KRESS OF THE STRIKE. Tie Steel Workers Obeyed Presi dent's Shaffer's Order. SEVENTY-FOUR THOUSAND MEN ARE NOW IDLE. Pittsburg, Pa., July 13.-After a three days' session the conference be? tween representatives of the American Sheet Steel, American Steel Hoop company and American Tin Plate com paay, subsidiary compames of the United States Steel corporation, and Iii? general executive board of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, adjourned finally at 6 o'clock this evening with? out reaching an agreement. In less than an hour later President Snaffer of the Amalgamated associaation had wired the following order to all the amalgamated lodges in the tin plate, steel hoop and sheet steel mills of the j country: "Notify your men that the mill is on a strike and will not work on Mon? day, July 15." For the present, President Shaffer says, onlyf the three companies named will be affected, but later all the union men in the Federal Steel Company, Na? tional Steel Company and the Natoinal Tube company may be called out if it shall be found necessary to resort to extreme measures to win the fight. At the start, it is claimed, 45,000 skill? ed workmen, 30, COO nn-skiiled men, and indirectly many thousands more will be affected. After the adjournment of the confer? ence the following statement was given out by theofficials of the companies in? terested: "The conference between the Amal? gamated association and Sheet, Hoop and Tin Plate companies failed to come to an agreement because the Amalgamated association did not re? cede from its original positions. The manufacturers did not refuse their lights to organize, but have got many men in the mills not in the Amalgamat? ed association who do not wish to be? come association men, and claimed they must respect these men in their wishes as well as those who are mem? bers of the associaaion. In order to effect a compromise, the manufactur? ers offered to sign for several mills which have always in the^ past been . ont of the association. No compro? mise was offered by the Amalgamated association. The American Tin Plate company have only one non-union mill. They required the privilege to make a special scale for this mill and sign the same. This was refused and the company was given to understand that men in all the tin mills would be called out, even though the scale has been signed for all the tin mills. The privilege requested above would settle all differences between the Tin Plate company and the Amalgamated asso? ciation. ' ' Pittsburg, Pa., July 15.-Reports received from ail sources connected with the great strike of the steel workers today that the members of the Amalgamated association had matters well in hand and that the strike order was generally obeyed, Reports from Tarions points where the American Tin Plate company, the American Steel Hoop and the American Sheet Steel company are located, told of a shutting down of these plants. In many cases the plants had been shut down by the first strike order, which affected the Sheet Steel and the Steel Hoop companies only. The last order brought out all of .the union plants of the American Tin Plate company. At the Amalgamated association head? quarters it was said that the figures given ont Saturday night regarding the number of men who would be ac? tually idle in the mills of the three copanies had been proven correct. This number was placed at 75,000. The strike, although one of the gi ea test that has been declared in re? tient years, will affect Pittsburg but sHght.y. Of the 74,000 men idle, 2,500 are in Pittsbnrg, 800 in Allegheny and 1,500 in McKeesport. President Shaffer has it in his power to close may more Pittsburg mills, but it is -not thought that he will do anything Le Eing8t;ee S 32 Ar Florence 9 25 7 25 7 Of am pm am pm ?Daily. fDaily except Sunday. No. 52 runs through to Colnmhio vies Oso irai R. R. of S. C. Trains Nos. 78 and 32 mn via Wilson soc Fayetteville-8hort Line-and make dose connection for ail points North. Trains on 0. k D R. R. leave Florence daiiv except Sunday 9 50 a m, arr?ve Darling? ton 10 15 a rn, Harisviile 9 15 am, Cheraw ll 30 a rn, Wadesboro 2 25 pm. Leave Florence daily except Sunday 7 55 p rn, ar? rive Darlington S 20 p rn, Benuettsville 9 17 p rn, Gibaoo 9 45 p m. Leave Florence Sunday ooly 9 30 am. arrive Darlington 10 05 a m Leave Gibson daily except Sunday 600 a m, Benoettsville 7 00 & rn, arrive Darling* toa 8 00 a m, leav* Darlington 8 50 a a, ar rive Florence 9 15 am. Leave Wadesboro daily except Sunday 3 00 pm, Cberaw 4 45 p rn, Harttville 7 00 a rn, Darlington 6 2S o m, arrive Florence T 00 p m. Leave Dar lington Sunday only 8 50 a rn, arrive Flor ?noe 9 15 a m. J. R. KENLEY, JNO. F. DIYINK. Geo'l Manager. Gen'l Sup' H. H. KHERSON, Traffic Manager T. U BMSRSON. Gen'l Pam. Ac*n' Atlantic Coast Line WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND ai GUSTA RAILROAD Condensed Schedule. Dated April 8, 1901. TRAINS GOING duUTi-.. MO. OO Au. p. m Leave Wilmington *3 45 Leave Marion 6 40 Arrive Florene? 7 25 p. m. a. Leave Florence f8 00 ?3 fO Arrive Sumter 9 15 4 02 No. 52 Leave Sumter 9 15 *9 23 Arrive Columbia 10 40 10 56 So. 52 runs through from Char?eete.? r>fr Jentrsl R.R., leaving Charlestor 6.25?. m banes 8 02 a rn, Manning 8 50 a m TRA1N8 GOING NOKTh 9o. &4 ho. oe a. m. p. c Leave Colnmoio ?6 40 *3 0 Arrive Sumter 3 05 4 ?3 Sd 3> 4 ta. p' a Leave Sumter 9 05 *C li Arrive Floren:? 9 20 7 35 a. m. Leave Florence 10 00 Leave Marion 10 35 irrive WilmingtOD 1 25 .Diily. t^aiij ereep? Sunda?. No 5S mos through io Charleston, S. C ria Ce;i:r?i? R. tv., arriving 6 04 p aa ,Lanes 6-43 p u>, Cbar.estoo 8 30 p m. Trains on Conwav Branch leave Cbadbourn li 50 a tn, srrive Conway 1 30 p m, return lng ieftve Cjnwav 3 40 pm, anive Chad? Douro *> 20 r? rn, leave Chfdbouru 5.35 p rn? ?rnve E.'rod 8 !0cm, returning leav Eirod S 10 a ra, arrive CbaON, Traffic Manager.. 3. M. EMERSON Gen'l Pass. Agen