: \ Castoria. The New Bon Marche. Ghandler-f?als. O'connell & Co-Flour.: Mrs. L. Atkinson-Fall Millinerv. V iScnwait2-,Bros--Chir Opening Mes? sage. : .- - _ M. B. " McSw?eney, Governor-Proc? lamation.. J. Ryttenberg & Sons-A Question andean Answer. Sumter Dry Goods Company-^-Dull -Days Made Busy. Board of Election Commissioners Notice of Election. ^ ' r PERSONAL. C6L R. MT Wallace is in the city. ?x Mrs. Dan Dove is visiting in the city. Dr. J. W. Woodley was in the city Saturday. Hugh Phelps' left on> Monday for Clemson College. Mr. W. E. Bick, of Pineville, spent yesterday in town. Cadet Guy L. Warren has returned to- the-a C. M. A. Mr. W. J. Young, of Rembert, spent Monday in the eily. Mr. T. BL Dick, of Columbia, spent Friday in town. Mr. Ladson Boyle has? gone to the South Carolina College. Mr." E. L Manning, Jr., has return? ed to the South Carolina College. p?~- Mr. C. M. Brand, of Wilmington, is visiting his mother in this city.^ /; - Miss-Margnerite Tindal,.of Claren ^??n^^is; visiting Miss Julia Cutiano. Mr. Ernest Carson went to Charles? ton Monday to enter the South, Caro? lina Medical College. Mr. M. G. Ryttenberg returned last Modday from New York, where he has ?pent the past few months. s~ Mr. A. Gordon Jones, Superinten? dent of the Charleston Division of the Southern Ballway, spent Thursday in the city. Mr. and - Mrs. Mark Reynolds left Monday for Washington, D. C., taking their little daughter, Julia, to consult -a specialist. Misses Rosie, Mary, Virginia,, and ""Nettie, daughters of Mr. Robt M Cooper, went to Columbia Thurdsay to .attend college. BU Miss Jessie: H. Bradford, of Priva . teer visited at Mr. J. Y. Mason's ?while attending the Union meeting in 3he Bartlett Street Church. - Miss Rosa . Gillespie, after a very ^pleasant stay in New York, Norfolk, Va., Augusta, Ga., . and other points 'ot interest, has returned home. Mr. Sumter Williams who has held a position in China's drug store for two years past left for Charleston yeiterday afternoon to enter the College of Pharmacy. Mr. Len. F. Kennedy has accepted a positon with the New Bon Marche -where he will be glad to see his friends ; who may need anything in the dress goods or notions line. J. W. Gregory, of Sumter, has been . chosen to succeed J. R. Hix as assist - ant clerk of court. Mr. Gregory as? sumes his duties the first of January next.-Union Correspondent the State. Miss Annie P. Ewell returned Fri? day from New York. Miss Ewell has spent her vacation of over three ! months in New York studying with and attending the lectures of the lead? ing professors of music of America and .Berlin. Messrs. "5. V. and T. A. Bradley, of Spring Hill, J. W. Eilgo, Jr., of _ this city, and L. B. Michau and BL R. McLeod, of Oswego, went to Spartan burg last Thursday to attend college. They were accompanied by Rev. J. H. Thacker. Mr. E. D. Kyle has been appointed division freight agent of the Seaboard Air Line, with headquarters at Jack? sonville, Fla. Mr. Kyle will have charge of traffic on the Jacksonville .di vision and will report to the assist? ant general freight agent at Savannah. Dr. L. F. Guerry, of Columbia, -who has been visiting in the Provi? dence neighborhood, where his father, Rev. L. F. Guerry, is spending a few weeks, returned to Columbia Thursday. He was accompanied by his sister, ' Miss Susie Guerry* who will enter the Presbyterian College. Prof. Thos. MurrittDick, of Brook? lyn, N. Y., has been elected to the chair of mechanical engineering in the North Carolina A. and M College, Raleigh. Prof. Dick is a graduate of ?the UT S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., having taken the mechanical engineering course and stood No. -1 in Iiis class. The Naval Academy has furnished various colleges with pro? fessors of mechanical engineering, among them the University of Penn? sylvania, University of Michigan, Har? vard, Cornell and Columbia. The naval authorities say that Professor Dick ranks among the best engineers that they have educated-Asheville Citizen. Prof. Dick is a son of Capt. T. Hazel Dick of this city. ? . Mrs. J. B. Witherspoon, of Kershaw, has returned home, accompanied by Mrs. M. B. Witherspoon, after a weeks visit to her sons, the Wither? spoon brothers. Misses Ethel Parrott, of Darlington, and Flossie Mc Alpin, of Live Oak, Fla., are visiting Mrs. L. I. Parrott. Mr. Claude Hurst, who is now on the road for the Carolina Mfg. Co., of Newberry, has been in the city for the past few days. There will be a call meeting of the VU. D. C." at the residence of Mrs. Altamont Moses on Tuesday, October the 8th,. at five o'clock. The Chapter will arrange for the entertainment of the State Convention at that meeting so all members are requested to be present. The Sumter Dry Goods Co., have a chapter of good things in their new ad. of this issue, and as they never ndulge in an unnecessary use of ad? jectives when talking business, we feel as if their store must be headquarters for the special lines which this popu? lar house, carries. MARRIED. I "Bradiey-M cG olin m--Married-v in I Shanghai, China, August 17th, 1901, ? m the presence pf the IL S. Consul, By Rev. H. Maxcy Smith, Dr. John W.- Bradley and Miss Mamie B. Mc Collum.-So. Presbyterian, Sept. 26. The bride is a sister of Mr. Tracey McCollum well known in this city, and Dr. Bradley was raised at Bishop yille. . - . _ ? . Kead Chandler's new advertisement today. The. Atlantic Coast Line is getting ready for an old hoss sale. J. Ryttenberg & Sons have a new advertisement ' today. The October term of conrt will con? vene in November. Bead Schwartz Bros\ new advertise? ment. -. ". " . The quarterly statement of the Bank of Snmter came in too late to-day for publication and will appear next week. Sheriff Scarborough has had to send fifteen lunatics to the State Hospital .for the Insane since January 1st. ' Cotton receipts are. growing larger every day and the public weighers are having plenty to do. The Sumter fire department will not be represented in the Augusta Inter? state Firemen's Tournament. Sumter needs a roller flour mill, and the opportunity to secure one now presents itself. " V The Who, What, When Minstrels gave a. clean and thoroughly entertain? ing show Monday night, and merited a larger house than they had. ; James Lenoir, a son of Mr. S. F. Lenior, fell off his bicycle on Main Street last Wednesday and broke his left arm between the wrist and elbow. The police received another blood? hound from Kentucky on last Saturday. This addition increases.the pack of bloodhounds to four-two old dogs and two unbroken guppies. - Quite a number of stores are putting in the Kinston incandescent kerosene lights and discarding electric lights. The new lights are more powerful and give a steadier and more brilliant light than electricity. The Sumter Savings Bank is open for business, and thus far has. had a very satisfactory business although none of the furniture and fixtures has arrived- Cashier Bicker has not very elegant quarters but he is always on hand and ready to receive deposits, large or small Last Thursday was Rev. J. A. Clif? ton's birthday, and the congregation of the First Methodist Church gave him a pounding last night in honor of the occasion. Dr. Cilfton survived the shock and today is feeling younger than ever in the midst of the great pile of good things left by the pound? ers. Mr. J. W. McKeiver, building con? tractor has repaired the parapet wall of the store occupied by the Greeks, and pronounces it as secure and safe. There was a crack in the wall, which caused cautious people to fear that it might fall and, injure someone. No danger now exists. ?? There are a few farmers who have fine cotton crops, the yield being as great as a bale to the acre, but the majority of them are now saying that the crop-is shorter than anyone real? ized before picking commenced. There is lots of weed but little cotton. Manager Hurst anounces that he has secured Miss Leah Lessi's company in "East Lynne." This is the most com? plete organization that has ever pre? sented this popular old-time play for years. Sandy Gary colored, who has been in jail under indictment for buying seed cotton, was released yesterday and the prosecution suspended on condition that he leave the county within forty eight hours. The macadam work on Main Street should begin promptly now and be com? pleted as soon as possible. There should be no further delay on acount of danger to health from excavation, for it is too late in the season for that. Mr. W. B. Boyle has already picked 93^ bales of cotton from a nine acre field and will get a good deal more. The total weight of the 93^ bales was 4,628 pounds. The field was ?well fer-; tiHzea and well worked, but the seed planted were from a prolific variety of the King cotton. The Charleston Exposition Commis? sioners for Sumter County have done practically nothing toward having the county represented by an exhibit at Charleston, so far as can be ascertain? ed. Unless corporations and individ? uals make exhibits Sumter County will have no place in the picture. Mr. J. E. C. Pedder, superintendent of the Charleston office of Bradstreet's Commercial Agency, was in the city Wenesday. He is the most enthusiastic Exposition promoter that has visited Sumter and if Charleston, had a few more like him, the Exposition could not fail of greatest success in every particular. He is working for the Exposition and talking Exposition all the time and has the facts on the tip of his tongue to prove his faith to be well founded. The Charleston Exposi? tion grows bigger every day and it will undoubtedly be the greatest ex? position ever held in the south and on a scale that entitles to rank with the Pan American Exposition. The cotton boll worm which has ap? peared in several sections of this coun? ty recently is reported to be doing great damage in Marlboro County and many cotton planters are alarmed over the outlook. The worms first appear? ed in Marlboro County about three years ago, but until this season did comparatively little damage. Conduc? tor H. W. Lucius, who runs cn the Sumter and Gibson passenger train, brought in last Wednesday a few speci? men cotton bolls that had been attack? ed by the worms, which show how thoroughly the worms destroy every boll that they attack. He states that on the farm from which these bolls came the crop has been almost com? pletely destroyed, the owner estimating that where he made 45 bales last year he wll get not more than 10 to 12 bales this year. The appearance of boll worms in numbers in this state is a serious matter and unless some means of combating them successfully is found the production of cotton will be much less profitable than it has been in the past. The ladies of the Jewish Lecture Hall Society will hold a bazar in the near future. The date will be an? nounced later. We want an agent in every neighbor? hood to solicit subscribers for the Watchman and Southron. A boy or j girl, who takes the agency'and will work it for all there is in it can make a tidy sum for pocket money between now and Christmas. We will pay a liberal commission, and, as- we are publishing' the biggest and best week? ly paper in the State, an active agent should find no difficulty in getting up a-big list ?ow is the time to begin work. Write for terms. We send a statement to each sub? scriber every week. The label on the paper shows exactly when your sub? scription expires and we request our subscribers to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. CITY COUNCIL MEETING. The City Council meet in regular session Wednesday night with Mayor Stuckey and Aldermen Boyle, W. H. Epperson, G. F. Epperson,- Finn, Hurst and Rowland present The minutes of the meeting of Sept. 9 and 11th were read and approved. The Finance Committee reported Clerk and" Treasurers' reports for July and August examined and found cor? rect, except Dr. Robert Wilson's bill of 315 for analyzing city water and E. I. Reardon, Health Officer, for railroad expanses. These bills were ordered paid. Mr. Finn for special committee re? ported that the postmaster advised council to proceed with numbering the houses, as delay might defeat the pros? pect for the early establishment of the free mail delivery system in this city. The committeee was authorized to contract for a "map .of the city and for numbering, the cost of map "not to ex ?e?d 885.' A letter from the Board of Health was read urging council to have a sur? vey of .the city made to ascertain the cost of a sewerage system, which the board considers a great necessity. The clerk was instructed to say in reply that the financial condition of the city does not warrant incurring the ex? pense of a survey, which might prove a needless expenditure and would be so unlesss the citizens of the city de? cide^ to have a sewerage system and should take the legal steps" necessary to authorize a bond issue. The clerk was further directed to say the coun? cil are of the opinion that sewerage would be impracticable and beyond the means of the city until we first own the water system. The brick store building at the south west corner of Main and Liberty streets was reported as dangerous on account of a broken parapet which appears likely to fall. ;The police were directed to post danger signs at that point and notify the owner of the building that necessary repairs must be made at once, and unless repairs be commenced by 30th instant, the side? walk in front of said stores will be barricaded to prevent its use. The salary of Mr. L. E. White, Street Commissioner, was increased to $60 per month. THE VOTE TABULATED. The county Democratic executive committee met Thursday and tabulated the returns of the second primary held on Tuesday. Returns from all the clubs except Gaillard X Roads, Tay? lors, Magnolia and Magnolia Demo? cratic were received and tabulated. The total vote tabulated was as fol? lows: Brantley, 497: Lever 787. Le? ver received a majority of the votes in the club3 that failed to send in re? turns to the committee, but as the missing returns cannot affect the result the vote was declared as reported and tabulated today. A Fine Preacher. Rev. Mr. Walker of the Bishopville church assisted Mr. Smith in a meet? ing at McLeod's church last week. It was my pleasure to hear him on seve? ral occasions, and can unhesitatingly say that he is a bold, fearlesss and con? sistent expounder of the scriptures. If the people who. hear him do not see. the necessity of living a more godly life it will not be his fault He is not tiresome in the delivery of his ser? mons and will hold his audience to the end. He made many friends here who will be delighted to have him come again. No doubt much good will come from his visit. Jas. E. DuPre. Pisgah, Sept. 30. SUMTER'S BAND. The Florence Times of Tuesday has the following complimentary notice about the Second Regiment Band : "Sumter has a band to be proud of. Florence owes her sister city thanks for the privilege of hearing that band in one of its concerts at the Audito? rium here last night "The audience was not nearly so large as it should have been, the con? cert was most enjoyable and it is a pity that the house was. so small. The proeram presented was the same pub? lished in the Times a few days in ad? vance of their coming. Each number was well received by the audience, and was liberally applauded. "The band shows the effect of strict discipline and careful training. Their leader deserves the greatest credit for the high state of efficiency to which he has brought his men. Such bands as this are rarely to be found except in veteran corps. ' ' SUMTER TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NUR? SES. The faculty of the Sumter Training School for Nurses held a meeting at , the office of Dr. Hofman on the 24th. The course of lectures for the session of 1901-02 was maped out, the lectures to commence on the first of October and extending through unti] June. The course will be by far more com? plete than the one just ended. The demand for nurses has been so great that the school has not been able to respond to all calls. New pupils will be accepted and information can be obtained from the Secretary. The success of this instituiton is now quite assured, the attendance for the past year's course was ten pupil nurses, and two nurses of the course of 1900-01 are to come up this week for graduation. The faculty connsists of the following gentlemen : Dr. H. M. Stuckey, chairman; Drs. J. A. Mood, S. C. Baker, J. S. Hughson, Walter Cheyne, Richard Furman, E. F. Darby, Van Telburg-Hofman, Sec? retary. y . - . ...... Z. A Mao's Headgear ff ls a wer j ?mp?r? S??k fl ll tant part of his "getwBg& li 11 up.w His whole at- ff 11 tire depends on the ?s? - i I jj| . beauty of his ^ J??^> || ^^^BB^^ We have the newest styles in 11 ill ATS, j! li; Our Soit Ii ai* for $?, $l,SO, ff ff . $^, $and $3 . I! I g Are the kinds that wear, and every one is guaranteed 1J ? I to give satisfaction. We also have I $ II Numerous styles of 25c and 50 cent Hats, ll fi Large line of Caps for Men and Boys, at 10 cts., 15 If 11 cts, 25 cts. and 50 cts. All colors, shapes and styles, f f I'S-:-^-y--_ jj iii qj ?.J. THE CLOTHIER.. We Turn Butt..... Bays Into Busy Ones By bringing forth the good things and telling you about them here* Hardly a day passes but something that is good and at the same time cheap, comes to light. THESE COME TO LIGHT TODAY: DRESS GOODS. This is oar long soit, and we unhesitatingly say that DO'such vaines have heretofore been seen io this market, either as to prices or the wide range of j styles shown SILES. Taffetas, Epingles and Pean de Soie ara the proper things in Silks-bat don't bay one which hasm't the warrant to wear woven io the selvedge of j every yard-we have them BLACK GOODS. Tbibets. Ladies' Cloths, Prunelles, Venetians, Poplins and Pean de Crepes are the newest fabrics for morning costumes We have made a special effort in this Department this season. DOMESTICS AND LINENS. 1 case 36 inch Percales to be sold at 5c.-cheaper than Calico. 2 balee 36 inch Ses Island ax 5c-this is the regalar 6Je quality. Have one cheaper yet Fruit of the Loom, fall 36 iocb wide at Tc 50-inch single-ted Bleached Sheetings at 15 cents 81-inch doable-bed Bleached Sheetings at 18 cents. 70 inch Damask, warranted strictly all linen, 50 cents. AU Linen Towels same prices as half linen found elsewhere. TAILOR-MADE SUITS. E] egaut line from which to make a selection Beautifully tailored, war? ranted to fit. Price tange extending from $5 to $25 CLOAKS for Ladies and Children. Here is the most favorable opportunity to get posted !.. i^ese pretty gar? ments as to style and cost Oar various lines tre now o- "/oibition, and we are always pleased to show them WARRANTED FOOTWEAR. The ' Little Giant" Shoes for Children, and "Drew Selby ? CoW Val Dottenboffer"' and ''American Girl" Shoes for Ladies are our four winners. Our cfier to give a new pair for any not giving entire satisfaction holds good. umter j ?ry hoods j o. Proprietors of Sumter's Leading Dressmaking Establishment and Agts for Standard Patterns. HANDS WANTED-Several families The advertising car of the Wallace can ffnd employment at the Sumter Cot- ?ros> circus arrived last Thnrsdav and ton Mills._sept 18-it . the town and country has "been ! thoroughly billed with the regu JfLr?? n? w^b'l > lation circus posters of approved H 3B ?ifilcMlaU 3 3B ?ftl?WBji gorgeousness. This circus visited HBe?\?ALiJ?lsEffi. use O Sumter twe> years ago and those who Ea intime. Sold by druggists. g| attended it then Know that it is a first fl?jjBf?|?l J Ul J h i ah g fi BBBpj c*ass s^ow anc* one ?* the biggest on B^-^ IIH.^| j the road. THE LABGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD Nearly 100 Varieties. AU the choice, luscious kinds for the Gar? den and Fancy Market. Also Shipping Varieties. Also Dewberries, Asparagus, Khubard, Grape Vines, etc?, etc. Our 120 page Ttfyatirij free to buy? ers, enables everybody to grow them vita succeis and profit? '.All plants packed to carry across the continent fresh as when dug. Illustrated catalogue free. Specify if you want cata? logue of Shipping Varieties or Fancy Gar? den kinds. CONTINENTAL PLANT CO., Strawberry Specialists, Zittrell, XT* CL Sept 25-4 MCI TO TAXPAYIRS. OFP'CI OF r}~; COUNTY TREASURER SDMXXR^GO. SUMTES, S. C., Sept 24, ?90K. NOTICE is hereby given that I will be in my office in the County Court House at Sumter from October 15th to December 31st, 1901, inclusive, for the collection of taxes for the fiscal year 1901. The levy .is? as follows: For State purposes, 5 mills. For County purposes, 3 millah . For School purposes, 3mills.. Total levy, Also the following special school levies; School District No. 1, ? ' 2 mills. School District No. 16, 2 mills. School District No. 18, 2 mill?- . School District No? 20, 3 mills. Mt Clio, 2 mills. Concord, 2 mills.. Privateer, 2 mills. No. 5, 1 mill. No. 17, 1 mill. School District No. 23V 4 mills. School District No. 22, 4 mills. Commutation Road Tax for 1902 $1.00, payable from Oct 15th, 1901T to Feb. 1st, 1902. H. L. SCARBOROUGH, , sept 24 Treasurer Sumter Co. ....BRUSH ?WAY IE COBWEBS j AND j. ....Dust Out the Dust Ceiling Dusters, long handles, 15* Carriage Dusters, 10?x Good Quality Feather Duster, 25? Best '* " ? 35cr These goods bought di? rect from the manufac? turer, and are bargains at the prices. They will go quick. SCREPE PAPERS Just received a large as? sortment of Dennison's' y FloraljCrepe papers-best quality, new desgns. The 40 cent kind 23c ': H. G. Osteen & Co.