TES SUMTES WATCEMAS, Established April, 1S50. "Be .lust and Fear not-Let all tbe Ends thou Aims't at4 be thy Country's, thy God's andSTruth's." IKE THUE 30CTBSON, sstabiiahed jace i;: 66 Cosoiidated Aug. 2,1881. SUMTER. S. G.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3, 1902. Mew Series-Yo?. XXI. >>. 35 Pnblishsd ET3T7 "ffslnesday, -sr JXT. CSr. Oe-toen, SUMTER, S. C. TER2?S : $1.50 per anQuai-is advanre. ADVSSTISSUBKT: Ono Square first insertion...$.1 00 Bvery subsequent insertion. 50 Contracts for three months, or longer ?iii be xa.ide a: reduced rates. All co m ra anica, ti ODS which subserve private .interests will be charged for.'as advertiements. Obituaries and tribates of respects will be charged for. HAMPTON'S . TRE?S?BY ROBBED BY BURGLARS. Blow Open Safe With Niiro-Giyce rine-Clerk of Court Causey Gave Chase, But Robbers Escaped. Special to The State. Hampton, March 25.-This morn? ing between 2.30 and 3 o'clock a most daring burglary was committed in the town of Hampton. Safe crackers en? tered the office of County Treasurer J: G. Langford and succeeding in demol? ishing the safe and escaping with the contents. They made an entrance by breaking the lock on the door to the office, which is in the Court House There were only two in the party of burglars. The safe was blown open by a charge of nitro-glycerine. The hammer drill and other tools used in making the hole for the charge were taken from the shop of Mr. J. L Rob? erts after he left the shop about 11.30 o'clock. The explosion awakened Clerk of Court W. B. Causey, who lives abot.t 25 yards from the Court House. He ran ont and saw the burglars in the bright moonlight. Realizing what had happened he secured his shot gun and using shells loaded with buckshot gave chase, firing at them twice at the range of about 100 yards. He and Mr. W. T. Johns, who was also awakened, gave the alarm. A party was formed before day and with the assistance of two bloodhounds began a hunt for the robbers, bnt their search was futile, the dogs not being able to run the trail for any distance. HAS THIRTEEN WIVES. Nelson or Freeland Has Been Landed in St. Joseph, Mo., Jail. St. Joseph, Mo., Mari h 15.-Chris? tian C. Nelson, railroad contractor and horseman, alleged to have 13 wives, is in jail here on the charge of bigamy, having just been brought in from San Antonio, Tex., where he was arrested a few days ago. Nelson ? will be tried in St. Joseph because one of the women most active in his prosecution was married to him in this city last September. This bride was Mrs. Mary A. Parker of Platts? burg, Mo. Nelson admits having three wives, but says the other 10 are myths. He is said to be wanted i for bigamy in Chicago, San Francisco, Des Moines, New York, St. Paul, Sumter, S. C.. and Conway, Ark. His preliminary trial will be held here before the same justice of the peace who solemnized his marriage with Mrs. Parker in September. WILLING WIDOW WON. Des Moines, Ia., March 25.- Mrs. Dorothy Harvey, residing in Lake Park, this city, claims to be one of the alleged 13 wives of Christian C. Nelson, who is now undar arrest at St. Joseph on a charge of bigamy. Nelson wooed and won her inst a year ago. She was a widow 45 years oid. She says Nelson represented to her that he was a wealthy horseman and desired to take her to his big stock farm in the east. To accommodate him she sold her home, worth $3,000, for half this sum and entrusted the money to him. He left, ostensibly to buy a span of horses, and was never again heard from. Funston Talks Again. Topeka. Kansas? March 2G.-Gen. Frederick Funston was in the city to? day on his way to California. Gen? eral Funston delivered himself of a scathing denunciation of the eastern papers, which criticised his speech be? fore the Lotus Club in New York. He said : 441 have been nagged by that class of papers until I am tired. Editorially they wilfully misinterpret my remarks and" I am glad to express my inde? pendence of their opinion and their talk and that of their kind about my using dishonorable and unfair means in the captne of Aguinaldo: also that I violated the articles of war. They know a great deai more about the ar? ticles of golf than they do about the articles of war. Everything is per? missible in a campaign except the use of poison or the violation of a flag of truce. ''Asa matter of fact only four of my men on the expedition were dress? ed" in the insurgent uniform. The others were dressed as Fillipino peas? ants. "President Roosevelt approved hear? tily of my remarks before the Lotus Club banquet and was anxious to have me go to Boston on the imita? tion of Senator Lodge and make the same speech there, but my orders were such that it was impossible for me to go. ' ' The State Democratic Executive Committee will meet in Columbia on April 3. Nothing of special public interest will come up. G?LGSSUS OF ?FRiGA DES?. Ceci! Rhodes, Diamond King and Greatest Man cf South Africa. Cape Town, March 26.-Cecil ^".odes I died peacefully at 5.57 p. m. T'o slept during the morning and a< aia in the ? afternoon, but his breath1 *.r. became more difficult and his streng . dimin? ished until he passed away. At his bedside were Dr. Ja eson, ; Dr. J. W. Smartt, the commissioner of public works. Col. Elmhurst Rhodes, director of signalling of the South African field force, and Mr. Walton, a member of the assembly of Port Elizabeth. Mr. Rhodes' last words were the names of his brother and some of the others present which were meant to be goodbyes. The only person who at? tended him during his illness and who was not present at his death was Dr. Stevenson ; all the others, his boys and personal servants, were admitted at the !ast. The body will be taken to Grootes chuur, the residence of the deceased, near Cape Town, on a special train tomorrow. There it will probably lie in state fer a day or two and the pub? lic will be admitted to view the remains. It has not yet been deter? mined where he will be buried. It was the wish of Mr. Rhodes to be interred at Matoppo Hills, Rhodesia. Certain of his friends will proceed to Matoppo Hills to detemine whether it is practicable to carry out this wish. A BROKEN SOURED MAN. London, March 26.-The death of Cecil Rhodes came as no great surprise to those who saw anything of him dnring his last visit to London during the winter. Whether it was due to his experiences during the long siege of Kimberley, or the accumulated anx? ieties regarding the war in South Africa, with an accompanying change of public feeling in England toward him, there is no doubt he was almost completely broken down within the last two years. Even his appearance changed. His once finely chiseled face had become bloated and his always huge frame filled out until he became so stout as to make walking a matter of difficulty. He was frequently at? tacked with severe heart troubles dur? ing which he exhibited the stoicism which marked his extraordinary career. Nor did he allow his bodily ailments to interfere with business. Among his associates in the city he never mentioned them, nor did he permit them to be mentioned td him. Up to the last Mr. Rhodes kept a firm grip on all those vast South African inter? ests created and controlled by him. Except that he was more irritable and more dictatorial, there was no out? ward changes in his method of handling men, millions and empires. Towards the social side of life, how? ever, he soured visibly. Oncejhisdays work at the offices of "the British Char? tered South African company was over he shut himself up from the curious in an unfrequented London hotel, where he utterly denied himself of all I except half a dozen favored intimates. Dr. Jameson was his constant com? panion. Indeed, none of Dr. Jame- ' son's indiscretions ever affected the warm friendship existing between the two men. Especially did Mr. Rhodes shun toe present governmental leaders. He bitterly, expressed his contempt of British army methods in South Africa and probably never quite forgave Mr. Chamberlain and Lord Miner for not consulting him or en? deavoring to utilize the powerful finan? cial-political machine which Mr. Rhodes undoubtedly manipulated over the whole of South Africa. With in? creasing irascibility which he did not hesitate to vent on duke or plebeian who crossed his path, he grew more and more restless as the end of his life drew near. His closing days develop? ed into an unceasing, purposeless quest of change of scene. Owing to the very great success of the Debeers mines, the British Char? tered South Africa company and other great South African ventures, Rhodes' fortune has been steadily accumulating. Ko lost money over the war, but what inroads that made must have been trifiing with the many millions he possessed. Lord Roberts and the Boers. London, March 26.--At the conclu^ sion of the biography of Field Mar? shall Lord Roberts, written by James i McLaren Cobban, which has just been I published, the reply of Lord Roberts to Lord Lansdowne, when the latter - requested him to take supreme com i maud against the Boers, is given in j the following words: "My Lord: For nineteen years 1 I have lived an abstemious life "in the j hope of this day." j Commenting on his answer, Mr. j Cobban says Lord Roberts foresaw after the battle of Majuba Hilt that. the issue must ultimately be fought ! out between the Briton and Boers. Rathbone Must Stay in iaii. Havana, March 26.-Estes G. Rath? bone, the former director of posts, who was arrested last ni^ht, remained in the Vivio prison all night. Today he was taken to the careel, (jail, ) accom? panied by a number of friends. Rath? bone's bondsman, Senor Lopez, a Spanish merchant, went to Court this morning and announced that he was willing to furnish bonds in any amount, but bail was absolutely re? fused. Acting Governor Scott says the case is in the hands of the Court and that he cannot intervene in the matter of fixing bail if the court re? fuses to accept bail. W. H. Reeves was also removed to jail today on an order of arrest. Neither Reeves nor Rathbone has the option of bail. Counsel for Rathbone and Neeley will appeal the cases of their clients. PRES?DEHT'S ?fiY AT EXPQSiTIQN. Programme Arranged for His En? tertainment. . _ i ! Exposition Bureau of The State, i Charleston, March 26.-The directors ? of the exposition and Mayor Smyth j have received information from Presi- | dent Roosevelt that he will leave j Washington for Charleston, over the Southern, Zvlonday afternoon, April 7, and will arrive in the city on the morning of April 8 and ?viii spend two days in Charleston. Tuesday will be j devoted to seeing the places of interest in and about the city and Wednesday, April 9, will be President's Day at the exposition. The president will be accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Alice Roose? velt, Dr. and Mrs. . Rixey, Mrs. Cowies, several members of the cabi? net and their wives. The party will travel in a special train fitted up by the Southern which will be one of the handsomest trians ever sent out by that system. Only a few stops will be made between Washington and Charleston. The programme as arranged by the exposition officials has been approved by the president with the exception of one or two minor changes. Instead of breakfasting in the city the party will take breakfast aboard the train, and upon their arrival in the city will go direct to Chicora park where the site for the naval station will be in? spected. The revenue cutter Forward will be in waiting for the party, and ! the distinguished guests will go aboard and take an excursion around the har? bor and to Fort Sumter. Only the members of the reception committee and a few invited guests will go on the excursion as President Rosevelt has expressed a desire for it to be as pri? vate as possible. Tuesday night a banquet will be given at the Charleston hotel by the citizens of Charleston to President Roosevelt. At the same-time Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss Alice Roosevelt will be given a reception at the St. John hotel. Wednesday will be President's Day at the exposition and thousands of citizens from all parts of the State and the south will be here to welcome him. Public exercises will be held in the auditorium and President Roose? velt will deliver an address to the vast multitude of poeple which will be as? sembled. The reception committee of the woman's board will give a reception to the visitors at the Woman's build? ing Wednseday afternoon. Besides the members of the presidential party there will be 60 guests from~the city of Charleston, 30 ladies and 30 gentle? men. President Roosevelt and party will leave for Summerville Wednesday afternoon, where a banquet will be given by Capt. Wagener at the Pine Forest Inn. Thursday morning a visit will be made to Pinehurst tea gardens. The party will leave Sum? merville Thursday afternoon. Pullman Car Porter Lynched in Colorado. La Junta. Colo., March 25.-W. H. Wallace, a negro sleeping car porter, was lynched at 8 o'clock tonight in a comer of the court house square, be? ing hanged to an electric light pole by a howling mob of 4,000 persons who had been hunting him all day. After hanging the body of the negro was riddled with bullets. Wallace had been kept out of town all day by Sherff Farr, in an attempt to save him from the mob. The prisoner made no resistance to the lynching and died protesting Iiis innocence. Mrs. Henrietta H. Miller, a gray haired woman aged 67, going from Los Angeles, Cal., to Denver, to visit relatives, was brutally assaulted in the Santa Fe Railroad yards here last night by a negro porter on a Pullman car running between Denver and La Junta. After leaving the Chicago limited train here Mrs. Miller asked a porter whom she met on the station platform where the Denver sleeper was. The man offered to conduct her to the car. After going witli bini a considerable distance Mrs. Miller became suspici? ous and started to return to the sta? tion. She was then knocked down by a blow on the head and after a struggle with her assailant was choked into insensibility. When she regained con? sciousness about an hour later, she crawled back to the station and gave an account of the assault and a description of her assailant. Wash? ington H. Wallace, a Pullman car porrer who runs between Denver anti r li is city, stopping here on each run : from at nighl until noon the fol? lowing day, was arrested in the car of which he had charge, lie was identi? fied by Mrs. Miller. Bloodhounds were brought from Canyon City and they trailed the man who accompanied Mrs. Miller through the yards to the i car in which Wallace was found. ? Eight assaults Lave occurred here "in the past few months, and it is bcliev I ed all were committed by one man. j Mrs. Miller's condition is critical. CUBAN RECIPROCITY. Washington; March 26.-As a result of numerous conferences today among the Republican leaders of the house the advocates of Cuban reciprocity be? came confident that the measure could be reported by the ways and means ! committee by republicans without re ? liance on Democratic votes and with? out amendments. This was a reversal of conditions supposed to exist earlier j when the friends of Cuban reciprocity were said to be one vote short of the j necessary number to resist amend- ; men ts and to report the bill. In view I of the changed conditions Chairman ': Payne lias under consideration the ad- ; visability calling a special meeting of j the ways and means committee the lat- j ter part of this week to pass on the | Cuban Hil LEVER'S P?P??BiTY. Congressman is Greatly Liked by His Associates. "Washington, March 21.-Special There is probably no member of the delegation from South Carolina more popular among the Democratic mem? bers of the House than is Representa? tive Lever, whose Congressional career began at the beginning of the present session. It is generally the opinion of the members who have watched his contest that he will retain his seat and that the committee will report in his favor. A friend of Mr. Lever, who w7as in Washington the other day, was seen at the National Hotel and said that Mr. Lever would doubtless be given a renomination by the people of his Congressional district. Although one of the youngest members of the House, he said Mr. Lever had made a record during the present Congress of which an older member might feel proud. The speech of Representative^ Lever delivered when the bill to etsablish ,rtiral free delivery was under discus .i?oon in the House, was published in ftiil in the Congressional Record. The roeech was in opposition to the bill, Mr. Lever being an advocate of the present system of rural free delivery, and opposed to the contract system, which the bil! proposes to establish. Charleston Post, March 21. Patrick Found Guilty. -- New York, March 2G.-Albert T. Patrick, lawyer, this evening was con? victed of the murder on Sept. 23, 1900, of the aged millionaire recluse, Wil? liam Marsh Rice. ?At the word "guilty" pronounced by Foreman Machell, in a tone low, but distinct enough to be heard [ throughout the court, not the slight? est change passed over Patrick's face and he remained standing in an almost listless attitude while the customary poll of the jury was being taken. His aged father, Capt. Patrick, sitting near him and straining to catch the statement of the foreman, started for an instant as its import reached him and then sat calmly awaiting the further proceedings. GOOD, IF TRUE. Business interests of the north have been aroused by the Crumpacker reso? lution to investigate southern election laws. Since the publication of the fact that the Republican members of the house committee on rules had voted to report the Crumpacker resolution, the Republican leaders have been fair? ly overwhelmed with letters from the business men of the north, protesting against what they term an attempt to revive the "bloody shirt" and "Force bill" issue. The letters have been so numerous and vigorous as to have had an appre? ciable effect on certain Republican members. It was stated last night that the committee on rules will take its own time in reporting the Crum? packer resolution to the house, not? withstanding that the majority of the committee-Speaker Henderson, Rep? resentatives Dalzell and Grosvenor-a week ago last Saturday, voted to re? port the resolution. Now, it is claimed, since a number of Republicans, in private conversa? tion, have freely spoken their mind against the wisdom of the resolution, and on top of this the threat of the beet sugar men to vote with the Demo? crats against it, the Republican lead? ers are in a quandary On the other hand, Republicans like Mr. Crumpacker, who have a substan? tial colored vote in their respective districts, are insistent that the com? mittee on rules give them an oppor? tunity to vote on the Crumpacker resolution and the opportunity cannot come too soon for them. Speaking of the Crumpacker reso? lution, Representative D. Linn Gooch, of Kentucky, who is one of the most conservative men in the house, said last evening that "for once the Repub? licans have placed themselves in a hole.' He said further : "We remem? ber what followed the force bill legis? lation of the fifty-first congress-the election of a Democratic house and two years later the election of Mr. Cleveland. I do not hesitate to say that in my humble opinion we will elect a Democratic house this fall and thus pave the way to carry the presi? dential election in 1904, and the Crum? packer resolution will prove to be worth thousands of votes to us next November.*'-Washington special of Thursday to Atlanta Journal. A Deep Mystery. j I? is a mystery why women endure back j acke, headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, j melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells j when thousands have proved that Electric I Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "L suffered for years with kidney trouble." writes Mrs Phebe Cherley of Peterson, Ia. ....md a lame back pained me so I could j not dress myself, hut Electric Bitters ; wholly cured me and. although 7:'. years ()c at J F W DeLorme's drug -torc. :> London, March 26. Incomplete re? ports of the result of the combined movement of of British colunfns agatinst Gen. De LaRey have en? abled Lord Kitchener to announce the capture of about 100 prisoners, the 15-pounders, two pompoms and quanti? ties of stock, wagons, etc. Gen. De La Rey appears to .have successful evade Lord Kitchener's cordon at the offset. Old Soldier's Experience M M Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester. Ind, writes : "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's triatment, but was wholly cured by Dr Rug's New Life Pills, which worked won? ders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25c at J F W DeLorme's drug store. 3 M?hW? ?? CONGRESS' _ j Agent of Denmark Says He Had i to Bribe Members of Congress j and Others in Order to Seil j islands. Washington, March 27.-A genuine i sensation was caused in the house to? day by the presentation by Mr. Rich? ardson of Tennessee, the Democratic leader, of charges alleging the corrupt use of a fund of 8500,000 in connection with the sale of the Danish West Indies. The charges were contained in an alleged secret report of Ca.pt. Walter Christmas tc the Danish gov? ernment which declared that he had employed corrupt means to bring about the negotiations for the sale of the islands to a consummation. The report, extracts from wihch Mr. Rich? ardson read, mentioned the names of Abner McKinley and his partner, Col. Brown, C. W. Knox, who was describ? ed as ':an intimate friend of Senator Hanna," Richard P. Evans who was said to represent "Mr. Gardner and his friends in the house, " and two press associations, the names of which were not given, as having been interested in the matter. The charges against members of congress were not specified. Upon the basis of this report, Mr. Richardson asked the adoption of a resolution for the appointment of an investigating committee of seven. The speaker ruled that the matter was privileged after Mr. Richardson had amended his resolution so as to speci? fically include members of the house. Great excitement attended the whole j proceeding. Mr. Cannon of Illinois insisted that Mr. Richardson's pre? sentation was fragmentary and that the whole matter should go over until to? morrow in order that members might read the documents presented, which j included newspaper extracts, affidavits, | etc., in the Record. Christmas, ne declared, on his own statement, was a briber and worse. But the house voted down the motion to postpone and the, resolution after being amended in minor particulars, was adopted. The speaker immediately appointed the following committee to make the investigation : Messrs. Dalzell (Rep. ) of Pennsylvania, Hitt (Rep.) of Illi? nois, Cousins (Rep.) of Iowa, McCall (Rep.) of Massachusetts, Richardson (Dem.) of Tennessee, Dinsmore (Dem.) of Arkansas, and Cowherd (Dem. ) of Missouri. The army appropriation bill was subsequently passed without material amendment and a rule was adopted to make the bill to retire officers of the revenue cutter service a continuing order until disposed of, the order not to interfere with appropriation or reve? nue bills or conference reports. DANIEL S. HENDERSON. Barnwell People. The writer hopes and expects to make good this' year a voluntary promise of himself to himself, that has not been forgotten since it was made in the Fall of 1870. No previous opportunity to keep it has been pre? sented. Near the close cf that now historic campaign between the republicans under the direction of Chamberlain and the Democrats under , the leader? ship of Hampton the writer was re? quested by Daniel S. Henderson, Esq., then a young attorney of the sister town of Aiken, to come to his home and be one of a conference with a few others who were taking an active part in that contest. On the appointed night upon arrival at the quarters of Mr. Henderson he was found in bed. suffering from injuries received while riding with other brave young spirits to quell the riotous pro? ceedings precipitated in the Southern part of Aiken county by the republi? can managers to secure the presence of United^States soldiers at the polls. His physician had forbidden the ad? mission of visitors into his room, but disregarding that advice Mr. Hender? son dismissed his attendant nurse and called his friends around his bedside. From a safe place of concealment he drew a bit of paper that many leading Democrats bad sought in vain to ob? tain-one of the republican tickets to be voted at the election on the follow? ing Tuesday. It was surmounted by an eagle, printed with red ink, and had been sedulously guarded from Democratic knowledge by the most faithful of the republican precinct leaders. He gave no intimation of how j it had been procured. A committee, the writer being one of its number, in pursuance of his suggestion, went to Augusta on the next morning train for the purpose of having Democratic tickets printed in the same style, with j ink of the same color. Xo such eagle j could be found in the Democratic I printing offices, but an artist was i discovered who made a wood cut and j the press of the Constitutionalist was \ kept busy in printing in red ink and ! under the eagle the names of the i j Democratic candidates in the Western . and Southern Counties of the State. ; i Before the election they were spread j j from the hills to the sea and many an unsuspecting Republican voted for; Hampton and home rule and by his ! ballot helped to end the carnival of the scalawag and carpet 'nagger. And ; there and then the writer promised j himself if ever opportunity presented j to east his vote for Daniel S. Hen- ! derson for any office for which he j I might in the future be a candidate, i j Years after it was incidentally ' learned that Mr. Henderson had paid ; j seventy-five dollars for one ticket above i described, and no nobler contribution ' j was ever made to the State than this j i gift from the first, earnings of a young ! j lawyer with his way to make in the j world. j And all the life of the now favorite ! and foremost, son of Aiken has been in j keeping with that act which is re j membered as well as if it had occurred only yesterday. Just thirty years ago he chose Aiken I as his life home and entered upon I the practice of his profession in co -- Mm 11 -a partnership with the late W. Peron neaa Finley. Winning in manner, ir? reproachable in personal and profes? sional life, gifted with talent of the highest order, thoroughly trained as an intellectual athlete in the best schools of books and men and high endeavor he found a favor in the eyes of the people that has grown with the passage of the years until he has become the uncrowned leader of thought and action in tho county of his adoption. A safe adviser, an in? corruptible advocate, a steadfast friend, a superb man of affairs, in the sunlight of the hills where he made his home, every bloom of promise has ripened into perfect fruitage, and from, the brawling, tawny Savannah to the limpid, soft flowing Edisto, his name is an honored household word, the synonym of manly worth and virtue, in every home, be it the costly pile of the multi millionaire or the cabin of the humble toiler whose daily labor is coined into bread for the wife and lit? tle ones. "Some men are born ?great, others achieve greatness.'* Senator Hender? son, born a gentleman, has lived a life so white and clean and fuil of inspira? tion to all who have come'within touch of its ennobling^ influenc? that none can say of him that any talent has ever been buried, nor has his light been hidden from the public sight. He has achieved a greatness and a goodness that give undoubted assur? ance of an exalted future. To those that have watched with faithful eyes his past career it has seemed that in the ways of Providence men are built to meet the needs of the time in which they live. Having measured up to every duty and every responsibility his friends call him to make the race for United States Senate, "believing, knowing, that in the high noon of his manhood, of perfect physical vigor, of ripe intellectual culture, of ready and resourceful equipment, an orator with all the force of logic, and the power][of words, a thinker who ' reasons from foundation prinicples, a student who has enriched the treasure house of his brain with the best thoughts and knowledge of all the ages, he is first among the sons ready to' serve the State in her highest chamber. And he, loyal son of a State so rich in her children, answers Present to the summons as he has answered to every call she has given him, and is ready at her bidding to go to those heights where grow the bravest laurels that men may gather, and plucking them unwithered and unstained to lay at the feet of the mother State with all the love and adoration that glows in the heart of the little maiden as she pins to her mother's bosom spring's first violets for the guerdon of a kiss from the lips that have sung sweet songs and taught pure lessons to the innocent one lisping at her knee. And with such a champion in her cause South Carolina may look with confident hope for the coming back of the golden age when in ail ' that goes to make true greatness she was first in all the sisterhood of States. She Didn't Wear a Mask. Rut her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Buckien's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all eruptions, fever sores. boil?, ulcers, carbuncles and felons from its use. Infallible for cuts, corns, barns, scalds and piles. Cure guaranteed. 25c at J*F W DeLorme's. 3. i Miss Kelly Home Agaitu Miss Henrietta A'ken Kelly, of Charleston, who lias been devoting lier attention for some years to the study of sericulture in Italy with a view to introducing it in her native State has reached America again. The New York Tribune of Monday said of her: "Miss Henrietta A. Kelly, of South j Carolina, a former school principal in j that State, who lias been abroad for j the last six years studying science in ? the universities at Cambridge, Paris, i Bruxelles and Geneva, reached this j country yesterday, and will go South j at once to try to introduce the scien ! tifie culture of silk in that section, j "I became interested in the silk grow ! ing industry a year or two ago while i visiting Lombardy,* ' she said yester I day at the St. Denis hotel. 'When I I saw that the climate, t?>e soil and ' the ?ora of that country were so much ? like that of my native State. 1 asked ' why the same industry could not be j carried on at home, and the now waste j places of the Carolinas be made as . productive as Lombardy and the peo ? pie be given a profitable occupation. ; I learned the language and proceeded j to study and translate the textbooks ; which bear on silk growing. I am ? now convinced that if the people of I the south can be taught to grow silk scientifically, as it must be grown to be a successful industry, and in 10 years the Patterson and other Ameri? can silk mills need not send out of this country for one nu nee of their raw silk. The Due di Litta-Visconti Aresi, a prominent landholder of Lom? bardy, has promised to help me, and he will look after securing native silk growers who are willing to immigrate here to start model farms. The prob? lem of education in the south is a very serious one, and is to be solved. I think, only by giving the ignorant classes training in industries fitted to tho soil. Such an industry silk grow? ing will prove, if we can raise the money to start it cn a business ba? sis.* "" Tot Causes Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was ta? ken with croup,*' writes Mrs J C Snyder of Crittenden, Ky. "It seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr King's New Discovery, which gav? quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from croup and whooping cough. It cured me of a chron? ic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. 50c and $1. Trial bottles L-ee at j F W De Lorme's. 3 iv . ?--. ..... -.. ' - - ..