?k M&timuui aili SooliirsB. WEDNESDAY, OCT 31, 180O.~ Entered ai ?he i*ost Oiftce at Sumter. S (?., as Second Class Matter. ?JBW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. A Bultmao-Wedding Gift3 Estate o? L 'O. Winkies-Citation. H. Barby-Why Do We Advertise ? Scbwarti Bros.-AootDer Master of Spe? cials. Estate of Mrs. Sarah H. Chandler-Cita? tion. Alexander & Johnson, Augusta, Ga - Farms for Sale. PERSONAL. Rev. J. C. Bailey was in the city Monday. Hr. J. J. Ragio spent Sunday io the city. Mr. B. R. Thomas was in town Monday. Gen. R. W. Moise has retnroed from Spar uuabttrg. Mr. A. G. Flowers bas returned from Reube* t Miss Marion Girardeau. has gone to Ashe? ville, 5. C. Mrs. P. M. Aman, ot Heriots, was io the city Friday. Mr. 3. X Ligon has been at home for a few days stay. Mr. 2. F. Jaekson has been in tbe city for a Sew dsyp. Mr. F. P. Cooper, of Tbe State, spent Mon? day is tbe city Mi? Rosa MCCOWQ ci Darlington is visit? ing Mrs. John T. Green. Maj. R. ri Briggs of Clarendon county spent Friday in the city. Mr- Alex Sing, the popclar traveling man, was ia the c?ty yesterday. Mr. Y. M. Moses went to Columbia Mon? day to spend the week. Mrs. J. S. Brockington, of Manning, and - ;wo daagbters are in tbe city Mrs. Creen and Miss Vertie Green, of Bishop vii)?, are in the city. Col and Mrs. John M. Knight have re- ; tamed from 5ew York. Mr. Tea. Sibert, now of Summerville, is spending a.few days in the city. Mrs. C. W. Eingman bas returned home from Bahia: ore after a moo th's stay. Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Richards were in the essy for several days last week Mr. Percher Gaillard, of the Fork, Claren -dca coan ry was in the city Monday. Mrs D C. Shaw, of Tampa, Fla , is visit lag relative.* and friends in tbi3 county. Mr. C S. Nelson, of Summerton, was io the-ci ry Friday morning on business. Mr. ?ad Mrs. W M. Len i or, of H ag cod have ben spending a few days in tbe city. Miss Bessie Richardson has gone to Plant ersviilie, Georgetown county, to teach school. Mr JL 3. Jennings, of Orangeburg, is in the cary. Bis many friends ar? glad to see jam. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Reames, of Bishop vi?Je, S- C, are visiting at Mr. J. Frank Pn?e'sL Mr. ?. B. Sing, of Rimini, was ;n the city Monday sight on bis way to the State Fair in Columbia. ? Mrs. C. H Green, after a stay of several j weeks in the city bas returned to ber borne at Boylon*. After spending several weeks with relatives io Omageborg county, Mrs. C. Weston Mc Giewretarned to this city Thursday after? noon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shore, of Winstoo SaJem, S. C , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Scuff?. Miss Satie Anderson of Summerton"and Hiss Virginia Anderson of Stateburg were in . tbe city last Friday. Mr. aa? Mrs. Joe Cantey and Miss May Canley, cf Summerton, were in the city Friday. Mr. ?rd Mrs A. C. Phelps left Thursday afternoon for a month's stay in New York city. Miss Minnie Parker has returned to the city after a pleasant visit to relatives in Marion county. Miss Soole Willeford has given np her sniition with F. B Grier, and accepted a challar one with the Horo-Ba3S Co. Mrs. Sbangb, after an absence from the j err since the early summer, has returned to | spend ?he winter. Miss Hannie Black, of Memphis, Teon , wbo bas been visiting Mrs N G. 03teen, left i ?on Monday morning for Columbia. Mrs. J. B Jervey and Miss Bessie Jervey j hare gone to Summerton to spend a week or j more with the family of C*pt. J P Brock. J Geo. H. W- Moise'left Thursday morning for Sparenburg and he expected to visit i other pisces in the Piedmont section m tho interest of the Charleston Exposition before ; retursisg berne. Mr. Richard Beiscr, of Clarendon, b&3 been ' made ra?ager of tbe Sumter Telephone Co Mr Reiser >s fui i of energy and promises to ! look after the hello business cre.l. Yard Master La Mott t bas resigned bis rosi- i tio? at lbs A C L yard ard Mr W. D. j Pope, woo held that position a year or so | ago, bas been ?ppotnted to succeed him. Mjeesrs. G. S. Baynswortb and T. S. Chip- j ley bave returned from Spartaoburg They j were Jbere to erect a 200 drop switch board j ioaddizion to the 400 drop switch board for I the Sutffcrcborg Teiephete Co. Sumter phones are popular. Mr. S. 1. Hetosberger has been put tn charge of the electrical and mechanical departaests of tue Sumter Telephone Co. Mr. Seinsberger cesses from the Wiiaiogtoo, S. C , exchange and comes highly recom aser,!3ed as one who knows his business. MistSasab Ann Smallwood, ct' Charleston was i? ?be city last Satuarday to see Mr. J K. Jervey and family. Her father, Mr. Ben Smallwood, was keeper si the lighthouse on Bulls Irland ior vn?y years and be ar.d Mr. Jervey5s tatter Wier? good friends, wbeo Jim and Miss Sawllwoc? wt re cbtldren. Her visir, to Sum? ter was occasioned bv her having beard that Mr. Jervey was oot of business. She came To ?5er flj-3 acd family a home with ber in Cb*rhrs3on She is comfortably situated, and "now desires io make returns to Mr. Jervey ferx'mdeess done by his father to ber father and family when sbe was a cbild. Mr. Jervey was as mach affected by this thought. tal sad i?3 remembrance as be was pleased to srx ira z>td friend. Mr. A??M 5\ Shaw, who is in the govern nseaX ?gisbooee service at Armandale, near t?*e of absence. Th? Ps?aee Dry Goods Emporium Scbwa/rs. Bros b?v? a new advertisement i tooay will oe read with iotercst br nil . who KT? t!ie market for for the best va!ups. ! Tbik*toeJ: of goods advertised 13 fresh and of. the- ?ad most, fashionable good? on the j anotas, sbe prices ?re right and the specials ; s?ferrO wa. aaasual bargaors. --? - . . . mm - Kotnw M. P. Seed Oats af Graham's sm? ile. Oct 17 Ipor ?ar? farm Mules go to Graham's ste1.**. Oct 17 McCUTCH EN-SCOTT Beautiful Wedding Ceremony at Wisaoky. Wisacky, S C . October 27. If00 - li wns io tb* chape' br:?, wbicb had been cyst tastefully dre.-s^d for tte occasion with festoons of mos?, evergreeis and flowers, that, on the 21th ot October, a beautiful marriage ceremony was consummated, tbe Rev. Mr. Gaston, of Mosat Zion Church, officiating, the contracting parties being Sis. WEB Vi-. McCutthen and Miss Jennie Biyard Scott, daughter of Mr. Jos. C Scott. The groom, in conventional matrimonial sirb. with the attendants, entered from different quarters of tbe chapel to the soul inspiring straif.3of tbe organ. The bride was dressed in white organdie over white satin, tuile veil looped up with natural flow? ers, a picture of health and stately beauty a3 she stood under the doubJe arches whose flowers and evergreens intertwined amidst fleeces of lint cotton presented a miniature snow storm, wa3 co-signed by ber father to the hand3 of the groom. Tbe attendants were Mis3 Mamie Scott, maid of honor ; Misses Mamie Winn, Mary Chisholm G rege, Lizzie Porcher, Dais? Scott and Rose Cooper, with Messers Othello McCutchen, Edgar Scott, Albert Woods, Eugene McCutchen, Eogene Durant, Ed Mc? Cutchen and Jerome Wilson. The wedding ring waa ^be same that was worn by the brice's grandmother, Mrs. Leighton Wilsen, and has seen service under Africa's burning sun. It wss borne in tbs bridal procession by Master Marion Wilson, who was accompasied by little Miss Margue? rite Scott, the flower girl. These, with the lady attendants, were dressed in white tulle with pink sashes After the ceremony was over the bridal party and invited guests repaired to Mr. Scott's, where a reception was held till late in the night ii i ^mmmm An Approaching Marriage Cards ere out announcing the marriage of Mr. S. E. Davis, of B-rogdoo, aod Miss Lsila Holladay of Summerton. Eevival Meeting at the Magnolia street Church, A series of protracted metiogs was begun in the Magnolia Street Chnrch last Sunday night, and great interest was manifested. There w?s a goo? congregation present at the Magnolia Street Church Monday night attend? ing the revival 9ervice3 beicg conducted by the Rev W A. Kelly. At the conclusion of the serrxoo several persons knelt at the altar for prayer. At the request of many who could not otherwise attend the meeting, the boor of service, commencing tonight, will be 8 o'clock The public is invited to attend these ser? vices The Saotee Baptist Association will meet with the M:zpah Church, nine mile9 from Bi3Copvil?e, on orxt Thursday (tomorrow). Supt. Ede ands reports an enrollment up to date ia Washington Street school 434 pupils, an attendance greater oy 25 than any previous attendance at this time of the year. The hotels and transient bcardiog bouses are so crowded that a number of traveling men could not obtain accommodations last Wednesday night and Thursday. No other pills can equal DeWitt's Little Early Risers for promptness, certainty and efficiency J S Hoghson & Co. Capt. B. G. Pierson has sold the old Hul? bert brick yard tract of land to Mr. H J. Harby. It i? said that the consideration was $20 an acre This ?3 the season when mothers are alarm? ed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Core, which children like to take. J S Hngb3on & Co. The Daily Item will receive the full and ! latest election returns on the day after the election and will publish them that afternoon so toat the readers of Tbe Item will know the result. The best method of cleansing the liver is the use of tbe'famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little E*rly Risers. Easy to take. Never gripe. J S Hughson & Co. Arrangements have been made with the Western Doion Telegraph Co to ht?ve a spe? cial wire ruo into the Sumter Club, and on : tie night of the geceral election full bulle? tins from all tbe States will be received and Tead in the dance hall. Only club members aud their lady friends wiil be allowed in tbe club room3. Torturing skin eruptions, barns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the oest known cure for piles. Beware of worth? less counterfeits. J S Hughson ? Co. ?fce Natatorium bas been closed afier being o:?en about thirt3' days. It proved to be a fiua:.cial euccesSj the . eceipts exceeding ?200. i:. will Oe opened next spring and with the :.n:>'overoents that will be made during tte summer it ?hou'.d be more popular next sum ?ner than it was dur'iDg the few weeks it was open Feelings of safely pervade the household mat uses One Minute Cough Cure, the ?civ harmless remedy that produces immediate results It is infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles It wiil prevent consumption. J S Hoghson & Co * . The Western Union Telegraph Com? pany bad a force of linemen busy j for cetera] days last week putting up large poles on Maia street for the extension of ta? wires io the new office next door to the Post Office which will be occupied after Nov? ember let Sumter bas a new pape/, The Weekly ! Advocate, published cy the Advocate Pub- j listing Company. Jsaec W. Jenkins is edi- ? tor and James W. Manooey is managing edi- i tor. Tbe paper is published aod edited by colored men and it is well worthy of the sup? port of the people of their race. The final arrangements for the trip ot' the Sumter Light Infantry to Columbia were made i at me meeting Fr day night The company will go over on the 9 o'clock train Wednesday night and return Thursday night, thus giving the boys a night and day io the city. Be? tween 30 and 35 men now expect to go with the company. The dry kiln at Ry tienberg'e brick yard is now in operation and barring accidents to the machinery the plaot will be io oper! Beaumont, Tex*s.." There are many thousands of mothers whose j cru!dr.-n :>ive been 6?ved from attick* of j dysentery and cbolern infantum who must .Iso feel l hack io i h is for sale bv Dr A J China. ! DEATHS. Tbs infant daughter of Mr. L. D. Jennings i died last Wednesday night after a brief ill j nes3. i 1 ; Mr. Robert M Pitts died Thursday night in ' Columbia where he was taken about six ? weeks ago for special treatment. Hiscondi j rion was the result cf a general physical I break down and when be was taken to Columbi* a few weeks ago it was with ?'.nie I hope that bis life would be prolonged for many months. Tbe deceased was the eldest son of the late i Dr. J M. Puts and w&9 about 52 years old. He wa3 a well known and highly esteemed citizsn of Sumter County, and there are many to regret his sad end. He served one term in the House of Representatives-1890-92-and was not a candidate for re-election at the expiration of bis term The funeial services were held at his late residence, near Blanding's Mill, Saturday morning at ll o'clock. ROBERT W. DURANT. Mr R. W. Durant, one of Sumter's oldest and best known citizens, died last Thursday at 2.30 o'clock after a long illness. In the death of Mr. Robert W. Durant, Sumter br.s lost a citizen of whom any com? munity might well be proud. He was born near Lynchburg, and spent the 73 years of his life in his native county. There was no man more generally known or more highly ' respected Every impulse of bis bear; was good. His genial disposition and sterling { manliness won for bim a host of friends. I To know him was to love bim. For many years he was engaged io mercantile business I in this city and tn all transactions was honor? able, straight forward and reliable. His word was his sufficient bond Mr. Durant was modest and unassuming in manner, and never figured much in public life, though be Eerved the county as sheriff for one term. Here as in all other relations of life ha waa prompt and conscientious io discharging erery duty, and was a model officer. After seven years of sickness and suffering, deatn esme to relieve bim/of earthly trials. He leaves behind him a life worthy of emula? tion, while he enjoys the rest of a better j world. His funeral eervices were held in the first Methodist Church of which be had for many years been a consistent member and official. Two son9, Meesra. L. B. ard J. H. Durant, and three daughters, Mrs William Barrett. Mrs. Silas Mellett^and Mrs. Harriett Webb of Anderson, survive their father. His wife has been dead for several years The sympathy of the community ?3 with those who mourn his departure. IN MEMORIAM. KATE TEAM FLOWERS, wife of A. Gilbert Flowers, and youngest child of me late Capt Adam aod Jane E Team, was born at "The Hermitage" near ! amden, S C, Nov. 17th, 1872, and died at Sumter, S. C , Oct. 14tb, 1S00. Survived by her husband, Mr. A. Gilbert Ficwere, her mother, Mrs. Jane E. Team ; also, by two full sisters, Mrs. Jas. M. Reams and Mrs Waiter V. Cautben, and a half-sis j ter, Mrs. T. F. Boozer, and a half brother, Mr. Jno. J. Team, the earthly career of Kate i Flowers is ended. In early life, under the j ministry of Rer Henry M. Mood, she united i with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, i On Apni 28th, 1S92, at thc borne of ber ! mother,*near Rembert, S. C , she became the wife of A. Gilbert Flowers, of Sumter, S. C. .For more than eight years ber life has been knowe and read of all in the city where she died. j Lovely in person, pure in character, sincere j in friendship, gentle in nature, seif-sacrifictog in spirit and faithful in duty, Kate Flowers wa3 the embodimect of a true and beautiful Christian womanhood Ir W?S the privilege o? the writer to know ber intimately in the home, in the eocial circle and in the church. Living, she daily exemplified the power in human life of the religion she professed Dying, ber's was a complete and peaceful resignation to the will of God. Among ber last utterances was the declaration : "God is leading me by the band." Under the ministry of Rev. W. A. Kelly she placed ber membership in the Magnolia Street, M E. Church, South, of this city Seeking for, she obtained a deepening work of divine grace in ber heart From that hour Kate Flowers was wholly Christ's. Soe rose above mere denominational lines, and, 1 wherever opportunity presented itself, or wherever duty called, she worked and loved and sacrificed, under the mighty inspiration, j that *11 mankisd were tbe children cf a com- ? mon Father. By nature, qualified to reign as a queen in society, Kate Flowars disdained tbe allure? ments of this world, and counted teem bu; loss for the excellency cf tbe knowledge of Jesus Christ. It wss in eye3 of tbes? blinded by sin that she was beautiful, in tbe fiparts and homes cf the poor, the sufi.-.'iing and the sorrowing that she was loved ; iu the hvts j of the sinlui cr>d outcast that e':e reigiisd as i a queen of righteousness. ID tbe memory of j those who knew ber cest and loved her mo3t, j ber epitaph shall ever be "She weet about j doing good " To those who witnessed her last hour3 on | earth no morbid fe*rs of death c*n com??, for j she ;'fell cn sleep" m tee perfect insurance j that sbe wouid e waken in the image and ?ike? j ness of Him unto ?bom she had committed i her body and spirit. To them, see is r.ot j dead, but alive fur evermore. "Calm on the bo.=om of thy God. Fair spirit, rr-st thee now ? E'en wbJie with us toy footsteps trod, His s ui was on *.hy brow." "Lone are thc paths, aid sud the bower?, Whence thy meek smile is gur.e ; But 0, a brighter home than ours. In beaven is new thu.e owe." Wr deck-thy form of earth and clay, With fijwers of tenderest love ; BUT, clad io robes of life divine, Thy spirit is now above. A FKIFNP. A Feeble Expression of Gratitude ? Mr. Editor : Will you be kind enough to ! your wounded correspondent to let me use your paper for once in grateful ackoowledg- j ment of the kindness rtor.e, ?be sweet words aod prayers of those who came to us, aod the j dozens of sympathizing, comforting and edi- j fyiug 'letters received from friends far and oear ? We never knew what sympathy meant uni? we laid our Dora away in the si'ent grave-yaH. Now we can truly sympathize with Mr. Gilbert Flowers, Mrs. Team ana family when they, too, had to lay in the peaceful gr?ve their darling Kate Mourning will p!?ss away, bur memory will ever cheer ish this love ?od kindness. Mr. and Mrs. M. J Micbau and Family. I Sumter Herald olease copy. Tho Secorjd Baptist Churcb. Sumter will hive :i second flutist Church ; within ti few ni*.nih?, ? lot bovine bern pur- | . based wr:f1 lunger ordered for the imm?diate j Construction of me church building Those ; wb.i b.we the ruait-r in charge hove been actively at work, h^enll the plans rnarir-and tbe : ew church wtil soon be ready lor th" i c^r.gngitton. The church will he built on I the corner of Sumter and Bartlett Street?, i It will be a neat frame building, abont 36x48 j and will-be both comfortable and sufficiently i large to accommod?t? the new congregation. ' Neither the sew6rage question nor the cir? culation of a petition ;o order an elecnon were mentioned at the council meeting last Wedocsday night. It is well to know that Dewitt's ;W:.:ch Hazel Salve will beal a burn and stop the paie at once. Il will c?ire eczema and skin j diseases ao? ugiy wound:-?md sores. It is a J certain cure for pil?s Counterfeits a-ay be ; offered you ive that yon get tho original i DvWitt'a Witch KnZi! Sa;ve J S Bngbsor. , k Co. Louis lirowo, the murderer of Singiftou j Le^ellen, has-not heen captured. Hnd by macy j persons H is believed 'tu: the Governor should bc asked to offer r. t eward for bis arrest. - -tm ?? ? >w Dr. Cady'a Condition powder? rc just what a ho rse needs when in bad con j ditton. Tcnic, blood purifier and vermifuge They aro not food but medicine, and tte best to use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. For sale by Dr A. J China D?c 20-o Wicdow Glass, ali s:zea, also Putty, for sale at DoRant's Bardware Store. by the Quart. Every bottle you take of Johnston's Sarsaparilla means better health, and every bottle contains a full quart. It makes better blood-purer blood. For thirty years this famous remedy has been creating and ruain tainin-.: jrood health. Johnston's Sarsaparilla builds up the system, tortes the nerves, and strengthens the muscles more promptly and effectually than any other remedy known. The pallor of the cheek disappears, enerby takes the place o' languor, and the rich color of health flows to thc cheeks. Unequalled for all disorders of the stomach and liver, and for all weakening com? plaints o? men, women and children. Sold PTprjwhtrf. Price, 81.00 per fall ?oart bot Ur. MICHIGAN DRUG CO., - Detroit, flieh. J S. H?GHS0N & CO. Sumter.S.C WANTED-Dogwood, Persimmon and WaUut Legs in carload lots. For pricee. kc , addrese, Tbo3. Childs, Sumter, SC' Oct 24-41* Estate of Rich'd R. Singleton^ DECEASED. ALL P2BS0NS havisg claims against aforesaid Estate, will present same duly attested, aod all persons in anyway indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment to ilies ANNIE E. SINGLETON, Oct. 24-3t Qualified Adm.i. THE . Standard Warehouse Co., Columbia, S. C. Cotton Capacity, 20,000 bales. Storage aod iosuraoce 15 cfs. per bale per mooth, or fraction thereof. Special rates on large lota. Lib?rai advances at low rate of iDter est on cotton stored with us. Write to EDWIN W. ROBERTSON, Sec, or H. L ELLIOTT, Mgr. Sept 19-3m FARMS FOR SALE. HAVE MANY FINS FARMS IN ff this and other sections, owned bj sev? eral hirce Mortgage Companies, who de.'ir* to make quick sale of <*1! rfa! estate on hand. THESE FARMS WILL BE SOL7) REGARD? LESS OF COST, and this is the best charce ever r.tfere? to s?cu e a HOME AS A LOW PRICE AND ON EASY PAYMENTS Write for primed lift at orce, and buy be ?ore we rent fer audaer year TITLES ABSOLUTELY PERFECT ALEXANDER & JOHNSON, 705 Broad 3'.-ret, Augusta, Ga Oe: 31 State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER. By T. V Walsh, Esq., Probate Judge. TT7HEREAS, ROBERT A. CHANDLER, ff made snit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of sud effects of Mrs Sarah H Chandler, dej^s.d These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred anti creditors of thesaid Mrs Sare.b H Chandler, l.t ofs?id County and State, deceased, that th-y be and appear before me, in the Court of Pror.ate, to be held at Sumter, C. H , ou Novemher ! 15th, 1900, u*zt, after publication thereof, ! at ll o'clock io tbe forenoon to ?how c^ase, if anv ?bev hare, why trie said Administra? tion should not be granted. tjfven under my hand, this 21?t day of October, A.D.. lbOO THOS V WALSH. Judge of Probate Oct 31, 1900 The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER. By T. V. Walsh, Esq, Probate Judge. TXT H ERE A S, WM. W WINKLES, trade f V suit lo me to grant bira Letters bf Ad? ministration of the Ei't.-ite cf and effects) of L D. WINKLES, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular rb;* kindred and creditors of thesaid L !) Winkle?, iMe, cl -lid County j and State, deceased, ?hat they be and appear before rae i?; th* Court of Prohatp, | to be h?dd at Sumter C H , on November 15th, : 1900, nexr, nf ter publication thereof, at 1 1 o'clock in tbe forenoon, 'o show cause, it < arty tbey hare, why th- s.?id Administrai on i should no; f:<- granted. (?ivea unJer roy band . b'S 3?St day of j October, A. I) , 19(iu TIIO-S V WALSH, Judge ot" Probate. Oct 31- 2t SES TEE 1TE*W TEE J. 2. SEIET WAISTS STB-?JCrET FSONT "STE EAVE FOR YOU ERECT FORK TEIS WEEK CORSET $1.00 SOC OT JUST TR7 TEEM CHWARTZS, THE DRESS OOOOS STORE OF SUMTER A Congress of Bress Goods. The Whole Store Bubbling Over With the Inspirations of the Highest Attainable Beauty. ANOTHER MUSTER OF SPECIALS. Mm of WslaMfi fmnm in fte Choicest WearsMes of lie flay. WATCH OUR ADS. THEY SAYE YOU MONEY. 10 pcs. New Fancy Double Fold Covert Cloth. AS A LEADER, 10c 25 pcs. Double Width Dress Goods, all-wool filling, AS A LEADER, 12k. 10 pcs. Fancy Fleece Flannel, 36-inch, (imitation of the French ) Regular loc. AS A LEADER, 12k. 30 pcs. 38-in. Fancy Dress Goods. The regular 25c. kinds, but AS A LEADER, 19c. Calicoes. Your choice from our entire stock, Best Calicoes, New Patterns, in Reds and Royals, just in 5c. 5c. 5c. 5c. 5c* 5c. You Know our Black Dress Goods : Here is one for you. 15 pcs. 38 io in Fancy Blacks, all pore wool, greet value at regular price, 50c? but just 36 a leader these wili be on azU at 42c. 20 dcz. hemmed Hnc? Towri.*, 18x36. worth 15o, bat as a leader we say Ile, 25 doz same as above, ODO size srnaiier. ar. 9o 15 rolls of Matfiog, ali new patterns, ju=t received. White Quilts, hemmed, 59c , 83a aod 98c , three leaders, sure. The above prices during the conMnuarioo of the ad only. Several New Numbers in doak? just m. New Fur Collaretts and Pellerines, More Tailor Suits for your choosing, come Yokes and Collara, a matchless gathering, before thc &izes are broken, We hare the Cloaks ::o fit, from the icfant'up $5 CO and up -A great gathering, sure. SCHOOL SHOES. We call your attention to this line we offer at $1.00. They are wearer?, we guarantee theta. Schwartz Bros., Sumter's Fashion Emporium, Dry Goods Leaders. Oe* 30 s WEDDING GIFTS? In Fine China, Bric-a-brac, Bronze, Clocks', American Cut Glass, Mirror Plateaux, Sterling Silver and Fine Plated Ware, etc. Showing finest line of Goods ever exhibited in Sumter. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. Ee A. B?LTJMAJ*, Jeweler and Watchmaker, MAIN STREET. Oct 31 PIERSON'S FEED ?ND SALI STABLE Opened October, 1st, 1900, With a car load of fine Mules and Horses. When visiting Sumter have your stock fed and cared for by us. If you are purchasing stock cali, see and price us before buying, and may save money. Pierson's Feed and Sale Stable, Earvin Street, near Liberty Street, oct i5im _Sumter. S. O. -----nnr" -?-- M--i I I III -CT-MB-MM?WMM Some Special Bargains AO if ITI?S Starch, best crade, af 3?p per lb. Smok;d Dried Herrings, 23c per b;x. New backer-"!, 14 ?oed ?sh ic kit 90c Fnocy ft ii cream Chees?, 22 to 24 ins tech, nt 13." ;e: lb. B-st fancy Klein Cre-ur>ery 3utter, 60 lb tubs at 24c ter !b A merion Sirdines-new pack -S3 8> per case if 0 cans. IC cz Tatt * 1er Frua Jeliy, 3 des .) Ci-.se, 7.'e per doz S ib sr*od Tomares, 2 dcz in o?e, 90: doz 2 lb stand. Toxatoea, 2 dcz in case, 70c doa. bii.i bottle?, assorted Pickle?, 2 dcz in c*se, 75c dcz ? ir* c*t?* Gove Oystp s, full weight, 2 -uid 4 doz ir. case, ?0c dcz 2-1:? c-iitii laocy Maire fja( kad Sugur Corn $1 20 a doz. 2-ib cafs fancy N Y S;ate packed Sugar Corn SI a dcz. CRACKERS. Lemons !*?e, Nie Nae* 5Ac uer io. Gir-izer Soaps 5c, Soda Cr. 5c per lb. Sugar Cr 6J, Fancy .Mixed 63c per lb. Cr??m Lunch B.?cuit?, 7c per lb Oatfhkes 2-!b packages, 90c doz FLOUR. Best fancy patent, $4 35 bbl Best bsif patent, 4.10 bbl Best ctraigbt, 3 85 bbl Boat family, 3 25 bbl Snit 100 lbs, 57c bag MEAL, GRITS. BACON AND LARD AT LOWEST PRICES. Cigars, Cheroots, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Diamond T Cip*r. bf-?t 5c seller ar $35 ?=er I,COO. Succe?i, not f "eMer, $35 per 1,000. E L Royal Ci^sr, ?rood S(coke;$25 per 1,000 Trv our Lr?cer, S?0 ZO per 1,000. 60cbox Old Virginia Cheroots, $3 15 per ticx of 2:o Cheroots, 3 tor bc. O d Glor? Cheroots $i.90 uer not cf 200 Cheroots World's R.-st Cheroots $3 2 . per bes of 250 Cheroot? 3 fer 5c. Duke's (Uan-.rVff $3.90 per 1.000. C*co Cigarrit:? Si 65 per [ 00i:. A. BIG SUPPLY OF rOBAGCO, nam?lr, Schleps. Early Bird, R J R. Mable, L*Ua lu;ohk, Li; I ie Fancy, Red Eve ned- virions orber kines-prices ranging from 25c, 35c and 45c per lb Big Drives in Soap. OCTAGON, . VICTORY. TIP TOP, ELECTRIC, IMPERIAL, c-hoe Blacking, 'Ink, Bloting,