WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1901. Eater ed at the Fost Office at Sumter S O., ax Second Glass Milter NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Schwartz Bros-The Lowest Prices. Estate of Wm. J. Stone-Citation. D. J. Chandler-Your Fall Overcoat. Bon Marche-Pleasant to Listen to ! J. Byttenberg & Sons-Lest Ye For? get. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jackson are in the city. Sheriff H. W. Scarborough returned Monday from Bishopville. Misses Zoe and Murr Hall have re? turned from Richmond, Va. Mrs. E. F. Larousseliere has gone to Charleston to visit her relatives. Dr. J. A. Mood returned" Monday night from Marion after a few days stay. Mr. B. P. Shore left on Saturday for New . York to remain several weeks. Mrs. A. L. Lesesne, of Manning has been on a visit to her mother, Mrs. E. A. Cuttino. Mr. W. H. Epperson returned from Greenville Friday night, where he has been visiting his son. Miss Lucy Graham has returned from visiting her sister, Mrs. W. L. Brewer, in New Jersey. Mrs. Henry Stuckey and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sembert, of Bishopville, were in the city Friday. Miss Eva Raffield left last Friday for Winthrop Normal and Industrial ; College, Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. David Moise returned to Sa? vannah last week, where he is employed by the Solomons Company, druggists. Mr. H. W. Cooper, who has been quite sick for sometime, returned to the city Thursday from his home at Mayesville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mi ms have returned from Tucson, Ariz., where they have been for the past several months. Mr. S. F. Parrott, editor of The Laurens County News, passed through the city this morning from Darlington. Mr. B. J. Grier, who has been suffering from rheumatism at his home for a year or more, has returned greatly improved after a three months stay in Camden and Smithville. Mr. L. L. Thomas, of North Caro? lina, who is visiting his son, Mr. T. E. i TChomas, of Wedgefield, spent Monday j in town. He has resumed the posi? tion of collecting and soliciting agent . for the Watchman and Southron, and our friends throughout the county can look out for him. We ask that they help him in the good work and send him on his way rejoicing. Mrs. C. W. McGrew left this morn? ing to visit relatives in Orangeburg county. Mr. E. E. Woodham and Mr. Banks, of Savannah, Ga., who will perform at the organ recital tonight, arrived this morning. Mr. Adolphus Manheim went to Co? lumbia this, morning to install a Kit? son Light' plant : for L?rick & Low? rance. He will also appoint agents; for the company. The lecture by Rev. Sam Jones will attract a big crowd to Sumter on tho sight of November 1st. It is reported that Robinson's circus will be here on Nov. 7. The country will surely be drained this fall by the show people. The first white frost of the season appeared last Saturday. It was quite cool in the early hours and felt like winter was really here. ? bad complexion generally resal?s from inactive liver and bowels. In all snch cases Dewitt's Early Risers produise grati? fying results. J. S? Hnghson & Co. The Mayor had one culprit before him Saturday. The offense was public drunkenness and resisting arrest. He was fined $5 or ten days imprisonment. The dinner to be served by the ladies of the First Baptist Church during next court week, will be served on Tuesday, Nov. 5th. Place will be an? nounced later. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Dr. A. J. China. While waiting for a train on Satur? day night a negro woman took a fit at the depot and fell heavily "on the plat? form. She was taken into one of the waiting rooms aand recovered after a short time. j The dust is becoming almost unbear? able on the side streets. It is a pity the water sprinkler cannot visit the other streets, besides Main and Liber? ty. It is to be hoped rain will come shortly. The piles thai annoy you so will be quickly and permanently h?aied if you use Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of worthless counterfeits.-J. S. Hughson 4th. Prices, ;50, 35c. Schools and col leges 25c. Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve should b promptly applied to cuts, burns and scalds It soothes and quickly heals the injure< part. There are worthless counterfeits be sure to get Dewitt's.-J. S. Hughsoi & Co. The students of the Sumter Militar Academy will present the war drama "Down In Dixie," sometime nex month, at the Opera House. Th< characters will be well selected to sui the various parts and the play will b< given with all of its dramatic anc historical settings. The proceeds wil be for the tenefit of the chemical anc physical laboratories. The game between the two footbal teams at the Graded School, which was to have been played on Thanks? giving Day, has been called off. Il was impossible to obtain good materia! and the teams have been disbanded. It is hoped that the Sumter Military Academy will put a good team on the field and give lovers of the sport some interesting games. When you cannot sleep for coughing, il is hardly necessary that anyone should telJ you that you need a few doses of Cham berlain's Cou ?rh Remedy to allay the irri? tation of the throat, and make sleep pos? sible. It is good. Try it. For sale bj Dr. A. J. China. Rev. H. 0. Grossman is attending the meeting of the South Carolina Synod of the Lutheran Church, at Leesville, S. C. He will report a most prosperous year in the Sumter and Orangeburg Churches. Finances are in an unusually good condition, debts are all paid to date and money in the treasury. Sunday Schools are well organised and supplied with all necessary literature. Ladies societies are doing good work. Spirituality good. Paul Porteus, the fourteen year dla* son of Mr/ C. B. Porteous, of New Brighton, Pa., was accidentally shot and seriously wounded last week-by a boy of his o^n age. while they were out hunting. The shooting*was done'with a 22 calibre rifle, the ball entering the left side at about the first rib and lodged in the muscles of the back. Mr. C. B. Porteous, the boys father was for a number of years a r?sident of this city. "I wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of thase few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia .. Care is without .question, the best and only cure for dyspepsia that I have ever come in contact with and I have asea many other preparations. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa." No prepara? tion equals !KodoI Dyspepsia Ctire as it contains ail the natural digestants. It will digest all kinds of food and can't help but do you good.--J. S. Hughson & Co. This evening, at eight o'clock, Organ Recital, at the First Methodist Church, conducted by Mr. E. E. Woodham, of Savannah, Ga., one of the leading organists of the South. Mr. Banks, a prominent tenor soloist, will assist Mr. Woodham, and Everett Stothart, the boy soprano, who has made a reputation for himself by his wonderful rendition of The Holv City." An alarm of fire was rung in Thurs? day afternoon at 5 o'clock. A house next to the Nixon House, owned by Mrs. Villeneuve was on fire. The hose companies responded quickly and very soon the fire was extinguished. No damage of any consequence was done to the building. The fire was on the roof in the rear of the house. The hose wagons had a spirited race down Main Street. . 'Tor three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers." says M. ?. Lowther, clerk of tne district court, Centerville, Iowa. I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen differ? ent medicines, but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and three doses relieved me entirely." This remedy is for sale by Dr. A. J. China. The chill in the air in the morning and evening suggest the coming of the biting cold of winter when an overcoat will be a necessity. Even now a light overcoat is comfortable at times. Chandler, the Clothier, has a large stock of overcoats of ali weights and will supply all who need them. The Sumte:: Graded Schools are not affected by the opinion of the assistant Attorney General on the incidental fee question. The matter was taken into the courts eight years ago when the fee was first imposed and a decision, confirming the action of the School Board in requiring the payment of the incidental fee was rendered. The As? sistant Attorney General in explicit forms states that his opinion does not apply to schools that are collecting tho fres undor authority grantod by special act of the Legislature or undor a decision of the courts. .Tho foes will be collected irom scholars attending the Graded Schools as heretofore and those who may be led to bel i tu e by the opinion published elsewhere that they would escape the payment of tho incidental fees will be disappointed. j Tfie Lee County Election. The Nsw County Wins by Safe Ma? jorities in Each County, The following are the complete re? turns of the Lee county election held yesterday. Every precinct has been reported, and as the tabulation given below shows, the new county has won in Sumter, Darlington and" Kershaw counties by more than the two-thirds majority : " SUMTER COUNTY. Bishopville, St. Charles, Spring Hill, Carter's Crossing, Reids Mill, Lynchburg, Yes. No. 343 8 66 78 47 34 16 51 70 31 63 576 231 DARLINGTON COUNTY. Yes. \ Ashland, 103 ; Cypress, 76 No. 48 29 77 179 KERSHAW COUNTY. ; Yes. No. Lucknow, 1 7 Turkey Creek, 45 2 Halls Mill, 36 6 82 15 Local Cotton Market. Receipts light. Strict middling 1%. About the City Schools. Supt. S. H. Edmunds makes the fol? lowing report of the enrollment of pupils: White schools, 515;-Lincoln School, 284. Principal Andrews' report to Supt. Edmunds will be of interest. The extract reads thus : The work of the school has begun with bright indica? tions of good class work. The pupils are fully alive to the requirements of thorough and careful work and are re? sponsible to a degree that is satisfac? tory and encouraging to both teachers and pupils. Industrial work has been in progress half of the month. The two lines, carpentry and sewing, in that depart? ment are eagerly and enthusiastically taken up by those required to do so. There is every reason to believe that the addition of this new feature to the school will prove in the highest degree successful. Miss Kate DeLorme has been elected by the City Board of Education as the teacher of the department mention? ed in The Item of yesterday. She has sent her acceptance. . Manning's First Postmaster. Mr. Thos. E. Richardson, who has recently looked up the facts, states that the postoffice in Manning was established in June, 1856, and that thomas S. Coogler, the first postmas? ter was appointed and received his commission June 25, 1856. Accidental Shooting Scrape. Amos Williams, shot and wounded Sallie White, Saturday night, in Farmer's Restaurant on Main street. Both parties are colored. Williams claims it was accidental, and from all accounts it appears to be a case of criminal carelessness. Williams was arrested just after the shooting and is being held to await a hearing of the case. The woman is not seriously wounded and is getting on very welL Dr. China extracted the.bullet. stimalate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are un? equaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues are widely recognized, as they possess peculiar properties in freeing the system from that poison. Elegantly sugarcoated. lake No Substitute.-* There's no reflection so ? dainty, no light so ^ charming as the mellow glow that comes from CORDOVA Wax Candles Prepared in many color tints to ntrxnonis* with ?or ronndiaj? in dining room, drewinc room, ? b?d room or hill. Sold ^ .ftrywhoro. Mad* by, STANDARD OIL CO. BAGGING ANO TIES CHEAP. WE HAVE a lot of good second hand Badging which we will sell at i}4 cents a poind, put up in bundles of 30 yards. Also good second hand Ties at $1.00 a bundle. No bundles broken. Apply at SUMTER COTTON MILLS. Or to Altamont Moses, Secty. Oct 9-3t FOR SALE-A King Cotton Seed. (?ct ?)-tf limited quantity of Apply to W. B. Boyle. HA.NDS WANTED-Several families eau ff mi employment at the Sumter Cot? ton Mills. sept 18-4t Pl SO'S vGU R E FOR UURES WHHiE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best i'ough Sj rup. Tastes Good, in time. Sold hy druggists. CONSCTMPTION 2 s Your Fall Overcoat ! How will you meet the new season-in a long, medium or short Overcoat? Our Fall Overcoat styles this season provide for nearly everybody's ideas. 'Tisn't for us to say what you shall have, but to give you all the styles and let you select for yourself. .A/t $6.50 Ol* $8.50 ^e **** pel* ^ou 011 0vercoat ?* good ma -_-!-_-!-terial, with farmers Satin Lining. Should, it not suit you can bring it back. OUT $10 2111(1 $12 Blac^ Brown and Grey Beavers and Ker