The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 13, 1899, Image 5

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Ck SSkicljmau aili) ^?Eihrm w feDJN.fcSDAY, DEO. 13, 1899. Entered at the fost Oj?je at Sumter S ?. (?., as Second Class Matter. PAY YOUR DEBTS. The date following your Dame on this 1 paper indicates the date ou which your subscription expires, or from which date you are io arrears. Examiue the date on your paper and if you owe anything come in at once and settle without further remind? er or erging. Many subscribers are io arrears, last year we did not press them for a settlement, knowing tbe scarcity of money, bot DOW we need wbat is due and we request an early and fol) settlement. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Estate of Urs Sarah Gordon-Citation H. Barby-Two car loads of ?tock, also :ron safe and cabbage plants for sale. PERSONAL. . Dr. B M. Badger of Marion, is io the ciiy for the day. Mr. F. M. Mikel? of Atlaota, Ga , is in the city on business. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Spann have returned to :beir winter residence io the city. Col. Jos. F. Rbame, of Manning, spent Thursday in town on professional business. Miss Maud Brock, of Summerton, is the geest of Miss Bessie J erv ey. Misses Anne Barnwell and Lily Holcombe, of SUtebnrg, are visiting Mrs. W. B. Murray. Miss Hallie Saunders, of Hagocd, is visit? ing friends in tbi3 city. Mr. F. P. Cooper, the representative of The State, spent Thursday io town. - Col. J. R. Muldrow and Mr. E. W. Dabbs, of Salem, were in town Thursday. Dr. J W. Pringle was in the eity Thurs? day. Mr J X. Brand spent Wednesday ia this city and returned to Wilmington next mora? lng. v Mrs L". S. Carson left Thursday for Charleston to spend a month with ber pa? rents, Rev. and Mrs John Kershaw. Dr H. W. Cooper was in the city Friday norning en roete Greenwood where be will locate to practice bis profession. Dr A. M. Brailsford, of Mullens, ts io the city for a stay of a few days. Rev J. C. Bailey, of Summerton, was in the city Friday. Mr. H. Efarby has gone West to purchase horses and mates. Col. J. A. Rbame, of Magnolia, spent Sat? urday ic the city **r Mr. Joel E. Brunson of Kingstree, is in tb? city for a few days stay. Mrs. C. F. DeLorme, of Sumter, and Courtney DeLorme, of the W. N. H. S., were in Florence this morning en route to Dovesville.-Florence Times, Dec 9. Salzburg *3 to lose one of her most sub? stantial citizens io tbe near future. Mr. S H, Saunders, formerly of Sumter, but who has made this bis borne for many years, hav? ing married a daughter of Col. T. J Cou o ts, expects soon to move to Florence, where be will conduct a large sale stable, also hand? ling buggies, wagons, harness etc. We regret to see Mr. Saunders leave the home of bis adoption, and trust that he will come back to us-one of these days-Bamberg Herald. Have you seen John Smith ? That's what one of cor cotton buyers would like to know. Tickets for tbe military ball are oow for sale at tbe drug stores of China and De? Lorme. Ladies cordially invited. When a certain yoong man reached bis place of business Monday moroing the follow iog announcement was posted over bis desk : Yon can't call her back anymore. Mr. J. W. Thie6sen, the vooog man who was cot while the Gentrv show was here, aod who bas been at the Baker and Dick infirmary since, has recovered from his injury and was allowed by hi3 physician, Dr Stuckey, to rejoin bis company, which is now in Mississippi. Messrs. Cook and Adams, who ran the tobacco warehouse tbis season, returned to Virginia oo Saturday, having closed up tbis season's work, They are pleased with the experience in Sumter acd think they will return. Invitations to the 5rs* annual ball and reception of the Sumter Light Infaotry on Thursday evening, December 14tb, have been issued. A c'?sb-pond" fakir obtained a license Sat? urday and opened UD bis skin game on Main Street, bot before be bad fleeced many unwary persons, complaint was roade to tbe police, tbe license wss revoked and the "fish pond" was closed. December 19, December 20. These are tbe dates for the Delgar Squad bezaar. The committees will begin soliciting Mooday. Specialties will be announced later. The dates are December 19 and 20. The Delgar Reel iquad will hold a bizar on the evenings of December 19 and 20. The soliciting committee will begin work this afternoon* Let everybody contribute some? thing towards the sustenance of the ?re de partaient-the beet one in the State. The young men ceed a little money to pay off some old debts and to furnish their oew quarters. Jobo Belcer and John S.uffy became in? volved in a difficulty on Main Street on Sat? urday afternoon, which culminated in Belcer having the bridge of bis nose smafbfd and bis left cheek badly lacerated. Stuffy used a flask to spoil the pbys'Ognomy of bis antag? onist. At the Mayor's court Monday morning the ca3e wa9 to have been beard, ont Belcer was not able to appear. Stuffy has been lodged io jiil. Dr. Boll's Coueb Syrup cures any case of bronchitis, luoz affection and grippe Phy? sicians prescribe this reliable remedy, and druggists recommend it ; because it never fails to cure, and costs but 25 cents a bottle. - tm II - Christmas Holidays. The Board of Scbooi Ccmnii:.siooers at its ? last meeting fixed the Christmas holidays for j the Graded Schools. The schools will close ; on Friday. Decemoer 2.2d, *nd wiil reopen for the Spring session on Tuesday, January 2 ------mmm- - Election of Dispensers. At the meeting of the County Board of I Control held in ibis city last Wednesday the following elections were made, in addition to j the reelection of Dispenser J. M. Reames, i which wai* announced m cur Inst issue : Dispenser Smith wes reei^cted dispenser for j May es ville and Dispenser L L. Baker was I reelected for another year at Bi?hopville. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will prove a quick and sure cure for croup Mother?, when your children are attacked with that dreadful disease, yon can depend on tbis marvelous remedy. It never fails to cure at once. Price 25c. MARRIED. Miss Leonora G. Russe i, of this city, and Dr. Vao T*lburg Hoffman, Surgeon of the Atlantic Coas! Lioe, were married on Suo day evening, Dec. 10, ut the parsonage, by Rev. W. A Kelly. Thc marriage was quite a surprise, as few if ?ny cf Miss Russell's friends knew that ebb intended to be married. Tbey weat to Charleston on the evening train. Mr. Jobo W Shaw, of New Zion, and Miss Eva, daumier of Capt ?nd Mrs. B G. PiersoD, were married at 3 30 o'clock last Wednesday afternoon at tbe family residence on Sumter Street, Rev. J W McKay perform? ing tbe ceremony Toe attendants were : Miss Maud Pierson and Mr W. R. Burgess, and Mias Etta Shaw and Mr. J. N. Brand, of Wilmington. The ceres: ony was performed in the parlor wbere a number of tbe friends of the bride and groom and their immediate families were assembled. After the marriage a lunch was served be? fore Mr. and Mrs. Shaw left tbe house to take tbe 6 05 train for tbe North. Tbey will spend ten days or two weeks in Washington and New York before returning to their home at New Zioo. Tbe presents they received from their many friands were camerons and bandsoma. and tbe best wishes for a long and happy life were showered opon them by a host of friends and well wishers Sudden Death of Mr. Jas. Caldwell. Wedgefield, S C., Dec. ll.-Mr. James Caldweil died very suddenly on last Satur? day morning of heart disease. His funeral took place in the Presbyteriao Church and his remains were laid to rest io tbe cbnrcb yard yesterday, Sunday The ateendance j was perhaps the largest that Wedgefield ever saw Mr Caldwell's death wes a great ebock to bis family and the community. Tbe entire ''. neighborhood deeply sympatbizs with tbe bereaved family, and the deceasad shall bs very much missed He had been for years an elder and one of tbe main pillars in tbe Presbyterian Church. Mr. Caldwell had been un weil for a week or more, and after borne remedies did cot seem to relieve bim, be drove down from bis home three gailes above Wedgefield, with bis daughter to tbe boggy, to consult Dr. Dwight about his condition, telling bim that be bad been very nervous for some time, and bad not been ?b!eto;lie down fer three nights. After exchanging* only a few words with bim the doctor saw be was beyond all earthly belo and stepped into the two ar joining stores and asked tbe gentlemen to step into bis office a? quickly as they conld, Mr Cald? well was dyiog Mr. J. M. Caldwell, bis son, was "only two doors away, was also sum mooed, and in less rban five minutes, in the presence of his eon, tbe doctor, and four or five otber friends, he very quietly and peace? fully passed away. Truly in the twinkling of an eye be passed from life unto death. RELIGIOUS The Magnolia Street Methodist Church was dedicated Sunday, Bishop Duncan conduct? ing tbe dedicatory exercises. The church was filled to overflowing at ll o'clock wheo Bishop Duncan preached. After tbe sermon, tbe cborcb was formally dedicated, and tbe members of this church are happy at tbe consommation of their dearest wish. The structure is a neat, comfortable one with a seating capacity of 300. Tbe interior is finished io naturai wood. Tbe pews are the 'haadsomcst in the city, and tbe most comfortable the writer bas ever sat upon. At night services were held and Dr. J A. Rice preached to a large and attentive con? gregation. A anion mass meeting of tbe Sunday Schools of the city will be held at the Pres? byterian Church at 4 o'clock next Sunday afternoon in the interest of tbe poor. Ladies' attention called to elegant assort? ment of fine Perfumery and fancy Box Paper at J. S. Hughfoo & Co. Dec 9-3t New President for the Columbia Female College. Io the report of the proceeding of the S. C. Conference tbe correspondent of the State, under date of Dec. 8 says : Your correspondent has just learned tbat Dr. Jno A Rice bas tendered bis resignation as presideot of the Columbia College, to take effect June 4tb, 1900. The trustees beid a meeting yesterday and unanimously elected Rev. E. O. Watson to fill the place vacated by Dr. Rice. Mr. Watson ssked the privilege' of delaying his reply until 10 o'clock this morning. That reply bas now beeo given. He does not see bis way clear to accept the position. He highly appreciates the booor conferred upon bim by the action of tbe trus? tees, bat he feels that he should remain in tbe pastorate Macy will be both glad and sorry because of this decision. Glad because be is too valuable in the work of the pulpit : sorry, because of tbe conviction that be would have made a most earnest effort not only to main? tain the present position of the college, bot to advance its every interest. The trustees of tbe Columbia College belo a special meeting this morning for tbe pur? pose of electing Dr. Rice's successor, with the result that Rev W. W Daniel of An? derson was chosen, and he bas signified bia willingness to accept. Better Rates Asked by Compress Company. Messrs Henry J Harby, W. A. Bowman and Altamant Moses went to Colombia Fri? day and appeared before tbe railroad commis? sion in behalf of the Sumter Compress Co. Tbey have appealed to the railroad commis? sion to have tbe Sumter compress put on the same footing as other compresses, io so far as freight rates on compressed jcottco is con? cerned. The commission did not take action, but postponed it until Monday when another bearing w?? appointed to be given to Messrs. Harby, Bowman and Moses. Messrs W. A. Bowman and H. J. Harbv on Mooday atteoded a hearing of th? rail? road Commissioners io the matter of fixing rates on compressed cotton from this Doini to tbe pons. Traffic manager T. M. Emerson represented the Atlantic Coast Line and Mr Thomas Wilson th* Northwestern R R Tue commissioners bfard from both sides and tock tb^t matter under consideration. - ^? ? ? ? .? - 'Cure stomach troubles, cold t??et and hands excessive menstrual flow, with Simmens' ifquaw Vine Wine or Tablets. if you feei dull, languid, broken flown, de? bilitated, hav- weak stomach or indigestion, i;?e Dr M A Simmons liver medicine. ?'?ins io head, neck, shoulder?, back, front, sides hips, and lmbe ?re readifv cured by Sim moos'Squaw Vine Wire or Tablets. Dr M A Simmons' Liver Medicine has since 1840 steadily neeo in public favor, and tbe demand for it far exceeda tbat ot any otber liver medicine Ladies' attention called to elegant assort? ment of Soe Perfumery and fancy Box Paper it J. S. Hogbaoo 4 Co. j Dec 9-3t THU TAX ON CITY HALL. Sicking Fund Commission Agrees to Reduce Valuation to $7 OOO. Mr C M Huret. Jr, Clerk and Treasurer of tbe city, went to Columbia Thursday and ap? peared before the Sinking Fund Commission to effect an adjustment of the assessment of tbe City Hall for taxation It will be re membere that the Sinking Fond Commission made a demand on the city a few weeks ago tor back taxes and penalties on the City Ball on an assaesed valuation of$l7,C00. Acting under instructions from the Mayor and coun? cil Clerk Hurst wrote to Secretary of State Cooper, Chairman of toe Sinking Fund Com? mission, objecting to the valuation as excess? ive and asking for a bearing before tbe mat? ter should be closed. Several letters passed without effecting an aereement, and no day was fixed for the bearing asked by the city. On Wednesday Mr. Horst received a tele? gram from Secretary of State Cooper, say? ing : "The Sinking Fund Commission meets tomorrow. Have money and representative present." Mr. Hurst went over on the morning train, and, appearing before the commission, pre? sented the case of the city to such purpose that ?be commission agreed to reduce tbe valuation of the City Hail for taxation to $7,000, the figure agreed on and recommend? ed by the township board of assessors and the county auditor. The valuatoio is based upon tbe portion of the property not used solely for moncipal purposes and is full and ample when com? pared with the basis upon which all private property is assessed. The part of the Citv Hall that is used for municipal purposes is not liable for taxation at all, and if no part of it was rented or ueed to produce an income for the city it would not be liable for taxation no matter bow great the original cost of the building may have been. City Clerk and Treasurer Hurst has settled with the Sinking Fund Commission and bas received the receipt nod discbarge for all taxes and claims on the City Hall property. BAZAAR, DF.O 19 & 20 The Delgar Squad to Raise Money to Furnish New Quarters, and Liquidate Indebtecness. Fire! Fire! Fire! When in tbe midnight hour of a winter's Dight, or in the ucootime of a scorching summer's day this terrifying cry is beard, the people of Sumter can always look to their volunteer Fire Department to render prompt and tffictent service. The Fire Department of this city is a mode! of its kind and our pecp'ecan always point, with pride, to its achievements at home and abroad ; its reputation as a first class department bas gone abroad, and many enies of much great? er pretensions than ours wcuid be proud to boast of such an organization. Whenever the department has eotered contests in other States the gamecock bas flapped bis wings and crowed, and the people of Sumter were glad. The young men wbo compose the two squads give of their time, tboogbt and ener? gy, and ofttimes of their pennies, to keep the department up to its high degree of ex? cellence; not only ibis, bur there are times when they risk tbeir very lives for the sake of people and property. Io view 'of these facts, ooe arro of the de? partment, the Delgar Squad, feels oo hesi? tancy in calling upou tbe people of Sumter for assistance m time of need Therefore, it is announced that on the evenings of Decem? ber 19th and 20th tbe Delgar Squad will bold a bazaar. Will you cootrionte any? thing? W. S. Graham, A. G. Flowers, J. G DeLorme. or E A Bottmao will be glad to receive your contributions The special features of the bazaar will be announced later. -m-m>---I Fine Perfumery, fancy Box Paper at J. S. Hughson & Co. Deo 9-3t _ Smallpox Near wedgefield On last Saturday Dr. Dwight diagnosed a case of smallpox oo a negro, about ibree miles South of Wedgefield, and again next day two new cases appeared in the same locality. Dr. Dwight at once telegraphed to Dr. Evans, chairman of thc State Board of Health, who wired bim to iso'ate the parties and vac? cinate parties around ; and aiso to place a guard over the patients, which has been dooe. The disease is supposed to nive been ear? ned there by a negro named Gib Micbau, some two wetks ago, who is reportt-d to have gone from the factory subnrbs cf this city. Mrs. R Churchill, Barlio, Vt., says, "Our baby mv&a covered with running sores. Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured ber " A specific fer piles ?od skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. J. S. Hogh'oa & Co. Fine Perfumery, fancy Box Paper at J. S. Hugbson & Co. Dec 9-3t -->^K>-?>-0?-4^ A FOX CHASE A crowd of fox bunters went on a chase last Thursday night, and to make sore of the game they procured a fox ahead of time, and bad bim led tbroagb the streets and oat into the open fields beyoodtbe water works pumping station, where he was liberated. The bounds were put on the trail after the fox bad been given a good start and the sport began. The hounds followed the trail through the streets to the point where the fox wa3 set free and then they gave tongue and followed the trail io full cry for about twenty mioutfs. Then the cbese came to an end in the swamp ; but whether the dogs caught the fox io the swamp and killed him there or lost bira is not known, for none of the hunters saw the fox after he was liber? ated. If troubled with dizziness, furred tongue, bitter taste io mouth, bloated feeling after eating, constipation or sick headache, use Dr M A Simmons' Liver Medicine W T Yeoman, Luray, SC, writes: Have used Dr M A Simmons' Liver Medicine 10 jears. I i bas cured enlargement of the liver Slid irsoranm Think ir as far ahead of Z;l 1??r's and Black Draught as day is ahead cf ni^'bt. Augusta's Welcome tc A. (J. L. Th? Ctty cf Augusta will eivr; >i tMcnifi- j cent bacqnet in honor of tte coming of j Atlantic ('oast Line into the city over its own tracks Thi ? b?rquet wili t.? tendered . the Coast j Li':- < ?5c i a :s und u> nr.f* bandied or one bun j dred atid fi?ty prou?inen? business men along : ti::- line ?;t the roar! on sotre dav next week, ; to be decided upoo b> the ex CUM ve commit- \ tea appointed by the ch iirman of last night's meeting -August? Cnrooic!e. A Frightful Blunder Will ??.'ten causo a ?? 'nli!? 1 ? ti r n. Scald. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, thc bes! in tbe world will kill tbe pain an.i promptly ?ICH! it. Cures Old S??res, Fever Sures, Ulcere, ? Boils. Felons, Corns, all bkin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on earth. Only 25 ct?, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by J.?F. W. DeLorme, Drug? gist. .... .1-5 THE MALT EXTRACT TAX. Internal Revenue License and Pen? alty Not Required of Druggists Selling Malt Extract as Medicine. When the demand w?s mad? oe al! drug giste who have been selling mnlt extract, for two years back licence and pfoalty on retail dealers in malt liquors Dr J. S. Hugfcson wrote to Senator l'illaan requesting bim to see tbe Commissioner of Internal Revenue and obtain from him a ruiing as to tbe lia? bility of druggists for the tux and penalty imposed for non payment duriog two years past. Senator Tillman s reply and tte rulin*- of Commissioner Wilson are given herewith : Washington, D. C., Dec 8, 1899. Dr Jno S. Hogbsoo, Sumter, S C.: Dear Sir: Your letter of December 3 re? ceived. I went to see the commissioner of internal revenue yesterday. In view of the contradictory statements 'hat have appeared in tbe State papers I asked bim to gi * e an offi? cial statement in regard to the druggists wbo bave oeeo selling malt extract I enclose tbe same for your information and as tbe matter is one of interest to all druggist Bimiliarly situated I bope you will give it to tbe press. Tbe meaning; of Mr. Wilson's letter is, that where parties can show that they are selliog malt extract medicine as only and not ts a beverage tbe tax will Dot be required. The claims should be promptly made and pot with the necessary proof and sent to Mr. Webiter the collector of internal revenue. Yours respectfully, B. R. Tillman. ; Washington, D. C , Dec 7, 1899. Hon B. S. .illmao, United States Seoate, Washington, D. C : Sir ; In reply to your inquiry of tbis date made to this office pi-rsooaily. io regard to druggists of South Carolina, against whom assessments have been made as retail dealers io malt liquors on account of sates of malt extract, you are informed that the collector at Columbia. South Carolina, E A. Webster, Esq , bas been authorized to postpone the collection of these assessmentu for thirty days, in order to give time for toe presenta? tion &6d consideration of claim-i for abate? ment. Be will, upon application, furnish these partie* with tbe prescribed form for making such claim. Respectfully, G W. Wilson, Commissioner. --?-??-?-i~ Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo saved bis child's life by Une Minute C3Ugn Cure. Doctors had given ber up to die ffiih croup. It's icf-illible cure for coughs, cold;, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and iung troubles. Relieves at oBce J. S. HogLson &Co. .-mm ai Tho New Road a Necessity Mr Editer : We notice with much satisfac? tion your article in the issue of tbe 6tb in? stant regarding the opening cf the road across Black river, and congratulate you upon the very strong position yon have taken to sustain tbe rights of tbe people against tbe very few wbo have undertaken to try to obstruct '.he efforts of be many tD secure for themselves the right of a highway which will largely benefit tbe entire country lying south? east of their county seat. We trust that yon will continue to advocate tbe measure notii this road is an accomplished fact There is no question as to the great necessity of this road, which, as you say, bas been needed for more than a century past. Many Citizens. T>\ut Throbbing Headache* Would quickly leave you, ii you used Dr King's New Liie Pills. Thousand > of sufferers have proved their matchless wo-th for Sick ud Xervobs Headaches, They make pure blood and strong Nerve- and build up your haaltb. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sod lby J F. W. DeLorme, Druggist. 1-5 Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets prevent and cure palpitation cf heart, dizzi? ness, sick headache, chilly ser-sat ons ^UniMtoiMfciMfcUr>bUr.ia:>?t?t?iVtftti thiel, ??uMfc I TSiree Paeers a WM I s FOR ABOUT Jt]c. ? I V PRICE Or 0/\E. I I This paper and the Atlanta f ? Twice'a'Week Journal for f S2.00. j? Here you get the news of ? the world and all your local j| news while it is fresh, paying J very little more than one I paper costs. Either paper is ?i well worth $i.00, but by spe? ll cial arrangement we are en? if abled to put in both of them, ii giving rlire?? papers fi week I for this low pric^. You can? if not equal this anywhere else, S and this combination is the f best premium for those who if want a great paper und a a home paper. Take these and I you will keep np with (he f times. a Besides general news, the f Twicc-a-\Veek .Journal has f much, agricultural matter ri and other articles of special if interest lo farmers. It lias cr tr ? S e e cf Sf C 6f r fr c regular contributions bv Sam *r ? ri Jones, .Mrs. W. II. belton, f ? John Temple Graves; lion. ~ j g C. H. Jordan and other dis- ? | a tinLrui>h"d writers. j f iS Call at this ellice 2nd !cavc your s. -5 subscript:om for bet'.: papers. You f- ; cali get a sample copy ci either pa- \ ia per herc c:i application. ; Js 5- '. (fr rp ft? '}i r,\ t}\ <?i o : /jv <.? ?; <n r\\ r-\y. >;\ y .f; C 1? fl IP t ' o RANTED, for cash, iii: kory. Dogwood, ; ? Persimmon, Walnut Lees Southern : Hardwood Co, P 0 r?i x 5?9, Charleston. S C. : ' ?NVZi S&&? I I feiler1!? ;jin? o--- rn ,\ in.ic y --'- ' ? GQG& ru~t?Y 7f?*F CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. ES Hon: Cough Syrup. Ta.-*es Good. Usc jg in time Sold by diuceist?. gj CONSUMPTION t ? 1 ? ( i t Thc Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has horne the signature of -J? a^d has been made under his per? ?jP_-?^0&^fl'f~3P~+' sona* supervision since its infancy? '<?cc?ti/Z? Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ali Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare? goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The KM You Haye Always Bought Sn Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Sumter, S. C., Dec. 5th, '99. I leave on the 6th for the TV est, where I will buy two ear loads Horses and Mules-choice stock-for this market. H. KARBY. FOR SALE. One small 2nd hand Safe. Cabbage Plants grown in the open air* NOTICE. For Sale, 40 Horses. I wish to say to thc public that I have added to my business Live Stock, and will keep oo haod at my Stables, a Dice lice of young and weil-broka Horses and Mulee, for sale at the lowest prices. Give me a trial sod be convinced that my prices are as low as the lowest. Geo* F. Epperson. Columbia gusiness College, COLUMBIA, S. C. The leading bu/ioess training srbool of South Carolina which turns out graduates for holding the best positions of honor and trust in the business and ihcrthand profession The aim of the institution is to be hooest in every state? ment it makes, and to give even more value than it promises. It claims to keep approvement as its watchword, snd excellence and thoroughness as its standard, [t aims to merit patronage ty thorough, conscientious work 50 per cent of :hc courses taught in other commercial school of this section are not more than i preparatory to ours, Graduate? assized to positions. For information and joialoiiue, address, W. H. Newberry. President. TESTIMONI A LS. 7rom ore of our fir&t graduates Fie has a j COMPLETED SHORTHAND IS THREE izocd position, ?!>d rc'Commmcs our school , as the nest, as does ali of our -student* .?0;?TdS. Columbi*. S. !" . Jan. 8. 1S37 Blackville. Barnwell Co . Mea 30, 1899. ?rof \'\. K. New:;t:rr\\ P e?iler.t C. ii. C , W. H dewberry. Presidot Columbia y.v Dear Sir: Duripc <!:. month of J*nu- Business Co!It-e*. Co umbie, S. C :rv, " l SS j, was the rime ; br~-a:? a bu? i a?s s : Dear Sir: it fffords me pleasure to rouree ;:; the Columbia !; ..-..:...:?; C??ree *-c'?:;- to th? merits of tbe Columbia-Business although a stranger '.? ?bf ci*y. ' was ?ve! CulVc? i do : ot la:*??:?a?e to fay that I have rcmed by [ro?e?cors ?tri baden's, which receivedsubstantial*nd hpcefieval results. I ?ads me feel ai bosse. !!...;.! : coro;>ic?uM cbeei :-:.iy r: comme: i ir r? any person desir Bv-cours?'. ! accoittd a po?; rs on -i book- onset a i-::#;ness education. Dur ieej cr for oo: ct itv larges! ?Jr;, goods firms 'ti*! ray courge ol study *"i the colleee tnere :i the city, which _j . . : t . ;? ? I eid tor cr:* w.s* armorm ki rd and courteous ireatmect ,t:ir. >?r,.i ther?^i to the grocery .firm asd attention. Close attention was yiven ??".T??mes .'.! Gr*en, one of thr- leading f*ncv ?.be students by tbe instructors 'o insure ac rrocers m thc city which position I sti?i boM curacy and thoroughness m their studies, Hine to the thorough ?ruining ?fceivtd at ar.o my progress w.:s rapid, and I presume, he ?.olumbsa 3usiness College, have h'.'rn efficient, ssl o???a??id a situation as soon as ible io master every business transaction that I reached bono, and, so f*r as I know, am las come io my work. lu futare years will iriviiig satiitaction. I completed my Sbort ilways look t>?ck to the time speut in the b-tnd course io three months. I do not think Columbia Business College with pleasure. 1 ; tbe Coiurobis Bnsioess College caa be excelled .ecomttend this echool to all who desire a j by aoy otber in tbe State. Ever wiebiop ?usiness education. ] your college grand success, I am From your friend aod student j tour friend and old student, -W.W.GREGG, i (Miss) DAISY STOKES.