The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 07, 1903, Image 8

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SLEER ON-A COLD SMOKE. Pnffingaa Empty Pipe Hxtid to Be an Insomnia Cere. After giving a fair and patient trial to each of many alleged cures for sleeplessness the writer stumbled across a simple* method-of inducing somno lence that has the merit of being harm less and inexpensive. To smokers the remedy involves no cost whatever, but of nonsmokers the capital outlay of the price of a pipe is required. It must be a wooden pipe and curved, not straight Having retired for the night, the suf ferer should lie perfectly fiat on his back, discarding pillow rests, and puff . steadily at an empty pipe until he feels thoroughly drowsy. The desired result usually is achieved- after from about sixty to a hundred puffs have been made. The puffing should be done slowly, with a deep inhaling movement The expelling motions 'must be made deliberately with narrowed mouth. During the entire operation the pipe should not be removed, as each displac ing and replacing movement tends to wakefulness. Those capable of great concentration of thought should, if smokers, imagine they see volumes of smoke, and those who eschew the burning weed will be helped by counting the puffs. As sleep is often successfully wooed while -yet the pipe is in the mouth, "bowls of meerschaum or clay are not , recommended, since these are liable to be broken when the coming of slumber allows the, pipe to slide from the mouth. Nervous people may be reas sured that there is no danger in falling asleep with the stem edge of. a curved ; pipe caught between one's teeth. Sleep always occasions the grip to be "re moved. That may hold also of straight pipes, but for other and obvious re? k sons these are less suitable than those ^With curved stems.?New York Mail 3ikI Express. <*t : LONDON'S LORD MAYOR. ? Bis Power as Well as the Area He Rales la Limited. The lord mayor of London is not the all powerful official he is be on the continent He is not the mayor of all London, but only of the city of ^London, and the City is but a frac tion of the whole. Greater London has, roughly, a population of 6,000,000, but in the 650 acres that comprise the City there is a resident population at night of only 38,000 and by day of little over 300,000. And even within this area the powers of the, lord mayor and of the twenty-six aldermen and the two hun dred odd common councilors are by no means autocratic. Much of what used to lie within his and their province has been taken over by the London county council. In fact the average Londoner never thinks of the lord mayor as an edict making, law giving official. He stands altogeth er apart in the popular mind from ques tions of rates and assessments, schools and police. Very few people could say what legislative functions, if any, he fulfils. They may have heard that he is the chief. magistrate of the courts, but beyond that their knowledge of ..his precise duties does not stray. It is the social and decorative side of his posi tion that impresses the public. The lord mayor is never without his badge and rarely without his robes and chains of office. Ke rides abroad in a magnif icently gilded coach, with powdered coachmen and footmen in cocked hats' and silk knee breeches, sending a gleam of gold through the dirty drab of Lon don. The lord mayor's show on Nov. 9 is one of England's few annual pageants and, uncouth as it is, has a warm place in the hearts of the populace, and, be sides all this, he has some rights and provileges of 400 years' standing. No troops may pass the City boundaries without his leave. The sovereign him self has to ask permission to enter the city walls, just as he has to ask for permission to enter the house of com mons.?Harper's Weekly. Her Trick. A cantankerous old farmer, who liardly ever agreed with anything his wife said to him, came home one wet <Iay and, placing his back to the fire, stood up to dry. After some little time his wife turned to him and said: "John, you'd better watch yoursel' or you'll burn your flannels." To which John replied: **l think Fli need to burn my tron sers first." *? '?'Indeed, John, you'll need to do naeth ing of the kind. They're burnt al ready."?London Tit-Bits. & - Improve. It is a solemn duty devolving on all to make the utmost possible cut of themselves. Men seek the highest de velopment of their Socks and herds and grain aHd flowers. The result ir, the improved flora and fauna of these days over those of prior ones. But should this evolution cease with the lower order? Should the body of cre ation improve and not the head, which is man? Saved by Fireflies. The gigantic tropical lireflies which swarm in the forests and canebrakes o? most of the low lying West Indian Elands once proved the salvation of the ?ity of Santo Domingo. A body of buc caneers, headed by the notorious Thom as Cavendish, had laid all their plans for a descent upon the place, intending to massacre the inhabitants ai3d carry away all the treasure they convenient ly could, and had actually put off their boats for that purpose. As they approached the land, how ever, rowing with muffled oars, they were greatly surprised to see an infi nite number of moving lights in the woods which fringed the bayou up which they had to proceed, and, con cluding that the Spauiards knew of their appr<?ach. they put about and re gained their ship without attempting to land. Mucilage Betrayed Him. Some time ago a registered package sent from the New York postoffice, containing a large sum of money, was received at its destination apparently intact, but on being opened was found to contain nothing but waste paper. Suspicion could not be directed to any one clerk of the many who had handled it The inspector had often noticed that the glue used at each postoffice had an odor distinguishable from that of any other. He investigated along this line and was finally rewarded when in an office near the destination of the package he discovered an iden tity of smell between the registered package and a gluepot on the counter. He caused a watch to be set upon the clerks in the office in the usual way and finally caught his man spending.a portion of his ill gotten gains. w Lighthouse Without a Light. The most extraordinary of all British lighthouses is to be found on Arnish rock. Stornoway bay?a rock which is separated from the island of Lewis by a channel over 500 feet wide. On this rock a conicai beacon is erected, and on its summit a lantera is fixed, from which, night after night, shines a light vrhich is seen by the fishermen far and wide. The way in which this light Bouse is illuminated is this: On the island of Lewis a lighthouse, and from a window in the tower a stream of light is projected on to a. mirror in the lantern on the summit of Arnish rock. The consequence is that, to" aii intents and purposes, a lighthouse ex ists which has neither lantern nor lighthouse keeper. One cf Mrs. Stanton's Retorts. Once a fashionable woman of New port expressed to Elizabeth Cady Stan ton a fear that it was not entirely mod est for a woman to speak in public. The dignified president of the suffrag ists looked at her with mild surprise. "Why." she said, "there are not so many people at our convention as there were at the ball last night-and surely it is more modest to make a sensible' speech in quiet costume than to ex hibit one's bare arms and shoulders at a public dance in the embrace of a strange gentleman." f THE BANK OF SUMTER, SUMTER, S. C. City and County Depository. Capital stock paid in, $75,000 00 Undivided surplus, 16,000 00 Individual liability of stockhold ers in excess of their stock, 75,000 00 Transacts a general banking business; also has a Saving Bank Department. De posits of $1 and upward received. Inter est allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. W. F. B. HAYNSWORTH, President. Marion Moise, W. F. Rhamje, Vice-President. Cashier. Jan. 31. TURNIP SEED, Onion Sets-leading varieties. Aslo assortment of Garden Seeds. Havana Segars Large line of fine Havana Segars. Toilet Articles. A choice line of Toilet and Fancy Goods to which atten tion is invited at DeLorme's Drug Store. Parties desiring a good Stalk Cutter, will find "THE DIXIE" at Curtis' Shop, corner Main and Dingle Streets. I have improved the machine and guarantee them to give entire satisfaction. Thanking my farmer friends for pa?t fa vors, I am as ever, J. R. Weatherly, Patentee and Owner. Nov 12~3m Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestents and digests all kinds of food. Itgi ves instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics hare been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. it can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt Sc Co., Chicago The $1. bottle contains 2% times the 5Cc. sizo J S HUG-HSON & CO ch ich ester's english Original und Only Genuine. kSAFE. Alwa-y? reliable. Ladies. a*k DnirrM 1 for CKICHESTEK'S ENGLISH ia HZD aad Gold metallic boxes, ?ealK* with blue ribbon. Tuto no oilier. Kcfirnc I WaiurcroB? Knbttltot'on* ond IraUrv CiocH. Buy of your DruejfUt. cr ?end 4c. ia ??SNi S-T Particular*, Tc*t!raoniaI? ?SO "??lief for Ladle*," in It'.ter, br rc tnra Mail. 1 ft.OwO TMttlmoaisl?. S??\l br iIKirojfli.i. Chlehc?tcr Cfeealcal Co., Lcu?on ibis p?i*r. ?ladUou ??aaru, i'III LA.. P&L OD Ii? A Good Grain Drill ? A Firs-class Hay Press ? A Mower or Rake ? A Good Horse or Mule, A nice Buggy, Carriage, Wagon, Harness, or any Farming Implements. you do call on or write to me for prices. I can supply your needs, and the prices will please you. W. B. BOYLE 3 Oct 22 SUMTER, S C. Received to-day a car* load of Kentucky Horses, selected in Lexington by W? M* C*raham. Among them can be found horses of all kinds, - Including pairs, single, driving and saddles. Also a carload of well broke mules* Fuil line of vehicles of ail kinds. A Large quantity of Native Rust Proof Seed Oats. Sumter, S. C., Sept. 10,1902. M?GGNj GS. SUMTiRs S, 0, ROOKY MOUNT, N. C, Artope & Wliitt Co., Gr. E. RICHARDSON, - - Manager. Marble and Granite Monuments, Head stones and fron Fencing. Large Stock Finished Work on Yard. You will find our prices much lower than you have been paying. Investigate, call or write for designs and prices. Special discount for the next thirty days. Office and works 33 E. Liberty Street, Sum ter, S. C. Aug 11? PURITY. MADE AT OUR KENTUCKY DISTiLLERY FOR 43 YEARS. and praised by thousands of consumers as the best v.'hiskcy in the world for the least money. r?YH Gft SOU 3 SO S3 . . .SJ.S3 . . . 2.49 .-c " .2.SS 14 -.3.S8 4 full quart:.* 7 vc-ar old . 4 1 v We Save You ONE DOLLAR on each gclJftn, and prove that WE ARE THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND. INCORPORATED. 242 to 250 Seventh St., LOUISVILLE, KY. Referzn-Ces : German Insurance Bank, Bradstreet, or any Express Co JOB PRINTING First class work and good material. I do good work as cheap as possible, but do not make a spe cialty of cheap work. N". G-. OSTEEK. Land Surveying. I will give prompt attention to all calls for surveying, platting, terracing hill sides, draining bottoms, &c. BANKS E. BOYKIN, D. S., Oct 19?0 Catchail, S. C. atlantic CGASTWr. r. co. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 25 '02. j No 55 | No 35 j No 51 Leave Wilmington Leave Marion Arrive Florence Leave Florence Arrive Sumter Leave 5 unit er Arrive Columbia pm *3 45 655 7 50 pm *8 :o 9 30 pm I'30 10 55 am *6 00 845 925 am *3 45 4 48 No 52 am *9 50 1110 No. 52 runs Through from Charleston via Central R. R.. leaving Charleston 6 40 a. m., Lanes 8 15 a. m.. .Manning 8 57 a. m._ TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 54 I No 53 I No 50 Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington am *6 55 S20 am 8 20 9 25 am 1010 1053 1*0 pm *4 55 615 No 32 pm *6 35 750 pm 8 30 .9 09 11 45 *Daiiy. "Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C. via Central R. R., arriving Manning 6 53 p. m., Lanes 7 35 p. m., Charleston 9 20 p. m. Trains on Conway Branch leave Chadbonm 12 01 p. m., arrive Con way 2 20 p. m., returning leave Conway 2 55 p. m., arrive Chadbourn 5 20 p. m. leave Chadbourn 5 35 p. m., arrive Elrod 8 20 p. m., returning leave Elrod S 40 a. m.. arrive Chadbourn 1125 a. m. Daily ex cept Sunday. W. J. CRAIG, Gen'i Pass. Agent T M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. H. M. Emerson, Assistant Traffic Manager. Northwestern Railroad. TIME TABLE NO. 2. In effect Sunday, May 25, 1902, at 6 a m Between Wilson'sM 11 and Sumter. No 73 p m 3 00 *Le 3 03 317 330 405 415 4 40 500 5 45 600 6 45 STATIONS No 72 * Ar Sumter Ar Summerton Junction Tindal Packsville Silver Millard Summerton Davis Jordan Wilson's Mill Le p m p m 12 01 1157 1125 1 [ 00 10 35 1015 9 52 9 47 934 9 22 905 a m Between Millard and St Paul. 73 75 pm am 4 15 9 52 Le 4 20 10 02 $ Ar STATIONS Millard St Paul is 74 am pm Ar 1015 4 40 Le 10 05 4 30 Between Sumter and Camden. Southbound Trains. 69 pm 636 6 3S 6 58 716 736 7 4tf 805 3 15 71 am 10 20 10 02 1022 1032 10 42 10 47 1115 1125 STATIONS Northbound Trains. 70 68 the Ar ?Ar Sumter N W Junction Dalzell Borden Remberts Ellerbee Sou Ry. Jnction Camden (S C & G Ex Depot) THOS. WILSON. President. Le 7 am 9 00 8 58 8 25 800 7 40 7 30 710 00 pm 5 45 543 5 12 45S 443 4 38 4 25 4 15 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade: Marks Des-gns Copyrights &c. Anvone sending a sketch and description mny quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is prohablv patentabie. Communica tions strictly contldential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest acency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muna & Co. receive special notice, wiihout charge, in the aen A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, So.'dbyall newsdealer?. JNNgCG.36iBroa<iM^8wyori: Branch Offlee. CS F SU Washington, D. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Sorth-Eastern R. R. of S CONDENSED SCHEDULE TRAINS GOING SO?TB Dated Jao 14, 1901 No. 35? No. 23* No 53* No 51? Le Floreoce Le Kingstree ir Laces Le Lanes 2 34 3 33 3 38 p m 7 45 8 4S 9 04 9 30 ? 45 Ar Charleston 5 04 10 55 8 3") a c 9 4( Ii 2C 11 2( 1 0t TRAINS GOING NORTH No. 73* No 32? r<c 52* Le Charleston Ar Lanes Le Lanes Le Kicgstrse Ar Florence a m 6 33 8 IS 8 16 3 32 9 25 a m p m 4 49 6 15 6 15 .7 25 p S3 a m 7 00 0 32 & v. p tx i 0( 5 3< 5 3f 7 Of P t ?Daily. jDaily except Sunday. No. 52 rans through to Ooluiuhij via Get :ral R. R. of S. 0. ? Trains Ncs. 78 and 35 run via Wiieon anc ?ayetteville?Short Lies?ac-d make cloS' jonceetioc for all points North. T-Qins on C. 4 D. R. R. leave Florence isiiv eiee^t Sunday 9 50 a a, srrve Darling ton ;0 15 a m, Ksrtsr?l? 9 15 a n, Cheras 11 30 a m, Wadesboro 2 25 ? m. Leave Florence daily except Sunday 7 55 p zn, ar rive DarlingfoD S 20 p m, EenneU3ville 9 1* p EJ, GibaoD 9 45 p d Lea^e Ficrc-2c< 3onday only 9 30 ?. m. arrive Darlingtor 10 05 6 El Leave Gibson daily except Sunday S CC ? m, Benocttsv?lc 1 CO 3 rn, arrive Darling ton 3 OG a B. Iea7^- Darlington B 50 a ffi, ar rive Florence 9 15 & si. Lesre Wadesbcrt iaily except Snnday 3 00 p m, Cheraw 4 4! p m, E-artsville 7 00 a m. Darii&gtoo ? 2i p m, arrive F'orr?ce 7 00 ? Leave D** llagron ?UC2 9 I coly 3 50 a W.J C?-*iS G a t. ?t?s A E .ts in T j ' ? r. " ? Eaie eoa As In a t Tr&fS; \fasa e ) We promptly obtain ?. S. and Foreign r Send model, sketch or photo of invention for' ' free report on patentability. For free book,' ""TRADE-MARKS write Patents and to A5N0WI. Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON Pare Corn Whisky This is old put up in plain cases, holding Twelve bottles marks to indi- t This whisky suitable for poses being best quality, erty to have physician test satisfactory re expense and I your money, should be with order must than four qua prepaid. c ? stock whisky, cotton wood Four. Six and to case. Xo cate contents, is especially medicinal pur ?ureand ofthe rou are at lib v o u r family It and if not turn it at n'7 will refund No family out a case. ?\o call for less rts by express ?If interested in whiskies write for full price list. In ordering remember whisky cannot be shipped C. O. D., and all orders must be accompanied by cash. Address all communications to E. A. LACKEY, aug 13?6m Hamlet, N. 0. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SUMTER, STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DE POSITORY, SUMTER, S. C. Paid op Capital.$ 75,000 GO Sarpios and Profits - - - - 25,000 00 Additional Liability of Stock holders in excess of their stock. 75,000 GO Total protection to depositors, ?175.000 00 Transacts a General Banking Business Special atteation tiven to collections. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1 acd upwards received Is terest allowed at the rate ot 4 per cent per annum, on amounts above $5 and not exceed ing $300, payable quarterly, on first days of January. April, July and October. R Si. WALLACE, F. L. Edmunds, President. Cashier GUN AND LOCKSMITH. I take pleasure in giving no tice to my friends and the pub lic generally, that, having re gained my health, I have re opened my shop, and am ready to do any work in the line of Guns, Locks, Sewing Machines, &c. Prices reasona ble, work done prompt'y and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop removed to No. 22 West Liberty street, two doors from Osteen's Bcok Store. R S: BRADWELL. Tie Largest an? lit Complete S?EteeM SNA Geo. S. Haek-er & Son. -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS; SASH, SUNOS, Moulding & Building ^ Material. &Sice acd Warerooma, King, ?.pposi;e Cas non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C, jS?' Pnrcfias? our make, which wegaarsc:* superior to any sold South, and thereby ?ave money Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty October 36 o kept by a practical painter of 30 years' experience, where can be got Lead and Oil mixed any color, also Ready Mixed Paints and Pain'.s for different use, such as Floor, Roof, Iron, Tar nishes Bronze, Sandpaper, Put ty, Gold Leaf Dry Colors, Calso mine, etc. I want some work painting and upholstering. I will paint your house, Kalso mine or paper the walls cheap, for while at work I am very apt to find a Sofa. Rocker, or Sideboard that needs scraping and varnishing, also upholstered. I have some pretty colors in Morocoline, Hair Cloth, Mohair Plush, or I may find a Car riage or Buggy that I will paint for ten dollars and give you a set of harness free, or paint the buggy for five dollars and no gift. Buggy tops ?9.00, fitted ? on Whee'S; steel tires, painted and put on ready for road, ?10.00 per sett. Shafts, paint ed and trimmed, ?2.00. Agent for Council's Self-lu bricating Axles. Office in Curtis House, No. 3^6 South Main street. H. B. CURTIS. i 'Phone 1*7.3. I paint sign?