The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 20, 1900, Image 4

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WlDWUDAY. ja?! ?0.1900, Tilt ?SsM*jter Watchman wu touodeo ? 1850 ui the IVwe ?>nl4r<m in 1866. Tilt Waiekman and Southron now hit ?he oombieeJ circulation end influence of both of the old nepers, end it mani feetly tee boot advertising mediam in 8e motor Mr K H. Anil, editor of the New berry Herald nod Newe end prirote eecreUry to Oov MoSweeney, bee made ell the enewer neoeeeery to the nhnrgee of Candidate Pettereoo The Executive Deportment bee ?ubecribed to the pepcro of the Steto for many yeere tad the aubeoription ban been paid o?l of the Goveroor'e oontin goat food Tbe few! that Gor Mo Sweeney io ft newepeper man ie no raftftoa why he ahoold dlaoontinue tbe practice, and if Candidate Pat tereoo baft notbiog eloe ageinat Oor MoSweooey he ia very abort of cam? paign aiiftaitioa. Tbe eempeig? asoetteg will be held in thie city ftft Teoodsy, osxt, and tbe aameroee eendidstoe will explain to tbe entere why they shoald be eltetod. Tbeee mooiiage are aa a rale very tire aeemo and proltlees affaire tad a major? ity of tbe pa eels have loot iatereet in these. It will he veil, hi waver, for aa many people ae possible ie attend tbe ?bootleg and peraooelJv iaopeet the can? didates for the pnrpeeo ef wiooowiog tbe wheat from tbe eh iff. MOOHD CROP IRISH POTA? TO 18. ? 5 I very year there in iaqai y about bww to nahe at tail crop of Irieh po totoee, ftoeV oeoaJly there era mere feilerer I? make ,e> orop than other wtftft The piiaoipal difflonlfy is to got ft fttftftd in time to make the potfttows ewJoro frost. A tnooeeefnl plftoter of this aonnty haw given ne hie plea, and we think it la the beet that we hare heard of Now ia too lime to Mart, and thoee who want froftb potatoes in tbe fall ftftd winter ahoold give it a trial, i SftVft ftll the email potatoes, thoee too email for table nee, and pot them down lomething like n eprout bod for ?woot potatoee, and keep them damp by witaring in dry weather, until the aproota begin to oome cot on the Potatore Io the meaotime prepare yoor gronod for planting, and whan a eeaeoo eomeo, and the plantinge are ready, take tbe potatoee out of the bed oarefally, ao aa not to break off the eproote and place tbem in rowa aad oovar aa oeoal The potatoea oan be taken out of the bad with little if any injury to the eprouta by running a above! or fork under them, ff the plantiog ta dooe before the eprouta get very long they need not be injured at all By planting only thoao thot have eprooled a good fttaod can be eeoured. The email potatoee to be ueed (or plantiog ahoold be eared whenerer potatoea are dag for table nee or when tbe Irat orop ia dug, lay them io a cool, dry place e<> that they will dry off before they ore pot in tbe bed f ?r sprouting Tbeee email po? tatoee of thia year'e growth are the beet for eeed?old potatoee will oot do for late plantiog By eproutiug tbe potatoea in a bed and transplant ing. a good eland ean be secured : all the rottoo ones and thoae that aie alow to tpiout being left in the bed The potatoee will grow uotil froet when they can bo dog or left in the ground to bu dog oe wanted If left ia the ground until planting time next apring, they are aa freed and nice for table n*e aa if kept in any other way The small BSJafi can be ueed whole end tbe large ooea cut in pieoee (or planting, nnd they come op and grow right off. and will make aa good a orop aa nought aeed will do If ihe poiatoee are sprouted aid ready for plaotiog in time to get tbe benefit of tbe July and August rains a good crop ahoold be secured niUlon? Ulvau Away. It ii oertaiolr gratifying to Ibe publio to know of oos eoscsro ia lha laod who ara not afraid to be generous to the neady and softer lag. Tt> proprietor* of Dr. Kiag'i New Dis. eovery f?<> Conraapiioo, Coughs and Colds, bava gleeo awaj over ten nilliuo trial bottles ?f this great aedteloe ; sad bars ths satlsfao faeti 'o of knowing it baa absolutely cured tbeosands of hopeless ostes. Ajthma, Hr?n. ehiUs, Hoerseosee and all diseases of the Throat, Cbael and l?ngs ara surely cured by t, Call oa J. f. W. DsLorsae, Drnggiit, nnd get a trial bait Is free. Regular aiie 40c and $1. Svary bottle guarantee J, or prios refunded. 3 Weekly Crop Bulletin. Colombia. 8. C , Jane 19, 1900 ? During tie week ending 8 a. m , Monday, Jona 18th, the temperature averaged slightly warmer then ousual, bat woe free from extremes, and was highly favorable to develop meat. There were widely eoattered show? ers every daj in the week, generally light, bat heavy in the western por? tions, on Wedneadsy, Saturday and Sunday, where the ground waa atill wet from the previous week'e heavy rainfall. On Saturday and Sunday the ahowers were more general, cov? ering the entire State. Exoept in the western portions, where the rains hindered cultivation, and ia portioos of Bamberg, Barnwell and Orange burg Couotiee, where the ground was ?till wet from previous rains, the week's rainfall woe vary benefioial, especially ao from Sumter northward and northeastward where gardens and tobsooo stood in need of mo is iure. Lande were badly washed io the Piedmont esction. Crops of all kinds made favorable progress aodar the above weather conditions ezoept io those sections where there baa been an excess of rain, making the eoilatoo wet for cultivation*, and fields are becoming grassy. Corn ia email for the aeaaon, but has good oolor, and ia now very promis? ing. Earlieet baa been laid by. Bottom lande in the weetern coun? ties, are too wet to cultivate, and grace and weede threaten the orop. There ie general complaint of graeey cotton fields from the weetern counties, where ohoppiog ie unfinish? ed and cultivation hindered, and in portions of the south oentral ocuntiee ^Isewhere cotton, although email for the eeeeoo, ie growing rapidly, bnt lice continue to infeat many fields ; they ore, however, gradually disap? pearing. Sea island cotton neede hot weather and moisture. With the exceptions noted, the orop ie clean aod well cultivated. Tobacco has improved aod ia doing well. It ie buttoning low in plaoee Gutting and ouring haa begun in aoutbern Marion County. The wheat and oat harveet ie near* ly finished. Thrashing hss began, and the reporte oontinue to iodioate good yields. Some grain wee dam? aged in the shock by the raine. Reporte on rice, eweet potatoes, melons, eager cane, aorghom, pas tores, gardene and truck are uniform? ly favorable. Excessive dropping oanesd a diminution in the peach orop io places, but es a whole the yield will be very large. Apples oontioue scarce Berriee are plenti? ful. CORRESPONDENTS' REPORTS. Abbeville ? Willinrton | Week showery aod favorable for growth ; ootton foil of ehspee ; some fields graeey ; ohoppiog not finished ; up lend corn good ; bottom lands dam? aged by exceeeive rainfall ; good yields of wheat -RF Morria. Beaufort?Beaufort : Esrly corn on lowlands hae not recovered from excess of rsio, but with tbie excep tion oorn and ootton look well geoer ally, aod give promise of good crops ; graas is not troublesome ?S M Beu too. Chesterfield?Cbeslerfield : Week favorable lor crope and fatmwork, harvesting well advanood ; sowing peas underway ; berriee and early peaobsa ripening ; aweet potatoea atill being est out ; bugs injuring white potatoes ?Oeo W 8pencer Clarendon ? Pinewood : Light rsius did not interfere with fsrmsrork, sod crope are clean and well ouitivat ed ; oata harvest finished, crop very good ; stubble lande being aown to peas ; corn rather email and being laid by ; gardene improving ; fruit promiaing ?R S DssCbampa. * Georgetown?Sampit : Weather favorable for all crops ; corn grow iog fioely last few weeks ; cotton email but looks well ; gardens fine ; all other cropa doing nicely ?R W Bailey. Ureenvilie?Lickville | Weather continues unsettled, with shuwnrs every dsy ; cotton looks well, but fields are grassy ; corn uu upland* promising, bottoms too wet ; wheat crops are good ; also gardene ; fruit good and plentiful ?lieu M Masao ley. Kcrshaw - Antioch : Crops ifJ smsll sod need rain ; wlicut all gatb ored and it will bu an uvetage nop j oats three fourths of u crop ; berries plentiful ; apples scarce j peaches ripening, early ones dropping ?G M Alexander. R'chland ? Oongeree : Weather very fine ; all cropa small but healthy and generally well worked ; small grain nearly gathered ; oow pess being planted in corn, and being eown on etnbble lande ?J F Smith. Saluda?Delmar : No rain during week, bnt threatening now ; all crops in need of rain ; grain has been thrashed and yields were very good ; corn and peas will be planted on etubble lande ?H L Esrgle. Sumter?Bsgood : Past week favorable ; all crops responded to favorable weather and ere very much improved ; cotton ie etill email for the eeaaon ; lioe are fast disappear? ing aod the plent nooke healthy and vigorone ; old corn baa been laid by; etubble lande being eown to peae ; peacbee ripeniog aod quality good A K Sanders. Williameborg?Lake City : Condi' tions favorable to cotton, corn, and tobacco during the week ; oats her vested successfully ; peae aud corn being planted on the etubble ?R D Rollins. Would Not Suffer So Again For Fifty Times Its Price. 1 awoke laat night with aevere pains io my stomach I never felt 10 badly la all my life. When I ctme down to work tbil morning I felt so weak 1 could hardly work. I weot to Miller k McGurdy's drag clore aod they recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoe i Remedy, it worked like magic aod ooe dose 6zed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever need for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my borne bersafter, Tor I should oot care to endure the Bufferings of last eight again or fifty times Us pries.?0. H. Wilson, Liverymen, Bargettstowo, Washington Co., Pa. This remedy is for sals by Dr. A. J. China. CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheuma? tism and Sores. Price, 25 cts Sold by Hogbson-Ligoo Go. TRIBUTF. OF RE8PKCT. Wbsreas, the Almighty Ruler of the Uoivsrse hath called our beloved Ba). Jmj 0. Pabsell from his sphere of usefulness oo earth to tbe joys of a brighter world, be it Resolved, that io tbe death of Urn Par nsll Maooville Lodge No. 107, Knights of Pythias, has lost a devnted member, the com? munity a kiod friend ; and the State an earnest, patriotlo citisen, who in all tbe re? lations of life was hooest, faithful and just Resolved, that hit memory sbail ever remain greeo to our hearts, aud inspire us to emulate tbe virtues wbich were illustrated by bis life Resolved, that to the surviving relatives aod frie?de of our deceased brother we offer sioesrest sympathy ia this hour of sore bereavemeot. Resolved, that this preamble nod these raspeoie he ep ead upon our miootes, nod pobhsbed 1j tbe Sumter WatcbmtQ aod Southron, aud alsn that tbe eeonr of Records aad Seal be instructed to ?eod a copy of tbem to Bro. ParteW's fnmilv 0 P OSTBBN, N BARNBTT, J H STUCK BY, Oessfsliiss MARKET REPORTS. FuMvaa, 8 G , June 20 ?Cotton is ahoot exhausted, there being noopoff-rrd Market would he about 8 cerrs Niw York, June 10.?Cotton doll; mid dltog 9 1-1? for spot. Net receipts 745. Fu'ures closed quiet and Meady ; July 8 5? ; August 8 32 ; September 7 89 ; October 7 70; No?emr>er 7 57; Dn-emn-r 7 56 NAVAL STORES. New York ?Turpentine quirt Rosin dull Charleston?Turpentine firm at 43 Savan? nah?Sp'e Turpentine firm at 43) Wil? mington?Spts Tt'rpeotibe sieaiy 42fl?*3| Roeio steadr 1 Of@l 15 reueT cameT i mths? Beef \ Mrs. E. C. COLYER of Salubrity, Qa., Aug. 8th, 1898, writes: Ben? edicts has certainly been a blessing to my sixteen year old daughter. She was in wretched health and had missed four mon Two bottles of edicts have entirely restored her health 9 The monthly periods have returned and are now painless and regular. Do you sufTer f rom Painful, Irregular or suppressed Menstruation? Benedicta has cured many raftering women and will cure you In the privacy of your lthout the necessity of physl x - >\ hi i:uie ?J home, Wl a;in:',:n5""wpic? aminatlnns Its marvel? ous action jlnlne or ? IF or FEMALE ? iSS*;?E r ^HEGlbVTOR I M thens them so that the monthly periods may lx> regular anil painless. Headache, Votsslnes Nervousness, that dragging I ?j sensation and those terrible pains in tin- bask, hips and abdomen ijulckiyy, <| disappear. ' I ?B Kohl hy all Drugstst" or sent pnat-nalil form . ?I. A hog of "Monthly" lleautailns; Nils to E m use in eoauectlon,ta with each bottle ? j LADIES BLUE ROOK ent free to any ad< C y die^s. a sample Ik?x of "Mont lily" \ieu- lr jfuintlna Pills sent tor me. in stamps-Ik *3 Iddrt'ss. Woman's Department, New? iSpencer Modiclno Co.. Chattanooga,Tenn. kL .1/? niton this i"ii>i i. w t Sold ti> M A^bS IU*wtgU0 ' 0 ARE YOU' BANKRUPTinhealth. constitution undermined by ex? travagance in eating, by disre? garding the laws of nature, 01 physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. club reorsanizaBT lyrOTICB it hereby given that the Sbiloh Xl Club will be reorganized at the regular piece or meeting oo Satnrday, Jone 31, 1800. By order of the County Executive Com? mittee. JOHN M KNIGHT, Jone 30?2_County Chairman. SUMMER SCHOOLS. NOTICE TO TEACHES. OFFICE OF CO. SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. Sumter, 8. C , June 19, 1900. THE SUMMER SHOOL for colored teach era will be held here beginning, July 16th for four weeks and For white teaeben August 16th to Septem? ber lltb ioclosive Attendance means renewal of all certifi? cate! except "data B." The County Bosrd of Education will pay $5 to every teacher elected to teach in the public schools of tbe county, who atteods punctually sod regularly J. EDWIN REMBKRT, -County Superintendent Educatioo. June 20?i t THE TEST OF TIME. The Piano yoo buy should Isat o lifetime and more. There ore higher Piooos tbsn But coos that last sod bold their swest, mslodioos tons so long SecoDd hand Pianos of various makes at low prices. Hoviag, Tuning sod Repairing Accom? modating terms. Catalogue and Book of Saggestions cheerfully given. CHAS. M. STIEFFj Wareroocis, 9 North libsrty Street. Factory?Block of B. Lafayette Are., Alken and L*n rale streets. BALTIMORE, IID. 1801-1900 SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, COLUMBIA, S. C. A. B., B S., A. U , LL.B , L I. Cocraes. Spring Courses free fur Teachers Fourteen Professors; 33, D00 volomes in library; ex? cellent laboratories, elsas rooms, gymnasium, infirmary, atblstic grounds. Tuition $40, other fees $18, a session ; tuition remitted to needy students Expenses $135 to $175 a session. Certified Pupils from forty-fire Ac? credited Schools enter its Freshman Class without examination. Entrance and Normal Scholarship Exami? nations held at every couoty seat, Friday, Julv 23, 1900, by County Superintendents Next seasion opens Sept. 26, 1900. For catalogue, address, F. O. WOODWARD, President. June 6 Home Comfort -RANGES Won Gold Medal at tbe Chicago Exposition as The Premium Ranne of the World. It won tbe First Gold Medal Prize over tboosaeds of competitors, and its superiority was clearly demonstrated. These Rao gee ere sold only from wagons, and intending purchasers will find it to their interest to secure them while tbe opportunity presents itself. Tbe Wrought Iroo Range Company has arrived with one of its divisions, and wil make Sumter headquarters for a short while canvassing this and adjoining counties with tbe famous Horns Comfort S'eel Ranees Th<8> Ranges are complete in every particu lar. Their many advantages for conveoieoce and durability will re thoroughly demon strated or gentlemanly salesmen to all ia tending purchasers The following endorsements sre from wel knowo citis?os ot Hamptoo aod Williams burg counties : We the undeisigoed residents of Hamp toa and Williamsburg counties, are naing th Home Comfort Range, an1 unhesitatingly say it is the best range we have ever need : SI ? McSwsene?, W J Goodmg. Mr and Mrs J F Kearse, W II Robertson, J J Gooding I W P Weekly, W H Kennedy, R C Logan, L ' Stackley, R H Kellehau, Cooper Bros. I S. H. DEW, Supt. May 23-lm? \. Will TIS & SUM, Fire Insurance Agency j ESTABLISHED 1806. Represent, among other Companies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON A GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH A MERCANTILE; lit IM K, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. t'apital represented $7\000,000. Fob 28. About July 1st, We commence to make several changes in our Dry Goods Department. During the remainder of this month we will offer the following lines of new summer merchandise At Cost, (For cash only) The following lines in? cluded in this sale: Colored Lawns and Or? gandies, Ginghams, Cor dettes, cotton foulards, ducks, stripe and plaid white lawns, piques, crash and duck skirts, white and colored shirt waists* This is a genuine money saver to you so get inline. All other lines in our dry goods department at greatly reduced prices* J. RYTTEKBERG k SONS. 8umter, S. C. The Lamest anil Most Complete Establishment Sooth Geo. S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BUNDS, Moulding & Building Material. office and Warerooms, King, opposite Cs>o noo Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. ?B* Pnrchasa our make, which we guaraott superior to any sold South, und thereby fare money. Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty October 16?o Winthrop College Scholarship aso1 Entrance Examination. f THK eznminatioo for tie award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop Col'ege. and for the admission of nrw students will be held at the County Court House, ou Friday* July 20th at 9 a m. Applicants must not be leas than fifteen years of age When scholarships are vacated after July 20th, they will be awarded to tliofe making the highest average at this examination The coat of attendance, including board, for niched room, u?at, light and washing id only $8 50 UOf month. For further information acd a catalogue, address, PRES. D B JOHNSON, May 22 ROCK HILL, S. C. Young Men Wanted With fair education and Rood character, TO - LEARN - TELEGRAPHY, Railroad Accounting and Typewriting. This >e endorsed by ill It iding railway com pan tea as lbs only par feet sod reliable ios'l* union of t'd kind A.I our cradnntea are assisted to positions Ladies also sdoiitied Write for tree catalogue fa'l t^rtn opeai August 15ili GLOBE TELEGRHPH COLLEGE, June 13?v CHARLES C. LESLIE, Wholesale and Retail Commission Dealer in FISH Oysters, Game and Poultry. Stalls No. 1 aod 2 Fish Market. Office, Nee. 18 aod 20 Market Street. CHARLESTON, 8, C. Consignments of Couoiry Produce, Poultry, Eggs, kc, are respectfully solicited. Prompt returns made. Fieb packed in barrels aod boxes for tba country trade a specalty. Dec 6 x THE BANK OF SUMTER, SUMTER, S. C. City and County Depositary Capital stock paid in, . . $75,000 00 Undivided surplus, 16,000 00 Individual liability of stockholders in excess of their stock, 75,000 00 Traosacts a general backing burioess ; also bas a Savings Bank Department. Deposits of $1 and upward received. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable ? mi-annually. W. F. B. HAYNSWORTH, President. Marion Moise, W.F Rbamb, Vice* President. Cashier. Jan 31. Davidson College, Davidson, N. C. 64th Year Begins Sept. 6. CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, BIBLICAL, COMMERCIAL. Courses Offered for A. B., B. 3. and. A. M. Terms moderate, Location healthful, Laboratories complete, Teaching thorough, Gymnasium equipped. Send for a Catalogue. J. B. SHEARER, .June 11}?3m President. SURVEYING. 8DRV EYING and Civil Engineering work ptosjptly *t d nrenrMelv done. W. LORlNQ LEE, Civil Eogr. Mav '23-6 ?