Treaty Wit^Rsssia c Sittel Signed American Japanese and Brit ish GoT^rament Pfotested. Pekin. March 2~-The -Chinese had.not signed the Manchurian agree . meat. last. eight when the time ex pired f : London. March 2? - The officials of toe Japanese embassy confirm the ?eport tba$ au imperial decree ?has been issuetVby the qoort at Sian Fa, through I^uKoo th th?? viceroy of Nankin, ordering.that the Manchar?an coDVentio^V.eDpfll??, pot be signed Marco 2?f, : tte ?ate \ :?xe$ ?by t Kassia. ^Df?Dtimaiio^pf? th?8?^cree has been telegraphed to the vari?os. govern - meets conceeeed... - ''''W?shrbg??bX. ' ''Marco';'. 1<2? - The British gov?rom?o'r bas protested against Cbir^a.Tt8'rja?feng a convention .with any pow?f'?toocb?cg 'territorial .or ?oahc??U..OTa?rs until the present freebies in niki counify are'cohclud ?d The 0i':?f:'ih^Bn??i protest was mades %nowii a?re for the first time tod?y bf' a a*ispatco from poe 'of the foreign offices of ??rope' ?t ?tates tfeat ^t?e-* protest* waa made tbroogh Sfrf^estfBfctw, the' Brtisb -mioister af'Celtio*' li'dotes riot state '.wheo^ thef?^Te8eD*?^i?hs;wer'? made, *btit from'tbe-fact tbiaft the dispatch .Was receitf?fl' '-iW Wasaingtoo today it is taken t?iit' the protest bas b?eo made withiti 'the last day or two Although tb^' Ba?s?iB agreemerJt is hot specific*!ly'referred' t?j'ft is said t? be cle? t?ra? the British^"action is directed . ??aftrst the- Kassian :a;gree ?aebt Th? iao-goag? appears; to be ^ similar to that osed by Secretary Hay ic th?'Aaiericaoi protest. The effect of the British action is to place the United* States, Japan ?od Great Britain io forswli -op position to the signing, of :tua Co?veiation with any power pending the settlement of the Chinese trouble* - : ' The concorrenoe-eff'these protests probably esp?a ic why t?e Maocbnri an agreement- > ? ibas?? not been -signed There was no definite information re ceived here today at the statedepart meat . or :fatf.*by>of?the foreign em bassies as to whether the agreement : bad been signed or rejected . .WOULD tPY?iAMITB THE Several Men. of, Prominence Implicated' in the Plot. 1 London, March 26 dispatch to The Exchange' Telegraph Company from Paris, ' ??ates on the highest * authority that's mine baa been discov ' er'ed 'beneath the palace of Emperor 1 ^fich?las ?t Tsarkoe Selb, 17 railea -.goct? of St Petersburg" "Several notabilities, the dispactb "farther says, are implicated in the plot against DIM ' majesty The Russian press waa bo* permittee! to mentios the affair London. March 26 -? dispatch from S; Petersburg to Beater's Tele? gram Company say s that hr consonance with what is believed to be tbe czar's expressed wish, the minister of the interior bas published instructions for the aorhori*ie* of the towns and prov? ince?, recommending pr?ventive meas tires agaioB: disturbances^ as being mor? >ff-.'C^!V? "than severe r?pression after d:>!nrbarrce<4'ha've broken out The Birmingham Post which is clo?c!/ in coooh with Jo?eph Chamber lain ?-^y? news received in'high'quar? ters in Lp-.d'on indicates toa? tb? czir is IR a vjry c^rv^a's'sta*! -wing to the ?Obd;M >n ?f th:- poii : ? -? ? : h^riz:-o. ?: is on?er&to?d f'h*r T?to fears the result of the p>;icy off bis ministers in the far east whi'e the' student tmables and ?hrca?? ?^aisst bi* life."ci which there are cr:r2 tria-? bav? b^?n oafrisbed, 'have c^'??pre'e?y dnn^rvyhis msj-s'y. His n-eaicil advisees ' b^vV strongly cou?i^eird' 'yatchi::g' cruise, bur tbe cz ir bas r-fa-ed 'o foiiow th*ir advice Tar*- o u;. d fH?' -crib?*: iii Ra ?st a tek** [ 'a very grav *'vie^v of th0 pre??ht agita tion and Think it is the begirding' of 83or? -erina- frnnb?es ? A sthd?nt af the'Sr. Petersburg hoi* vere!?-; o-a^d ProskUriakr.ff. who had "been .;?n:e^?^d to two ye-ar* military 'servie*' 3f:d ?raf;ed' i?'to ? regiment Soon to ?eav.* for Turkestan. & woman stud'tu Dittied Smircovr*. arid Lieu* Kntoois of a' sapper battalion; have been f ?uvi dcai near Y imhurg, io Sr Pete^^nrg prrrvince. Tte student held a rr**' -iver and it was evident tb at the tbrftf- p^r-t^is had committed snicide K ITC HEX ER^S* PLANS. Reported to Have Failed-The Slower Method the Surer. LoooV.o. March 27-The Pretoria' and Bloemfontein correspondent cf Th* Timos send long dispatches admitting that L">rd Kitchener's poiioe and operations have failed to achieve the resal?s boped for, and pointing oat that the British public must be pre? pared to roo to the original policy of occupying districts and studing the country with military posts as the only meaos of effecting complete pacifica? tion This precess, tbe correspondents say, will occupy much time and necessitate ? constant supply of fresh troops. R?ltiiS United States Out. . J_ European Nations Have Matter Under Consideration. Washington, March 26-While attention has been centered opou the crisis connected with the Manchurian agreement, an entirely new and im portant phase of the Chinese ques tion has been presented by the action of the ministers at Pekin, in agree iog yesterday to submit to their var ions governments whether articles 8 and 9, of the Chinese protocol shall be carried ont by the military authori ties of ail the powers interested in China, or only by those powers who are continuing to take part in the application of these articles. The action of the ministers bas been com monicated to several of the foreign embassies and legations here, and doubtless Mr Rockhill has made or will make known the same facts The articles in question are as fol Iowa:. Article. 8- The destraction cf the ports which might obstruct free com maaicatioc between Pekin and the sea ; Article 9 The right to maintain occupation of certain points, to be determined by an understanding among the powers, io order to obtain open. communication between the capita! .and Che sea - As these two questions appear to involve territorial affairs, it may be. come of considerable moment whether the determination of such affairs is left with the military off? ci?is of all the powers or of only such powers as continue their mili tary force in China In the latter case the United States government will be quietly but effec? tually deprived of all voice in the set tlement of so much of the Chinese question a? relates to the determina tion of the strength of the military forces to be continued therein by the powers. It also is possible that an affirmative decision by the powers which would exclude the United States from participating in the dis cussion on the important point, might be extended to put us out of China altogether. The Law of Associations. Paris, March 26-The Chamber of Deputies today entered upon the discussion of Article 15 of the laws of associations bili, which deals with the properiy of illegal associations An amendment of small importance was adopted aud the Chamber ad? journed. . During the afternoon the premier, M Waldeck Rousseaux, was in conference with the special committee having the bill in charge, and an important modification was made ,in, Article 17, which provides for -the disposal of the property of congregations confiscated under the bill Instead of being devoted to old age pensions, this property will be utilized for the assistance of children, old people and persons sick and in? curable* for whom no special founda tion [exists, as well as the necessitous members of the dissolved congrega tiona . The i Government hopes, by tbu? modifying the original proposal in a broader and more humanitarian sense,: .to. sofeo the widespread feel ing against what bad appeared to be a pure .spoliation of the religious orders for the benefit of the socialistic scheme of old age pensions : Mexico City, March 26 -The air .is fall,pf rumors of great and sweep ing changes in the railroad situation .and.,< a division of railroads of this .country in two group?, one centro! :ling the Mexican National, which wilj b? rpade a standard gauge, arid the otfter taking over the Mexican (pent ra I . It is said that the Southern Pacific is absorbing the Mexican National and wiil control ?he Moutr-ry and G?jf. road and possibly tbe old Vera.Uruz Line Prominent capital? ists baye their agents here, who are in daily consultation with the big-beet government people One report has . it that the Mexican Central and the >ania Fe will consolidate and auother j that the Ruck Island wii! absorb the Central Hi* Life Wa? Sar? d. Mr. J. E- Liily, a prominent citizen ff Han? nibal;" Mo.,*lately had ? weaderfu1 dfiivfirancc from a 'rightful death, lu telling of it he say.?: '.I was iaken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia- My lung* became hardened. I wis ao weak I couldn't eren pit up in bed. Nothing helped m?>? I expee'ed soon to die of Consumption, when I beard of Dr. King'? New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to usa it, and now am wei! and strong. I can't say too much in it? praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for al! throat and lung trouble Regular sizes 50 ct? and $1.00. Trial bottle free a' J F. W. DeLorme's Dru? Store, every bottle guarantee 1 2 The Supreme Conrt ba-; roDdered a decision in tho ca?e of H u'er vs Oaangebarg County which will be of general interest, especially to the County Superintendents of Education. The Court deciden that County Superin? tendents are entitled to their $100 pay for traveling expenses except where specifically repealed A similar opinion was rendered some time ago by tho Attorney General Mrs Carrie Nation is lecturing in Kentucky. GAINING ON ENGLAND, The wonderful development of cot ton manufacturing in this section bas very properly caused the south to be regarded as a dangerous industrial rival not only of New England, but of old England as well With all bis fauits John Bull is candid fie has the sense to see when he is losing ground, and is frank enough to admit it In a recent interview Mr 8 An drew, secretary of the Oldham Master Spinners' assoc'ation, gave bis ver sion of the reasons why English cotton manufacturing is not more prosperous : "Time was when Great Britain was the chief cotton spinner in the world/' said Mr Andrew, "but though it is true that Great Britain contains more cotton spinning spin? dles than any other country, yet such ao increase bas been taking place in the rest of tbe world during the past few years that this country is losing ground in the universal competition Since 1885 the spindling spindles of Great Britain have only increased about 5,0o0,090, while in the reBi of the world they have increased 22, 000,000. In other words, while we have increased by one spindle the rest of the world has increased by over four. "Then, again, the time was when our spindles in Great Britain formed more than one half of the total cum ber in the world, and the hours of labor, though limited to 56J, were able to maintain their position in the universal race. But today the hours of labor stand as follows : Great Britain has 45,000,000 spindles, and the hours of labor are limited to 56? (and even that number has recently been reduced by the introduction cf the cleaning question), while the Test of the world owns 60,000,000 spin dies and runs an average of 70? hours, making 14 hours per week of difference in the nominal time ron. This must again be a serious indica tion of the trend of the cotton trade " The clearest ?leers and the most practical observers agree that tbe sooth is destined to become the great cotton manufacturing center of the world and it will not be very long either before that event occurs - Atlanta Joornal Denmark Makes an Offer. London, March 28-The Daily News publishes tbe following dis? patch from its Copenhagen corres? pondent : "I am enabled to state, on the very best authority, that Denmark has oommunicated to tbe United States the following condition for the sale of the Danish West Indies : "/First, $4,000,000. to be paid to Denmark " 'Second, the population to de? cide by vote whether to remain Danish or to be transferred to Amer? ica " -Third, if the vote is favorable to the United States then the inhabi? tants to become immediately not only American subjects, but American citizens " 'Fourth, products of the island to be admitted to the United States free of duty !* ' It is supposed here that Waeh? ington will not readily accept the third and fourth conditions " No Bight to Ugilness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always hive friends, but one who would be attractive must keep hir health. If she is weak, sickly and allsun down, she wi'l be nervous and irritable. Jf she has constipa? tion or ki ney trouble, her impure blood will cause, pimples, blotches, skin eruptions andja wretched complexion. Electric bitters is ibe best medicine in tho world to regulate stom? ach, liver and kidneys ?nd to purify the blood It gwes strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman *i a run-down invalid. Only 50 . at J. F. W DeLorme's I?:u? .?tore. 2 -na ? ^mwmm The Uprising in Turkey. London, March 27 -Advices ie ceived here from Constantinople are to the effect that affairs are rapidly reaching a dangerous pass there. Turkish finances are in inextricable confusion. All government salaries are from six io eight months in arrears Upwards of a million Turk? ish pounds are due for war material, while the military expenditure is daily increasing, in order to cope with tho rebellion in the province of I Yemen, in southern Arabia, and the j possible rising in Macedonia There is no doubt that the Ottoman troops received a severe check at the hands of the Arab insurgents who, in a manifesto denouncing the sultan, proclaimed his brother, Mohammed Reshad Effendi, to be sultan, with j the title of Mohammed V. The j young Turk,8 pa^ty have adhered to j the Arabian proclamation, and the j open enmity to Abdul Damid, the j sultan, has spread to the palace and the sultan's advieers Izzet Bey ie said to be preparing for flight The patrols of Constantinople have been doubled. Mohammedans and Chris? tians are arri -ted hourly, and large numbers d?iiy shipped to Asia Minor The tension between Bulgarians and Mussulmans in Macedonia is extrema It is reported that another band of msrauders has crossed Bul? garia into Macedonia ?Ye gc feble Prep aration for As - simiiating foe?coclandRegula ting thc Stomachs andBoweisof i?^?SS?? HILDKEN Promotes Digestion,Cheeiful aess and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARC OTIC* Pumplm Sa?~ Aix. Senna * BecfuIIe Sdtx Ao?t Seed. * npptntBO? - Bi Gariana&Seia * Wm.Seed Clarified Sugar . Wnteyrecn FUzrar. Aperfecr Remedy forConslipa tion. Sour StonisADiarrtoea, Worms ,ConvulsioDS,Feverish oess and Loss OF SLEER T?C Simile Signature of NEIW "YORK. . Afb moiiths old 35 DOSES-J} Cr NT s txACT co pr PF WRAPPEB. Use For OYBF Thirty Y&ars THC CENTAUR COMPANY, HCW YORK CITY? Atlantic Cotton Oil Company, Sumter, Charleston, Camden, Bennettsville, S. C.. and Gibson, N% C. Offer for Sale for Cash oraon Approved Se^rity, ligh Grade Cotton Seed Meal, Acid Phosphate, GrermanJKainit, Nitrate pf Soda,. Muriate of Potash, Cotton Seed Hulls, in bulk, baled or sacked? Highest Cash Market Pri?e Paid for Cotton Seed. Address nearest mill point, or hsad office, Sumter, S, C., PERRY MOSES, Pres. HORACE HARBY, Vice Pres. A. C. PHELPS, Sec'ty and Treasurer. C. C. FISHBURNE, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. No? 21--: m THE OSBORNE RIVAL DISC Has Never Been Equalled as a Pulverizer, I sell these Harrows ou so iittle margin that my greatest comfort is in the Sfitisfactioo they give rather than the profit I make. My dooss are open to all-My stock is ready for inspection. 0)uic anci seo me io my new quarter?, corner cf Liberty aDd iiarvm Streets FIRST CLASS LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. W. B. BOYLE. Sumter, S. C. J'ilv ll THE CRITERION, ?LOO a year, IO cts a copy. THE BEST ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE OP THE SINS PUBLISHED. Its pages are filled by a brilliant array of writers and artists. Its authoritative and independent reviews of books, plays, music and art, its clever stories, strong special articles, humor and verse, with tine illustrations, make it a necessity in every intelligent home. The very low subscription price-$1.00 per year-puts it within the reach of all. Reliable ageuts wanted in every town. Extraordinary inducements. Write for par? ticulars. A TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION WILL PRQ7E IT. WRITE TODAY for sample copy. Criterion Publication Co., Subscription Department, 41 East 21st St, N. Y. City. Feb 8 FOR SALE. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS AND SILVER WfANDQTS. All fine and -skipped on approv- - al. At Soufeh Carolina State Fair Oct. 23th, my Barred Rocks won 1st Hen, 1st Cock,. 2d Pullet, 2d Pen and tied Biltmore-Jar best exhibit* EGGS, - - $2 per 13:: J!. A. CTTLLUM, Jan 30-4m Ridge Spring, S C ?moa Sets-leading varieties. Al?o assortment o?- Gaxdeai Seeds. Barana Segars. Large- line of fane Havsuiu Segara Toilet Articles. A efooiee line ?f Toilet andi Famey Goods ta^ which atten? tion! is invited at? Marine's Drug Store;. The Air We Bre^athe^ Contains Oxygen, and Ni? trogen, in the prsportioa of one- to live. \ DRS, STARKEY & PALEND CIMP06ND 0XI6EH ( Contains Oxygen ano Nitrogen tbe; former greatly in exoesa czp?e,aod is very solaable ia wa te&. Heat liberat&iU y it ia taken imo tbe lungs b^ inhalation, ab? sorbed by tbe blood, ubi eb it parifies and so goes directly to the seat cf all ?iaesses. Send for onr 200 page treatise ; sent free. BRS. STAKE? ft PALEN, 1112 Girard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . San Francisco^ Cal. Toronto, Cal. j Feb 13-6m The Larpt ii Most Complete Ss?altai? South Geo. S. Hacker & Sen, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Moulding & Building Material. office sod Warerooms. King, opposite Can non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C, Pnrcbn?f ( ur make, which we gu?rante superior o any sold South, and ther*b* pave money. * Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty O^tnhpp 16 o Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. lt artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon? structing the exhausted digestive or? gans. Iii isthe latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach lt in efficiency. It in? stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price50c. and $1. Large size contains 2H times small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailediree Prepared by E. C DeWlTT A CO.. Cbtcago. J S HUGHSON & CO BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS. Eggs $1.50 per 15. My Barred Plymouth Reeks have won for me and my customers at tl ree large shows this season. L. C. DABS2Y, Box 12, Sunny Side, Ga. Feb 6- 2m Life and Fire Insurance. Call on me, at my residence. Liberty I Street, for botb Life and Fire insu rance. Only reliable Companies rep? resented. Phone No 130. Aiodrena Moses. Oct 2b- o Land Surveying. IWILL GIVE prompt attention to all calls for surveying and plattr* landa. BANKS H BOYKIN, Oct 10-O Catchall, S C.