WEDNESDAY, JUL.Y 4,1900 Entered ai the IJost 0:Jic^- (it Sumter , C., cs Second Class Matter. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sank of Sumter-:iaten;ent Mt Tow. shio--Election of ^Teachers T. C. Scaff..- Well, Rangea Have Arrived South Carolina Militar/ Academy-S-*r.c ciary Scholarships. PERSONAL. Mrs. H. B. Bloomjis visiting in Charlotte, N. C. Bishop J. J. Monaghan is visiting his rela lives here. Mr. E D. Kyle, cf the Seaboard Air Linc, is io the city. Mr. B. R. Na3h, who has been quite sick is much better. M139 Susie Derr is on a visit to Mr. H. L. Darr in Florence. M?S9 Adele McLeod, of Remhert, visited in the city bet week. Mrs as M. Dick, of Stateburg, spent la3t Thursday in town. Editor B 0. Bristow, of Darlington, spent ilonday in towa. Miss Efhel Adkissoo is visiting her aunt Mrs. A. R. Flowers Mrs H. J Harby and children ha7e gone :o Sullivan's Island. Mr. R. 0. Purdy went to Spartanburg Monday morning on business. Miss Hattie Stubbs of Leicester, Marlboro Co. is visitting Miss Alice Stubbs. Mr. Joo S. Bird, of Charleston, is visiting hie daughter, Mr3. W. Y. L. Marshall. Mrs. E. V. Spann, of Charleston, is visit? ing her daughter, Mr3. A. P. Vinson. Mr. D. J. Chandler has gone to Asheville, X. C., to spend several weeks or longer. Mr. George Levy after spending a week in Charleston returned home Thursday morning. Misses Hattie, Jennie and Sydney Dear of McClellenville are visittng Mrs George D Shore. Mis? Baddie Clarke, of Atlanta, is spend? ing a few day3 with ber brother, Mr. 'A'. H. Clarke. Mrs H. D. Boyd and daughter. Louise, hive gone on a visit to relatives iu East Ten? nessee Dr. N. G. Osteeo, Jr., left Monday night for Harris Springs to attend the State Dental Association. Mr. T. P. Sander3, of Hagood, was in the city last Tqursday on bis way borne from New York. Mr. George E Hutchinson left Monday for Virginia, where he will spend a month at hts old home. Mrs. H. I. Dickins and family have gone to Tryon, N. C., to spend the remainder of the summer. Misses Mamie Boyle and Carrie Brown after visiting in Charleston ana Savannah, have returned to this city. Mrs L. S. Carsonjbss gone to Charleston to spend several weeks with her parents, Rev and Mrs. John Kershaw. Miases Lucile and Edna Hughson left Sat? urday morning for Anderson where they will spend several weeks. Misses Nellie and Margie Monaghan are at home from Wilmington, Delaware, where they have been at school. Mr. Emile Moses who has attended the Georgia School of Technology during the past year ia at home for the summer. Mr. ?\ Weston McGrew, a member of?The Daily Item force, is off on a ten days fur? lough. He will visit in Orangeburg County. Mr. Edmonds Rogan, ba3 enlisted in the Sixth U. S Cavalry. Hi* regiment aailed from San Francisco, Cal., Sunday for Taku, China. Dr. Geo. W Dick bas gone to Harris Springs to attend the annual meeting of the State Daatal Association, of which body he ie secretary. Cadet Hutchinson, of Rock Hill, spent last Wednesday in thia city with relatives. He left next morning for borne, accompanied by Eugene and Nonie Dick. Mr ?cd Urs. L. B. Durant and their niece Misa Earle, of Anderson, will leave to-mor? row on a trip to Norfolk, Va., Washington and New York. Mrs. A E. Kennedy has gone to Heqder soaville, N. C. Mrs. F M Spann and little son have gone j to Hendersonville, N C. Mr. T. H. Clark left yesterday for Hender- I ?cnvi?le, N. C. The drug stores will observe Sunday hours ! to-day. j The final Recital of Sumter School cf Mu? sic will be given on Thursday, July 5tb, ht the Opera Bouse. Mr. Henry Paonill writes from Darlington .hat he baa decided to locate permanently in Sumter and will start a paint factory. The city was without time Monday night, the City Hall clock having sropped about 9 o'clock and was not star'ed again until thij morning. Small in size and ereat in results are De? witt's Little Early Risers, the famou3 little pilla that cleaose the liver and bowela. They co not gripe -J S Hughson & Co. From al! sections of the county comes the ! complaint that the grass is outgrowing tbe ! crops. The auction sale of lots inst week showa that Sumter people have confidence in Sum? ter real estate and will buy ii aa an invest? ment when an opportunity offers. The Black River road should bs opened ".bis summer if Sumter is to have a first class tos&cco market nod control the larger part of the trade io the south-eastern portion cf the county. AU who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitt's Witch H*-.z?i Salve will give them instant and pToanent relief. It will cure eczema and eli skiti diseases Bi- \ w?.:e of counterfeits.-J S Hughson A Co. j 1 When is the band stand to be built o:i the j Monumental Square. Two months haye passed since the stores began ciosieg at ti o'clock, out there ia no stand yet, although :: had te?n talked of for moaihs. it is stated on good authority that ';:r* dispensaries ?re se time liquor tn less th ac . half- piftt packages, which .5 a violation of i the Uw. Th's plan To har? r ** * r ? n SS OD fl * ' M n lughion u Friday, and wag burier, in tte Siocleton t*ary iag ground Satardav niter:.cor: Mr. Joshn<< Myers died at bis boose ne?sr Provideocs Sunday rnorri.r.g, aged SS y ft? rs and 6 con tbs He was erie of th:* cid*-?* citiz-ns of Sumter County, :>.r.d a large fami? ly and many friends will miss him. A few more Hammocks nt reduced prices .it Osteea's Boo's Score. Oar people should not forget that toe band will yive -. r. ice cream festival and ccrjcer: next Thursday aiterncon. All who desire contribute will notify Mr. R. S. Hood. The reel squads are doing fine practice work, and, if they can hold the -Ame pars ir? Wilmington, the Gamecock City wi;l have cause to be proud of her volunteer Sremtn. j The Atlantic Coast Line will sell round ! trip excursion tickets on July 2d, 3 i and 4tb. I at on? and one-third first-class fare to any j point on that sjstem Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all other accidente! irjuries may be quickly | cured by using DeWnt'a Witch Hazel Sslve. j It is aiso a certain cure for piles and skin die- I eases. Take co other.-J S -vugbsoo <& Co The high wind, accorrpanying the rain I Frday afternoon, was first cousin to a cyclone a lew miles west of this city, and is said to have blown down several chimneys, partially unroofed a negro house cr two and ir.juriog corn quite seriously. Street Commissioner Tribcle is at work reducing the grade on the little hill in front of the Catholic Church so as to improve the drainage of Liberty Street between Sumter and Cburch Streets. Willis Richardson was tried befors Magis? trate Wells Monday morning and found guilty of stealing chickens. The sentence of the court was twenty dav s on the cbaicgang or a fine of 512. The crowd that will attend the band festi? val on next Thursday afternoon will be very large, and if yon have anything to con- \ tribute, notify Mr. R. S. Hood. Benches have been placed on the sqoare and every? body can be comfortable. Reports show that over fifteen hundred lives bave teen saved through the use of One Minute Cough Care. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents consumption.-J S Hughsoo ? Co. Anyone having a copy of the Industrial Pamphlet, gotten outj here in 1391. setting forth tbe advantages of ooniter in alphaoeti cal order will please leave at tbia office. The Atlaotic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets to annual meeting National Edu? cational Association, Charleston, at one first class fare, plus ?2.CO, ($4 82 from Sumter) This amount covers membership fee to asso? ciation Tickets on sale July 3rd, 3th, 7tb, 3tb and lOtb, final limit September 1st. A fire wa9 started in the depart? ment of the Sumter Dry Gocds Co. yesterday morning and for e o^ut two minutes there wa3 every indication thit there would be a big fire tor the firemen to fight. The fire was caused by a small kerosene ?tove thai is u??d to beat pressing irons, from which a oox con? taining scraps and waste became ignited wbica produced a big bltzs aii in a moment. Tbe fire was smothered with bian?ets and then the bcx, stove and al!, were thrown from tbe window. Unless food is digerid quickly it xrii 1 fer? ment and irritate the sromach. After each meal take a teaspoonful of Dyspepsia Cure It digests what you eat and will allow yoa to eat ail you need cf what yoa like. It I never fails to care :he worst cases of dyspep* sia. It is pleasant to take.-J S Hjgbson & Co. The Foartb Regiment Bind will ^ive another concert and ice cream festival on the Mooomeutal Square on Thursday evening oext from 7.30 to 10.30 o'clock. Donations of cream, sherbert or cake, will be acceptible and those who wish to aid the band io this way may notify the committee-Arthur Wilder and Eddie Jenkins. Mr. R. S Hood will be master cf ceremonies and Mr. William Moran will have charge of arranging the benches W. T Andrews the census enumerator for Wards 1 and 4, completed his work on Mon day and bas bis books ready to send in to Supervisor Pearce. He bas evidently done his work thoroughly, for there have been no reports of persons skipped and no complaints made against bis work he spent nineteen days in taking the census io the two ward3. Neglect is the short step so many lake from a cough or cold to consumption. Tbe carly use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents con? sumption. It is 'he only harmless remedy that gives immediate results It carc-s all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it aud mother? endorse it-J S Hughson & Co. Auctioneer Harris concluded the auction 8s.!e cf the lots owoed by Mr. W. M. Graham Wednesday afternoon and then awarded the free lot. This was won by Mr Frank B Grier who held the lucky number. More j than forty lots were sold ?t price? that made tba average price per acre about $?0D3 which is considered a very fair valuation for the I land. Most of the purchasers bought as a j speculation, and several lots were resold at a j nrofit that afternoon. None of the purcbas chasers would seil next day fo?- what they pai4 ! for the lets and everybody is satisfied with j the sale. The Southern Railway bas pat on a better ? schedule and an improved ser?ice cn the Sum? ter & Waterce branch, acd is sparing no effort to secure an equsl share of the freight 1 business cf this city. Ucless the merchants ? give the Sumter & Wateree a share of their business it will he impossible for a first ciass service lo be maintained on ?bis road and the more bii.-u.ess they give it the Detter service the Southern caa affjrd to give. A railroad tnat does not operate convenient and quick schedules and give a first claps j service ?3 of little or no benefit to a com- '? inanity p.Dd it ?3 a plain proposition ; that it ?3 to toe interest of * ciry to have rhie I test possible railroad facilities, and, as a mnt- j ter of business, it ia a poor policy for the merchants of a place to throw ?Il or the j larger p*rt of 'heir badness ic'o the hands o' ! transportation company Tbe resutta of j ' policy was forcibly cimoostrared io rbe c*3f of th.-: old C. s". & N. R-iilroad and ! h4* lesson Sumter taught ??t t-iv r'r:t~ should n?,ve beea efficient to anice a I.;.-:;.. . ANOTHER ?STORE BURGLAR IZSD. Pernicious Activity of rho Store Burgers I b s ? ; o r e o f L e v i Hr b.: w s -s eater ed b y a burglar on Sntnrday n.?"ht tat h.-? waa dis (.')rf-rc-d bv Polireait-.n Sev'm ;::r before- bo '. aid ifxo"1 a:.7 geoda The et?tr*nee vry.s mad< through the >>*?n Seymour waa ?r- the rear of The Hem office at ?be tinos th? door w??3 forced. Hearing the noise be w?ot al once tn ?era'.? ar iovesiication and as lie appro-ch H the open bacs door of the store tte negro j raped out ?nd mn eff around the re^-r of O'Donnell'.- new Onitdiog. Policeman Sey rriour fired at the running negro several tiroes bu; did not st?r? him. If noy of the D:tlis tock effect the identity of the burglar will oe disclosed within a few oay3. Camp Dick Anderson, .?. C\Y , met io :'c? Court House tooday for tbe purpose of electing delegates to *be Reunion in Grt-?n wcod and to bear .v.rj S. G. Spann's r:ply to the report of tb" committee appointed 'o investiga tu the n-ccrd of the members cf the camp, which report was submitted at the Inst meeting of 'be camp On motion it was decided to postpoce tbe Section cf delegates until Monday, August 3d, as there were so few members cf the camp present. Mr Spann stated that fae bad pmared his reply io the committee report, but refused to moke it until the August meeting, when lhere would be a full meeting of the carno Tbe meeting adjourned without transacting acj business ?nd no action was taken looking to extend? ing aa invitation to the veterans to hold the annual reunion io ibis city. "We have sold many di?'?rent cough rem? edies, bat noce bas given better sitisfactioc than Chamberlain's." says Mr. Charlea Holzhauer, druggist, Newark, N. J. "It ia perfectly safe aod can be relied upon in all cases of coagh?, colds or hoarseness." For sale by Dr A. J. China. The Sumter Light Iofantry ice cream social held in the company armory Friday evening was attended by all members cf the companv and a large crowd of innted guests The occasion waa one of unusual pleasure and enjoyment and the soldiers proved them? selves mc9t charmine hosts. The Sumtei Light Infantry occupies a high place io tb? est?em and affection of the people of Sumtei and it was a real pleasure for them to mee' with the company ia its armory and to par? take of the hospitality tbe members had pro vided for them. The company is on thc ny grade and it is the purpose of the officers aoc men to make it a model Organization and tc increase the enrollment to the limit allowee by law. The Fourth Regiment Band fur nisbed music throughout the eveniog, contri buting io a large measure toward the succesi of the entertainment. Capt. Wade H. Manning, of Columbia delivered a lecture on tbe '"?naecurac es o History," in the Graded School build ing last Wednesday evening before at audience composed almo3t entirely of tbi memoers Of Dick Anderson Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy and J D Blanding Camp, Sons of Veterans. His lee fire was of marked interest as he contrast?e in a striking mann.-r a;id graphic ianguaui the incorrect and often searingly false state ments found in many of ti.e schools histories prepared by Northern writers, with the trui facts of bistory HS recorded by the men wh< made history. He read numerous extract from Northern scnool histories and provee ?be falsity of tbete statements by quotation: froa official records ana letters from general; and other distinguished men. The audience was not lar?e, owing to tbi threatening weather and the fact that then were ether entertainments Ust evening, ba? .bose who were present erj?yed his leeton and were fully repaid for braving the weaih er. At the conclusion of h'S lecture Mayoi Stuckey thanked Capt M anning in the nami of the City of Sum'er, the Graded Schoo and the Sooa and Daughters of the Confed' eracy for his mo3t interesting and valuabli lecture wnich is a worthy contribution to th< real aod true history of our country. An Epidemic of Diarrhoea. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoanu' Grove, Fla., saya there bas been quite an epi? demic of diarrboei tbere He had a .?evere attack and WHS cured by four dose9 of Chara b?r'.aio's Colic, Cholera and Diarrtcc* Rem e?y. He says be also recommended it tc thers and they say it ?3 the best medicine they ever ussd. For sale ev Dr. A. J China Missionary Institute and District Conference. The Missionary and Edacational Institut? and District Conference of the Sumter Dis trict, M E. Church, Seuth, waa in session in the First Methodist Church of this city last we^k. Ca Wednesday the Missionary end Edu? cational Institute convened, witn Rev. T J Clyde presiding, and Rev. W. A Bens, sec? retary. The oyening sertroo cf the District Con? ference was preached on Wednesday night by Rsv. W M. Duncan, of Camden. Bishop W. W. Duncan, of Spartanburg, b?s pre? nded over the sessions of tbe Conference and J. W. Hamel, of Kershaw, has acted us sec? retary. An address cf welcoaie was made by Rev J. A. Clifton, D. D , and responded to by Rev. W. M. Duncan, of Camden. Araoug tho connectiooal officers attending and addressing the Conference upon the va? rious interests of the Church, are, Rev* Jno. O Wilson, D D , S Lander, DD, W. W. Daniel, D.D.T.H. Law, D D , J. W. Kilgo and Profs. J G. Clinkscales and E F. Dibble. A collection amounting to $21.30 was uken for ?be f?oworta Orphanage R--V. J. W. Kilgo, Sute Secretary cf Edu? cation reported that the subscriptions from SumTer District to date for the Twentieth Ceo to ry Educational Movement amounted to $2,500. An ?lection for lay-delegates to the Annual Conference convening at Chester ia Novem? ber, next, resul'ed ta the election of R O Purdy J. W, Hornel, J. N. Jonesaod W. J Tiirr)ev!:k* Alternates; X. S. McLeod ?nd J S. Gantry. Jordan WAS selected as the place of SvPsioa for 190 L The preaching of tho Conference has beer? done by Rev.*. W M. Du oem, W. A. Betts md J. H. Thacker T;:e r-ait-its of the vsrious churches in the . ty v.c:e fi;!".l Sunday by members of ti.e Jeu fe renee HS fol low 3 : 8 Il I Will be open for the sa! co on or about i Opening Sale announced later. ! J b And Westtui Wan We are goii Our Mr. G. W. Hancock, long I bacco Market, will have charge ; its full value. We have already I they will represent all of the le: I as to your Tobacco bringing les i Cxiiaranteeing you 01 I interest. Jane 25-v MORE THAN DOUBLED. Big lacrease cf the Sumter On Company s Capital. The Secretary of State was on Sunday notified of the increase of the capital of the Atlantic Cotton Oil Company of Sumter from $100,000 to S250.000. Tee Darlington Oil and Ice Company re? cently commiss'oned, bas filed a new decla? ration and obtained another coma ission, changing the name to tbs Pee Dee Oil and Ice Company, the other name beicg too much like that of a like corporation in Darlington. MAYOR'S COURT. James Blanoing, colored was before the Mayor'9 Court Monday (morning for public drunkenness. He was found guilty and paid a fine of $2 Jim Wright and - Montgomery were arrested Mooday night for figbtiDg;on Main street, and were found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $2 each by the Mayor yes? terday morning. Coming. A. K. Hawkes, the famous Atlanta Opti ciHit, dirpct from the home office of this great Optical House, or one of his prac'ical opti? cians, will remain at the store of his agent, H. G. Osteen ot Co . for 3 days coi?, begin - nmg Joly 9?h This will give the citizens of Sumter and vicinity a rare opportunity of baviog their eyes tested FREE by or.e of the most renowed a3 weil zs reliable Opticiaos in the United States. Mr Hawkes has ail the modern appliances for the scientific adj jstment of spectacles and oye glasses to the ere. There is no Optician in the United Statts who er.jjys tbe confi? dence of tbe people more than Mr Hawkes His name is a familiar word throughout a section of the country ir-habited by over twenty-five millions of people. Mr. Hawkes bas prcbabiy fitted glaises to thee- es of more people of national and international fame than any other Optician living His won? derful st:cce?3 ts doe to his superior grade of glasses, end to the confidence the people have io his ability as a practical Optician. This firm was established in 1S70, nearly thirty years ago Call early as he will positively remain but 3 days, as be has o'her engagements for later date3 Caution-These famous glasses are never peddled. There 13 some probaoili'y of a large aaw mi;l pltan? beiog located in tb is city by Balti? more capitalists. The mill will cut short straw pine exclusively, ?nd as tbi* claes of timber has never been 'oucned br the mills j there is said to ne a supply within easy reach of this city sufficient to run a large mill for a number of years Recently there has grown up a gre*t demand for short straw | lumber, which H than yellow p!ne for | inside work. The immense plant of the j Atlantic Coast Lumber Go, at Georgetown, ? the largest in the south, will cut ouly short j Straw pine. I The New S'eam Laundry at Camden, S. I C , is one cf the most up to date laundry ! plants :n tte State, being equipped witn the most modern machinery, and under the man- 1 agement of an expert laundryman of life ! time experience. We expect to establish an agency at Sumter right *way, and only a?k a trial to convince the ciliz?cs thar our new plant Will do laundry promptly and ia first j class mincer. Verv rea; ec?ful!y, E A. Nisbet & Co , Props. Camden Steam Laur.drv. ' June 27 yyspepsia Digests what you eat. It artificially di gests the food an A aids Nature in strengthening and recon? structing the exhausted digestive or? gans. It is the lat est discovered di Test ant and tonic. Iso other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in? stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea. SickHeadaehe, Gastralgia.Cram ps.and all other results of imperfect digestion. ? Prepared by E. C. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago 1S01-1900 TH CAROLINA COLLEGE,! COLUMBIA, S. G. We ure preparing to handle the fanners Tobacco to a much etter advantage than ever before. mmg to Maye a Market, one second to no oilier in the State. Lg to do all in our power to merit it. I and favorably known as the founder of the Timmonsville To? ot* the floor, and will see to it that every pile of Tobacco brings ? secured a large corps of competing buyers having large orders ; ading manufacturers and exporters, and you need have no fear s than its full value. ur very best personal efforts in every detail to promote your YOUR FRIENDS, aneoek & Slider 9 Proprietors Sumter Tobacco Warehouse. CROSSWEJLI* & CO. Sumter, S. C. OD account of big advance on everything in the Grocery iine We can save you money, if you will aee us before you buy. As we bought largely before the advance. Below we give you a list of articles ' that we can save you money on : 200 Sacks Rice, 2lc to 4c per lb 22 bbls good Carolina Rice 4c per lb I Cakes and Crackers as follows : F. 0. B. factory in 5 box lots. Soda Crackers, 4o Ginger Snaps,4 o Round or Square Lemon Cakes, 4Jo Nie Nacs, 4io Sugar Cake.?, 5c Molasses Cakes, 5c Cream Lunch, 5?o Prices subject to change. These are low prices and you should take advantage of them. Parr?n & Monkey Bekine Powders, Si 60 for case of 50 10-oz cans. Rex Baking Powders-100 cc cacs to case, 5C 10c cans to case, S3 60 per case. Delivered ! io & case lots Ship direct. Beet large Lump Starch, 40-lb boxes, at 3?c per ib Star Lye S3 per case delivered in 5 case lot3. Ship from Sumter, S C. 3 lb cm Tomatoes 2 doz in case, 90c a doz, 2 lb can Tomatoes 2 dcz io case 70c. Big bargains io Tobacco, Cigars and Cheroots, Cigarettes, &c. Get our prices on Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bacon, Lard, Grits, Meal and Soap, before you buy. FLOUR we can always pive yon at mill prices. The "Roller King" fancy patent is the finest oa earth. "Alpine Snow" h patect is fine. "Red Star" family S3.50 barrel. : Ask for price shipped direct from miil in 5 barre! lots or more. Phone 53. Cromwell & Co. Sumter, S. C. W aterman's [deal fountain pen, I Which is conoeedod to be the bsst I Fountain Pen made, was first sold ic Sumter by us fiv? years ago. We in traduced it aad at first the sale waa j 3low-the positive; guaran tee given with each pen and their superior merit made them go after a fbort time. We have rold hundreds of pens daring the pasJ five years and are still selling them. We have a larger and moro complete assortment cf these pens DOW than ever before and from tho msny etylcs of nibs we eas suit ail non-users. .ETATHEISTS 24AZES ITS MAES ABOU2T25 THE ^BLD OF MAYESVILLE, Begs to announce, that, Having decided to no longer lease its property, it will conduct its warehouse at Mayes ville during the season of 1000 under the management of JOHN W. MILLS. Mr. Mills will be in Mayesville on July 10th, and from that time on will personally look after the interests of our customers. We have Secured a large Gorps of Buyers, with large orders, and promise the best prices, the best atten? tion and the largest returns ol'any warehouse in the State. Messrs Hail it Ciernen! aro no longer connectea with our boase, bai 'ir !>iills v. i;l li iv-' :?:: <*r>: corps of assistants and wiil make every ni is :v v.' : ? ! ?-?.i sny- 1 ^t?reos brosgh; s .> ti? ?ram artii ?fier July L?th; \\. L>. GAMBLE, A. A. STRAUSS l resident. Secretary and Treas. Jute 27 S