The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 20, 1899, Image 2

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T. De Witt Talmage Recives a Rebuke. Cupt W. Q. Chaffao of Alken Criticise! the Divido. Alkea.8. C, Dec II. 1899. To ihe Bditor of Tb? Stete I I beg that you will give <ae epsoe for tke encloeed orticle. which explains iteelf I offered it to tbe Hew York World grotis bot they refused to allow mo to erttioiee one of their oootribatore through their columns Years eery truly, W G CherTee Augusts, 0. . Oot Uth, 1890 Editor New York World: lo your ieeue of Pun day, Del 15, on peg*' 20, ooder tbe genera) head of Editorial Forum," there appears an artiole eotitled aa follow a: "My Fall Blooded Cow. by T De Witt Telmage, tke moot popular orator in America." ib which teat world reoewned di?iv e baa contributed a homorooe aooount of tbe ladicroua aetiooa of a oow pore hosed by bin at a poblio eale. Of tbo eeveral aaillioo readera of yoo* pope lar Son day sditioo, doubtless tbere were few wko did aot read tbia artiole before aay other aa tbe page. Th' re were probably few who did aot share with bit ernaaemeot that, after dismissing with a paragraph tbe heart -rending circumstances under which be be eaoae poaeeeaed of the oow, that tbe eminent doctor of divinity oould base i a ad the heart lo weave a funny atory coocecaing a few errat o move Dents of tbe animat 1 beg, there Ibra, ia behalf of the admirers of tbia great man. aod for the Informa tiou of your readera in every nook aad ooroer of tbia great country, a littlo epioe lo your oolumna for a few questions, for Dr Talmage, and aome abeervetiooe ooncerning bio artiole Do yoo koow. Doctor, that aer bops and lectures are read in every baml*t, aa wall aa great city, in America; that, io tbe romoteat and quainteet rural districts, many an honest old farmer, when hie day'a work ie done, puta on hia iron rim* aid ??specs' aad reada to bio faithful old wife, from hia littlo ooonty news paper, one of your eerraoof, Ailed with lofty appeala to charity, bright ptctoreo of tbe love of God aad good will to bob f If oo, I beg yoo to say to the several millions who have read yonr artiole. if yoa really wore, aa yoo write, a spectator of tbe acene yoo describe aa follows: "The man had oot beeo able to pay Lie debts The mortgage on the farm had been foreclosed Tbe day of aale bad oorae The sheriff stood oa a bot rsadiog ths terms of ven dae All payments to be made in ail months Tbe auctioneer took his place The old men snd bis wife and obildren all cried, and the piano and tbe cbaire, aod che piotoree, aod the oarpels, and the bedateads went at half their worth Wheo the piano went it eeemed to the old people as if the sheriff were eelhog all the fingers that bad ever played oo it. and when the carpets were alruck oft" I think the father and mother thought of me little feet that had tramped it "But lo oa the auction reached ita olimai of interest when we (himself aad wife) weut to the baru. We were apendtng our aummere io the ooontry and mutt have a cow Thero were 1U or 15 to be eold Wo marked for our owe a cow that waa esid to be fell blooded, whether Aldemay or Dorham. or Galloway or Ayrahire 1 will not tell, lent aome oattlo fancier feel insulted by what 1 aay, and if tbere ia any grace that I pride myeelf on it is prudence and a de-iermioetion lo aay smooth things ?? li iw mooh M bid for th s migntfl eeo', full blooded wt f ortrd tbe oo''or 'doveoty fv? collar*,' saoarvd ?oai <*oe 1 mad* it et|b<y. H* made it oieoiy Somebody else qonkly made it ? hundred After ibe bid* bad rt?eo i) I got aoiajattd sod tweaswew ?bat 1 wooic! have tbe oow If it took my le?' c--' " Oao hoodiel and forty dollars I' shoo *d toy oppooeoi "Tee eaouooeer seid it wet the fioest oow ha bad aBBf eold. ??d. oot koootag BBsb aboa* v*od?ev 1 bs.ieted him. Ii s gntd ?1 ? .1 of mioey for a a'siet^r to pay. buf then I e^ald get tbe wholo metier off my hoods by giving 'a oota ' lo u'ter defiance of every bieg, I eeiod ou , O to hundred aod fifty dolore V Goiog a* that! ones. ? wie*, ?hr-i limes ; gone! Mr Talnnge bee it,' * eto. D>1 realiai. doe'er, that your pride 'to eay toiooib tbioghao for onos, al leset, led yoa sajaBB, sod that, lostead of prodooiog a bamo'ou* story, yoa ba*9 iodoiged io a pieee of heartlees feoetioosoeeo, wbieb ta a stab direct at lbs faith you teaeb ; that it has caused toot to doubt the siooerity of tbe olergy, aaay more to doubt your isdividael tiostriiy T Do you really btiitve is ths grest trains yoa so sbly eipoood, or ore you bat dispsaiisg spiritual pap io eiobaogo for a large aalary aod beautiful borne ? It it possibls that yoo have ttood io lbs aasetuary prsaobieg love to sll mankind aad did aot weep with that poor man. hie. wife aad obi Id reo. whom tbe bard baeV of ths mooey leader bad ttriokto wiik raia t In tbe oame of Holy obarity, tell up, when you taw tbt piaoo, tbe chairs aod bia other email bootebold possessions goiog a*, half their worth, why did yoa oot, out of yoar ebaodanoe, c >um to tho retoae of that nofortunate fellow mao like the good Samaritan, instead of ttaodiog aloof liko tbe Lcvite and oot even reaching your "olimaz of inter oil" ootil lbs time oame for the sale of tbe w -etohed man's oow, for which you glibly gave your note at eiz montht for ooe hundred aod fifty dollars T If you did nor feel able pertooally to aid old age to misery, why did you not give yoor note for all luo creditor demaoded aod tell tbe good won ea of yoor oongregatioo what you baa done aod eoliat tbe tender obarity of woman to bring to one broken family "tbe oil of joy for weeping 7" Did you for ooe moment oootider that lbs pitiful "Lares aod Penates'' of tbcie oid people, whose frail barks of life were fast aailiog down ioto (he regions of tbe setting tun, were at dear to them at any of ths rich "articles of vertu ' io your own loin rioua boms ; tbi t their tears welled up from broken hearts at the saorifioe of the soaoty accumulation a of a life of toil ; that thois obeap, tawdry piotoret, through loog yeart, bad grown ioto their hoarta; that thoae ohairt aod dioiog table, though of too oommoo ttuff to eottr yoor kitchen, were a portioo of their livet; that perobaooe oos of tboss ohsirs waa daily plaoed at that bumble board to plead for memory of some dear one who had passed "tbe wavee of ibis troublesome world" ; that tbe diogy piano was a loving gift from tho busband lo that old wife io better days, aod with it was goiog the smell of apple blossoms, tbe song of birds aod bum of hoes, tbe sooahioe of dim, distant days, when fortune smiled tereoe without one disturbing prestage of that dark day wheo, old aod friend lest, with tbe white frosts of age fallen tbiok oo hair and beard, they should sse that dear old piaoo pass from tbem like tbe hopes of youth, while ths forsmoet mioistet of God in Amerios would look oo unmoved, intent ooly on poeaessiog tbeiroow ? I oooo read io ooe of yoor sermons sosb s sool-stin tog deoodoiation of Ahai besaose, in bis oovetoos heart, be sought to become possessed of tbe vine* ysrd of lbs bumble Naboth, that I have always thought less of Abas than aver bsforo. Did oot fssble reoolleotioo of tbst story return lo yoo wheo, with lbs ruins of s nan's little fortune srusbiog bis very soul, you went to bis baro aad pioksd out wbieb ooe of bio oows you desired to become your owo ? Do you koow, my dear dootor, that mud-bedraggled solieteu men to tbe tronobet around Santiago emptied their baveraaokt ioto the lapt of starving woman from the oity, aod tbematlves wont hungry until more supplies ooold be brought to tbe from ? I wonder if it oooorred to yoo that, while your "sooallod" fuony story was on tbe eve of publication, two men ? Palriok Ooffeefand Samuel Joyoes? offioers oo a burning ateamer io Long Island souod, bravely yielded op their lives io tbeir endeavor to save tbe lives of passengers who were straogers lo them ? Do you thiok if these two rougb? probably profane?steamboat men bad been oo baod with yoar means and iuflueooa, they would have seen an aged oooplo turned ioto the bigbwiy by ao auctioneer ? You koow they would oot. Do yoa beliove that even old Bus aell Sago, who. io the ooorse of oaturt, moat soon felioitate with Dives oo the amount that worthy has saved io coal bills io tbe past two thousand years or more, would bavo sored as you did ? a millioo se mote of your admirers have given ooe year looger aod doubled tbe rate of iotereat ? Do you imagine that you have served to more aeeply implant tbe graoe of God io the heartt of that family T It it probable that tboy will raise bosaooat eaob lime tiey s.e oue of your urmooa io print T Doubtlcte, my dca* dootor, you will deem it the height of imponioeoco in my veotoriog to aak yoo questions. I am emboldened by the foot that I oooe read ooe of yoar teroiooe io wbioh yoa eihorted your hearert to "despise oot tbe day of smalt things,'' eltqieotly portraying tbe aeriooo consequences rt?uliiog to tbe Pbiiittino?Goliath? beoaute be had ro tetpeot for Dafid't sling. I atiure you that 1 speak earnostly aod that io ibe patt few days tbere are It it oot probable that even be would mentally asking praetioally tbe same qutstiont 1 do I hope you can any thai tbe whole ttor) is a work of fiction, bat eveo io that eveot yoa have written tbe most discreditable fiotioo ever penned Ken pnoi fully, Win G Cbafee. 105 l/moln street, Augusts, Ga ?~????? ^?? Paper novels, new paper foeels at H 0 ?stren It Oo'a -m^V ???? ^mmmmm? Remarkable Iteecue. Mn. Michael Curtain, Plainneld, III , roukes tbe statement, that she caight told, which yet tied on her hing? ; ?he na? treated h?r a month by her family phyaician, but grew WOfSSi He told ber ahe was a h<> eles? Vieths ofooasutja. ticn and that I > molicine seals' cure lier. Her druggist ?ugge8tcil Dr. Risg'l New DlstOV? cry for Consumption; phe bought a bottle and It her delight found herself bencfitled from Qrat doae. She cju inued ita u?e and after taking ait bottles f aad heraclf ?ound and well; now does ber own !.SBSSWSVBj and is aa well 4k she ever wan. Freo triv bottles of tbia Oreai Discovery at J. F. V. DaLorae's Drug Store. Large bottles 5Ce aid $ I. 6 Gen Otis' Description of Military Situation. Troops Chasing "Robber Band8"-"OrganiZ3ci Resist? ance Ended. Washington, Dec 12 ?The war department bas received the follow ing cablegram from Gen Otis, des criptive of the military situation in Luzou : Manila, Dec 12. Bulican province the insurgents have been scattered and driven east to the mountain Our caeulties in that section in the few days were 10 Tbo insurgent casulties in killed, wounded and prisoners aggregated 100. Considerable insurgent prop any with records, arms aud ammu nitions have been captured Our troops are now in tbe mountains in pursuit. The insurgents have been driven from Subig bay and the mar ines now occupy a naval station there. Our column moving west from Tai lac ia now on the west coast of Luzon, where it has been supplied It encountered little resistance A column ii now moving west and south from Dagupau along the coast. There is no concentrated insurgent forces of importance in Luzon north of Maoiia Southern Luzon will not offer any serious resistance. Troops are cooperating in that section Organized rebellion no longer exists and our troops are actively purusing robber bands All important and threatened centres of population in the north have been occupied. Otis. Also the following | Manila, Deo 12 Two thousand additional Spanish prisoners secured in Northern Luzon, making over 3,000 released within a month ; 700 now enroute from Vigan and transports will be sent for re? mainder Otis. FILIPINO DICTATORSHIP TO WAGE GUERRILLA WAR London, Dec 12 ?Router's Tele gram oompauy received tbe following dispatch from Kong Kong : * 'The insurgent government so called, of the Philippines, will be changed to a diotatorahip, to con tinue hostilities against the Ameri? cana er.oluaivoly by tbe methods of guerrilla warfare. The Filipioo army is being split up into small bands, the troops taking an oath before separation that tbey will fight until their country's rights are recognized "A force of United States marines who landed at Vigan. South Ilocos province, from tbe battleship Oregon, waa defeated by the Filipinos uoder Gen Fluio (Tino ?) ou Dec 4. The Manila newspapers, despite tbe cen? sorship, admit that Gen Lawton ia missing " Tbe foregoing dispatch waa evi dently aeut by the Filipino junta in Hong Kong Bryan on tbe Bill. Austin, Tex, Dec !2 ?In an inter view today Wm Jeov- ngs Bryan ex? pressed himself up^n the financial bill now before the bouse. He 6aid : "Following in the line of the presi? dent's message, congress is at pres? ent considering a bill that is an ex? tremely bad measure I refer to the financial bill now und^r discussion in the house This bill is a very bad one indeed It is a part of the gold standard people's plan and I hope that it will be defeated It should certainly never be permitted to pass the house bcause it is not in the interest of democracy " ??sasv .?>?? ?i - Atlanta, Ga , Dec 12 ?A general order has been circulated by tbe Southern railway applicable only to the South Carolina division, that all employees of tbe company must stop smoking cigarettes or resign their positions, and that in future no one will be employed who smokes cigar ettes. Assistant General Passenger Agent S El Hardwick says it may soon bo made applicable to all the different branches of the road The order issued by the South Carolina department is an iron clad rule and applies to all the departments of the line thronghout the State. CUBAN Oil cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises. Rheuma? tism and SOftt? Price, 25 cts Sold t? Hughson-Ltgoo Co. THE BANK OF SUMTER, SUMTER, S. C. City and County Depositary Capital stock paid io, . . $75,000 00 Undivided surplus. . . 16,000 00 lodi?idunl liability of stockholders in excess of ibeir stock, . 75,000 00 Transacts a general backing business ; also has a Savings Bsnk Department. Deposits of $1 and upward received. Interest allowed aj the t?te of 4 (er cent, per aoootD, payable semi-aooually. W. F. B. HAYN3WORTH, President. M a icon Moisk, W F. Rhamb, Vice-President. Cashier. Jan 31. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule in Effect" Dec. 10, 1800. Noll No. 3M Daily Dail>W EAKTKKN TIME. 6 30i> 7 00a Lv 009p 7 41a! 7 TjOt h.r??i " 834p 928s " 9:iOp 10 Uav " . Charleston . Snmmorville Branch vi I Ie. Ownijelmru'. Kinffville No. Si Nodi |Daily Daily A.r 11 i>0n 815p *? (10 18a! 7:?p " I 8 52a OO.'p " I sSUal ft Sip M 7Wu 4*5p li Ifta Ar? il 40a " ..Sumter.Lv: Camden.Lv^ itoop 2fi0p lOlOp 11 OOaiAr (Columbia.Lvl ftSSS sOOp Ar 11 00a. 8l5p ?? 8 52a! 60 ?p M 8 27aj ?88p '? 8 IBM 5 lt?p " oTJUal oOIip 05a; 4 00p ...Aiscn. i uw. < wp \r. Augusta un.d.Lv " I 20a' II 10p Story or a Slave. To bt bound hand and foot for yaurs by ths chains of disease is the wurtt Torn of slavery George I). Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how tuch a slave Wal mado free'. He says: "My wife has boon po helpless for five years that ?hs could not turn over in bed alone. After using two betths of Llectric Hitters, >he is wonderfully improved and able to do tier own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures netvouanesp, sleeping ness, melancholy, hcaduche, backache, fainting and dirsy spells. This miracle working ineili oine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle {guaranteed. Only 50c. Soid by J F. W- DeLorme, Druggist. t - i^ssBss* *&%**^mmWB*muuamm Bulacan Province Cleared of Insurgents, MaoArthur's Operations. Washington, Deo 14 ?Gen Otis has cabled the war depsrtment that Lieut Btitson, who organized and com mended the Macabebe scouts, has been seriously wounded in the foot Amputation is probable Geu Otis' dispatch follows I Manila, Dec 14 Lieut Bataon, Fourth cavalry, or ganized four large.companies Maca bebe scouts, had advance of Lawton's troops and attended Young'r cavalry north-western Luzon, Batson leading with conspicuous gallantry io several hard fought engagements On Nov 19 seriously wounded on foot ; am putation probably necessary. Can he not receive majority in some staff corps ss reward for efficient services? Gen Otis today cabled the war de? partment as follows : Manila, Dec 14 Gen Lawton reports Bulacan prov ince freed of insurgeuts yesterday Ttoops Fourth cavalry captured strong mountain position Biacnabato, with food supplies, clothing, car? tridge factory and barracks. MacArthur's troops occupied Ibband, town south of western coast Luz >n ; slight opposition and few light casualties Eighth instant Rates reported from Ztrnboanga that he has gatiisoned Ba.iilian and is sending troops to Cottohato and Davao ; that condition of affairs satis factory Blghtoan hundred Spanish prisoners received in Manila ; over two thousand more enroute ; thirteen hundred shipped to Spain 16tn instaut. These prisoners much better physical condition than Spanish troops sur? rendered when Manila capitulated. 5aop, 7 00a Lv Charleston 750p; 915a! " Branchvilh 819pi 0 41a| " .... Bamberg 83lp| n 52ni " .... Denmark 8 50i> 10 lOaj ... BlackviUe 957o 11 OOal " ..Aiken 10aap ii Ma NOTF.: In addition to th?" above s?rvic6 traimt Noa. 15 and M run daily between Chartas ton and Co/imnhia, carrying elegant Pullman Bleeping- cars. No. 15 leave ('hanrston 11:00 p. m.; arrive Oolnmbis 0:00 ajm. No. 16* leave Co? lumbia 1 a. m. j arrive Onarleston 7:00 a. n Sleeping cars ready for occupancy at P;QQp. m. both at uhartoston and Columbia. Theas train* make close oonneo ions at Columbia with through trains between Florida points and Washington and the rnat. Ex. iSun. IBs. Sun.1 onlvi Sns. Lv. Augusta Ar. Sauderaville " TcnniUe Lv.Teanille ... " Ssnderarille Ar. Augusta. Lv. Savannah.. M AHondate... " Harnwrll " Blackvillo. Ar. Batoabuvg, 7 00a 0 m\ 5 -'irji .; lOOp I248p BJ?p . l :fc?p l^'.Kip 8 40p ..j 5 40a! 880pl :< I0p .I 5 50a 4oopi o 2sp I IHM in 7 hip! ,H :Vrp inTiTJn?7iv- Mr-t- Mix. j Mix tDaily Daily ,,iMlv Ex KVl Ex su 12 05a 12 15p- .I .I. i.j 6 35a1.j 1 00] 4 UOa 4 02l)' 7 25ji: ... 2 45; 4 16a 4 lTp 10 20a 1 . . 3 4b\ |l28Up| Ar.Oolnmbis.... ooon fioop :?>P rk.ii. Mix. Mix.'Sun Daily Daily Ex?u Kxsll' oni, Lv. Columbia.Ill SOB 125a ?>OUn Lv. Bateslittrg....l .?. . Ar. Blackvillo Barnwell M Allendale. " Savannah. 1 I3p| BOfta 10 15a 1 27p 3 2ua II 00a ; 12 Dip 3S0pl 5 IT?!?! . 2 lap] -1 ? 4.V>p 10 15a 0 15p '.0 B6a D4.(|. il 15a Atlanta and Beyond. Lv.Charleston... 700s ftwpi... Ar. Attguata .11 5la 10 45p M Atlanta. ?*JDpl sooa ... Lv. Atlant?.11 Wh) 5 30al 4 00p Ar. Chattanooga. 146al ? <te| 8 sop Lv. Atlanta. Ar. Hi rmingham " Memphis, tvia Birmingham ??? Ar. I^exington? " Cincinnati. " (?hlcaffo.. Ar. L uisville M St. Louis .. I H 40n 4 15p II 10 00p j BOftp15a i 500p| 5 00a j 7 :!0)) 7 45a i 7 15a 5 30p 80p 7 Boa 04a iUX>| Ar. Meipfridft, I via Chattsntvtgsl I 7 lOp 7 40m To Aahevillo-Cincinnati-Loniaville |Nola4|No IW Daily Daily a'Oiip 6w| 4 l?p I'i <?T? 7 00a 11 0?ip 111 40a! x;{On ? BlOp 11 25a .. 7onp' 237]) 4 15b 7 20p 7 BOp I 7 45a n 50a RASTERN TIMK. Lv. At.u'iista. " BatCMburg Lv. (Ih ar lea top . LV. Columbia (Union l)i'p?>t> Ar. Hpartanburg . " AKhoville . " Knoxville. " ('inrinnnati. lue A Radical Change in Marketing Methods as Applied tG Sewing Machines. An Original ptan under vrhich j'ou can obtain easier tenns aSnBetter value in the purchase of the vror.d tamoua "White" 6ewmg Machine than ever be'orc offered. 1 ??1 ?ss?? ? ? Write for our elegant H-T catalogue and detailed particulars. How we can gave you money in the purchase of a hi-h-grade sewing machine and the easy tcTrps jMJPggggt we can offer, either direct from factorj* or through our regular authorized agenvs. This is an oppor? tunity you cannot afford to pass. Vok know the '?White," you know its manufacturers. Therefore, a detailed description of the machine and J its construction is unnecessary. If yon* have an old machine to exchange ? we can offer most liberal terms. Write to-day. Address in full. [HITE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, (LWt L) ClCVClill, Ohio. SEND US ONE DOLLAR Cut tills ?it. out and send to us wim i l.oo, mud we will -.-?).; you this 1RWIBVBOVIB ACHK QLKKX PIIILOR HU. A> . by f-oi.rM CO. D., Mbjoel lo?iiuiin?ii(.n. You < au examine it at roar neatfrt freight depot, and ir you find it exactly as rcpresor.rcif, e<;ual to orgaaa that retail at Srs.OOto r lOO.OO, the ^rcnt ??:?( v;.1.. i ,-vcr ? aw h- far netiertuan er.;?-; ?? ad /erti^eO by others at nioro noaey, pay t!.e freight agent aar BMStal SO SaysaOSf price, S31.76, 1 ? ':.( 11.. rS-jj ... :ni rralgktfliarfM. S3J.25JS OUj SPECIAL 80 DAYS PRICE, SEj? ? price snaag' ? by others. Sv THE ACME QUEEN RS iBowtV whir;h i; or,-raved (III U an ofTnr wk* n*?*r m*oe '?eftir?. f S of the ma A and t^?<?l??' t-rr? |a. Dl?atsS)Vtr mrule. r'ror.itbeilluslra'.ioii if vrblca i Tor., -raved illraol froiu a ruoto;:raph, yon (Sf form ne idea of Itsbs?ufai arssarams. 1 rom ColiU !>**t7f*''C3 Qisarterfrav^d Or>k. antique d?,)j?:i<:tion.?;iy?lei^rtt- fe?3g&?{* mandornainiuitstf,Intest IR999tvl*. 1MB4CatQVUCKta S tv-il 5 Incbas bl th,ii I in iiea lonp, UlncnCfl wide and .vulghs H9 poondsj oootalni* 5 art area. It stops as (odotrst BIsaaM?, a rrlnrl^ftl, l)r.!tlafi \, : rlmVis, r?lssl>- ffflSSaat Saas t?iuj>!er, li TNBIsraaplsr, Erlspataa V?r(c, filsnijsll'sffls. aaJ Tm Ucssav t!?j 'J Sstttts ( oupt' rj^, I 'ii*** bwrll, I t>rr.a<t Or^an 5?ro J, 4 V>? i* {..??'..< ?ir <i r?aisSjBsssisstary Pips o.....?. Basis, t Set?; 37 fan "'ii'"i V..-!oui4 Kr 1 tfel of 8; Ch-.rml.irlT BrlllUaf '.>!??:?? lie da, ) S?t t f 2? lUrhfiellowS.'Bootb BBasSMMS) Uecda, 1 !M *f Bl ItSSalai Si.ft Hf laJlon* SMasJfsJ \UtA*. Q TMP qOMC n!*^PM RrtK :i ronsisS .?f tho celebrated JtlL Mvjtrir. y LLC Ii NewriifriCi, ?rhteh am oalj nsad In the bl?hest ^rra lo in It rumen t~>, also Jltted v.ilh lUia nondConii!?rh6.nd lluoiiua. ad^;? MStUs?rafOltS, leatli^rs et--., bellows of II o beat rubber rb?tn, s-MTballowa stock and flnsat leather la ralrss. TMS ACME OUSENi' .nisho.l wl'U a idxiibeveled )>!ul?-1 i encb mirror, nickel ?lr.t -d pe<'.ol frame*andavery r*'?t??-rn l?.?provernoat. Mg ri'KXfSII FKKR a i!!)" orgsva ?tuol and th<? bo.-:tor^?^i ItistraeUoa book pnbUthml.. CsJARAWTc2ED?5 YEARS JSg A.-.n" V'- "- Bfnawa Issue a written bindingi!5 yee'r-f ruarantaf,b7tai terns and conditions or which iriavy pari litres out wt repair it free of charge Try it or." ??lband w . artll refund your money if you arenoti Pile BaUilSad. SOOofth?-%? oreaas will be aold ???, Stl.Ta. SrSer ateaee. -Mr.'t ?flay. CUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED KS not dealt with us ask your m ijrhbor about un, writs' the publlshar of thl5 p<?per, or Metropolitan KMlonal C^6-^" I Hank, National V.ank of tho Republic, or Uanlc of Cmnmerce C'liici *ny railroad or OiprMS company in Chicago. ka,e a SLsJ ?XIZUmR SSSSfmXuSL^i fTFJ9^?r est business blocks in Chicago and employ orer SOSpeopte in our own f2II line wEEH? ?w^.w-^i^e-L&rfir* ?PI1MAXOS Sl-.:,oo.cdop, ?l^everythinJla?M|eiaiK special OTSjaSL nlanoJha musical instniDjenteatalotrne. Adtlret? ?u???ai? prices, u rlie lor fraw SEARS,? ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.). Fulton. Oeiolainesr dWaymauSt*.. CHICAGO. ILL.T HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT AND COUNCIL OF PHYSICIANS. Will Cure at Home Blood Poison in all Stages, Scrofula, Cancer and Rheumatism. Cures Guaranteed. jf buffering from aoy form of oontagioas or inherited Blood Poison, Cancer; Rheumatism. Paralysis, Private Difteaies, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Weakoes? of Or? gans, yoo can be cured at home with perfect safety at small 000t. Yoo e&o secure tbe oombioed skill of a staff of eminent physicians and specialists with a large rx per ion 00 and obec: vat 100 in treating such diseases at Hot Springs. Any oate they accept for treatment who faithfully complies with directions without a oure will be entitled to free board, room snd treatment at their institution until cured. No nostrums or cure slis used, but epeoial remedies for each particulsr oase, and to sutt tbe particular stage of the disease. Honest, expert treatment is whar you need A book of full particulars with question blanks sent eecare from observation on receipt of 2 cent stamp for postage Address HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT CO.. or P O Box 110. June 14?0 HOT SPRINGS, ARK 4-POUND CATALOGUE* FREE I THIS HQ CATALOGUE CONTAINS I s 20 PAGES ?* 9rtixt inches in size, contains over lOU.UOo quotations, 1U.UU0 illubtratiom, the largest, most complete and lowest priced catalogue ever published. NAMES TMF LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAGO PRICES OH EVERYTHING, includlng everytuin? in Ororrrlea, Droga, Dry tteetfa, Rotluea, Cletklag, Clea&a. Dreaaae, B?eta and Shoe*. Watckes, Jewelry, Beeka, Hardware, Steves, Agrieultaral tapleMata, Peraltare, Haraeas, SaSdlea, Bapfiee. Sewtaa; Baealaee, Crackery, Orgaea, Plaaea, Baaleallaatraeieatv Farpl.hlagOo.ea. Weea, BeveWera, llsklag Taekle, Blcyelea, Photographie Soees. KSL t*I*9 just what your storekeeper at home mast pay foreverytb<nir he buys and will prevent him from overcharging you on anything you buy: explains just how to order, bow much the frekrkt, expreeaor aiall wiU be oa anything to your town. THE 110 1001 COSTS US K2AILT Si. the BSStBfsj alone la90cents. OHD eppp OsTPPD Out this advertisement cut Wr* rnCCVrrcrii and ?eDdtouawith l*t??uin i-tamps to help pay the SO ceaia peaiaee and tbe Big Book will be eent to you FBBB by nail poatpaM, and if you don't say It Is worth 10S times the 15 cent* yon send, aa a key to tho lowest wholesale prices of everything, say so, and we will i ???? lately retaro year 1 a eaata. WHAT THE PRESS 8AY8 ABOUT THIS CATALOCUE: "It Is a monument of business information."?Minneapolis (Mian.) Tribun?* "A wonderful piece of work "? Washington National Tribune, "The catalogue is a wonder."?Manchester i S. H.) Union. "Sears, Roebuck & Co. la one of the largest houses of its kind la Chicago."?Chicago Inter Ocean. district," "The big catalogue forms one of the finest shopping mediums that could possibly be sent lato a -Boyee's Monthly, Chicago. "Their catalogue Is a vast department store boiled down."?Atlanta Constitution. 'Their catalogue is a vast department store boiled ? The catalogue la certainly a merchandise encyclopedia."?Chicago Epworth Herald. \ "a law should be passed compelling the use of thia catalogue in all publlcechoota."? The Hon. O. A.Southtouaw J We eeald quota theetaads or slaUUr eitraels. BIRD II CfcXTS at OKCI sad yea will recalv* ta* Ml. b??k by raiara aiaaV address, SEARS. ROEBJCK & CO. (Inc. , CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. MMMML JflOVKD VP MMMl Has moved his stock of L<> lisvill?' ( via Jellloo). To Washington and the East I.v. Av.u'iistn. " BatoMlmrg " Onlunthia |Union Depot) Ar. t'harlotlP.. Ar banvifl*?. Ar. Hiohinond ^(Kip <.i;!U;? 4 Jf>i> 12 i?7h .*iUp 2 I'm n nip it 40i? iT.'iin j asp SOOn S26p Ar. WiiahinKton. ? ^r?i> N?Op ?? Da llmoro Pn. R. It . 0 12a IP?p Philadolphis. .Ill 35a 2fisa " New V-.rlt ...I 20Bp ?'?-,,;i;i Rlf*oplna t'ar liin?' bptwoon (/harlt'aron and Atlnntn, via AnsjUHtn, ninkiriK ??onntvtiona .it j Atiaii: h f"r all ixtitit < North and West. Soijii Trains net ween I'harltmton and Ash? ? I vill*1 i !onnortions at tV>luntbia with throuirh trains for Wanhinston and ?n?' Enal. alMofor Jackson* vi 11and :ill Florida Point-. PRANK B. (4ANNON. J. M. GULP, Third V I'. t*c i>?'n. Mgr., TraiHc Manager. Washington, U. C Washlsgtoa, U. rjKOROK B ALLEN. Div Pass. Agt, (.'hnrlt'Htoti, S. (J. W A. Tl'BK, Bt H. HARDWICK, (4<-ii. ras-?. Agt . Aast. Oett. Fhss Ajjt., W'iHhington, D. C AtlautB.Oa. Hardware, Stove?, Cut? lery, Crockery, &c., Into the large store next to First National Bank, lately occupied by the Ducker & Bultman Company. And is now better prepared wi'h a lamer stock tban ever, to eupply ihe public with everything in his lioe. Bspcatal attention is directed to toe very targe lino of Stoves and Stove Fixtures, Hjth cooking and bcatioj?, aud also to oar large line of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS. I) ir n gular linos of Hardrare," Tool?, Cutlery, Guos, An,munition, Harneee, Saddlery, Houselurnibliing Gotds. &o., will be found largtr and more complete. We also carry Engine and Mill Supplies. Remember, all our stoves ere warranted. Call aod see us. Very respectfully, L. B. DURAJNT. Sep 6?x