The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, October 03, 1900, Image 7

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Will Not Run at a Loss. COTTON SEED OIL MEN I * COMPLAIN. ? MaooNctorer* of eotton *-ed oil are "un against' a preposition that hat already clos? ed foar or note of tba largest mils in the 8tait aod will liktly cauee more mille to tloeadowo. At Iba beginning of the tiatoo tba market prica of teed wat $11 per on. Tba qoatattoo later io ih* tear on wat tet at $17 by tbt Atlantic Cotton Oil Company, wbieb oparatea four of tbe largest miils to Iba State The uric bat bounded pan |he quotattoo aod la oow $30 per too Mann taotarera elatta tbat when the trad it boigbt for $30, any ?her? from $1 to $3 ie Ictt per tt?o. There ie oo eipeetcd advaece io tbe priea of orude or rtbaed oil aod all oil Is ?biet are oow buying at $30 art eogagiog io tba wildest epaealatioa. Io this coooec tioa a gentleman who uoierttaudt tbe busi neat tboroaghly aaid yeet rday : MI bad a great Seal rato-r boy all on tbe Mew York lieaaoge aad I old IV with bopee of aa edraoee Refined oil," be aaid, ' can oow aa bought la New York $2 cheaper theo Itcaa bo manafactored oy mills paying $30 par toa far teed. "The titoetioo ie a eerioas one Tbt pol? icy that tome of tbe mills art porsuiog by paying $30 for teed it a very daatrootite ooa Tbe ean*. t of tba advance are two-fold. Pirat, tba Kite teaeoa aad tbe opeoiog *f tea or past- ?ilia ta tbe State Tba new mille are anxioaa to gat dowa to boeieeat, aod most of tacts era bayiag at $20 or thereabout. Tbe iemaed aad prica of tba producta of tbe teed, v?e, balls, steal, oil, lietera, are aot of tueb a oetare to warrant the safe buying of tatd at $20. Tba mlllt art simply cutting eaeb otber't tbroatt It teemt impossible to reaea aa af warntet whereby a aotform price aaa aa ettaolubed aod maintained " Tba trouble, boweeer, tbit season stems to be with tbe mills leery mill it at logger basis wlta tbt otbert. Tba condition Is somewhat similar to tbt cot on miilt When aaw oottoo ta coming la. Mr. A. O. Pbeltt, sacrttary aod treaturtr of tbe Atlantic Cotton Oil Company, was ia tba city yaaierdey looking over ibt eottoo tatd tltoatioo aod iotpectiog ibe oew work bmaf dooe at tba pltot of tbt old Mototl Rede tog Oompaay. "Tbe Atlentit Oompaay owoi and cootrolt fear of tbe latai eottoo tesd mills in tbt Statt, aad aot oaa of them it routing, owing to tba bigb prica al tee* " Mr. Pbetpt aaid : "Two of oar aaillt raa for a time at tbe fire; of the teeeoo, bat wa hava cloeed all of them dowa tow aad I do sot koow wot i we will aa able to ttart again 1 istued iottroetioot I at wr day to over 300 of cur tuytrt to bold ot? until tba prica came dowo to $1T. ll -bate figored It la tetry wty poieiblt to buy atad at $30 aad mtka mocty. Wbee tba taa**.o Irr? opaaed I tat tbt limit at $\7, llMla tbia ag at Iba time tbat it woold aver gal Ibers, cat, to my surer a*, it has gone bayoed Tbt only tbieg for at to do it to abot dow We cennot run and loea money. Tba mills tbat bay at $20 art tore to lose. Tba aaly way tbat I aaa sea tba| tbey lotend mal tag moeey is for oil to rise, aad oil lin't get eg to do tbet. It's tpeeuUtioo, aad if I treated ta aaatawm I'd go to New York aad do it legitimately Ho, I am sorry I do oot kaaw wbat tba remedy It I eaoaot say attaer aaw me ay mille beet eloetd aar bow ?way are goiag to dote. Tba oaw mills, of taeitt, bare a email supply of teed oo hand. Taw teed were bought et the opeoiog of tbe seaeoe Wbaa tbty girt oat I tappoet tbey Will take a ttetiblt rlaw of tba sitaatioa aad eaatdewa. I prooouoct tbt condition rtry asrtaas "' | Mr. Pbe.t- m trery macb ocourtged with tba stelltet of tba work oa tbt old Matsal Eta aery. Tbe red a try wes boagbt tome sjsaias aaw by Iba Atlantic Cotton Oil Coat patrf aad at onoa a faraa ot men was sat ta work aa imprortmeott Tbt capacity bts baaa i am test d ta TOO barrels par day, almost doable tba former cepeeuy, ead tbe atoregt capacity aaa baaa ieeieaaed to 30,000 bereis. TS? mill will be pat iato operation very Mr. Paetae was eeeowpealed to tbe city by Mr O 3. McCallougb. prretdeot and treatorer af Pea-Dee Oil aad lea Compao;, Darling too. Tbe Pve Dee mill It a new one and bat oat yet aeaa completed Mr. McCallougb said tbat be bad baaa baying teed op to tne time tbat tba priea reached $20. Ha coo* eiders it sakidal to hay at ibat orlce Mr McOallooib la ea eiperieeeed mill man and aadettloadt tbe situation thoroughly. Mr. A. 0 McPali, managar of tbt oil mill ra tbia city under tbe ooorte of construction, aaald act be teen yesterday, at bt wai slight )y la^i-posed It it understood, bowtvtr, tbat bt it aot boyitg at $20 Aootber matter which brought Mr Pbelpt ta tba city wes tbat of ?iportiog tbe prodoct of tbt ralotry. He bed v-ry littlt to say io regard to tbe matter otbtr than tbat he wet fbrfed to tbip eeary barrel at oil to New York end the- export it He bad beped to get ebippieg room here for aoooi 21,000 barrels wtibla tbe next three or four month , bat it was impuatible to do to Tba com I paoy ?Sich be represents it a large not and baa agaott ie Kogleod. G'raaot, Frtoc, Seotlaod, Rollaad and ttrtral otbtr coop. trite. bail year tbe export buaiuetf of tbt Atlantic Oompaoy was about 2V010 bar* rtlt aad tbit year ibt butioett will be almost doobied.?Neat tad Oonntr, Sept 18 Story of m Slaee. Ta be bound bead and foot fwr ytars by the cbaiae ef dtetete it tbt wortt foim af slavery ?Jeoege D. Williamt. of Manchester, Miob , toltr bew ?acb a alare wet made free. He tayt: "My wife bat been so helpless for fite years tbat rfs toeld net tare over in bed alone. After etieg twe beulst ef Ilettrie Ritten, -be it woadevfelly isaprered and able to du her 1 awa werb." Tbitteprtaae reraedv f>r female Siiaant qalchly earee aetvousnet". sleepless oeea. melaachoty. beadeebe. backache, fainting aad ditty spoilt. Tbit miracle working med. iae it a godaeoJ to week. si hly, ran dowa paep'e. Kvrry bottle gaereeteed. Only 60e. Sopi by J. P. W- DeLorme. Druggist. S Fi a I da' Minstrels AI O. fields loeg ago eo'eelitbed bimttlf at tba king of minttretty aod bee bold that plaea eeeertly tgaiatt all competitors for public favo.v bot tbit yttr bt baa turptttrd Oimaelf, aad his company ondtr the direction af Dan Q itelee, it tbt meet tuorrb micttrtl compaay tbat bat erer daligbied a Samttr aodleare Tbe coeiumee ere aa bandtomt tt mossy coald ear or good tattt dense aod tbe peviarmeoee from first to lent Itft ootbiag ta be desired Tbt tpeeieltitt were eictedingly fine, per tlaalarly tba acrobatic work of tbe / >ust fatally Tba tlagiag of Anbrty Pringle, t?te, Haadel Hattitss, baritone: Will Wall ieg. teeor, aad Archie Hood wee eiqaltite aad taeb of ibem *u anenrad. Tbe oompaoy was well balanced at to voittt aod tbe over ore by tba whole company tod tbt varioot :borutare were eiceptiootlly good. Tba boaaa was crowded aod if a well pleated eudif ore eod a good bosioees at tbt soi ofB <? ar- inducements tbt AI O fields Big Miattrelt will visit Homier tgein, end tbey will Be vary wtlcome. -aa ??>? aw Wer sorreapoadicg ibete dtve ia ItHaewbat worse ibaa soldiering. Twcaty-oas corraapoadeota bate beeo tilled ar bare died of disease during tkw Boat war. Homicide in Timmonsvilk J M. Trueluck Shot by Amos SiDgleterry. TimmonsviHe, ?ept 25.?Last night j at about 10 o'clock Mr. J. M True luck, a prominent young liveryman of this place, waa ehot and danger ualy wounded by n negro, Amos ingleterry by name The wound ie n the abdomen, and the doctors ?ve been unable to locate It It ie considered as being very dangerous. Tbe shooting took place near the atablea of Mesere. Purvis and True lack, and tbe following nre tbe facto in tbe case. Mr. Millard Purvis, a brother of Mr Trueluck's partner, bed n difficulty with tbe negro in tbe afternoon in which tbe negro Wae lightly punished for having given offense to Mr. Purvis some time ago Tbe trouble was considered settled aod Mr" Purvis bad gone borne. At be hour nsmed above, Mr Trueluck met the negro nt tbe stables and tbe negro cnraed him Mr Trueluck ren for tbe negro end the latter ebot him aa above deecribed Mr True luok followed bim to tbe rear of the stablee aod scuffled with him, taking tbe pistol from him Being very weak from tbe shock of tbe wound, the negro broke loose end made bis escape The sheriff woo notified and came with doge, but the negro baa not been captured The ebooting created great excitement among the friendo of Mr Tiuelovk, and earnest efforts are being made to arrest tbe negro Mr. Trueluck io a very pop? ular youog mao and the town is shocked. ?^aasawMs\a?*ssssaj Mlobael Davitt Disappointed ID Boers. London, Sept 18?The Pretoria correepondent of tbe Standard in a recent dispatch throws aod entirely new light upon Michael Davitt'e experience in tba Transvaal and bis feeliuge towards tba Boers. Io view of Mr Davitt'e contributions to tbe Americsn press during nod subse quent to bio visit to the aeat of war, tbe Stsndard'a dispstch io of interest. It io aa follows : "Mr Michael Davitt left Pretoria on the 15th of May, broken end sick of haart, according to tbe wordo he himself used on the railway plstform Rsv H J. Botto, Bsptiot minister, bae reoordsd tbem aod they are testified to by Rev Henry VV Good win, congregational mioioter. 'He told ma,' oayo Mr Betts, 'that be bad that morning adviaed tbe Transvaal government if tbey would commend themselves in tbe eyea of the world and obtsin tbe sympsthy of Europeeo i nations, that they should treat at once with Lord Roberts to thio effect: 4 Now that tbe Free State io conquer? ed and we are quite unable to reoiot alone the might of England, in the interests of homsuity and to prevent further bloodshed we will surren der.' ?? 'Instead of doing this,' oaid Mr Davitt, 'tbey bave sent a message of a threatening oboracter, telling Lord Roberts that tbey will blow up tbe minea or destroy Johannesburg if some terms are not made What tbe terms are tbey do net state, aod tbey do not really mean to carry out the threat Tbeir whole action will cover them with ignominy and con? tempt before the civilized world. They purpoee prolonging the boei less, without seriously meaning to light, for tbe ooe object of heaping up tbe bars of gold tbey are taking I rum the mioes and of accumulating Mod hoarding them io obedience to the dictation ofthat old man Kruger ' ?That old man Paul Kru^er,' continued Mr Davitt, 'ie engaged in a eort of spiritualist seanro business with somo blind boy predicting evcols that were to happen on some day. 1 came out here at my own expense. It dost me 300 pounds I wss full of enthusiasm for these peo pie They know roe, they know my feelinge, but tbey never trusted me T id ay they refused to give me any information for my papers and 1 go away broken and sick at bcait 1 am thoroughly disillusion ed For me to remain in thio atmos pfc ere ia no longer possible I con not endoie it ' " UhiAVY FIGHTING Londou, Sept 26 ?Tbe Daily Mail has the following dispatch from Lor MM Marqueo | ? Heavy fighting is reported across tbe Sabi river Thio means thst tbe British are intercepting Steyu and Reitz who with tbeir forces arr| at tempting to push northward and effect a junction A command ie ssid to be surrounded uear Peitereburg " ?aSSeSS* ?mmwmum^m? HOW HE GOT IT. Ii one of Cbsnnosy M Depew's storiss he told uf meeting as foooy a man aa himself ? Oos day,* said Mr Depew, "1 met a soldior who hsd beeo wounded in tbe faoe He was a uotoo man, and I ask sd ka io whioh battle he had been in jurco ? ?|o?he first battle of Bull Ruo, sir,' he replied " 'Bet how oould you net hii in iho faus at l ull Hoc?' i ass. <1 " Well sir ' said tbe mao half epol-i ofetinally, after I had run a mile or ! two I got careless aod looked bask.' " j i a^iiisatia iliinir ristr ~ lk ?1 An Appeal to Democrats Senator Tillrnoo. tbo member from Snurtt Carolina of tho national Demo oratio committee, has again telegraphed to (VI Wilie Jones, chairman of tbo South Carolina Democracy, urging him to raise a fund for the employment of Bryan Speakern. In response to this appeal. Col Jones bas issued tho follow tng letter to the chairmen of the noun ty Democratio executive oomtntt'*es : Dear Sir : I have just reoeived a telegram from Senator Tillman, our rational coramitteeman, who is with the national committee in Cbieago, earnestly requesting me to call on the people io tho State for contributions in aid of the natiooal Democratic party The money is to be used to defray the ezpeoscs of speakers in tbs donbtfnl States. While we all realize that South Carolina will go for Bryan, it is oer tainly our dnty to do what we oan to help our Demooratie friends io the doobtfol States I will tbaok yon to take op this very important matter at ooee aod oall upoo all olub preeideotH in yoar eoooty, aod the people generally, to take op a col? lection among tba faithful, and please remit sums so eolleeted to Col U. X. Gunter, Jr, secretary, or to me as ohairman, and the sme will be remitted to the chairman of the oatiooal Dcmo oratlo committee Wilie Jones. Chairman. Col Jooes earnestly hopes the eoooty obairmeo will make vigcrcus efforts to raise money for this purpose Senator Tillmsn ezpeots South Carolina to con? tribute 54,000, or an average of $100 to tbe county It takes work to raise soot a sum The first contribution came io this morning aod was from Msrioo County. ?. B Hamer remitted a check for ?60 for the Democrats of that eouoty. FLOODS IN TEXAS Fort Worth, Tez, Sept 28 ?Tbe Trinity river continued to rise all day and is folly 95 feet at this poiot. The oveiflow reaches out more tbao a mile, rerembliug a big lake, and is from three to six feet deep Mach of tbo Cottoo Belt Railroad traok bas heeu oarried away. The Cottoo Belt depot is surrounded with water three or four feet deep aod all basinets is suspended temporarily, ss trains cannot get ioto the yards or even within a mils of them. As yet 00 loss of life has been reported, bot it is believed that some people bave perished below this oity io tbe Trinity river bottoms by ibe ?tat law, Richmond, Vs, Sept 25 ?Mrs Etil aheth Vao Law, who, donog the wsr between the States, foroiahed tbe Uoioo forees with valuable ioformatioo against the Coofederats government, assisted prisoners io escaping from Libby prison aod who afterward waa rewarded by Gen Grant with tbe postmasterahip at Riosmondj, died at her reaideooe here this morning at ao advaooed age ??WOW1 ? ? ? ? mmtm? A FINE IMPOSED Yesterday Mr. Harlsy, tbs man io wbots place Howard Alleo was killed Last Sooday night, was brooght before the police oourt 00 tbe ebarge of main taintog a gambling resort. He was given tbo maximum fio6 wbiob be paid ?The State Lorenzo Marques, Sept 26 ?Tbe German steamer Herzog, which sail? ed for Europe today, bad among her passengers tbe Transvaal postmaster general. Van Alpben ; the assistant secretary of state, Grobler ; the state treasurer, Mallerbe, and a large quantity of bar gold The railroad from Dclagoa Bay to Pretoria is ex peeled to be open for traffic tomor row Mr Carnegie ssid tome lime ago that the Iron aod Steel Trust contributed $3.000.000 to Haooa's campaign food in 1896 The probabilities are tbat it will oot throw io quite so liberally this time Tbe Hoo Geo. E Prince, of Ander, son, with Stevenson, of Chesterfield, and Wcstoo, of Rioblsod, are spoken of as candidates for speaker of the Stats boots of representatives. "Unole Tom/' ao old negro of Lex iogtoo, Va., who saw a great deal of Geo Lee durtnfstbe otvil war, having been employed as a 000k at headquar? ters, ooofeased tbat ooly once bad he heard anything disrespeotfol said about the idol of tbe sooth Io relating the incident, he said : "Oos night erbout de middle ob ds war. I seed a ouri'us man go inter de geo'l's toot. He cum oot, so wbio ho got ter whar I wuz he wus er rippio' en or roarirv' en er sro t n' 'Whut'a de ttohblo 7' I sei t r 'im 'Truhble,' ati hr, I jss got orders ter ride forty miles ter night wid er messidge. eo here' its er snowin' en er blowio, no er sleetin' like all persess cd. I m darned ef I know what Gin'l Lee's ertbinkio' erbout ' Well, sir, I Jot1 looked at 'im fer a mioit en then srz ter 'in>: 'Fo Gawd. I doan rockto tar doea know whut Gin'l Lo?s er thunkin erbout. Mao, sir, of 000 er Gin'l Lea's thoughts wot ter get inter vor haid 'twould bus' it open ' " CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Many women lose their girlish forms after they become mothers. This is due to neg ? iect* The figure can be preserved beyond question if the ex? pectant mother will constantly use |$ctr)er'$ H friend during- the whole period of pregnancy. The earlier its use is begunt the more per? fectly will'the shape be preserved. mother's Triend not only softens and relaxes the muscles during the great strain before birth, but helps the skin to contract naturally afterward- It keeps unsightly wrinkles away, and the muscles underneath retain their pliability. lilCtbCr'S ?rknd is inat famous external liniment which banishes morning sickness and nervousness during pregnancy; shortens labor and makes it nearly painless; builds up the patient's constitutional strength, so that she emerges from the ordeal without danger. The little one, too, shows the effects of mother's Triend by its robustness and vigor. So!d ct drug stores for *1 a bottle. Send for our finely illustrated book for ex? pectant mothers. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA. OA. A. wlllTB & Fire Insurance Agency. ESTABLISHED 1866 Represent, among other Companies : LIVERPOOL k LONDON k GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH k MERCANTILE HOME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capital represented $75,600,000 Feh 28 _ CHARLES G. LESLIE, Wholesale and Retail Commission Dealer in fish Oysters, Game and Poultry. Stalls No. 1 and 2 Fish Market. Office, Nos. 18 and 20 Market Street. CHARLESTON, 8. C. Consignments of Couoiry Produce, Poultry, Eggs, Ac , are respectfully solicited. Prompt returns made Fish packe 1 in barrels and boxes for tie country trade a specalty Dec 6 x THE BANK OF SUMTEr7 8?MTER, S. C. City and County Depositary Capital stock paid in, . $75,000 00 Undivided surplus, . 16,000 00 Individual liability of stockholders in excess of their stock, . 75,000 00 Transacts a general banking bu?iuet8 ; also has a Savings Bank Department. Deposits of $1 and upward received Interest allowed a) the rate ot 4 t er cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. W F. B. HAYNSWORTH, President Marion Moisb, W F. Rhame, Vice-Pi ealdeot. Cashier. Jan 31. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Sl'MTiER, STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DE? POSITORY, SUMTER, S. C. Paid up C*piial.$ 75,000 CO Surplus Mid Profits .... lie,000 00 Additional Liability cf Stock? holders in excess cf their stock. 75,000 00 Total prottc i >n to deposoors, $179)600 0C Transacts >? General Banking Bustnrss. Special attention civen to collectioua. Si VINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposit? of $1 a?>d upwards received. In terest allowed at the rate ot \ p?-r cert per annum, oo amounts above $5 ?ud not exceed? ing $300, peyab ? quarterly, on fust days of January. April, July ??nd Octoner. R M. WALLACE. L. 8 Cabson, President. Cashi? r SURVEYING. SURVEYING and Civil Rnginrerit g work p.onjptly and accurate done W. LORINO LEE, Civil Eogr. Mit 23-6., Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon? structing the exhausted digestive or guns. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in? stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gast ralgia,Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains 2H ttmes small size. Book all about dyspepsia maUexlfrcS I Prepared by L C DeWITT A CO.. Chicago. IjSHUGHSON&CO Estate of John J. t.< tiding, Dcc'd. Wri WtLLapph to ?he Judireo< Pre ate of Boaster Oounf) U o'i i 'J^t. IOOu, t r h Final D'scbaige ?? Kstctrori ot j aforeaald Ratate. F/R a P. OBDDING ?, W w ?YALLACK UI?MK?9, i Sepc2tt?4t I'iiecntors 6. ?tff F?ll Stock is 2 JH'ow Complete* ^ With the exception of a few crates of Imported China which we are expecting every day. g Our Success is Due to High Quality of our & Goods, the Lowuess of Price. g 10-piece Toilet Set, ?4 50 kind, $3 00 S 3-piece Tin Set, ?1 50 kind, 1 25 rrj 3-piece Galvanized Iron Set, $2 kind, 1 50* ? Large Clock Spring Library Lamp, $G kind, 4 50 w Hall L amps, $5 kind, 3 00 <g Stand Lamps, $3 kind, 1 50 > Cleveland Cook Stoves, witli 18 pieces of O Hollowware, cheap at $8 50, now 7 50 co We expect a carload of Iron King, Elmo and Liber ty Stoves, and will be in position to give you whole CD sale price on this lot. We will give you some testimonials next week. One stand and 4 Shoe Lasts for 35c. 2 O >? Cut this out and save 5 per ct. discount 1 T. C. SCAPFE, V**J PQ The old reliable Stove Dealer. Bagging and Ties, We have macie large contracts for Bag? ging and Ties, and feel that we are in a better position than ever to supply our customers in this line. For some years we have been buying largely of second hand Bagging and Ties from mills in the upper part of the State, and fortunately our contracts were made with them this year in the early Spring, or we could not have gotten them?owing to the high price of new goods they were eagerly sought. Some people object to use this class of Bagging because it is a little ragged, but we think that should make but very little difference as the best of it looks pretty tough from sampling very soon after it passes out of the farmers hands. Based upon the price of new goods there is a saving to the farmers of nearlv 50 per cent? By buying that which was used before and why not reap the benefit of it, as it makes no difference in the price of your cotton. We have all grades, and if you don't want the old we will be glad to sell you the new, but feel that it is our duty to recommend that which will pay you best. Alliance and Grange Clubs would do well to see us before O'DONNELL & CO. Remember That Mayesville is the best Tobaeco mar? ket in the State. SALES ARE GOING ON DAILY. We have a large corps of buyers and plenty of money with which to pay for tobaccos and we guar? antee good prices and sat? isfactory treatment. Bring us your tobacco. THE PUDDING SWAMP TOBACCO WAREHOUSE COMPANY, JOHN W. MILLS, Mmager.