WEDNESDAY, PEC. 19,1900. The Sumter Watcnman was rounded in 1850 and the Trite Southron in 1866. The Watchman and Southron now has the combined circulation and influence of both of the old papers, and is mani? festly the best advertising medium io 8umter. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. It is not necessary for us to seed a 1 ?talement to each individual sub scriber who* ia indebted tous for subscription, as the fabe! shows the time to which each one bas paid. Examine the (abel on your paper and if you are i a arrears please call and settle at yoiir* earliest coirvenience If it is not convenient1 to call in per SOB send the money by bank draft, registered letter or post office or ex press money order. The amount due by each one is small, but the aggregate amount due us is large, and this is the reason that we expect our subscribers to make settlements We have carried some ot these subscription accounts over from year to year as an acccm modation to our subscribers, but we cannot do so ior ger as there is now so. excuse for non payment with cot ton selling for ten cents and over. Next Tuesday wit! bo the last Christ? mas of the nineteenth century, bal; tn all respects tc will . differ from other Christmas days , ta o o way . A great deal has been etr.d and written about the desi og days cf the century, tn a oh that is beaattfal and true and hehful, auch t hat; RP fe o*f faf \ and of co profit to anyone. This Christmas ?ill be as others a pot tod of good cheer and rest and recreation,-and for tba children a time of happiness aad delight, unalloyed by care or warty over the mistakes of the past and th? r eapoostbtitties of the future. To the pessimist of today, as cf a hundred years ago, the earea and responsibilities ol life appear to grow 'greater year by year and they look for? ward to the New ?ear and the dawning Tweotietb Ceotary with dark forebod? ings, bat the children acd optimists believe that the future is golden and tbe New Year bolds io its closed bauds greater happiness aod mor?* of the thing? that they desiro. Would that we could all be optimists, for tho world would be a better and a brighter place, and every day of the year would be as we wish Cbrisfcu-as to be. To cor read? ers we extend the com pi im ec ts of the season. May their Cari-tm as be bright end fcapry and may peace aod contentment dwell withio 'their heurte and homes May they took always for the bright side of the pic:ors tod may the New Year ace thc e?w ceo (cry give to them more aod cs ore of happiness and pros? per;:/ 3: ?be buioess men of Somter will use bt-roped envelopes exclusively dar tog :ne coming year aod will use Post Office money orders its ead of express order* ?nd bank drafts the income vi the ef?be. wit! be increased to a sufficient exteDt to brtcg about tbe establishment of tre? cuat? delivery wimbia the city lim"d For severa! yesr? past the io creaee hts beec a?most t>u??ei?rj? and i? the ?-cogestion here wade is acted opon we can obtato free delivery io 1902 Sumter holds the fifth place in the State tn point of population, bot it is an admitted fact that Unless the peo pie of Sumter get to work with might ace main to develop the resources that we possesses and thereby pro mote ?he growth of (he city tbe next census will tell another story. A coal mine bas been discovered in Fairfield coaoty. and a large de? posit of a fiae Quality of brown iron ore has been discovered within three miles of this city The extent of the deposit has or of the jail aod his pres2noe was known only to a few citizens. BATTERED IN THE WALLS. A few minutes after 6 o'clock a body of 100 men marched through tbe prin? cipal street and demanded the prisoner, j Raymond Cherry, deputy sheriff, was I io oharge of the jail He declined to give up the keys, and the mob at OD ce began to batter in the wall of the jail with a telegraph pole Six members of the mob crawled through the hole and with sledge hammers broke down the door of Roiia's cell, aod soon the thoroughly terrified negro was in the hands of the mee-, who placed a rope around bis neok All left, crawling, again through the hole by which tbey had eLiereo, dragging the negro after them. A few minute? was consumed io thc march to tbe cour: boase yard, the ! rope .was thrown over the limb of a! tree and a hundred b*nds *eot his body flying into the air. The loose end of J tbe rope was tied to a tree, and as soon j as the mob was sure thar, its work bad ! been completed it left in as orderly a manner as ir had entered thc town. None of the mob wore masks, and men apparently from every station io life took part in tbe lynching. Except for the exe;!ed groups of meu standing on the street corners, a stranger would have known nothing of tbe tragedy tbat bad just been c-oaeted Tba bill introduced recently in the Georgia Legislature restricting ages of children in cotton or other facto i ries was killed. This bill has made appearance quite a number of years in succession, only to meet the same fate The New York Commercial says : The opponents of the measure are largely the operatives themselves. They argue that they are poor and that their children must of necessity work. The mill owners, too, have, as a rule, opposed the measure They say, aside from the poverty of the cotton mill operatives7 families, the South has no compulsory educational law ; that these parents would not send their children to school ii they were debarred from tho mills ; that to turn these children out into idleness would be to make lifetime loafers out of them ; aod that, bad as is the posi? tion of a young working child. the position of an idle, loafiug child is to be the more deplored " Commissioner Crom states that the shipments of the dispensary aggre gate $14,500 a day, and the dispen sers throughout the State are clamor? ing for more liquor and insistiog that they ought to have more stock. It is to be remembered that the State now has on hand in the various dis? pensaries turee or four hundred thousand dollars worth of stock. Commissioner Crum says that the heaviest demands are for the cheaper grades of liquor The demand for "white" corn is particularly heavy Mr. Crum says that it is somewhat peculiar that the upper counties in? sist upon having ' white" coro and the lower counties of the State want 'yeiiow" com Greenville, Dec 15.-Them ia a bright prospect for a new and convenient Court House for Greenville County, j The pres-eot building is cot suitable, lacking every convenience, and has been condemned by nearly every grand ? jury for several years. A number of j citizens of tbe county a^d city have ! been fi^uiit^ on a new butldiog and ? today Frank P. Milburn, architect cf i Columbia, met a number of citizen?, ; showing plans for a fifty thoupaod dollar j Court House, exciting eotbufi : asm. Th'.: L"gi?iature will be asked to I authorize thc county to ??stic bonds 'or ! the building, in order that tbe third j city of the State may have a Court j House convenient for tbe business i cf the county. in malarial districts Tutt's Pills arc indispcnsible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion. ;nalaria, torpid liver, constipa? tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills : THE Standard Warehouse Co., Columbia, S, C. Cotton Capacity, 20,000 bales. Storage and iosoraoce 15 cts. per bale per mooth, or fraction thereof, j Speoiai rates on large lots. I Liberal advaooes at low rare of inter ? est OD cotton stored wirb u?. Write to j EDWIN W. ROBERTSON, Sec, or H. L ELLIOTT, Mgr. j Sept 19-3m THE BANK OF SUMTER. SUMTER, S. C. City and County Depositary ?_ Capital steck p.'iid ic. . . $75,0C0 00 Undivided surplus, . . 16,000 00 Individual liability cf stockholders ? io excess of their stock, . 75,000 00 Transacts a general banking business : alao has H Savings Bank Department Depositsof Si and upward received, interest allowed aj the rats of 4 j cr ceot. per annum, payable ; semi-annually. W. F. B. HAYNS WORTH, President. MARIOK MOISE, W. F. REAMS, Vice-Presideot Cashier. Jan 31. OpiBS if Boots of S?crii?ion STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF SUMTER. PURSUANT to a commission issued to the ondersieoed as corporators by M R Uooper, Sa: re ta ry of State, on the 12tb day of December, 1900, Notice is hereby gireo that books of sub? scription to the capital stock of the W. D. Friersoo Company, will oe opened at store of W. D Fncrsoc, 8 mile9 from Sua ter on the road from Sumter to Stateburg, State and Coooty aforesaid, on the 22d day of Decem? ber, at 9 a m. Tbs said proposed corporation will have a capital stock of $5,005, divided into CO shares of the par value of $100 eacb, wirb its prin? cipal place of business 8 miles from Sumter on the road from Sumter to Stateourg, and will oe empowered to engage in the business of a general country etore and mercbandise and cotton gionioe and mil! business W D FKIERSON, RICHARD M. CA NT EY, Corporators. Dec 19 -lt MONEY TO LENO. WE *r-> prepared to negotiate loans oo ii?.Kroved farming lands io Sumier and Clarendon Couoties on long time iu amounts of $300 and upwards ai? seven per ceot ict?re-1, and with no l?iu street lb the aforesaid town cf Mayes7:ile ; on the southwest by let cf Km maj Wilson (former,;. J. C. McCall's lot) ; on the northwest by land o? Sue Witbei- ! epcon ; and on the norineast oy lands ot Robert Sioglettiry and Sue Witherspoon.*' Terms ot sale cash. Purchaser to pay f_r papers and revenue stamps. H. FRANK WILSON, Master for Sumter County. Dtc 13, 19C0. J. RETTENBERG & SV9ITEB, S. C. Dolls, Tea Sets, Doll Furniture, Par? lor Sets, Dining Room Sets, Bread Sets, Fire Engines, Hooks and Ladders, Mag? ic Lanterns, Cradles, Running Trains, Automobiles, Ten Pin Sets, Wind Mills, and just about 1,000 and 1 other things OfTAS HOLIDAYS. Our line of Dolls and Toys are from oe up, and ail we ask is a call from you. Come in and . look whether you buy or not ; they are all displayed where you can see them, and perhaps after taking a look you may find a thing or too you need. Buying handkerchiefs ? If so, we have them, a dandy opes j work embroidered as cheap as 5c. See our embroidered and hemstitched handkerchiefs at 10, ! 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35c. They are the greatest values ever j sold for the prices. Take a look at the umbrellas in our window, every -one a new one, the latest and swellest handles in the market, cover as good as the handles, too. prices very low. Come and see them. Pocketbooks make a very useful present, an article every lady needs. This line is the largest we have ever had, any kind and any price you want here. Look at these, too, when in the store. Perfumery department crowded to its utmost for the Xmas season. We handle all of Colgate's world famed perfumes, soaps, toilet powders, etc. See our 25c boxes of extracts and soap. This will please the children immensely. Lots of useful and ornamental articles in our Silverware Stock. Sterling Silver goods as cheap as 10c. Every article marked at the lowest notch. J. Rettenberg ^ Sons? SUMTER. S. C. I j WE ll ERRICK SHOE FOR WOMEN j ?r I 1/^3 V 3 Here's a wa tran ted and guar- V % /r -"n:ec^ perfect shoe fnr women a O P i f ibathastheiiame*4 H errick "back of it- \ ^st^TrJjCjC* :? nainc t?iat stands for thirty-ei.srht years ?^VIPT^^YT < experience ir. thc making cf women's ?[jA 3 ^jjjPj?j^& Thc dealer who docs r.ct sell them lias P fi , a reason cf his own and perhaps i t's bc L-fll 1 H Wk"* rxi cause there's no fancy profit to be made fi nW"' M The Herrick Shoe is fionest-thoroughly 5^1 fl J!r 53 made, stylish, easy. It is the only aaver 422 ?j %i?&%^~-A Sx risen American shoe exhibited a: the raorftfEF? ?P 1'aris Exposition. ?0? J^WUMBBWAY Kor walking, house cr dress occasions I M^MMBrr8p s:y!e ?> '*i.ust .r>Knt-" Three j '^?f^JBj?^ 52.50, $3.00, $5.50. I ?^'?^^^?^S V? Oxfords 50 cents a pair ?ess than J i \&yb$2ffiir J kj prices quoted. \A jj K -M We s have s the stock of . 9 largest HOLIDAY GOODS We have ever shown and we invite the Christmas shoppers to visit our store and inspect our line of Books, Booklets, Calendars, Christmas Cards, Novelties and Fancy Goods, Standard Books in sets, Popular ^vels, Handsome Editions of the Poets. Books for Boys and ToyBooks, Writing Desks, Toilette Sets, Wedgewood-ware, Cut Glass, Pic? tures, Picture Frames, Etc. LIBERTY STREET, SUMTER, S; C