WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1902. -? The Swnter Wozcnmar was toandec is ISod sad the TVt?e ?bw*ron ic 1866. The ?Fctfc???&a?s arci .Sot?Aro* now has ths ?onib:ceu circulation ani in?uence of both cf the old papers, and is mani -7 the bent advertising raedinm in S ana ter. WEEKLY CROP BULLETSM. Columbia, July 29. ?The temperature averaged about 3 degrees below nor mal during the week ending Monday, July 28th, with a mean of about 7S degrees. The maximum was 98 degrees at Con way on the 22d, the minimum 60 degrees at Greenville on the 22d and 26th, and at Batesburg on the 23d. The sunshine was below normal, with much threatening weather, but with little rain. The winds were generally light, and during the great er portion of the week were easterly. There were frequent local showers, copious in the southeastern counties and in a few localities elsewhere, but . generally light Some rain fell in every county, but by far the greater portion of the State had an insuffi cient amount, and in most places the prevailing drought became intensified, while at a few points it waq relieved. The greatest amount was 2,53 inches at Yemassee, but the State average was less than half of the normal amount, with a number of points that had no rain. The general crop situation is diffi cult to define accurately, because it fis so variablei being exceedingly pro '( rrising where the rains were heavy and very poor in the dry sections, with in nate gradations where the rains >re partial. The majority of the re nts indicato a general detarioration the week, in the staple as well minor crops. ly corn is being stripped of fod ir, and is no longer subject to wear h conditions, but later planiangs can ? materiaUy improved or injured, ottom land corn is very fine, while id corn is suffering for rain. In upland com is *4 firing. ' ' There is a widespread and general ?plaint that cotton is losing color, yd shedding leaves and squares as as young bolls, although the lat ter'is not so-common, with exceptions where the plants continue to grow and are heavily fruited. About all cotton has been laidby, except that some fields are receiving their last plowing. JBolI worms have appeared in Ander son. Premature opening is reported . iicm Colleion and Newberry counties. In general, the crop has deteriorated