WHY HOT GLOSS EARLY P Too Fin* Work of the Qenue Fool. A fool oca do more tojary io 6?e rninutei tbee Iftj ?im ate esc repair io * month. It It possible to defeat or elrcomveot tbe saeohleeiioos of * knar*, Sat the fool it the oee epecimea of butnenitr against wbom tbe wisdom of tbs sfss Is of so effect. Tbe hoove is ?ist ie bis owa war, and bia plans one bs ssat aod defeated by greater wisdom, bet Iba fool breaks oat la all sens of ones pooled places and oo one ceo foraca what be will or will eot do. Tba fool baa broken teoss la Hunter, end. aa nsual, be baa played tie aaitebier, and ibe worot of It, no one keows wbare to begio to ftpair lbs damage tbs foe! bas wroagbt. Tba soly way to treat a fool Is to igoore hioa sad go sloeg la tbeeeeo tenor of your way. Do eel digaify tba fool wiib too mach ?elite, for if be once fooiisbly imagines tbat OS Is aa Important personage be will give Ci ae rest. Accept tbs coneequeocoe of tbo I's notice as diepeasaitoos of Providence. Jost oe yoa woald lbs raselte of a cyclone, eat promt to rebuild oe tbe fooadatioas of commas asase aad reasea. If tba fool bowls aaaaeea be Is Ig sored, let blot bowl. After soostdsecblc effort tbo agreement to assail tbe stores at 10 o'clock Sstordav aifbt aad beta made effectlro, and tvsry arm ia tewa bad agreed to close promptly at tbs bear agreed Satordey algbt a week ago every stars was closed promptly aod e?try bety wee satiated. Bat baft tbs fool got io Hsi loo w?rk. There bad been more or lost halb acooi Tbo Greece oot being willlag w esses tbetr Mores, sad for a time it was said" tee* woo l< aet eon sent to abide by tbe it. Oat ibsy did gtvs tbetr assent sod proved tbetr eternity Oy closiog promptly at It a at. 8otarday alfbt ose week ago Tbs reel was aet satiated wltb ibis, however, aad aa aet need* adept bis owa method for clinch albs agreement end foreiog Tbe Qreeki to ? ay it. 80 be sits bias down aod writes a little typowritteo aaonvaaoas letter which bo slyly takes to Tbo Greeks' etore, and, welle pareaaeiog a quart of presets ss brain feet to repair tbe wear aad tear of bis men tat Hesse, dropped it where it would bo feaad This Is a copy of tbat anonymoot protest of tba fool's literary genius : "Too moot keep yoar store closed after 10 Satarday night If yoo waat to keep o?en tbat is yoer boeiaesf, bot we ad?m yoa to close "Svtt week will bo organised the Gletk's L?eget aat yoer name will be advertised ia tbs paoera. ?THAT H?3T RB STOPPED. [Stfoet] 'The Clerks of Sumter "aet Nine-Tenths of Iba Glttaeoi." Tbc Oreeks did act take kindly to this threat, ead is ecasiqaeoce did oot close at 10 o'clock Sen "day eight. Tbev bad cloaed tbe pec*loo 1 Satordey night promptly on tbe boar act bet for tbio fool's meddliog would bave closed every Satarday sight. Wbo can blasse ?hem far meeting a tbroit witb defi? ance? Tbo writer dooa not for it was tbe s?est oetoeel thing to do. Tbe Orceks acted as most moo won Id b?vc acted aad they are aet to be toasstet- Tbat ouunymono letter wad aa oedrege aod there was *rk of an assay's to meet wfth tbe ap? proval of tots commuoif, ssd those wbo bed bobtad a typewriter to ?ooo*al their handiwork ar* condemned Icetecd of receie tag tbo apnlaoce tbey espected. Tbo writer is iaforiaed by tbe Greeks tbdt tbey bovo 00 tiepoctiioc to violate the egree ascot to etoee ot 10 o'clock, nor do tbey wish to go erector to the eectome of tbe town 10 wbleO) tbey hove ccieOliebed themselvco io bocieeoo Tbey do not proooce, however, to eoemtt to tbrotte aod imlmldatioa, for ibey know tbetr rights aod Snow that tbey will be protectsd by the lewe which guaranteed these ngbte Tbe Oreekc coy ibnt they propose to close ?he?r etoree hereafter at 10 o'clock Sat? arday algbt, ead ibey so edvertlce in this poper. If tbev do oot live op to the eg recount, if tbev do oot close their store 1 at 10 p. m Set ertey oigbt cod S p. at. other toys In the week, If tbey vk?lo!e t ? customs of the towo mat defy tbo wishes of the people who are a oott I? favor of s'celng, there Ic a remedy, bet it Is eot aa aaoo/mous letter Let the people wee teetaad carlv eloeicg refuse to ?peat a poesy witb t*.e firms tbst refuse to close ot tbo time spec!Aed, and It will not be foe loog tbot those trie* will defy public sea* 11 meet Ic a abort time tbey will bo closed ell tbo time every doy ia tbe week, for no store cos do business without potrooegc. Ia addition to tbo aoooymooe letter a crowd gathered around ibe store of the Greeks So tarda r eight, aat lacy were snooted by the comments aat gibes of ibrcrowd, aod tbe preseeso 0/ tbo police wee accessary to the prcservotloa of order. This sort of tbiog Is eotlroly wrong sot It should aot occur again Public ceoUmoot is 00c thing, a mob ic some tblag different, cod If this method of proce tare ss one tin nod poblic seotlmeot will he creeled for too stores tbat resaeio open aad tbe eerly closing motcmect will be killed be )?od tbe possibility of resurrection. Vieible Supply of Cotton. Hpeeial 'o tbe Itsm : Mew York, April ft ?The visibly supply (if cotton ic tbo smallest since 1890, when ?otteo seit st II cents. Consumption is shoot 10 per scat greolsr aad eitreme prleee will a >oo be locvltoble. We shell bo glad if yoo will give the widet* pocctble publicity to |hle telegrem. Priee, MoCormick A Go Fire Laat Friday The recidence on eornee of Gslheun end Heskell 8tr*ots the property cf Col J D Steading, was boraed lest Pridty efferooon It was a scveo room bouse occupied or Mr Seyeclde Tbe value of the dwelling was about $1,300 end tbe inaorance was SI.000, wl'b Meotrc A White A 8>n, asjcwN of Loo too A Liverpool A Ulone. Toe has to in melee wes oot Urge ss ihoc wes time to remote, with eld of neighbors, ill household goods Tbc dlsiaorc from the reel bouses woe too creet to do more than nave contige 00c dwelllogc, of which 4 or 5 were caught by einders carried by a brisk northwest wind. Mr. Mark Reyoo'ds hero end stebles, how eve, eoold cot he eared. Oo these there was ee lecorcoee. Tbe Ire dspartmcct worked coder greet diflRfoltlec eo there wee but one hydrent with la reerb of the Ire cod the prewure waa so lew, owing to tba small siseof th ? weter maio aet dioteaco from the etandplpr, that only smell etrearns coolt he thrown on tbe fire. Rot there been o strong wctcr pressure much festive work odd beve bwo dooc frees ?ee to fl nt tbs book of B. G. Ostsee AOs. sT falmmlAi ii Heirs Wanted The following letter recehed by Sb?riff Pierson, sod which has been furnished by bim to this paper, if puolished for the Jenen" t of tbe par (tea concerned : Shelby, N. 0 , April 24, l!>00. To ibe Sheriff of Sumter County, Slimier, 3. 0 : Dear Sir . There ia in the bands of an Ad? ministrator io this (Cleveland) county a small turn of money for Mra. Hester Smith, a daughter of John W Qtbbooa, deceasjd. She married William Smith, a native o< your county, many yotrs ago; they lived for a time in tbia county and afterward settled in your county. It is thought that Williim nod Heattr are both dead. Tbay bad two daughters, Hannah and Maggie. Hunt:ah married a White and died after giving hi tb to a aon. We know notbing more of Maggie We art aoaioua to know whether there are any deaceodaota or Heater Smith now living, aleo wbao William and Hester flied, if deid, aod tbe ages of the children, If any I vug. Hester baa an iotereet in a small tract of land wbich will toon ee barred by tbe statute, if not already barred. Tbe Administrator it anxious to make his final settlement, aod we are about to bring an action to eel I tbe land (or partition Tbeee people were very poor wbeo they left tbia county, We take Iba liberty of addressing this Ut? ter to yoa at your position necessarily brings yon io contact with tbe people of yoor county Tbaokiog yoa In advaoce for aoy Informa tioa yoa may be able to give us, we art Yours truly, Oidoey k Q ilno, Sumter Demooratio Club Meets Lpli Sumter Democratic Club met in tbe Court House last Saturday afternoon at 6 o'clock, and was called together hy preiideot H O Outen, wbo itated tbe object of tbe meeting Officers to serve for tbe next two years were elected aa follows : President?H O Oateen lit Vice President?T B Prater, Jr. 3d Viet President ?Dr 8 0 Baksr. Hecretarv-J M Kniabt Member of Goon:/ Executive Committee? Marion Moise. Mietetet were next elected to tbe Couo y Oooveution. wbich meets next Monday, as follows: H O Osteeo, Altamoot Moses, H L Scarborough, Riebard I Manning, B O Pierson, R L Cooper. B 0 Haynsworth, T B FrasT, Jr, John M Knight, T M Jones, Shep ard Nasb, R D Lee, Marion Moil*. RO Pordv, J H Chandler, J Diggs Wilder, H Frank Wil aoi, R W Bradham, M 0 Kava.iaogh, B I Reardon, A R Stnckev, Neill O'Doonell Harrr Rytteoberg, John Reid. Dr S 0 Baker. 1 Moved and carried that tbe chairman of tbe delegatiou be aotboria?d to appoint any alternates that might be necessary to fill va? cancies in the representation. Moved and carried that the member of tbe Couotv Executive Committee request that committee to change the time of meeting of tbe Sumter club, to some day otber than Sat ordav, on account of the inconvenience to which ibe members ere subjected, aod if it be oeceetarr to have tbe constitution of tbe party altered to bring about this change, tbat sttpe be taken to have this done Messrs H 0 Motes. O O Rowland. C M Horst, Jr, Bvrtow Walsh aod M 0 Kava naugh, togetber with tbe secretary, were elected a committee on revision of tbe club roll, after wbicb tbe club adjoorned. aaSMtl?????"^w*?i The MtehSDioa aod Laborers Meet. Toe Mechanics and Laborers Djmocrnth club tuet in Nerton ball oo last Saturday afternoon at 0 o'clock, aod was called togetb? er by President B T. Wlodham who stated tbe objsct of tbe meeting Officers to servti for tbe of xt two years were elected aa fol? lows : President ?K T. Wiodbam. 1st Vice President?I M Keels. 2nd Vine President?H G Cottino. Secretary?O B Richardson. Member of County Executive Committee? H LB Welle. Delegatee were next elected to Ibe county convection wbich meets next Monday ae followe: R T Windham, H O Cuttioo H L B Wells, O J Browo, J W Adkit aod 1 M Keels. It was moved aad carried tbat tbe chairman of delegation beeatboriaed to fill aoy vacancy or vacancies tbat aaigbi occur tu tbe repre? sentation by appointing alternates. . Messrs. Char as Thames, J. W. Adkint and Q. B Richardson wars elected a committee on revision of tbe clnb roll, after wbieb tbe club adjourned. O. B Ricbardeoo, 3cc?ete;y. ? i ?? ? ~~?^ae^aESMSS^?-"*^^a^^SSJSBMaanw^???i ?? ? Hie Ufo Wan Sawed. Mr. J. B* Lilly, a pr mio^.a oltiien of Har albal, Mo., lately bad a aonderful deliverance from n frightful death. In telling ef it be says: "I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia. My lunge became hardened. I was #o weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped mo- I expected soon to die of Consumption, when I beard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I ean't say too much in its praise." Tbls marvellous medicine is the surest and quiekest eure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sises 60 ets and $1.00. Trial nettle free at J F. W. DeLorme's Drug Store, every bottle guaranteed. 2 ?ssae* ???? -^a^?-? i THE PHANTOM HOST. Written by Bay. P. D. Hay, Not by Father By an. In tbe spring of 18>6 Mr P D Hay, now rector ef the Church of tbe Holy Comforter, theo a resided! of Sumter, cootriboted au origioal poem, "Tbe Phantom Host," to tbe Sumter Watchman. This poem, wbich was a irinote to tbe memory of tbe gallaot Con? federate deid, struck a responsive chord in the hearts of the people of tbe sou'h, aod it wes copied aod widely published li tbe course of timt* it came to be attributed to Father Ryan, and recently so well known a magatfne as the Confederate Veteran, of Nashville, Teo'i , publ shed an article repro? ducing "The Phantom Host" and assigning its authorship to Father Ryan. This article ha< been brought to our attention, and in Justice to Mr. Hay we deem it out fair to state tbat hs aod not Father Ryao wrote the poem an 1 that it first appeared In the Sumter Watchman in tbe soring ot 1868 A l'owdwr Mltl Kxploelon Removes everything in eight , so do drastic mineral pill , but both a e mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite tbe delicate machinery of your body with calomel, eroton oil or aloes pills, when Dr King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breese, do the work per? fectly. Cures headaches, eeastipation. Only tat at J F W DeLorme's drag store. 2 Dedication of Kendall Institute. The dedicatory exercises of Kendall Insti? tute will be held tonight. Dr Sanders, of Biddle University, and other distinguished persons will be present. Special music for tbe occasion. Tn* public is cordially invited. Exercises begin promptly at 8.30 o'clock. Rev J. 0. Welkins, Principal. - ? ? e. e? Mad Dogs at Luoknow. We were told recently tbat Lucknow aod vicinity were literally infested with mad dcgs aod tbat some anxiety was felt on acccuot of their ourober. Ooe of our correspoodents in coming from Lockoon toGamdeo last Thurs? day bad q lite a desperate encounter with one, aod narrowly escaped bating bis horse bitteo ? Weteree Messenge' Mo Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in faoe, form and temper will always hate friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritsble. If she has constipa? tion or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause, pimples, blotebes, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric bitters is tbe best medicine in tbe world to regulate, stom? ach, liter and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good looking, oharming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50o at J. F. W DeLorme's Dtug Store. 2 Sunday School Picnic. The children of the Baptist Sunday school, together with tbe teachers aod many of tbe pareetsend friends, will attend a picnic on Friday on tbe Southern railway, at tbe Sin? gleton spring, abont a mile this side of tbe Snmtcr Junction on tbe Camden Branch of tbe Southern R. R. The train will leate the depot at 8 30 in the morning, and tbe chil? dren most bestir themselves so as to be on time. Tickets can bs bought tbe day before et 2) cents for children and 35 cents for grown persons. It is expected that each fam? ily will carry a basket of eatables ? ana -???? saw. At ths last quarterly coofereoce of Magno? lia Street Ghurcb Messrs. W. P. Smith and Qeo E. Beaumont were elected delegates r.od Messrs. J. S. Kennedy aod D. S Moore al? ternates to tbe district conference, which con? venes) Juoe 29 in tbe First Methodist Church io this city. Volcanic Eruptions. Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of Joy. Buoklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also Old Running and Fever Sores, Uloers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Bsst Pile Cure on earth. Drive i out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by J. F. W. DeLormo, druggist. 2 Stamp Books. Tbs pottoffice now bat stamps io books oo oo sale. Tbe stemps are pot op in small books with non-adbesive paper between each sheet of stamps. Tbe hooks are made io three sizes, to wit : 12 two cent stamps (<<, 25c. 24 two cent stamps (V 49c. 48 two cent stamps (><, 97c A BIO OX George D. Shore A Bro. Thursday sold for ehiprcent to Baltimore tbe biggest ox ever in tbiecity. Tbe ox wes raised in Privateer nod wss bought io December. At tbat time be weighed 1,240 pounds aod yesterday morning be tipped the scales at 1,672 pounds, a gain in weight of 432 pounds. The ox is oot only n mocster specimen of the cow family, but is bigger aod heavier tbeu any horse in this city, and the price realized waa more then is paid for many pretty good specimens of horse flesh. Fifty Teara Old. Friday fifty years ago, oo April 27 th, 1850, tbe first issue of the Black River Watchman made its appceraocc. For fifty years the pa? per has appeered regularly except for a short time immediately after Potter's reidere occu? pied Somter aod left tbe office o wreck The name has heeo altered bot twice. Shortly after the establishment of tbe paper Ibe name wej changed to tbat of the Somter Watch? man, aod io 1881 it was coosolidotcd witb the True 8outhron aod tbe ncme wes changed to tbe Watchman aod Sootbrou. The foun? ders of the paper were Alleo A. Gilbert cod John F. DeLormc The present proprietor ot the paper, Mr. N. O. Oeteeo, entered tbe Watchman office as an appreotice io 1855, aod except for o period of five years?1861-68 ??has been identified with tbe newspaper bus-ness io Somter. A Coincidence A somewhat remarkable coiocideoce oc? curred et tbe Redbone Church, in Privateer, on Sunday. It was tbe doable burial of two double first cousins oatned Smiliag, wbo died near together, aod whose families lived near each other. McD. F Memorial Day. The Dick Anderson Chapter Daughters of Confederacy held a meeting at the residence of Mr* Altamont Moses oo Monday, 23d. The following officers were elected : President?Mrs. Altamoot Moses Vice Precident?Mrs. J M Koight Treasurer?Miss Mane D. Lee Corresponding Secretary ? Miss Edith De Lerne Recordiog Secretary ? Mis* Ano.i Gra hum The following are the committees appoint id to arrange for the Memorial Day exercise?: Committee on arrangements?Mrs. Hogin and Mrs. J. M Knight Committee on collections?Mrs F Spann, Mi9* I . )uis i Mo9e9, Miss Julia Schwerin Committee oo children?Misjis Virginia Anderson. Jessie Molee and Flora Moses Decorslin? church yards- Si. Lawrence - Miss Alien Pool and Mis Breooau. Presby teriao?Miss McCalltim. Decorating mooumeot?Mrs S. C. B-iker, Mrs. Heory rtp*nn aod Misa Arabella Moses. ?s ?ee? sow Hsm x.ocks at H. O Os'eeo A Go's Bise wall goods at H. G Ojteeo A Go's. H. G Oateen A Co bave oo hand a large stork of bass ball Roods?including caps aod belts?wbicb will be sold at pleasing prices. B*te ball players should visit the store of H. G. Usteen A Oe. before baying tbeir sup? plies. Pythian Memorial Service Tbe threatening clouds and a shower of raio Monday evening prevented m-?ny per? sons from attending the memorial services of Gamecock Lodge, K. of P , in honor of the deceased members of that ledge Tbe ritual work was solemn and Impres? sive. Thirteen chairs arranged in triangular order, on eachot which whs placed a knight's helmet, spoke silently, though elcquently of the departed, who in otber days occupied these seats at tbs sessions of (heir lodge After tbe opening ceremony the choir sang an appropriate hymn, followed by the Pre? late's invocation and selections from tbe Bible. Another hjran was sung, and Past Grand Chancellor, H. F. Wilson delivered the address of tbe occasion. Fervently and eloquently be paid a broth? er's tribute to tbe dead. Extolling tteir vir? tues, and over their faults and frailties cast? ing the mantlo of charity. He briefly reviewed tbe origin and growth of tbe order, which was born amid scenes of fratricidal strife more than thirty-five years ago. Beginning with a few noble men who bad in their hearts a feeling of genuine fra tercity for their fellows, tbe order has spread until tbe tri-colored baooer has beeo unfurled throughout the globe. Six tboosaod lodges with more tbao bait a million of knights are quietly doing a grand work and digsemioa tig tbe bigb principles of Pythiaoism At the close of Major Wilson's address tha third hymn was sung. Theo tbe officers of tbe lodgo assembled around tbe altar and de? posited upon tbe large wreath of erergreeo, sprigs of myrtle, tbe emblem of undying frieodship aoo remembraoce. Following the cflicers, each knight io turn approached tbe eltar and placed tbereon bis evergreen token of brotherly love. Tbe closing prayer was made by Dr Browo. Tbe good oigbt ode was sang, and tbe services ended. Tbe music of tbe occasion was well tender? ed by a cboir consisting of Measre. S. H. Edmunds, A. G. Flowers, J. L. Hayoswortb, 0. L. Cuttino, B. Waisb and B. L. Scar? borough. Rev. J. I. Ayres served as organ? ist, and Mr. R K. Wilder as coroetist. Mannville Lodge No. 107 K of P Tbe 107th Lodge K. or P. of the Grand Jurisdiction of. South Carolina was instituted ny Deputy Grand Chancellor R Frank Wil? son last Friday night at Mannville. Quite a large number of Knights were in attendance to participate in tbe ioterestiog ceremonies of tbe occasion. From Iona Lodge of Bisbopville wete Knights Wir Law, J M Herron, Harry Scarborough, Robert Rcid, Wm Stuckey, J Ed Stuckey. Tyre Stcckey. Jae Carnes, John Shaw, T C Perrin, F H Stell, Hugh W Carnes, B L Harris, T H Harris, J D Kiog, E McCutcben, L L Bacer, M B McCutchen, T A Baskin, J B Kilgore, J W Randolph, O W Palmer, H W Rembert and G M Stockey. Game Cock Lodge of Sumter was repre? sented by Knigbts H L Scarborough, H E Money bum, Altamont Moses, L I Parrot, J S Uugbsoo, G W Dick, J M Koight, S H Edmunde, J H Levy, A D Moses, C M Hurst, Jr, J L Havnswortb, J H Cbandier, C L Stubbs, W FSbaw, J Edwin Rembert, J W McCoy, B Walsh, Walter Cheyoe, R M Jeu kios and H M Stockey. At halt-past eight o'clock tbe work of institution was commenced and was com? pleted at four o'clock Saturday morning. Tbe three subordinate lodge ranks were cooferred upon tbe following members of the Maoovilie lodge: B Alexander, Rev C M Richards Nat Baroett, J 0 Paroell, I F Baroett, B F McCutcben, J r' ickey, D L Shaw, W W Player, J M Player, W F Davis, G G Tximcal, J L S -oorougb, J R Dixon, J R Cousar, N Y Alford, Bradford Scarbor? ough, R M Cooper, 9 T Woods, E F DesCbamps. Knights J J Shaw and S J Scarborongb wire received by card At midnight a recess was takeo, likewise a most bountiful and tempting feast which was furnished by the hospitab.e brethren of Mann? ville. Nat Barnett's store counters served for tables. Crockery, tinware and cutlery from bis shelves were brought into reqoisitu n Tbe valiaot Knigbts attacked tbe foe, aod spread havoc all around Even the new made Requires acquitted themselves like heroes, and did full justice to the occasion. Everybody was in a good humor, and will remember this pleasant event for many a day as a green spot io life's drehry desert. Nat Barnett is a mo?t obliging host, aod spared no paios or trouble to give comfort aod pleas ore to tne visitors. And the same can be said of all tbe otber Maoovilie brethren. After the initiatory work was finished the following officers were Installed to serve to the end nf the present year ; B Alexander, 0 0. S J Scarbnroogb, V C. Rev C M Richards, Prelate. B F McCntcben, M of W. Nat Baroett, K R aod S. J 0 Paroell, M of B. J H Stuckey, I G. D L Shaw, O G. Dr 0 P Osteen, M A elect was cot present, and will therefore be initiated aod installed by hia lodge. Tbe new lodge has some fioe material, and begina its Pythian career under fair auspices. It is a valuable acquisition to the order, aod will doubtless do a good work io its community. THE WAR RELICS FRE8ENTED Col Blandmg Brings tbe Flag and Vase to Columbia. Yesterday tbe venerable veteran of the Mexicao aod Civil wars, Col J. D. Blandmg of Sumter, arrived in tbe city, bringing with him tbe historic flag of tbe war of Mexico, aod tbe celebrated Jackson vase presented to the regiment Col Blend? ing went directly to tbe governor's office and turned these invaluable relics, together with all papers relating to them, over to Gov. McSweeney to be placed in tbe State bouse aod there securely kept. Col Blandmg was as full of enthusiasm and patriotic fervor as ever yesterday, and it almost made bi.n abed tears to bid farewell to tbe old flig and tbe vase. He has given the State all his title to the vase, and has written to all tbe otber surviv? ors of tbe regiment urging them to do like? wise. Col Blending ears he has been urged to bring these precious relied to the Louis ill* reunion, but he feh that the rencs should be in the State house and would not delay His riveting yssttrday with old 1 Uncle William" Rose, tbe co'.oreii veteran ot tbe famous regiment, v*ns most affecting. Col. Blanding says the Mexican war vete? rans have ubout $9 0 in hand, and it |l now th^ir earnest desire to erect a monument to ttie memory of their heroic and dashing col? onel?Butler? who fell on Mexican 3 iil, fac? ing the enemy in battle. He proposes to write the Stato house commission asking that body, if it has one of tbe marble column?, now on the State house grounds, left after the State bouse is completed, to donate it to form a portion of the proposed mouumeot.? The Stale, April 24. ? ?am? Dr. Cad) 'a Condition Powder* are just what a horse needs when in bad con ditiuu. Tonio, blood purifier and vermifuge They are not t >o it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy fur sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sort eyes. 25cts per box. For sale by Dr A. J China. Deo SO?o CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheuma and Sores. Price, 25 cts Sold by Hugbson-Ligon Co TO DISFRANCHISE NEGROES Constitutional Convention Is Leading Issue In Virginia Campaigu. Richmon d, April 80.?The question ol calling a constitutional convention it Virginia primarily for the disfranchise ment of the negroes has been practically settled so far as the Democrats are con cemed. A majority of the delegates tc the Democratic state convention, which meets ai Norfolk on May .r>, are in strueted in avor of making the call for a convention i party issue. This mattet is now the absorbing one in Virgin;:) and the demand for the disfranchise ment of the negroes and other constitu? tional reforms has entirely overshad? owed the original purpose for which the Norfolk meeting was called. The keynote of this radical snffrage reform has been sonneted by the declara? tion of some of the great negro conn ties. These in effect insist that the present political conditions cannot continue in the Old Dominion. The plan is that the people are tired of the means which they nave been forced to countenance in or? der to retain white supremacy in the state. They now demand tbat a consti? tutional convention shall be assembled and tho negroes removed from politics. Repeated Sheldon** Kxperlment? London, April :J0.?Dr. Porker, Lon don's well known preacher, repeated this week R -v. Charles Sheldon's To peka Capital experiment. The paper put in his hands was Pearson's Illus? trated Weekly News. The Kanaan jvas tor seems rather to have taken the wind out of Dr. Parker's sails and the hitter's effort are attracting comparatively little comment or attention* RefriRcrnteu Fkit". Kji^rs become unwholesome when kept in refrigerators. A fungus forms in them which is easily found by the microscope, although it is not noticea? ble to the taste. The fungus consti? tutes a danger when we consider how ninny eggs are consumed by nil classes of society, and people of delicate con? stitutions ought to be particularly care? ful that they cat fresh and not kept eggs. DISASTROUS EFFECT OF OTTAWA FIRE a Five Thousand Men Thrown Out of Employment. GREAT DISTRESS ENSUES Fifteen Thousand People Homeless and Without Food?Supplies Are Being Forwarded to Stricken tfcfc'es?Ke llef Fund started at LondoiiX Ottawa, April 30. ? An estimate is made of the etfects of the fire in Ottawa which runs as follows: Homeless, about 15,000; destitute, about 8,000; fatalities, 7; thrown out of work by destruction of industries, Ot? tawa, 3,000; Hull, 3,000; value of build? ings destroyed, 12,500,000; personal prop? erty, such as furniture, clothes, etc., $4,000,000. These figures do not include tue lumber burned. At a massmeeting of citizens it was decided to instruct the city council tc ask the Ontario legislature for leave to borrow $100,000 by issuing debentures to aid the sufferers from the fire in Ot towa and Hull. General subcommittees were appointed for the purpose of afford? ing relief. It wTas decided to build two shelter buildings in Hull. Orders for blankets, bread and other necessaries was given. The needs for relief are pressing. E. B. Eddy's entire insurance is placed at $650,000, while his loss is about $2,000,000. The insurance is principally in American companies. Booth has only $158,000 insurance and Gilmore & Hughes $187,000. Archbishop Brnchesi of Montreal has given $500 to the fire sufferers. The Chinese merchants of Victoria have wired expressions of sympathy to citizens of n>e-swept Ottawa and Hull, with $500, In token of their sincerity. Several car loads of provisions, cloth? ing, etc., contributed in Montreal, have been received. London Aids Fire Sufferers. London, April 30.?Lord Mayor New? ton has decided to-open a mansion house fund i'or the relief of the homeless peo? ple of Ottawa, and a Stock Exchange fund has been opened with several large subscriptions. Arguments Heard. Raleigh, April 30.?Argument for appeals were heard by the supreme court in two of the most notable murder cases in recent years in this part of North Carolina. In one case the defendant ia Tom Jones, the negro who murdered and burned his mistress and five of her children and who is under sentence to be hanged here May 11. In the other the defendant is James Smith, a negro who cut the throats of two young white men, one of whom died. Operator Struck by Lightning;* Athens, Ala., April 30.?Charles Sar? ver, night operator of the Louisville and Nashville railroad at Haye's switch, I near here, was struck by lightning Wednesday night during a thunder , storm and severely injured. He wa$ about to send an order when the light? ning flashed down the wire and on to the key upon which rested his hand. He was rendered unconscious for some time, but will recover. Small Cotton Crop Predicted. Columbus, Gn., April 30.?Colonel H. * Bussey, one of the. best posted men in the south on crop conditions, says it is . practically certain that a large crop of cotton would net be made this year, fhe 1 I farmers of this section of Georgia and > Alabama have planted a larger acreage j of coru and small grain than ever before I and will have plenty of "hog, hominy and hay" at home this fall. i Porter Out of Danger. New York, April 30. ? George F. Betts, brother-in-law of George Addison Porter, gave out the following statement last night: "Mr. Porter has l>een oper? ated upon and the operation was en ? tirely successful. We do not care to give the name of the hospital or the 5 names of the doctors, but you can say that Mr. Porter is out of danger." f \ I No woman can be too careful of her condition during the period be? fore her little ones arc b