THK SUMTER WATCHMAN, Established April, 1850. "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." TB?S TRUE SOUTHRON, E?tabl?shcd Jane 12*>6 Consolidated Aug. 2,1881. SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1900. New Series-Vol. XIX. So. 28 Pnblisiei STOTT T?"ed.:ios?ay, -Bf KT. G-, Osteen, SUMTER, S. C. TERMS : {1.50 per annum-io advance. ?DYKRTIS?MBKT: Oao Square first insertion.$1 00 Brer y subsequent insertion... 50 Contracts for three months, or longer wil be made Ht reduced rates. All cornrjunieations which subserve private interests will be charged for as advertiements. Obituaries and tribute? of respects will be oharged for. THE WAR IN AFRICA. Farther Security Needed for . Costs of British Rles. London Jan, 31, 4 a. m.-It is ?ow known that the cabinet devoted mach of its discassions on Saturday io the mobilization of the fleet, until farther secarity to the home coast has been obtained by naval pre* parafions, the Eight division shall sot be sent to Sooth Africa. The mobilization of reserve war? ships, if such a coarse shall be deter? mined opon, would be of the almost importance There is nothing in the intelligence possessed by the public to cao3e the cabinet prolonged dis? cussion of this matter and the infer? ence is that the fleet may be mobil? ized as a genera! warning to other countries to keep their hands off the Transvaal qoestion, or the ministry may have definite knowledge that the neutral powers purpose to take some advantages elsewhere'while England is bo8y io Sooth Africa Ooe thing is certain. Teo thoa sand men, ail ready to go to Sooth Africa, are detained for reasons of which the public has no knowledge There is talk of 47 militia battal? ions being embodied These are all of the militia not previously warned A sharp lookout is being kept on vol unteers for the vari?os Sooth African regiments. The Daily Chronicle says : "Three suspicious characteis were rejected by headquarters in one regi? ment Monday Two were unmistak? ably of Boer origin The third, whose English was faulty, had been a German officer " The indications are that the relief of Ladysmith has been abandoned for the present aud that a concentra tion t>f the British for an invasion of the Free State is in progress In j addition to Gen Kelly Kenny's move? | ment, Gen Brabant, chief of the Cape Colonials, has arrived at Strerks troom The natives report that three Boer guns have been removed from Spy fontein to Kimberley The BoerR are apparently making a special effort to reduce the place quickly The Kim berley garrison was safe last Sunday BELIEVE BRITISH ARE WHIP? PED. Berlin, Jao 30 -Aoo rdiog to private reports received here the Cape Dutch are still joining the Boer forces The German pres3 express the belief that Great Britiao has about reached the end of her military resources and would do well to acknowledge defeat and to conclude peace. The Kraz Z-\tung, which attributes her reverses largely to the absence of compulsory military service, says: "Among the most interesting resolt? of the South African campaign is the mach denied truth that the worth cf nations is weighed io war's balance, and England is already in the midst of catastrophe 11 The Deorsobe Tagez Z itung cays it is evident that not oo!y Gen Warren, bot Geo Baller's whole force has beso defeated on the Togela This it calls "the begining of the end *' Loss Greater Than Any Brit? ish Force Has Suffered Since 1811. London, Feb 1 4 a. o -The supplemental lists of casualties fi!! two coiumc-? io nooparifti ?yp-j i ? the morn? ing papers, making 1 300 re-ported thus tar in Gen Buller** operanoo* north of -hs Togela The I)a*.!y Chronicle f stimates that the rotai exceed? 2.000 The 40 per c;:or loss r' Spion sop is greater than a:.y British .force ever suffered, excr*n* possibly at Albaera, Spain, io 1811 Toe admirai try h xs warned ali bait pay naval officers to bold themselves in readiness f>r service This, with the fact that able seamen, not tboroogly experienced, have been withdrawn from the channel F quad roo, is ^akeo to indi cate the earl? mobil-zatioc pi y between Georgetown aod New Y ork. A man ar Bridgeport. Conn, looking at. the crowd at tho station platform to meet Mr Bryan, paid : "A man who can get them out like this in January is a dangerous proposition to fool with in November." MOVEMENT OF BOERS AND OTHER SIGNS Indicate Anotner Advance by Buller- Free State In? vasion. London, Feb 3. 4 10 a. m.--Helio grams flashed from Ladysmith three days ago say that the Boer invest ment lines then were thinning and that the besiegers were moving in force toward the Tagela, indicating that a collision was expected there This intelligence bears out other signs" that Gen Buller purposed a fresh attack The war office reveals nothing of what bas happened in Natal With out exception the military critics regard with dismay the prospect of a renewal of the assaults unless Gen Boiler has been heavily reinforced, and there is nothing to indicate that this is the case Lord Kitchener bas been traveling from army to army in northern Cape Colony, and Gen French, by instructions, is now in Cape town consulting with Lord Roberts Large engineering con? structions are proceeding at Modder river, suggesting that Lord M et hu en s fortified camp bas been selected a3 the bass from which to invade ihe Free State. Numerous sidings, plat? forms and warehouses are being built, and a permanent railway bridge ie well .advanced German stategists assert that the topography of the country would make invasion easier from Kimberley and the district northward than from the more rugged region of Sterkstroom or Colesberg "BOBS" WANTS MORE MEN London, Feb 2.-Dispatches from several points in South Africa merely tell of desultory shell firing and tbe movements of patrols, though Cape Town mentions a rumor that Gen French has captured 800 Boers, where and when not being announc? ed. Sensational rumors are current that the militia ballot act will be put in force Feb 14th, and that Gen Lord Roberts, the commander in chief of the British forces in South Africa, has cabled for 90,000 additional men. which it is added, the government has promised to give bim, sending oO.OuO militia and volunteers, and 40 000 militia reserves It is also said that the volunteers will be mobilized forthwith. It is even asserted today, that the cabinet has specially deait with these mat ters The Gazette this evening says it is the queen's intention to confer the Victoria cross on Capts Congreve and Reed, Lieut Roberts and Corpo? ral Nurse for their attempts to save the guns at the battle of Colenso. THE MAFEKING REPORT. Lorenzo Marques, Feb 1 -A dis patch from Gaberones, dated Jan 23, describing a reconnoissance of some of Col Plumer's forces around the Boer laager southward, seems to dispose of the story that Mafeking has been relieved On that date the Rhodesians captured two Transvaal flags and drove off the Boer outposts before returning to Gaberones D0UTHIT RESIGNS. Having Been Vindicated by the Senate He Does Not Want the Place Longer. State L'quor Commissioner J B Douthic has resigned his position, the resignation to take effect immediately. His e'estioo was oonfirmed only a few days ago by the renate by a vote of 19 to 16, aod it seems that be w;is waitiog for this viDdicatio? only His letter of resignation is as follows.: To the Hooorabie Stare B >srd of Control : I hereby tender my resignation of j ; offisc of State commissioner, ai.d ask that ir be accepted a* your next meer ! tug. ? beg to say thar my resign i-noo j wouid have been banded you as sooo a>. j j ? wes vindicated ny ye,ur board bu* fer ! i rh-.- rfqeest of FO:;JO o' y>ur members j j that 1 continue un'i: y^U" meeting in j j January. At thar I ridocaotiy j j CODS":"!red t:? oontinue until your Febru j ! arv meering, hu' my privae affvri j : demanded my attention ?nd 1 now a*k ? ! t'n.'?r you accept my resignation Since my vindication hy the senate I cannot consent to serve y-'U longer, as j y.:u knew I have only fought for p-r- | socal vindication, and my resignanoo has been at your commmaud < Ter ?:nce my viodicafioo by y