_ _ -?-. -^ ? ? -. ? TMRGl?fiHO?T SOUTH S?BOLiHi Current Events in the Palmetto State Laconically Recorded. ?Columbia has another ice factory in; operation. jS ?Barnard B. Evans is farming very sue<^fully in Edgefield County. ?Work is progressing rapidly on the new dam at Portman Shoals, Ander son County. ?Many farmers throughout the State are experimenting with velvet beans this year. ?Nearly all the farmers in the Anderson section have conquered 4 General Green. ' ' ?The Dillon hosiery mills recently : filled an order from a neighboring town for 3,600 pairs of socks. ?Elko boasts of a farmer who in 30 years has never had occasion to buy corn. He produces all the consumes. ?Crops generally are in flue condi tion and the prospects are all favorable for an abundant harvest all over the .State. ?The annual reunion of the surviv ors of the famous regiment of Orr's Birles will be held at Due ' West on August 12, 13 and 14. ?A scholarship of the Philadelphia Art School"has been awarded to Miss Anna Heyward Taylor, of Columbia, through the' College for Women. ?The-defunct lodge of Odd Fellows in Florence is in -process of reorgani zation, new life being infused into the ?odge. ?J. Dudley Haseiden, of dispensary and breastplate fame, announces bim se! r as a candidate for the legislature from Marion County. ?The proceedings of the Senate were closed last Saturday with eulogies | on the late Representative Stokes. Speeches were made by Senators Till man and McLaurin. ?The farmers of Marion Count; are already curing tobacco. One farm er cured a bam in less than 60 days after transplanting. Tobacco is un questionably a quick money crop. ?The other night thieves broke into " e postoffice at Pacolet and blew the safe. They secured four dol rs in stamps and some registered _ for their trouble. Winnsboro is considering the advis ability o? issuing bonds to the amount of $10,000 for installing an electric Bpght plant. An election on this cues ti?n will be held July 8. ?Chester is going to build another ischool house, the present one, built in 1S92 at a cost of $12,000, being in sufficient for the accomodation of the children. ?E. Brooks Sligh, who was former * ly prominent in South Carolina Re publican politics, has been appointed; to a position as a law clerk in the: Treasury-Department, Washington. ?The new Mehodist Church at ' Hodges will be dedicated on the fourth Sunday in June. The* dedicatory ser- ! mon will he preached by Bishop W. W. Duncan. ?In the present State campaign there is for once no declared opposition to the dispensary, all the candidates for governor and other offices endors ; ing the system. ?The storm of Monday night, the 16th instant, near Bennettsville, blew down the smokehouse, a bam and jjfjthe kitchen end of the dwelling house of Mrs. H. King Odom. ?Sam Blackwell shot and danger pausly wounded Howard Pinckney at > >ihe funeral of Manuel Pinckney, a . brother of the wounded man, at Mc * Cormick. The row occurred over a gambling debt Blackwell escaped. - ?The' Johnston Cotton Seed Oil ' Company has been incorporated, with a capital sf;ock of $50,000, most of which has alrtady been subscribed. The building is now being built and f the mill will be ready for fall work. 2 ?Th e ?i ken Democratic executive ; V- committee is trying to undo one of the provisions of the present Democratic j platform?the exclusion of the dispen- ? ser and-the county board of control; rom those to be voted for at the pri- ? s mary. This, will be done by provid- j ing a special box for the purpose. ?The faculty of Wofford College has ! -organized ,under their new president, i -, . . Snyde.r. They will generally! remain on the campus this summer, j . except when at summer schools or visiting friends in the interest of the \ ^college. Mr. J. A. McColloeb, of Greenville, was elected trustee, in > . place of Major D. R. Duncan. ?The irrepressible G. Walt Whit man,, of Uni on, comes forward at the" last moment with the following an nouncement : ' * I have filed my pledge with the executive committtee as can ' didate for governor, with the state ment that if elected ^will give $1,000 to the esecutive committe expenses. \ This is the best I can do. " '?Violet Collins, an aged and re spected colored woman of Camden, was ^ aceidtntly burned to death at her home on the 9th in st. After having; been jriven her breakfast that morn ing, she was ledit alone awhile'. When her husband and daughter returned they found her dead and her clothes I burned off of her. ?At Scran ton, the other day, Mrs. I Jake Casselman was partially paralyzed by lightning. The bolt struck a post in the yard from which a clothes wire ras to the column post Vof tbe piazza. The lightning was con -- ducted by this wire to the house. The shock felled Mrs. Casselman to the ^oor and set fire to a broom which stood in the comer of the house. ?The commencement exercises of the Citadel, Charleston, will be in augurated Sunday, June 29, when the baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. John G. Beck with, graduate >oi* the Citadel, class of '92. The com mencement exercises take place the following day, at which Rev. Dr. -James A. B. Scherer will deliver the annual address to the seniors. ?The inimitable Editor Bacon, of the Edgefield Advertiser, thus acknowledges the receipt of the invi tation to the Winthrop College com- j mencement : "The invitation is in book shape and very elegantly printed. Its cover, however, is utterly a new de parture. This cover is of soft, thick, pliable, smoky-looking, mouse color ed leather, emitting a leathery smell. It is not pretty, but we supiese it is stylish. At all events? as regards commencement invitations?if yon would be "in it" in the future, you must be smoky-looking, mous? color ed, and emit a .strong leathery odor." ?Gen. M. C. Butler has recently made speeches in Augusta, at the Charleston Exposition, at Raleigh, N. C, and elsewhere in advocacy of a public awakening on the good roads subject. ?The couple of companies of candi dates now making the grand rounds of the State will put some money in cir culation. It is calculated that the most economical will have to spend at least $450. ?Prof. John Gadsden, a distin guished teacher of Charleston, is dead, as the result of a stroke of paralysis, aged 69 years. One brother, two sisters, four daughters and two sons survive him. ?After an absence of 30 odd years I an old man, Allison Black, has return ed to his home in YorkviNe neighbor hood and has been received by his wife and child, the later now grown to manhood's estate. ?Mr. Whit Watson, of Batesburg, has a lot of silk worms at work in the room in the rear of the bank of which he is cashier. It is an interesting sight to see these worms devouring ! Mulberry leaves by the thousands. ?Next week is court week in Marion, and there is not a prisoner at present in the county jail. On Friday morning of last week two negroes, the only prisoners in the institution, broke out and made their escape. ?Jack King, colored, who killed Tom Odom, also colored, in Robin son's circus tent at Bennettsville, last October, has been convicted of murder, with recommendation to mercy. He goes to the penitentiary for life. ?Mrs. S. L. Wright, or Columbia, the head of the firm running Wright's Hotel and mother of Messrs. W. C, Robert C. and Geo: . Wright, died June 16, after a long illness. She was about 7S years of age. j ?The Florence water works system I is nearly completed. With the excep tion of a few valves and Attings, everything is ready for the turning on of the water, 3nd if the belated parts arrive within a day or two tnis will be done next week! i The friends of Judge Mclver will be delighted to learn that he is rapidly improving under the treatment receiv ed at the Savannah, Ga., hospital, and it is stated that he will return home in a week, ready to resume his duties, in the Supreme court. ?Four stores, with their contents, were burned at Cross Hill, one night last week. These were owned and o'c cupied by Robert Nance & Son, P. H. Madden, Hill & Wheeler, a'nd the fourth was occupied as a dwelling by Re'v. Thos. Campbell. There was very little insurance. ?The outlook for tobacco is very encouraging for the season, says the Manning Farmer. The crop is fine up to date and the prices that are likely to prevail makes the prospect one to gladden the heart. The effort will be made to let this be the most success ful year in the history of the town as a tobacco market. ?Rev. Robert W. Barn well, a well known Episcopal cleryman, now located in Columbus, Mississippi, and Miss Melinda McBee Branson, of Florence, were married in the Epicsopal Church at Florence on the morning of June 19. by the Rev. Harold Thomas. ?"Cal." Caughman is announced as a candidate for the House of Repre sentai ves from Richiami County. He was an original reformer, but is now a geniune Columbia reformer and took an active part in the last city election in the cotton milL diserict. ?The case of William Kibler against the Southern Railway for damages has been decided by the Supreme Court, and Mr. Kibler gets his 5400 for being put off the train between New berry and Helena because he refused to pay 10 cents, the distance being one mile, and 25 cents excess. ?Mr. A. A. King, a very prominent old Confederate veteran of Laurens County, is SI years of age and has lived at the same place and in the same house for 42 years. He served in the civil war and lost anjtrm in the bat tle of Gettysburg, j?e is very stout and cuts ail of his wood with one hand. ? P?In the Barnwell People Mr. Frank H. Creech has an elaborate argument against small counties, in which he says: "Knowing that the county ex oenses of some counties of Georgia had to be paid by the -State ^government, I wrote the State Treasurer of Geor gia, and he informed me that out of 137 counties in the State there were 17 that had to receive aid from the State government, in ordert to meet current expenses." ?The tobacco market at Lake City has opened up for business. J. T. Eady sold a barn of tobacco last Saturday for 6 and 6% cents per pound. This was Mr. Eady's first curing of the year and was what is commonly called primings. Monday J. J Eaddy sold another barn of tobacco, for which he got an average of 5J? cents round. This was the first curing also. ?Near Greenwood, the other day, Prince McClintock, a nergo boy, and May Edwards, a negro woman, were walking ? from church, when the woman started to run, saying that she wanted to catch up with some one in front of them. The boy commanded her to halt and upon her refusal pulled out his pistol and shot her?fatally, it is said. The boy fled and at last ac counts bad not been captured. ?At the Florence railroad shops, the other day, Edward R Hines nar rowly escaped getting both legs crush ed by? steam chest cover, the weight of which was 250 pounds. He was hoisting the heavy iron onto an engine and it fell back to the floor. Luckily, Mr. Hines was standing to one side, and although he was knock ed down and his legs pinioned to the floor, he escaped the full force of the blow. He was considerably bruised, but went to work again the next day. Gen. Bonham Very ili. Anderson, June 19.?Gen. M. L. Bonham is desperately ill and it is feared thai he cannot recover. He was attacked with erysipelas suddenly on Friday and now blood poisoning has set in. His condition is despe rate. He has been unconscious all day but was reported as resting easily at 9.30 tonight. Unless there is a speedy change for the better he cannot recov NOTES OF THE DAY. Dr. Agassiz, of the Harvard mus?um of comparative zoology, is now pre paring bis report descriptive of his re cent journeys in the Indian ocean, off the southern coast of Ceylon. Albert W. Payne, of Banger. Me., has practiced law continuously for sixty-seven years, having been ad mitted to the Penobscot county bar on May 2S, 1835. He is the oldest lawyer in point of continuous service in New England. The sale in New York of the famous library of John E. Burton, of Lake Geneva, Wis., recalls the fact that it was Burton who some years ago traded his $100,000 hotel in Hurley, Wis., to a letter carrier, Byron S. Ross, of Chicago, for a collection of 3,000,000 stamps. George Robinson, of Cleveland, Ohio, who is believed to be the oldest man in that city and the oldesir Odd Fellow in the world, celebrated the one hundred and second anniversary of his birth last Sunday. His wife, whom he lost about a. year ago, lived. to the age of ninety-eight. Senator Mark Hanna writes to a friend that he must insist that he is not to be considered in any sense a candidate for the presidential nomina tion in 1904. Booker T. Washington of Tuskegee, Ala., held a lengthy conference with President Roosevelt-Monday upon the subject of southern appointments. An observing farmer says: "There are some curious things about corn, and one of them is, where do the red and speckled ears come from when you do not plant any but white corn? And another is,' why c?n't we find an ear with an odd number of rows on it? You can find a four leaf clover, but you never saw an odd row on an ear of corn yet. It is always fourteen, sixteen, twenty or some other even, number, and we would like to know about its mathematics, and what ob jections nature has in these instances to odd numbers." Henry Cole., one of the oldest real estate men in Denver, will enrich the Methodist Church of that cijfcy by a gift of over 8350,000. This 'amount will be invested in a new corporation, and the interest accruing is to be divided as follows : Fifty per cent to evangelistic work, 25 per cent for buildings and improvements, and the balance for charities. For the first time in the history of the United States the honorary degree of Doctor of* Jurisprudence was confer red Tuesday, at the August ini an col lege of St. Thomas at Villa Nova, near Philadelphia. The recipient was former President Grover Cleveland, who has already had the degree of L. L. D. conferred by Princeton Univer sity. Previous to the conferring of diplomas ex-President Cleveland made an address. The St. Petersburg correspondent of Le Matin of Paris, writing of Presi dent Loubet's visit to the Cazar, says that when the Russian peasants pass before a bust of the French Republic, they make the sign of the cross, "thinking that Russia's ally is the Virgin Mary." S. Holden Howie of New Zealand, the originator of the carrier pigeon postal service in .that country, now ? making a tour through the United States, is thns quoted in the Kansas City Star: "My carrier pigeon ser vice would not be satisfactory or neces sary in the United States or any other place where the telegraph is used for the transmission of messages. In New Zealand there are many small islands where telegraph lines are un known. For many years the residents of the smaller islands have had no means of communication except by slow boats. I established a carrier pigeon service that is under the con trol of the government. It is a success in every detail. The rate for pigeongrams is 1 shilling or 24 cents in American money. I came here to purchase American homing pigeons. I expect to visit all the big lofts in the United States before I return to New Zealand." One of the fire chiefs in Chicago re marked recently that the day of the fire engine as a necesasry adjunct to a fire department in a big .city was nearing its end. This is a very strong statement. And yet it is based upon practical tests soon to be inaugurated j in Chicago. In the business section of that city the municipal authorities are having pipes laid through which water will be forced at a presure from 40 to 200 pounds. The high pressure will render the use of engines unnec essary, it is claimed, as the water will be forced through the lines of hose in as great volumes as at present by the engines. It is the intention to ex tend the pipes into the large buildings is such way as to have each floor pro tected. When a fire occurs the ? water may be turned on from every floor, if I necessary, without waiting for the arrival of ? the fire department. The fire department will be reorganized ; into hose companies and the men will j make couplings to the pipes instead of to engines. Otherwise their duties ! will be in no way changed. The ex-1 p?riment, for that is what it amounts to at this time, will be watched with interest by other large cities. In the recent gun practice of the ? North Atlantic squadron the battleship Kearsarge made a world's record. Her gunners shot the big guns, eight to thirteen inch bores, at a target which was about the size of a small sailing ship from a distance of more than a mile. The record was seven hits out of eleven shots. It must be remember j ed that should any warship be hit seven times by projectiles of that size she could hardly escape destruction. After study of Rio de Janeiro, its position and topography, of the mos quitoes, their anatomy, life and cus toms, the epidemics of yellow fever in Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo, its relations to meteorological conditions, its transportation on sea by rnosquitoes, and the recent experiments in Amer ica, H. de Guyea thinks that yel?ow fever is not transmitted directly or in- ' directly, since the germ, as yet un known, is only found in the blood of those affected ; that it is propagated by the mosquitoes infected by sucking the blood of yellow fever patients: that the prophylaxis against yellow fever is the same as that against mala ria and filariasis, namely, the voidance of mosquitoes. Mosquito nettting, scenes, etc., the isolation of all yellow fever patients, living away from the haunts of the mosquitoes, inhabiting the upper floors of well-aired houses? these are all necessary,, and ships should not be permitted to anchor in infected ports from which the wind is blowing. Oil should be employed to destroy the mosquiteos, fish should be placed in the ponds, drainage and em bankments should be built, and ships leaving an infected port should have sulphurous acid introduced into their holds to kill all the mosquitoes present. Ready to Yield. ui used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles and found it a certain care," says S. fi. Meredith, Willow Grove, Del. Opera tions unnecessary to cure piles. They al ways yield to DeWitifs Witch Hazel Saive. Cures skin diseases, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counterfeits. ?. S. Hughson & Co. *_ "MEET ME IN SUMTER !" Such Like Expressions Heard on the Streets of Columbia. The Sumter firemen's tournament is going to be a real live affair, and great sport is in store for all who attend the tournament. "Are you going to Sumter?" "Meet me in Sumter, " and like expressions are commonly heard on our streets nowadays, and that is evidence of the fact that a large crowd of Columbians will attend the tournament. Columbia will have six teams in the contests?three horse wagon and three hand reel teams?and the team that defeats them will earn the prize. It is natural to suppose that * - ifs' ' will take a prominent part in the tournament, and some of the Columbia teams, may have an attack of the epidemic after they return home next week. "Ifs' is a chronic trouble among firemen when they compete foi prizes, and Sumter'will furnish a quantity of that undesirable disease on the 25th and 26th. A fireman with the "ifs" is amusing, to say the least; and a per ; son can always find out the cause of any team's defeat. The local teams are going to put "ginger" in the tournament, and they will give their competitors the best they have in stock. Sumter promises the firemen a fair [ and square deal, and there is no doubt j about that. The Game Cock city fire- ' men will make it pleasant for the visiting teams, and the Columbia boys expect to enjoy their hospitality.?Co lumbia Record. Women and Jewels. x Jewels, candy, flowers, man?that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often rained in the stren uous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herseif against the insidaons con sequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular usev of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the affected Jungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dreaded disease from the sys tem. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain ! cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at DeLorme's Pharmacy oi Sumter Phar macy. ^ ^ The heated term affords a good opportunity for mental resistance to discomforting conditions. The man who can make himself believe at 3 p. m. that he feels no unpleasant warmth, ' and that a cool breeze is playing through his whiskers, is very much in advance of most of his fellow-beings. Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile Indian temples, \ but worse yet is a body that's polluted by constipation. Don't permit it. Cleanse your systsm with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. They give lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only 25c at J. F. W. De Lorme's drug store. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sjpf Signatars of C&&?y? T