"Black Death" Walks on Five Coo?inen?s. Plague Still Spreads-Thous? ands of Cases Reported to Matine Hospital .Service. Washington, April ll.-Thousands of cases of bubonic plague io ali parts of the world since Nor 1st last have been reported to the marine hospital service.! ^t Bio Janeiro from Feb 1 te 10 there ooourred five new cases and three deaths At Hongkong, Cbioa, S?. at! fatal, occurred dnriog tba week ending Feb. 18 The plague is steadily increasing in Cape Colony according to reports received both io London and Paris The official report rom Cape Oolony for the week ending March 2 shows 24 new cases, two deaths and four suspects, for the fol lowiog week -60 case-, 18 deaths and ll suspecte Several Europeans have been attacked and a number of natives have beeo found dead from the disease The rats are reported to be "trekking" from Capetowo io great numbers and at Simoostowo are reported tc be dying from the plague. At Mauritius duriog the two week? ending Maroh 8tb there were io the island 18 oases of plague and 23 deaths. On Maroh 14 two fresh plague oases are reported to have occurred to Perth, West Australia. ' The marine hospital service surgeon in charge at-Loodon has reported that tbe rumor of suspected plague at Southampton? published in the Paris papers, probably ia unfounded, but extra precautions are being exercised at that port in view of the large num? ber of tro?pa returning from South ?frica. T??o plague at Karak uga. Russia, is stated io the official repors from Parts to be on tbe decrease, the j same report saying that 13 deaths from ; cholera oeoorred at Singapore, Strait Settlements, duriog the last week of January. ? < A report published in a Berlin paper i and forwarded here says the plague at Cape Town is sow attacking the well > to do people. The marine hospital ser vice surgeon, Dr Green Albertrn, bas just reported that in the Kirgisen .reservation, JjEoranok, Russia, 13 per *BOOS have isHeo victims to the plague -and ia . the presidency of Bombay, >Britieh East India, during the week ending Feb 8:b there occurred! 1,770 plague cases. and 1,293 deaths, ab increase of 515 oases and 314 deaths over the previous week In Bombay / city that week, there were 1,056 cases 1 r * of tbe plague, ac increase of 309 and 1,359 deaths due to the plague .Up to March 2 fifty plague cases bad -ooourred in Cape Tow o of which 12 terminated fatally Io Argentina five ^plague patients were in the isolation i-iospitai at San Nicholas os Feb 7 and '"plague was suspected io the cities of Belleville and Marios Juarez. Official notice has been received that tbe government of the Danish West Indies had raised the quarantine against Pori Said and Smyrna and declared the port ot Brisbane, free from plague PLAGUE AND SMALLPOX. P'-fcio, April ll -Robert McWade. TJoi'ed S'ates coucut at Cactoo, Cbioa, reports that .10,000 deaths from the plague have occurred toere daring the pa?: six weeks, and that there are 13 cases ot smallpox oo beard the United States iKoottor Montetey. Only one death has resulted on the Monterey, aod the other cases ot smalipix are progr-^iog favorably Toe meetings of 'he foreign ministers at Ptrkin have been po-fpooed at the req-i-'-iC of M de Giers, on account of the E -ster holidays For Water, Lights and Sewerage. P*3ck Hill,April ll.-At ao adjourn? ed weering of the citizens this after noon. Mr Rordmao, an expert from Raleigh, N U , made bis report in the mather or tbe valuation of the Rook Hi?? Wa'er, L gb: and Power Com paoy. H is esna>ate of the waterworks pUot was $37.000. Tbe valoatioo made last y*?ar upon tbe electric iigbt plant was ?17,000, making a total of $55 000 for tbe plants aod iranohises Af.er a hvely dtsco-sion, a motion was carn* d fiat tbe C?ty Council should ord*?r ao election, a* eariy as practica? ble, to say w?eT&er an issue of bonds of tbe amount of $95 000 should be made for tbe uurpo-?e of buying these plants and t rao oathes, and io addition, i: neoe^ry, io put in a system of sewer? age - i mi? .?n dropped the subjeot at once, and sinoe that time the mail order busme-s in Charleston bas decreased only in proportion to the extent that the iocal business men have taken steps to let the publio know of the things they have for sale.-York ville Enquirer. Claims Against China. Washington, April 9 -The state department has heard further from Mr Rockhill, our special commission er at Pekin, touching the effort making there to reach an agreement respecting the indemuity to be de manded from the Chinese govern trent Mr Rockbill's principal rffurt, acting under direct instructions from Secretay Hay, to induce the minis ters of other powers to keep down the total of their claims to the amount which the financial experts, headed by Sir Robert Hart, have decided to be within the ability of China lo pay The United States government bas felt that on no account should the to?.al indemnity claim exceed 40,000, OOO poonda sterling, and bas stead factly sought to make that figure the outside limit of the claim For itself the state department claims $25,000, 000 indemnity and bas supplied Mr Rockhill with data for the presenta tioo of an itemized account showing the expenditures made by the gov ercment of the Uunited States in the transportation of our military contin get in China, its maintenance lhere, and the just claims of the missionaries who were American citizents and Buffered in property and person from the Boxer outbreak ID its anxiety to avoid oppressing China and to secure a speedy settle merit of the Chinese question, the dnited States government stands willing to make a heavy cut in its slaira. provided tbe other nations represented at Pekin will abate their claims in proportion Tbe administration is satisfied that the great danger of the situation at Pekin lies in delay Had the repre? sentations of Mr Rockhill been heed >d the officials are confident that the formidable rebellion which bas now broken out under the lead of Gen Tung Fu Slang in Sben Si province aever would have occurred It is :he laope of the officials here that TuDg Fa Slang's movements will stimulate the lagging ministers at Pekin to final action. If it does not, f the court is obliged to flee from 3inan Fu, and the great Yang Tee j viceroys are overslaughed by Gen g Tung Fu Siang, as seems entirely probable, then all China will be )lunged into anarchy, io the estimate >f the officials here. STew Barratory Law in Texas. { Austin, Texas, April 12.-The gov- f sroor yesterday signed the barratory )ill. This measures imposes a heavy ioe aod imprisonment against lawyers , vho foment, snits against railroads aol j >fber corporations, or who advance noney to clients to secure snob cases Rock Hill, April 12.-The voters of - his ci'v do not propose to have more iqaor sojd here than is done already, i By a vote of three to one, with a , nargin of two, they expressed them- - (elves ar the ballot box tndav. the igures being ; For dispensary, 56 ; co iispeosary, 170 New York, April 10 -It was an J aounced today that the two stock ^ exchange members who sold their 3eats recently for $58,000 each, the highest price ever paid for a seat, are Edward Talcott and Louis V I Bell Mr. Bell is retiring on the twenty first anniversary of his en trance to the exchange Both men ' have been among the most daring room traders on the exchange floor. Indianapolis, April 12 -Rsjab, the B 2D jal tiger that fatally injured one of \ ihe keepers at the "Zoo" in this cry several months ago, after a desperate ' light io the animals' cage, today attack? ed Frank C Bostock, proprietor of he "Zoo*' and dangerously injured him. It is feared by the purgeons that Bostock will lose his lett arm Hi* : right leg and bi* face were badly lace- , rated. Louisville, Ky, April 12 -Geo ' Thos H. Taylor, a veteran of the . Mexican and Civil wars, died today 1 fr'om pneumonia, aged 75 During thf | Mexioan war he was elevated for dis? tinguished services through tbe various grades from private to major aod io the , Confederate army from oaptaio tc brigadier general. Union, April 12 -News has jun reaobed here of a horrible murder oom milted at Wbitmire, 18 mile" sooth of Uoioo Mr W S Lie is the victim, [c appears that Mr Lee, a me'ohaot and a oripple, sleeping io his store bouse, was awakened some tim1 during last night and admitted som^ parties sup po&ed to be customers. Wheo be was found today his head was beat ioto a j?lly and he wa? in bi* night clothes His store was robbeyd and a considerable amount of money and three p:s'ols bad bi?eo taken. There is ns clue at this time as lo who were the perpetrators of this crime. Charlotte. N C . April 9.-A nol pros with leave was today entered in the United States district court at Greensboro in all the cases brought against Democratic registrars for their alleged action in refusing to register certaiu Republican voters prier to the State election last August Many leading citizens had been indicted in these cases and the dismissal of the cases is generally commended The district attorney scated in court that as a means to peace arid harmony among ail citi? zens he thought best to nol pros the cases, reserving the right to try them in future if deemed best Judge Boyd agreed with him and tbe matter is now regarded as settled. ?V?ge table Preparation for As - ;|? similating ute?oodandRegu?a ting the Stomachs andBowels of MUANTS CmLJ)KEN Promotes D?gestion,Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opnjm,Morphine nor Minerai. NOT NARCOTIC. Xeape c* Old BrSAJ4UEL PITCHER Pumpkm S et?' Alx. Senna * /ioc/ttlltSJtx- I Adie Sesd * Peppurnunt - > Bi Carbonate Se?s * Wrm Seed- \ C?rrif&d Sugar . Wottryrsen Fhmr. J A perfect Remedy for Constipa? tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions Jeverish oess andLoss OF Sl??B Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. , ?tb months old J5Do^ES -.33 Cr M s For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTQRIA THC CENTAUR COMPANY, MM YORK CITY. Publie Card. take this mode of ootifyiog my friends and customers, that while badly dis igared 1 am still in toe ring. I now have on the road to arrive in a few days 2 cars of One and Two-Horse Wagons, . 50 Buggies. Carriages and Surries, . will have the nicest line of one and two horse Extension and Canopy Top Carriages and Sorries ever shown io this city, Doable seated Ooe>Horse Bug? gies with and without tops and The Same Line of High and Medium Grade Buggies \.s heretofore carried* in stock, namel\: The Babcock, the Tyson & Jones, thc hackney Bros, the Courtland, the Sayers and Scoville, the Wreno & Sons .nd several other cheaper grades of vehicles Also a large and ?eli selected stock of Double and Single Carriage, Buggy and Wagon \zd one of the nicest lines of Riding Saddles. Bridles and Blankets, Sum? mer Buggy Laprobes. Whips* &c. . Carried io this city. Vi y goods are right, and my prices are right. Give me a manee to come out of the ashes again. I will be found on the old Jervey House lot on Main Street GEO. F? EPPERSON. March 27-lm THE CRITERION, ?1.00 a year, IO cts a copy. rSE BEST ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGASINS OF TSE Z?H2 PUBLISHED. Its pages are filled by a brilliant array of writers and artists, [ts authoritative and independent reviews of books, plays, music and art, its clever stories, strong special articles, humor and verse, with fine illustrations, make it a necessity in every intelligent home. The very low subscription price-$1.00 per year-puts it within the reach of all. Reliable agents wanted in every town. Extraordinary inducements. Write for par? ticulars. A TSXAL &T72SC3XPTX02T "WILL ?E0TE XT. WRITE TODAY for sample copy. Criterion Publication Co., Subscription Department, 41 East 21st St, N. Y. City. Fib 6 The season for stock is closing foul we still have some good ones on hand. ALSO OUR USUAL LINE OF Buggies, Wagons, Har? ness, Hay, Grain. Lime and other building mate? rials. Call and see us. H. HARBY.