The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 04, 1900, Image 4

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<f be c^buljimm aub ^outbron. W ft U N K8 DAY. APRIL 4, i900. The Num<*r If an Aman wu touodeo 0 1860 Md toe'TVee Soul iron in 1866. The Ha/rAma* and Simthron now has lie oooibioeJ etroulatioo and iiiflucnoe (*J both of the old papers, aod is mani? festly tie beet advertising medium io Bom tar City Council, we ore gled to see, ?oo promptly ooted oo our sugges tion relative to o more commodious paeooogor depot for Somter A com? mittee to be eppoioted by the Meyor, tofotber with o representative of tbo Bfjoioooo League, it io propoood obeli o* oooo eedeevor to ioterest tbe At lootic Ooooi Lioe ootboritioo io msk log thin 01000 io bo deeired improve ?Mot. Now If tbe Isegue will oot promptly, ood too matter io diligently poreared, wo believe tbot o proper ropreoootatroo of tbo mot tor to tbo Ooeet Lioe will pwolt io o now build? ing to too oear fat ore Cooocil evidently forgot tbo anti dog ordinance loot Wodoeodoy night which wej thooght would be pasaed. Other matt ere of importance, perbapa, orowded tbio oot, bat tbo icgnlatioo of doge ia oloo oo important matter, ood wo hope will oot bo forgotten ot too next meeting. ? _________ Tbo onggootioo of Senator Tilmao tftot tho oeoal politico) tour of the otote bo dtepeooed with the year will otrike o roopoaaive oord io many beerte There io ootbiog oo demor nHning and diotorhiog to tbo people generally oo too ovorogo campaign meeting While mach of tbo bitter nooo ond vitnperotioo wbioh onoo oherecierited thorn oo longer exiat they ore even in tho improved ooodi tion neither edify tog, nor calculated to elevate the political morale of tbo otote. There oao bo little if ooy diversity of viewe oo to publio qoeo tioos; yet tbeie must bo some die tinotion hot woe o oaodidatoa; wbiob gt orally fa of a personsl nature Bach olaimiog virtue aod superiority in himself which be denies to all other aspirants for tbe plum be ia trying to eh eke down for himself By all meana let ibe campaign go Tbe people will become better ao qoaiotedj with tbe merito of men ood meleurce by what tbey read aod bear amoog ibemeelvea than from paeaing campaigning thunder. It will aleo be o great relief to can didatee, of an enormous tax upon to?> time, taleot, atreogth and meaos Toe summer institute for tbe leaoh ere rf Sumter ooonty will be held io July, Ihe session opening on July 3d State Superintendent of Educa? tion Mc 14 ah an is already bard at work making arrangements for tbe State institute and for tbe varioue ooonty iuntitotee Tbe Peabody ap? propriation for ioetitutes thie year ia $2 _00 agaiuat $1,1 U laet year This increase Mi *.he appropriation ia a very welcome addition to tbe institute fund, ae the sum available from toe permanent 'school fund is much lege this year than laat, aud without tbe Peabody appropriation the ioetitute work would have been eeriooeiy crippled The Stete sum mt r school will not opan until July Uth to avoid conflict with the meet iag of the National Educational Aa eociiation at Charleston July 7th to 18th If tbe Probibitioniete are in earn eet tbey will devote uiue tentbe of their altentioo to electiog tbe right sort of men to Ibe legislature and tbe remaining one-tenth to tbe cam paign for governor A Prohibition governor with adiapeneary legislature will not help tbe temperance cense ooe iota, and tbe only pereoo to be benefited will be ibe man whom tbe prohihittoniete eleel?if tbey prove oo strong at the ballot box The prohibition committee ie compoaed of very excellent gentiemen, end tbey ere oodoubtedly eiaoere advocatea of temperance, bot as loog as they atake everything ou electing State officers tbey will accomplish notbiog aub atantial. A rock ribbed, dyed iu-the wool, determined, well organized and barmooiooa majority io both booses of tbo general aooembly ia what tbe probibitiooiato need io their business. Tbs probibitioL oommittee may know nil thie ood n great dool more aboot their own boeioooo Ihne) wo dffcjnit ao wo do shot ohgffgw Jew thin opinion The secretary of ?Ute has received since Jen 1st applications for char? ters for ooiton mills with an aggregate capital of more than five million do liars The bulk of this capital is co be invested in mills in the up country, but not a few of the mills are to built in the middle portion of the State Nothing has been done, however, toward building a new mill in Sumter, and this city, conceded to be one of the best towns in the State, a fine cotton market, a growing busi neaa center, with the local bauks full of money, is legging behind in the general movement to develop the oottoo msnufacturing industry in the south The little, old yarn mill, long the most despised thing in Sumter, aa It was the moat unsuccees ful, it making money band over fist, and burdened aa it has been with debt, it baa made sofliolent money in the paat three yeara to pay off tbe floating debt and boy enough new maohioery to almost double ita week* Ij output of jam. If tbia small mill baa done ao well, a large mill, equipped with improved macbioey to make yarn and cloth at the minimum cost, would assuredly do better. It would earn big dividends for the stockholders, inoreaae the population of the town, improve business and make Sumter an even better cotton market tbao it now ia. Tbe candidates for governor op to data ars M B MeSweeoey, A Howard Patterson, 0 L Scbumbert sod Fraok B Gary. Col Jss A Hoyt will run if be gets the prohibition oomiostioo. The obvaoss seem to be io favor of Qovsrnor MeSweeoey sod Lieoteoaot Governor Seerborosgb ?Spartaoburg Herald. The Stokes Free Delivery Bill. Tbe bill providing for the 'res delivery of mail aloog star routes iotrodoeed ioto tbe Hoots by Coogress ?so J. W. Stokes, of South Carolins, dessrvss favorabls coosideratioo. Tbe bill makes it tbe duty of mail aarriers oo star routes to deliver free of obarge to lbs persooe addressed aoy ?eil eotrosted to tbe osre of the oarriers by postmasters. It slso rs quires that oarriers must take up sod plaoe io lbs postcffioe mail given them by pereoos aloog tbe route Tbe ooly requirement of tbe persons who wish to tsks advantage of tbe aot is to pot ap bozee io a oonveoieot plaoe sad to give the postmaster tostrootioos as to tbe proper mail boz at whiob they desire tbeir msil deposited. Tbe Secood Assistant Postmaster Geuera!, Mr Sballeoberger, warmly iodorses tbo bill, sod ic Mr Stokes' owo State. South Carolina, tbe Post offio-3 Department has tried tbe experi meot of advertising for eootraote, with sod without provisions tbat oootraotors should deliver the mail free aloog tbeir router wherever farmers ehouid ereot bozes, aod the difference io tbe oost for the improved service for tbo eotire Stato wee foood to be ooly (6,600 Tbe passage of tbe bill would bo a booa to every farmer ia tbe oouotry. It would briog them io oloser touch with tbe outer world aod its affairs and would be a benefit all rouod. Tbe ooly objeetioo raised to its passage, tbat it would ioterfers with tbe pleasure farmers take ia goiog after tbe mail, ie too puerile to warrant stteotioo ? Nashville America. ??????saWBB^*e)#*^BBjSWi Spartaoburg, April 3?Lest oight about 10 o'olook fire brooks out io tbe cottoo warehouse of tbe Paoolet mills aod buroed etoadly oo until this after oooo. Tbe warehouse ie well stored with eottoo, aod at last aoeouoleait was stated tbat 1.305 bales were destroyed by tt?4 fire Tbe origio of tbe disas? trous fire ie unknown, aud most have beeo oaueed by spootsoeoue con bust ion. Tbe firs was checked aod practically ex? tinguished tbie sfteroooo B O'Dell Duncan Dead. Charleston, April 8, ? Ez-Coosul B. O'Dell Doooau died suddenly last last night at his borne in Now berry, S. S. He was a room be r of tbe recon? struction oooveotioo of this State, aod wss afterwards appoiotcd by Graot as oooeol to Nsples, where be servod 11 years, la 1880 be wae transferred to Bymraa aod two jeers later to Nsplos Bftio, aod retired io 1884, having siate lived quisily at Nswberry. Dewey is Candidate For the Presidency. Ho has Rescinded His Decis? ion of Last September. New York, April 4.?A epecial to the World Uom Washington, says : Admiral Dewey authorizes the World to announce to the American people that after mature reflection and in response to the earnest entreatiea from all parte of the country, hie former deoision not under any cir oumatacces to run for the presidency is rescinded. A World correspondent saw the admiral at hia borne at 6 o'clock last evening. Admiral Dewey aaid : "I realize that the time has arrived when I must definitely define my position. "When I arrived in thia country laat September I said then that noth? ing would induce me to be a caodi date fo * the presidency "Sinoo then, however, I have had the leisure and inclination to study the mai ter and have reached a differ? ent conclusion, inasmuch as so many assurances have come to me from my countrymen that I would be accepta? ble as a candidate for this great office. If the American people want me for thia high office I shall be only too willing to serve them. '?It is the highest honor in the gift of thia nation ; what citizen would refuse (if "Since studying this subject I am coovinoed that the office of preaident ia not luch a very difficult one to fill, bia duties being mainly to execute the lawa of congress "She old I be chosen for this exalt? ed position I would execute the lawa of congress as faithfully as 1 have always executed the orders of my superir re V Admiral Dewoy did not state what party's nomination he would accept. The reporter asked : * On what platform will you etsnd ?" And the admiral replied : "1 think I have said enough at this time and possibly too much " ? mum ? ? mum* PORTO RICO BILL PASSED BY 40 TO 31. Republicans, as Usual, Hold Together at the Crisis. Washington, April 3?This was a notable day in the United States senate It brought to a close the sharpest and most prolonged debste upon any measure since those dis cussed during the memorable "war congress," two years ago. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the votes were begun upon the Porto Ricati tariff and the civil government bill aod the pending amendments, and in less than an hour later the measure, about which there baa been so much con? tention in and out of congress, was passed by a majority of 9, the final vote being 40 to 31. Only commit? tee amendments were adopted. It h is been evideot for some time thst the bill would command a ma? jority in the senate, but, notwith? standing that fact, tho interest in the measure, both of senators and of the public, has not flagged an instant. Today the galleries were crowded, and hundreds of people filled the corridors, unable to secure standing room in the galleries. From 11 o'clock when the vote began Demo* orats sud opponents of the bill bril* liautiy and eloquently ^maintained their convictions, and tho auditora wero kept in a state of constant ex* citement. ?aaa^ea -*??????? It is announced that seveial mil? lion dollars will be expended at Guam and the island converted into an importsnt nsval base and coaling ?tttion. To those living in malr.rial districts Tutt's Pills are indisponible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cu^e lor sick headache, indigest* % malaria, torpid liver, constip. tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Estate of John S. Richardson, DECEASED. WE WILL APPLY to the Jucge of Pro bate of Sumter County on April 9th, 1900, for a final discharge as Executors of Estate of said deceased. R. D. LEE. MARIJN MOISE, Ifarcb 8?II Executors The Larpt anil Most Complete Establishment South 6eo. S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BUNDS, Moulding & Building Material. office and Warerooms, King, opposite, Cao non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C, *T* Pnrcbas* onr make, which we guaraoU superior to any sold South, and thereby pave money. Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty October 16?o If you want the best Seeds Buy Vick's OUR OWN GROWING AND THE WORLD'S CHOICEST The handsomest and most com? plete Catalogue we ever issued sent free, if you state in what you are most interested?Flow? ers, Vegetables or Small Fruits. JAMES VICK'S SONS, ROCHESTER] N. Y. Feb 7 0 HARLES C. LESLIE, Wholesale aod Retail CommiB?ion Dealer in Oysters, Game and Poultry. Stalls No. 1 and 2 Fish Market. Uftice, Nob. 18 und 20 Market Street. CHARLESTON, S. C. Consignments of Country Produce, Poultry, Eggs, Ac , are respectfully solicited. Prompt returns made. Fish packel in barrels and boxes for the couutry trade a specialty. Dec G x jTitz s?z sttlSSBX atei JNk nt&t JBk. jfiuBc RELIEF CAME. Mrs. E. C. COLYER of Salubrity, Ga., Aug. 8th, 1898, writes: Ben? edicta has certainly been a blessing to my sixteen year old daughter. She was in wretched health and had missed four month* Two bottles of Be edicts have entirely restored her health tdfi? * cuicia nave entirely resioreu ner nssutu. w j The monthly periods have returned W "and are now painless and regular, w > i Do you suffer from Painful, Irregular ? or suppressed Menstruation? Benedicts 4has cured many suffering women and will cure you In the privacy of your ? home,without the necessity of piiysi i r i a n's <? X' animations ?onti?au. ?HAMBS Jin In, or- |V 0R ^FEMALE 5> iSS? V^"TUEGUfcATOR > J< thens them so that the monthly periods! 2 may tx> reirularand painless. FTeadache, *(| Dlstlness, Nervousness, that dragging 4jsensatlon and those tarrlble pains In 3the back, iiip> and abdomen quickly ^ *5j disappear. r CQ Bold by all Drugaistn ?ir *<mt post-pa M f?r9 ~*\. A box of "Monthly" Refulattng I'llls ton Jj use in connection, Is with each bottle ? ?LADIES BLUE BOOK sent free to any ad-1 dress. A sample box <>t "Monthly" Ken- B? m ulatlna ruts sent for lOr. In stamps. |l "Address. Woman's Department, New IT M Spencer Medicine Co.. Chattanooga,Tenn.jL fffm ^< pgpr-i qji-mjgt *jp njrn -ap B^rssjnajnajrsJI Sold by BsgbioO'Li^on Go PREPARE FOR EASTER IT IS NEAR AT HAND. In looking around for your Easter Suit don't fail to give us a call, as we are better prepared than ever to supply your wants in this line. In Boys' Wear We have a nice assortment of Vestee Suits at $1.00, $1 25 $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Boys' D. B. Suits, sizes 8 to 16 at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 and $4 00. In YOUTH'S LONG PANTS SUITS, sizes 14 to 19, our prices range from $2.00 to $7.50. Don't fail to see our line of BOYS' PANTS from 25 cents to 50 cents per pair. The price may seem low, but the quality will surprise you. In Men's Suits We are showing an excellent line in Black and Colored Clays, Cassimeres and Flannels. It is a little early to speak of CRASH SUITS. Of these we will have something to say later. Ask to see our FANCY DUCK VESTS, In sing!? and double-breasted at $1 to $1.25. O'DONNELL & CO. Closing Out Sale -OF THOROUGHBRED HOGS. Essex and Berk? shire Hogs and Pigs for sale, at my farm one mile west of Sinister. H. HARBY. Sumter, S. C, Mch. 16,1900. HERE WE ARE. With ibe largeet stock of good* that we have bad sicca we bare been in business and better prepared to serve our customers. It will be to your interest to see as or get oar prices before buying elsewhere. lo addition to ?uppl>ing you from our immense stock on band, will say tbat we are agents for manufacturers, packers and millers, and caa ship yoa direct to your nearest stations, and in tbis way caa wave you freight. Ask as for prices, wbicb we will furnish with pleasnre upon application. New Arrivals. 1 car White Corn, 1 car best Pearl Giits, 1 car good Rice, 2 cars Flour, 1 car Meat and Lard, t03 cases Canned Goods, 360 boxes Starch, 60 bags Coffee. 1 car Salt, 175 boxes Soap, 100 cases Star Lye, Molasses and Sugar. Tobaccos. Cigars and Cheroots. f 00 lbs Schoaps, 34 add 35c per lb 500 lbs Viable Tobacco 34c per lb 300 lbs Sweet Apple, 34c per lb 400 lbs Cock Robin, 30c per lb 100 Iba Long Cotton, 30c per lb ICO lbs Blue Jay, 20c per lb 10? Its Jay Bird, ?4c per lb 100 lbs Mablee, 33c per lb 100 lbs Dady's Dollar, 34c per lb 600 lbs l,Hilft Rookh, 33t per la 200 lbs Red Eye, 27c per lb 100 lbs Bsrly Bird, .T>c per lb 100 lbs Battle Axe, 34c per lb Other brands not mentioned. Old Va. Cheroots, Old Glory Cheroots. 3 Rattler Cheroots, World Best Cberoots, B.g "T" Cigars, Lady Bird Cigars, Captain Cutler Cigars, ALL AT FACTORY PRICES. Duke's Mixture, Duke's Cameo. School Boy, Ytllow Leaf, Maryland Club, and Powhatao with pipes?Smoking Tobaccos, The Roller King fancy patent Flour is the best?Try a barrel. Crosswell & Co. Phone 53.