An Old Legend Tlint Teil? of the Origin of the Art. Laeemaking is by go means so old an industry as most persons suppose. There is no proof, that it existed previ ous to the fifteenth century, and the oldest known painting in whicB it ap . pears is a portrait of a lady in the academy at Venice painted by Cas paecio, who died about 1523. The leg end concerning the origin of the art is as follows: A young fisherman of the Adriatic was betrothed to a young and beauti ful girl of one of the isles of the la . goon/ Industrious as she was beauti ful, the girl made a hew net for her lover, wbXi tcok it with him on board his boat. The first time he cast it into the sea he dragged therefrom an exqui site petrified wrack grass, which he hastened to present to his fiancee. But, war breaking out,v the fisherman was pressed into the service of the Venetian navy. The poor girl wept at the depar ture of her lover and contemplated his last gift to her. But while absorbed In following the'intricate, tracery of the wrack grass she began to twist and plait the threads weighted with small beads which hung around her net Lit tle by little she wrought an imitation of the petrification, and thus was cre ated the bobbin lace. We Owe the Hat to Asia. We owe the hat to Asia, for it was in that country that, the art of felting wool was first known, and from the most remote periods the art was car ried on by the orientals. In India, China, Burma and Siam hats are made of straw, of rattan, of bamboo, of pith, of the leaf of the Tallport palm and of a large variety of grasses. The Japanese made their hats of pa per. The modern iiat can be traced back to the petasurs worn by the an cient Romans when on a journey, and hats with brims were also used by the earlier Greeks It was not until after the Roman conquest that the use of hats began in England. A ""hatte of biever," about the middle of the twelfth century, was worn by one of the nobles of the land. Fraissort. describes hats and plumes which wer?? worn at Edward's court ill 1340, when the Garter order was in stituted. The merchant in Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" had "on his head a Flaunderish beaver hat," and from that period onward there* is frequent mention of "felt hartes." Orijrin of' "Hoosier." An Indiana man who was taunted about the name of his '"Hoosier," gave this explanation "When the young men on th --diana side of the Ohio river w IxHHSville, the Kentucky" men -over them, calling them mew green!es,' and claiming them* be a superior race, half horse, . gator and tipped off wit turtle. These taunts pr I^raisville. On one occasion a stout bully from Indiana was victor in a fist fight, and, having heard Colonel liehmanowsky lecture on "The Wars of Europe/ who always gave martial prowess to the German hussars in a fight with the Russian Cossacks, pro nouncing hussars *hoosiers,' the In dianian, when the Kentuckian cried *Enoughf jumped/up and said: "I am a hoosier.' Anil hence the Indianians were called by that name. This was its true origin. I was in the state when it occurred."?Chicago Chronicle. The Therasoraeter In Sickness. Currie of Edinburgh employed a ther mometer in the treatment of typhoid ?fever patients with the cold douche as pearly as 1797. He was ridiculed by his ^tman contemporaries as an instance Medical decay in English medicine, first clinical application of the enno meter was made by Santorius of _ ,adua. He invented a thermometer open at. t^he end. After being held by ' the patient jit was plunged into cold water. Bo&rhave taught the impor tance' of trie thermometer. De Haen (170-5-177GV must be given the honor of jntrod/ucing the thermometer into ^-^snrrent jase at the bedside. It was not unti/1 1S50 to 1S70 that it came into gener?.V use. ,% -;-; BnSTO and His Critic. ' Victor Hugo once made a queer mis take in "Travailleurs de la'Mer" when he mentioned the Firth of Forth as the "Premier de Quarre." He had con fused the word "firth" with "first." The English translator of the book was at the pains to point this out to the great man in a letter, but Victor Hugo was indignant at the impertinence and ab solutely declined to have the mistake corrected. Rain Hats In Korea. Korea is a country of strange head dresses, but perhaps the most curious headgear of all is the immense rain hat worn by the farmers' wives while working in the fields during the rainy season. These extraordinary coverings are often as much as seven feet long and five feet broad and protect the body as effectively as any umbrella could do. Rice Staffing. Rice stuffing for roast chicken or tur key is considered preferable to the usu al breadcrumbs. To prepare it brown one chopped onion in a tablespoonful of butter and mix with it four cupfuls of cold boiled rice and one cupful of breadcrumbs that have beer, moistened in one cupful of milk. Season with sage, parsley or other sweet herbs, as desired. Add half a pound of sausage meat or finely chopped salt pork and salt and pepper to taste. Probably True. Wabash?I wonder what makes old Gotrox dress so shabbily? Monroe?His pride, my boy. Tabash?Why. how's that? Monroe?iaa's afi'ald his custoni^-i will mistake him for one of his clerks.? C&ieasro Kevr.i. In the Conservatory. He?There is something, darling, f want to tell yoa. ) She?Oh, then, let us get away fro?ni the rubber plant Come, tell me un/der the rose?Baltimore American. j Harmless. 1 "Confound these literary cliAs/l say.' My wife's crazy over Brownings-" "So's mine, but I'm not raijsing any objections. Browning's dead/'?Wash ington Times. There by Rlgh One of them xvent ovei and whis pered to the stranger wlwfbad come in and taken a seat: "I beg your pardon, gathering of working protect against"? "I am a traveling said the stranger. And they made h the meeting.?Chic ut this is n omen, met to jacher's wife," the president of Tribune. THE BANK f SUMTERj City and County Depository. Capital stock paid**, $75,000 00 Undivided snrplns^?- 16,000 00 Individual liability of stockhold ers in excess of their stock, 75.000 00 Transacts a general banking business; also has a Saving Bank Department. De oosits of $1 and upward received. Inter est allowed ai th<* rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. W. F. B. U AYNSWORTE, President. Mabion Moisej W. F. Rhame, Yice-Pres^?ent. Cashier. Jan. 31. TURNIP SEED, Onipn Sets-leading varieties. Aslo 4ssortmeiit of Garden Seeds. Bavaoa Segars. L^rge line of fine Havana Toilet Articles. A choice line of Toilet and N.ncy Goods to which atten m is invited at DeLorme's Drag Store. Parties desiring a good Stalk Cutter, will find "THE DIXIE" at Curtis' Shop, corner Main and Dingle Streets. I have improved the machine and guarantee them to give entire satisfaction. Thanking my farmer friends for past fa vors, I am as ever, J. it. Weatherly, Patentee and Owner. Nov 12?3m Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestents'and"digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. If can't help but do yogs good Prepared only by E.G. DeWitt & Co., Chicagf The $1. bottle contains 2% times the 50c. size J S HUGH SON & CO Pure Corn Whisky Tliis is old put up in plain cases, holding Twelve bottles marks to indi- p. This whisky ffft.LA?Kilf? suitable for Sbfe^Sr^ poses being best -quality, erty to have physician test satisfactory re expense and I your money, should be with order must than four qua prepaid. stock whisky, cotton wood Four. six and to case. No (site contents, is especially medicinal pur pu re and of the You are at 111 >? your family it and if not turn it at my will refund No family out a case. No call for less rts by express If interested in whiskies write for full price list. In ordering remember whisky cannot, be shipped C. O. D.. and all orders must he accompanied by cash. Address all communications to E. A. LACKEY, 1 aug 13? 6m Hamlet, N. O. Pennyroyal pills ?*~fo.r. Partial"". Teatimoniala and "Relief for Ladlea," in Utttr, by re , A? , t*TU .Mall. J 0.000 Teitlmoaiali. Sold by Jj? ~4Kl2?-... ?^?[f ???ter Caenloal Co., Veatioo wt?r?? ?r. JbTadlaoa Soaare, rill LA.. FA. A Good Grain Drill ? A Firs-class Hay Press ? A Mower or Rake ? A Good Horse or Muie9 * A Dice Buggy, Carriage, Wagon, Harness, or any Farming Implements, If you do call on or write to me for prices. I can supply your needs, and the prices will please you. W. B. BOYLE, Oet 22 SUMTER, S O. a bo eceived to-day load of Kentucky Hor?e?? ?eleeted in Lexington by W. M? Graham. Among them can be found horses of all kinds, Including pairs, single, driving and saddles. Also a carload of well broke mules* Full line of vehicles of all kinds. A Large quantity of Native Rust Proof Seed Oats. Sumter, S. C., Sept. 10,1902. M?C0N, 6A. SUMttR, S. C. ROCKY MOUNT, N, 6, Artope & Whitt Co*, Gr. E. RICHARDSON, - - Manager. Marble and Granite Monuments, Head stones and Iron Fencing, Large Stock Finished Work on Yard. You will find our prices much lower than you have been paying. Investigate, call or write for designs and prices. Special discount for the next thirty days. Office and works 33 E. Liberty Street, Sum ter, S. 0. Aug 11? MADE AT CUR KENTUCKY DISTILLERY FOR 43 YEARS, and praised by thousands of consumers as the best whiskey in the -world for the least money. PVg OR BO'JgSOfi ... .SI-98 4 full quarts. 7 year old 10 12 14 2.49 2.98 3.98 Wo Save You ONE DOLLAR on each gallon, and prove that WE ARE THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND. CONSUMERS DISTILLING COMPANY. INCORPORATED. 242 io 250 Seventh St., LOUISVILLE, KY. References : German Insurance Bank, Bradstreet, or any Express Co. J OB PRINTING P'irst class work and good material. I do good work as cheap as possible, but do not make a spe cialty of cheap work. 1ST. Q-. OSTEEjST. Land Surveying. I will give prompt attention to all calls for surveying, platting, terracing hill sides, draining bottoms, &c. BANKS H. BOYKIN, D. S-, Oct IS?o Catchail, S. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE R. R. CO. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 25 '02. j No 55 j No 3i'> j No 51 r TTT-, . Pm am Leave Wilmington *3 45 to00 Leave Marion 655 8 45 Arrive Florence 7 50 9 25 pm am Leave Florence *815 *3 45 Arrive Sumter 9 30 4 48 No 52 pm am Leave. Sur iter ? 30 *9 50 Arrive Columbia_1055 1110 No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R., leaving Charleston 6 40 a. m., Lanes S 15 a. m.. Manning 8 57 a. m. _TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 54 j No 53 ! No 50 ? am pm pm ljeave Columbia *6 55 *4 55 Arrive Sumter 8 20 615 No 32 am pm Leave Sumter 8 20 *6 35 Arrive Florence 9 35 7 50 t7 55 am Leave Florence 1010 .8 30 Leave Marion 10 53 .9 09 Arrive Wilmington 1 40_11 45 *Daily. +Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S. C v.? Central R. R., arriving Manning 6 53 p. m., Lanes 7 35 p. m., Charleston 9 20 p. m. Trains on Con-way Branch leave Chadbonrn 12 01 p. m., arrive Conway 2 20 p. m., returning leave Conway 2 55 p. m., arrive Chadbourn 5 20 p. m. leave Chadbourn 5 35 p. m., arrive Elrod 8 20 p. m., returning leave El rod 8 40 a. m., arrive Chadbourn 1125 a. m. Daily ex cept Sund a v. W. J. CR A IG, Gen'l Pass. Agent. T M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. H. M. Emerson, Assistant Traffic Manager. Northwestern Railroad. TIME TABLE NO. 2. In effect Sunday, May 25, 1902, at 6 a m Between Wilson'sM 11 and Sumter. No~73 STATIONS N0T2 p m pm 3 00 *Le Sumter . Ar 12 01 3 03 Summerton Junction 1157 317 Tindal 1125 3 30 ? Packs ville HOG i 05 Silver 10 35 i15 Mil I awl 1015 4 40 Millard 9_2 5 00 S ummerton 9 47 5 45 Davis 9 34 6 00 . Jordan . 9 22 6 45 *Ar Wilson's Mill Le 9 05 P m_ a m Between Millard and St Paul. 73 75 STATIONS 72 74 pm am am pm 4 15 9 52 Lo Millard Ar 1015 4 40 i 20 10 02 ?Ar St Paul Le 10 05 4 30 Between Sumter and Camden. Southbound Trains._Northbound Trains. 69 71 STATIONS 70 68 pm am am pm ?36 10 20 *Le Sumter Ar 9 00 5 45 6 38 10 02 NW Junction 8 58 5 43 6 5S 1022 Dalzell 8 25 512 716 3032 Borden 800 4 58 7 36 1042 Remberts 7 40 4 43 7 46 10 47 Ellerbee 7 30 4 38 8 05 1115 Sou Ry. Jnction 710 4 25 815 1125 ?Ar Camden Le 7 00 4 15 (SC&GEx Depot) THOS. WILSON. President. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opiniog free whether an invention is probably patenlable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest atrencv for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive spectolnotice, without charge, in the Scientific American* A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lnreest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNH & Go.3S,Broadwa^ New YorR Branch Office. CTS F St^ Washington, D. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE {forth-Eastern R. R. of ! CONDENSED 8CBEDULS TRAINS GOING SOUTB Dated j?o 14, 1901 No. 35? No. 23? Ao 53? la Florence ue Kingatree _r Laces Le Lanes Ar Charleston a m 2 34 2 35 3 38 5 04 p m a 46 9 04 9 30 10 65 4. p ?1 5 45 8 30 TRAINS GOING NORTH ho 78? Ho ;,e Charleston ir Lanes je Lahes ,c Kingstree Vr Florence a m 8 33 3 16 3 16 5 32 9 25 a ni p :b 4 48 6 15 ? Iff T 2i a w 7 CO 3 93 '? 4 0( 5 3: 5 3f 7 or 0 r. ?Dai'iy. fDaily cicept Sunday No. 62 runs thrcngh to Qolsmbia Ct. ral R. B. of S. C. Trains Ncs. 7S azd 32 ren vif. W ilson an? 'ayetteville?3hort Line?and nase e*03 onnection for all points Nortfc. Trains on C. k D. It. R. leave Floren? le'w exc?^t Scnday 9 50 ^ o, arpve Cwrling ton 0 15 am, Hsrtsvills D 15 a 3. Operas 11 30 a in, Wadesboro 2 25 v leav. Florence daily except Sunday 7 55 p nr., ar :ive Darliogton 8 20 p 3, Beanettsville S 1' am, Gibeon 9 43 p 1: Lea?? Plorsno Sooday only ? 30 * sa. arrive DavlingtC! 10 C5 a m Leave Gibeon daiiy rzcept Son^&y 6 Of * m, Ben::ett8viilf 7 00 a m, arrive Dar??F :oe 8 00 a m, loaw Dariington 3 60 a in, r.r rive Florence 9 15 ft m. Lsave Wadesfcor? laily ezcept Snn3ay 3 00 pe, Cherav 4 4! p rn, Barsaville 7 00 a in, Darlirgtoc 6 -:3? A* T M. E rrsDO. T a u ?' T>.p? H. M Eme son Assis ?"tTrjjffi >'.-u"w er. We promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign PATENTS Send model, sketch or photo of invention for< free report on patentability. For free book,' How to Secure Patents and TRADE-MARKS *?te G?-5N0WI. Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.O. THE SUITER SAVINGS BANK, STJMTEK, S. C. ESTABLISHED SEPT. 26,1901, CAPITAL STOCK - $25,000. Does a Savings Bank business. De posits received from 25 cents uppwards. Interest computed quarterly on the first days of January, April. Juiy and October, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Deposits may be made by mail or ex press and a bank book will be promptly returned. Call in and see the Home Savings Bank. This is something new and will interest you. We lend it to you free of charge, the only condition being that you have a de posit of $1.00 with us. Try one of these Banks and the amount you can save will surprise you. HORACE HARBY. President, I. C. STRAUSS, Vice President. G. L. BICKER. Cashier. ? DIRECTORS: Horace Harby, I. C. Strauss, Marion Moise, J. M. Knight, D. J. Chandler, G. A. Lemon, H. M. Stuckey. fy!2o FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SUMTER, STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DE POSITORY, S?MTER, S. C. Paid op Capital.$ 75, OOP 00 Sarpius and Profits .... 25,000 00 Additional Liability of Stock holders in excess of their stock. 75,000 00 Total protection to depositors, $175.000 0C Transacts a General Banking Business. Special atteation given to collections. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1 aod upwards received. In terest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, on amounts above $5 aod no; exceed- . iog $300, payable quarterly, on first days of January. April, July aDd October. " R M. WALLACE, R. L. Edmsnds, President. Cashier GUN AND LOCKSMITH" I take pleasure in giving no-, tice to my friends and the pub lic generally, that, having re gained my health, I have re opened my shop, and am ready to do any work in the line of Guns, Locks, Sewing Machines, &c Prices reasona ble, work done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop removed to No. 22 West Liberty street, two doors from Osteen's Book Store. R 8. BRAD WELL. Tie Larpsi anil Most Complete MWobsA South GeOo S. Hacker & Son -MANUFACTURERS O?- i. DOORS) SASH, BUNDS,, Moulding & Buildin Material. office and Warerooms, King, vpposite Ct non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Purchase our make, wbich we guara superior to any sold South, and thereby nave money. Window and Fancy Grlass a Specia October 16 -o I PAINT SHO kept by a practical painter 30 years' experience, where f be got Lead and Oil mixed a color, also Ready Mixed Pair and Paints for different i; such as Floor, Roof, Iron, Y> nishes Bronze, Sandpaper, P ty, Gold Leaf, Dry Colors, Ga mine, etc. I want some w< painting and upholstering, will paint your house, Kak mine or paper the walls che for while at work I am apt to find a Sofa. Rocker> Sideboard that needs scraf and varnishing, alsoupholste I have some pretty colon Morocoline, Hair Cloth, Mo_ Plush, or I may find a * riage or Buggy that I will g for ten dollars and give y set of harness free, or pain; buggy for five dollars a? gift. " Buggy tops ?9.00,r on Wheels, steel tires, p^ and put on ready for, ?10.00 per sett. Shafts,, ed and trimmed, $2.00. Agent for Council's ! bricating Axles. Office in Curtis Hous 326 South Main street. / ' / H.B. CURTI0 Tfione 196. I pair