The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, September 18, 1901, Image 1
THE SUMTER WATCHMAN. Established April, i860? "Be .lust and Fear not-Let all the Ends thon Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." THE TRUE SOUTHRON. Established jone 1S6?
C?solidated Aug. 2,1881
%\t SSattJrai w? Sonaron.
Publish?! Evory ^T?laesday,
IM. Gr. Osteen,
J1.50 per annum-in advance.
One Square first insertion.Si 00
Svery subsequent insertion. 50
Contracts for three months, or longer wil
be made at reduced rates.
Ali communications which subserve private
interests will be charged foras advertiements.
Obituaries and tributes of respects will be
charged for.
Became Unconscious Early Fri?
day light, it Was Kept
Hive for Hours By Hero?
ic Measures.
"Good-bye, Ail, Good-bye ; ii ls
God's Way : His Will Be Done !"
Milburn House, Buffalo, Sept. 13.
President McKinley began to sink
shortly after 2 o'clock this morning
after a critical period of 12 hours, in
which alarm and hope mingled in the
emotions of those who surrounded him.
Shortly after 2 o'clock the physi?
cians and nurses detected a weakening
of the heart action. The pulse flutter?
ed and weakened, and the president
sank toward collapse. The end ap?
peared to be at hand. Restoratives
were speedily applied, and the physi?
cians fought the battle with all the re?
serve forces of science. Action was
immediate and decisive. Digitalis
and strychnine were administered,
and, as a last resort, saline solution
was injected into the veins.
A general alarm went speeding to
the consulting physicians and trained
nurses as fast as messengers, the tele?
graph and telephone could carry it.
The restoratives did not at once prove
effective, and it was realized that the
president was in an extremely critical
condition. That realization, with the
shadow of death behind it, led to an?
other cali, and that, a summons to the
cabinet, relatives and close personal
friends of the president. The messen?
gers who returned with the doctors
and nurses were hurried off after those
within reach, and to those who were
absent from the city, messages convey?
ing the painful tidings were quickly
transmitted by telegraph. The scene
about the house and in the storm
swept street was dramatic in its action
and setting, and the spirit of the
tragedy was on those who looked upon
it. A messenger who darted out into
the rain, and was whisked away in an
electric cab, gave the outside watchers
the first intimation of the ill news
from within.
As the telegraph instruments rattled
away with their forlorn story this
morning, the hastily aroused physi?
cians began arriving. An automobile,
racing at top speed, brought Dr. Myn
ter first. He did not stop to speak,
but rushed into the house. Dr. Mann
came almost on his heels, and he too
ran down the street. Neither stopped
for a word as they rushed into the
house. After them came Abner Mc?
Kinley, pale and agitated. He had
left the house scarcely two hours be?
fore, and had departed with the assu?
rance that the tide had turned in the
case of his distinguished brother. He
had been aroused from slumber by a
messenger who told him to come at
Secretary Wilson and Secretary
Hitchcock, in grief at the peril of their
chief, arrived within a few moments.
Neither knew the true state of the
president at that moment, and in
silent fear they quickly entered the
house. Another hurrying visitor was
Dr. Wasdin, whose arrival completed
the circle of physicians: and another
was Mrs. Mcwilliams, the friend of
Mrs. McKinley.
The Buffalo papers all had extras
with the sad intelligence of the presi?
dent's relapse on the streets at day?
light. One paper announced that the
president was dyin?r. The result was
that the whole city was thoroughly
aroused and alarmed early, and before
7 o'clock crowds of people flocked in
the direction of the Milburn residence
to learn if the latest news was not
more reassuring. They stood at the
ropes, far down the intersecting
streets, and waited patiently for the
appearance of the morning bulletin.
Many of them refused to credit the
news of the president's sudden change
for the worse until they had learned
by word of mouth from the sentries
of the president's dangerous and crit?
ical condition.
Of all the sad household, only the
wife did not know the truth She
surmised that Mr. McKinley was
worse, for she was told this morning it
would be better for her not to enter
the sick chamber. She assented, but
it was with a look of mute appeal in
her eyes.
The president himself seemed to
realize that his life hung by a thread.
! This morning he looked ont of the
window. When the nurse sought to
adjust the pillow to keep out the
light, he murmured a feeble protest.
"It is so beautiful," said he: "the
trees are so beautiful. I want to see
W. W. Johnson of Washington and
Dr. Janeway of New York, two of the
most eminent heart specialists in the
United States, were summoned to lend
their skill and counsel, and Dr.
McBurney, the noted surgeon, who left
yesterday", was recalled. Vice Presi?
dent Roosevelt and the absent members
of the cabinet were also telegraphed
When the sinking spell occurred
about 2 o'clock this morning it was
feared Mr. McKinley might expire at
any moment, as he did not respond to
ordinary stimulants. It was only when
recourse was had to the desperate re?
source of injecting saline solution,
which saved Mrs. McKinley's life in
San Francicso, into his veins that the
circulation grew stronger, and after an
hour he rallied somewhat. His pulse
at one time aws almost 140.* But the
slight rally came, and returning
hope with it. With the fresh
energies of daylight, the presi?
dent appeared "perceptibly strong?
er, and the physicians announced
in their 9 o'clock bulletin that his
condition was improved. The pulse
had fallen several points from the
highest, and they affirmed the exist?
ence of hope.
The physicins began to arrive for
the morning consultation at 8:15.
The new detail of soldiers for guard
duty for today arrived from Fort Por?
ter a few minutes later. The guard
was changed, and the sentries posted
for the day.
A 9.30 o'clock the scene about the
Milburn residence was one that will
live in the memory of those who wit?
nessed it, as long as life lasts. Down
the streets, in every direction, people
were massed, hundreds deep; while
at the corner where the headquarters
of the press are located, correspon?
dents of all the leading journals of the
world were waiting, ready to flash the
first news as far as the wires reach;
while within the tents, the busy tele?
graph instruments were clicking off
the sad intelligence. In front of the
residence, the blue-coated soldiers
paced, with arms at right shoulder.
All were waiting, waiting almost
breatlessly, for the news.
The doctors finished their consulta?
tion at 9:40. They left the house to?
gether, and stopped for a few mi untes
on the lawn to convey their verdict
first to the president's brother.
Chaplain Sykes of the navy, in his
black vestments, who had come to in?
quire after the president's health, lift?
ed his hat as the men upon whom the
president's life depended passed Him.
The physicians looked serious as they
walked away from the residence.
The bulletin, when issued, was
slightly reassuring and indicated that
the crisis might be prolonged, stating
definitely that the president's condi?
tion had* somewhat improved during
the past few hours, but that there
was better response to stimulation:
but his pulse was up to 128, and the
conviction grew that it was almost a
forlorn hope.
The physicians decided that it
would not "be well for Mrs. McKinley
to enter the sick room today, both on
account of her feeble health and the
excitement it might cause the presi?
Shortly after 10 o'clock, the inti?
mate friends and relatives of the presi?
dent who were telegraphed for began
to arrive, and soon after 10 o'clock
there were assembled in the downstairs
room of the Milburn house Senators
Hanna and Fairbanks, ex-Secret?ry of
State Day, Secretary Wilson and Sec?
retary Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Her?
mann Baer, Abner McKinley, Miss
McKinley and Mrs. J. T. Duncan, sis?
ters of , the president, and Mrs.
Lafayette Mcwilliams, in additioon to
John G. Milburn, Former Postmaster
General Bissell, John N. Scatherd of
Buffalo ?and Representative Alexander
of the Buffalo district.
Senator Hanna came on a special
train from Cleveland, making the run
in the remarkably fast time of three
hours. He was accompanied by Mrs.
Hanna, Col. Myron T. Herrick, Miss
Barber and a few other friends of the
president. He received the news at 4
o'clock this morning, and immediately
ordered a special train.
Toward 1 o'clock the Associated
Press was definitely informed that the
physicians believed if the president
could be carried through the night
there would be hope of his recovery.
The administration of nourishment
had been practically discontinued,
as the rectum was much irritated and
did not retain the enemas.
Before 6 o'clock it was clear to those
at the president's bedside that he
was dying, and preparations were made
for the last sad offices of farewell
from those who were nearest and dear?
est to him. Oxygen had been admin?
istered [steadily, but with lit th- effect
in keeping back the approach of
death. The president came out of one
period of unconsciousness only to re?
lapse into another. Butin this period,
when his mind was partially clear,
occurred a'series of events of profound- j
ly touching character. Down stairs,
with strained and tear-stained faces,
members of the cabinet were grouped
in anxious waiting. They knew the
end was near, and that the time had
come when they must see him for the
last time on earth.
This was about o'clock. One by
one they ascended the stairway- Secre?
tary Root, Secretary Hitchcock and
Attorney General Knox. Secretary
Wilson was also there, but held back,
not wishing to see the president in
his last agony. There was only a mo?
mentary stay of the cabinet officers at
the threshhold of the death chamber.
Then they withdrew, the tears stream?
ing down their faces, and words of i
intense grief choking their throats.
After they left the sick room, the
physicians rallied him to conscious?
ness, and the president asked almost
immediately that his wife be brought
to him. The doctors fell back into
the shadows of the room as Mrs. Mc?
Kinley came through the doorway.
The strong face of the dying man
lighted up with a faint smile as their
hands were clasped. She sat beside
him and held his hand. Despite her
physical weakness, she bore up brave?
ly under the ordeal.
The president, in his last period of
consciousness, which ended about 7.40
p. m., chanted the words of the hymn,
4 ' Nearer My God to Thee, ' ' and his
last audible conscious words, as taken
down by Dr. Mann at the bedside,
"Good-bye ali, good-bye: it is God's
way: His will be done." Then his
mind began to wander, and soon after?
wards he completely lost conscious?
ness. His life was prolonged for hours
by the administration of oxygen, and
the president finally expressed a desire
to be allowed to die. About 8.30 the
administering of oxygen ceased, and
the pulse grew fainter and faint?r.
He was sinking gradually, like a child.
into the eternal slumber. By 10
o'clock the pulse could no longer be
felt in his extremities, and they grew
cold. Below stairs the grief-stricken
gathering waited sadly for the end.
Dr. Mynter thought he might last
until 2 a.m. Dr. Mann said at ll
o'clock that the president was still
alive, and probably would live an
hour. Thus minutes lengthened to
hours, and midnight came with the
president still battling against death.
At the midnight hour the Milburn
house was the centre of a scene ani?
mated as though it were midday, al?
though a solemn hush hung over the
great crowd of watchers. The entire
lower part of the house was aglow with
light, and the many attendants,
friends and relatives could be seen
within, moving about, and occasional?
ly coming in groups to the front door?
way for a breath of air.
Secretary Root and Secretary Wilson
came from the house about midnight
and paced up and down the sidewalk.
All that Secretary Root said was:
"The night has not come yet."
Despite the fact that vitality con?
tinued to ebb as midnight approached,
no efforts were spared to keep the spark
of life glowing. Dr. Janeway, of New
York, arrived at the Buffalo depot
at 11.40 o'clock. George Urban was
waiting for him, and they drove at a
break-neck pace to the Milburn house.
He was shown to the president's room
at once, and began an examination of
the almost inanimate form.
Secretary of the Navy Long arrived
at the Milburn house at 12.06 o'clock.
This was his first visit to the city,
and he had the extreme satisfaction of
seeing the president alive, even though
he was not conscious of his visitors'
presence. Secretary Long was visibly
Buffalo, September 14.-2.30 a. m.
The announcement of the death to the
members of the Cabinet was made by
Webb Hayes, who said: "It is all
over. ' '
Mrs. McKinley last saw her hus?
band between ll and 12 o'clock. At
that time she sat by the bedside hold?
ing his hand. The members of the
cabinet, were admitted to the sick
room singly at that time,
j The actual death probably occurred
about 2 o'clock, it being understood
that Dr. Rixey delayed the announce?
ment momentarily to assure himself.
The announcement of the news to
those waiting below was postponed
until the members of the family had
Special to The Dai Iv Item.
Buffalo. Sept. ?4, 2 p. m.-Mrs.
McKinley's fortitude surprises every
one. Private funeral services will be
held at the Milburn House tomorrow
afternoon at 5 o'clock. The funeral
train will leave Buffalo for Washing?
ton at S.30 Monday morning via Har?
risburg, Pennsylvania Railway.
Buffalo, Sept. 14.-State pathologist
Gaylord performed autopsy on the body
of the dead president. All of the at?
tending physicians were present. The
result will be made public this after?
noon. Keen interest is shown as to
what the autopsy will reveal.
Details of the funeral are being ar?
ranged by the family. It now appears
very doubtful if Mrs. McKinley will
be able tc accompany the cortege.
The president's face appears peace?
ful. No trace of suffering. Absolute
quiet prevails around the house.
New York, Sept. 14, 4 p. m.-Vice
President Roosevelt was sworn in late
this afternoon at the home of his
friend, Ansley Wilcox.
The doctors have prepared a detailed
statement of the autopsy.
Czologoz's case will go to the grand
jury on Monday and the trial will be
begun on the twenty-third instant.
President William McKinley.
The Story of His Last Days as
Told in the Daily Dispatches.
Buffalo, Sept. 10. Th?* corps of
eminent surgeons and physicians in
attendance upon the wounded presi?
dent t??day committed themselves with?
out reservation to the opinion that
their patient was out of danger and
that there were no complications
threatening his life. They did not
give assurance of his recovery collec?
tively over their signatures in an offi?
cial bulletin, but they went a long way
toward it individually and separate?
ly during the day. Each of them, with
the exception of Dr. Rixey, who did
not leave the Milburn residence, plac?
ed himself squarely on record, not pri?
vately to the friends of the president,
but publicly through the agency of
the press, that the danger point had
passed and that the president would
survive the attempt npon his life.
"Of course we will all feel easier
when a week has passed," said Dr. Mc?
Burney, the dean of the corps. "We
would like to see every door locked
and double locked, but the danger from
possible complications is now very
remote. ' '
As an evidence of the supreme faith
he holds, Dr. McBurney after the
morning consultaion, made a trip to
Niagara Falls and this evening return?
ed to New York. He could reach here
again in ten hours if the unexpected
should happen and there should be a
change for the worse. The little piece
of lead in the muscles of the back is
giving the physicians no concern
whatever. Unless it should prove
troublesome to the president later on
he will probably carry this grim souv?
enir of the anarchist with him to the
end of his days.
The doctors say that once encysted
it 2an do no harm. The X-ray ma?
chine is ready for instant use, how?
ever, and if there is the slightest in?
flammation or pain in the vicinity of
the bullet an operation will be per?
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. H.-The con?
dition of the president continued fa?
vorable throughout the day and noth?
ing occurred to shake the faith the at?
tending surgeons and physicians have
expressed that he will recover. The
danger from two sources was pronounc?
ed practically over today. The holes in
the stomach proper, caused by the per?
foration of the bullet, are now con?
sidered healed by Dr. McBurney and
his associates and the eminent surgeon
pointed to the fact that the beef juice,
fed to the patient last night was read?
ily digested, as proof of this. Suffi?
cient time has also elapsed to warrant
the doctors in asserting that the dan?
ger of inflammation where the bullet
lodged has disappeared. It is believed
that the ball has now become encysted
in the muscles of the back and unless
its location should prove troublesome
later on there will never be any neces?
sity for removing it. Dr. Mann, in
speaking in regard to this, today said
he knew a man who lived for years
with a bullet in the muscles of his
The attention of the physicians is
now, therefore, mainly directed to the
care and treatment of the wound
caused by the incision made in the
abdomen above the navel when the
operation was performed. This wound
is progressing satisfactorily.
"Decided benefit followed the dress?
ing of the wound last night" is the
way the doctors put it officially. The
slight scare which followed the an?
nouncement at midnight last night of
the opening of the wound did not have
a leg to stand on today when fuller
details of its insignificant character
were obtained. The "Incident." as it
is temied would not have been men?
tioned in the history of an ordinary
hospital case and the physicians last
night debated for some time upon the
propriety of making it public. As
they had promised to take the public
into their confidence they finally con?
cluded that the redemption of that
pledge compelled them to announce it.
Their frankness has already had one
excellent effect. It has convinced all
who may still have harbored doubts as
to whether the public were getting the
whole truth from the sick room that
their skepticsm was unfounded. An?
other milestone passed on the road to
recovery was the discontinuance today
by the doctors of the figures showing
respiration variations in their official
The president now breathes deeply
and normally and the addition of the
respiration was considered valueless in
the bulletins. The president's pulse
was slightly accelerated in the after?
noon but the change was not deemed
material and his temperature remained
practically stationary at 102 from day?
light until dark. The evidence of im?
provement were the president's keen
relish of the beef juice given him dur?
ing the night and the increase in his
allowance from one to three teaspoon?
fuls and also the fact that the wound
is becoming "more healthy."
Dr. McBurney explained this after?
noon that the slight irritation of the
wound still remaining should pass
away r,he next 24 hours.
Milburn House, Buffalo, N. Y.,
Sept. 12.-For the first time there was
a bad strain in the news from the
President's bedside today. Possibly
the alarm it caused was exaggerated,
but that genuine apprehension existed
there can be no question. Tomorrow
morning will probably show what
complication has arisen. Food given
to the president this morning has not
been properly assimilated and passed
and the administration of food by the
mouth has been discontinued. The
president continued to complain of the
fatigue, noted by the official bulletin
in the afternoon.
His pulse increased to 128. This is
considered entirely too high for his
One of the consulting physicians
said that judged by medical records
his pulse should be ?t?. The accelera?
tion of the pulse was attributed part?
ly to the revulsion of the stomach
against the food and Dr. Mann pri?
vately assured Secretaries Hitchcock
and Wilson, the president's brother,
Aimer McKinley, and others assem?
bled below stairs in the Milburn house
tonight that the undigested food would
probably pass away during the night
and that thc president would be better
in the morning. The doctors held
their evening consultaion earlier than
usual rind they frankly annonunced in
their official bulletin at S.30 that the
president's condition was not so good.
They ave standing firmly by their
resolution and promise to keep the
public fully advised of the true state
of affairs iii the sick room. Doctors
Wasdin. Stockton and Rixey remained
in the sick room throughout the night
and those who left after the early
evening consultation contrary to their
usual custom, slipped away to the side
entrance. This in itself was consider?
ed significant, to say the least, by the
little army of newspaper men. Here?
tofore they have not failed to give ver
1 bal interpretation of the official bul?
letins to the newspaper men. Dr.
Stockton, a local surgeon practitioner
with a high reputation was called in
for the first time tonight, it beins: ex?
plained that the complication that had
? arisen was one with which a physician
and not a surgeon would have to deal.
Secretaries Wilson and Hitchcock, who
were at the Milburn residence until ll
o'clock, said when they departed that
there was no cause for alarm, that
! the trouble was in the stomach and
not in the wound and they believed
the president's condition would be im?
proved in the morning.
Drs. Wasdin, Rixey and Stockton
remained at the Milburn house during
the night and were constantly in the
j room of the president. For hours the
president failed to respond to the
treatment to which he was subjected
to relieve him of the difficulty occa?
sioned by the failure of the organs of
digestion and assimilation. The non
success of the treatment added to the
depression that existed but just at
midnight the relief so much desired
came and he had two operations of the
bowels within a few minutes. This
gave great encouragement and changed
the character of the bulletin which
the physicians were even then prepar?
ing. In it they announced that all fa?
vorable symptoms had improved since
the last bulletin.
The decreased rapidity of the nuise
from 128 to 120 which followed" the
bowel movement was also exceedingly
j The physicians are really alarmed
about the president's heart. The ac
! tion of the bowels was produced by
the action of the calomel and oil.
Milburn House, Buffalo, Sept. 13,
2:58 a. m.-President McKinley ex?
perienced a sinking spell shortly after
2 o'colck. The physicians are admin?
istering restoratives to him with the
hope of reviving him.
A general call has gone out to the
physicians and the members of the
cabinet now in the city.
Milburn House, Sept. 13, 3:25 a. m.
-The president is so weak that he
does not apparently suffer much.
Strychnine, digitalis "and other power?
ful heart stimulants don't produce
effect and the worst is feared. His
death might occur any time from
heart exhaustion. Mrs. McKinley has
not yet been informed of the change
for the worse.
Milburn House, Sept. 13,-Drs.
Mann and Mynter left the honse at 4
o'clcok. The latter said :
"The president is in better condi?
tion than he was an hour ago. We
have not given up hope. He has ral?
lied somewhat and we are going
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 13, 6.30 a. m.
-Physicians worked over the presi?
dent up to an hour ago. Heart re?
sponded to powerful stimulants and he
rallied slowly. He is now sleeping from
exhaustion. Extreme danger is ended
for the present.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 13, 9 a. m.
The president's condition at this hour
causes grave apprehension. He is very
She is Accused With Others of
Having Planned President's
Chicago, Sept. IO.--Emma Gold?
man, the anarchist queen, under whose
red banner Leon Czologocz claims he
stands, whose words, he claims, fired
his heart and his brain to attempt the
assassination of the president, was ar?
rested here shortly before noon today.
She disclaimed all but the slightest
acquaintance with the president's as?
sailant : she denied absolutely that she
or anarchists she knew were implicated
in any plot to kill the president. She
said she believed Czologocz acted en?
tirely on his own responsibility, and
that" he never claimed to have been
inspired by her, as he is quoted as
The president, she averred, with a
yawn, was an insignificant being to
her, a mere human atom whose lifeor
i death were matters of supreme in
! difference to her or to any anarchist.
Czolgosc's act was foolish, yet she
declared it probably had its inspira?
tion in the misery which the Pole had
seen about him. Violence, she said,
was not a tenet in the faith of "che
anarchist, and she has not advocated
it in Cleveland, where Czolgocz has
said he heard her, not elsewhere.
Washington, Sep. 10.-Attorney Gen?
eral Knox returned today and almost
immediately sent for Solicitor General
Richards, with whom he had an hour's
conference on the subject of the possi?
bility of reaching Czolgosz under the
Federal laws. Sections 5,508 and
5,009 of the revised statutes were care?
fully ??one over, and the conclusion was
reached that if a conspiracy could be
shown these two sections might be
made to apply. The only advantage,
however, that would be gained would
be in the length of the term of impri?
sonment that Czolgocz might be made
to serve Under these sections ten
years imprisonment is the maximum
Term, but no time allowance can be
made for good behavior as in the state
of New York.
Makes the food more deli
Emma Goldman Held Without Bail.
The Hearing of Her Case Post?
poned for a Week.
Chicago, Sept. H.-Magistrate Prin
diville today decided that Emma Gold?
man, the anarchistic lecturer under ar?
rest here should be held without bail
until Friday pending the decision of
similar cases in the superior court.
Miss Goldman appeared for a hear?
ing before the magistrate during the
forenoon. She had not secured coun?
sel but in a determined voice deeciared
that she was ready to act as her own.
attorney. The assistant city prosecu?
tor, however, obtained a continuance
of the hearing till Sept. 19, the date
set for the hearing of other anarchists
in custody here, 2&r. Owens, the pros?
ecutor, stated that the result of an in?
vestigation at Buffalo was being
The court postponed its decision in
the matter of bail, which Miss Gold?
man demanded the privilege of fur?
nishing, until later in the day. While
waiting, Judge Chetlain in the
superior court held the other anar?
chists until Friday when he said he
would hear arguments in the applica?
tion for writs of habeas corpus. As
the charge against Miss Goldman,
'.conspiracy to murder President Mc?
Kinley," is the one lodged against the
local anarchists who are named as
conspirators with Miss Goldman,
Magistrate Prindiville thought it wise
to await the decision of the higher
He said it would not be necessary
for counsel to apply for a writ for
Miss Goldman, as he would deal exact?
ly with Miss Goldman as Judge Chet?
lain had with the other prisionera.
Columbia, Septmeber 14.-Governor
McSweeney, as soon as he heard of the
death of President McKinley, sent the
following telegram to Mrs. McKinley
at Buffalo :
" On behalf of the people of South
Carolina I extend to you my heartfelt
sympathies in your irreparable loss.
The death of your distinguished hus?
band is keenly felt by all of our peo?
ple. His Administration has undoubt
eldy given satisfaction to the Southern
people, and we all join with the citi?
zens of the whole nation in express?
ing our grief."
Governor McSweeney wishes to
make the suggestion that at noon to?
morrow all city bells toll, for a period,
in respect to the President, and that
the flags on all public buildings,
Court Houses, schools, etc., be plac?
ed at half-mast, to testify to the fact
that the people of this State feel and
deplore the loss of the President of tiie
A Two Thousand Dollar Prize.
Our townsman, Mr. J. Thos. Austin,
has been awarded ^ the first prize of
S2,000 in the guessing contest given by
the Atlanta Weekly Constitution,
which closed August" 24th. Mr. Aus?
tin's guess was sent in May 30th, and
came nearest the correct number.
The contest was a guess at the offi?
cial estimate to be made by Secretary
Hester, of the New Orleans cotton ex?
change, on the cotton crop of 1900-01.
This report was announced last week
and the estimated number of bales was
10,383,422, Mr. Austin's guess being
10.383,416, or within six bales of Mr.
Hester's estimate. The second nearest
guess came within twenty bales, and
the third within forty-two of the es?
timated number.-Greenville Moun?
The Name of the Assassin.
Since the attempted assassination of
President McKinley every newspaper
reader in this country has been trying
to learn the proper pronunciation of
the surname of Leon Czolgosz, the
man who shot him. Many will recall
that there was a similar interest and
the same difficulty in pronouncing the
name of Guiteau, who assassinated
President Garfield.
Mr. William M. Doyas, official inter?
preter of Polish and Bohemian lan?
guages in the United States immigra?
tion office at Baltimore, and himself
a Pole by birth, says that the would
be assassin's name should be pronounc?
ed "Choalgosh."
"The word is derived from a Polish
verb," said Mr. Doyas, "which means
to drag or creep or crawl. Used as a
noun, it means a cieeping, crawling
thing, such as a snake. In the present
instance the name seems most appro?
priate. "^^^^
Tarred and Feathered.
Casper, Wyoming, September IL
Hans Wagner, who is said to have ex?
pressed sympathy with Czolgocz.^ was.
today tarred and feathered and ridden;
out of town on a rail. Wagner will be*-,
lynched if he ventures back.
Buffalo, Sept. 10.-Alfonso Stutz,,
the German officer held in custody for
three days on suspicion of complicity
in the attempt on the life of President.
McKinley, was released today. He-?
says he will demand damages for falser
imprisonment. He asked for the Ger?
man consul first and then for a German
lawyer and said he would sue the
authorities for 8100,000. He says he
told the truth and produced his
credentials when first arrested, but the
police refused to believe him.
dons andi wholesome