The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, May 21, 1902, Image 1

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atchntmi rai SIJMTBK WATCHM AN, Kitabliihed April, 1SS?. Swated Aug. 2,1881. ontljror v "Be Just aid Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God'slandBTruth's." THE TB?E SOCTHKON, Established Jon? 1*6 SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 1902. New Series-Vol. XXI. No. 42 O? .Jenkins lite Masonic Temple, a W???????????? who is an expert m Representative of the New Home Sew :pert Manipulator and Demonstrator of -Vi! THE m 35 i1 This Machine is too well known to call for any long talk. We have them in all styles and combinations, and will sell them for cash or on l?easy terms; and will not want y our whole farm for one, either. Come and see them, and you will be convinced. Vs-^ ''; : ;;;"f We are also selling and sinking the celebrated BARNES and RUMSEY PUMPS, and satisfaction is guaranteed in this line. We can interest ?fj^in "Cohmibia," "Cleveland," and "Imperial" Bicycles, Base Ball Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Bicycle Tires and Sundries, Refrigerators, and all - k?xds of Plumbing Supplies. We can sell you a Bath Tub, and if you have no water supply we can install a domestic supply for you. All we to start with, is for you to caU at otir store once, and you wiU^ You are cordially invited. May 21 4 MAS?NIO TEM^ lite- ?': . . --rBY 3XT-. C?% Osteen5 SUMTER, S. C. - f^V : TERMS : . ffl.o? per annum--in advance. A 2> v a 2 T IS S M S ? T : ... . .'. ? . ; Ose Square first ?39ertioa.^..^.w...,.$l 00 ; Svery subseqseat insertion_~. 50 : ; - Cqatractsfor three -?montos, or longer will -pEvfc6 .tnade at reduced rates. ' ~ -; AJI communicat?oD8 which subserve private . - ? ta - Obituaries and tributes of. respect? w?fr be charsed fori ?ii.:* Chased by Tug and Train. SAYHOR ?NQ SHEENE ARRESTED IN CANADA. - Qnebec, May ?D^COI . John F. ^^Sayiior and Capt. B: D. Greene, - who l?|?&?rfeiied their bail at Savannah early; inflaren and fled to Canada,. were -placed nuder arrest by officers eohnect " ed with the United States secret ser? vice and Chief ' Carpenter of the Mon? treal detective force today.. The arrests were made ?n; warrants | issued in -Montreal, Chief Wilkie's * ?, '?? .men assisting the Canadian officers to make.the arrests. 3?he men were -hurried on board a swift little tug which had been kept inwaiting at the wharf. Ten .min? utes'after Greene and Gaynor were safely on board the boat and steamed out np the river and. started toward Montreal. The officers moved so quick? ly that neither of the prsioners was gi ven an opportunity to consult counsel. When notified of her husband's ar- ! rest Mrs. Gaynor afc once consulted :: ; Mr. Tachereau, her , husband's attor 5v ; . ?ny. N A tug was chartered and .an at : tempt was made to overtake the boat; on which Gaynor and Greene were be? ing carried away. After a short chase it was seen by? those on board the pursuing tug that" . it would be impossible to overtake the detective boat, the Spray, one of the swiftest tugs on; the St Lawrence, and the pursuit was abandoned. On returning to the city it was de v.. - ? eided to charter a special train and at >V' tempt to head off the Spray, at some point between this city and Montreal. The arrest of Greene ano* Gaynor ? and the manner in'which it was ac? complished caused considerable ex :>?? citement in the city "where both men have become well known. rn-. A LEGAL ABREST MADE IN A LEGAL WAY. Montreal, May 15.-The pursuit of the tug Spray by the Quebec author-. !?o> is probably due to a misunder " standing of the situation owing to the quick arrest there. The provincial police at Quebec evidently think Gay? nor and Greene were kidnapped by American officers. Donald MacMaster, counsel for the | United States government, who plan ned and directed the arrest, returned I from Quebec this evening. "A legal arrest was made in a legal way," he stated to the Associated Press correspondent. "Gaynor and Greeen are wanted here to answer to a charge laid before an extradition commissioner. The people in Quebec who are raising so much fuss must misunderstand the whole thing. There has been no kidnapping." The authorities here claim that there is not the slightest danger of a serious conflict between the detectives who have arrested Gaynor and Greene in Quebec and ,those trying to overtake them. Detective Carpenter has power to make arrests anywhere in the pro? vince of Quebec on a warrant issued within the province. PLANNED IN WASHINGTON. * Washington, May lo.-The kidnap? ping and the subsequent arrest of Gay? nor-and Greene at Quebec was the re? sult of a carefully laid plan of Chief Wilkie of the secret service. It was denied that the department had sent men to apprehend the fugitives, but it was later learned that Inspectors Bennett, Burke, Taylor and three oth? ers had been assigned to the case. The capture was planned to come off yes terday and the department had been looking ' Tor news of their arrest all day. . Even now the secret service" .officials will not. admit the receipt of any advices, but it is known that the whole arrangements were - perfectly carried out, even .to the issuance of ithe^wazraxits. by the judge, on the ap? plication of Chief of Detectives Car? penter of Montreal: The expectation here is that when arraigned before the. Montreal author? ities Messrs. Gaynor and. Greene will endeavor to secure their release by habeas corpus ; proceedings. Any ef? forts in that line will be vigorously resisted\by Mr. Erwin, who has em , ployed a well known firm of attorneys 1 of Montreal to assist him in whatever proceedings are had. The confident belief of the officials here is that this government will be abie to secure the extradition of the two men, in which case they will be taken to Savannah for triaL i A careful- perusal of the ex? tradition treaty, they say, demon? strates that its provisions are broad enough to cover the offenses charged against theni in the indictment. It is not- known here, just what the warrant for arrest charges. . The case is quite complicated but an earnest effort will beilade to compel the men to stand' trial in Georgia. Like a Drowsing Man. "live- years ago a disease ^the^dpctors called dyspepsia took such hold of me thaff I could scarcely go," -writes Geo. S. Marsh, of Abeona, Tex. "I took quantities of pepsin and other medi? cines birt nothing helped me. As a drown ing .man grabs at a straw-1 grabbed at EodoL I felt, an improvement at once and after a few bottles am sonnd and welL" . Hodol is the. only preparation; which exactly reproduces the natural di? gestive juices and consequently is the only one which digests any good food and cures any form of stomach trouble. J. S. Hugh ; son & Co. Sudden Death of Spartanburg Banker. Special to the State. Spartanburg? May 14.-Mr. George Cofield, Sr., president of the National Bank of Spartanburg, died at his resi? dence in this city this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Cofield has been in fail-: ing, health for a long time past, but was apparently able to be about and in good spirits up to last evening. Yesterday he was at the bank the reg? ular hours, transacting his duties. Last night he was taken suddenly sick ! with pneumonia and never rallied j from the time the disease grasped him j until the end came. Holds up a Congressman. "At the end of the campaign," writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant congress? man, "from overwork, nervous tension, loss of sleep and constant speaking I had about "utterly collapsed. It seemed that all the organs in my body were oat of order, but three bottles of Electric Bitters made me all right. Ifs the best all-around medi? cine ever sold over a druggist's counter." Over worked, run-down men and weak, sickly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bitters. Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by J. F. W. De Lonne. A BIG FERTILIZER DEAL. Montgomery, Ala., May 15.-It was announced by C. E. Borden, superin? tendent of manufactories of the Vir? ginia-Carolina Company, tonight tliat the company he was representing had closed a deal for the purchase of the properties of the Montgomery Fertili? zer Company, of Montgomery; the Alabama Fertilizer Company, of Montgomery, the Opelika Chemical Company, of Opelika; the Mobil? Phosphate and Chemical Company, of Mobile, and the Pacific Chemical Company, of Dotham. Fully one mil? lion dollars is involved in the deal, and by its consummation the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company comes into possession of all fertilizer manu? facturing plants in Alabama except one located in Troy. What Thin Folks Need Is a greater power of digesting and assimilating food. For them Dr. King's New life Pills work wonders. They tone j and regulate the digestive orgaas, gently j expel all poisons from the system, enrich the blood, improve appetite, make healthy flesh. Only 25c at J. F. W. DeLorme's. BREESE ?ND GAYNOR REMANDED. Writ of Habeas Corpus Not Honored. . Montreal, May 16.-John F. Gray nor and B. D. Greene are guests at the Windsor hotel, each guarded by a local detective, with a force of Uni ted States-secret service augment? unofficially in reserve. They will not go back to Quebec, much , as they and their friends desire it and in spite, of the writ of habeas corpus granted yesterday by Judge Andrews, of Quebec, directing Chief Detective Carpenter to return his prisoners to that city. "When the Spray arrived in Montreal this morning the party, drove to the Windsor. At T o'clock they -again left the hotel, just as the pursuing' force from Quebec, which had come up from Sorel on the Quebec boat reached the hotel. . Chief Carpenter took his prisners to Judge Lafontaine's :residence and an impromptu court was convened in the judge's library. Detective Carpenter handed the Judge the warrants with the return marked upon the back as is usual The prisoners were asked if they were guilty or not guilty, and not replying, the judge's clerk accepted their failure to plead as a plea of not guilty. Judge lafontaine then said : ""Prisoners, I remand you for trial iwtil Monday, the 19th of this month, without bail." The prisoners bowed, and the judge informed Carpenter that he remanded the -prisoners to his custody. In the meantime High Constable Gale of Quebec with the writ of habeas corpus was searching diligent? ly for Mr. Carpenter. At 10 o'clock he found him in his office and served the writ. Mr. Carpenter was placed in a dilemma. He was in possession of a document calling on him to produce the bodies of Gaynor and Greene before Judge Andrews in Quebec today and he no longer had the? prison? ers in his possession,' having been re? lieved by Judge Lafontaine. He con? sulted his counsel and was informed that if he attempted to return the prisoners to Quebec he would be liable to arrest for- contempt of the local court, whose mandate he had received and executed. So an answer setting forth the facts in the matter was pre? pared ad set down to Quebec, and with that it is expeeteed the Quebec people will have to remain satisfied. The jurisdiction of an extradition commissioner, extends over the entire dominion and the arrests of Greene and Gaynor were made by an officer qualified to make arrests in any por? tion of the province; consequently fchera is no doubt that they will hold. This evenings Mrs. Gaynor arrived from Quebec She was accompanied by Hon. Jules Tessier, counsel for the prisoners, who had a consultation with, them at the Windsor. In addition, Hon. S. O. Tailjon and H. C. St. Pierre have also been retained, so that a formidable array of counsel will take part in what promises to be as spirited a legal fight as Mon? treal has witnessed since John C. Eno, the defaulting New York bank? er, successfully resisted extradition. Et would not be surprising if a fight between the Quebec and Mnotreal courts is made a prefix to the main battle of the lawyers. The Quebec force had the services of two tugboats and a special train in a vain effort to /head off thefSpray yes? terday, and the failure has made ali concerned exceedingly wrathy. "Gaynor and Greene had engaged the services of all the best lawyers in Quebec, and the change of venue leaves these gentlemen out in the cold. It was stated this afternoon that the provincial governor had instructed Judge Lafontain to obey the writ of habeas corpus, but the judge says that all he knows about the case is that he issued a warrant and that the men called for in that document were pro? duced before him. He had remanded the prisoners until Monday morning and expected that they would be then again produced before him. Legal opinion in Montreal is that habeas corpus proceedings cannot be instituted until Judge Lafontain has decided the case. Then if he commits them for extradition, proceedings of that nature will be in order. A few dozen large feather dusters at less than wholesale cost to close int. H. G. Osteen & Co. You get quality and not quantity at Dhina's fountain for 5c. May 8. atchntmi rai SIJMTBK WATCHM AN, Kitabliihed April, 1SS?. Swated Aug. 2,1881. ontljror v "Be Just aid Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God'slandBTruth's." THE TB?E SOCTHKON, Established Jon? 1*6 SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 1902. New Series-Vol. XXI. No. 42 and professors were domiciled. -Many thrilling and hairbreadth escapes-from the eruption of Mont Pelee are reported. TEOOPS PREVENTED PEOPLE ES? CAPING FROM ST. PIERRE BE? FORE DESTRUCTION. London, May 15.-The correspon? dent of The Daily^ Ma? at Barbadoes, B. W. L, who visited *St. Pierre on board the Royal Mail steamer Solent, has learned from a Dr. Artier, who miraculously escaped the disaster, that when the governor of Martinique, M. L. Mouttet, 'and -the insular officials had declared that all danger from an eruption of Mont Pelee was past a cor? don of armed soldiers and policemen was placed around th? town to prevent the people from leaving. Dr. Artier, however, went to the suburb of Morne Rouge. He was riding back to St. Pierre when the explosion Occurred. He turned and fled precipitately across the mountains to Fort de France. With the exception of the prisoner. who was confined in a duhjgeon at the time of the explosion, Dr. Artier is really the sole survivor of St. Pierre. 'Reveals a Great Secret. It is of ten. asked how such startling cures,, that puzzle the best physicians,- are effected by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. -Here's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germ-infected mucus, and lets the life-giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the inflamed, cough-worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs, soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery, the most infallible remedy for all Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles; 50c and f LOO.' Trial bottles free at J. F. W. DeLorme's. Illness of the Chief Justice. The Associates Justices of the Su? preme Court have notified the Govern? or of the-illness of the Chief Justice, and of the desire to haye a full Bench in a certain case. It may be the be? ginning of a general request for a full Bench to sit, or it may be an indivi? dual case. Judge Singh was asked to sit in the case, but stated that he was engaged and could not be present and Justice Pope will be asked to suggest some one else to sit in the case.-Cor. News and Courier. WHAT IS HISTORY? President Roosevelt is reported as having said that never while he is Pres? ident of the . United States will Maclay's history be used at the Naval Academy as a text book. The President means by this to say that Maclay's history, so-called, is not a history, but a one-sided narrative, full of prejudice and* spite. Men- like Maclay are not fit to write history. A historian should be a man of broad viewland should be a truthful report? er. If he suppresses or extenuates or misstates or misleads he is not a histo? rian, but a partisan writer. It is scarcely less than criminal to teach the children out of such a book, whether it be written by Maclay con? cerning the Spanish-American war or by a Northern writer or a Southern writer concerning the war between the States. We have no right to teach the children'anything except the exact truths of history, when we set out to teach them history at alL vYe have no right to mislead the children by mis? statement or suppression or extenua? tion or coloring or what not. The child has the right to know the exact facts and to judge for himself.-Cou? rier- .Journal The Fin< Is made with ing Powder, J sweet, pure & COTTON GINNED FREE FOR SEEDS OH Mill and Compress Men Going S Into Ginning Business. V;? New Orleans, La., May 13.-A fonr|f?^ cornered fight between th? rbnnd^cot^ ^S?M, ton bale, the cotton gin, the bil mills %4? and the compresses has "broken outr/; in Texas which threatens to r?volu-. tionize the cotton ginning business fortis next seaspn and destroy the.:: ginneriies^^ unless the Texas Farmers' c?ngress?:4^?f| which meets at College station in July/ -: - can take some steps br surest some legislation to protect the owners':; bf gins.- '. The trouble is due to: th? fiaaht^ Bale trust, which has made itself ^fel?? in Texas, particularly during the lastlW year. The trust got such a large shared||H of the cotton that the compress .cbm^'-v^; panies and cotton seed oil men began ^ 4 - to feel it. : : . - : Formerly, the cotton went to i 't?f??&?? gin, which separated the seed and. the ; :y>k| lint. The seed was sold to the oil mill& ^;?>j and the lint, which was; ^aled,-was^ps subsequently taken to the compress have the bales pressed so *? that thejr-; -? >? would occupy less room'and could :be-'-. ^ carried on vessels or railroads. :/i ^ ''^ When the trust took more, cotton the .jr : || gins got less, and so did the ^mprcss^|;^P es and the cottonseed oil mills. They 'll appealed to the owners of gins" tb?mak?^v a fight, with the trust and bid for the-:" VM cotton, but the gin men refused to -do . ; i>: this. .-_ -y. - ."VV Finally, seeing that they could not; if J depend upon any assistance, : the /-millr?\-?g men and the compress men deternuned^;f|| to go into the ginning business. The i cotton seed oil mills in Teaxs -are^'^g now erecting ginneries at which they will gin the cotton free, retaining only^";^ the seed for their mills. : ? -^?S The compresses are now buying, seed* cotton doing the ginning: as well ?s??^?| the baling. In fact, all four interests,/.Vt the oil mills, compresses, ginners and?|||| round bale men are prepared to gin.-: and will bid on the seed cotton this: fall. It is thought that the local*gj^???? will be the worst sufferers from* this; ^||v too active competition. St. Pierre, the port in the Island of Martinique that was recently destroy? ed by a volcanic eruption, is. noted for having been the birthplace of the Empress Josephine and the residence^ c; ; ; for a short period, of". Madame de Main tenon. In one of the city parks- ;: of Fort De France is a celebrated, statue of the former, and Lafcadio : Hearn wrote one of his most perfect ~ prose poems in describing a visit to ' ' the island with the object of seeing it. StaDd Like a Stone Wall Eetween your children and the tortures of itehing and burning eczema, scaldheact'. or other skin diseases. How? why, by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Bheum, Cuts, Burns or Bruises. Infallible for.f^?? Piles. 25c "at J. F. W. DeL?rme's drug store. The commerce of the two French, colonies, Martinique and Guadeloupe, with the United States has amounted to nearly?$2,000,000 per annum dur? ing a long term of years, a large pro? portion being exports from the United States to those islands. 5 Ia the year 1900 our exports to the islands were $2,867,168, and our imports from the islands, $30,176. From them - we im? port chiefly vanilla beans, while our exports to them are flour, cotton seed and minerals, oils, coal, lard, meats, and lumber. ?st Cake ? Royal Bak ?\1 ways light, ' wholesome.