The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, November 07, 1900, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV 7, 1900 Enteredai the Jfost Office at Sumter.S 0. y as Second Class Mitter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Parker Rye. R. M. Coooer-Notice. Schwartz Bros.-Our Otj?ct is to Please. Shepard Nash, C C. C. Ir. & G. S -Notice Extra Term of Court. Estate of Mrs Julia Y Reynolds-Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Executive Department for S C- Regard for Cap ta re. Le wis Brown. PERSONAL. Mr. Louis DesCbamos is io the citj. Mr. John K. Crosswell is ia tbe city. Mr Nat Barnett wes in tbe city Friday. Dr. C B. Durant was io tbecity Saturday. Mr. T. W. McCollum 3peot Sacday in the etty. Rev T. H. Thacker was ia tbecity Mon? day. Mrs. Toomey h?9 gone to Washington, D.C. Messrs. J. R. at:d Meyoardie Ciyde are ie che city. Mr. S. V. Green ;3 in the city for a few i&js stay Mrs. Van Telberg Hoftnan bas gone to Newberry. Mr. C. T. Mason returned Friday night from Monroe N. C Mrs Neill O'Donnell ?3spending some time in Pnitadelhbia. Mrs John S. Wilsoo. of Manning, was io the city last week. Mr. S. J. Blackwell, of Bishopvaie, spent Friday ia tbe city. Mr. J. L. Parrot, of Bishop ville, spent last Thnrsday in the city. Mr. Richard Manniog is at home from the South Carolina College Mrs. Rees, of Stateourg, is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Sumter. Mr. J. E. DaPrer or Picgah. was in the city on business Friday. Mr Octavia Hill returned to the Columbia Female College Monday'^morning. Miss Selma Nash who bas been visiting :riends at Wieacky bas returned home Mr. W.. J. McKaia spent Saturday in the city on his way home from Columbia. Miss Bessie Lee bas returned from Virginia where she spent the summer with friends. Mrs Ella Hewson left Tuesday for Macon, Ga. She will be gone for several months. Messrs.?. Ed Dsnois and'Hosea Wood? ward, of Bishopville, were in the city Satur? day. Cadet Guy L Warren of the S. C. M A. spent last Thursday ia Sumter with his pa? rents. Mr. A. W Leiaod, of McClellaoville, speot Friday in tbe city with his auot. Mrs. N. W. Mr. C T Mason, who has been spending several days ia Portsmouth, Ga , has return? ed home. Messrs. George Levy and Ashleigh Mood were at borne from Clemson for a few days stay last week. Miss Wessie Roach reta roed home last week from Saluda, N. C , where she has been for the summer. Mrs Joel Reames, of Bishopville, S C., came down on a visit to ber nephew, Master J Frank Pate, J.'. Mr. R. S. Hood w*3 acting chief of the fire department buring the abseoceof Cbief Bloom attending the Fair Mrs. H. P. Duval! returned to Cheraw yes? terday morning after fa stay of several week3 with Mrs. H. G. Osteec. Miss Julia Dixon, who spent several days at Dalzell, bas returned home accompanied by her mother, Mrs. M A. Lanoeau. Mies Marie Durant, who has been speeding a few days ia the ci;y, returned to the Colum bia Female College Monday morning. Capt. P. P. Gaillard has been in the city for several days. He bas been buying seed ia Georgia for the Atlantic Cotton Oil Co. recently, being stationed at August*. Mr. J. E. Hoagb has returned from Colum? bia where he was lan week in the interest of the T?l?phone Mfg. Co.'9 display of tele? phones and switchboards at the fair. Rev James McDowell bas moved from Mancicg to Sumter, where be will ma?e b?s future home. He bought the bouse of Mr Willie White on upper Maia street. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs McDowell come to live among ns. Re7 Y. von A Riser was in the city on Monday on his way to visit his old home : i Saluda county,haviog resigned as pastor of the Lutheran churches at Sumterand Florence - Newberry Observer. Mr. Richmond Via?*, of Providence, R. i., is io the city for a week or ten day? stay He bas visited this C'ty ssvera! io recent years, and bis sou, Mr. W A. Viall, 3?entall of last winter here. Dr. L. E McTyre, formerly of Bainbridge, Ga., bot who bas been practicing denistry :n the vicinity of Santiago, Cuba, for the pa3t two years; spent several days during last week with hts college mate, Dr. Wm 8 Alford, ic this city Dr. McTyre is jast from Cuba, via New York, aod w*s 00 bis way home to visit his parents at Bainbridge. When you want prompt acting little pills that never gripe ose DeWitt s Little Early Risers. J S Hughson & Co. The rain last week was very welcome, for it was needed to oring np small grain and to lay the dust. The banks and the Post Office took advan? tage of yesterday beicg a legal holiday and closed. So many Sourer people attended tbe Fair that it bas been a matter of impossibility to publish a hst of them Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness, constipation and headache They are easy to take and pleasant io effect. For sale ny Dr. A. J. Cbina. The bird bunters are alreedy setting in their work and today several strings of par? tridges were seen on the streets. The contract for building the Hotel Sum? ter has bean awarded to Coe Tactor M. C. Kavaoaogh of tbis city, and he began work early this morning. The building is to be completed and the keys turned over on or before Feb 1st. Another reference in the telepnoce case was held before Master H. F. Wilsen last week, ?t is expected that all the testimony will be taken and the Soding cf the Master will be readv for the neit term of court. There l3 no pleasure in life if you dread ?oing to the table to eat and can't r?3t at ngbt on account of indigestion Henry Wil? liams,* cf Boonville, Ind, 3153 be suffered thar way for years, till he commenced t be U6e of Kodol Dispepsia Core, and adds, "Now 1 can eat anything 1 like and all I want and sleep soundly every night." Kcdol Dyspedsia Cnre will digest what yon eat. J S Hogbson & Co. I I MARRIED. j Merrie.} on toe n?ght or Octooer 31st, ?t ! the borne cf tbs nride m Privateer, Mr D*vid I lV. Allsbrook and M?es Susie McCall, Rev. ? J I. Ayres officiating. Married, Octobt-r ?8, 19o0, or heme, Cbnrleetoo, S. O, ?be Rv J. A. B j Soberer, Roben B Vicson, of Sunter, S. C i j to Mamie'"' Orttuson DETTES. Died yp5'e:day ac ir.fanr daugbtcr of Mr ; and Mrs. Louis Levi The body was taken j to Sumter ibis morning for interment. - Van j cing Times Oct. 31. _ Mr. Frederick William Husemann, Colum? bia's widely known ar;d expert gncsmitb, died at bis residence on Main street at 9 SO o'clock last night. The announcement of bis death wes a great shock to bis friends, although it wa* no; altogether unexpected. Mr. Huseman bas beec in failing heahh for some time, and his la3t illness began on Sep? tember 1st. He was a gae mac, noted for bis honesty and uprightness He was a self-made man and was popular witb all classes.-The State, NOT. 3. Mr. J. J. Ward, one of the prominent at J toracys of the Darlington bar died Friday morning at his home ;o tbat town. Heart trouble was the cause cf his destb and bis suffering while intense was less tbao an hour's ? duration. Mr. Ward was born and reared in ! Darlington county at.d has always occupied j a high position in the affr?tions of his people He was about 55 years of age Miss Edna Stewart neice of of Mr?. C. T. Mason died last Fiiday in Monroe, N. C. Mrs Joana Stuckey, relict of the ?ate Capt. J. W. Stuckey, cf Blsbopville, died cn Friday of heart failure, after a short illness The fuceral services were held Saturday afternoon at toe Methodist Cburcb Mrs. Stuckey was before her marriage a Miss Ricers cf James Island, S. C., and was a lady of roost excel? lent Christian character and will be greatly cittte'i for her usefulness ia the church of wbicb she was a mersbi?r. She leaves two cbillren: a soo and daegbter, besides a large number of relatives and fr.eads to moura ber ?033. Foil tax receipts were of value yesterday to tbo:e who wanted to vote. Q lite a number of sportsmen went bird hunting yesterday instead of staying hom9 to vote. Gov. McSweeney has effered a reward for the arrest of Louis Brown, ibe murderer of Singleton Lewellyn. The proclamation 13 published in another column DeWitt'3 Little Early Risers are the best liver pills ever made. Essy to take aod never gripe. J S Hushsoo & Co. Bu?icess was dull yesterday and none of the stores were crowded with shoppers. Tbe clerks were all of the opinion that the stores would have lost very little by giviog a holi? day. Dewitt's Witch Bszcl Salve will quickly beat the worst burns and scalds and not leave a scar. I: can be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt acd sso-bing effect U3e it for piles and skio aiseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits J S Hugbsoc k Co. j Tee election io the city was exceeding ly quiet and without interest. At the polis only tickets for t?e Democratic presidential electors and Congressman were displayed, and if tre Republicans bad tickets they were distributed privately and were voted from the ve3t pockis of the Republicans. Both makers aod circulators of counter? feits commit fraud. Honest men will not de? ceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWiti'8 Witch Hazel Salve. The origi nal is infallible for curing piles, sores, eczema and all skin diseases. J S Hngbson & Co. Tbe advance io the price of cotton daring the past few days b>?s been only & few points but it is woRderful bow good a little edvance makc3 tbe bolder of cotton feel. Nine cents is not a biz price but many people still hope for a return to ten cents or even a higher { price. j The Watchman and Southron ?3 in receipt j of an invitation to attend the Orangeburg i Fall Festival Nov 13. 14 and 15. Tn; people ! of our sister town have mace gre*: prepnra { tions for tbe festival and all who attend it j will receive a hospitable welcome and their ! stay will ?e made pleasant. The State in remarking about the fair says: , Tbe pigeons of Archie Chios, Sumter, sre ? v*ry beautiful and attract oo little attention I The most striking feature of tte display ?(Flowers and Fruit?) is an extraordinarily i ?ar?e lemon, grown by Miss Mattie Gaillard j of Durant, Clarendon county. j The Sumter Light Infantry, 35 streng, j went to Columbia last Thursday night and j took part in tbe military parade Thursday. Tbe service that tbe Atlantic Coast Line .j bas given during ibis Fair Week bas been j abominabie Every train has been so over j crowded that boodredi bad to str.ud in the j aisles, and on tbe platforms botb coing ?o i and returniag from Columbia Tuesday, j Wednesday and Thursday. Fair Week is a j harvest time for the railroads and they ehou'd , ; make ?deqante provisions for tb? crowds. j If you have ever seen a child in the agony j of croup you can realiza bow grateful motb j er3 are .'or one Minute Cough Cure which j gi?es relief as soon as it 13 administered. It ? quickly cores roughs, colds and all throat I and lung troubles J S Hughson & Co. What has teen called the ;tcennltimate j clim*x" io the dramatization of Anthony Hope's second greit romance, "Rupert of HeoZiu," is tue unique duel at tbe close of tbe third act, which is striking in conception end startling :n its result, and entirely worthy of tbe imagination of this farooui romancer It migbt wt!! end the play, but it does not, for Mr. Hcpe adds another act with an ?qually tff-ctive and almost awe in? spiring 6oi9h. These conceptions cf the I dramatist are given adfqnate illustration in j tbe elaborate production of "Rupert of Hent j zau." which will be seen here thia season i with tbat dashing romantic actor, Howard j Gould, as Rudolf ?nd ibe King. j Tc-acher's Certificates Issued. j - I Certificates to teach in the public schools of the county have been issued to tbe followiog persons who stcod the recently held examina I tion : ? First Graoe-White?-Misses C?thr>rire . Richardson and Alice Biker. Second Grade-Colored - Eizi Jnmes, j Emma Peterson, Mary Van Buren, Bertha : Wi!;-,-rjj, Louie Petersoo, James O Digg-, : W J Gregg Georgia A tinges. Marr A '. Wilson, Rebecca Wa*:-?, Armit* L Haye?, ! Eani?~ P-ivi? i Certifi. -ites hav? not ten ?rsued to tb? ! colored applicants for first gr?Je certificates, and the names of those who are to be gr?nt ed first grade certificates will cot be an00uoe j ed until the county beard of education tsevtt , SOLDIER VISITORS. Sumter Light Infantry Returns Ac? companied by Georgetown Company. The Sumter Li^ht Infantry returned from Coluobia last Friday, accompanied by tbe Georgetown Compacv-Capt. S. M Wnrd Lieets S. Brilles, E. W. Haselden and ? N Beatty, and twenty-3ix men, who spent the day in tbe city as th? gue.-ts of Capt. Wilson a.-d his company. Toe G?orgoto*n company expected to re? turn home Thursday afternoon, but couid not get c ff from Columbi*, and would bave been forced ?o spend another day in c^a p had Capt. Ward r.ot accepted Capt. Wilson's invitation to come over to Sumter Friday morning and spend the day. The two companies arrived on the 8 o'clock train and the Georgetowo company was escorted to the armory by the Sumter Ligbt Infantry, where the guns were stacked and the visitir g soldiers were then escorted to the N'ixon House for breakfast, which was in readiness tor theo?, Capt. Wiison bavins tele? graphed ahead to Ur. Moses to have breakfast and dinner for the company. The George? town company remained in this city until 5 35 that atternoon and left on the regular Cbarles'on train for their bome3. Tte members of the Sumter Light Infantry and ether citizens have endeavored to make the stay of the visitors pleasant for tbpy re? member with appreciation and gratitnde the hoipitalit? of the Georgetown company when tbe Sumter company was in Georgetown during the riot a ?hort time ugo. When the Sumter Ligbt Infantry ar;ived in Columbia at 1? o'cock Wednesday night Capt. Ward had his company Rt the depot to mae: .-.nd escort the Sumter company to the camp and but for leis thoughtful attention thw Sumter company wouid have been com? pelled to find the carno a3 best it could, for neither the Columbi.: committee nor Adjutant General Floyd bad made any provieion for the reception of the company, nor, in fact, for any other company, ai! ccmnipaea having h-id the same experience-co committee to mee* them, and icey had to hunt the camp without a guide to direct them. The visiting militar.? companies bad a tough experience in Columtiia. They had ? good tents, but they got attie to sat and that j little was so vilely prepared and served that they could not eat it. and were forced to forage for food on their own account and at their owu expense There was nobody in charge of the camp aod neither Adjutant and Inspector General Floyd, Assistant Adjutant and Inspector Generai Frast nor Colone. Wilie Jones went near the camp, cr showed their faces to the visiting soldiers, except on the parade The visi ing soldiers were required to pay admission to the fair grounds, and they bad a touzb time generally. ^Tbe mau who had the contract to feed the militia bad every? thing bis own way, and tbs soldies eot next to nothing to eat, and that was spoiled io tte cooking and s:rvion. They had to go to the restaurants to get something tbat they could ea:, and aost of them bad a hard time getting enoagb even where they paid famime prices. The cooitioos prevailing in the campp in Columbia were such that the (ieorgeiown comp.ioy preferred taking their chances in a soDa*i town like Sumter to remaining in the Capital City, and it is to be boped that they have round the ^ime spent with us not unen? durable, for while Sucoier cannot provide fair attractions, good ure and a plenty of it can be provided at all times, -?nd the pe-opls who undertake to entertain visitors are never too'besy to pericrm their duties. The Georcetowo Company left for home on the 5.35 train F'iday af:^rnoon. The train was very late acd the company h*d a long wai: at the depot. Cai>t Ward and bis men before leaving expressed themseive? a3 having enjoyed the stay in Sumter and the hospital? ity of the Sumter Light Infantry. DOES IT PAY TO BCY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for cough . and colds i-? all right, but you want something that will rc lieve and cure the aore severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do ? Go to a warmer and more regu Jar climate '! Yes, if possible : if not possible for you, then in either case take the only rem? edy that hus ' een introduced in all civilized countries v.?th .ucce-fi in severe throat and lung troubles, "Baschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the gorm diseases, but allays infiata mation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, ami eures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended mr.ny years by all drug? gists in the world. For sale by A J Chita. B A Second Baptist Church at Sum? ter. Dear Brother Editors : A second Baptist church m Sumter is assured. Several of the brethren, prominent ic the church here, ap? plied at tbe regular church cocf-renee yester? day for legers of dismis6ico for :be purpose cf forcing another Bar-list church under the name aod title cf * The Second Baptist Church of Sumter." Utner brethren resi? dent here, wbo3? membership is io o'b:r churches, have requested letters cf dismission for the same purpose, an! very 30on on or gamzation will oe tffected Tte brethren have alre^.dy purchased a corner lot beau'i fully located in a central part of the city, I and will at an early day their ! building. They hope to be blessed in the j Sslection of a pastor, a good preacher an i a j good worker. j Toe earnest :.rHve:3 of God's people are . asked, that His blessi.-i?z may res: upon this ? aew Sf Id of Irtbor. and that it may be the me?ns of accdtnpii?hir'g much good in the cause of the Master Tee city of Sum:er ?3 growing, cew people .?re comiug io almost everv dar, other denominations ?re pushing i ahead, and tbe Baptists must hold their owo j in the advancing tide cf prosperity. Outside I of their own number not a dollar hes been j asked, stil. should any of the f.iends feel it I in their hearts to eend aid to this part of the j Lord's viceyard ii will he gratefully appre? ciated and will help io erect a building s^cb as they wouid like to dedicate to ?he servier of God. They have faith to believe that the Lord's work will be done Tbe first church (ihat will be) have com? menced their new building ; it will be very handsome and complete in all its parts when finished.-J. S. H io Baptist Courier. Sum'er, S. C , Oct. 29, 1900. - ^mwm>- ^MM> santee Baptist Association The Samee Baptist Association was in session last week with Mispah Church, nine miies north of Bishopville The Biptiat Church of this city was represeottd at the arsociaticn by Rev. C. C. Brown, Co! T. V. Walsh and Mr Joo S Hichaidson. To remove a troublesome corn or nunion : First soak the corn or bunion in warm wter to soften it, tuen pare it down as closely ?s possible witLou' Orawijg blood and appiv Cbamoerlain's Pain Balm twice dais?; ru? ning vtgorousl* for five minutes at rsch application. A corn plaster should he worn for a few da}S ;o protect it iron, ?he shot?. As a general iii.imeni for sprains, braises, lameness ar d rbeuxcKi'.sm, Pain 8-tira ia un? equaled For sale by Dr A J China. Dr. Brown to Lecture in Newberry . The congregation of th? Wes* End Baptist I chnrr'n have secured Rev C. C. Brown D. ? I) , of Sumter, S C , to o'cl've; his celebrated j lecture, "Courtship and Mairimonv," in the . opera bouso on Motulav f vening, November 19th. Dr Brown is we-1 known 13 s popular speaker and "13 a lecturer n:i? few superior? ; on the ijlatrorm, and bas the reputation of j entertaining o:ost delightfully bis audi-r.c^s I a? well ns irivirjir them fem? solid chucks cf j wisdom a:org wirh bi? z< ne-ou? fl^w <*f wit i and b .mor.-New wherry Hernia and News. Ail s'z^s of Window Gl-iss ard best Putty j or sale at DcRant'p Hardware rtore Prize Winners. The following premiun e were awarded to Sumter exhibitors at the State Fair Thursday: Filly 2 j ears old-By J J Karby, Sumter, first. Matched mares, open to the worid-18 en? tries in tbi3 chss-W. M. Graham, Sumter, first. Saddle horses, rpen io tbe world-18 en? tries ia tbis class-W. M. Graham, Sumter, second. WOMAN'S TROUBLES AND FEMALE DISEASES CURED BY Johnstones Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. Painful and Suppressed Menses. Ir? regularity. Leucorrhoa. Whites, Steril? ity, Ulceration of the Uterus, change o? life, in matron or maid, all find re? lief, help, benefit und cure in JOHNS? TONS SARSAPARILLA. It isa real panacea for aod pain or headache about the top or back of the head, distress? ing pain in the left side. a disturbed condition of digestion, palpitation of the heart, cold hands and feet, nerv? ousness and irritation, sieenlessness, muscular weakness, bearing-down pains, backache. legache. irregular ac? tion of the heart, shortness of breath, abnormal discharges, with extremely painful menstruation, scalding of urine, swelling of feet, sorenessof thc breasts, neuralgia, uterine displacement and satarrh. and all those symptoms and troubles which make the average wo? man's life so miserable. MK IHGA'S DBl'S CO., Detroit, Mich. J. S. HUGHSON & CO. Su-mter.S.U. WANTED-Dogwood, Persimmon and Walsnt Log3 in carload lots. For prices, &c , addtess, Tbo3. Childs, Sumter, S C Oct 24-41* Estate o? Rich'd R. Singleton, DECEASED. ALL PEBSONS having claims against aforesaid Estate, will present same duly attested, and all persons in anyway indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment to Miss ANNIS E. SINGLETON, Oct 24-3t_Qualified Admx. THE Standard Warehouse Co., Columbia, S. C, Cotton Capacity, 20,000 bales, Storage and iosaraoce 15 cts. per bale per month, or fraction thereof. Special rates OD large lots. I j Lib?rai advances at low rate of inter j est on ootton stored with us. Write to j EDWIN W. ROBERTSON, Sec, or H. L ELLIOTT, Mgr. ! Sept 19-Sm Estate o? Mrs. Julia V. Reynolds. \ LL FERcONS bavicg claims egainst xJL tbs aforesaid Estate wi .! pr ant sam?, duly nt'estcd, sod all persons indebted to said Estate will make pavmrnt to MARK REYNOLDS, Nov 7- 3t Exor. Notice Eitra Ten o? Court. fTSDER AND PURSUANT to an Order cf His Honor Judge Ernest G<ary there wnl te fin extra term of the Court cf Com? mon Ple?3 for Sumter County al Snmter Court House beginning Monday, Nov. 26tb, at 10 o'clock a. m SHEPARD NASH, Nov 7 CC C P. & G S A LL PERSONS are hereby put on rotice J\_ that hil ?ands owned ny the under? signed been posted, aud anyone snoot iog buotiug or trapping, or fishing or gig? ging br loton light wili be prosecuted. R M. COOPER W isac's y, S C. Nov 7-3t I PROCLAMATION. ! - STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Er?cutive Chnmb^r, WHEREAS information has ceen receiv ed at this Department that an Ano j ciou? S?urc<"r watt committed ir: the County of ?rurctrr, on or about tbe 16:b day of Octo? ber 1900. upon the body ut Singleton D Lewellyn by Lewis Brown and tbat tbe said Lttwis Brown has fled from justice J Now. therefor?, I, M B McSweeney, Gov ? ernor of the State of South Carolina, in order I that justice may b? done, aud the majesty of j the law viiidica'ed, do hereby cftrr a reward of K.f.y Dol?ais for the apprehension, de?v I ery and conviction of <he said Lews Brown 1 to the Sheriff ot S imttr, at Sumter, S C. i Brown :s 5 feet ll inches huh. weighs I abeu", i ti 5 p uods, irf black, scars on r.erk es I tending tu, larc? scrofuious bmnps o*i ? n-<k 'it'd j-?w; gtt?.t?er ny profession : >e??n i rar ?roden. S C In tea?mury wh-.-r-c!, 1 I;*--.- hrrfuntc sot rn-, br.?-i. r.n<i caused 'ii? Great Seal o' the Stair m ;:e i ilix: 0. -it Coiuoota, this fifth day ! of No rater, \. D , 1900, ??>ci sn thc nee I b?Bdrtd and twetity-fiftn u^r >)! toe Inde 1 pefceacv o? tits: Tatted ri -oes ?f Atseric? a B McSW.fiiS-EY Bj tbe Governor: M R Coeper, Secretary cf SiMe. Nov 7, 1900. Latos1 Woo! I IL I KID GLOVES, KM vests.! pf ? .A" thTnew ? r ~ cshades.-Tans, 75c quality, this* oModes, Greys, week at ?f|lir Ol? |?CtrMte and black K 4?fe ?r? 2 T i ?Sale this week, 4>lfft% Q Is to please you m the 5 The, wiH goquickSg00d- r?laVe m0ney H **"C% J the prices. ? These are the things that make up this store's life. The Palace Dry Goods Emporium Most Attractive Shopping Place in Sumter. Honest, intelligent; merchandising developes. Legitimate Low Prices. . Low prices are not necessarily confined to little prices. The -word "Cheap'7 in this store does not mean "Inferior." Read this list carefullly ! Buy them I Worth repeating-Choice from our stock of best Calicos, the new Blues, Reds, Fancies and Mournings. This week at 5c 50 pcs good Calicos, fancy dress styles, we will put on sale this week at 4c. 20 pcs heavy Canton Flannel, worth 10c, but will go on sale this week at 8c. 20 pcs extra heavy Canton Flannel, regular price 12A. To go on sale at 10c. 10 bales 36 in Sea Island. A good heavy quality, worth 6ic, on sale at 5c. 10 doz Ready Made Sheets, hemmed and shrunk, full 10-4 square, the cloth would cost you more, 50c. 20 doz Pillow Cases to match, on sale at 12c. 10 pcs new White Scrim, for curtains, on sale this week at 4*c. 5 pcs (all pure wTool) White Flannel, worth 35c, on sale at 25c. 10 pcs White Curtain Swisses, 12? and 15c goods, on sale this week at 10c From our Tailor Suit Department-20 new suits, Blue, Black, Green and Brown. Values up to ?7. All this week the Suit at $5 39. The above and lots other Good Things at Schwartz Bros., Sumter's Dry Goods Leaders, Fashion Emporium. Nov 6 ?WfilMJNli Uli11 In Fine China, Bric-a-brac, Bronze, Clocks, American Cut Glass, Mirror Plateaux, Sterling Silver and Fine Plated Ware, etc, Showing finest line of Goods ever exhibited in Sumter, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. E. A. BULTJflAJ*, Jeweler and Watchmaker, % oe: 3i MAIN STREET. Some Special Bargains. 40-lti hexes Starch, best erade, at 3$: per lb Smoked Dried Herriogs, 23c per box. New Mackerel, 14 cooa fish to kit, 90s Fancy fcl! cream Cheese, 22 to 24 lbs C3ch, at 13o per lb. B st faacy E!<iin Creamery Satter, 60 lb tubs at 24c per lb America Sa:dines-ne* pack-$3 85 per case KO cans. 10 oz Tumbler Fruit Jelly, 3 dcz o caso, 7?c per dcz 3-ib Gined. Tomatoes, 2 dcz io c??e, 90c doz 2-lb stand. Tomatoes 2 dcz in case, 70c doz. ?.pict bottler, assorted Pickles, 2 dcz ic csee, 75c dcz. ?-!b cans Cove Oj?te.a, fu?i tveight, 2 and 4 dcz io case, fOc dcz 2-lb car.9 fancy Maine packed Sugar Corn $1 20 a doz. 2-lb cans facey N Y. S'ate paektd Sugar Cern &l a doz. CRACKERS. j FLOUR. Loruor.s ric, Nie Nacs ??c per lb. j Best fancy patear, $4 3> bbl Ginger Soaps 5c, Soda Ur 5c per lb. j Bsst half patent, 4.i0 bb! Sogar Cr. 6c, Fine;- Mixed 6?k per lb. J Best straight. 3 S5 bbl Cream Lunch Biscuits, 7c per lb J Best family, 3 25 bbl Oatfhlsea 2-lb packages, 90c dcz j Silt 100 lbs, 57c tag i . .MEAL, GRITS, BACON AND LARD AT LOWEST PRICES Cigars, Cheroots, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Diamond T Cigar, best 5c seller at $35 per 1,000. Success, none !.'e?:er, $35 per 1,000. E L Royal Cigar, good smoke, S-25 per 1.00.) Try our Leader, $?O.i0 per 1,0C0, 60cbox Old Virgicia Cheroots, ?3 15 per t>ox ot 2SO Che oots, 3 lor 5c Oia Glory Cheroots, $?.90 uer 001 of 200 Cheroots World's B-st Cheroots. S3 2'. per box of 250 Cheroots, 3 for 5c Duke's Cigarettes $3.90 per 1,000. C>cle CigarettfS $2 65 per I 000. A BIG SUPPLY OF TOBACCO, camel;,, Scho?ps, E-irly Bird, R. J. R , Mable, Laila Roohk, Little Fancy, Red Eye and various other kinds-prices ranging from 25c, 35c and 15c pe.- U>. Big Drives in Soap. OCTAGON, VICTORY. TIP TOP, ELECTRIC, IMPERIAL. Shoe Blacking, lak, Blunog, kc. See us, or get our prices before you buy. Crosswell & Co. Phone 53. Sumter, S. C. NOTICE. When you want a horse or mule don't fail to eal!, see and investigate the bar? gains open to ali at Pierson's. Have your stock fed and cared for at Pierson's Feed and Sale Stable, Harvin Street, near Liberty Street, Oct 15 lm Sumter, S. C.