The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, October 24, 1900, Image 5

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...= ?_i_. _ WEDNESDAY, O T 24,1900 Entered, ai ike fost Office at Sumter. S {?.. as Second CI aa Af tit er. NEW ADVERTIS5I?SNT3. C W. Kingmen-For Sale Pena Petrolatum Co ~Wanted. J. Rvuenberg & ?cus-Spec?ii Offerings for tbe'Week. Tbos. Childs-Dogwood, Psrs'.rsmon and Walnut Wanted. Estate of Rickard R. Singleton-Notice to Deb:or9 and Creditots Pierson's Feed and Sale Stables-Car Load of Mules and Horses. PERSONAL. Dr. B. M. Badger was tn the cit? Saturday. Mr. A. G. Flowers is spending pometirae at Rem bert. Miss 'Juli? Frcrsoo. of Stateburg is visit? ing Mrs N G. Osteeu. Maj. Tbeo.Dehon, of the News and Cour? ier spent Saturday io town. Mr A C Scarborough, of Summerton, ' was in Tte city Saturday. Miss Nannie Black, of Memphis, Tenn., is visiting Mrs. N. G. Osteen. Mrs. W. H. Z?rap and daughter, of Caca r?en, were in the city Saturday shcppiog. Mrs. J. J. Ragin. of Augusta, Ga , was visiting relatives in the city last week. Miss May Wilson, of Manning, is ic the city. Mr. R. F. E?persoc, of Pinewood, 6pent Monday io the city. Mr. Henry Spaao is io the city for a few days stay. Rev. J. H. Thacker, of Oswego, was iu the z\ty Thursday. Col. John H. Earle, of Greenville, is in the city on business. Mr W. D Barrett, of Camden, spent Sun? day io the city. Miss Katie Reid has returned home from visiting ber aunt io New York. Mr. William Brearley, of Wisacky spent .Friday ia the city. r. Mr. and Mrs J R Clack are visiting Mr. sud Mrs. C. G. Rowland Mrs W. B. Burns went to Camden Friday thorning where she spent a few days. Mr. and Mrs J. M Koight sailed from Charleston last Thursday for New York. Mr. J. Stuart Booth, who was at home for a few days, rete med to Washington Thurs? day. Miss Dolce Moise left for New York Wednesday. Sae wili be gone several months. Mias Mary Rowe, of BennettsTille, baa taken a position with the Sumter Dry Goods --Company Mr. J. L. K'rby, of Shiloh, was io the city last week on bis way to Atlanta, Ga , where he will spend a while with relatives. Miss iiOuanna Brown, of this county, has stoved to Timmcnsville and taken charge of :he Berger Hotel. Messrs. Walter L. and W. W. Dick, Jr., were in the city on their way from Asheville, N. C., to Charleston last Saturday. M tes Gussie Folsom has returned to the city after a several weeks' visit to Charleston and the Isle of Palms Capt. and Mrs. A. P. Vinson went down to Charleston Tuesday of last week to attend the marriage of their youngest son, Mr. Rob? ert Vinson Rev. Y. von A. Riser and Mrs. B. W. A 3ultman went to Columbia Monday morning to attend the Lutheran Missionary Conven? tion and Synod which meets in that city tnis week. Mr. A B. Stuckey returned from Manning yesterday morning where be bad been on business. Mrs William Brearley and daughter, of Wisacky spent last week m the city with tbe -family of Mr. W. H. Scott. Mr B. Mord Smith bas returned from a short visit to bi3 home in Colletoo County and is again io charge of the Prescripion Department at tbs Drag Store J. S. Hogbson A Co. At night ne can be found at the resi? dence of Mr. W. J. Anderson near the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Eddie Jenkins, of tbis city, spent Sun? day and Mo?day in Camden. Miss Hinda Manheim bas gone to visit her brother and friends m Atlanta, GA. Capt. R M. Aman passed through the city Monday eight on his way to Atlante, Ga. Miss Lucy C. Singleton, C. S. of Wedge 5eid returned home Tuesday from a \*-> weeks stay in Charleston, with tte Secocd Reader of the First Church of Christ, Sciec :;st, cf that city. Mrs. Flowers, whose death was announced in our last issue, also leaves a half brother, J. J. Team of Bishopville S. C. Mr. A.B. Cargile, editor of tbs Present Truth, a religious weekly recently removed from Colemans, Saluda Couuty, to Lamar, was in the city today. Tb? tbird quarterly conference M. E. Church, South, was held at 8 o'clock jester day evening at the parsonage. Turkeys are seid to be scarce this year and some people may have to eat Thanksgiving dinner without turkey on the bill of fare. The walls of Crosswell <fc Co's , large brick warehouse are going np rapidly and tbe building is expected to be completed and ready for occupancy by January 1st. A negro railroad hand fell off a crank car on the Northwestern R R. near the crossing on tb? Stateburg road Saturday and was seriously burt by the car runniog over bim. The work of teariog down the Jervey House is prozressiog, and the foundations for the new hotel building will be laid within a short time. It is hoped that the new hotel will be opened on Christmas. Cotton seed bulls bave advanced in price -521:1 it bas become a question ss to tbe com? parative economy of feeding bulls or bay to cattle. The residents of upper Church Street will ?gk council to nave the water mains extended up that street so as to give them the same protection against fire enjoyed by cher sections of the city, This is the season wheo mothers are alarm? ed'on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Care, which children like to take. J S Hogbson & Co. John Dawsey, a soo of Mr W. J. Dawsey, waa found Wednesday io a demented c?ndi? los, wandering on the railroad track some distance from the city and was captured by Policeman BarwicK and b-ougbt back to :own Feelings of safety pervade the household tbat uses One Minute Cough Cur?, the^r-iy harmless remedy that produces immediate results It is infallible for coughs, cold3, croup and all throat and lace, troubles. It will nrevect consumption. J S Hnghion k Go. I Rev. Al t?? P W?SGD ...i1-'. Viiss T;zie, i ?-ia?hv?r of Sr -.nd "rs J Oliver Durant, : -ve:!- married io tb? Bi? opviHe Baptist . C Surch CO i*->t Wedr-i-.-i? ?y -vening, Dr. C. C ! K-ovi- of rbis c;;y p?r? .rr..-ir-g :ue ceremony. I" tb?? .. srtii;.-* ;he brida! t^rty aod a ; number of friends '?P'? emeriaioi'd at a rs j ception t.t tn:* borne of tbe nride's paren:?. An Approaching Marriage. i - ! Cards are oct for the carriage of Vis? Jane j Bayttrd Scott to Mr Wea WiUon VcCutrnen j Miss Scott is tb? poruiar daughter of Mr. i Jos. 0. Scott of Wisnck?. B&ATH. j Mr. L. D. Winkles died at bis home a Tew j miles from town, last Wednesdy night from ! paralysis, with which he was stricken on j Sunday before. He was 61 years old, and i leaves a family. The funeral was be at Prov j idence Baptist Church in Privateer at 12 o'clock Friday Death of an Infant. Charlie, the infant son of Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Richards, of Mecbaoicsville, died Moo day night, aged 14 months. The remains were brought to tbii city for interment The burial services were held at tbe cemetery at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Rt. Rev Ellison Capers, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of South Caroline will visit St. phi,:-V-> church, Bradford Springs cn Sunday mo. -? Nov 2lib. Tbe same evening be wili visit the Church of tbe Holy Comforter, Sumter, and on Tuesday Nov. 13th, hs will visit St. Matthias Church, Summerton. The rite of confirmation will be administered at each of these visitations Miss McDonald's opening yesterday was pronounced charming, lovely, sweet, etc, by the feminine visitors, and to the males who ventured to attend it was a cbanniag and handsome display. Besides quite a cum? ber of latest style frcm northern fashion eentres, Miss McDonald bas several handsome Paris bats. Her place was crowded all day and a fine business was done, as she bad buy? ers es well as lookers. Her ?tore ?3 arranged in artistic style and it is worth making a visit to see it. Annual Settlement Made. Comptroller General J P. Derbara was ic the city jesterday for the pnrpoee of making the anneal settlement for tbe fiscal year 1899 wi;b Auditor Wilder. Mr Wilder has been ready for the aettlemeot for several weeks aod bad bi3 books aod balance sheet:? all ready for examination, and the Comptroller Ganeral checked over bis books and completed the settlement ic an hour and a half. He found the hooks in fine shape and tbe settle? ment wa3 thoroughly satisfactory m every way Kc complimented Auditor Wilder on -be fine sbowiog be mads and on the neat? ness and correctness of bis bocks Tbe etewards of tne Oawego circuit are requested to meet at Bethel Church at ll o'clock on Tuesday, Nov. 13th, for the pur? pose of paying up the preacher'* salary. iMr. J. D. Evans, of Spring Hill waa in lown Thursday with a load of tobacco-aboo; 800 pounds-wbicb be soid at the Sumter ware? house. He was highly pleased with the re suit, as he realized over 8 cents per pound after payiog all wa.-ebonsecharges, noibwith? standing bis tobacco was not graded. It is well to know that Dewitt's Witcb Hazel Sai ve will heal a burn and stop the pain at once. It will core eczema and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. I : is a certaio cure for piles. Counterfeits may be offered you. See tbat you get the original Dewitt's Witcb Hszel Salve J S Hugbsoo k Co. We are glad to see that tbe pastors of tbe churches are throwing their influence in favor of ktepmg up the plan of Saturday night closing at 10 o'clock. It ts too good a tbiog to be lost by a fev. bouses falling out of line, and it ?9 boped tbat our business hooae? will j stand firm and keep tbe line closed np. The firot frost of this season was seen in i several parts of the county Thur: day morning. \Yhi:e light, not enough *o injure vegetation, it was very precepnble. Most of tne farmers are anxious to see a good frost, as it would stop the growth of cotton that is exhausting i the soil to no purpese except to give an ex ! cuse Tor speculators to bear the market. . I Dr. H. W. Lewis, Lawrenceville, Va., ? writes, "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in i my practice among severe cases of indigestion ?Dd find it an admirable remeiy." Many I hundreds of physicians depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Core in stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, and allows you to eat ali the good rood you need, providing voa do not overload your stomach. Gives instant re'ief and a permanent cure. J S Hugb3on k Co. Some people thought Thursday that the ci:y authorities had begun excavating to put macadam oo Main street at tbe Liberty Street crossing; but it proved to bes?me (biog else. Tbe old fire well that baa beeo there for many years, arched over with brick masonry, was tboogbt to be stoking, aod it bad beeo decided to dig out the brick work aad 611 io tbe well solidly. Do not get scared if your heart troubles you Most likely you euffer from indiges? tion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and gives the woro out stomach per? fect rest It is the ooly preparation known tbat completely digests all classes of foods; tbat ts why it cure3 the worst cases of in? digestion and stomach trouble after every? thing el*e has failed. It may be taken io all condi'ioaa and cansot be:p but do you good J S Hugbson k Co. Tbe automonile, advertised as one of ihe attractions of tbe minstrel petade, was out on the sireet last Thursday. It waa the first ever io this city, an.l cf course, was watched and admired oy all on ?hs streets through which it passed. It beac*rl the proces-noo that afternoon and was surrounded by the collection ibat on other occu?iooe goes with tbe hand aod .be ponies. Policeman Berwick foon'i a fox wandering around Main Strf-et, oeer the corner of Litier t7, at 5 o'ciock Satarday rr-or-iinp, .ind with the assistance of a couple of bird d ga chased it up Main street ?o the Ct-tirt Hou?e ?qu-?re ?ber? it disiHnred tbe dos? rtni- escaped. Kori Hot From the Gun Was ihe b:ill tbai hit <?. li- Steadman,-of Se?i':irk, Mich., in the Civil Uar. lt caused hoi rib!*? Ulcers thu*, no treatment helped for 2v ve;?.?. Then Buckien's A-pica SH!ve cored him. Cure? Cut*. Bruises, Burn*. Boils, Fel ona, Corn?, Skio Eruptions. Be?t Pile cure on earth. 25 et*, a box. Cure guaranteed, j Sold by J. F. W. DeLorme, Druggist. 3 j A Negro Killed. Closer .'?OE?* summoned Saturday to bosd an i-q<:esr jr. -i:;-> Concord aeicb borhood Thf u:'. y ?r.cs concerning ?he case thst h.ITO been rc-ccm J sire tb*: two negroes living on 'hiv liane Brunson's piace were playirg with i pisto! and tfctt it was dis? charged killing one os~ thea. ^1-m Km Lew. o. Uied From Wound In .tcted by Louis Brown. Single'co Leweller., tbe negro who vns shot through th1 abdomen <"n Monday afternoon loth by Louis Brov;n while eogaged in a gambling game in a negro house near the depot, died at the Bik . Dick iu?rmary Sun? day afternoon. An inquest was he'd by Coroner Moses immediately after Lewellen died. The verdict wes that the said Single tea Lewellen esme to bis dtath from a pistol shot wound cted by one Louis Brown. Chief of Police Bradford has made every effort to capture Brown, but without result He bas furnished the police of all other towns and cities in this section of the State with a description of Brown, with instructions to j arrest and hold bim if he is found On Saturday Chief Bradford was notified by wire that Louis Brown, of Packsville, bad been arrested in Manning and would be held until an officer was sent for bim. Cfficer Smith was eeot to Manning Saturday night for the prisoner but be found on arrival that the wrong maa had been arrested. The Man ning polie: bad arrested a mulatto instead of negro as called for in the description furnish i ed tbena. The Veteran Item Carrier Resigns. Huger Lynam, who bas been an Item carrier boy for the past four years, gave up his position on last Saturday in order that be might have nore time to devote to his studies. We regret to part with him, and the sub? scribers on the route be has carried so long will doubtless miss his familiar face. He bas been with the paper longer than any carrier boy we have ever empioyed and bis services have always been satisfactory. He has been faithful, prompt and reliable in every respect and if it be true tbat tbe boy is father of the man, Hager Lynam will grow up to bea mau of worth aod character. He ba3 collect? ed several thousand dollars daring the time be wes in the employ of this paper and bis balance sheet was always clear and correct. As we have said, we part with him with regret, for it is difficult to replace a noy m whom one bas mtire confidence, one whose word is as good as a bood -Daily Item, 22d. wm* Window Glass, all stzas, also Putty, for sale at DuRaot's Hardware Store. - ? m twmwm Upholding the IO O'clock Closing on Saturday Ni? ht In the interest of many who are concerned, but especially in the interest of the clerks, who cannot well attend the services of the chumbes on Sunday if kept at work until after cidoigbt on Saturday, we respectfully beseech ali the Sumter merchants to close their stores promptly at 10 o'clock on Saiur day night. If all agree to this, no one of them can be a loser. If one refuses, all must do likewise. We are glad that so large a proportion of the merchants are now ebidtcg by the rule for 10 o'clock closing ; and we are confident that we are seeking the public good when we ?sk all to adhere to the same rule. C. C. Brown. Pastor Baptist Church. Wm. Aiken Kelly. Pastor, Magnolia Street M. E. Church, South J. I. Ayers, Baptist Pastor. H. H. Covington, Rector Church of Holy Comforter Y Von A Ri6er, Lutheran Church. Thos J. Clyde, P E Sumter District. N. W. Edmunds, Pastor Presbyterian Church. J. A. Clifton, Pastor First Methodist Church. All sizes of Window Glass frnd best Putty for sale at DuRant's Hardware Store Native R. P. Seed Uats at Graham's sta? ble Oct 17 Go to Graham for fine harness Hnrse3. Oct 17 . The Galveston Relief Fund. The following acknowledgement has been received frcm Gov Sayres of Texas Executive Office, State of Texas. Austin, Oct 17, 190D. Mr. H. G. Osteec, Sumter, S C. Dear Sir : I am directed by tue GoverHor to acknowledge trie receipt of your favor of the 28:h u:timo, enclosing remittance for $89 15, for tbs n-lief cf the storm stricken peopls of the Ttxas Coast, aod to express to you and the generous donors bis sincere thanks. Yours truly, N. A. Cravens. Private Secretary. The money contribute! for the relief of the Texas storm sufferers, through The Daily Item, by'.ti? people ot 'hie city and county amounts ia all to ?382.ZO as foilows : Cesb on Hand. Previously acknowledged, 3 00 Cash, 2 00 Hotel Marion and guests, 4 00 Cash, 3 Oe Forwarded to Galveston, Forwarded to Gov. Sayres, Total, 512 CO 281 35 S9 15 $382 50 You can get the best grade Buggies acd Carriages from Graham. Uct 17 Meteorological Kecor?, The following is a report of observations of the weather taken at Stateburg, by Dr. W. W Anderson, for the 21 days ending Oct. 21, 1900 : Temperature. li 2 3, 4' 5: 6 j. o 10 Ml 12 !:' 14 lb\ 16| nj 18i isl 20l 2l! 53 . y ^Condition, 87 S4 87 83 8S 83 89 88 G9 <? o i *. 69 69 ?53 78 78 7 9 71 75 79 71 ?0 65 63 71 70 70 69 63 69 CO 53 50 ?3 56 K.5 54 55 54 41 &3 50 54 76 i 79 i 76.r ! 79 ; 78 5 73.5 ^ 78.5 64 fj 62 5 69. f : 61 j .'.9 5; 66 ; ' 66 67 62 I f8. 6'< ' 60 5 E E E K E E SK E-Vi. ENE EN S K NE I ESK S i SE ?a! sw-Vf ; K ! W-Vf B ; E K ' 00 .21 15 33 .06 .00 .CO 22 00 .00 05 .GI 02 O:? 00 00 00 .00 co .03 00 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ('loud v ?Cloudy ?Cloudy .JJondy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy douay Clear ?'lea r .Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloud v Cloudy ?Partly cloudy There r>i>> b?*e ; too iiit r be?p on gardens m:ith as ya pi'ur down abundantly dun or two, and s:art up 4 n(:o doubt a killing fr..s; will blast the housekeepers' boue aio ; hie t:;on: h to and should it rg tho vvz' Wfck rous growth, no come along and COTJ3S CIL M ESTING. There wns s j >ir;t session of City Council J ?nd she Boara ci Health at 7 o'clock last i Wednesday ?J ig ht I Present, Ma?or Stuckey, A??Vrm^o Bm !e, i Ch-\2Gi--, W. H Epperson, rino and R>w I land, D.-s M. H. "Starkey and S. C Biker : anti Health Officer Reardon Tte Mayor s?a*cd tua; :ha turpcse of th? ; Lieeii.v; was tc consider complaints against ! citizens for discharging kucr.?-r: slops, c >'h j waler and ctlu-r refuse oat i-r into toe i-'reet j drains through pipes concocted with '.leif i premise-) This matter heing orougbt up by reason of charges made ai last council rocc-t ing again;;! Dr. C C Brown . Dr. Baker stated thai Dr. Brown was mis? taken in h'.s declaration teat ther? was ?nv rule or ordinance which forbids him to empty slops upon his premises ; that any person might do this witb impunity, so that there was no cesspool or nuisance created that would bc likely to produce sickness. The question was discussed at length, and a letter was read from Dr. J. C. Spann, bear? ing upon the surjact. The gecerftl opinion wes that all pipe con? nections with drains are possible sources o danger and should not be allowed. A resolution offered by Messrs Bovie and Chandler was adopted as follows : Resolved, that all connections of water and sewer pipes, witb city drains shall be discontinued, and if shall be the duty cf the Health Cfficer to see that this resolution is strictly eoforced. Then followed a debate on th8 surj?ct cf a swerage system, and on notion of Air. Fion the Mayor was requested to call a meeting of citizens in the Opera House at 8 o'clock Tues? day evening of next week to determine whether or not a petition shall be made to Couucil calling for an election upon the question cf isfuiog bonds to build such sys? tem Attention was called to an announcement printed on a programme which was circulat? ed at the Opera House on the 15tb inst, to the effect that with the production of the Prisoner cf Z;nda on the 25tb inst, the sea? son would close. TheCletkwas directed to publish a denial of that statement Council then adjourned. Window Glass, ail sizes, also Putty, for sale at DnRant's Hardware Store. The election is near at hand and every voter should look up bis registration certi? ficate and be prepared to vote - It is im? portant that a full vote be polled this year. For good farm Moles go to 'Grabas'.? stable. Oct 17 GOOD HEALTH by the Quart. Every bottle you take of Johnston's Sarsaparilla- moans better health, and every bottle contains a full quart. It makes better blood-purer blood. For thirty years this famous remedy has been creating and main? taining good health. Johnston's Sarsaparilla builds up the system, tones the j5 . '-Vtf nerves, and strengthens the muscles more promptly and effectually than any other remedy known. The pallor of the ? cheek disappears, energy takes the place o' languor, and the rich color of health flows to the checks. Unequalled for all disorders of the stomach and liver, and for all weakening com? plaints of men, women and children. Sold eTrrrwbf re. Price, Si.00 pf r foll qnirt bottle. MICHIGAN DRUG CO., - Detroit, flieh. J S. HUGHSCW & CO. Somter.S.C. FOR SALE-Raving determined to leave Sumter I will sell cheap a few articles of furniture, one mule, one horse, road cart and carriage. 0. W. Kinsman Oct 24-lt* WANTED-Local or traveling s-ilesmao to sell our Oil. Greases, Pa*nts, White Lead, Petrolatum, on commi;3ico or salary exclusively, or ?13 a side "line Penn Petrola? tum Co . Oil Refiners, Coraopoiis, Pa. Oct 24-lt* TENTED-Dogwood, Persimmon md Walsut Logs in cnrioid lots. For prices, &; , address, Tho3. Childs, Sumter, S C Oct 24-41* Estate of Rich'd R. Singleton, DECEASED. ALL PEFSONS having claims agaics'. aforesaid Estate, will present ssme duly attested, and ail parsons in anyway indebted to said Estaie will make imm?diat? payment to ' Miss ANNIE E. SINGLETON, Ort 24-3.' Qualified Admx. NOTICE. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED at my office for making a separate General Iodex for deeds and mortgages recoided in the Clerk's office for Sumter County, S. C , for the period since tbe "-Rbame Index." Tbis period ex? tends from the year U86 to Dec. 31, 1900 Tbe right is reserved to rfjpct ar.y and all bids. Ao outline of the work to be done can be found at my office, and will be shown on application Any persons having already put in bids may, if ttiey de*ire, withdraw such bids and put in others. Bids will be received up to Tuesday, November 6, 19C0. By order of the Board THOS. V WALSH, Clerk Couuty Board Com'rs Sumter County. Sept. 2?, 1900. . ' THE I Standard Warehouse Co., i Columbia, S, C. Cotton Capacity, 20,000 bales. _ ! i tSror?^e aed in?urancn l? o's. p^r i bale per rnoLih, cr fraetii-? thereof. ! Special rates on large lots Liberal advances at low rate of inter? est on cotton stored wirb ur?. Write to KD WIN W. ROBERTSON, Sec, * or H L ELLIOTT, Mgr. THE SUCCESS OF OUR LAST greater than We have the confidence of the people, and they know that our advertisements are the truth, pure and simple. Our motto to advertise only that which we have, is an established fact. Specials we advertise are as we represent them to be at all times- A call on us when in need of any of the many lines we carry will be a convincer once for all that we are the real money savers to you. Below are a few specials we place before you for this week's offerings : Just in-Two new lots cf ladies7 rainy day skirts. As they are very desirable just at this time we think the prices placed on them will bring you in to look and then to buy. Our $5 00 Skirts $4 87 Our $3 50 Skirts $2 89 Just in-A special lot of fancy wrool mixture, elegant for childrens' school dresses, which are greatly in demand just now. To make you better acquainted with our dress goods depart? ment the price will be 23c. The value 7c a yard more. Just in-Another lot of children's ribbed hose. The good kind. The kind we have been selling for years, always a 10c stocking. Just so you can lay in a supply the price will be 3 pairs for 25c. Just in-Twenty-five mercerized underskirts. Black, Cerise, Dark Heliotrope. Our regular $2 75 skirt, and well worth the price. This week the price will be $2 19. Just in-A small lot only of Dotted Swiss Curtains, ruffle edge. Intended for $1 85 retailing. This week price while they last $1 59. Just in-A snfall lot of children's wool reefers, tan antf grey, 4 and 6 years only. Regular $1 50 value. For this week $119. Just in-Our second lot of children's school shoes - for boys and girls at $1 and $1 25. They are crack-a-jacks. Just in-Ten doz Men's Black Alpines, all sizes in this lot. Would make fast selling at 75c. To make faster selling the price for the week will be 50c. Just in-Another lot of our celebrated knockabout suits for boys, Double breasted coats, sizes 6 to 15. Really $1 25 value. This week's price 87c. Just in-About 20 gents' Mackintoshes at less than New York cost. A chance for you while we have them. J? Rettenberg & Soii?* Qc 24 TEE J. S. TSE VICTORIA STRS.IGET FRONT OTO EIC GLOVES ERECT FORM -$1.00 CORSET $1.00 Eas no Equal aayffbera JUST TRY TEElff All Colors and Blacfc THE PALACE :DRY GOODS EMPORIUM: The Dress Goods Store of Sumter. Our Prices always the Lowest. No Circumstances or Conditions can exist that make it possible for Competition to undersell us. GIVING BETTER VALUES TH AX OTHERS IS THE BASIC PROP OF THE WHOLE BUSINESS GIVING BETTER STYLES, BETTER MATERIALS, BETTER IDEAS. WITH LARGER VARIETIES, IS THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH THIS GREAT DRY GOODS STORE HAS BEEN BUILT. We are in a position also to talk Heavy Goods, Domestics, etc., with much emphasis to you. Our contracts were made early,-and in quantities sufficient to supply you all for the entire season. 10 Biles 36 in Sea Uland, worth to day Tc , our price 5c 5 Pieces 10 4 Unbleached Sheeting, worth 20c , our price 15c 25 Pieces double feld Dresa Goods, Plaids, Stripes, eic , for waists and 6uits value l2Jc, our price 1?C. 15 Pieces heavy Canton Flannel, worth 10c , cur price 8c. 25 Pieces extra heavy Canton Flannel, worth I2hc , our price 10c. 20 Doz Ladies' ribbed Under Vests, worth 35c , our price 25c. 10 Dcz Ladres' wool ribbed Vests, worth 75c, our price 50c. SHEETS AND PILLOW OASES READY MADE, At IPBS than the cost of the materia!. 10 Doz 10-4 Bieach Sheets at 50c. 18 Doz Pillow Cases at 12c. 100 Doz M anning Hose, sizes 6 to 9, at 9 cents. Supply your wants from above, they are money savers. Buy your Cloaks here, because this is the Cloak stock of Sumter Bought Right, Priced Right. Child's Jackets, 2 to 12 years. Largest collection we have ever had. Infant's Long and Short Cloaks, in endless varieties. Misses' Jackets 14 to 18 years. A great gathering. Ladies' Jackets, Etons, Furs. etc. No such showing in Sumter. Our Childrens Caps and Headwear are in. Another Invoice of Rainy Dav Skirts and Shirt Waists. Sumter's Fashion Emporium. Dry Goods Leaders. Oct 17