The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, May 09, 1900, Image 6

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tu MI m Peace Reigns Among Ohio Republicans. KICKERS WEBE SQUELCHED. Bushnell and Foster Promptly Laid on the Shelf. HOV A?J5 THE MIGHTY PALLEN Whilom Leaders Not In Sympathy With the Administration Succumb to the Power of Hanna-Foraker's Meek Demeanor-Magnanimity of Cr ?svenor-Promotion of Mr. Dick. A Marvelous Platform. [Special Washington Letter.] "Peace reigns in Warsaw:" is one of the most famous messages ever. sent out into the world, but it was the peace of death. "Peace reigns in Ohio!" among the Republicans, but it is the peace of death to all who are not en rapport with the administration. A few angry protests, a few feeble strug? gles, a few groans, and the dark wa? ters of Lethe rolled above the heads of j Governor Bushnell, "Calico" Charlie Foster et id omne genus. It was trag- ! IcaL but not unexpected, for .lugger- \ naut is merciful compared with the ? Ohio Republican machine. "lianna In . Full Control!" was the headline in a ! friendly metropolitan paper in great ? Jealously carrying around in the tail pocket of his famous Priuce Albert :*oat. They wrestled with the Athens warrior all night, but as Aurora was i purpling the east he emerged from ! the committee room red eyed, but vic? torious! The pesky kickers never suc ! ceeded in changing his handiwork even j a little bit. The general not only got bis platform, but he goes to the City I of Brotherly Love as one of the Big ! Four. In fact, he is most of the Big i Four. Of course the Cheerful, hand j some Dick goes along to help the gen? eral. And as there will be four seats provided in the convention hall for the Buckeye Big Four and as General Grosvenor can't occupy all four with? out straining himself,and as even Gros? venor and Dick combined cannot oc? cupy all four without ?danger to their anatomies, they permitted Senator Jo? seph Benton Foraker and Governor Nash to go also. As Grosvenor and Foraker walk in side by side, arm in arm, with a smile upon their faces and j the rancor of years in their hearts, I they ought to be photographed as "the j Heavenly Twins," and it ought to be I done by the instantaneous process, for no man can tell how soon they will be at each other's throat again. Ambi? tious and far aspiring statesmen would do well to ponder the history of Joseph Kenton Foraker and be wise. Only a few years ago he was more in the public eye than any oilier Republican Everybody expected him ro ene day be nominated for the presidency. Now he meekly accepts a position as dele? gate at large to help renominate the man who gobbled his mess of White House porridge. General Charles Hen? ry Grosvenor is a much maligned man. He is accused of being implacable, and yet now, when at the height of his glory, he permits Foraker to have some honors-Foraker, who. when, he was ?-HB SUMTER WATCHMAN, Kjtabiuhed April, issu. "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thon Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." THE TREE SOUTHRON, Established June 3 5*6 Consolidated Au?. 2,1881. SUMTER. S. C., WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, 1900. New Series-Yoi. XIX. No. 41 black letters, cs though there wa? something startling or uovel aboui that. We might as well be surprised by a telegram from the bottomless pit announcing that "satan is running things down here!" Tempora mutanturl Times change. Indeed they do. Some years ago Char? lie Fester was a congressman of re? nown, then thrice governor of Buck eyedem. then secretary of the treas? ury-always in the elder day a prime favorite with Ohio Republicans; not "without presidential aspirations. At Jeast he was one of the War wicks who pushed John Sherman ol? his presiden? tial stool on a memorable occasion at Chicago and set James A. Garfield up in his stead. How John must snicker in his sleeve as he sees Mark insert his poisoned dagger under Charlie's fifth rib and turn it around! Tiyrou was a great philosopher. " Sweet is revenge!" How are the mighty fallen! This same ex-Congressman. ex-Governor.ex Secretary of i bo Treasury. ex-War? wick. ex-Aspirant to thc White House Charles Foster could nor. even procure himself to be elected a delegate to the Philadelphia convention and gave forth a feeble but ironical squeak about not ilesirinq; to interfere wi?:! "the most beeile::* slate prepared in Washing? ton.*' Alas anil alack, that so amiable a statesman should IN- disposed of so unceremoniously! Harmony and Hanna. It was Harmony and Hanna or Ila)] na and Harmony with a big. big H. And some poor half luny Bushnellites, with a timidity that, is astounding, tried to put a spider into the dumpling of my revered and gentle friend from Athens, General Charles Henry Gros? venor! Too bad! They even endeavored -impiously, as I believe-io alter or amend or curtail or augment the plat? form which the general had kindly and self abnegating concocted in "Washington and was laboriously and governor, took from him vi et armls a nice, juicy, little piece cf pie-I say vi ft a rm is. far i crrtn'n f!:st the i general would never relinquish an I piece of pie, great or small, in an, j other way. Now he heaps coals of fir I on Foraker's head by permitting hie j to be one of the Big Four. Rank of General Dick. Another thing on which I congratu i late General Grosvenor and Field Mar j shal Hanna is the deftness and oas< ? with which they promoted Hon.Charle: j Dick from the comparative obscurity ; of a political colonelcy to the rank o ! "general." 1 hail "Generar' Dick! . am always pleased to see any fellov ; representative climb the ladder OJ fame. Particularly am 1 gratified tc see Hon. Charles Dick mounting high One of my most agreeable recollections is of another Mr. Dick; not an Ohic ; Republican Dick, hut Mr.Charles Dick ? ens' Dick. I formed his delightful ac ? quaintance in the pages of "David ; Copperfield" of immortal memory. Ile is an old friend; he lingers with cue: i he was not a prominent statesman, as i is Hanna and Grosvenor's Dick. In j deed his whole stock of philosophy ap : pearcd to be t<> recommend people tc take a bath-to be washed clean-a ! performance which Mr. Charles Dick ; could recommend with profit and good ! conscience to his Republican brethren : in Ohio and. truth to tell, everywhere els?-. I But. while tin' Associated Press dis ! patches mate it clear that Hanna and I General Grosvenor promoted lion. Charles Dick, as aforesaid, by some such formula ns "Kneel. Colonel Dieu: : rise General Dick'*' they leave one i point in mystery, and that is whether H<?n. Charles Dick is Brigadier General i Pick. Major General Dick, Lieutenant General Dick or full General Dick. 1 I wish <? Grosvenor, who is fertile ; in resources, would vouchsafe us a hill i of particulars as to General Dick's ex? act rank. It would save trouble and 1 i would enable a seeker after truth to : estimate somewhat approximately at least General Dick's perquisites, for in this day of liberal "allowances" to gen? er?is it truly must bc that a full gener er a ^.""tenant jreneral or even a n'iajof general will be more munificent? ly "allowanced" than a paltry briga? dier; but, whatever particular species of general Hon. Charles Dick now is, I suggest to General Grosvenor, the great keynoter, that he go into this campaign with the thrilling battlecry of "Dick and liberty forever!" McKinley*? Fusrlemnn. I have one poignant regret touching the Philadelphia convention, and that is that for one brief, halcyon moment I cannot control the divers and sundry brass bands which will make the wel? kin ring on that occasion. li' I were in charge, just as General Grosvenor, the real leader of the Ohio Big Four ap? peared, followed by Senator Foraker. once fondly called "Little Breeches'* by his admirers and denominated "Fire Alarm" by those who loved him not, I would have all the bands strike up "Lo, the Conquering Hero Comes!*' General Grosvenor's going to Phila? delphia as chief fugleman is in keeping with the eternal fitness of things. He helped to rock the cradle of the Repub? lican party, and no one is better en? titled to follow its hearse. By long and distinguished service in the cause of McKinleyism he has achieved "the bad eminence" of being chief mourner at its funeral. The Ohio platform is as remarkable for what it omits as for what it con? tains- that is, it would be remarkable if it had been made by any other set of men on top of ground except Ohio Republican platform makers. I put in this saving statement because it will be remembered that in 1S9G the Ohio Republicans put such an amaz? ing and enigmatical financial plank in their platform that it remains an in? soluble marvel to this day. This time they practically ignore the Porto Rican tariff bill and the princi? ple, "The less said the sooner mended," but if they suppose that by playing the role of ostrich and, hiding their head in the sand, they have shifted discus? sion as to that question, they are reck? oning without their host. They will have to debate that question, never fear, and to explain the president's change of mind and heart and Mr. Chairman Sereno E. Payne's lofty somersault and the mental acrobatic feats of certain other Republican statesmen. Great Acrobatics. lt was, however, when they struck the trust question that the Ohio plat? form builders achieved their greatest success in acrobatics. I don't know whether to give General Grosvenor credit for this, as the press reports say it was "added to tbe platform brought from Washington." However that may be, I regard it as a gem. Here it is: The Republican party of Ohio stands committed to legislative and executive opposition to the threatening combinations of capital that seek to restrict competition and stifle independent pro? ducers. We invite within our borders the capital? istic investments that are material to the indus? trial development of the state and the largest em? ployment of labor, but we insist that injurious combinations shall be forbidden and so called trusts shall be regulated from time to time and be so restricted to guarantee immunity from hurt? ful monopoly and assure fair treatment and pro? tection to all competing industries. I defy any mortal man to tell what it means\ It appears to be an attempt to be all things to all men, thereby hoping to win some, lt makes one diz? zy to try to fathom it. People not im? mune to the vertigo and apoplexy will leave it severely alone. Self Nominated Boss. There is one thing about the recent Ohio Republican convention to which I wish to particularly call the pro? found, prolonged and prayerful atten? tion of Hon. William Eaton Chandler, senior senator from New Hampshire, as well as adviser in general to the universe ann to the Republican party in particular. It is the miraculous manner in which Hon. Marcus A. Han? na "effaced" himself. It will be re? membered that some mouths ago Sen? ator Chandler informed Senator Han? na by an open letter, public interview or some such document that the best way to insure success for the Republic? an party was for the former to "efface himself." At that time I pointed out to the Granite Mountain statesman and philosopher that he was "seeking the unattainable" after the manner of Boston transcendentalists; that invent? ing perpetual motion, extracting moon? beams from green cucumbers, binding Its odor to the lily or th' -a to slum? ber still}*-all this was dead easy easy as falling off a log, and a slippery log at that-compared to the job he had undertaken of inducing Senator Hanna to "efface himself." The task of Sisyphus and the labors of Hercules were holiday performances when brought into competition with the work of effacing Mark or of inducing that illustrious patriot to "efface him? self." Now. I am in position tc say to Senator Chandler. "I told you so." Mark did some "effacing" at Colum? bus, but by what must appear a strange process to Senator Chandler it was the other fellow Mark "effaced" and not himself. Mark doesn't object to doing political murder, but he draws the line at political suicide. It isn't re? corded that Mark's great prototype, the Old Man of the Sea. destroyed him? self. Au contraire, as our Gallic friends would say. Sindbad gave him the coup de grace. I guess Senator Chandler has read that entrancing story. Mark challenges admiration by the open manner in which lie practices in | the last year of the nineteenth cen- j tury-if not the lirst of the twentieth- i that some men-most men- are born | into this world to be ridden and oth- I ors-very few-are born, hooted and spurred, to ride the many. Mark is the self nominated hess rider. Bainbridge Wharf ( ol lapses. BAINBRIDGE, Ga., May s.-The Plant' system wharf here collapsed Saturday I morning. The crash came at un early hour and only an engineer and a negro were on the wharf. They narrowly es- i caped with their lives. The wharf was heavily laden with freight, which caused j the wreck. [ A VISION BY AN EX-CAN? DIDATE. Campaign Reflections From Deep Down in the Soul of Guv. We note the candidates are string? ing out and getti?g ready for busi? ness, and we'll notify 'em that the voters are organized and are ready for business. Come oat and come on ye afflicted bretberen, afflicted with what the doctors might term scabies mamilla, which is a biennial epidetn ic that regularly attacks the comma Bity, more or leBS severely, and is simply an itching desire to quit plowing and to suck at the public pap. The candidate stage of this affection is quite serious, tho' never fatal. The most serious and trying stage is after you are completely cured. (Those patients who are per? mitted ever to get a taste of the pap are Dever cured.) The cure consists in wading into a stream called Pri mary creek There are three of these creeks Most of you eiHicted brethren will receive your cure in the very aidge of the first stream, and, for your consolation, we'll state that you'll be the most thoroughly cured and will not probably ever contract that type of scabies any more during your natural lives-and be 68?fe after death Others will wade in more or less deep before they are healed and restored to their right mind A few may be able to cross over, and this only aggravates the symptoms for a little while, and until they reach second Primary creek and still fewer, may be, will have to paddle a little in the rill called 3d Primary, but most of you will be prone to stand on the windward banks and sing, "On Primary's stormy banks I stand and cast a wistful eye, Ob, bow wist ful !" Well, we don't blame you, for that pap is mighty sweet diet-we sucked at it once, io the long ago, and still say "You may break, you may ruin our hopes if you will, but the flavor of that pap will bang around still '' Well, you are a mighty sweet set, a mighty promis ?Dg (?) job lot of suckers, you are, i and you'll find a mighty promising (?) assortment of voters just "a lay? ing for suckers" Mind what we tell you. You remind us much of a j pack at a fox hunt, only you are of I all breeds e..d qualities Some of I you have already broke cover and given tongue to that resonant "(a) n-o-u mc e !" and are spread over the field, some after big meat and some only "smell a rat" of an office somewhere, others are still in the woods trying to strik some more or less hot little trail and then they'll also break cover and "(a) n o-u-n-j c e !" Then soo? we'll blow you all up and the timbre of your voice will change to that shrill yelp, "ability, j ability, ability." Some of you, per? chance, will want to be sent to the state boase when that other institu? tion across town might be more ap? propriate and more beneficial to yon -and to us (We think this last suggestion will apply to a large portion of the recent occupants of the state house Bill Arp says "the Georgia legislature is composed of 240 members-mostly fools"-and there are others. Others of you will j offer for Bro Nash's place, and itch to sign yourself CC CP and G j S , and haply don't know what it signifies, and possibly your concep tion of the duties is some undefined idea that they will consist in furnish j lng Bro Brad well with plenty ot ink and stub pens and your own portion ? will be only to pose your osborn com i and digoitaty in front of the judge's bench and iearn to say "Youwiiiwell andtrulytryandtruedeliverancemake," and so forth. Well, Bro Nash might not be selected as a model for a j statue of Apollo, but his oshum and dignitaty and suavitu in mode has passed satisfactorily and coropensa torily thus far. Some of you may possess more physiognomical pul chritude, but then do you know the difference between a riniry fashus and addimus protestatio), or words to that effect ? Others of you will want to be sheriff, and we bet you don t know how to handle a double back action brass rifle howitzer can non if Simon Cooper was to rise again ^ome more of you would like to draw Bro Rembert's sup sal arv and lick pot luck among the patrons. Yes, and there'll be some more of you wanting Bro Ad Moses' enoes (and sox, too, we reckon) and be quite anxious about killed people, and heart failure and congestion of the gizzard aud sich, and you'll promise ' to the best of my ability," et cetr3, and wouldn't know how to proceed to bold an inquest over a dead letter-perhaps And, Oh ves, there'll be some more of your pack that'll be yelping on the trail of county supervisor, which you opine you'll (a)Dorn better than Marion, and you'l? be making us gilt edge promises, like the voters are going to make to you, and assure us that we'il all have "a hard road to travel" ii you are allowed to grade and work "em Well, we are going to tote fair and give you a hard road to travel," too-the day after the pri maty. But, Oh, you'il have a daisy time 'twixt now and then, for you'll find the whole community affected with an epidemic, too, an epidemic ol broad guage emile, and they'll feed your critter on the most succul? ent corn tops aud feed you on chick en pie and water melon and other beverages and much taffy, and all Milli ?Vrcgc?ablePreparationfor As? similating thcToodandRegula ling thc stomachs andJBowels cf jurareis-/CHILDREN Promotes D?g?sfion,ChcerfuI ?iess and?fest.Conta?ns neither OpiurarMojrpuine nDr>fin?ral. NOT NARCOTIC. Recipe ofOUllrSAMOELmCBER Pumpkin Seed" JIx.Senna * Hoc/utUSdb Amit Seed * Upper t?nt m Bi Cert orUL& Sock. * fVxmSccd (tanficd Sugar . htt&yreen Flamr. Aperfectf?emedy for Constipa rion, Sour StoiMch.Diarrhoca, Worms .ConvulsionsXeverish oess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Sin-lie Signature of NEW "YORK. Afb months old 35 DOSES-J j C E NTS IEXACT C0'?T OT WHAPPEB. tam GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THC Ct MT* UR COMMRTi ?CW YORK CITY. wool, yard wide, promises. You'll receive something less than half roil lioa of the very beat quality of these, free of cost, only we can'*t warrant 'em not to shrink This is owing to the dog goo managers of the pri? mary, who always did have a bull beaded way of insisting that the promises must be cbristahzed into solid votes before they'd handle 'em, and a half million promises some times most generally always most pan out more'n about haif a gross of votes But you'll enjoy the "pre? cious promises'*' and melons and tafiy and free board and wipin' the baby's nose and lie'n to the women that that's the way you always do at home, and epihV the men's breath with fuss X pop skull ont of a five X bottle. Yes, and you'll begin to think that the consolation of a camp meet'n' aint nothing Iongside the blessful bliss cf a campaign-until primary day,-that direful day, when you'll be reminded of that verse in scripture which reade, "I said in my j haste all men are liars,'' and you won't be in any hurry when you say it and add some stressful language not used for Sunday school purposes And you'll think, too, of "This world is all a fleeting show," and "I would not live always," and you'll "Ask not to stay" any longer, but run your hands down knee deep into your racoons pockets and bead for ? home and pull out that rusty sweep and viciously knock it off and slap on a turn plow, and cuss at your critter as tho' it had been wastio' time runnin' for office, and dig the plow in deep, and sorrowfully start to breaking grass roots and covering bay, while you dolorously ponder if you are any kin, now, to yourself a few days ago Well, may the Lord help you and bless yon, and, by some miracle of grace, save you, if possi? ble Guv. Wee Nee, May 7, 1900. Special Rates OD the Southern Democratic Stute Cocv^ri'ioo, Uolumoia, S.C., Muy 16tb ?900-Rouid trip tickets will be sold May 15tb tod 16:h, with fio*! limit May 19tb. Rate for ronod trip from j Sumter, S. C , $2 25. Grand Lodge Meeting: ICr?i?bt-5 of Pythias j of South Carolina, Chai?es'on. S C , May 15Tb, 1900-Round trip tickets wiil be eoid ! May 14th aEd 15tb, with fina! limn, May j 19tb Rate tor round trip from Sumter, S, j C , S* 45. j Fireman's Tournament, Greenville, S C, ? May ?5th- 16th, 19C0-sTor individuals a rat?. ? of one 6rst ciat'3 f.*re for the round trip. For j firemen io paries of feu or more ca one , ticket, in uniform, rate fron? Sumter, ?. 0 , ! will be $3 30 for tbe round trip Tickets j wi;l be sold May litb, with final limit May 18tb. We are cicsirig out ? lot of 40 cent hoi paper ?.t 25 cents a bes. Ic is ?he biases' ; value ??er rfferf-d for tb? orice. We ncujjbt j bargain and will give our customers the j advantage of it. Tbe lot will last 'ong j t tbe p:icp H. G OS TIC KN' & CO -- ?>.???-??-48^ Haov ocks at H. G 0?'ef>:i A Ge's. > Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat? ient businessconductsu for MODERATE FEES. ?OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATEN rO*?icE ?andwcraasiTure oaten: io. less time than ;hosc (remote from Washi.i.rrtoa. Scad modci, drawing O'- photo., with de?crip . tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of ?charle. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, 41 How to Obtain Patents," w'th 'cost of same in the U. S. and loreign countries ?sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON. D. C. The Work of a Newspaper. lo a sermon io the First Baptist cbnrch of Wilmington, N. C., last Sunday night, from the text : "The making of many books there is no end," Rev Calvin S. Blackwell dis? cussed newspapers as we li as books Among other things, he declared that "the printing office is school, college and university for the brightest intel* leets of everyage," and said : "A newspaper office is a school of unselfishness. No other class serves a community so well and too often for so ''Ule pay either in cash or appre? ciation Every day and night the newspaper is doing free work for the general betterment of the community. If a iawyer was called opon by the city authorities to do for the city the same amonnt and no more valuable writing than that which every news? paper does free every day the charge would be $50 or more. If the news?? papers were to cease for a week it would be as dark and lonesome as if the pall of an eclipse covered os. and Wilmington would be to the outside world practically as though she were not ? It is refreshing to hear a man stand up in the pulpit occasionally with a practical view of the great work that is done by the newspapers. For the most part, preachers think they are doing their foll duty toward the press of the country when they inveigh against sensationalism and Sunday newspapers ; bot this is barely touching the hem of the gar ment of the work of a newspaper, and Mr. Blackwell has spoken truly 10 what be had to say concerning the continu?os work that is done for the town io which a newspaper is pub* 11 eb ed, aod gratitoosly, bot frequent? ly without the slightest evidence of appreciation on the part of the com? monity-Augusta Chronicle RELIEF CAME. > i jr&@?$k MES* E* ?* C0LYER ^ T| (nt?^Lt- ?*Salubrity, Ga., Aug.? ? ikj^?/]^ 8th, 1S98, writes: Ben- g> ? edicts has certainly gj 2 ?^vr^o^r^ ^een a blessing t<-> ? m-" s*Itecn .year?, ^ .Maufeifet IflBk old daughter. She? ?^-*5KaP^ missed four nionths? ^ Two bottles of Beni edicta have entirely restored her health. C The monthly periods have returned W il and arc now painless and regular, ir 4 _ > i *> ^ Do you suffer from Painful. Irregular*^ <g or Suppressed Menstruation? Benedicta j has cured many suffering women and & *wlll cure you in the privacy of your? $ home, without the necessity or phys!- ? M clan's ex- k jt |j animations nfc j r^Jl^^^i^^^ jj?, ?OUS action SrCjT l?j^***^' te m&i?Bi I ?..nine or- W OK ?S^fmAil h &^J^mmsm > thens them so that the monthly periods h q may tx? regularand painless. Headache, F ?^Dizziness, Nervousness, that dragging?? .Sj sensation and those terrible pains In & ?the back, hips and abdomen quickly? disappear. if* C Sold by All Dnicrcri^rs or sont post-paid forSl A. box of "Monthly *' Reflating Pills to jv u>.'? i:i connection, is with each bottle |j jg LADIES BLUE 800K sent free to anv ad- j. *X dress. A sample box of "MonthIy"*Reg- r ?a Pills sent for 10c. In stamps, jj. ??Address. Woman's Department, New? j? Spencer Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. JL *^ Mention thia paper. ?r J ______ _. Sold by HugbEOQ-Ligon Co,