen pledges the allies to share with the other creidtor nations in 30 per cent of the customs of the two post of La Gaayra and" Puerto ? Cabello. This percentage will be set aside beginning March 1 and retained in the Venezuelan treasury until The Hague tribunal decides whether it shall be distributed without prefer ence among all the claimant nations, or whether tfie allied powers of Great Britain, Germany and Italy shall re ceive preferential payments. Italy by her protocol gains immedi a& payments , of her first class of claims, without further adjudication, as 309n as the point passed on the remainder of her claims. In round numbers the adjudicated Italian claims amount to $560,000; from which will be subtracted $27,500 to be paid her sixty days from the signature of her first protocol. The protocols in providing for refer ence of the question of preferential treatment to The Hague do net state in detail the methods of procedure Dy which the case is to be laid before the tribunal. This will be done in second set of protocols, the preparation of which will begin at once. Upon the signing of the protocols to night congratulations were exchanged by the four negotiators. Mr. Bowen then dispatched a brief^ cablegram to President Castro informing him of the signature ^pf the protocols pro viding for the immediate raising of the blockacfe. ISatxtTo'n Monument to Washington. Amon? the many monuments, to Washington is the one which every vis itor to the Cape Verde islands will re- j member as one of the most colossal and marvelous freaks of natura?*culpture in existence. Along the farther side of the harbor of San Vicente, tue principal town, rises a bold ridge of dark gray volcanic recks, the crest of which forms an exact likeness of our immortal George, seemingly lying face upward, ns if in a.peaceful sleep.; The hero's large;' bold features, the backward wave of the hair, his mass ive shoulders and even the frill of the shirt .front are all reproduced on a gi* gantie scale with \\ enderful exactness. The strange monument, sharply out lined against the deep blue of tbe trop ical sky, is one of the first objects that meet one's eye in approaching the is land. Its gigantic proportions, with the boundless ocean for a background, form a portrait wonderfully true to na ture and overpowering in its magnifi cence. You Will Be fiappy \i Weft. Paine's Celery Compound Bestows that Health and Vigor that Makes Liv= ing a Pleasure. ir^you arc sick and out-of-sorts, it is in your power to make yourself healthy, strong, and happy. There is not the slightest reason why you should go through life feeiing sickly, miscral 1c, languid, and melancholic. To be well and strong, means happiness and true joy. If you are sleepless, rheumatic, neuralgic, dyspeptic, or have the shadows of disease hovering over you; if you *are not as bright, energetic, and strong as you were some weeks age', the use of Paine's Celery Compound will ' tone up and fortify your whole system, cleanse the blood, correct digestion, sharpen the appetite, and conduce to restful sleep. Thous ands once in a half-dead condition owe their present good health to the use of Paine's Celery Compound. Mr. Wm. S. Gibson, of Pleasureville, Ky., who, through sickness and suffering, was brought near the dark grave,, writes as' follows, regarding his marvelous cure:? ": I have been broken down in health and strength, nervous system shattered, kidneys out of ordei;, had nervous and trembling spells off and on for the last ten years. I Have taken, three bottles of your Paine's Celery Compound and,*dl of the above-mentioned troubles have left me, and I can now do a good day's work. I go about my business all daylong and it don't worry me, and I now feel better than I have in ten years. I have a good appetite, and can eat and get around on foot as active i as when I was a boy. My age is 65 years." DIAMOND DYES Color Jackets, Coats, Capes, Ribbons, Neckties, Waists... Stockings wi2 not fade or crock when dyed with Dtaraond Dyes. Direction book and 45 dyed samples free. DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt. BBflBniHnnnnBBi THE BANK OF SUMTERj SUMTJER, s. c. City and County Depository. Capital stock paid in, $75,000 00 Undivided surplus, 16,000 00 Individual liability of stockhold ers in excess of their stock, 75,000 00 Transacts a general banking business; also has a Saving Bank Department. De posits of $1 and upward received. Inter est allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. W. F. B. HAYNSWORTH, President. Mabion Moise, W. F. Rhame, Vice-president. Cashier. Jan. 31. ..TURNIP SEED, Onion Sets-leading varieties. Aslo assortment of Garden Seeds Havana 8egars. Large line of fine Havana Segars. i Toilet Articles. A choice line of Toilet and -Fancy Goods to which atten tion is invited at DeLorme's Drug Store, Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the CLgestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. Be Witt & Co.. Chicago The $1. bottle contains 2Vz times the 50c. size JSHUGHSON&CQ Estate of Hiram Seymour, Dec'd. I WILL apply to the Judge of Probate of Sumter County. S. C, on February 14th, 1903, for a tinal Discharge as Execu tor of aforesaid Estate. W. G. S. SEYMOUR, Jan 14?it Executor. I Are Your Glasses Crooked Or screws loose? If so have them straightened and tight ened FREE OF CHARGE By Dr. Highsfnith, Optician. Corner Main and Liberty Sts. All other work neatly and promptly done at small cost. Dear Sir:?I received the' glasses in good order and in every respect I they are perfectly satisfactory With thanks, Mrs R. C Richardson, Feb4?0 Fulton, S. 0. I The latest in fine stationery just re l ceived and placed on sale at H. G. Osteen &iCo's book store. A Good Grain Drill ? A. Firs-cSass Hay Press A Mower or Rake A Good Horse or Mulfe, A nice Buggy, Carriage, Wagon, Harness, or any Farming -Implements. If you do call on or write to me for prices I can supply y#ur needs, and the prices-will please you, JV. B, BOYLE, Oct 22' SUMTER, S. C. Received to-day a ca ioad of Kentucky Horses, selected in Lexington by W. M. Graham. Among them can be found horses of all kinds, Including Jpairs, single, 'driving and saddles. Also a carload of well broke mules. Full line of vehicles of all kinds. A Large quantity of Native Rust Proof Seed Oats. Sumter, S. C, Sept. 10,1902, M?G0NJG4. Tj N. C. Artope & Whitt Co Gr. E. RICHARDSON, - - Manager. Marble and Granite Monuments, Head stones and Iron Fencing. Large Stock Finished Work on Yard. You will find our prices much lower than you have been paying. Investigate, call or write for designs and prices. Special discount for the next thirty days. Office and works 33 E. Liberty Street, Sum ter, S. C. Aug 11? MADE AT OUR KENTUCKY DISTILLERY FOR 43 YEARS. and prak.ed by thousands of consumers as the best whiskey in the world for the least money. PYS OR BO?gBOgl 4 full quarts. 7 year old.$1.98 4 >< 10 ".2.49 4 ? 12 ? ".2.98 4 14 v ? . . . 3.98 We Save You ONE DOLLAR on each gallon, ?nd prove thct WE ARE THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND. 242 to 250 Seventh St^ToUISVILLE, KY. References: German Insurance Bank. Bradstreet, or any Express Co JOB PRINTING First class work and good material. I do good work as cheap as possible, but do not make a spe cialty of cheap work. 1ST. Gr. OSTEEN. Land Surveying. I will give prompt attention to all calls for surveying, platting, terracing hill sides, draining bottoms, '02. j No 55 j No 35 j No ?l pm am Leave Wilmington *'6i? ^600 Leave Marion 655 845 Arrive Jtlorencc 7 50 9 25 pm am Leave Florence *S 15 *3 45 Arrive Sumter 9 30 4 48 ,No 52 pm ' am Leave Sumter 9 30 *0 50 Arrive Columbia_10 55 11 10_ No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central It. R., leaving Charleston 6 40 a. m., Lanes 8 10 a. m.. Manning S 57 a. m._ TRAINS GOING NORTH. _ No 54 j No 53 j No 50 am pm pm Leave Columbia *6 55 *4 55 Arrive Sumter 8 20 615 No 32 am pm Leave Sumter S 20 *6 35 Arrive Florence ? 35 7 50 +7 55 am Leave Florence 1010 8 30 Leave Marion 10 53 -9 09 Arrive Wilmington 1 40_11 45 ?Daily. +Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C via Central R. R., arriving Manning 6 53 p. m., Lanes 7 35 p. m., Charleston 9 20 p. m. Trains on Conway Branch leave Chadbonrn 12 01 p. m., arrive Conway 2 20 p. m., returning leave Conway 2 55 p. m., arrive Chadbourn 5 20 p. m. leave Chadbourn 5 35 p. m., arrive Elrod 8 20 p. m., returning leave Elrod 8 40 a. m.. arrive Chadbourn 1125 a. m. Daily ex cept Sunday. W. J. CRAIG, Gen'l Pass. Agent. T M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. H. M. Emerson, Assistant Traffic Manager. Northwestern Railroad TIME TABLE NO. 2. In effect Sunday, May 25, 1902, at 6 a m Between Wilson'sM 11 and Sumter. N?73 STATIONS No 72 pm * p m 3 00 *Le Sumter Ar 12 01 3 03 Summerton Junction 1157 317 ' Tindal 1125 3 30 Packs ville ] 100 4 05 Silver 10 35 *40 M?lard ?j-g 5 00 Summerton 9 47 5 45 Davis 9 34 6 00 Jordan 9 22 6 45 *Ar Wilson's Mill Le 9 05 p m am Between Millard and St Paul. 73 75 STATIONS 72 74 pm am am pm 4 15 9 52 Lo Millard Ar 1015 4 40 4 20 10_ 02 ?Ar St Paul Le 10 05 4 30 Between Sumter and Camden. Southbound Trains._Northbound Trains. 69 71 STATIONS 70" 68 pm am am pm 6 36 10 20 *Le Sumter Ar 9 00 o45 6 38 10 02 NW Junction 8 58 5 43 6 58 1022 Dalzell 8 25 5 12 7 16 1032 Borden <*00 4 58 7 36 10 42 Remberts 7 40 4 43 7 4ti 10 47 Ellerbee 7 30 4 38 8 05 11 15 Sou Ry. Jnction 7 10 4 25 3 15 1125 *Ar Camden Le 7 00 4 15 (S C & G Ex Depot) THOS. WILSON. President. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Desjgns Copyrights &c. Anvone sending a sketch r.nd description may qoickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tion;? strictly confidential. Handbookon Patents sent free. Oldest nceney for seenrin? patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, wi'Lout chars'?, in the Scientific lietieaft P. handsomeli- illustrated tveeklr. T.arcrest cir cnlatton of any scientific .i.'uma!. Terms. $:> a vear- four months, -tl. Sold by all newsdealers. M?flN&Go.8S!B~?"'-New York Branch O.Ticc. C5 F St- Washington, D. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE 3orth-Eastern E. R. of 8 ? OONDSNHSD SCKEDULB _TRAINS GOING SOnTR Uated No No. rvo 14, 1901 3?>? n* 53? Mr im p m Florence 2 34 "7 46 ?> 4< - Singetree .3 46 .rLfcnes -3 38 3 04 p m Ii3< .??: L&nes 3 33 3 30 b 45 '1 2 rf banestoo 5 04 10 55 8 3n GAIN'S GOING NuttTh No No Nu I*:. 73* 32* *?' a t? p i< * .~ .e Charleston 6 33 4 49 ' 00 4 0' Lenee 8 16 6 15 ft ? ? 5 3* je Lacee B 16 ? 15 .'? 3; Kingetree ^ 32 r Florence 9 25 T St- ' Oi * rn t> tt. "> r ?Deity f Daily except aunday No. 52 rnns tbrouch to "lolumhn -j?. Oer ral R. R. of S. 0 Train? N03. 78 ana 3i run vis Wilso^ ?"? "ayetteviile?Sbori Line? and make Co i nectio- for all pomie Ncrta. -sin? on G^ v> m. ar ?;ce Darsicgton 2 20 p m, Benncttsville 1 1 3 m, Gibson 9 45 p >n '?ea^e Fferenf :'::cd iy oulv 9 30 .. rn. arrive Oarl nffto '0 0i? a, m Lear" C-.oeoa aaiiy except San^ay -? 0 i r., [ienoetrsviilf 7 00 a ?arrve Dariinj ?a- ? on s i t. let*-.. Darlington 8 cO a rn ^: ire Florence 9 15 s -n. Leave Wft.iesb;.r t.ily except Sunday s 00 p m, Cberav . i. r;, Bartetvilie 7 00 a m. Or.rli-.ipton 5 2; a. arrive Florence 7 00 p c ^eevre D"' 'Ct'jr, Sunday ordy 3 PC a m, ?r^ve r*To \j bam. W J (,T".ATn G n . Pre A TMS rre?n T a^. p?x~ H. ' Enoe s n as ;:s a~t Trtffij Mar a pr Bend model, sketch or photo of invention for* 1 free report on patentability. For free book,' HowtoSecureTniinC UADIfO "write1 Patents and { Jt AUt~ ITIAj1f\0 to Opposite U. S. Patent OfTy WASHINGTON D. C.i Pure Corn Whisky 4M H I 3 s c 2 o z o ^ '-5 This is old put up in plain cases, holding Twelve bottles marks to indi This whisky suitable for poses being U-st quality, erty to have physician test satisfactory re ;.\pense and I your money, should be with order must than four qua prepaid. a n [s H liExM stock whisky, cotton wood Four. Six and to case. No rate contents, is especially medicinal pur pure and of the You are at lib your family it and if not turn it at 117 will refund No famii v out a case. >