?i -- " " o W??JNl?SJ?Ai, JAN. 17, 1900 Entered az th>t fost Office at Sumter. S as Second Class Mitter. NEW ADVERriSE&ENTS. H. Barby-Still Moving Frasers & Cooper-For Sale D J. Chandler-End of tbe Season C.ear ance Sale Tbos. G. McLeod aod W. J McLeod Books of Subscription Estates Mrs. France C., and Miss Mary M. Branson, Deceased-Final Discharge. PEHSO& il* 6~ Mr. McDonald Forman spent yesterday in* the ?city. Maj. H. F. Wilson was in Columbi* last Friday on business. Capt. R. ?. Brand, of Augusta, spent last Friday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. D'Ancona, of Chicago, are the guests of Mr and Mrs. Mitch Levi. Mr and Mrs. J. J. R?gio. of Augusta, Ga , are in the city visiting relatives for a few days. Mr. ?nd Mrs. Louie Levi are spending a few days io the city as the guests of Mr. -od Mrs ii itch Levi ?1rs. Coben and Mi:S Nettie Cohen, who haye been visiting Mrs. F. Levi, have return? ed to their horns ia Washington, D. C The Bo>rd of County Commissioners wes in session last Saturday ?or the purpose of preparing tbe jury bcx for ISOC. The contrast between macadamized Main Street and muddy Liberty Street ?3 a strik? ing commentary on th? value, comfort and cleanliness of good s-ieats. The modern and most tff?ct?ve cures for constipation ard all liver troubles-tte r famous little pills known as De Witt's .Little x Early Risers -J. S. Eagbson k Ct> Mr. T. N. Smith fell from a ecaffjid ?: tr^e Lakens Lamber Company miM iast Wednes? day ?nd received painful but it ts thought, not serions injuries. There is already talk of cancidntr-s for Mayor and Aldermen at the coming electio:: io April 11?3 to be boped that eccd me J will come out acd may the best mau win. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware of counterfeit ?nd worthless saive offered for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Dewitt's ts the only origina!. An infallible care for p'les and ail skin diseases.-J. S Hagbsoo & Co. The office cf D J Auld, secretary and treasurer ot the Citizens B. ?nd L. Associa? tion bas been removed to tbe Wbiuemore building in rear of Court Hoase. Witherspoon's Bottling Works is beioc enlarged, and a new building is ia process cf construction to accommodate the growing business. G. H. Appleton, Ju-tice of Peace. Cia:ks burg, N J, says, "DeWitts Little Early Sisers are the best pills made for constipation. Wense no others" Qaickly cure all liver and bowel troubles.-J. S. Kugh3on & Co. Willie Dixon, colored, was arrested Sun? day for riding a bicycle at a higher rate of speed than is permitted by ?aw. He was before the Mayor Monday morning and being i found guilty of the charge a fine of $2 was imposed. j The Southern Railway bis bad water mains I laid into the yards of the Sumter and Ware- j ree R. R. and city water will oe used by all trains and engines. Tbe tank which was rut ap sometime ago bas been connected with the water mains. Wont on the switch tower at the junction of the Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railways near the Cotton Mill is progressing rapidly and the tower will be completed aod pat into regalar service within tbe next two I weeks ! Lewis Deaois, Salem, Ind , says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than a DJ. - thiog ? ever took. It digests what you eat and caa not heip but core dyspepsia and stomach troubles.-JSHoghson & Co. The roof of the City Ball is leakirg badly, i aod aa examination discloses the fact that tbe boildiag will have to be recovered without i delay if seri?os iojary to the iote/ior is to be prevented. The building was covered with i tarred paper, tbe material specified io tbe. architect's plans, bat it bas deteriorated so I rapidly that ic now offers little or no protec? tion to tbe buildiog. \ John Quincey Corbin, tbe wbite rapist, now io jul awaiting trial, was to have bad a preliminary bearing before Magistrate Jen? nings yesterday, bat, ewing to a report that a erowd bad gathered in the neighborhood and ! threats against Corbitt bad been made, the hearing bas beeo postponed. F. B. T?irkield, Health Inspector of Chi- ! cago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cared me of j severe dyspepsia." It digests what you eat and cures indigestion, heartburn and all form3 of dyspepsia -J. S. Hugbsoc & Co. Sheriff Pierson and Deputy Sheriff Gail lard arrested William Lewi3and Ben Branson, both colored, last Wednesday and commit? ted tbem to jail. They were wanted for bog stealiog, and the warrant was issued on the afidavu of John T. Burst, from whom toe j heg was stolen. The arrest was made befare daylight that morning, the two men being I cantered about three miles from town An- ? other negro, the ring leader in the hog steal- ! fng, bas not been captured. Road Master Newman of the Atlantic Coast Line ?9 hard at work taking up tneoldf.O poand rails and replacing ths-m wi.h new 70-pound rails on the mam line betwten this city and Florence Tue ne* rails hive beeo ? laid excepting one section of ten mties and this gap is now being filled tn with the neavy j rails. The M. & A ro/.d from this cry to j Robbie?, except trie nrst iwen?j rail*-*, ia ail i laid with 70-poa nd rails and the light wright ! rails will t'C replaced wim 70-pound rails as j soon aa tbs worlc of iayi-g heavy rai!3 on the : Sumter acd Florence G : vision has beeb com- ? plrted. J I. Berry, LogHOton, PA., write'. ' I am willing to take my oatn that 1 was cured o! pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minute : Cough Cure alter doctors failed It also cured my children cf whooping cough " Qaickly re;ie7f3 nod VUT>< coachs, cyids, j croup, grippe asdtbroat and lung troubles. Children ai i like i:. Mothes endorse it - ; J. S. Begbson ? Co County Teachers' Association. In view of the consideration that next Fri? day is the annivt-ri".ry o? s birthday >.r. : a legal holiday, it bas be ti deemed t.- st io pjStpone ''he njecio^ of toe association until tbe fourth Saturday in January. As large an intendance as possible is desired, and it is considered ad?isao;e to have tne first meeting . on a cay when there will be nu irregularity ID tbe regular routine of tbe seboois of the j couotj. ! Wedding at Blacksburg. i _ j B acksr>or?r. J*c 10 - A ronnie wedding j wrt3 celebrated here thu miming at 10.45 > o'clock in the Methodist Episcopal church j when Miss Bertie Guyton, the "Iciest daughfpr 1 of Mr. and Mrs. J. M G::vtnr>, a d Rev Daniel .V"!vin McLeod were untied in the holy bonds of matrimony bv the Rev W A Rogers, j pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, of j Or?ngeburg. j The interior decoration? of the edlace WPTP ! well chosan aud tastefully' arranged The I windows ^7-?re covered with cbeniiie curtsies, i In front of the alter w*s erected an arch of ! we!l-selec'ed cut flowers, from which hcog a bridal bei! of roses. The different colored lights which illuminated the church added beauty to the scene The bride accompanied by ber bridesmaid. Miss Annie Lee Freeman, and the erootn with toe be3t man, bis brother, T. G McLpod, marched up the right and left aisles respec? tively, to the straioe of Lohengrin's weddine march played hy Miss Le'>a Healan, to the arch before ' the alter, where they were married in an impressive and beautiful man? ner. The bride wore a castor brown traveling suit, whil* the maid of honor wa3 attired m a handsome pink broadcloth gown trimmed with fur. The osber3 werp W. R. McLeod, brother of the groom, J. K. S Ray of Spartaobure, Phil Freeman and J:>hn Boyce of Blacks bnre. The ha-'py conp'e amid congratulations, oli shops ?nd rice, left over the Scuthpro cn on 12.45 train for points south. On their return they will reside in Blacksburg, wh?re the groom has been located as pastor of the Metnodist Church for more thau a year -The State. --ccr> ??.?-?? - Dr. Soil's Couab Syrup conquers croup at ot.ce. cures the child, and thus saves teeny a life, smothers need not fear tam dreadful eire*??, i they have this reliable retied;." at hand. Ii s sold bv HU dui?cri;??? for 25 cents. Tho Woodmen Banquet. The ofBcers f i ct cf Hollywood C-imp vriil be installed at ihr- regalar moathiy meeting to bs r:eid tonight, and a: ih? conclu? sion cf the installation the aanu -i baa wii! te served. The meeting will ne pebite f.nd an levitation to be present, to ali interested in Woodcraft, is cordially cz i tended. Tbe baquet wi!! be one of th? most large? ly a'te::dfd tb? Camp hr.? ever giv?n. a greater nu ' ber o- invitations t.'.an ever isr-ued having bef-n extended to persons not members cf the crier. ? be Cimp meets at 8 o'c!eek in tbe Masonic Temple and the installation c?r?? monies will begin proinptiy. Tne advertisement of D. J. Chandler giv ine notice of an "End of tb- Season Clear? ance; '?ale," wiii attract the atteution of our reeders today. Those who need clothing caa save dollars by calling on Chandler Last Friday night about 9 30 o'clock, Robert Wright, tte driver of the Delgar hose w goa received a telephone ness^ze ?ayine mat the Sumter Institute wa3 cn fire, and to come quick. Tbe alarm was given, the horses harcessed and a quick run made to the Institute. Six hundred ?eet of hose j was stretched, the water turned cn. and the j boys were about to fores ao entrance, when j from ac upstairs window c*me the sound of a f'trebie voice, dimandinz ot tbe firemen an j j explanation of the r unseemly conduct. Then j Fireman Graham wanted to know of Bob j Wright where thc alirm came from. In very audible tones, the driver told al! be knsw \ a^ont it, and ?-hen he had fhii-biid h:s?peech ; Fop?xan Graham exclaimed, Wei: I Tee gir's ? clapped their hands, the coys returssd the j compliment, and the firemen returned to their respective bouses without finding any fire. lt ins been demonstrated repeatedly in every s'ate in the utjion and in many for? eign countries that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ts a certi nreveotive and cure for croup. It bas b jtce ibe universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher, of Liberty, W. Va , only repeats what bas been said around the globe when he writes: "I have used Chamberlaia's Cough Remedy iu my family for several years and a'ways with p?r? ir feet success. We believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure for croup. Ic bas saved the lives of our children a number of time3." This remedy is for sale by Dr. A. J. Cbiaa. INCENDIARY FIRE IN JOR? DAN. Willis Washington Burned Out cn Sunday Morning. The bara aad stables of Willis Washing? ton, an industrious negro farmer of the Jor? dan . neighborhood, were burned just before daylight sunday morning. The fire was the wotk of an incendiary j and thus far uo clue that will identify the | rxiscreaot bas beea fouod. The tracks of' tne inceodiary were followed from Washing? ton's prem'ses to the railroad track and lo3t This would have bees a case for the blood? hounds, but as the puppys recently pur? chased by the county b*v? not finished train? ing, they could not be used. Washington lost all his corn and forage and about thirty-five bushels of rice, but saved hi= stock. Havmg a Great Run on Chamber? lain's Cough Remedy Manager Martin, of the Pierson drug J store, informs os that be ?3 having a great j run cn Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, fie set's five bottles of that medicine to one of j any other kind, and it gives great eatisfac- i tion. la these days of la grippe there is j ? othing like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy j to storj tbecoufch, heal up the sore throat and I lungs and give relief within a very short j time. The sa!c3 are ^rowir.g. and al! who i try it ar? pleased with \-3 prompt action - I South Chicago D'.;!.;* Calumet. For sa e by j [ir. A. J. ChioH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFI CS RS. The Annual Meeting ci' Stoekhold- | et s and i ellon o?' O ?Ii o jr:-. Thc r.P.?-t:..?J meeting cf the stockholders of thaPirst National B rik w-s held oe T ; ? day, J? nu ?rv ?oh. The ??mraj rfport v.-:s submitted ?ho wi; ^ ?be ?;:ik rt? te iq ? ! mor^-p"ospereu3 cpr?diTioa liiau . ?-r :<. :.,.-H. rhf- deposit uer:''"*;' I e:ny i?tr?? r than at a-.y previous da e, aud itu* basiaVcs to * b>alrby >trjd growing coad?ticn , The foilcwicg directors were elected t<> serve dur tag 'he c. san g y ->r : R V. t?ai jace, A - J Cbk:&. ti I> Lee, John Reid, B. R l<.*rU, >';-i.l O'Donnell aud A. Wniie. j Teere- V'-:.- r.o coa og? :c tbs Hoard except t:.*' re?jterO'*ht o? L S Carson and soe election of ? W r>.:- on, J. 5. Barby and H. ? A. Hoyt presente ? petition signed by citi z?ns cf the county and city requesting the adoption of an ordinance to prevent railroad ? trains stopping on s.rcet crossings. They made statements whicS prove that the rich's of citizens to tbe use of the stree:* is d?sre- . garded by the railroad co m pan: : or their employes. The Major ai.d Clerk were di? rected to communicate wirb the A. C. L. au tbrjriiies and bare the crievanct remedied, as j it is a vioi-t:on of their mies. Mr. A. W. Sude-, on behalf of the Sumter j i Tobacco Warehouse^ompsny, rf quested that I council weald extend lease of the property | j occupied by them, and improve sas e by cree- ! ' tion of fi t-uilding to cost >S50 He showed j tne difficulties encountered ii! making Sum-; tara tobacco market, and the eacouragirg success which bad attended their efforts. The substantial benefit to me city was ai-o pre- ; sented bv Mr. Suder. Col. R M. Wallace and Mr D James ? Winn, rrpreseotin.-r the Sumter Cotton Mill, j presented the cre*t necessity for an extension j of wmsr mains to their property; for the pro- ! tection against fire and for domestic use?. ; They urced the importance cf draining Fac? tory brunch, and hoped council would posh this work energetically in conjunction with j tbe county commisSioneis i?r. Winn niso ? requested the location uf an electric light I on ?heir croiinds, and on motion of Mr. Hurst this was granted j Cn motion of Mr. Flowers a special meet? ing was ordered for the 16th mst . to consider the matters presented by ihe To? bacco Warehouse Company, ;he Cotton Mili and the property buildings tor the fi e de? partment. Incidental to the discussion of the drainage of Factory branch aros3 the question of county chain gangs, and tbe rig ti t ofcties and towns to a share of their labor in prc ! portion to taxes paid. Co motion of Mr. Bovie a committee was appointed by tee i major, Messrs. Boyle, F'owers and Purdy, to See what could be done through the County Board of Comtrissiofcers, and if that bod> be without power, to present the matter to our legislative delegation for consideration by them. The Finance Committee presented a report showing that under present couditions the cou ci i with economical management would go out cf office wi h a floating deoi of aoout $4,OOO unprovided for, not ;takiog into con? sideration the Ho?-e Company Buildings, me cost of which would be added to that sum. They thought th? showing a goo?one wb-n the smallpox expenditures ana street im? provements are ccP3idered, but advised a rigid economy for the remainder cf their term of office. Mr. Purdy for Uis committee io charge submitted pl8cs for the Hose Companies I buildings, and asked that a call ior bids te ! made, which wa3 dene A petition from Witherspoon Bros. & Co., I w?s granted permitting them to lay a side; track across Mary Street to their factory. The appeal of W. V. L. Marshall from the Mayor's court was considered, and cn motion i of Mr. Hurst the Mayor was unanimously ! sustained. Mr Marshall was convicted uoder j ihe Licence Ordinp.oce on ihe charge of doing I a mercbor.diZ" brokerage business without j license. Mr. Marshall dat m s that he is a ! salesman representing houses in other states, ; and protested from the operation ol the ii I cense ordinance by the inter-state commerce .a W. Mr. Purdy cf the police committee pre- ! sented a Jfquest from the Chief of Police for j rifles for the policemen, :o he kept at a con? venient place ?or use m H serions emergency The committee was authorized io act upon ; the petition r>> in 'heir judgment seems ?es'. : Mr. Hurst su?gf3ted an ordioar.ee ?galt st j throwing badana peelinrj >v. sidewalks Srverul mils v.f c presented <;n ? referred j and luuci'il then turned "i a :. in ;? fated io I >. e Minute Cough Cure for my he&itn and lite ?' cured me ol lur g j trou-t).le:t'cil?:Wing yricpe.'; Thousands ewe' meir I ves to the prompt action ir.i= never ; failing remedy I: eurea ???'gb;?, colds, ; c:vup, bronchitis, pneumonia, g::; pr? and j tbr'va' ?nd ?iii?j troubles, it's early use; . : : i A co".- um:* ion. ! ' :s the only hann- ! ! ?V;t :'y ihat t. ,v j immediate r-;:;!::> -J. Ao?Extra Premium. (.';?!. ':':: ..- .V. Holloway, secretary bf the ?tn?e :'?:r soc-M}', ..w mes ?roa Po ni ari:: that VV A iee L'.urpee & Co . Vlui ftfi?rphi?, Pd . i.U -' ri Casn pi;z.-f cl S20 for the r>tst coliec iic. ;.. vegeta -les ii itii- Stite fair, Columbia, Nov ti- 1.900, ero.-, o iron. Burpee's set os To entourage gardeners to compete \>>T Mis iiMiffttl premium n would t^t- well, he :or ibe prtss :o thc several counties in the State io -puMistj this notice. Seod for a catalogue -Toe Slate, 9:b. HEALTH OFFIC? R WO HOG. Interesting Interview With Health Officer Reardon. Tbe new form of death cprt:flcate as adapt? ed by the State Board cf Health, h?s teen printed for the Shover Board of Her.itb. Health Ufiicer, K I Reardon says "that he thinks the certificate shot:;.] hive a place for the eigna'ure of the dead man, and that the ? desd m?o should he required to appear before the coroner or heal:h r.fic^-r, and swear that he is dead, and whether he won'd have voted for difpe: sarj, prohibition or high licem-e nf st summer it he had hva^. and tb* vote re? corded. Tnia vote, if tb? deceased be a dem? ocrat, can be perpetually counted in Soutb Carolina." This same versatile health cffi:er suggests that a 1 candidates for proposed State Sani tary Inspector of State Board of Health should be not only a wise and up to-da*e medical doctor, lint also a wi:e and bustling attorney with a big political pull to collec: , bis pay for the work he does. Re said that he had failed io '.he last and most important parr of the work while be was State Smallpox Inspector and he is now asking the General Assembly to collect for for him for puncturing the people with aseptically prepared and chemically pure ! xxxx str^lipos anti toxin and that every darkey that he vaccinated wiih ?be 18T6 clem I ocr?t and reform democratic virus will vote ! the democratic ticket in 1900 and therr-.fter, j uoic-s" PuNtquently revp.ccmnted, and he is I therefore eniuied to the consideration of the Legislature at once; and that in regard to his civil service d??qjali?ic*ticu (failure to coilec-) that he is r-ot lb? only "pebble cn the beach,'* and be wants bis friends io the Gsner.il AsscriOly not TO nominate bim for ? State Sanitary inspector, for be is no heg and knows when bs has enough. MAYOR'S COURT. Willis Pn-I er ~as before the mayor Tho ri d^y chj.rt:ed witb disorderly conduct, creaticg a disturbance ia the streets and carryiag con ceiled weapons. B? was found gaiitj. and the sentence w*s 20 nays bard labor on the Streets c.- fine of ?510. He took tee days, j aad is working under Sop?: iuier;deat Tr:h- j ble's direction. Last F t'lav Wash Pe'erDon raised r. row down in Kiokfr-j stree:, and waa p'.j.'led Oy? the po?ce while beating his wife. Whin ar? raigned for triai before the Mayor he entered a p?t-a ot guiity, and received toe ^rnleLC?, 23 days or SI 0 without flinching. Ge is evi demly H mar; wno oeitL-ves in payiag for his fun without kicking. I want to let th-.? peopie - ho suffer from rheumatism and sciatic-i know that Cham? berlain's Pain Balm relieved me after a num? ber cf otr-.er medicine and a doctor had failed. It i3 the best liniment I have ever kno^a cf-J A Dodgen, Aipharetta, Ga Thousands have teen cured of rheumatism by this remedy. Ono application relieves the rain. For sale by Dr A. J China. -- - -?-?. - A?bum? ! Photograph, Autograph aad Scra:> H. G Osieen & Co. TFTTANTED, for ca^b. Hickory, Dogwood, y* Persimmon, Walnut Logs. Southern Hardwnrd Cc, P O Hex 57.9, Charleston, S C. Nov 23 v Oiiii ef Books o? Mmmm \ State of S u"li Carolina, \ County of Sumter, j Pursuant to a commission issued to the undersized as corporators bv M. R Cooper, Secretary of S'ste, on the D'nfu day of Jan? uary, 1 SOO, Notice is hereby niven 'bat bocks of sub? scription to the capital ?fck cf "The W J. McLeod Company," will ?a opened at the c flic? of T G. McLeod, in the town of Lynch? burg, State and county aforesaid, on Janu? ary 19tb, 1SG0. at 10 o'clock a m. Tbe said proposed corporation will have a capital stoc* of S4.0'u divided into 40 shares of the par value ot S'.CO ?ach. with its prin? cipal place of business *t Ljnebnur&\ S C., and will r.e empowered tn pr.gage in the busi? ness of General Merchand:se. TH OS G McLEOD. WALTON J. JTcLROD, Jan 17-lt Coroorators. FOR SALE. BALANCE OF THE BLOOMHILL prop? erty cno???inir-g '210 acres, more or le33. The Jue Gail tr?c , c.ntaioiog 263 acres more or less. For p.nrticu ara ?fplv to FRASERS k COOPER. Jan 17-4: Som tr r. S. O The Charm of Buying here is that you know what you will get. Our Hat. Toques, and Bonnets are not only beautiful to look at, but they posse ss quality. Each model is the very re? finement ol'good taste, and has that peculiar something which the drench call "Chic: ?n our dismay <>? HOLIDAY MILLINERY, yon will certainly find some 1 thing to idease. MISS IeI)0MLD. i T MK SUMTER WATCHMAN, Eatabliahed April. 1S50. "3e Just and Fear noe-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." THE TXUZ SOCTHKON, Established Jone I2n6 Consolidated Aag. 2,1881. . SUMTER. S. C.. WEDNESDAY. -JANUARY 17,1900. New Series-ToL XIX. So.25