+/ ??JJHH?SiJAY. JAN. 10, 1900 E'iiere?a? the F ott O?ict at Sumter yS 0., as Second Class Jilter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C C Becraft-OxticiaD. Estate Agnes Jane Chandler-Citation. PERSONAL. Mr. J. R. Ligon ia spending several days in ?be city. Mr. and Mrs E C. Haycswortb are visit? ing io Colombia. Miss Kate DeLorme has gooe to Aiken to take charge of a school. Miss Octavio Bill, after visiting relatives at Cswego, bas retorced to tbis city. Mr. Sam F. Osteeo has gooe to Colorabas, Ga., to attend a business college ia that city 5*Rev. W. D. Rice, after visiting relatives io this city, bas retorced to bis borne io Den? mark. Rev. S. C. Hugbsoo, of Pbiladelpha, is io the city on a visit to bis father, Dr. J. S. Hogbsoo. Mist Gertrode Jennings, wbo bas beeo visiting in Orangeburg, returned home sev? eral days ago. ll isa Emma B. Colclough left last Thurs? day morning tor Spartan burg to attend Con? verse Business Coliege Dr. J. W. Pringle aod family "have re? moved to this city. The mao y friends of the family welcome them to oar midst. Mr. Eenry Richardson, who weot to Milan County, Texas, from Privateer township, this county, twenty-two years ago, is oo a visit to bis relatives in tbis county. Misses Grace aod Lucile Raodle, who ?pent tbs holidays IQ Oraogeborg, aod M ss Hattie Saoders, who spent Christmas at ber borne at Bagood, bave resumed their studies at the Graded School Senator R. I. Manning and Representatives Moses, Young, Wilson, Nettles ana Smith went to Colombia yesterdav morning io at? tend tbe session of the G?nerai Asserr.bly which convened yesterday at noon. There was a delightful sociable gtvea Fri *ay evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs M. H Plowdeo in the Jordan neighborhood, in honor of Miss Leila Holiiday, of Summerton. Quite a nomoer attended, ?.mong woom were Misses Sonle, Heieo and T?a>er W^Ie'crd sad Messrs. Clif Wallac*, Converse Reid, Jim Ard, Ollie Yates and Wm Auid.cfSum :er. Quite a pleasant evening wa3 snen': bv all. Hrs. C. Westoo McGrew left this morning for Orangebure County to visit oer parents. DeWitt's Little Early Rist-rs purify the blood, clean the liver, iovigorate the eystem. Famous little pills for constipatioo and liver troubles. J S. Hogbsoo & Co The First Natiooal Baok had on deposit at the close of business December 31st, $320,000 Oo the same day the Back of Somrer bad S262.540 94. Tbe two backs together bad . $582,54 0 94-the largest earn ever on deposit in tbe banks of this city. The people of Sumter entertain the hope that the railroad authorities will take cog- J ciza?ee of the need of a passenger depot.in this city sometime dunog the current year aad proceed to supply tbe need before tbe eod of tbe nineteenth ceotory. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, Tried doctora, visited mineral srrings, and grew worse. I need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. That cored me." It digests what yeo eat. Cures indigestion, soar stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsie. J. S. Hugnson & Co. Rev. M. M. Moozoo, for several yc-irs pas? tor of tbe Emanuel Church, left last week for his oew charge. Presiding Eider of Green? ville District, to which be was appointed at the last Conference. The frie?ds of Coi. Richard Dozier will regret to leam that he met with a painful aod serious accident !a>: Thursday. He slipped oo the frozen ground while walking in the yard, aod, falling, broke tt?e bones of one bip Th:- icjary is considered quite seri? ous, but he is doing as we? as pess ble. today. J. B. Clark, Peoria, tit , says, "Surgeons waoted to operate on me for pile?, but I cored them with DeWitt's Hazel Witch Salve." lt is infallible for piles and 3kin diseases. Beware ot counterfeits. J. S. fiugbeon & Co. Unless the city issnes bonds it will be im? possible to macadamize Main and Liberty | Streets as soon R3 contemplated. It will re! neceesiry to macadamize a portion at a tim? j as tbe cost cao be provided for out of the j ordinary revenues of the city. The mail boxe3 ere already being u?c?d and while they are not overloaded with mail mat? ter when Stansill Smith makes hi3 collection twice a day, still there are a sufficient num? ber of letters IQ the boxes to show that they .re a convenience to quite a oumber of people. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved bis child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors bad given ber up to die with croup. Ifs infallible core for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchia s and throat and lung troables. Relieves at once. J. S. Hugbson ?Co. Capt. John Reid bas sold tbe store on the j corner of Mam and Republican Streets, now occupied by W. R. Yates to Heory D. and j John K. Crosswell They will opeo a whole- j sale grocery io this store as soon as they ob- j tam po3ses8ioo They will roo a wnolesaie j besioess, strictly, without a retail departmeot and wiil extend their trade to all sections of the State. It is stated that they are also negotiating for the parchase of the adjoining Store from Mr. A. White. "One Minute Cough Core is the best rem? edy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is onequailed for wboopiog cough. Children j ali like it," writes N. W. Williams, Gentry- j Tille, Ind. Never fails. It :a the only barm- j less remedy tbat gives immediate results ? Cure coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneu- j monia, broochiii? and al! throat and lung troubles. I: early use preven?s coo3uaip- j tioD. J. S. Hitghson & Co There a*e many men io Sumter who read ! The It^ra w?h commendable regularity, bul j they borrow toe paper to get the nev H.. Th*y believe in a d-iilv :.aper but do cor contribute i a ?ni tow?ir'j it; support They criticise the : = hor*comir;i:s of Trie Item with marked : liberality and condemn i's failure to give a!! the news AS- soon as i? becomcs news, wirb h ' fine scorn of such petty thing? as the expeose I cf pre?j reports and lae costof telegraph . l's. but tbey cannot afford to pay ten cents ? treck for a paper, nor dof-s it pay tbem ro advertise. We want the friends of Th? Item to "j'n over a oew leaf, subscribe 'or ,k:' paper ?nd pay regularly. If they will all do SC the iocorr.-- or tbe pnp^r win increase n bunclred per ceoT immediate!; m;d the im? provement thu will enable us to ranke will j be so marked that our friends w:? oe more j fully convinced than ever that a daily p*per i is a good thing to bave in a towo aod good j enough to support liberally-at least to tbe j of ten cents a week, paid regularly. I MARRIAGE. i Mr l?oua.d J Auld, Jr, nod \'ii:? Lou ViitCO i eil, iwo or Suut?:r's weil ?:>ovvo and popular I young propie, weie united sn marriage in me i Methodist Church nt b" ?'clo? k lase Wedoes j day eveniog. Rev J A. v.;mon performing r?e ceremony. Tr.e cerrraunv Wf3 brief, out beautiful and I impressive, tbe regular marriage service beiDg I used Mao* of lbs friends of tbe couple j were pre:.eoi to witness :.be marriage, nod trie i cocgratu.a?ocs and gocd wishes were as I numerous ae sincere. Cards bave been received in this city an? nouncing toe marriage of Mr Louis Levi, of Maooiug, and Miss Corinne D'Aucona, at tbe booie of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr9. Abraham D'Aocooa, of Chicago, on Moo day, January 1st DEATH. Miss Mary Caldwell, a niece of Mrs. George W. Dick, died last Saturday morning io Charlotte, N. C., after only a few days sick? ness of grippe. Miss Emma Witherspoon died at the borne of ber brother, Mr. A. D. Witherspoon, io this city Monday night. Her deaih was very unexpected, she haring been sick for ooly a few hours. Her remains were takeo to Pa nola for interment. Rachel Bennett, colored, wife of Walter Bennett, died at ber borne io tbis city on Jan? uary 8 tb. Shooting Scrape at Bishopville. There was a shooting scrape in rbe streets of Bishopril ie Monday in which Mr. Sam Kilgere was shot by Town Marshall Lee Reeves. Toe shot took effect in Mr. Kilgore'e side, out striking a rio was deflected and in? flicted on.'y a flesh wound. The ball passed around following a rib and was extracted near the middle of tbe back, where it bad lodged under tbe skin The shooting affray was the out? grown of a difficulty that occurred on Sat? urday between tba same parties, at wDicb time a serious difficulty was prevented ny the interference of cutir ide parties. Fire at E&annville. ? The bar. s. stables aed outbuildings of Mr j f?. W. Rembert. of Manorii?e, were ourr.ed Monday night between 3 tud iO o'clock The ?ess was qu'te beary, .".lr. Eemberr. loosing about 1,SQO Cashels of corn, all of bis coitou seea, fodaer, bay, pease, vthicles sod tarm \a'? implements ?9 well as five or six build? ings. Tbe stock wes saves and h:3 dwelling bouse was only slightly damaged, aiibougu it rtquirtd the hardest of work to prevent that iccm teiag buried in the genera! con? flagration. It is not kt?own bow tbe fire o:iginated. - -- i i ^mi - Having a Great Ruo on Lbamb9r lain's Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of the Pierson drug store, informs 03 tbat be ?3 having a gr?a?; run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfac? tion. In these days of ia grippe there is nothing like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to stoo tbecoujc'o, heal up tbe sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very short time. Tbe sales are growing, and all who j try it are pleased with its prompt action. South Chicago Daily Calumet For 9a'.e by Dr. A. J. Chica. Master's Sales. The Master sold bot one piece of property | on Tuesday, salesd*y for January. The property was sold under foreclosure proceed- j iogs in 'be case of Strauss k De3Cburr>ps vs Sally Touey et al. Thirty acres of land were sold to I. C Strauss, attorney, for $23. There wiil be no sales by the Master on saleeday in February. Rev. Wm. Aiken Kelly Pounded. Last Thursday night the members of Rev Mr. Kelly's church, and a few friends from other churches, called on bim at bia borne ca Washington street. Tr.ey carried wiih them lota of good thi?g3 and left them with the preacher Mr. Keily has wen a warm place in the hearts of the people of our city, and this is one way our fo!k3 have of er pressing their regard for him.. lt bas been demonstrated repeatedly in every state in the uoion and in many for? eign countries that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ?3 a certain preventive and cure for croup. It bas become tba universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher, of Liberty, W. Va., only repeat3 what has been said arourjd the globe when he writes: "I hav6 used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia my family for several years and always with per? fect success. We believe that it 13 not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure for croup It has saved the ?7e3 of our children a number of times.1' This remedy ?3 for sale bv Dr. A. J. China Fires. Last Wednesday about 1 o'clock a. m., the boase occupied by Mr. Otto Garhardt at the cemetery was burned to the ground- Mr. Gerhardt lost all of his household furniture, he and bis family barely escaping. Tbe house was the property of the Cemetery Asso? ciation, and was insured for ?350 Mr. Garhardt bad $125 io3uraoce on his furni ture. Last Thursday morning ar 7 30 o'clock a small frame building near the Sumter Ice Factory was burned The fire department rf- j eponoed promptly to the a'arm, out could be ? of no service. -mm liL3- -i - Mr. L. W. Joye will oDen within a short j tim?, a fancy grocery r?orp, in the old Burns ! sraod, next door io D J. Chandler's clothing j Store. Mis? Annie S Gu Otting, Ty rr, Mich , says, ' "I ?t.ff*red it lor>g time from dyspepsia : lost . flesh nnd becerne very weak. Kodol Dyspep? sia Cure completely cured me " it dice-;s what you eat ?od cures all iorrn? ol stomach trouble. I*. Dever fails to give imm?diat.'' relief in the v"or?*. cases. J. S. Hugbsoo 4 Co Drop Your Letters m tho B.X?S The mail boxes ba~c be? n put up at.the poinrs desiccated dud are being patronized i;?!'r-ii'v. Two collections are mad? ev.-r>. dav. Tho worn'ru' collection is m^ie b^ twpf'ii .3 rul 9 o'clock a m and th? after? noon collection between 4 and 5 o'clock p. j ra. As soon as it can b? determined exactly the time the collector will reach each box on bis rounds, a notice of the exact hour of col? lection will be posted at each box i ESCAPED FROM THE GUARD HOUSE. A White Prisoner Files the Lock and Takes Leg Ball. Tbe po?cs arrested a white mao Saturday I afternoon for peddling medicine on tbe streets io violatioo of the law and locked bim up in a ceil in the guard house to await trul by the Mayor Monday morning Betweeo 6 aod 7 o'clock Saturday evening Henry Mack, the city hall janitor, was io the guard bouee ?nd the prisoner wa3 stiil ia his cell. He asked Mack when bis trial would come off ard was told not UDti! Monduy morning. Tbe piis oner then told Mack that he did oot have time to wait for Tbe trial and did not propose to stay io tbe guard bouse, that be bad got out of the prieoo at Blackwells Islaod, New York, aod be goessed be coold get out of th)3 ooe. Mack saw tbat the cell door and tbe outer door of the guard bouse were securely locked and went off to attend to bis work. About ao hoar afterward it was discovered tbat the prisoner bad filed tb? cell lock, broken open the outside door aod made bis escape. He bas not been seen or beard of since, and it is supposed that he bas put a safe distance betweeo himself and Sumter. He left a battered old valise, containing eight bottles of bis medicioe, bot did oot leave bis card aod address. His oame was not ascer? tained by the police, aod nothing is known concerning bim except that be was a rather smooth individual and does Bot regard an ordinary guard bouse lock wheo be gets ready te leave. / I waot to let tbe people wbo suffer from rheumatism and sciatica know that Charx berlain's Pain Balm relieved me after & num? ber of other medicioes aod a doctor had failed. It is the best lioimeot I have ever known of-J. A. Dodgen, Alpbaretta, Ga. Tbousaods have beeo cored of rheumatism by this remedy. One application relieves the pain. For sale by Dr A. J China. Knights cf Pythias Bacquet. The annual ba-quet ol Game Cock Lodg?, Knights of Pythias, was he'd Monday n;2bt in tbe dictog room cf the Nixon H. use, with I n?ar!y two hundred knights ?nd guests ! on sent. i The lodge a^errbicd in the Castle Hail st I 8 o'clock, and tte cfficsr? fleet were io? I stalled with due form and ceroraony, and the j regular routine rosiness trarfactpd. I The Knights repaired to the Nixon Kou3c \ at 10 o'c!o: k. where the bicq i^t was spreed ! at d ia readines? awaiting their cornice Th? i supper wa? served in excellent sty ie, ann "ne j viands were we!!' prepared and were erjoy^c I by the Kr.ight?, than wlom there a:e cc j better judge's cf good things. Col. John M. Knight, who was the toast I master of the occasion, presided with grace I and dignity at the be-:d of the banquet table and announced the toasts and introduced the speakers. The speeches were pithy, TO tbs point and eloquent, and rounded cff the evening's pleasure with an intellectual feast in keeping with the occasion. The toasts were ss follows: Gamecock Lodge, No. 17-Long may she stand to teach men the principles of friend? ship, charity and b.-oevoience. - Response : Cha?. M. Hu.st, Jr., Chancellor Commander. The State-"Forget ! Who of U3 can for? get- who of us but feels that oothiog, neith? er time, nor 'rouble, nor ihe dim eye, nor the dull ear, can separate us from the love of South Carolina." - Response: Maj. Marion M oise. The City-"God made the country aod man ra*de the town."-Response : Dr. John S. Hugbson, Mayor. The Home '.'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home " -Respoose: Mr. S. H. Edmunds. The World-"Let 'er roll." Response Rsv. J. A. Clifton, D. D. It tates but a mtouie to overcome tickling io the throat and to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cur?. This remedy quickly cures ail forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take It prevents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and its after effects. J. S. Hugb 60D & Co. Th? Dispensary Profits. The city hi s received 'he dispensary profi s for the quarter ending Dec.mber 31st. Tbe total amount from the county dispensary and the beer dispensary being $1.805 18. Of this sum the county dispensary paid Si,656.?6 red the beer dispensary $143 62 The county received an rqual amount from the two dis? pensaries located in the city. Weciip from Th;' Rock Island (.111 ) Uoion tb? following beautiful "Song cf the Nativi? ty," written by Mr Virgil M. Biaocing. Also appand three verses addreesed by him to his cousin, Col J. D B.'&nding, cn hts retiring from the practice of law : SONG OF THE NATIVITY. Dedicated, Chris'rass A. D. 1809. To my mother, A, D.. 88 years. Lo ! Angels bring On heavenly wing Tidings of love-Denr Mother; Sweet, precious thought ! 'Tis Love uobought, And joy above all other. Two thousand years! And still appears That same bright star-Dear Mother By Shepherds seen : Still doth it gieam On high, to guide the Wand'rer. The Ane?is 3ang Good wil! to man - Let Peace abound forever This day waa born The true God-man, Messiah, Chris', Redeemer. Oh blessed day Oh b?fssed way For " God 10 Love" - Dear Mother The Father, Son, And S;>ir;'. ot:e lu Trino*' Luve-God, ever. Oh Lor i our King, ( If Thee we sing, Our Savior, Mediator ; * ' Thy right hand, i ,::>:,? v: .. wa V Stand With Thee. Dear L-.rd an 1 Savior V M Bined! np A kind;- greeting, honored friend, . ? i iii--', may peace n-trr.d ; Tbv "Three Ecorp v urs ??nd ?en - ave more. Ged graol th?t (iii ? txceed four score. j io If gal co nt es* 3 thou hu? known The neme, ?ni fame by juris: won, lu w:u:/ wild cor fi c's thou has bf-en A patriot son, thy people s friend. Happy ?be man whose closing "-e"rs, Exempt from toil, devoid of fears, Finishes life, and is ?aid to rest ANOTHER COTTON MILL BE BUILT. TO ? The Sumter Cotton Mill Has Ta? ken the First Stop in Trat Ei r?Ct?on. Toe annual meeting of the stockholders of the Suaver Ootrou Mil! was he:d on Friday last io the rffice of Secretsrv Moses. A very SHti?iaet;,iy ar?d encouraging report of the jeer's bu?ir.f-es was tende by Secretary Moees, ?nd the stockholder* had the gratify? ing fact made known to them that their prop? erty ia steadily enhancing in value, each year there being a marked and soi'd im? provement Barine the past year $16,000 worth of Dew machinery was purchased and installed, and tbe mill boildiDg is DOW com? pletely filled with machi?ery and ia roDniog foll time with orders ahead for six months. The new machinery bas been paid for out of the earnings of the mill, and the old debt bas beeo reduced more iban $2,000 within the year. A board of directors consisting cf R M. Wallace, R. D Lee, Altamont Moses. Marion Moise, M. G Rytteobert?, D. Jas. Winn ?nd W. A. Bowman was elected. There was no change in the board except tbe retirement of Geo. E. W. Moise, who bas disposed of his stock, and the election of Mr. W. A. Bowman to fill bis place The offices, R. M. Wallace, president; A Moses, 'secretary, and D. Jas. Winn, eoperioteodent, were re-elected. Tbe stockholders adopted a resolution in? structing the board of directors to investigate the feasibility of enlargiog the mill by the erection of another building of the same size as the old building, or larger, to be equipped with from ihres to 6ve tboosand spindles. Tbe mill now bas foor thousand spindles, and it is the intention cf tbe stockholders to double the number within the year, if possi? ble. The directors will take the matter up at once and no time will be lost in making a thorough investigation, and plans will be formulated for building and equipping Mill Ko 2 with the least possiole delay, if the re? sult cf the investigation is of a character to coovioce the directors tba', it will be a profu able and safe busice.-s venture to enlarge the old mill by the erecion of Mill No. 2. The outirok for the mil! id more encourag? ing than it has e^er teen ar.d a prcSlable business for 1900 is ari MS uren f ct. r-jr t'n-re ?re orders co hind for sis montbs' steady r:n a^d thecottoo to m?ke th? yara t.; lili ines? ot??t>s?rs. Berry R. Nasb, Henry D. Cros?wc'.l and John K. Cromwell Toe capital steck is to be $15, 000 -News acd Courier, Jan. i. TT7ANTED, f>r ca?h. Hickory, Dogwood, \f Persimmon, W*lnnt Logs. Southern Har.iwnod ?',., P O Bei 5?9, Cheleston, S C. Nov 29 v C. G. EECR?FTj 0PT?CI?N, Wi 1 be at Mrs. Lainey's bearding bcuse until Saturday, 23s.a. Cail ii your eyes need at'ectbe. Examina.ion frer. The Charm of Buying here is that you know what you will get. Our Hat. Toques, and Bonnets are not only beautiful to look at, but they possess quality. Each model is the very re iiuement of good taste, and has that peculiar something which the French call "Chic."' lu our display of IIOLID.A V MILLINKRV, you will certainlv {iud some The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of - and has been made under his per C^jC&rtf'f~tfiA/ sonal supervision since its infancy* **UZT7/. ' peas Ct w tb v. a cc rr reforc aiid fr?? 'he mao; stries g?zibs "WATESMA?TS 34AZ2S IT'S ?SAHE ?ABQTJ3SB THS ^SLD Liberty Street.