WEDNESDAY, 14, 1900 Entered at the Post Ojjict at Sumter. S G., as Second Class Matter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Johnson's Sarsaparilla H. Harby-Just Darragh & Rich-Anti-Ktnk. The Adams Cotton C<>.-Cotton PUnter*. ?. Estate of Miss WiiHarnett* Dinkies-Cit-? tion, Estate of Joseph M. Cooper-Fio? Dis? cbarge. PERSONAL. Mr. Nat Barnett was ia the city last Thurs? day. Mr. M. G. Ryiteoberg has goce to New York. Mrs. A. S. Isaacs, cf New York, 13 visiting relatives. Miss Maud Brock ?3 visited M?3S Bessie Jervey last weak. Miss Louise Bell of Charleston, is visitiog Miss Mamie Winn. Miss Eua K?tterberg, of New York,,is visiting ?iss.E?:tie Rettenberg. Mrs. S. M. Pierson, of Mayesviile, has been Visiting at Capt B G Pierson's. Mr. Lew Rice Hcjt b:?s cone to Charleston to have his eyes treated by a specialist. Mrs. J. D. Wilder, who has *te?o visiting relatives at Hsgcod, bas returned home. Mrs. J W. Sbaw, of New Zfbo, spent last week with ber parents. Capt. and Mrs. B. G. Pierson. Mr. B. M. Lebby, who ls now traveiiog for a wholesale shoe house of Dao7iiIe, Va., is io the city. Mrs. Pookies who b*s been spending some? time in this city left test Thursday morning fjr Atlanta. Mrs. V. R. Gaston, of St. Charles, is soeading sometime with her parents, Dr and Mrs. D. R. McCailum. Miss Moneta Osteen left last Thursday morning for Birmingham, Ala., to visit Mr. and Mi's. D B. Anderson Mrs Hugh N. Goldsmith, of Atlanta, Ga . will oe the geest of her friend, Mrs. T. J. Toomey, for several weeks. Miss Emmie Carter, of Cartersv?le, who has been visiting Miss Mamie Commander, returned to her home Thursday Rev C. C. Brown and Messrs. Wm. M. Graham and A. G. Flowers went to Green? wood last Friday to attend the State Con? vention cf tbe'Youog Meo's Cbristian Asso? ciation watch was in session at that place. Miss Bettie Aycock spent the day in the city yesterday. She was on her way to Darlington to attend the marriage of her friend, Miss Emmie James._ Eggs are plentiful and seil at 10 cents a dozen. The lamber is on the ground for the new buildings for the Sumter Electric Light and Ice Co., end work will be commenced with? in a few days.-. The S'omter Telephone Manufacturing Co.'s big factory is nearing completion and the f wheeis will begin to turn within a few week3 John Dirr, Poseyviile, lad , says, "I Dever used anything as good as Ose Minute Cough Cure. We are never without it." Quickly breaks up coughs and colds. Cures all throat and lung troubles Its use will prevent consumption. Pleasant to take. J. S. Hogbscn & Co. Very few citizens have registered for the municipal election, and Supervisor of Regis? tration Walsh is not rushed. There is still plenty of ??m?, but those who are patting off obtaining a certificate may wait too long and wheo they want to register wiil find the books closed. Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va., says, "Nothing did me so much good as Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre. One dose relieved me, a few bottles cared me." It digests what you eat and always cores dyspepsia. J. S. Hugbson & Co. The bears in the local cotton market nave all been tamed and the bolls are pawing up the pasture around th? exchange. With May futures j ampio g around about 8 45 the bulls can't help feeling good The Charleston train was more than four hours late Monday morning. The delav was caused by a freight wreck which blocked the .rack and preveoted the passenger train com? ing through on schedule time. "After doctors failed to cure me ot pneu? monia I used One Mioote Cough Core, and' three bottles of it cared me. It is also the best remedy on earth for whooping cough. It cored my grandchildren of the worst cases," writes Jao. Berry, Logaotoo, Pa. It ?3 the only harmless remedy that gires im? mediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles It prevents consumption. Children always like it. Mothers endorse it. J. S. Hugbson & Go. The cotton market continues to hold its firm tone aod the demand for cotton is stronger than ever. Yesterday middling coi? tos gold ?or Sh and ?oday middling com? mands the same price : good middling sold tor There is comparatively little cot? ton in Sumter county, and the price it com? mands now wiil induce the few who have held to sell out without further delay, lt is said by cotton men who have kept tracS of the cottOQ that has been held that there is less cotton now in Sumter county than there has been at this date in ten j ears "I think I would go crazy with pain were it not for Chamberlain's Pain Balm,' writes Mr W H Stapleton, Hertr-ioie, Pa. "I have been effl cted with rheumatism for several years and have tried remedies without num? ber, but Pain Balm is the best medicine I have got hold of." One application relieves the pain. For sale by A J China. - -- - ACCIDENT AT THE DEPOT. Shifting Engine Runs Into a Wa? gon and Smashes it. The A. C. L. shifting engine ran into and smashed a wagen that W8s creasing the tracks yesterday and tbe driver and mnies nar? rowly escaped. The wagon w*3 knocked into kindling wood and the cotton 8'-ed nuil? wi'h which it was leaded were scattered to the winds. Neither the driver nor the mules were iz-jored t'u- their ffepp ws? litt!? short of roiracalott?. The team wss the prcperty of Horace H ?roy. Time to^Planr Irish Potatoes. Io casting around fer the best variety, ; ar? ticular!? adapted to cur rec-'.nr., by ail m;--?:'3 select B iss Tr;um:>!i Experience of our r.vsi. gardeners here cor firm :s earliness and un? usual siz?-tested with Early Roz? proved earner. 'Tis truiy a delightful eating potato. O'Donnell & Co . have them of the purest strain-indeed the only genuine. Call in and secore some io time. Feb 13 -lt MARRIAGE. I Mr. W. F. Jenkins -.0.1 M ?S3 Sai Ii u Darr i wil! be married tb 13 nffernooo at 4.SO at tbe ' home of the bride ?n 'hi' city. iCntsrtaiament Fer tae Orchestra Tr>e aecs ber s cf tbs Fourth R?gioent Orchestra hav? S;?HV? ree;>onded to c eer tuiiy to thr oil's t i tbe Gra.led School for assistance that it bis been deemed fi?ting that an eotertJiiccseat re cn en ?D 1 tiF?r beba:r ny tbe scbr.-o: As a result of th's there wsll be oa the evening or the ?2ad cf this ??.:>:?:h ia tb? Graded School asditorium, an ; aterrai-i mat consisting o? V?.CM? ?od iostroaK-ntal mn?'.c, recitation*, and possibly o competitive drill by aje.irbere o? the S Li. Look ?or suD5?quer.t notices. No Ki&ht to Vgrllness. The ?roman who is lovely in face, f<;iin end temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. Ii j she is weak, sickly and all run down, she wiM be nervous and irritable. J.f she has constipa? tion or kidney trouble, ber impure blood will cause, pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric bitters is the j best medicine in the world to regulate, stom- j ach. liver and kidneys :nd to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, rich complexi?n. It wil! maka a good looking, charming woman (.f a run-down invalid. Only 50." at J. F. W DeLorine's Diug Store. 2 The Woman's Exchange. The Womans Exchange, of which brief mention bas beau made io this paper eevera! UG3C3 recently-, has peen organizad, with a membership of 6fty?tbree aud tbe followicg officer; elected : President, .Mrs Thomas Childs; Vice President, Mrs. Marion Moise, Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Agnes Bogia Toe rtoarckof Control is con posed of tbe fol? lowing ladies: Mrs Thomas Childs. Mrs. A P. Maacing, Mrs R I. Manning, Mrs Aita rnor.t Mose?. Mrs. J C Spaaa, and Miss Rosa Barnett. Mrs. M S. Burgess bas been appointed cl prk and will bave charge of the Exchange Until the Exchange has become ? rna ly established or.!? ene clerk will be employed nod the members of the Exchange will toke turns in assistieg the clerk in con ducting tb? rusicc-ss. Ice organizers of the Exchange desire to enlist the ccop"r?tinn of ail ire indies of the city and any of them who desire TO become members caa do 30 by making application j j and pasing one dollar to tbe Secretary and j Treasurer. Any information concerning the r.vou which the ex:hacge will be con ! dueled or the scope cf the business contem? plated will be cheerfully famished by Mrs Bogin, the Secretary, or any of tbe omer officers. In brief, the Exchange will be conducted a3 follows : A s'ore will be reotedj ?nd a clerk will be piaced iu charge who wi!! sell all articles set>t in by cerniera of the organizion. A commission of 10 per cent wiii be charged Dy tbe exchange for sfi!:cg the articles, which will be used for paying the rent and other necessary expenses A ?uceb room will be run in connection with the exchange where lunches m^.y be obtained by members find the public generally, ?od ir will te the (Sfort of toe managers of the exchange to muka this lunch room a pleasant comfortable piace of resort fer those who w??h to haven place 'o rpst when in the city shopping There will bs co restriction, as to the character cf articles that may bs placed on sale by members cf the exchange. F.mcy work, needlework cf-ii! descriptions, pickles, preserves, etc , in fact any and all products of woman's handiwork. There is one rule, however tba*, will be sirickly enforced-no one but a member may *end articles to tb* exchange for sale. The membership of oce member of a family dofs not entitle all others of that family to the rights and privil?ges of ?be exchange. Similiar enterprises in other cities have been markedly successful and bave been the means of assisting many women to turn their skill in needlework and housewifely arts to profitable account, and it should meet with the same success in Sumter. Tbe aid and cooperation of the women of Sumter is desired aod it is toe hope of those who bave taken the initiative in organizing tbe enter? prise to largelv increase tbe membership. Tbe fee is only $1 per year and all lodies are invited to join. Tbe ladies have secured the building lately occupied ny the Palace Restaurant 00 Maia Stree; near Republican. The ladies would like nil members who can to bave ready 3ome work for the opening day of tbe Exchange, the first Monday in March. -m t- mtm - Bismarck*? Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health. In domitable will and tremendous energy are not found whore Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr King's New Life Pills They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at J. F. W. DeLorme's Drugstore. 2-6 Prof. Wallace's History. Prof. W. E. ilikeil, University of Penn? sylvania, contributes to tbe Annals of the American Academy of Political aod Social Scier^Ci, a review ot Professor D. D. Wal? lace's Constitutional History of South Caro? lina, from weich we make th? following extract : "Professor Wallace's Constitutional His? tor? of Soutn Carolina from 1725 to 1775 forms the first part of a history ot that State from 1725 to 1810. The volume deals with the constitution of the colony under the royal government ; with tbe sump set ; the relations of '.be commons and council ; the appropriation of the puohc c ocey ; and tbe attempt of "he commons to abolish the legislative cuaracter of the council, it there I fore will be seen that the author bas merely j blazed his path ; the Cucstructive work is yet j to be done. "j?r. Wallace bas undertaken a i-isk, the successful accomplishment ot which will be welcomed by ail who are interested io South Carolina, and ia the constitutional history of j our States generally ; be h?s brought to hear on the turk aa evident love ot bi?subject, and commendable industry io his sea:cb for facts."-Abbeville Press and Banner. Bis 115'h Birthday. Richard Green, tbe old colored maa, w'no?e remarkable ?ongeviiy bas reen me.riiicr;ed ia this paper before, will reach ni3 115th birth? day 00 Thursday, the 15th ins'aot Hu bepes to be Kble to celebrate it ia ? fitting way or or;e of bis age, K sd baveas good a dinner ?3 bis bmitcd circumstances will admit Not being ?bis to do hurd work DOW, his me .ns ar - linti-d ty the generosity of bis ?r;n's lt an) one is disposed to contribute io b's ccmrnrt, 0^- xii] get it ;f itt; at tbe item office DeWiU s Wilch Haze! CUIVK ?3 unequalled for niles, ic juries ecd skin oicea.-es. lt is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. J. S. fiughson ? Cp. j OPPOSE LOWERING STAND ARD. Sumter County Medical Associa lion Adopts Resolutions Agaiost Proposed Change in the Law. At the meeline cf :be Sumter County Ve? ical Association held last Friday the following weie adopted with reference to tte prc;.o?co changes in the Medical License Law then ::p tor discussion before the l?gislature : Whereas, the l?gislature is contemplating a change in the Medical License Law :;O that the uradcatts of coilers cf four ;ear courses -iii be allowed to practice ic South Carolina without fxatnnatiuc as to their fitnes-?, er.d, Whereas, this is cn net of di:cr mmation ab liest the practitioners of South Carolina and a distinct lowering: of the high medical standard hitherto : triven for, and a menace to the citizens of our Stat?. Resolved, Tea* we, the Sumter County Medica! Association, tro3t earnestly app.-al to the h-gisiature to reaffirm its acion HS II new s ands upon thc statute book3 aid he'p cs tc maintaiu the medicd pro'eisiot-i of South Carolina ia the bizb re.nk which hos beca attained in the last few years. -i- ? mmmm Dr Bull's Cough Syrup is th? reiedy on which you can oepend for the cure of a pro? tracted co i:? h or lang ?.ff?c:ion, brought on ny exposure to cold. It is the most excel ?eui medicine sold. A bottle costa only 25 cents. MAYOR'S COURT. Chloe Peterson was bff ere the Mayor?as Thursday charged with disorderly con Cue and creating a disturbance, to which charge she pipad guilty. Sam Sumter was arraigned for creating a disturbance and inteiferiog with Chioe Peter? son, but Sato was discussed after making a Satisfactory txplaoation. Ana e Smith was arrested Wednesday for disorderly conduct and creating a distur? bance on See street, tut ebe failed to answer when her name was called this morning and ber S> deposit was forfeited. Lum Mathis wns up, as usual, lost Satur? day, and WoS given the choice of teo days cr $j. Ge took the days, of course. This 13 a Lucky Thirteen The mothers of some of the Graded School children wrought up and exercised i". minc over a communication recency received from Superintendent Edmonds, and they dc not know whet to ?o in the emergency. They are not superstitious and have no fears ef the fateful cumber 13, but still they do ! not k'iOW how to arrange for their children to arrive at the scbooi house exactly tt 11.13 a. m-neither sooner cor tater. If little bov3 and little giris could erny bs fitted with some sort of alarm clock arrangement the matter would be very much simplified, for then the little to'? could be wound up every morning and set to reach the scbooi grounds precisely at ll 13 a. ra. But as this scheme is inpracticable, there is no solution ia view, end the writer ear:: ot offer a suggestion. A newspaper man cat-not ;olve all vexed ciuei tior.s submitt? d to him, nod this is one oi'the times he fails The best that can be done is ? to advise the rr ethers ia dt?tr.--=s to forget ell ! they have eve: heard ahout the unlucky 13, and impress upon trie "bas or their off-j i springs that their luck lies in arriving on the j ?sebeo! ?rcun?1* a: ll 13 precise:? by their; watches, which ?.h.^d net vary from thc j ?standard time set by the citv ck ck Th? communication ?sst has caused the j mothers so much anxiety rends as follows : "Piense see hereafter th^t your child leaves home just in time to reach iha school house by 11.13 The members of tne Second Grade and Second Dividion have been Iea7ing home too soon, and consequently they have either reached the grounds too socn or have bad to stand OQ corners until about ll o'clock. I know that, if this matter i3 called to your attention, that you will see that ;t is reme? died. S. H. Edmunds. The Lucky Thirteen. Editor Daily Item : I read and enjoyed the arttcle in vour latest issue entitled, *'Tbii is a Lucky Thirteen." In addition to theamu-te tcent that its pleasantry affords ns informa? tion gives me tbs opportunity of coming to the assistance of those mothers "who are wrought up and exercised in mind." Permit me to say. first, that this notice was not intended to be complete in itself ; but each child, that received coe, was given a full expianition of its meaning As is well known to the patrons of the school, the members of the Second Division of the First Grade and of the Second Grade are not due at the schcol building, until the gong sounds after the first recess, and thev have been frequently rt Quested not to come too soon ; for, when they dc, they either dis? toro tho3C, who are busy, by the noise they make while playing or they congregate; on the corners while waiting for the bell to sound for the first recess The object cf this notice wes explained to the children, whicb?was that they should try to leave home *o es to reach the school grounds promptly at 11:13 : if cot, certainly not later thin 11:13 or earlier than il. Tni3 is the meaning of the notice that I sent to the parents and I am glw days ego thfit ns 3r>on ag !:.?. weatner ?uitabie tor I av ire oriel", work will be commenced on he new Baptist Church, and will ry continued until rhe fcniliing i* completed Dr. Brown, Mr. ft Nafb and ?r Wm M. Graham, cf tbe building coronan tea who went to Gr? -n wood io attend the ^i M C A. Conviction, vi bur- mere <. z .::v.r.> d eborcb< s, tte :.: ins t ? wi.;ch have ocea recommended ts> tne.ii. ia fact the p ?o of one cf the chine:)- ; ref;;; red to h4S Of en anout decided upon hy toe committee They expected lo he aecom panied to Greenwood also by Mr. Eiwards, architect ci Columbia. BOOMING COTTON. Spot cotton sold io : bis city today for 8 63 for diddling, and Sh bt-.s be?o tne ruling price for 'iidd'irig for tbe past two date. Yesterday Karby & Co , ?old 400 bales fer export at fi. middling basis The fotuto market han been fluctuating wildiy and tb'.;sj rrbo dubn^e iu future? b been kept fcues$ pg. Yesterday New York opeced with Kay at 8 42 Ked ciosfd witb May ot 8 64. bu: during fee day b>y w?s quoted as low a* 5,37. To-i'iy New York r.p-ucd -.-iib Msy tatures at 8.6S, and duriog tbe ooraiog there have been fluctuations of ten to twelve points. The following telegram which was received this morning shows what oae New Yurk firm thicks of tbe sitnaiioo : New Ycrk, Feb. 13-It looks like there wili be P. funner sh&rp >??var ce in rotten. Everybody has sold on; ar. i the demand con tinues strong PRICE, MCCORMICK & Co STATS C O K V ?. ?7 TIO N IN CITY OF G2SSNWOOD. Impressions cf One of th9 Y. Bi. C. A. Delegates From This City. Mr Editor: I bad the pleasure cf trend? ing the Y M. C. A. St:?'e Convention *'nich was held in Greenwood February 8-1 i. If ir. my contact witb new places and people I have absorbed anything cf interest, I want to he generous aDd "p-!S3 it along." Upon arrival in Greenwood we were taken io charge by the reception committee, com ? posed of representative cit:zer?s. and escorted to the hoi?! Gregoo, where our names were registered in the Y. M. C A register. We received a card after signing our name, which introducid us to our ho:t. I: wa3 my plea? sure to be assigned to the delightful heme of Dr Ep'inc:, who proved to be a true South j ern hos: ; and the hours speot in Lis home ! were most ecbyubir i The Conve-;:cc w*s sttended by bright, j yonr.g mpn from ail se/rions of [heStsts abeu 125 teing preset-and it was truly inspiring to touch elr-ows with this body of men, who had come together for but one pur? pose, i e , to consider what they could do for the spiritual elevation of the grpat masa of young men of South Carolina. Tbere isa i magnetism in ?ny body of men. but when j tbe bod? :3 made up of Christina men this j power is increased two-fo'd, pod nc cue can I come in touch with aa sssemclage of this I character without absorbing good, without j partaking o{ the life of the body. One bun : dred men, together for three days, ECJ no j oaths pollute their lio?, no vulgarisms in? dulged in, no unjust criticisms passed, r.o frowned brows, no unseemly conduct, noth? ing to mar the brightness of the picture, it is a benediction 'o any people to have this Convention come whhin the:- gates, cad a benediction tj anv man to be one of the body. rihe -essions of the Convention were held io the Presbyterian Church, (a :>e-.u'ifu! baiidicg, and aa hor.or to ns people) and were harmonious, instructive and eoterMio ir.g. The acdresses by the vino's were strong and foreibi? tad co ra m ?nd td the eierest attention. Reports from the various associations Showed that there wr:s f. forward movrmsnt in al! lines, and tb.^t the work ce ng done is more appreciated than ever orforc Toe in? creased of college f.ssociatiens w-s noted with pleasure A great work is being done among the college boys, end must 'ce ?rrcJucnre cf grear, good The Convention bas been pronounced by prominent association cffleUls the most suc? cessful one yet held ia th? State Mach of the success was due to the energetic efforts of State Secretary Xnebel Greenwood's nessie were net lucking in hospitality, in fact it seemed that they vied with each other ia their efforts to entertain the young men. Greenwood is one oT the hustliog up-coun? try towns, and is destiued to be a centre of industrial activity, having natural advan? tages which few towns possess, backed up by citizens who are not afraid to put tbeir money into enterprises that will benefit tbe towDs. Her court bouse is a beautiful one, ber churches are mire beautiful, no town io toe State bein/ superior to her io this par ticular, while the hum of the spindles io the two large cotton factories can be beard the live long day. The waterworks pod electric lights are owned by the town and are suc? cessfully operated. The town is Oiled with enterprises of lesser importance, that could be enumerated but I must conclude. I was much impressed with tue town and its citizens, K: d so will everyone be who sets foot within her norders. A G Flowers. Dr Bull's Cough Syrup cures overnight tbe most stooboro co!d as well a3 all its compli? cations-tickling io the throat, husky voice and violent coughing It ts the most won? derful medicine science has producrd. Wedgefield ?News. Wedgefield, Feb. 14 - Everybody bas lost money as is usually the case. Cotton is bringing 8i cns and seed 25 cents, but the trouble was not being able to bold. Some would have made iots of mouey if they had been as certain of the rise as we are the sun will go ?D eclipse ia May. Dr. F. M. Dwight has recently fitted up the old McCrea mill, which is a gre^t convenience to those who like water-ground mea-. The doctor intends establishing in connection a roller mill plant, and theo more wbc.u will be planted in this s?ction. That has bcea the dra'v back fer years, those that did plant having to go so rar to have it made into flour. The remiios of the unknown maa found near here have been identified by tho cloth? ing and shoe3 ?s being a Mr. DuRoi-e. of Camden Mr E. C. DuBoise, of that p!ac, wrote to parties here last week and had them shipped to Camdfn for int'rment. Wedgefield hopes to bave a few representa? tives m Columbia to hear Bryan speak. Wouldn't the Koa. Messrs. Ashley and Yer ncr feel like smill canines if the reception committee of the senate and house were to ignore them in introducing Mr. Brynn. Miss Theo Gregg, of Sumter, who has been *pei d?cg some time with Miss Bettie Aycock, ret'irned borne yesterday eveiiiiiy. Dock. Large Turnips. Mr \V J. G:mb?e sent to this effie? some ?impies ol bis ruta bagas tba? are certainly ,;" larse ? :Z^ Two of tin m measured re aectivrlv 10 and 22 inches iu circumference. VfTANTED, ?orc?rh, Hickory, Dogwood, y Persimmon, Walnut Logs. Southern Ha.d?Ood Co., P. 0. Box 529, Cnarlestoo, \ C. Nov 29-v . -1 For In^ts^a^m?^ i ^ Bamm-. -? \-'' 'j,- . Sfe ? S*e S illida ?ff? 3 IB eg - pine Kid h? Have , -----?i | A ways Bough! ?? fc^^fffi^il ?ears the / ? ?jj ?:or,CiC3l):?es!lon,Ck?ifiil- tU ill nessrm??&stCort?fimsriei?ier ^ pl Gp:ti:f?/Morp!iiiH sorHiasiai. j! ;i| !N*3T NARCOTIC, i.'l F; i ill * JIJCIILVC ?filis - ?Inisc Seed * Pcpiy j -t-^ l-l J " AV/IA. KJ bo anil appear before me, in the ? * Court of Prooate, to be held at Sumter _?"_" __ _ C. Il, on March 1st. 1900, next, after OUR OVvN GRO^LNG publication thereof, at ll o'clock in ihe fore- j AND THE noon, to show cause, if any they have, why ? WORLD'S CHOICEST the Srtid Administration should not be grant- j ^ ed. ? ihe handsomest ana most com Giveo u-^der mv hand this "14th day of I , ~ . -, Feeruarj, A. D, lsoo : plete Catalogue we ever issued THOjndgeoVf Probte, j sent free, if" you state in what Fcb I4~2t_you are most interested-Flow Estate o? Joseph M. Cooper, Dec'd. ers, Vegetables or Small Fruits. IWILL APPLY fo the Judge of Probate ci BS SHE? If?PIP'G &?11IG Sumter County on .Varch 14ih iSOO, for jJMSflE? ? S!ji% ? tlUllUa n Final Discharge as Administrator C T. A n.Awiin ?? t# of tee Eitate cf 9*id deceased. ROGKESTER. Ni Ii GEORGS G. COOPER. . 3 F?b !4-4t Aamioistrntor 0 T. A. Fe0 j_ Saie6mau Wanted. Enclose stamp ? ?y^#>*???i for particulars *4*y O WiUstrai?Htencnrly^dlt?nkrliair mf pmQm mK?t without injury to tho scalp cr hair. _ t-p ^??1 a limited number of Sittings cf Price *?89tf? . per box. Burrum tL:s popular Tariety of fowl at i $2 per 13. j Buff Rocka are larc?, handsome fowls, with clean yellow !e^~, }eiiow ?k:n and beAuiifui buff plumage. The-, grow rapidly and are wo derful lacers Bay some earea *nd rear a I yard of fowls dit?Vrent ?rom yoor neighbor. Endorsed by the United States Health j 0R, ljt B, FRONTIS: reports j Fro 7-2m Ridge Soring, S C. Darragh & llich, | TEACHER S EXAMINATION. - - - . - jSTew York. OFFICE OF sf ?.??he???TT j Co. SpMeieiit of Eflncatioii, Ffh 14"~12t SUMTES COUNTY. p ft D],11tp,c1 ?T3S RKGULAR EXAMINATION FOR J- xClii. o i iof.cher'3 ceri:neates tor Sumter Coun I t> wu! be bj td cn Feornar? i-3i. who ?rs soteresiec :n lr.?I. prices ?or cotton ; - ^ whites_a; my or5es n s: fiii c?n becr'cf som&thrcz to ?b??ir ad- For colored-io Court House. vantage by secd:n? a oostal c.ird at once to No special exsminations will be held this TH.C ADAMS COTTON .COMPANY, ^ K^fsS.. Feb l l-lm Cbarlestoc, S. C. Feb ?- 2t.