FTHES?NATE "~ ?MENOS TREATY. And Gives the Administra? tion a Black Eye Washington. D*c 14 -The senate .committee on foreign relations today heid a special meeting and decided ro recommend" four amendments of the Hay Pauncefoie treaty Toe committee adopted ar?, amend ment suggested by Senator Foraker, which declares that the Hiy Pauuce foto treaty supersedes the Claytou Bulwer treaty and also strikes out of the Hay Paancefote agreement article 3 which permits the submission of the Hay Paancefote treaty to the othei powers and invites their accept ance of it Unless amended beyond any de gree proposed ia the senate by the responsible 'eav-ers. and resolved into such form as to make it an absolute ly discourteous matter to be com mnnicated, the pending Hay Pauoce fote treaty will be submitted to the British government by the president The comunicaron will be purely j pro forma, for the administration has not the slightest idea that the conven tion will be accepted by the British government Any expectation that the action of the senate yesterday upon the Davis amendment to the Hay Paancefote treaty would result ia the immediate retirement of Secre tary Bay from the cabinet, ie oega tived by the fact that the secretary baa not resigned, and according to bis own statement, will not leave the cabioet at present. ?mm ? I Estimates of Cotton Crop of United States 19001901. New York. Dec 12-Having re? ceived many letters of inquiry con cerning the probable total cotton crop of the Uuited Stales for this year, on Dec 1st. we mailed 3,800 . letters to selected and reliable cor respondents-banks, bankers, cotton commission merchants, brokers, pro prietois of public gins, railroad offi cis?3 and. planters, covering every cotton growing county in the south -seeking information Up to this date, in response to our letiers we have received 2.285 replies of average date Dec 6th, which we consider as reliable as any . information that can be obtaioed on this subject, and we tabulate as fol? lows : Estimated tota; crop this year as compared with last year Average of 218 ieiters makes de? crease ia Alabama, 13 per cent or crop of 909,420 ; crop last year, 1,044,000 Average of 249 letters makes in crease in Arkansas, 8 per cent or crop of 810,000; crop last year, j 750,000 Average of 16 letters makes de crease ia Fionda 15 per cent or crop of 43,500 ; crop last year, 50,000 Average of 419 letters makes de? crease in Georgia, 4 per cent or crop of 1,254.640 ; crop last year, 1,309, ooo Average of 63 letters makes de? crease in Louisiana 8 per cent or crop of 575,000 ; crop last year, 625 000. Average of 332 letters makes de crease in Mississippi 20 per cent or crop cf 1:163 500 : crop last 3'ear, 1,237.000 Average of 253 letters makes de? crease ia North Carolina 4 per cent | or crop of 538,560 ; or^op iasi year. I 561. OK) Average of 197 letters makes de crease in Sooth Carolina 6 per cent or crop of 865,740 ; crop last year, 921,000 Average of 82 letters makes de cre*>e in Tennessee 10 per cent or croo of oi>l,4z) ; crop last year, 355,000 Average of 455 letters makes in cr^as? in Texas. &c, 10 per ct-nfc or! cr??i> :.i 3.250,100 : crop Us! year, j 2,5 i : 000 T->!ai estimated cop 19001901, 910 : total crop last ye?r, j 9.436 OOO. 2 i;w> co?ri-f pocdeuls report ih-it the crop hoe bspa L?ove rapidly j m>rkei*d. or shipped to markes as qotck.y as is f?::r.r~r years '?*1 c-::*e*p ..:.d.?::;s report that a] largar qua:.,:.i;y ti>*n las; year has j been b??ld plantations. :-:wns rind j ci''or bigher. prices Respectfully submitted, Latham, Alexander Sc Go I - d 'ti. Dee ll -Tbc Svenia? j S I-r i sbys thc the battle between Sen K . z Geo DaSTe? cont iones, ard ? . * ??. io tai s chance ground i-:.- -- : ?. r f dcSnita informa- i ti; .. ? '? :?.:WQ8 of South Caro i j Ait last we have the census fi for the incorporated piaces in I ! Carolina havtng a population of j than 2,000 ont iess than 25,000 I pie, and they present some surp ? coi h pleasant and unpleasant j Tnere are 23 such towns and j bm from the list are excioded ai j incorporated mill towns like fi ! Pacolet, Grauiteviile. Clifton i Pi?'t?mout, piaces which have sh perhaps, the most remarkable centages of growth of any cornu ties io the ^tate Were' these towns iucluded in the count S Carolina would have as many t< of 2,000 people and upward ai moen larger and more popt sister, North Carolina, which has There is no reason that we car why these mili communities, ai thc not incorporated, should not 1 been separately enumerated returned with the other town Sooth Carolin? Their absence 1 the list unfairly minimizes the u growth of this State in the last years Charleston, of coors*, stands at head of the list of South Caro cities, its population previoi reported, being 55,807 against .955 in 1890 ; a gain of 852, or per cent Columbia is the second city, v an accredited population of 27, against 15 353 in 1890 ; a gain 5,755. or 37J per cent I Greenville comes third, with i 460 people against 8.607 in 1890 gain of 2,853, or 33 1 per cent Spartanbnrg is a close fourth, v, 11,395 people against 5,544 in 18? a gain of 5,851, or 105.5 per cent Sumter-and this will be asurpi to our friends in the Pied mon t fifih, with a population of 5,( against 3.865 in 1890 ; a gain 1,808, or 46 7 per cent Anderson is sixth, having 4,4 against 3 018 in 1890 ; a gain 2,4X0. or 82 2 per cent Rock Hill is seventh, with 5,4 against 2.744 in 1890 ; a gain 2,741, or 100 per cent Union-and here is another si prise-is eighth, with 5.400 peoj against 1,609 in 1890 ; a gain 3,791, or 235 6 ?er cent Greenwood takes ninth place ov many older competitors It h 4,824 people against 1 326 in 1S9( a gam of 3,498, or 263 8 per cent ' Florence follows as No 10, with population of 4 647 agaioat 3 3; in 1890 ; a gain of 1,252, or 36 per cent Newberry is eleventh, with 4,6! against 3.020 in 1890 ; a gain 1 587, or 52 5 per cent O.-angeburg has twelfth place, wi 4 455 inhabitants against 2 964 1890 ; a gain of i.491, or 50 p cent Georgetown has passed Beau f..? and ??ken the thirteenth place, b; the number in this case is not u: lucky Georgetown has 4.13b* p?? pie agaiuHt 2,895 in 3 890 ; a gain < 1,243. or 42 per cent. Beaufort is fourir-enth, with 4,11 inhabitants against 3.587 in 1890 ; gain of 523 or 15 per cent. Chester is fifteenth, wirb ,075 against 2 703 in i 890 ; a gain i 1,372, or 50 5 per cent The sixteenth place is held b Laurens, with, 4,029 p opie again* 2,245 io 1890 ; a g*in of 1,784 QI 7 per cent. Gaff.icy follows fn seventeent place, with 3.937 people agaii^ 1,631 in 1890; a gain of 2.306, o 141 per cent. Abbeville is No. IS, with 3 76? inhabitants against 1.696 in i890 ; ; gaiu cf 2,070. or 122 per cent. Aiken is nineteenth, with 3,41? inhabi?anjs spinet 2.36- in 1S30 ; ? gain of 1,052, or 43 per cent Darlington is twentieth, wit! 3,208 people against 2.3S9 ic 1S90 a gain of 819 or 34 3 per cent Camden is twenty first, with 2,441 people against 3.533 in 1890; ar apparent loss of 1,092, or 31 pei cer:t Summerville is twon'.y second.vrit 2 420 against against 2,219 ir, 1890 ; a gain nf 201, or 9 1 per cent >)t Piojisatit holds twenty ? his d place, with 2 252 people ?gatnst 1 138 in IS&U ; a gain o? 1,114. or 98 per cent Yorliviiie concludes the list numeii Cil.'y and alphabetically with 2 012 inhabitants against i,553 in 1890 ; a gain cf 459, or 20 per cent -The Stat*; A Tho.:: heir., tut she v*.' '.'.A.- I;-; .Curo-"il soon n-noved hi) ? :.i . ":: UVj cht: t V.'-.-l I Caa T:-V7 SlCCp \ 50c ana $1. ?n..i bottle-* :.-.y J. 5 W. [ D^LoraiuY lirxk Sfoiz.: every bott?e caa.^ , - J. j W?3?:c?oo, D- l? -TL- Gov ? c:\r.z' :.' fois trc v- = . d -.hu' lb-:- Por?u ? ?;u -.. -c -'.. ??.: ? ?:::?:.'.?>. ?oea'eci on j the Chi::o^v: CGssx r.r d c ?i veaieot to the Phi.ippiaei-, is .'. L' lin*: .:! ic?.urgent ! ?jc.-tiv'?'y av: pr? bS: y r. abiding place j of fr;:; cf the I''::.:; pi; c juntas A 1 furber :!iVC5tigs:ion i- in progress The Census Figures. j Population Statistics Given Out Last Night. Washington, Dec. lo -The popu? lation of certain incorporated places in South Carolina, having a popula? tion of more than 2.000 but less than 25,000, is as follows ; Abbeville, town, Aiken, town, Anderson, town, Beaufort, town, Camden, tu wo, Chester, town, Columbia, city, Darlington, town, Florence, city, Gaffney, city, Georgetown, town, .Greenville, city, Greenwood, town, Laurens, town, Mount Pleasant, town, Newberry, town, Orangeburg, city, Rock Hill, city, SpaVtauburg, city, Summerville, town, Sumter, city. Union, town, Yorkvi?le, town, 3.766 3 414 5,498 4,110 2.441 4,075 21,108 3,208 4 647 3 937 4,138 ll 460 4 824 4.029 2 252 4.607 4,455 5.485 11.395 2,420 5,673 5,400 2,012 DISASTER TO BRITISH ARMS London, Dsc 14 -The daily Express pubii^hes a ruiner of a serious disaster to tue Bri'ish arms According to rbi? report the Boers ?.:tscked the camp of Geo Clement.?, io tbs Birbsrt-.-n district, capturing :b- camp. Kilitog a nua-ber of British oSr-er? and taking prisoners all tho Bri'ifh tromps, ;n-i:uau;g fur companies ff 'he Nor:hur?Dcr'.anii Fosiieers Thc s'ory h net oonSrmeci j in any avarier noa ii net gcTersliy believed. IRISH RECEIVE KRUGER Limerick, Dec 13.- ibo cerpcratios of Limeriok today conferred tb* free dorn of (hs city npoo Mr Kruger The two tcembers who opposed tut: proposal were howled do?o. CANADIAN^ COMING ROME Cape Town, Dec 13.-Gsn Kuchen, c-r has cabled to the actboritisa of Sou'fe Australia asking tha? the w ;ar>de-j I n Imperial Bushmen, who ?rn DOW ecu v-iiesccrnr, be raturned to Sooth Africa Aoo'tber ceotiogeec of (hv.-i?-^n troops started cn tbcir way boa?-- soda? j cn board the Roslyn Castle. London, Dec lo -i be Vieona ;:r:r reaper;dent of the Daily CbrOji^ie says a rut?or is in circula i. n in tbs Austrian capital 'har. fermer Kir>? MiUn is about to beooois engaged :<: Mi** Atze?, an A.'?ICT\-?SL:? heiress. Havaoa, Dec 12 -Too commirri-f - of toe Constitution*; Co.wentio.. ar. diligently prepino? draft constipa*iot>> on the biais of thc ut.itary, or ceo.'rv ?zed, f.-rrn of gyveroui: nt, with radical changes ia the exi?rio2; regtrnn. IL th:u^ht that tb: hi.ii draft cjav o ready for review hy tba Unite i Staten Congress during toe pr soot ?e^?wa. Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 12.-The Nationalist convention today adopt? ed resolutions strongly favoring abolition o? landlordism in ireland ?ad transfer of the soil io the occupy ing proprietors ; amending the con stitution o? the United ins!'. League and making tho Nationalist conven j tion an annual fix:ure; asking funde from America and inviting Michael Davitt and Thomas Sexton to return to parliament, In Egypt ih'; custom is for Princesses to nido their beauty by covering the lower part of the face with a veil. In America the beauty of many of our women is hidden because o? the Wi y^-^?S premature M\\ Av ? \ \>vrinkles, their V\ /M \ sunkencheek,. * x their unnealthv complexion, from the eyes of the world with the veil of tho Orient. 3PS Vi u^r 3 c ? ana wei ! ?OTI?B ?O TAXPAYERS. ! OFF?C? .OF ! CO?X PY TREASURERS .ITEn COUNTY. ? S?MTKil, S C ; ?S?pi. 22. 1S?9. j "Vf O ncc ? hereby -jv ff, isai I ... ... ! GI j* i H?tn l?e-Cocs-t-i Court ti-J u s* I ... J'jrEfsr t.-.?'a October 15?h co #-iem?:cr ! ? 3l3t, i9?j ) i:?c.:ov.7e, f : p ecu i t ch JO i ..t/ir$: ; Sell 001 ybtric? '3c i, 2 i.r,l:? j School District No 2 O-J : i J s ! fi'cboal District No ?ri, 2 a.iii3 ? School D.strici No. 2J, 3 uias \ Mi. Olio, 2 mi ht: j ?oocor?j 2 rutii? ? P. ivn?te.,. ? ail's Nu 5, 1 ?Bil?. ! ?o 17, 1 miii j Com^utAtico Ro?td Tax for lt Ol $1 00, j payaote from Oct. 15?P 1900 to Feb 1st 1931. H. L SCARBOROUGH, Tr?*sor?r ducater Cb. ! Sfpt 26-13t ASK YOUR FRIENDS! YOU FIND THAT TB ERE ARE ?ORS r^'-> fr >? r^-i. &? ! . <.. . tJ? ?L 0-^X; m ?3?d br peop'e ?fa i know a good ^nno that any otber m-;!:?. Irs becacsa S;if-ff Pinces nre better ar-d cost iess ?na'-, rs'lit-rs. Moving, To*.icg ??nn ftf-pair-.r z ; Aerora raodatiag Teruj? Cutaicgue uo? t.ock of ?oyjes?ons cbe:rfai?j i;iven. CHAS, U, SHEFF, W*r?roo? attention to -.ii r BAN K?? K ROY KIN, Oe: ) -ri {.Uu-t m, S C. Onion Sets-leading varieties. Also assortment of Garden . Seeds. Havana Segars. . L&rge line of fine Havana Segars. T?i?et Articles. A choice line of Toilet and Fancy Goods to which atten? tion is invited at DeLorme's Bros Store. Tie Laip ai lest Complete Estalteen? M Geo. :S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS: SASH, BONDS, Moulding & Building Material. ofSc&'a?d W?vrerooias, Ku-.:;, opposi?* Car CK A S. C, . ? v. -J South:, aid . ?. .-J ?.w rav ; ; -;<;..:.?.... L?'.oenv i S?rec-t. for both i.:r;- and Fire h:sn ? t:;:ic-;- Oniy :..!. ? Companies r?p . resented. Phone No .:>? Oct 25-o. lp The Kind You Have Always Bought, and vri?ch 2>as beca in usc for over 30 years, has boroo the shrnr??nre of ?,-?9 . - and lias been oa*?o under his per? jfj&^?~f~~Fi\, sonal supervision ? inr-e its infauey, ^u*&^????tK Allow no one te deceive yon in feta. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good'9 are but Experiments thai trifle Tri tn and endanger the health of Infants and Otilaren- Experience against Experiment? What ss CASTO RIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Pare? goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant? It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep? The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend? GENUINE CASTORfA ALWAYS the Signati The KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. " \\~b.3 : Ti:s OUTLOOK does is to give the fairest, the most unbiased, the clearest conception of the many momentous occurrences which are shaping the world's history to-day. This weekly combines the functions of the newspaper nr.d of an illustrated magazine, and discusses politics, religion, education, economics, litera fure. jr.d art."*- .Wee }'ork Timi". LYMAN ABBOTT Sc HAMILTON W. MABIE, EDITORS during the months of November, December, and january will appear a series of ten autobiographical papers from Hoofer To tg?a*s hingt on telling the romantic story of his life, from birth in a Virginia slave cabin to the eminent position which he holds as the builder and head of Tuskegee Institute and the honored and trusted leader of the colored race in this country. Every Meander of This Pamper will surelv be interested in Mr. Washington's story, and as a special offer iri order to intro? duce TH?/ OUTLOOK to new readers, we will send THE OUTLOOK for the three months above mentioned at the special price of twenty-five cents (regular price, seventy-five cents), providing tile name of this paper is mentioned. THE OUTLOOK tells the story of world happenings every week in short, clear, labor-saving paragraphs. Address Subscription Department B, THE OUTLOOK, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Atlantic Cotton Oil Company, Sumter, Charleston, Camden, Bennettsville, S. C., and Gibson, N, C. Offer for.Sale for Cash or on Approved Security, High Grade Cotton Seed Meal, Acid Phosphate, German Kainit? Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash, Cotton Seed Hulls, in bulk, baled or sacked* Highest Cash harket Price Paid for Cotton Seed. Address nearest mill point, or head office, Sumter. S. C., PERKY MOSES, Pres. HORACE HARDY, Vice Pres. A. C. PHELPS. Seoty and Treasurer. C. C. FISHB?RNE, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. Nov JI--4 tr. fi A fresh car load of uni Mules With prices and qualities calculated to suit any and everybody. Ail* animals we H broke and sold on a full guarantee to be sound. ' Thats the war I buv them and they must, turn out so io my customers. Buggies. Wagons. Harness* Grain, Hay, Limo, Cement, Pi aster. Hair, Fire-brick, Latns, Terra-Ootta and Sewer Pipe On lian 1. and i am prepared to seil the same at very c?ese profits Oar WHITE HICKORY WAGONS cami ho heat. Give thom a mal. They are cheap as others and helter. Respectfully.