JHBBBBMnKOBBHIHIWMBMBMMaCliaM For The Jefferson I? Davis Monumen South Carolina Daughters < Confederacy called Upon. The following ha? been sent o from Charleston to tbe various cha ters of the Daughters of the Co federacy in South Carolina: Charleston. Nov. 20 i899. To the Oncers and Members of Sou Carolina Division, Daughters f the Confederacy. Ladies : At the late convention K the Daughters of the Confederac held in Richmond, it was determine .? to accede to the request of ti veterans and assume the responsibi itv of erecting the long delaye monument to Jefferson Davis, pres -dent of the Confederate State This decision was not reached witi out careful thought and discussion and ail the delegates present recoj nized the weight thus laid upon tb association, but they also realize that upon the acceptance of this bu v ?! en of responsibility rested the hop of an early accomplishment of tfc work proposed The Hon. J. Taylor Eliyson. maye of Richmond, Ya , and president < the Jefferson Davis Monument assi ciation came before the conventio and by his explanation removed ac impression that indifference or iner * ness on the part of the men ha occasioned the proposai to transit ibis work to other bauds. Difficulties arr?8?ng from earlie . and very expensive plans were 6uc that this change had become urgentl advisable The following letter from Mr.' Ellj son gives a full report of the preset condition of Jefferson Davis Mont ment association : JEFFERSON DAVIS MONUMEN' ASSOCIATION Richmond, Va., Nov 13, 1899 ? Mrs S T. McCullough, Chairma Jefferson Davis Monument Corn mittee, U D C Dear Madam : The Jefferson Davi Monument association was organize io 1890, and chartered by the genera assembly of Virginia At the meet ing of the United Confederate Vet erans in Charleston, S C , in May * 1899, a resolution was adopted re guesting the United Daughters o f tke Confederacy to assume the re sponsibility of the completion of tbi monument, and authorizing the Jef ferson Davis Monument associatioi to turn over any funds in their pos ?session to the United Daughter! whenever they should comply witt the request of the United Confede Tate Veterans. I had the honor Fri .day of submitting the question foi the consideration of the conventioi of the United Daughters of the Con j federacy, then in sespion in this city and they adopted a resolution bj which they consented to comply with ! the request of the veterans and en deavor to raise a sum sufficient tc [ erect a suitable monument to the president of the Confederate States lt is my pleasure to be able to report to you that we have in our treasury "'the sum of ?20,465 31, which we will turn over to your treasurer ?-: whenever requested by you to do so. Our association has no debts of any sort, and you will take up the work without any embarrassment on ac? count of any action previously taken by us. The idea of the United Con federate Veterans was that we should turn over to you the funds we have, and that you would take up the work as though it had never been begun You were to be at liberty to select such design as you might think proper, choose such a site in or . near the city of Richmond as you might prefer, and erect a monument at such time and at such cost as the United Daughters may deem best I beg leave to renew the assurance ? heretofore extended that any assist I ance that the members of the Jeffer I ?on Davis Monument association may I be able to render to the ladies will be B "most cheerfully given. We believe H that under your energetic and loving -direction the task of building a mon H ument to Jefferson Davis will soon H be completed D Yours respectfully, 1 * T. Taylor'Eliyson, President. W. D. Chesterman, Secretary By vote of the convention, an executive com mittee was formed, called the Jefferpoo Davis mooumeot commit? tee of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, cooeistio^ of a member from each State. Tbis committee organized immediately by the election of Mrs S T McCullough. Dissident of the Grand Dividion of Virginia, United Daughters of the Confederacy, as its obairman, aod Mr J. S. Kiiett. of Richmond, the hooded treasurer of the Jefferson Davis monument associa? tion, as treasurer. v7ith this committee is associated an advisory board of five geutlrmco, members of the JerT?reoo Davis monument association, the HOD. J. Tayior Eilyson, chiairmao. Thc South Carolina delegation sciected mc zo represent tho State on the ezecu'ive c/camittcc. subject to the approval of rho State division which was given at its invention in Greenville. As your representative on that committee, it ja my duty to beg your chap'er will, as soon as possible, take steps towards the accomplishment of the objeot set before us hy the associa? tion-?hat of erecting G ruoourtieot to Jefferson Davi.-*, president of the Confederan States. All other appeais seem weak wheo compared to this. a!:d I entreat that ail other pians for wura rxay be tempo rariiy set aside uotil this duty bc fulfilled. N. Io honoring the memory of Presi? dent Davts, we build a oionumeot so the principies ot the governrnect be represent^d-principles which are DOW beiog acknowledged as rig far, even by maoy who fought against them. The task before us is cot UDduly heavy. Authorities say that a suitable moDumeot cao be put up for ?50.000. Vv ith strong, concerted action oo the part of southern women, success will bc sure, and tho Daughters of the Confederacy may well feel that their organization has not been io vaio, if it can be made the meaos of bringing about a consummation so heartily wished for by all who revere the mem? ory of the "Lost Cause." The committee wiii be very glad to hear of aoy effort on the part of your chapter to raise foods for this monu? ment, and if any farther information or suggestion io my power is desired, please oail upon me. Mrs. Augustioe T Smythe, Member for So Ca. of Jefferson Davis Moo Com , U. D. C. Brave 31 en Fall ' Victims to stomach, liver and kidney trou? bles as well as women. and all fetl the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blocd, back ahce, nervousness, headache and tired, lisiless run-down ?eje?ng. But there's co need to ft-cl ?ike that. Listen to J. V?\ Gardner, Ida ville, lcd. He says: "Electric Bitters an just the thing for a. man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives <>r dies. It did more to give me new strength anr ro i- ??i.sb e!-ewher? on Sept. l.Vh, 1900. i "W hy, (:i?.ra,;' s<>id a mother lo her li tri a daughter, who was crying, 'what i are vou cryiog about ?" " 'C cause," sobbed thc Ht.!.: o;iss, *'I s s.arted to m make doily a b bon net, and it c-oomed out b bloomers." Trained Motherhood. PROHIBITION IN GEORGIA. Bill Passes Georgia House by 5 More Than a Two-Third Vote. Atlanta. Nov 22-The Willing? ham bill, providing for prohibition in Georgia, was paused by the lower house of the general assembly today. The vote stood : Ayes 93, nay6 65. The measure received a majority of but five votes-88 being the two thirds vote Although the bill nae passed its stage it is not assured that it will | become a law. It is known that of the 44 members constituting the state senate. -2 oppose the measure and this means its defeat. However, the friends, of the bill hope by amendments to secure its passage though the upper house, a! though those opposed to the measure claim that these changes in its word? ing will virtually nullify it Gov. Chandler has not committed himself in regard to the bill Great pressure was brought to bear from every section o? the state in behalf of and against the bill and its passage is considered a signai victory for the advocates of prohibition The biil prohibits the manufacture, ! sale, keeping for sale, the giving I away or furnishing to ind nee trade or for any other valuable consideration except physicians furnishing to patients under treatment by them, or the furnishing at any public place, of intoxicating iiquors, fermented or dis tilled. All saioon3 wili be closed, breweries shut down and no ciub or other private organization wili be permitted to keep beverages for members It wit! nor, however, in terfere with banquets or private entertainments. I TAR AND FEATHERS. i _,_ White Woman and Negro . Men Thus Treated "Up North." _ Philadelphia Record. Urbana. 0., Nov. 18.-The town of j Weat Liberty, eight miles north of j Urbana, is uoder great excitement over the tarring and feathering of three people-Mrs. Nell Jackson, white; Ei Jackson and Parid Rickmao, col I ored Marsball Krabiii's bare was j humed on Friday morning, with the j concents, including a cow. Mrs. ?Jackson, who it is alleged, had made J threats to burn toe barn, was arrested, ? ar,d her father-in-law, Ei. Jackson, j and Ricktnan were arrested for resist j iog officers j After midnight; this morning, one hundred and fifty masked men gathered at the jaii, dsmaoding thc prisoner.* of j Marshall Krabili, who refused to sur? render them. The mob battered down the jail dcors and formed three divis? ions. BRUTAL INDIGNITY TO THE WOMAN. The first party took Mr?. Jackson to a mi?l stream near by, stripped her naked, covered her with tar and feath? ers, put ber into three feet of water and made ber march up aai down the stream for the amusement of the crowd The second division came with R:ck man, and tho cornac was piaoed oo the bank, while Rickmao was treated the ?am? as the woman, with the addition j of being whipped and pounded. He was made to march up and down in the water until ?be third section came with Ed Jackson, who was treated in a similar manner. Thc trio was then forced .back in the water and made to "play 'possum." The prisoners were then marched through several streets, naked, and were whipped. Ali them started for Beiiefontaine, still naked. Riokman walked several miles before he got any clothing. The two Jacksons walked, tot ;e miles, shivering, before they could fiod olothiog. STATEMENT OF THE VICTIMS. The mob met two colored people going to the aid of the prisoners, wheo they were partly disrobed and made to flee Today the viotims are bed-fast, cov? ered with cuts aod bruises. All deny any connection with barn barning. Jackson is a well respected man, seven? ty years old. Twelve years ago the womao married Jackson's soo Grant, a colored tough, who afterwards became notorious for insulting white women, until he, like his father today, was tarred and feathered. He was after? wards kided io a fight. Thc widow aod two children have since made their home wi.h their father-in-law. After Jackson's death the widow led a wayward life, resulting in the present trouble Physicians say the victims had vitriol thrown in their eyes. To a reporter j Mrs. Jackson .-aid, regarding the barn ? burning, that, sho was io heil when ' awake;,ci by fire, and she called her ! father in-law The burning shingles ' r I ul.iv. r, i'; her yr. ni She said shs would cot have firel a building so close ro n;:r own home He breast ?van trr rib i y lacerated ? i M if .mm. i^p^^M - Temporary derangement, of digestion, through overwork, worry or emotional f-x ciieoeot, are quick i j rectified by Dr M A Sirctnons' Liver Meaicine. The r?liab> cure for Jeucorrbcea, ovarian disorders aod falling of womb, ie Simmoce' Squaw Vine Wine or Tableta. lies of fifijrj TbeSt?t*of ;-ou?n Carolin?-Sumter C^ur.- ; ty-OfnV-* of supervisors of Rf-g's?r?:ticn, Sumter Coumy, Summer, C , Fe:/r?;arv i I*', ?839 Notice ip hert-br civ^n ?bal in accordance j with an Act of ibeOereva? AFsemblr, and in COuforr?.:ty wuh the r^o^ ?-r.?s nf th? State Constitution, 'he bo? ks f r the ret/iMrrtTion of ali lep-aliv qoali?^d voter?, a.-d fl r int- | issuing of tr?r-s-ers, it;,. n'>'\ bp open me i office of Su^errifors or Revj.vration ,c. the court brose, bet KC en '!i>-- hours of S o'clock a. m . ar d 3 o'clock p. rr; . on the n*r.?t???co d?v of eacD mor.th, until thirty d-:\s Of fore ihe f.fZ' tener*' eierten Sl?ocrs who ihn!] Recome ct ??e durin?: tbnt pened of thirty ?ayp shall be enutif'1 to registration otfoie vhf books are c!o.?ed, if o?berv7ire qualified The rfCjUireraer.Ta for a qualified voter are that the applicant fo: re?-istr/>tion shall be abi** to rend a- d write correctly, cr pr;??f?Js in his avro name prcpsrty to the amom-t of tnree hundred dollars, ufon wh:ch h? pays taxes E r BURROW'S, T. D DuSOSE, J. M KMGHT, Supervisors of n?g;str*tioD Sumter Co. M ch 1 ?4.'-?|> V * A Ukt?? ?.AK ia.Di? WATKKVKU?i' Vr-y' ^P^MAtMNTOfH VOS S2.75. Seed fio iVioncy. S^fc0? /; .>/\; . \ ^luii' your ;iri?"'. s^d wc??Ut, ?rata ?r "V? ? 5) ?iiiiaber ff. inches around body t? fl fr ? \ breast t:i!.en over vest under coa* c\-\ - 1 X clo^e :ip under arms, and vre wili \ .' .'?.'."? *ehd v?'Utr?scoatbj express.C. C. ?-^.-r " .' ! i), subject to cxaia?nat?oas examina \^ ' ; . f a&dtrytcoi: a'. your nearest ex Y' ? f"> // press office and if - found..exacslj i- ? f*. / as represented and the most von &?? *i CW derful value ycu ever saw or hearl j. . ' cf ar.dcqurJtoanycoatyoucanbuy i : - t?') forS?.C?'. p:.r the express ajeet our*p?iaI r-?" * ! offer ??cv. #"?-75. and express charges. / . V T?-i?S MACKINTOSH is taws? I ' : * i ?r/j" v?c. ;r.adefronx heavy wuerproof, K?> .? ? faa color. ---enuiseDaTwCoTertCXftth; extra (.:.: -j 'one double breasted. Sager velvsc L; : 1 c?;ar. taney r.?aid linin?. water;.: cot KS . i ?e-.ved. st rapped and cemented seams, r.. :. i suitable for both rain cr cerceat, ana ?v^-*zr^ Guaranteed createttTaine ever offered . Sf z? ^> bv us or kay other boa e. Forl'ree jt?&g& ad*, sample* of Men's Mackintoshes up ?5*e- A? to S5 00 .-nid 2Jade-to-3Ieasnre Suits ?d Overcoats at from e5.00 to ?W.C0, write for i?c fie Larp? ii lost GoipMe E?tet Ssift Geo. S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BUNDS, Moulding & Building Material. office and Warerooms, King, oppoiite Ca-: non Street, . CHARLESTON, S. C, ?S5~ PnrckaSH our make, which we gu?rante superior to any sold South, and thereby .=ave money. Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty QCtober 16-o ?RE YOU NEEDING AN IRON SAFE? HAVING BEEN APPOINTED GEN? ERAL AGENT for the Alpine Fir ttfjf] P-nrjzlar Proof Safe Cotnpanv. ? sra prepared to oc^r ?ber?! te;ru3 lo thosv ?iho are in need of a good 3nfe For prices *nd rerru3 address J, A. M^h 24 Sumter, S C THE 3ANK OF SI SUMTER, S. C. City and County Depositary Capital stock pr?id in, . . $75.0C0 00 Undivided s?rph:s, . 15,000 00 In.?Tidu il iia^iliiy of storkbolders in esces9 of ihtir e'ock, . 7",000 00 Transacts a pene-ral oankioe hu?ines3 ; aiso hfis a Savings Bank Department Depositsof Si anri upward rtcei^ed inter?s: sllow'-d sj the raie cf 4 ter cen:, per an nu x-, payanle serni-annualtv W F. B HAYNSWORTH, Presi^eat. MARION MOISE. VV F. CHAME.. Vice-Presider t. Cashier. Jan 31 ?Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pai> Jent business conducto*? for MODERATE FEES. ?OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE* >and wc can secure patent ia less tuae than .hus: ?remote from Washington. Scad model, drawing or photo., vlth descrip-j ?tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J {charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ? > A PAMPHLET, ** How to Obtain Patents," with< ?cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries] (sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON. D. C. NOTIGE TO TAXPAYERS. UFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER SUMTER COUNTY. SUMTER, S. C , Sept. TO, 13S9. XTUTICE ;s hereby g-rcr. that I will be in 1^ rov effice in the Conniv Court (;'>use tit Sam ter from October 15t:i to Dec.vnter ^Ist, lSf-9, inclusive, for the collp?tion of iH.xfs 'ur lat fi-cal year 18?O The it-vy is e.s follows : For State purposes, "> rsi-ls. For ('ouo ty purpose?, 3i P.:T?.J. VI: School purposes, :; ruiils Totftl levy, VU Also :h.- ?.?:;:.? ive special .^ci.O ii 'eri.-s : Sc::-):;l i>istnd No. 1, 2 nv.V.d. School Distr.ct No 1G, 2 OI?H. School District No '8, riMlli. School Dottie: No 2 .. ?. :TJ i i i ?. t Oho, 2 mills. Goo co ra, 2 rriitls Privuteer, 2 mills. N;o 5, I mill. No 17, ! mill. CommutHtion Road Tas for 1900 is also pavitle at the &ame time H. L. SCARBOROUGH, Oct 4 Treasurer Samter Co. _= Has moved his stock of ardware, Si?ye?9 Cut? lery9 Crockery, &c9 Into the large store next to First National Bank, lately occupied by the Ducker & Bnltman Company, Ac? ir now better prepared wiib a larger stock tbao ever, to supply the public with evcrjtbiog in his line. Especial attention is directed to t?c very larg? Hoe cf Stoves and Stove Fixtures, Both cooking and heatiog, and also to our large line of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS. Our regalar ?ices cf Hardware,8 Tool?, Cutlery, Guns, Amrsaaitioc, Harness, Saddlery, Houseiurnishipg Gocde, &c, v?ill be found larger and more complete. We alfo carry Engine ar.c Mill Supplies. Remember, all cur 6toves are warranted. Cali and i-ee us. Very respectfully. Sen 6 r-."t.ir:;n?r:i,r. You canzxsit?nd \ urn?ares: in h:.tr?i?pi.-.?^.! ^^^^^^A^^^^^^^^R o^ritadv arti td by others at nur? -UM.!.--.--. ._>?. : r-.?-..-::'. ..-?.:.*. our L- i'">???'? ?f:- '\ ' - [Hit KGMC ?rS '':>'':-v?^^^^^^^^^J? Y^';' -/"Y'Y^ ^^^^B S^\Vr" '. ': i?b-3sty;'eJ*^VikY-I?_rw: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TSSS IfA?^n?tr? fecn'c?sit of tie cole'oratcd fe?S??e|^?^^^?aa SwalE ?T:? ^t^tj^^?^iv^h ?hgaw^ fi^l^y j;:':}:;'r ? :^ 'jj. 'j^f?.^^|; a^te?! , 4 rj t Ll H fPEs&gS c? 1 .t:;-r:::y.-.:-.,;j VHS. ACWiH pUEENTj S| j' ?. jj 1 J; ; ..|j<|f?|" ; . : .Y:'-.; . \ V'-1' ;r Trent. WK ^.^<>>. ,| I ? j.j:'',' ! j wl^^l . .:?o i-,:c ? SriMen bind in? 25 v?r f ^^ j^^-^a%v# : [ uMm?Zm , . ,r?W.b. tr?et: rrr ?s icon irtions of^?ehi/aey^^?^^^^^^^^p^|J^^gg i 2 roi*.:: 1 your money :r rou ?re not;---,-;'^^^.^;i^--^3^^^^^^^*^^^^^^ ?f??ll?T?lSElt?BL?SHED Jf/?:|^t???l]^^^^^8 ar. .:.:.-.*.. imus ns!: your :?c-l?t?borttt:o!:t os, write V%g5^? ^^^S^ u.? ::':;. .".".ti" .- : Bank ot i Os ??cpab'.ic. -r tra: ;.- o? C >:n:ner*?e. Chicago: er German HrchcLrige Bark. New York, or ar?y rciir-'if" r>r expr ss cc?npany 2:. Chicago. W* h.w ^ C;T.>:I:.I of over ?>iO,o;>O.O?, occupv entire one of tlie larg . ? i'.-i.v I locks in * *;ii<-.t r-' an: Vi \.S'?>. ?sscs.oo oi>: aisoeyeryt?iins io musical ins* n:ments .^t; Iov/c>t wLelesaie prices. Write fer free SSASS, * SOEBUOK & CO." (Jae.). FultcrsT Descialnssano Wayman Sts.c CHICAGO. ILL* ?Jim .uHjj/.?*jyi N & ! Commission Merchants, ON, And dealers in Consignments of Eggs, Poultry and Farm Produce Solicited. Wciffhis and Good$ Cinarankcd. Feb 16-i Charleston, S. C. CATALOGUE? FREE 2 1 ? ll.? ll --?-'?-J ?J THIS BIG CATALOGUE CONTAINS I IZO PAGES i? 9x12x2 inenca in size, contains over IOU.UUU quotations, 10,000 illustrations, tte largest, most complete and lowest priced catalogue ever published. NAMES THE LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAGO PRICES ON EVERYTHING, incindiaff everything in Groerrle*, Druci, Dry Goods, Kotiocs, Clothlog, Cloak?. Dress?*, Boots and Shoes, Watches, Jewelry, Bock?, Hardware, Store?, Agricultural Implements, Fnrniture, Harness, Saddles, Baggie?, Sewiog Bseklaes, Crockery, Organs. Piano?. BoslealInstruments, FarnisliingGoods. Guns. Ee'olTers, Fishing Tackle, Bicycles, Photographie Goods, etc. Tells just what your storekeeper at home must pay for everything he buy? and will prevent him from overcharging you oa anything you buy; explains just how to order, how much the freight, express or mall wiU be on anything to your town. THE BIG BOOR CGSTS US NEARLY $1* the postage alone is 30 ce n ts. OMS? rDPP AtrrP Cut this advertisement oat v/wn mee VrrCHi and send to us with IS eenuin 6tamps to help pay the 30 cents postage and the Sig Book will oe sent to you FREE by nail postpaid, and if yon don't say it is worth 109 times the 15 cents you seed, as a key to the lowest wholesale prices of everything, say so, and we will Immediately retara year 15 cesta. WHAT THE PRESS SAYS ABOUT THIS C ATALOCUE: "It is a monument of bus m et? information."-Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribun?* "A wonderful piece of work."-Washington National Tribune, -.The catalogue ia a wonder."-Manchester t>*. H.) Union. "Sears, Roebuck & Co. is one of the largest houses of its kind ia Chicago."-Chicago Inter Ocean. "The big catalogue forms one of the finest shopping mediums that could possibly be sent into a district.* -Boyce's Monthly. Chicago. "Their catalogue is a vast department store boiled down."-Atlanta Constitution. "The cata lo cu e ia certainly a merchandise encyclopaedia."-Chicago Epworth Herald. ? "A law should be passed compelling the use of thiacatalogueinall publicschools."-The Hon. G. A. SooihtooB? We could quote thousands or similar extracts. SK ND IS Ci: NTS AT ONCE and rou will receive the i -lb. book br retara malt? address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.(Inc.),CHICAGO,ILL.,U.S. A? SPRINGS TREATMENT AND COUNCIL OF PHYSICIANS. V. ill Cure at Home Blood Poison in all Stages, Scrofula, Cancer and Rheumatism. Cures Guaranteed. :{ ?u?axu?z frcra ? forai o? e^nragicaa or ir:hor;*r.i K ! Poison, Cancer; UhcuTBatism. Parr?lws. t\:v.ro ?>>. .vr-s, C-or: orr bea, Giver, Weakness of Or .j. ..*?;:; bf CM*", r horao vs\:h perfect safely ac sm al! tv-.:. V ti cn st??iiro I h. a o -'-i '.? i . ? . : k';?i? ?'? :> .ir ci i?r^?ncc? phy?iciar:s tpeciai:s?s with a Uro < 2:.?-' i -:* <.... ;i i <" o-.\*ervalido froa?it*? ^'.^i: tiiisasc-s ! I .>r Sprioijs An v ca-e 'hey acc-pt for i rowett at v ?K.? fa?ih?'aiiy complies v.-ir'-, dirf-cti :. . without a sere ".ii! b'c-et-.tii?td .? !:<.<. bt.r?r:i. rr.sn: and trfa?ment r.f their ...-jrution until eur-rd Mo e; -'ii :? .s (?i-v1 a? H i>ct eprc?a! rerae?tes for *.a;?b D&r?icoUr C3ff?., ?.nd to L; ii i * ibe paniculur sra^e of ibo disease. Honest, expert frestoicnt is whtf yfcU u't'd A boob of full parri^u?ars with qce>tion blanks teri t secure frvm observario:* f n receipt of 2 cent s?an.p for postage. Address HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT CO.. or P. 0 Bos 110. Jane 14-o HOT SPRINGS, ARK.