The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 19, 1900, Image 2

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ESENATE AMENDS TREATY. Aod Gives the Administra? tion a Black Eye Washington. 1) ?o 14 ?The eenate 'committee on /ore ig n relations today hold a epeoiel meeting and decided to recommend four amendments of the Oay Pauooefote treaty Toe committee adopted an amend mem suggested by Senator Foreker, which declare* that th j Hiy Paoooe ffnle .treaty eoperaedes the Oiaytou Bolrr r treaty and ilto etrikee oot of tbe Bay Paoooefote agreement article 3 which permita the submission of tbe Hay Peanoefote treaty to tbe othei povrere end invitee their aocept sooe of it Unleee aotended beyonc ? ny de gree proposed to the eeoate by the responsible leaders, and resolved into etch form ee to make it an absolute? ly disooortfoos matter to be com sonicated, the pending Hay Parjoce fote ireety will be eubmitted to the British government by the preoident Tbe comonioetioo will be purely pro forma, for vhe administration hae ?ot th?* slightest idea that tbeconyen tion will be accented by the Br'ieb government Any expectation that tbe action of the eeoate yeaterday wpoo tbe Davle ame ndment to the B*y Paoncetote treaty would result is tbe immediate retirement of Seore tery Bey from tbe cabinet, ie nega tlved by tbe fact that the secretary bee oot resigned, end eccording to bie owo statement, will not leave the cabinet etpreeent. mum ? ? -4mm?? . Itt)mates of Cotton Crop of United States 19001901. New York. Deo 12? Having re? ceived many lettere of inquiry con corning tbe probable total oottoo crop of tbe United Stales for this ?wer. on Bee let. we mailed 3,800 lettere to selected end relieblo our reap* ode nie?banks, bankers, cotton Commission merchants, brokers, pro prietore of public gins, railroad offi wiels and, plentere, covering every Cotton growiog county in tho south ?seeking information Up to this date, in response to our lettere we have received 2.235 replies of average date Deo 6th, which we cooeider aa reliable aa any information that ceo be obtained on tbieanbject, end we tebolate as fol? lows : Estimated total crop this year a? ecrnpurd with laat year Average of 21S letters makes de creese io Alabima, 13 per cent or crop of 00fe,4'20 ; crop last year, 1,044,000 Average of 249 lettere rnakee in creese in Arkansas, 8 per cent or orop of 810,000 ; crop last year, 750,000 Average of 16 lettere makoe de crease in Florida 15 per cent or orop of 43,500 ; crop laat year, 50,000 Average of 419 letters ro*kes de? crease in Georgia, 4 per cent or orop of 1,254.610 ; crop bet year, 1,809, 00* Average of 63 letters makes de crease in Louisiana 8 per cent or orop of 516,000 ; crop laat year, 625 000 Average of 332 lettere tnakea de crease in Mieeiesippi 20 per cent or crop < f 1,163 500 ; crop laat year, l,i8* 000 Average of 253 letters makes de? crease in North Carolina 4 per ceot or crop of 539,560 ; or^op leei year, 561 010 Average of 197 lettere makes de ere in South Carol mm 6 per ceot or orop of 865,740 ; crop lint veer, 921,?M?0 Average of 82 letters makes do gSWeee in Tennessee lo per ceot or coo of 351,45') ; crop last year, 865,000 Av ra#je of 45i Icltera makes in oreeav in Texae, dec, 10 per cent or cr?.t? .f >\ 210,100 ; crop last year, 2,5 m moo T estimated crop 1000 1901, e%1* '10 ; total crop laat ytar. 0.436 ??00 2 Oftl *? ?!.-?? posdeett report ihal the ?*r<?p t;.m h-rn ? its fwptdlj m?'k< '?'d .o shipped io market as qni<> y ia ??. fofM**f ye ire $$Jm BH reap indents leporl th>?i a Iwrgjr quantity tl?*n Uet yeal bee been held oo plantations, town* and cit'.e* tVr higher pricta K ? r] awtfoUy submitted, Latham, Alexander Sc (Jo L ? I n Dee 11 ?Tbe BfSStSfj I r l e?ia the t* ? I wt1" betweei Gee K ? x Ger? DstVat oont 'ju?'S, aed \ ite< ferst* ?ban;?1 <? ? und io<r-- > y L*rk r.f dsdoite iof ?rma- i tu:> oil to abience oi tell grab to o i< Svieatioo with the ?o:oc of lotion Wi. r vtor office is rrti eent ' e are iodiectiooe that tbe rfli*a* ^ato rrc/ivcd otwa luggtaliog : aelderebl I ?rttt?h sueeris against !*eiufort, Des 11 ?Ts?? o^ie. of Smallpox aro reported oo P*tifl Kelswd, bolb pMi^ota .belog negroes, F -ory , Howard 80 yeare old and Buddy Sewtt, j% boy. Fjrtioately the c%*e* aro SvtS isolated, being oo the Broad river iborc of the nUod aod nmote from other habitations Ti?j Pert Royal dnral etaiiooe is looated oo Parie Islcod, but is ssveral milee distant from the place the disease baa appeared The T'iwdb of South Carolina, At last we have tbe census figures fur the incorporated places in South Carolins having a population of more than 2,000 but lens than 25,000 peo pie, and ttiey present some surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant Tnere are 23 such towns sud cities but from the list are excluded all uu incorporated mill towns like Pelzer, Paoolet, Orauiteviile. Clifton and Piedmont, places which have shown, perhaps, the must remarkablo per centagcs of growth of any communi ties in tbe -t?te Were' these mill towns included in the count South Carolina would have as many towns of 2,000 people and upward as her much larger and more populous sister, North Carolina, which has 32 There is no reason that we can see why these mill communities, although not incorporsted, should not hsve been separately enumerated and retorned with tbe other towns of South Carolina Their absence from the list unfairly minimizes the urbsn growth of this State in tbe last ten years Charleston, of course, st?nde at the bead of tbe list of South Carolina cities, its population previously reported, being 5o,807 against 54, 965 in 1890 ; a gain of 852, or U per oent Colombia is the second oity, with an accredited population of 21,108 against 15 353 in 1890 ; a gain of 5.755 or 37J per cent Greenville comes third, with 11, 460 people against 9,607 in 1890 ; a gain of 2,853, or 3S 1 per cent Spartanborg ia a close fourth, with 11,395 people against 5,544 in 1890 ; a gain of 5,851, or 105.5 per cent Snrater?and this will be a surprise to our friends in tbe Piedmont?is fifth, with a population of 5,673 against 3,865 in 1890 ; a gain of 1,808, or 46 7 par oent Anderson is sixth, having 4,498 agaiuat '3 018 in 1890 ; a gain of 2,4X0. or 82 2 \>et cent Rook Hill is seventh, with 5,495 against 2.744 in 1890 ; a gain of 2,741, or 100 per cent Union?and here ie another sur priae?ia eighth, with 5.400 people sgaiost 1,609 in 1890 ; a guiu of 3,791, or 235 6 per cent Greenwood takea ninth place over many older competitors It has 4,824 peeple against 1 326 in 1890 ; a gam of 3,498, or 263 8 per oent * Florence follows as No 10, with a population of 4 647 against 3 395 in 1890; a gain of 1,252, or 36 9 per oent Newberry is eleventh, with 4,607 against 3.02 > in 1890; a gain ol 1 587, or 52 5 per cent OrangeJurg has twelfth place, with 4 455 inhabitants against 2 964 in 1890; a gain of 1.491, or 50 per cent Georg-town has passed Bsaaforl and taken tbe thirteenth place, but tbe number in this case is not un lucky Georgetown has 4,138 peo pie agtiiiMt 2,895 in 1890 ; a gam of 1,243, or 42 per cent Beaufort is fourteenth, with 4,110 inhabitants against 3.587 in 1890 : a gain of 523 or 15 per cent Chester is fifteenth, with,075 4 against 2 703 in 1890; a gain of 1,372, or 50 5 per cent The sixteenth place is held by Liurens, with, 4,029 p oplo against 2,245 in 1890 ; a gain of 1,781 pi 79 per cent. OafF.ioy follows To seventeenth place, with 3.937 people againtt 1,631 in 1830; a gain of 2 306, or 141 per cent. Abbeville is No. 1?, with 3 766 inhabitants against 1.696 in 1890 ; a gain of 2,070. or 122 per cent. Aiken is nineteenth, with 8,414 iahabiian|s against 2.30- in 1*90 ; u gain of 1,052, or 43 per cent Darlington is twentieth, with 3,208 people against 2.389 in 1890 j a gain of 819 or 34 3 per cent Camden in twenty first, with 2,441 people against 3 533 in 1890; an apparent loss of 1,092, or 31 per cent Summervilie is twrn'.y second.with 2 420 against against 2,219 in 1890 ; 0 gain of 201, or 9 1 per cent Mf Po;*?*nt holds twenty ibild nUoe. with 2 252 people against 1 13* in 1890 J a gain ol 1,114 or 98 pet cant Yoihville concludes the Hal H00)01 i Oaltj und ilphabotiOtHj with 2 012 lotah tints agoloat 1,558 in 1890 ; u gain of 449, or 20 per cent ?The State A Tho.mutul ToniguoN i! I i ot ?*xi.rra?? l!io roStON of Aoolt K. farlagar, af Itfl Bowers' St, Petleietshla 1' b all I urjtl lh:il t)r. Ktag'l New Die* *(.tcr , Casfomsttea ha4 samotolsli cured .. i. ikftg r.,u?h Iksl | >r m:?:iy .vtura t.i m%4m) Ha> a bottles. AM other r^iueJi*? i> \ i! ??? ,|t| i;\ve bor S? luln, l?ut she uri <? i i< Royal Tors? "it pass removal h*? |-?iin In my sheet a?nl I van Saw ?lerp n is lly, i iwetalag ! ass stare* l| :?<.: omit r I I-iT N I feel liko .' 'ait ling |ti pralSM tOtoofOaw! |ac Uatverte-" Ha will every eaa who I a' ?-? lo. SIir?.f: *"(.<..? Iii- ..o: | .r any Iroooto af Iba Throat, Oaaal i?r loage. Mr.?'? 50.: ml II. trial batik i was al 1- w\ Deborme'e tsv sjj Btere i every bottle cue* an? -??mwm ? i ? ? mm* W lebtogi in D?< I.: - Toil Qo?? ?toaiaot baa oias v red ibof *h: Porto? tu is ii il ?tot I Mi ao, Ipoatsd oo ih" ( h ? 1 tod s nv< oh nt to th-1 Philipp.tuM , i > "u< p inc ol insurgent activity and pr< b'.h y the abiding place nf on'.) of the Philippine juntas A , further investigation i- in progress The Genius Figures. Population Statistics Given Oat Lust Night. Washington, Dec. 13 ?The popu lation of conaio incorporated places in South Carolina, having a popuiu ? ion of moro than 2.000 but less than 25,000, ib as follows I Abbeville, town, 3.760 Aiken, town, 3 414 Anderson, town, 5,498 Beaufort, towo, 4,110 Camdeu, town, 2.441 Chester, town, 4,075 Columbia, city, 21,108 Darlington, town, 3,208 Florence, city, 4 647 Gaffney, city, 3 937 Georgetown, town, 4,138 .Greenville, city, 11 460 Greenwood, town, 4 824 Lsurens, town, 4,029 Mount Pleasant, town, 2 252 Newberry, town, 4,607 Orangeburg city, 4,455 Rock Hill, city, 5,485 Spsrtesbsrg, city, 11.395 Summervillo, town, 2,420 Somter, city, 5,673 Union, town, 5,400 Yorkville, town, 2,012 DISASTER TO BRITISH ARMS London. Deo 14 ?The daily Eipres* publishes a rumor nf a serious diaaator to the British arms Aooording to this report the Boers atteoked the oaiop of Gen Olemaste, in the B:rbert ?n district, oap'uriog 1h ? ? nip, silling a number of Britifth officers and ukiog prisoners all tho British troope, isotsdiog f>ur companies of the Northumberland Fusileors Too s'ory u oof. ooufirmei in any qiartor anU is not generally believed. HUSH RECEIVE KUUQER Limerick, Deo 13.?The eorpuretioe of Limerick today uouferred lbs free dorn of tha oity upoo Mr Kru*er The two members wbo opposed lbs pr* pusal were howled dowo. CANADIANS COMING HOME Cipo Towo, Deo 13.?Goo Kitchen or has cabled to the authorin g of Sou'b Australia asking that tho wogsdsS I n la per til Bushmen, wbo are u?nr ocu viir-O'iii, bo raturned to South A'rica Aooiber cootingeut el Oesedieo troops started on tboir way hum ? today on board the Roslyn Caaiie. London, Deo 13 ?The Vieona enr respondent of tne Daily Cbrojie'.e sSfg I rumor is in circula i n in lbs Auntiiau oapital that ?urmer King MiUu is r.bout to besoms ongagod to Mi?* Atzel, an A varieso beirsee. Havana, Deo 12 ?Tne committee* of tbe Coostititioti'ii Ooetestioii art diligently preparing draft ooosti u-mol oo tbe bitsis of lbs unitary, or MStral ised, f'rm of givornui nt. with rudlc* changes in tho exiting regime It is thought that lbs final draft may be ready for revie* by tho Unite! States Congress during tbe pr eeot lessioo. Dublin, Ireland, Deo. 12.? The Nationalist Convention todi.v adopt* ed resolutions strongly favoring abolitiou of landlordism in Ireland .?-.jd transfer of too soil to Ibe occupy ing proprietors ; amending tbe con etilutiou of the United Irish L^aguu and making (he Nationalist cooven tion an annual fixture; asking funds from America and inviting Michael Duvitt and Thomas Sexton to return to parliament, ft t fill TsU In Egypt th?i custom is for Princesses to bide their beauty by covering the lower part of the face with a veil. In America the beauty of many of our won: en is hidden beeause of the weakness and siekness pecu? liar to the sex. If the Egypt? ian custom pre veiled in this eountry, many sufferers would be ? 1 a d tc t h e i i cover ? ->P rem a tu re fV\> \ ^hjwrinklea, their / \ sunkencheek*. their unhealthy complexion, from the eyes of the world with the veil <>f tho Orient. Bfai brings out a Woman's true beauty. It tnnk 11 ?' ? irons and well In those . ?u| which her whole general 1. >;i!tn dej?< nds, It turret ts all men* ?.? utl disorders. !t stops the drains of Lt ueorrhtoa. It restores the womb ;i? Its pro er place, ll removes the caui t if Ii adache, backache and Ii rv : ??.?:?. ll taki ? lh? poor, de? bilitated, weak, hazard, fading woman ami puts her on her feet makin; rn r face b< autiful by .: n?< i v. Ii ?:? ' dyi wellt Dm v hi Kl?t lor $i a battle. ? i ? lnv.i i'c ! hunk for wonaeKj Ibc brautl i ? ?. i la K Co., Atlanta, Ga. 0 PISCTS CURE UURtS WHtP.t All US! rA!ls. lieJt I'uiiMh Syrup. TantcaOood. ?I in i Irne. f ?ld by druggists, ONSUMPTION NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. office .of COUN PY TREASURERv|TKRCOUNTY, SOXTOO, H C , dtpt. iS. 190'J. lkTOTICfi bereOy given thai I will no :<. BJ office in 158 County Court Haue* .i tieejter trjtu October I5ih 10 eremner Silt, I9u) luola.tte, f r ice collection 01 tagte for ue flacot jtar 1900 Tue lery |j follows : For StHie purpose, a. Billa Fo;1 CotiDtv puroosrS, $| toills. For ?o?ool f urposes, , 'a" ui.liti Toiui levy, 11$ oi-lli Also th? to I lowir.^ special fctbjol lefiet: Bobool Uittritt No 1, 2 will* dobool Dtairict No 16, 2 ntbt ticbool District No ib, 2 iMiirt Schori I) strict No. 2j, 3 uji 11? Mi. Olio, 2 Bill? ?oncor?, 2 ru'.lld Pi ivtiiee., . 2 toil la No ft, 1 Bill. No 17, 1 mid Comu. Jtation Rund T>?x for IfUl $ 1 00, payable from Oct. lVn 1909 to Feb l*i 19J1. U. L SCARBOROUGH, Treasurer Sututtr 0o. S*?pt 26?131 ASK YOUR FBIENDS! YOU FIND THAT TBER13 ARB KQRE Jig |*4? >*? *< 1 - TJjed by peop'e v*h ? know a good 'r isno Ibol any other Btge. Iis becau8fl S'if-ff Pianos are better ard O0|t ieaa 'b4i others. Moving, Toaiog *nn Repairing ; Accotn rood-uiag Ttrrus Catalogue nod bock of eayjeqtlons gbtvrfully yiven. CHAS. M. STUFF, W^rtrooni?, 9 Nr>r'h L.Otrty Stnet. F-ietorv? Block or 5 Lofutttte Avr Aikeo ood Lanvale -ito*:* HALT I MO IB, II D. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Mature in strengthening and recon? structing the exhausted digestive or* pans. It is the latest discovered digest* aut and tonic. ?0 other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in? stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Grampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price50c. and f 1. Large size contains 2H times small size. Book all about dyspepsia noaUedf ret Prepared by E. c DeWITT A CO-, Chicago. J S HTJG-HSON & CO Land Surveying. Wl 'j OIVE Brom pi attention to h!I ci 1 for iorfetiot" a< d i?latr| g l>ifrjj BANKS H ROYKIW, Oct 1 -0 V*h h ill, S 0. Onion !Sets--ieading varieties. Also assortment of Garden . Seeds. Havana Segars. Large line of fine Havana Segars. Toilet Articles. A choice line of Toilet and Fancy Goods to which atten? tion is invited at DeLorme's Drug Store. Tie Lamest anil Most Complete lislieiit Si Geo. S. Hacker & Son. -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH5 BLINDS, Moulding & Building Material. office aod Wareroome, Kiog, uppotltt Car Doo 8tr? t, CHARLESTON4 B. C< ? [*i 11. ??.. >: \ Bake, which we guarootf -.;.!.- ! ? any ? Id South, aod t hereto; mi tri money. ' " ,&w and Fancy Slaw a Speoialty ii r l ; Life -and i^ire Insurance? Onll '>ii me, at ray 11 *idenre, Liberty Stiel I, t:>r both L'ft" and Fire lt;r--;> muco Only reliable Oompoiiir?? rep rcdented. Phone No 130 AftManV/M^ IflOMtffi? Oct'i6?O. The Kind You Have Always Bought, Mid Whldl hr^ been in uso for over 30 years, Isas borne the signature ?4: and lias boon made under bis per ^^7*^2- Bonal supervision i ::>ee its Knffeaef. f4 /?M+WK Allow no one to deceive yoti In ibis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good'5 are but Experiments thai trifle with and eudaiigor the healtll of Infants and Chiloren?Experience agafsftt Experiment. What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Pare? goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, gi\ing healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea?The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW VOR* CITY. M What The Outlook does is to give the finest, the most unbiased, the clearest conception ol'the many momentous occurrences which are shaping the world's history to-day. This weekly combines the functions of the newspaper and of an illustrated magazine, and discusses politics, religion, education, economics, litera? ture, jnd art."?.SVcr York Timrs. In X3he OUTLOOK LYMAN AB ROTT & hamilton w. m abie, editors during the months of November, December, and January will appear a series of ten autobiographical papers from Sooner T. XV as hingt on telling the romantic story of his life, from birth in a Virginia skive cabin to the eminent position which he holds as the builder and head of Tuskegee Institute and the honored and trusted leader of the colored race in this country. Every Reader of This P^per will surely be interested in Mr. Washington's story, and as a special offer in order to intro ? duce Thl Outlook to new readers we will send The Outlook for the three months above mentioned at the special price of twenty-five cents (regular price, seventy-five cents), providing the name of this paper is mentioned. The Outlook tells the stoiy ol world happenings every week in short, clear, labor-saving paragraphs. Address Subscription Department B, The Outlook, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Atlantic Cotton Oil Company, Sumter, Charleston, Camden, Bennettsville, S. C.e and Gibson, N, C. Offer for.Sale for Cash or on Approved Security, High Grade Cotton Seed Meal, Acid Phosphate, German Kainit. Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash, Cotton Seed Hulls, in bulk, baled or sacked. Highest Cash Market Price Paid for Cotton Seed. Address nearest mill point, or head office, Suinter, S. C, PERRY MOSES, Pres. Horace Harby, Vice Pres. A. C. Phblps, Sec'ty and Treasurer. C. C. FlSHBURNE, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. Nov 21-*4m JUST A It RIVE IK A fresh car load of Horses and Mules, With prices and qualities calculated to suit any and everybody. All animals well broke and sold on a lull guarantee to be sound.4 |That'ti the way 1 buy them and they must turn out so to my customers. 1 Buggies. Wagons, Harness. Grain, Hay, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Fire-brick, Lattis, Terra-Cotta and Sewer Pipe On hau I, and 1 am prepared to sell the same at very close profits Our WHITE HICKORY WAGONS cairl be beat Give them a trial. They are as cheap as others and better. Respect fully, . 1111:11 V.