The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 24, 1900, Image 5

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W fe???i BSUAY. JAN 24, i SOO Entered at the t'ost Orriez at Suzi?er.X C.. us Second Class Hitter. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jody Be:aer-Cattle Stolen. Estate cf S. Robert Sp?nr-Cit>>ti?.c PERSONAL. Mr.? Thomas Wilson is io IOWO. Mr. Bert. B. Beckham is io the city for a few days stay. Mr. Walter Staosill, of Columbia, was io Monday. Mr. Joel E. Branson, of Kicgstree, is ia the city on business, Dr. W W. Anderson, Jr , of Summer-toe, wa? ia the city Monday. Miss Hebb, of Baltimore, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Scarfe. Mrs. C. C. Brown, bas gone to Pinore, Ga., to T.eit ber parents. Mr. Thomas Q. Odom, of Beooettsville, was io the city yesterday. Mr. A. C. Briggs, of Greenville, was in the city Monday oo business. Mr. W. T. P- Sprott, of Forestoo, spent yesterday in town on business. Mr. John B. Miller, who weet to Union a few weeks ago has returnee to this cit j. Senator Manning and Representatives Moses and Yoong rete roed to Columbia Monday. Col. D J. Auid left oo Monday evening for Charlestoo, where be will spend a week. Misses Florence and Eilen Eilerbe, of HA good, 6pent several days in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levi, of Maooing, who cave been ?isitiog at Mr. M. Levi's have re? turned to their home. Mrs. E. A. and daughter, Miss Julia, have returned to the city after aa ab? sence of several weeks. Mr. A. R. Wright, of Savannah, Ga., hes been io the city several days oo a visit to his brother, Mr R. L. Wright All memoers of Beniah Chapter, R A. .*?'., are rcqoested to attend the regular convoca? tion on Toarsday night. Officers are to be ejected and a fuil attendance is desired. Cotton futures advanced a few points Moadav aod those interested io the specula? tive cotton crop wore more smiltog faces than asual as they passed up the street after a visit to the exchange. The modern and most effective cures for coostipatioo and ail liver troubles-the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers-J. S. Eugosoo & Co Somebody weat ioto the lot cf Judy Belser, who lives oe&r Packsvtlle, Mooday oight and stole four head of cattle. Aunt Judy is very much worried over ber loss, and any infor? mation given her will be appreciated. See advertisement for description of cattle. The police have been notified that the ?srge?a marking the city limits bare been moved ia several places acd replaced from wo to five hundred feet within the city line. The persons who b?ve moved the targets are gui?ty of malicious mischief and are liable to prosecutioo. Sizedoesa't indicare quality. Beware of counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt's Witch Easel Salve. Dewitt's is i '.be only original. Aa infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases.-J. S. Eugbson & Co. The decision of Judge Kiugb io the eas; brought against the Florence Graded Schools setties the qaestioo of the right of the city school boara to charges and collect a supple? mentary fee from ali papiis wfeose r arents or guardians are able to pay it. Some of the yooog mea of the city delight ed the childrea and eotertaiced the older citizens ? few nights ago with a walking exhibitioa of tbe "Backenback Animals " Two large grizzly bears and a monkey com? posed the menagerie. The nears were made up for the occasion, two cf the young mea haviog grey mos3 suit3 tbat made them look very bearlike. G. fl. Appleton. Justice of Peace. Clarks borg, X. J., says, "DeWitts Little Early Risers are the best pills made fer eooatipatioc. Wense oo others." Quickly cere all liver aod bowel troubles.-J. S. Eughsoo ? Co. Isaac Rivers, the janitor of the Sumter Clot) performed ao berioc act one day last week by stoppiog a pair of raaaway mules, belonging to Shore Brothers. The males hid beea frighted by a bicycie and were going through Liberty Street, with the wagon attached, at a dangerous speed wheo Rivers ran out and caogbt one of the mules, and euccseded io stoppiog the team. The big building for The Sumter Telephooe Maoafacturiog Co., is approaching comple tiaa, the brick work being so far advaaced that two weeks more of good weather will mark :*s compietioa aod it there are co ao foreseea delays or accidents the macbiuery will be installed aod the factory ia operation Oy March 1st. J. I. Bevry Logaotoo, Pa., write;, "I am wiliicg to take my oath that I was cured of poeuconia entirely by the use of One Minute Cough Core alter doctors failed It also cared my cbildrec cf wbeopieg cough." Quickly relier and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and throat HOC lung troubles Children all hke it. Mothers endorse it - J._S. Eugbson & Co. I It is reported that as soon as the North? western K. R is completed to Camdeu tbe Atlantic Coast Lice will aesume control of the South Carolina & Georgia Esteosioo R. S.Company (the ol 1 3 C's) and will then complete it acroas the monuntsine, giving that system a direct lice frcm Cinciooati tc C?arl?ston. The report may be unfounded, bat a belief io it3 reiianility ?3 entertained in railroad circles and tbe.e are good and suffi? cient reasons to credit it. It is to be hoped iba: the rumor is well fended for it would be a good tame for Sumter to be co a frtinR lina from the Wes: that passes tluough the heart of the coal aod iron region cf e*st Ken? tucky. F. B. T::irk?e?d, Ee*I;h inspector or' Chi? cago, says, ' Kodol Dyspepsia Core cannot j be recommended too highly, it cured rae of sever? ;y?pcp3?a." It dis^sts what ycu eat ! and cures indigestion, heartburn and ail forms of dyspepsia-J. S Hughson ? Co. - ???ll- ?. im - The First National Bank had cn deposit at the clos? of busings December 31st, i $320,000 On the same day the Bank of Sumter had S252.540.94. The two banks j together had ?"5:52,540 04-th* largest sum j ever on deposit in the banks of ibis city.- j Sumter Item. The above is c?rtaiciy a fine showing for the Somier basks, and ought to be sufficient to prove to croaker that Sumter is ia a ! position to es'ab?eh incustries which would ? be a great benefit to the town ar.d county, j The Darlington oanks have aoout $300.0'^0 j on deposit, but theo it must be remembered | tbat Sumter county aod town are larger than j Darlington ccooty aod town, and the Dar- j liogtoo people are, geoerally speaking, more prooe to pot their money into manufacturing enterprises aod thoscot down their deposits ia the banks.-Darliogtoa News. V.onc?v oisht a* 8.30 o . ?os k, nt the Moth od1*' par?ood?f, Mr. F.?-.:. Kow* aac Miss Gc.Tjj e Rasterliog, *>-th cf B:-nne;tav:i!e, \ ere uo<te.i ia marriage 7 :? c^.-f oj??'.y was t pc-"i ; j: a:ea r?\ Rs-v. J A Clifton, i>. D .Mr. D. Tnu>:i ?--: i Miss Lizz- e Skinner we:?- U:irr:c-d lust Wednesday afternooo, >t j toe Brt'.tist p^rsoa^ae, and left on '.hs even j inc train for Florence Mr H T fid ns, ot Proviene?, and Miss j Salli? Crawford, cf Berkeley County, were : U'ii"?C v? t e bonds ot" ho ty wed. coi-: -t 4 30 ! o'clock Ust Thursday afternoon -t th" burne ! of?Mr. Robert Eii-ns, * hro'ber of the cvootu. Rsv J. D B*i;ty perform-d the c*remor,y, weich w.*s witnessed by ? larpe number ot tbe frieocs of the contacting parties. An elegant and bousiitai repeet was served afier the ceremony, and tbs- occae?on was one of which it may be truly said, "al! went as mer nlyas a marriage bell " RELIGIOUS Tbur3day, the 25tb, (Fess: of Conversion of St. Paui). there will be morning service (ll o:ciock) at Church of Tbe Holy Com forter. It bas been demoostrattd repeatedly io every state in tbe union and in many for? eign countries that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i3 a certain preventive and care for croup. It bas become the universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher, of Liberty, W. Va , only repeats wbat bas been said around the globe when he writes: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for sevpral years and always with per? fect success. We believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it ?3 a sure cure for croup. It bas saved the lives of our j children a number of times." This remedy is for sale by Dr. A. J. China The excallee: condition of the macadam? ized portion of M>:in Street after being sub? jected to tbe wear and tear of several months of heavy traffic ha3 convinced the dcnb'ers that first c'ais streets can bs m' in Sumter at a co?t that is not excessive The present City Council, if it had done nothing else to recommend it to the ^ood will of the people of thi? city, can puint to Main Street in the cosiness district aa a mosameoi to its pro? gressive spirit and wise expenditure of public funds Native black gum which heretofore bas been tbouirht to be valuiess bids (air to re? come one of the most valuable cabinet woods ? of tbe south, for it is susceptible of the highest polish and when finished by a skilicd work? man only an expert c*o distinguish it from mahogany. The Telephone Manufacturing Co ia usioe black gum now io making tele? phone cases and for tne cabinet work on switchboards, and tbe work is as handsome as any ever turned oat from the factory. "I am indebted to One M-inute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouole following grippe." Thousands owe their lives to tbe prompt action of this never failing remedy. It cnre9 coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. It is the only harm? less remedy that giv;-s immediate results -J. S. fiugbsoa & Co A petition fer an election to decide wheth? er t.-ocds shai! >e issued the p^rpore of providing funds for macadarriz'cg Maia ard Liberty Streets is being prepared and will he circulated for sik-nitures Ooly frc-eholdors bave the right 'c si*n th?3 petition and as a gre^t deal of tue real estate in this city is "celd by wemen they will probably ha^e the decline voice in tie matter ita sufficient number of freeholders sba!! sign the petiiion the City Council will ord.-r tbe election at which all qualified ek-ctors, whether free? holders o: not may vore. The comcceot of the Darlington Newe on the large amount of money on deposit in the Sumter banks ?3 to the point, and shows tnat disicterfsted persons take the s-.xe view of the matter that many Sumter people do. There ?3 ac abundance of money in Samter to establish profitable enterprises that will promote the growth cf the city, furcish em? ployment to tbe unemployed and increase the wealth cf the plac?. All that is rrq-iired is for some business man in whom the people harve confidence to take the lf?-5 ?nd the money to establish a big cotton mill or some j otber enterprise will be found without trou i ble. C. A. Snow & Co.. Patent Lawyers, oppo? site the United States Patent Office, Washing? ton, D. C., who have acmsl chests io everv City and town of the United States and Caoadal report that never before in their 25 years practice ba3 the work of the Office been so weli up to date. They claim that patents cm now be procured in less than haif the time formerly required. Nov 1-3m Toe municip*! election will be held in April, and, although lbs rejistration books are now open, very little ioterest Las been evir.cod in thc question of candidates The-e has been no talk cf candidates, and at tbi3 writing no one can say who will offer them? selves for the sacrifice on the altar of public welfare. Ia the past, however, tber> has never been a scarcity of caudidate3, ?nd the voters need not fear that there will be a de? ficiency in aldermanic timber when tne time for casting the ballots shail arrive. It is to be hoped that good min will be brought out and mat lae best and s*fe3t business men will be cLioeen, fer tbe cocdition of the city, financia! and otherwise, demands the services of the best and mest progressive men that can ne induced to give ihtir services to the public for two ve-?r3. Tetter, Sait-Rheum a ad Eczema. The intense kebing and .-marling incident to these diseases, ii instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Many very bad cases have beer, permanetly cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, froft bites and chronic sore eyes. 2 5ctsner bos. For sale by Dr A. J. China. De: 30-o Dr. Cady'* Condition Powders arc just what a hor.-e needs ?when in bad con dvtioa. Tonic, blood purifier and verminte They are not food hut medicine, and tbe best lo use t" put a horse in j rime condition. Price j 25 cents jer package. For sale by Dr A. J China. D^c :;0-o Meeting of Stockholders cf Sank of Sumter. ? Thc annuai ra'etinj of the stockholders of : the Bink of Surr.ter v.-as hrld Friday wi:h a quorum of the stockholders presen t or repre- I seated. The meeting waj organized by the j election of Mr. E P Racker as chairman. I The annuai repart w?s submitted and other J necessary outness disposed of The >ank bas hud a most Drosperou3 yar's business, aud ibe outlook ii satisfactory io everv le.-pect. The cid board of directors was re-e t"ted and at a ;ubs*qaeoi uu-eiiuc of ' tne directors tba officers were re e feted. The. ! directors are: W. F B Ha} nsworth, . M Moise, A Moses, C. E. Stuobs. R. I. Mao oing, R L. Cooper, J. S Hogbsoo. THE UNKNOWN DEAD MAN. Decomposed Body Found in Wa teree River Swamp. Magistrate B. P. Kelley, of Wedgefield, was ia ;be ci ty yesterday, sud from bim ti.e facts io connection with the finding cf thc de*id body of a whit? man in the Wateree sff?;qi on Friday Ust were obtained. The body wn3 found on Friday by ?KO I npgroes who were buntirg jo tb<* swamp j aoout midway bereen the Camden Junruou j and tbe ?iver, near Beech crees. Tue body wa? lying in a cape brake abcct a hundred yards from the railroad tr*:ck. The man had evidently been cead for several months eioce the simmer or early fal!-as be bad on a summer suit and summer underclothing. Tbe buzzards bad picked tbe ancle bones and they were scattered around on tbe ground for th?1 space of eight fept or more, and it vas difficult to tell anything about the size of the mao or bis appearance except from his shoes and hair. Tbe shoes were cf 5ne quality and small size, about a Dumber j ; bis bair was quite light io color Tbe clothing was of good quality and apparently almost new. The suit was a dark blue serge or clay worsted. i .The man evidently committed suicide, for be bad placed two boards on the ground, with thc ends against a log, removed his shces, which was placed eide by r de agaio&t the log, upon which his head was placed, and by the side of the boards two laudanum bottles aod bis pistol were lying. One of tbe bottles were empty, but the other, which was tightly corked, contaained a teaspoonful of lauda? num. None of tbe chambers cf the pistol bad been discharged. No papers of any ki^d or otber articles that mtgbt serve to identify the body were found, and there were no means of discovering who tte unknown stranger who took bis own life in that lonely spot was or where he came from. Magistrate Kelley held an inquest over the remains on Saturday, but as lhere wes no evidence except that of the negroes wbo dis? covered the remains, the verdict was rrerely a statement that a white man, name unknown, came to bis death on a date and in a manner unknown to the jury. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a remarkable mediciue. A dry, tickling, biciing cough, the warning that consomption lurks ne*r, needs no other doctor out Dr Bal.'s Cough Syrup it positively cures throat and ?ung trouble ? - III ? ll MAYOR'S COURT. The Mayor's court was crowded Monday morning when the docket was sounded at ll o'clock*, and the mourners' bench was fillled wiih penitent siooers. The following cases were heard : Jethro Conyer?, discharging a pistol on Manning avence Saturday night. A plea of guilry was entered and a fine of S5 was im? posed. This W88 at toe rate of $1 a shct. Marcus Looey got full of dispensary on Saturday and was pulled while cursing on Dogao street. Tee fine wa3 SD. Waites Jeales was chsrgc-d with disturbing the peace and fighting on Main street. The fine was made as light as poss-ibie under the circumstances, as this was his first offense* He paid $2 for his fun. Moses Pierson, elias Si Pluckard, go? into j trouble by throwing a brick on Republican j street The fine was $3 Sarah Caner, Kate Dickerson and Mattie Muck, created a disturosnre Sunday room? ing near the old C. S ? N depot and osed ali the profane and obEcece language in the citalogue of vice The neighbors sent for the police a*id they were arrested. When arraigned they to'd ail sorta of yarns to con vis::e the mayor that they were not crea'ing a, ou; were simply correctifs their children and pissing ;bc compliments of the season. The evidence wes Hga.nit thea and the fine was S3 each Sam Ress, colored, was found in ? drunk? en sleep at the depot Monday night, acd when Watchman Gainloy attempted to wake bim ?nd make him move on be kicked and told the watchman TO go on and quit tickling him Policen HU Bar wick w*> summoned and Ress resisted arrest ?o vigorously ?bnt the club bad to be used as a persuader. Yes? terday morning io the Major's Court be was very penitent end expressed great contrition and tne deepest shame As it was bis first appearance the fine w?s made light-33-una he was dismissed Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is unquestionably the mest remarkable r-medy ever produced for the cure of throat and lung troubles It has cured thousands and tas done wonders in many c-ses of incipient consumption. THE TISSOT PICTURES. Thursday night R*v J. Milner Wilbur will exhibit ard explain the wonderful Tissot pic? tures in the Baptist Church. These slides are taken from the 365 paintings and 150 other sketches made by M Janes Tisso; in a ten years' residence in Palestin?, and constitute a magnificent pictorial life of Christ. Tbe following in rcference to Mr. Milner Wilbur's lecture and the Tissot pictures is take" frjom Tuesday's News and Courier: "Several hundred indies and gentlemen gathered in toe 'lecture room of the Citadel Square Baptist Church test night aEd for oeariy two bonr3 listened to the familiar s'ory of "The Life cf Christ," toid by the Re* J. Milnor Wilbur. The t*lk ?ns illus? trated with hundreds of beautiful lectures I thrown by a powerful etereoptican upon a I large sereeD. Mr. Wilbur bas probably the finest collec? tion of colored visw^ and scenes evr-r shown in Charleston, for they arefrom the paintings by Mr. Jarnos Tiss'-tt, and present, beside* the scenes in the life of Christ, many vivid ! and accurate pictsres of Jerusalem of the present day end the mountains, tbe forests and the STeame of that vicinity. All gave the corrects tintsand the perspective and most ainute details were perfectly given The large audience g>ive the closest et?er* tion to the lecture and the pictures and evinced the greatesr interest throughout the evening ii was altogether an occasion th.:t will not soon te 'cryottea by ilvj-:*- present ': Mr. Wilbur will lecture and show ttese pictures in the Baptist Church toiorro'-v ou'bt. Price cf admission; Adults 2r>; children ?5c. Proceeds tor the new Baptist church. m CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises. Rheuma? tism and Sores. Price, 25 ets. Sold hv Hughson-Lieon Co. County Teachers Association. ? According to pre vious nooooocement in j these columns the association of teachers of; Ibis county will hold ns first meeting since j ita reorganization at 12 o'clock next Satur- ? day at the Gradtd School building. Loes Birthday. Las* Friday heing ibo anniversary of Gee. Roht E Lrfc's birthday, aud a legal ho-iday, there were no exercises at me Graded School, j Appropriate ceremonies were observed io j the different class rooms Ihursday. Excel? lent talks were given by Dr. Hughson and ! Geo. Moise. A L??88?on ia Sumter. Th? echoe- of Br-thlehem hid pearce d ir cl nun, when the joyful rews was receiver] ib-.t the Catholics of SuM.t?r were to bare a Mis S?0"\ lb; first (ver given her. The Mission win i-ooduced cy R?v. Fithor Burke, naorchT of .: e Pnulist Order of Preacbsrs, w?\o decore iheniSftivea to : h A i special work. Tr ey are ooiet? preachers and tbe Catholics cf Scanter mm consider them? selves fortunate in bavrns secured the services of Father Burke The Mission rr-i"I oreo at St Joseph's Chapel OP. Sunday, January 28th, wiib a Hi?h Masa a; 10 o'clock, at which it is bored the entire conarpgation will be present, as the order of exercises will be given, acd the opening lecture delivered. Though the. Mission is intended specially for Catholics, still otbers may desire to attend, and they ure assured of a hearty weldbme T'e mu^ic will be rendered by the Convent COOT The following is the programme for Sunday : PROCES:I'N VL. Kvrie, G oria, Credo, (:t. Clair.) Offertory, (Memoracs Lambelotte.) Veni Creator, (Millard ) Saocrus, Agnus Dei, {St. Clair.) Recessional, (Gounod ) BENEDICTION 6ERVICB. Magoific-u, (Mozart ) O Salutaris, (Baesioi.) Tantum Ergo, (GiHsin ) La?date Dominum Est Itecessiooal. Palestine With the Tissot Pictures. Monsieur James Tissot sp^nt ten year3 in Palestine to paint a Life ot Christ. He com? pleted 365 paintings ned 150 pen and ink sketches, and bis work bas been pronounced "Tbs Wonder of the Century." The pict-res seek to prpsent the human life of Ged The slides used in the lecture are copyright reproductions of the original, in exact copy coior, and are not to be ob? tained in thiscoooiry. The life-story of the Christ is illu -iinated by its setting in a true historical and geographical background, en? hanced by tbs personal observations of the lecturer, J . ililsor Wi:bur, thrown on a screen with a powerful calcium-light stere opticon ibev are seen in as many fe=t as tbe originals are to inches. Whiie tbe originals were on ?xb;birion in America 9 0C0 pearle ga* them m one day io Philadelphia, 200,003 people visited them io Chicago. These pictures will be exbibifd in tbs Baptist Church of Sumter, Tbnrptf?y, Jan. 25r'h. .900. S p.m. Admisi?n 25c. Pro? ceeds for the new Baptist Cnurch. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is nar? rated by him as foliows : "I was in a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yel? low, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continu? ally in back and stile?, no appetite-gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physi? cians hud given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my grtNit joy ari'i surprise, tho ?:r>t bottle made a decided i?u>ro*. em?nt I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved 'ny life, ami robi-ed the grave of another victim." No ons should fail to try th jin. Only 5?) cents per bettie at J. F W. LcLor^peV Dru:; M;,re. ? 'T^J'AN SD, fer c?cb, Hickory, Dogwood, j Per:'mr;; .n, Walnut Logs. Southern i Hardwood Co, P O Box 5?9, Charleston, S C Nov 2D v CATTLE STOLEN. 4HEAD CF CATTLE were stolen on the rj.^-h; o' January 22i, from the under Signed. They are as follows: One cow and vea;ling ou:! calf, both dark red and no horn?, xh?. cow has ?hite spois over the eves ; ene S:e<:r. dark ra>?ho..'wny ftncdle. short tum ?ow . noms, r**? worked as ox ar d is ?>'?i .? ; one ;ed heifer, <-o hornSj a:;d uboii^ ;s yrnrs cid. Tbr cow 15 the moth? er of the thrr*'. and ail are {jemie. Any in? formation wi;? be thankfully received, fcnd if required <\ rs w H rd will r-e paid t?t recovery ot'the cattle. Address JUDY ?ELSER, Jar. 23 P.-icksv.iie, ?S. C. FOR SALE. BALANCE OF TEE BLOOMHILL prop? erty, cr,nuiuing 210 acres, more or less. The Jce Gail tra::-, c niaioiug 2?5 acres more or less Fer particu ara ?ot?!v to FRASERS & COOPER, Jan 17-4 Sumw. S. C. The Charm of Buying here is that you know what you will get. Our Hat, Toques, and Bonnets are not only beautiful to look at, but they possess quality. Each %Tiode] is the very re? finement of good taste, and lias that peculiar something which the French call "Chic." In our display of HOLIDAY MILLINERY", you will certainly find some? thing to please. MISS McDOMLD. m. wm ??f?S rVhtllk ALL ili? FAtLc. Conjrfi Syrup. Ta*teaGoo?i. Cse in t;:ne. Sold by druggist si The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has horne the signature of ?trjrf ? - and has been made under his per C<& jCJ&^^'fl^As sonal supervision since its infancy? All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments thr-t trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep? The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. * GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Haye Always Bought lin Use For'Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. , . Men and Roy's Clothing. i ran? o S-C^ ^Q^'O 3 0< Sumter, S. C., Jan 15, 1900. End of the Season Clearance Sale. All Overcoats, All Winter Underwear, . All Mackintosh Coats, All Box Coats, and All Lap Bobes : Ab?olutely s at % Cost x No 10 per cent, added as is usually done for expenses. THIS IS STRICTLY A CASH SALE. The Saving to Purchasers Illustrated; Regular price. Cut price. Overcoats, $7 00 $5 00 Mackintosh sCoats, 8 00 5 50 Mackintosh Coats, 5 00 3 50 Box Coats, 6 50 4 50 Best Wool Undershirts. 150 100 Mixed Wool Undershirts. 100 75c Cotton Undershirts, 50c, 38c D. J. Chandler Jan 152 w Inion Seis AND Garden Seeds, A supply of Onion Sets, of choice varieties, and fresh Garden Seeds for the season's planting, now on hand Sf The Clothier. Stove FULL LINK OF MEDICINES, PERFUMERY and Fancy Articles, Usually lound in a lirst class Driis; Store. Prescriptions carefully com? pounded at reasonable prices. J. F. W. DeLorme. Oct 25. Again in "full blast," NEW SHOES ARRIVING EVERV WEEK nm I-BO?J?RTERS All shoes that were on shelves August 1st sold regardless of what the}- cost. Walsh's Shoe Store Under City Clock. Sep 27-T