The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, October 02, 1901, Image 1

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Tmt SUMTES. WATCHMAN, lUtmbl?aued April, 1850? fesolMated Aug. 2,1881. - - . : Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and .Truth's." THB TB CB SOUTHRON, Established June l*& SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2.1901. New Series-Toi. XXI. So, 9 Wa^n^:? Sept. 2?-^Tbe Scnley 'V court of inquiry was brought to a snd ^^^e^^ta^?^on^ for the day< 18-min-_ |??:t "uies after convening this morning:- by |?^?the^anr^^ of the death of ??|?Judge Jeremiah Wilson, senior counsel o??r^o^raiv SeHej.- .l^e^announce-. me?t%as made tb th? court -by Hon. ^^Esidor Bayhor, associate^'counsel, in . the foHowing> language : . "I have a very sad announcement to I>make to the coxirt Vi have jn^ : heard - ci t?ie death bf Judge Wilson. I left |||?ly indisposed. I was with him until ?te last night. I saw hwn this morn" ^y - ixtg at 8 o'clock and left him at 10. Wo-itave^^^ ?&e ?elepr?e "tnaf no* died*'afc" the Shoreham hotel, and I would [ respect^! iufiyj*sk-the "court, if it meets -wit?? th?mj?royvi?Mjf the court, to adjourn ?-for today.''v Admiral Dewey said : ~: c IlV?.r^^J?a^tc^a?r/c?race that ??j?ei?g ^ v the deathVof Judge Wilson of 'counsel, the. court will adjourn'for today ' until % ^ tomorrow morning. " Mr.- BaynpT?ssa?^ that so;:?ar2as he cx)r?d:now;see'the ?com?selio^^fj^TTal morro w^but^addec?t?iat't?&re^would be a desirejo.?ttend the funeral when i%pccjojTe^ Ijemlyagreed "1?na^^ikhisa detail'' could be arranged later. " g ; Admiral Cotton and. Captain Wise Washington, Sept. . 25.-Two. new witnesses were ; introduced in the ScHeyiinojdry.^c^ay; They were^Ad^ mirai Cotton, "who as captain' com? manded the auxiliary cruiser Harvard, and Captain Wise, who commanded^. the? auxiliary ?miser Yale during the^J : Spanish war. Both these vessels were used as scouts and both came ur>.v>with "the ?ly?ng Squadron off Santiago on the 27th of May^^foreth^relTOgrade movement to Key West was'' begun. J Admiral Cotton testified that he had gone aboard AdmrralScMey's flagship, ' the Brooklyn, on that d?tei? take das pat(&estohim and h?:.said at firstr ^- that lie gave him four or five dispatch? es addressed-to t?he commander of the squadron. He afterwards " modified this statement, saying that probably all. but two of - these dispatches were addressed to himself (Admiral Cotton) but that they-contained information -which should be lit Admiral Schley's possession. One of these was a copy ' of a dispatch from Admiral Sampson, which had not been printed . in the - official records, stating that, the Span? ish fleet was at Santiago. He also said that "coal could have been taken from the Merrimac-on the 27th of May, the day on which the retrograde movement to Key West was begun 3or the pur? pose of coaling. Captain Wise testified that '. on the 27th of May he had signalled Captain Phillips of the Texas hisopinion that Cervera was inside the harbor at San? tiago^ but the testimony was ruled .out. The first witness called today was A. B. Claxton, the machinist on board the Teaxs whomhad begun his testimony when the sittings of the court were so abruptly terminated yes? terday morning bv the death of Judge Wilson. - Mr. Claxton said on July 3, 1898, he had been, on duty in the engine room of the Texas. The engine incli cator had called for full speed ahead early in the morning, which had. within an hour after the beginning of the action been changed to "full speed astern. " To his knowledge there had been no signal for the reversal- of the engines. He said that he had been ex? cused from service in the engine room, but still he knew that the engines were reversed for about two minutes. Was in Session Only a Half Day. Washington, Sept. 26.-The Sehley court of inquiry was in session for only an hour and three-quarters today, adjourning at 12:45 in order to permit . its members and others engaged there to attend the funeral of Judge Wilson, late chief counsel for Admiral Schley. Capt. Wise concluded his testimony, Admiral Cotton made a. brief state? ment on recall and Lieut. Spencer S. Wood, who commanded the dispatch boat Dupont during the Spanish war, began, his testimony. Machinist Gray who was in charge of the starboard engines of the Texas on the day of the battle off Santiago testified that on the day of the battle the starboard engines were stopped and the ma? chinery reversed. - . Capt Wise was questioned at con? siderable * length as to what he had done before the arrival pf the flying scjuadronoff Santiago towards locating Cervera's fleet in the harbor. He said that while he had satisfied himself - of . thepresence bf'tho'Spaiii?r^?V?ift? - been conten&i fo - eommu^caf?" his S .Lieut. Wood,gaye the particulars of his delivery of:mspat?h?fefrom \ Admi ral Sampson to Admiral Schley .on the 22d of May while the Admiral lay off ' Oenfu?gbs. \ELe ; -;jsaid ; ; tthat : Schley seemed very nervous and 5 especially j 'anxious to know what -Sampson7s in? tentions w.ere. He had^ not. concluded 'his testimony when the'courfr adjourn? ed. .. ? -. Capt. Wise who commanded the : scout :ship Tale during the Spanish war continued his narrative of the retrograde movement of the flying squadron, toward Key West, on May 27. f .*OnV^l?|nex$ day ne was-disp?tehed ?to Newport News;., reporting to A?mi I ral Sampson on the way. He had told Admiral Sampson, he said, that the flying squadron was about 30 miles west of Santiago. In response to a question from the admiral he had said: he did-not know what it was doing there. .-: Gov. Bob Taylor Hl?rried. Tuscaloosa, Ala., September. 24.-: Former Governor Robert L. Taylor, of: Tennessee, and Mrs.; Alice Fitts Hill, of? Montgomery, were married in Christ church, this place, at 4 o'clock this afternoon, in- the presence of/a few ^"friends and relatives. Governor andlirs. Taylor left at once for Louis? ville and other places, after which they will be at home. in. Knoxville, Tenn., until October 5 when Governor Taylor begins his lecture tour. ?The marriage was set for January I next,> but -Governor Taylor came down' Saturday i? visit MrW HiH Trefore she left for a. six weeks' trip to Califor? nia. Last night.the tongue on rwhose eloquences so many have Hung per-; sueded Mrs. Hill to forego the trip to San Francisco and become Mrs. Taylor this -afternoon.; ? faithless .Soldier Lover. ^Washinj^ sationai romance has just come to the light at Jhe war'(department brough. the'e^drW of . av nimiber f of f prominent citizens of Chester, South! Carolina,': to prevent; President Roosevelt, .from issuing ajeommissioh to Wm P. $?aw-; ford, who?^was??^nt?y^>appoinjrei$ a first Heutenant^in th? ':reguiar ?jany.; .l^i?m: .th^ocow'on-?l^ii . \ the ; office of the Adjutant General it ^appears that young Crawford belongs tov a well known- fomily in - the 1 Palmetto State. At .the^outbreak of the Spanish-Amer-:: iean^-^war "he enlisted in one of the South Carolina regiments and render-; ,ed;ga]jant, serviceJn^^^ was"appbinted a second lieutenant of .volunteers and went to. the .Philip? pines^; where he again distinguished; himself and won an appointment in -$he regular army : as first lieutenant. ;^His relatives and iriends at his home in ^hester united in a general testi? monial as to his military, moral and social standing, and were only too ; glad to approve the action of the .war department in recognition of . his mili? tary, qualifications. His advantages of _education and opportunities in addi Bobn . to ^attractive personality, made Kim'especially popular with the citi- ; zens'of ^Chester, and especially the young ladies" of the society at his home. . ?. short time ago the an- ; nounoment of his engagement to marry one of the most beautiful and ; accomplished young ladies was formal? ly authorized and the preparations for the wedding were made to take place one day "last week ; The brides', tronsseau was complet? ed, the bridesmaids were selected, the best man and groomsmen chosen and every, detail for the wedding tastefully arranged. The night before the wed? ding was . to have been solemnized Lieut Crawford called at the residence pfihis intended; bride. He remained there until about ll o'clock. Next morning he addressed a brief note to the mother of his fiance, informing her that the marriage would not take place as he had ceased to love her daughter; The startling and unexpected break? ing off of the engagement continu?s to be a mystery to the relatives and : friends of the bride and the greatest indignation prevails*in social circles at Chester as -to the actual cause of Lieut. Crawford's ungallant action. In the absenc? of a full explanation of his peculiar conduct many of the prominent people of Chester, who had previously urged his appointment to ; the regular army, joined in a petition to the President to withhold the issu? ance of a commission to Lieut. Craw? ford until a thorough investigation of the cireumstances can be made. Lieut Crawford was designated for appoint? ment by President "McKinley, passed a creditable examination before a mili? tary board and the signing of his com? mission was delayed by the death of President McKinley. In accordance with the indignant protest from Ches? ter, which reached the war department yesterday, the Adjutant General of the army has advised that the commis? sion of Lieut. Crawford be withheld pending a full investiagtion of the subject. The first race between the Columbia and Shamrock H for the America's cup will be sailed off Sandy Hook this afternoon. The betting in New York and London is in favor of Columbia. In the atheltic contest between Har? vard and Yale and Oxford and Cam? bridge at New York yesterday the American college atheletes won six of the nine events. STATE FAIR NOTES. The number and value of the pre? miums offered by the State Fair sur? pass those of previous years, as the success of the Fair of 1901 promises to surpass all previous records. The extensive sale of fine live stock at auction during Fair Week will give all an opportunity to improve their stock Sales are positive. Through the medium of the State Fair aft branches of industry, includ i^-live stocky have been greatly im rovexL -^^MHHH^ Facts About German Shipping Subsidies. .The foliowing better ' appeared in the .London Times a few days ago:, ? To the Editor-^Sir :- For a long .time past the assertion; has repeatedly been in the English press that the success of the German merchant marine is to be attributed * to -large subsidies ' paid by^the German government. This ^statemen t does not only appear in the daily papers, but frequently even in periodicals especially devoted to ;the interests of shipping. The Hamburg-American line has thus been -particularly pointed out as owing to the material assistance received from the- government its ability to run steamers like the Deutschland and its development into the largest shipping company in tHe,woTld. - I have, so far, never looked upon ithes? statements as sufficiently impor? tant to demand public rectification. Observing, however, that - of late in your country intense interest seems to be taken in this qeustion, so that hardly a day pass?s without prominent E?gilshpapers dealing with this sub? ject/I now think I ought to correct this erroneous idea about German ship? ping subsidies, and I, therefore, beg to state . that, up to the year 1900, the Hamburg-American line never received any) government subsidy. '. Since last year we are staring in a subvention granteH for the lar fpEOnightly mail service ^between G?rh?y^and the far east,' and /irpv to the pre?&nt two^of our steamers tare; running'^hnder Cthis year the-share which we received bf this-subsidy amounted to^ ^bout r^3y 000/ *Eo? this 'the marls ? have|pombel forwarded without further^payment, and there" are- so* many "conditions relating; to 3he high class- of vessels, ?speed, itinerary, etc., that the- sub .sidy, so far,: has proved; to : be ins?ffi icient-fbr the realization of a profit.-'^'t i Eor none of our other lines is a con? tribution paid :by the : State, ;and for; the conveyance of mails on all these lines we receive nothing but tile cus? tomary rates, which- are cretainly not larger, in Germany than in your? coun? try;: ^V>-;"-^V/- ?:' - '. ' ; We do not even receiver the - subsidy jwhich the British^overhment pays to. .the large British steamship companies 'for fitting and keeping certarn special? ly suifeble steamers at the^ :dmposai'?f -the admiralty jm-case^of mobilization. The large German steamship compa-^ nies have hitherto agreed ^to render like service ; without demanding/^ray payment in return. am, Sir; your bbedientJservant,' Albert Ballin. Director General of . the Hamburg American Line. . Hamburg, August 58. Commenting on the; "above corivinc ing: letter, the Boston Herald says;.. if Herr Ballin :had addressed this letter to a prominent newspaper of the .United States,', it would have been an equally "forcible and pertinent correc? tion of printed and: ;spokerr ,misstate ments, For several years i^st the sub? sidy seekers in this cotmtry have per? sisted fn;. affirming- that the Tecent great' enlargement -in theo merchant tonnage of (^rrnany was / due to the fostering care,of, the imperial govern? ment^ and that but for. such financial assistance th? Germans .would never have been: "able; to icaTry on what ap? pears to- be a; grow?ngiand successful comp?tition with \ the/English. But Herr Ballin's st?tem?^ts ?indicate that such assertions ' -arev entirely without foundation. * The Germ?n government permits^ts. ship merchants, and steam? ship companies to buy . their vessels where they please. They buy some abroad 4tnd have others built at home. The result of this . practice-largely in consequence of the opportunities for reparing foreign bu?t vessels that : itj has afforded-has been the development of ship building plants in Germany that are now equal to those to be found in any part of the world in their ability to turn out the largest and finest ocean going craft But beyond this the government has given nothing except for the service of car? rying its mails, which Herr Ballin in? dicates is upon .such moderate scale as to be a loss, rather than an advantage, to the company. Q?be Hamburg-American line has been built up by the business ability and enterprise of its managers. It is now the largest steamship company in the world, so far as the ownership of ocean going tonnage is concerned. Its vessels, both passenger and freight, are not only engaged in the transatlan? tic business, but there is, hardly a great ocean route in the world over which craft flying the company's flag are not voyaging. This great business has been built up from small begin? nings by the foresight and enterprise of the managers of the company, and by the fact that they have possessed what our ship merchants do not possess, the right to purchase their steamships wherever these can be bought cheapest With that excep? tion, the condition of the German ship merchants does not in any appreciable degree differ from that of the Ameri? can ship merchants. They do not care for government aid, and have never sought it ; they are willing to fight their own battle on their own ground, if they are given a free field, and if this same free field were given to American ship merchants, it would be equally productive of good results. We trust that Herr Ballin's letter will have its due influence in guiding action if the shipping subsidy bill is brought up again for congressional consideration, and that it will at once and forever put an end to the fiction, so widely circulated in this country, that Ger? man maritime success has been due to the fostering care of thhe imperial government The cotton receipts of Columbia for the year ending Sept 1st were about 46,000, an increase of 5,500 over the pre? vious year. The effort is being made in the Vir Constitutionai Convention to in i THEY ABE AFTER THE TIGERS. "Warrants on Information" Serv? ed on Thursday. News and Courier, Sept. -27. \ Acting in accordance with the law recently adopted by City * Council the police-department made^-the first move yesterday morning against the blind tigers of - Charleston.. During the day "warrants on information" were serv? ed on a large number of alleged deal? ers, who are, required to appear in the Recorder's Court to answer the charge of selling liquor. In ali the drinking places last night the dealers were chat? tering about the documents and they believe that tSey will be jerked up without mercy. Several days ago the police depart" ment made upa black book, which contains the name of every person. in Charleston who is supposed to run a tiger. From this list the blank war? rants were filled oat and subsequently served. The list of one hundred, does not include all of the keepers,. it is said, and the whole army of liquor sellers will be hauled to Court. The documents issued yesterday state that the dealer mentioned is charged: -with violation of the law, basedj^n information and belief. The warrant is as follows : At a stated term- of the City Court, of the City of .Charleston, for the City of Charleston,' begun and holden in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, George S. Legare, corporation counsel' for the City pf Charleston, comes into ; Court here and upon his oath of office' gives .said Court to understand and be in? formed; that . ^-,. of the: City of Charleston, State aforesaid, did on or about, the- day of.-, in the year of our Lord 1901, at Charleston, in said: State of South Carolina, and .within'the jurisdiction of this Court,, and on divers other days in said year at Charleston, in-said State pf South Carolina, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, unlawfully, contrary to .the provisions and in violation of an ordinance bf the City pf Charleston prohibiting the manufacture, sale bar-;, ter or exchange, or other illegal' handling of spirituous liquor within the corporate limits of the City of Charleston, ratified . September 10, 1901, and against the peace and dig? nity of South CaroiIna, sell spirituous liquors, to wit, -- V:'.K George S. Legare, Corporation Conn On. hearing the above information and on motion of George S. Legar?, corporation counsel, it is ordered that the same be filed and the cas? fixed for trial on the first Monday : of --i A. D., 1901, at ll o'clock A. M., and that a copy of said information and this order, be forthwith served on the said :-r, on the ?-rr-r- day. of -, 190L Theo. D Jervey, Recorder. They Don't Want Capers. Charleston, Sept. 25.-The old line Republicans are considerably exercised 'over the probable appointment of United States District Attorney John G. Capers on. the national executive comimttee? Capt. Capers is said to be certain to get-the place, having rec? ommendations and endorsements, which willhave weight with Chairman Mark Hanna, who has the right of appoint? ment. A conferenos of Postmaster Cunningham, Collector of Port Wallace, Former District Attorney Lathrop, Chairman Deas, the negro State chairman and Bob Smalls, the negro collector bf the port, was held to devise some plan of defeating Capers, The protest of these old liners, who never have done anything to build np the Republican party, is notexpect ed to have any great weight with Hanna, especially in view of the fact that the old liners are said to favor either Deas or Smalls for the place on the national committee, and the ap? pointment of either would not help the cause of the parly. There is no op? position here to the appointment of Blalock to succeed the late E. A. Web? ster as internal revenue collector. To Can Bull's Bay Oysters. A citizen interested in the proposed enterprise stated yesterday, to a re? porter for The News and Courier that the Em 1er Oyster Company, of Wil? mington Island, Georiga, would soon establish an oyster canning industry at McClellanville. Mr. Elias Horry, the manager of the Georgia establish? ment, was in this city yesterday,, ne? gotiating with members of the Cape Romain Club for. the lease or purchase of a large tract of that organization's land on which to operate the new plant. Mr. Horry will also mn a veg? etable cannery in connection with the oyster plant. As the canning of oys? ters and vegetables is done at different seasons of the year, the machinery will be kept going: continually. It is understood that Mr. Horry has closed the deal with the Cape Romain Club arid will bpgin the erection of the plant at once, in order to be ready for the oyster season as soon as possible. The establishment of the industry will involve the expenditure of a large sum of money and the operation of it will require, it is said, something like $40,000 annually. Such ? concern can? not but result in the good of the city. -News and Courier, Sept. 27. Emma Goldman Free. Chicago, Sept. 24.-Emma Gold? man, the anarchist lecturer is now a free woman after two weeks incarcera? tion following the assassination of the president. Attorney Owens for the city inform? ed Magistrate Pin der vi lie that the upper court had freed the men named as Miss Goldman's co-conspirators and that there, was, np evidence against her. ^ Dismiss^ fp^ call the next case,1'said the justice CZ0L60SZ SENTENCED TO DEATH. He is io be Electrocuted During Week Beginning Oct. 28. Buffalo, Sept 26.-Leon F. Czol? gosz,. the assassin of President - Mc? Kinley, was this afternoon sentenced to be electrocuted in Auburn State prison during the week-beginning Oct. 28, 190L ' r: ;Befpre sentence; was passed, the as? sassin evidenced a desire to speak, but, he could not get' his voice, above a whisper and his words were repeated to the court by-his co?nseL "There was no one else, but me," the prisoner said in a whisper. "No one else told me to 'do it and no one paid me to do it. I was not told any? thing about the crime and I never thought anything about that until a" couple of days before I committed the crime." Czolgosz sat down. He " was. quite calm, but it was evident that his mind was flooded^with thoughts bf his own distress. His eyes were dilated mak? ing -them appear very bright. His cheeks were a trifle pale and his out1 stretched hand trembled. The guards put handcuffs on his wrists. He look? ed at the officers; There was an ex? pression of profoundest fear and help? lessness in his eyes. He glanced about at the people who crowded together in efforts to get a look at him. The-pris oner's eyelids fell tremulously and then he fixed his gaze jupon the floor in front pf him; ^ ?> ; At this point Judge Titus came over to the prisoner and bade him good bye. Czolgosz replied very faintly, letting his eye rest upon the. man who has been bi's counsel " Good bye, " he said weakly. Czolgosz was then hurried down stairs and through the " tunnel of sobs" to the jail, wherehe will remain until removed tb pay the penalty for his crime., Sectional and Unjust. The Associated Press sends us, and we print; what we are told is "an ad? dress that wiU long be remembered by those who heard it"-the address pf Judge Lewis at. the trial of the presi? dent's assassin. Judge Lewis put up no defense for the prisoner. The prisoner refused to co-operate with him. He did the best he could by the assassin. But he got in a large amount of invidious section? alism that was ugly and out of place. i Why he took occasion, in this great trial, to drag in the south and try to stab it is not understood. We do not believe that any man has been lynch? ed in the south for "insulting^, anoth? er man, as Judge-Lewis, said. Judge Lewis had no right, in justice, to make the statement which he spread, broad-; cast yesterday. He put upon the south a sectional mania for lynch law that was unfair, and unwarranted.. B$d he said: even this- at another time his offence would not have been so grave. To have used: the occasion of the trial bf the president's assassin to give vent to such attack was almost criminaL _ Judge .Lewis brags of his d?votion to law as illustrated in his attorneyship for the despised assassin. He pro? claims his sacrifice to- justice, to or? der, to. right. In the next breath he commits the gravest, injustice that his position as counsel for a notorious criminal *g&ve him opportunity to ! commit-he libeled th? south, by state- \ ment and by intimation. We do not deny the presence of the lynching spirit in the south, nor do we approve it ; but the south has no monopoly of it, and should not have been singled , out, and misrepresented i on an occasion when the speaker had ' the world for an audience. It was J not a time for the invidious arraign? ment bf any section. What was said against the mob spirit was all right, but it should have been aimed at neither New York nor the south, but at the practice wherever it manifests itself.-Augusta Chronicle. Combining Against Turkey. Paris, Sept. 26.-The Courier du Soir which is usually well informed, makes the following sensational state? ment : HBBNS One of the results of the conference between Emperor Nicholas and Presi? dent Loubet, M. Waldeck-Eousseau and M. Delcasse during the czar's visit -to France is an exchange of views between European cabinets,- now pending with the object of arriving at a understanding as to action against Turkey. Germany's concurrence is assured as Emperor William has consented,, but Count von Buelow has raised objec? tion to some of the details of the action proposed, thus necessitating a further reference to the other gov? ernments before a final decision can be reached." Pretoria, Sept?mber 25.-Ten Boer leaders, who have been captured since September lo, have been permanently banished from South Africa. sufficient to g delicious tea SHAFFER ACCEPTS CH?LLENSE; Terms of the Contest, However; Must be Modified. Pittsburg, September,; 26.-When-t^ President Shaffer, of theAma?gamatt??p^ -Association of Iron and Steel . W^rj^H ers, was shown the open letter issaedT?^ last night by President Samuele pe rs, of the American Federation ip?^? Labor, and John Mitchell, president-^ of the United Mine Workers, ki ^reph^P toTns statement,. charging them i#iih?S the: responsibility for the failureP^M^^ great steel strike; he said he won^d^? accept their challenge and w?s ?rea^^^ to submit! to an investigation-?5, to.'ihe^ truth of his charges. . > r-y-f^^S "I-haveno objections," sa?d^iE?^S " to the men named by Mr. (^m^?s^S to act as a committee of investigati<^$g| but as he always looks to arbitra?i?^^P that is what I will agree to. I desiref%? to go to the root of this matter;/ -am^^ will select as my man Simon Bun^^p president of the Knights of Labor an'd?^ the National. Window, Glass Work?rs^^ IAssociation. Mr. Burn? can choosa^^^p second man, and Gompers andr Mffi?t^^ ell tho third party. . .'-'^^SBm :, SEWER&6E ^CAUSES UWSllt?? City of Aiken Called Upon tb Pay $8,000 Damages. |1 ..... ... .. . .... ; Aiken, Sept 25.-^. -E. ^ffirr^S? and John Matheny have brought' suit against the ?ity of Aiken i?i^ji?egM damages caused by the overflowing^^ the sewerage filter beds'^in^^S^sS creek. ' . ,- ?". v--\3^HB The plaintiffs have been conduct??; dairy farms at their p?aco and~rieea the creek to water their'live-Ist?cfc They alleged that they have bee? hurt in their business by the filthy- sewage being allowed to ?verft^^?nio^h?r .cree? The r?^''Samet?^^?^^Cb%^ the filter beds in use unable to take care of the sewerage and have- ?a(f them enlarged. '':Shey^wiU;||^;^^^ suits to the end;" it is said. '< Th?3ans=? age claimed is $$000.- : ' '-l-^'iW?? A Short Cotton Crop. . Mr. Theodore H. Price, of *. -Wi street, New York; has issued - ay'CHC lar setting forth his reasons for belie ing that the cotton crop-of i90Ir3S will be a short one-not.?ic??dz? 9,500,000 bales. He bases hisves^^i on the rainfall, and shows^?rom^ official records that the rainMl'iititl Atlantic group of stated .has-ib^sn^ heaviest in ten years; wlrile??in^ trans-Mississippi' states it^vhasTiBl the lightest "in ten years. : 'Hej^| further and declares the - rec?rtele invariably thatfexcessre? moistura;^ the Atlantic states an^^ry^weati^^ the trans-Mississij? ^ ;statesiv?^?j never failed to s?rvlj'isly cur^il?pi yield/ Comparing^ the" records :^o||o? er years when such: "conditions-*- exist? Mr: Price figures out. that rjffi^n?? crop will not exceed 9;500^00^^E demonstrates this to his" own saf||& tioh with seveial'v'-diffemB#^n|^^ tions, and then concludes as foHow?|? "Ia regard to>eonsumptio?^^? Ellison, the well-known EngKs|[|| pert, estimates the world^^ecpoS m?nts of American cotton' dui ing the coming year at I -f 13 000,000, provided prices -reniam^i low as at present, and L^?CS see no reason why it should be?a .than this.There is eTOryfrea?m^ expect a very considerable increai upon last year's consuinption?>^?B ing the early part-of the season niai mills, both in America ;and :Euz?p? were forced to stop because the material was not obtainable at ail price. The.famine in Lidia and?r?t?j disturbed condition of affairs^^ China, together with the South Afi can war, have until recentty > exeDc?se a decidedly depressing effect upott?ii eign trade! Normal t conditions'^ about Restored in India ; Ghihesatraid is again open to the world, and th South African war is rapidly drawin to a close. These facts will f raia probability make for a very muchea creased consumption in Europe; V?sS in America the flourishing ond?tiQ of the goods trade is abundantiy;^ac phasized by the fact that todkjrifc leading operator in print cloths^ hi bought up the entire supply in;-5^ River and 500,000 pieces in Provider* at three cents a yard. " .... - = : New York, Sept. Tfee~ measurements of the cup chalk_, Shamrock II and the cu? defender^ Iambi a were made public tonight . ? the New York Yacht club. The resu was in the nature of a surpris? for! showed, that the Shamrock, whichr-/5 the larger boat so far as sail area^?gT displacement are concerned, allows^ only 43 seconds to the Columbia ov?j^ the 30-mile course on'which the cbir^ tests for the America's cup are to-bejr sailed. ;ive you most biscuit using Powder asH&