The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, July 31, 1901, Image 1

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Tam SUMTER ffATCHMANi E?t?Mi?hed April. 18S0. "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." THE TRUE SOUTHRON. Established jon?. 1866 Gosolidated Aug. 2,1881 SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. JULY 31. 1901. Sew Series-Vol. XX. So. 53 Cjje Mailman at? jSoutljron ?' Publish*! Ewry Wednesday, B3\ C3r. Osteen, SUMTER, 8. C. TERMS : $1.50 per annum-io advance. iDTiBTieixiir: One Square first insertion.......$1 00 Sverj subsequent insertion... 50 Contracts for three months, or longer wil be made at reduced rates. All communications which subserve private interests will be charged for as ad versements. Obituaries and tributes of respects will be charged for. SGHLEY WILL DEMAND A DOUBT OF EMBY. il Will Make or Mar His Reputation. Dewey. Ramsey arad Benham Men? tioned as Likely io Constitute the Court. Washington, Joly 23.-The Wash? ington Post last night telegraphed Ad? miral Schley that in an editorial it insisted that he owed it to himself as well as to his friends to begin pro ceeidngs against Mr. Maclay, the au thor of the history of the United States, to disprove the latter's charges, adding: "Will yon do this? Please wire statement." Today it received the following tele? gram : Great Neck, L. L, Jnly 23. Editor Washington Post. I believe the first step shonld be an investigation of all matter by a conn, then a civil action afterward. I am preparing to take this conrse. W. S. Schley. The Post in the morning, as a resnlt of extensive inqniries based npon the admiral's dispatch, will say in part : "Admiral Schley proposes to ask an investigation at the hands of a naval court of inqniry and then to sne His? torian Macjay for libel. "His action is the sequel to the developments dnring the past week, when the entire country has been stirred by the publication of the unex? ampled abuse poured out upon him in the third volume of E. S. Mac?ay's history of the United States navy in which publication Schley is said" to have run away * In caitiff flight, ' and is, in addition denounced as a coward4 a cur and a traitor. "The Schley court of inquiry will undoubtedly be one of the most cele? brated cases in the naval or military history of the country. The high rank of the officers involved in the controversy and the intense public feeling which has been aroused will combine to give to the investiagtion a dramatic interest. Nothing has occur? red in Washintgon for many years that willi compare with it. "The appointment of the court of inquiry is expected to be made by Sec? retary Long, though it would"be in the power 4for the preisdent to make the selections if he choose. This is hardly likely to occur, however. Ad? miral Schley's letter asking for the appointment of the court will be ad? dressed to Secretary Long, who is his immediate chief. To address the com? munication to the president, ignoring Secretary Long, would not only be a breach of naval etiquette, but would be totally at variance- with Schley's careful observance of punctilious pro? cedure. The court, therefore, will be named by Secretary Long unless he shall prefer to refer the matter to the president ' ' Mr. Long has already stated that if Admiral Schley requested a court of inquiry he would grant the request, ana has also expressed his willingness to personally select the court. While he has not made any statement as to its personnel, there is every reason to believe that he favors Admiral Dewey and Rear Admirals Ramsey and Ben? ham, the two latter being now upon the retired list. The name of Admi? ral Walker has been suggested, but it is known that he has expressed views upon the Sampson-Schley controversy in antgonism to Schley and his ap? pointment, therefore, would be seri? ously questioned. It is said that Ramsey, Dewey and Benham have al? ways avoided giving an opinion of the merits of the controversy. All these officers are residents of Washington although temporarily out of the city to escape the summer heat and could be quickly summoned to their places around the table of the court. "Three names are mentioned be? cause that number is specified in the naval regulations for courts of inquiry. There is a possibility that Admiral Dewey might be asked" to be excused, as he would have a right to do. but it is also morally certain that in this event he would be specifically detailed by the secretary for service on the board. This would make his attend? ance imperative. Secretary Long has from the moment that a court of in? quiry was suggested, favored the ap poinment of Admiral Dewey, believing that his appointment would give the highest character to the court, and that any decision that it might reach would be accepted by the American people. Adimral Ramsey was for eight years at the head of the bureau of navigation. "With respect to the matters to be inquired into by the court of inquiry, The Post will say that it might be difficult to state briefly, the exact questions which will come before the court, but that Admiral Schley con? densed them in a letter written to Senator Hale, chairman of the senate committee on navval affairs. Feb. 18, 1899. This letter divided the criti? cisms of himself into four heads as fol? lows : , I "First-The alleged delay off Cien fugos, Cuba. "Second-The alleged slow progress toward Santiago de Cuba from Cien fugos. "Third-The retrograde movement on the 26th and 27th of May. (This refers to the turning: of the fleet from Santiago toward Kev West. ) "Fourth-The battle of Santiago and the destruction of Cervera's fleet. " "It is to be expected," says the Post, "that Amidral Schley, in his letter to the secretary requesting a court of inquiry, wiU specify these grounds of criticism, and that Secre? tary Long will, in turn, repeat them in his orders assembling the court." A court of inquiry differs from a court martial in that it has no power to inflict a sentence. . It is organized simply for the purpose of investigat? ing questions of fact, but it has ample authority to make the inquiry opm pl?te and exhaustive. -The naval reg? ulations says a court of inquiry "Shall have the power to summon witnesses, administer oaths and punish con? tempts in the same manner as courts martial, but they shall only state facts and shall not give their opinion un? less expressly required to do so in the order for convening." Admiral Schley Has Asked For a Full Investigation. Washington, July 24.-Secretary Long this morning received a lettter from Rear Admiral Schley calling at? tention to the criticisms against him which are contained in Maclay's his? tory of the navy and the innuendos which have appeared in the press for several days, and stating that, in his opinion, the time had now come to take such action as would bring the entire matter under the "clear and calm review of his brothers in arms." He asked that the department take such action as was deemed best to ac? complish this purpose. He also re? quested that whatever action be taken should occur in Washington where his papers and data are stored. The sec? retary immediately decided to comply with Admiral Schley's request and dictated a letter to the rear admiral saying that under the circumstances he heartily approved of his action and that the department would proceed at once in accordance with his request. Admiral Schley's letter is as fol? lows : Great Neck, Long Island, X. Y., Julv 22nd, 1901. Sir: Within the past few days a se? ries of press comments have been sent to me from various parts of the coun trry of a book entitled ' ' The History of the Navy, " written by one Edgar Stanton Maclay. From these reviews it appears that this edition is a third volume of the said history extended to include the late war with Spain, which the first volumes did not con? tain, and were in use as text books at the naval academy. "2. From excerpts qaoted in some reviews, in which the page and para? graphs are given, there is such perver? sion of facts, misconstruction of inten? tion, such intemperate abuse and de? famation of myself, which subjects Mr. Maclay to action in civil law. While I admit the right of \fair criti? cism of every pablic officer, I must protest against the low flings and abusive language of this violent, par? tisan opponent, who has infused into the pages of his book so much of the malice of unfairness as to make it un? worthy the name of history, or of use in any reputable institution of the country. "3. I have refrained heretofore from ail comment upon the innuendoes of enemies muttered or murmured in se? cret and therefore with safety to them selsves. I think the time has now come to take such action as may bring this entire matter under discussion under the clearer and calmer review of my brothers in arms, and to this end I ask such action at the hands of the department, as it may deem best to accomplish this purpose. "4. But I would express the request in this connection that whatever the action may be that it occur in Wash? ington where most of my papers and data are stored. "Verv respectfullv, (Signed) . "W. S. Schley, "To the Secretary of the Navy, Wash? ington, D. C." LONG'S QUICK ASSENT. "Naw Department, Washington, D. C.. July 24, 1901. "Sir: ? am in receipt of yours of the 22nd instant, with reference to the criticisms upon you in connection with the Spanish-American war, and heartily approve of your action under the circumstances in asking at the hands of this department 'such action as will bring this entire matter under discussion under the clearer and calmer review of my brothers in arms. ' " The department will at once pro? ceed in accordnce with your request. "Very respectfully, John D. Long." "Rear Admiral W. S. Schlev, TJ. S. N." BOERS DEFFAT BRITISH. London. July 23.-The British war office has received the following dis? patch from Lord Kitchener, dated Pre? toria, July 23: A train from Cape Town with 113 details and stores was heM up, cap? tured and burned at Sheeper, eight miles north of Beaufort West on the morning of July 21. Our casualties were three killed and 18 wounded. An inquiry is proceeding. French reports that Crabbe, with 300 men was attacked in the mount i ns near Cradock by Kritzinger, July 21. The horses stampeded. An all-day fight followed. Crabbe fell back on Mortimer. Our loss was slight. 2 Charleston, July 23.-Constable La far raided Chicco's notorious place last night and made a good haul. Chicco claims that the constables robbed him of 8180 at the time. NEW DISTRICT ATTORNEY TAKES CHARGE OF OFFICE. Capt. Capers Talks Freely and Frankly About His Appointment and Senator McLaurin's Aid Thereto. Special to The State. Charleston, July 24.- District At? torney John G. Capers arrived here today from Washington and took the oath of office before Judge B rawley. 5Che new district attorney and Mr. Abial Lathnrop, whom Mr. Capers succeeds, have been acquainted for years and the greeting between the new and old official were cordial and pleasant. Mr. Capers was asked about the proposed changes in the personnel of the assistant district attorneys and clerks of the office. He said that no changes will be made immediately. It is said that T. B. Butler of Gaffney, and former Assistant Attorney General C. P. Townsend are slated for the places now held by Attorneys Hagood and Cochran. Messrs. Lathrop, Ha? good and Cochran have made capable, efficient and faithful officials. They hnave done much more work during the past four years than any former set of attorneys. The famous Lake City trial, prize vessel case, transfer of lands for the naval station and among other matters of importance have engaged the attention of the at? torneys during the past four years. Many people would like to see Messrs. Hagood and Cochran retained, but it is feared that they will not be. "Is your appointment expected to have any effect one way or the other," Mr. Capers was asked, '1 upon the con? troversy in the Democratic party, as represented bv Senator McLaurin and Tillman?" "Why, no," promptly responded Mr. Capers, "why should it have? I Could not participate in a Democratic con? vention or vote in a Democratic pri? mary. I have been thoroughly alligned with the Republican party, on nation? al questions, since the adoption of the Chicago platform, and have twice pub? licly supported Mr. McKinley for pres? ident: and once during a temporary residence in Marylnd, voted the Re? publican ticket in a contest . for the legislature, which resulted in the elec? tion of Sentaor McComas. Your ques? tion was no doubt suggested," contin? ued Mr. Capers, "because of the well known personal friendship between Senator McLaurin and myself, a friend? ship which antedates his public ca? reer. It was known inf Washington that for this particular office, the dis? trict attorneyship, a Republican was to be named, and you can therefore understand that Senator McLaurin did not have an opportunity to "p]av many favorites*' with such a limited field : for I do not believe there are over 15 or 20 Repbulican lawyers in the State at this time. My long ser? vice as a United States attorney here, together with the influence of the southern Republican senators, the re? tiring attorney general, and many sim? ilar influences, coupled with an open and earnest, advocacy of Mr. McKin? ley's reelection were, of course, in ad? dition to Senator McLaurin's efforts for me, very potent in connection with my appointment. "As far asl know," Mr. Capers continued, "none of the South Caroli? na delegation on either side of the capitol, opposed me. With them, I presume, it made little difference one way or the other:, but with Senator McLaurin it was different, simply be? cause he saw an opportunity to help a very near personal friend, and he promptly and earnestly gave me his potential influence for all of which I am very grateful to him." Railroad Misgovernment in the Northwest. In the last half-century the rail? roads of the Northwest have done more to debauch legislatures : more to cor? rupt the morals of governors: more to return incompetent hard-minded, de? based men to the United States Sen? ate : more to deprive state and county and municipal treasuries of their just dues: more to increase the discontent of the agricultural classes, than any other factor ever brought into that section, says H. I. Cleveland in Every? body's Magazine. The aboriginal Comanche still de? nounces the Arapaho, and the Chip? pewa the Sioux, because Arapaho and Sioux are still, as occasion offers, bru? tal, domineering, merciless. The set? tler-the citizen-of the Northwest, for the same reason; holds to denuncia? tory terms (nearly three centuries old and having an Indian origin) when he is aroused on what time-serving edi? torial writers are pleased to term the "inconsequential railroad question." The last time that it was "inconse? quential" it cost the more than twen? ty railroads centring in Chicago fif? teen million dollars in destroyed prop? erty, let loose the dogs of the mob on a great metropolis, threw thousands of men out of employment, and sacrificed the lives of at least twenty-five human beings. And this was brought about because the majority of railway pres? idents, railway managers, and railway stockholders have not in sixty-five years of continually increasing wealth departed far from the blood-heated spirit of the Indian-the Sioux-who said, when he stood by the waters of the Otter. Red, and Bois des Sioux: ' This is to be my work. All that grows upon the earth is mine." Stockholm. Sweden, July 23. - An explosion today of petroleum on board the American schooner Louise Ade? laide, Capt.. Orr, which left Portland, Me., for Stockholm, in the harbor here resulted in the death of Capt. Orr, ten members of the schooner's crew and four Swedish customs offi cals. Two of the crew were saved. The explosion set the schooner afire and the blazing petroleum enveloped the vessel and those on board. HOLDING FIST TO CUBA. Another Scheme of the Adminis? tration Uncovered. Washington, July 24.-That the Cu? bans were well advised in seeking to pin the McKinley administration down to an interpretation of the Platt amendment is now evident from the announced determination of the gov? ernment to occupy all the defenses of Cuba, whether these are included in the five coaling stations called for by the Platt amendment or not. Further, it is freely acknowledged that this hag; been intended all the time though nothing was said about it lest it should give addiitonal cause for dis? cussion and consequent delay at Ha? vana of the adoption by the Constitu? tional Convention of the Platt law, which was made a condition precedent to 'the withdrawal of American sover? eignty and the surrender of the island to ;he nominal control of the Cubans. Now that the Platt amendment has been adopted, however, officials here, including members of the Cabinet and of Congress, freely assert the intention of the United States to occupy all the principal sea defences of the island. This, of course, means that the forts at Havana, Cienfuegos, Santiago and Mantanzas will fly the American flag and be mounted with guns, even after the Cuban Republic is an accomplish? ed fact and its independent sovereign? ty is sought to be recognized by the nations of thew orld. This radical action is sought to be justified by the general protection re? quired by the Platt amendment to be given to Cuba, the excuse being made that the island government will proba? bly not mainatin an army or navy and that if it does, they will both necessa? rily be too weak to be of any special service in case of war. Indeed it is es? timated from high sources both in Washington and Havana that the Cu? ban Government will be induced to re? quest the United States to man and eqt.ip such fortifications on the island as may be considered advisable for the safeguarding of the interests of both countries. If this were done it would, of course, make necessary the estab? lishment of permanent army posts, and would not in any way interfere with the establishment of the five naval sta? tions provided for by the Plats amend? ment. In other words, under this ar? rangement both the army and navy of the United States would perform duty in Cuba by the willing consent of t;he Cuban Government. But if Cuba cannot be bulldozed into making such a request, the clause in the Platt law giving to the United States the privilege of establishing five naval stations on the island, will be considered as affording all the military protection needed by Cuba. In that event, the navy will assume all the re? sponsibility for the island's defense, and accordingly the fortifications will be manned by United States sailors and marines, and [naval guns will take the places of the fine army battreies which are now stationed at Havana. Ever since the United States took possession of Cuba, what was the old 2d Regiment of artillery has been oc? cupying the numerous forts that guard Havana Bay. The points there occu? pied at present by American artillery are Morro Castle, Cabanas, Santa Clara, Pirotecnia Militar, and Bat? teries Nos. 3, 4 and 5. Since the ab? olition by the last Congress of the ar? tillery regimental organizations and their divisions into field and coast ar? tillery the detachments occupying the forts "designated are the 3d Field Bat? tery, and the 17th, 18th. 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d and 24th Coast Artillery companies. Of the fortifications now occupied and which will continue to be occupied by the United States, Morro Castle, at Havana, is the least valuable, in the opinion of experts. That famous old fort is a mere shell, which could be shattered and destroyed by one shot from a modern naval gun well deliver? ed. But immediately back of the Morro is the powerful and modern fort of Cabanas, and just across the narrow entrance to the bay from the Morro is the fort known as Punta Gora. This is quite as strong and well equipped with the modern appliances of coast defences as Cabanas itself, and un? doubtedly will be one of the chief points in the chain of defences sur? rounding Havana that will be occu? pied by the United States. Of course, with ali her defenses in the hands of the United States, and with the other limitations imposed on her, Cuban independence will be a farce, which will probably not be re? cognized by any of the nations of the world. Almost a Panic in Grain Market. Chicago, July 23.-Opening scenes in the grain pits were wild today. Especially among corn and oats was the excitement notable with the trad? ers. A selling movement in the corn market was launched by nervous longs at the tap of the gong with which the session was started. They seemed to have a desire, almost amounting to a panie, to secure their profits, owing to scattered rains west, and in conse? quences, there was a wild range of: prices. September sold simultaneously from 59 cents to 54 cents, the latter figure being five cents under the clos? ing price yesterday. At this decline prices steadied, largely on buying for the country ac? count. As to the crop sitution, there was nothing to change pessimistic views as to corn and oats as it was al? leged that the showers were far from sufficient but wheat bulls were render? ed uneasy by reports of more favorable weather from spring wheat in Minne? sota and tho Dakotas. Reports during the day in many in? stances claimed that damage claims for Kansas, Iowa and Missouri had been greatly exaggerated in regard to the corn situation. These reports were influential more so than usual, owing to the nervousness of the market. The close showed the bull position weakened. _ PUERTO RICO ll TERRITORY. Civil Government Recognized and Given Free Trade With Uni? ted Siates. Washington, July 23.-Free trade between the United States and Puerto Rico will be proclaimed Thursday. Attorney General Knox is preparing the proclamation which will be issued. Two proclamations will be issued, the first declaring the establishment of civil government in Puerto Rico and the second the establishment of free trade between the United States and the island. Although a civil government has ex? isted for many months in Puerto Rico, Gov. Allen, up to the time he went to Canton on Sunday, purposely with? held the formal notification of that fact from the president in order that the moneys collected under the Forak er act might not be placed at the dis? posal of the Puerto Rican legislature, but could continue to be used for the benefit oft he island under the direc? tion of the president. The effect of an earlier notification would have been a proclamation by the president recog? nizing the establishing of civil govern? ment and the turning over to the insu? lar treasury for the use of the legisla? ture of all money collected under the Foraker. The other proclmation to be made by the president on Thursday will re? cite the fact that the legislature has put into operation a system of taxation and will proclaim the removal of all duties between the United States and Puerto Rico. NEW GOVERNOR APPOINTED. Washington, July 23.-William H. Hunt, the present secretary of Pue rto Rico, has been selected to succeed Gov. Chas. H. Allen, upon the retire? ment of the latter from the insular government. Gov. Allen brought with him to Boston all of his household goods when he came from San Juan and he does not expect to return to Puerto Rico. The formal announce? ment of the selection of Mr. Hunt is withheld until the regular appoint? ment is made and this cannot be be? fore the expiration of the leave of Gov. Allen next September. William H. Hunt, who has been selected to succeed Chas. H. Allen as governor of Puerto Rico was born in New Orleans, La., November 5, 1857, and is the fourth son of the late Wm. Henry Hunt of Louisiana who was secretary of the navy in the cabinets of Presidents Garfield and Arthur, and minister to Russia. When he was 27 years of age he was elected attorney general of the ter? ritory of Montana. When Gov. Allen went to Puerto Rico Mr. Hunt was requested by Pres? ident McKinley to become secretary of the Island and to assist Gov. Allen in organizing the new civil government. CONDITITIONAL PARDONS. Columbia, July 23.-Governor Mc? sweeney is making a light record on the excommunication of undesirable citizens. Yesterday he pardoned Wilkes on condition that he keep out of the State. Today he requested the return of the requisition papers against James R. Blackwood. Some time ago Blackwood, who is a white man from Cherokee County, was convicted of stealing cotton. He was sentenced to three years on the chain gang, and after serving eighteen months escaped and went to Texas. He is now living in Texas with his wife and three children. The county commissioners and others recommend that the requisition be withndrawn on condition that Blackwood pay 8100 into the county treasury, and that he keep away from the State. Governor McSweeney today issued a pardon upon the condition that Black? wood should never return to the State during his natural lite. Mr. T. B. Butler, of Gaffney, presented the ap? plication in favor of Blackwood. Court Passed on lt. The card of Mr. G. R. Rembert as to the right of the chief executive to decree banishment from the State as has b?en done in two cases of execu? tive clemency the past week occasion? ed some comment, and caused some lawyers to turn to the case of the State vs. Barnes, 32 S. C., page 14. in which Justice Mciver wrote the very clear opinion on this very subject. The case happened to be one that oc? curred in this very county in 1889, and Mr. M. H. Moore appeared for the ap? pellant and Mr. P. H. Nelson, at that time solicitor, for the State. Barnes had been convicted of grand larceny and was sent to the penitentiary for two years. He was pardoned on con? dition that he leave the State in 48 hours never to return. He did return and was arrested. He was made to serve the rest of his sentence. The court held that the fellow was proper? ly recommitted : that the condition an? nexed to the pardon was not illegal immoral or impossible to be performed and that the legality of such action had been frequently recognized in this State. The reports show the cases of the State vs. Fuller which is even stronger: of the State vs. Smith: of the State vs. Addington and of the State vs. Chancellor. The culprit upon his return after such a prdon or commutation must be treated as a simple escape.-The State. Leavenworth, Kas., July 24.-Mich? ael Kelly, an insane man. +oday at the office of the Robert Garrett Lumber company, in the busineess district, shot six people, killing one, probably fatally wounding another and more or less seriously wounding four others. He was himself finally killed by offi? cers who tried to over power h:?:. STILL VERY HOT IK THE WEST. There Are Some Prospects of a Break in Weather-Tnunder storms Wednesday. Washington, July 24.- Scattered thunder showers in the northern tier of States in the central west gave some relief in that locality from the I intense heat. These showers, which, i generally were light in character, oc? curred in the Dakotas, southern Min ? nesota, northwestern Iowa, the ex? treme northern portion of Illinois, in Minnesota and in Michigan. More of these showers over a wider area are expected by the ^weather bureau to? morrow. Their effect, however, will be only temporary and warm weather is again predicted for Friday. - In the great corn belt the intense heat still continues and there seems to be no immediate prospectif a gen? eral rain, though the fact ihat show? ers are becoming more general than for some days is encouraging to the officials here who hope they may be the forerunners of a general break-up in the heat and drought conditions, although the forecasters will not say .that this is a probability. For tomor? row showers are indicated for the re? gion from the Dakotas eastward and there is a probability of showers in Nebraska, Iowa, northern Illinois, northern Indiana and: northern Ohio. If they come they always bring tem? porary relief from the heat and their reflex effect may be experienced in slightly reduced temperatures in the southern States of the corn belt. The maximum temperature line of 100 degrees today again encircled the upper Mississippi valley, lower Mis? souri valley and the middle and lower Ohio valley. St. Louis reported a temperature of 108 and St. Paul 104 degrees, both record breakers. SAMPSON'S RECORD. A special dispatch to The Baltimore Sun from Albany, N. Y., says: War Correspondent George Edward Graham, who represented the Asso? ciated Press on board the Brooklyn and stood beside Admiral Schley, re? plies here today to the criticisms made by Maclay. He says : " I am not'inclined to believe that Admiral Schley .will take any active part in this controversy raised by Maclay's book. He might have done so had it become evident that Maclay was writing his own opinion, but it is palpable that he was not. Maclay has been either induced or ordered to as? sault Schley so fiercedly that ,the lat? ter would ask for a court of inquiry. Then the Sampson-Evans-Crownin shieid-Chadwick crowd would make it apparent that Sampson, of 12 miles away fame, was responsible for the de? feat* of Cervera, although he ranaway on the only day that there was any in? dication of trouble. Maclay gives away the whole scheme when he says that Admiral Schley should ask for a court of inquiry. "It would seem as if there should be settled first the question of veracity raised by Maclay and the Navy De? partment. EMaclay is quoted as saying that the department saw his proof sheets and approved them. The de? partment says that is not true. Would Maclay mind telling if Chadwick did not revise them?-Chadwick, who only saw the battle from a distance of 12 miles; Chadwick, who has surrepti tously furnished the press antagonistic to Schley with material ; or, perhaps Evans, the only man who got into a conning tower and hid during the fight, didn't revise them or assist in writing them. 4 ' If they are going to court martial somebody why don't they get Sampson to say "why he ran away the only morning when there was an indication of a fight? Why don't they ask him why he did not coal at sea off Sntiago, but depleted his battle line daily by sending ships 50 miles way to coal? Ask him why he left the battle line with the fast cruiser New York to chase schooners so that he could get prize money. Ask him why he never said a word or signaled a word of praise to officers or men after the fight although Schley asked him to do so. These are things worth court marmal? ing any man for. " STORM IN DARLINGTON. Darlington, July 25.-A storm of" wind and rain passed over Darlington and Dovesville this afternon at 4 o'clock, doing much damage in the way of destruction to trees and crops. In "the town the front of the store of Wells & Wolfram was blown down and the chimney to the stemmery which was only finished yesterday was blown down. In Dovesville a large walnut tree, was blown on the edge of the dwellizrg^ of Mrs. Lula D. Evans, tearing dawn* the part of chimney and the cornicing - on that side of the house. A deflection:? of six inches would have bl?wn the tree on the middle of the house, in which at the time were five persons. During the storm lightning: struck the Atlantic Coast Line dep<stt at. Doves, destroying it and its contents-.. Mr. J. C. Dove lost 17 bales of col? ton, which was destroyed by the fire. Three box cars that were standing on the sidetrack were also burned. The down mail train was delayed one hour on account of the rails being warped and having to build a new track. B. O. B. Memphis, Tenn., July 24.-Dis? patches received here today told of a serious state of affairs in Osceola, Ark. where it was claimed, Sheriff Bowen and Circuit Clerk Driver refused to vacate their office, although having been removed by the governor. It was said that many persons were arm? ed and an outbreak was regarded as imminent. A correspondent was sent to Osceola this afternoon and at S o'clock a telegram was received from him, stating that the stories had been exaggerated and that the town