Wedgefield Items. Wedgefield, Nov. 21 -Oar town was sad deoed this morning upon the receipt of the n?wa announcing the death last eight of Clifton, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs S H. Ramsey. He was bright, and a more polite boy was oerer known He. was only sick a short time, left school Friday feeling unwell, malarial fever set in, and be died last night. One less at home ! Tbe charmed circle broken ; a dear face Missed day by day from its accustomed place; Bat, cleansed and saved and perfected by grace, One more ia Heiven ! Mr. S. C. Bannister and wife have gone cc an extended visit to Florida. Messrs. A. E. Ayeock, E L. Ducom, W. Anderson, Mrs. A. E. Ayeock and Mis3 Hal? lie Singleton are representing us ia Charles? ton this week. The top cotton crop is oot opening as fast as we would like, and it now looks as ir we will be picking cotton in January in spite of the low crop estimate. Dock. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ceres the most stubborn coughs, colds and lung affections. Bven incipient consumption has been success? fully cared by this marvelous remedy. Suf? ferers will obtain relief after a few doses. ? Magnolia Items. Magnolia, Nov. 20.-Our quiet little town was saddened on Saturday last by the sudden death of Mr. C. P. M. Wilson, a wheelwright and blacksmith of this place. He w?? fa? miliarly known as "Cannon," and was of a lively, kind and cheerful disposition. "Can ;> cqn" was naturally a good natured man and had many friends in and around Magnolia, which wag evidenced by the kind attention ebowa'bim in bis last hours by tbe best peo? ple of this place. He had that terriole mal > ady known as Bright's disease coupled with ^acute jaundice. Dr. E F. Darby was the attending physician, and no doctor, with y compensation, could have beeo more attent r ive. "Cannon" was. a very poor man, but the doctor furnished his medicines and skill jost tbe sarre as if be bad been sure of anpie remuneration, be it said to his credit. Dr. 0. A. Darby and the Rev. E. W. Mason con? ducted the funeral services in la impressive manner, at 4 p. m. yesterday. Miss Bessie Pennington is Etil] ill. Mr. John Walker Frierson is improving. Mr. John M. Miller has gone to Beonetts ville to bis mother, who is extremely ill. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Miller are absent on a visit ap the country. Quite a number of persons from this sec? tion wili visit Charleston this week to parti? cipate in the festivities of gala week. Tbe rnsb of trade is about over, and our clerks can rest np a little. Our merchants report fine collections. The sowing of oats ?3 engaging the atten? tion of oar farmers now. Mr. Joe S. Potts reports fine trade in the fornitnre line this season. Occasional. Geo. Noland, Rockland, 0., says, "My wife bad piles forty years. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cored her. It is the best salve in America." It teals everything and cures all skin diseases.-J S Hughson ioV known his trouble there were doz0;)? of men ready with suck? to kill the sank, but m ?be melee that ensued, the snake escaped at.'d concealed himself under tbe boure Mose thinks the snake go. inside h'* jacket ; while he was feeding tne horses Mr. O'Donnell's, where he works, fie gathered , up the bay for the horses in bis ami:- T.: d ; carried it from the barn to thc 8'ahie in thal i way instead of using a pitchfork. The snake j was probably in the ba7 and when disturb ? ed by Mos^riggled oat and into his jieke*.. Died in Jail. - i ! Giilif Cock, of MechanicsviUe, aa Misnae j negro who w?? comroitttd to j ii! about a ! weak ago awaiting trsnsfer to the Asylum, j died yesterday. Ke was qu'fe sick with ! dropsy and jiundice when committed to jai!, j but uoder tbe rules be could cot be received j into the Asylum uuti! be b->d bten successfuiiy vaccinated, rle was vaccinated wheu cotn mitied to jail and it took, but he grew worse and died boro the complication of diseases boru which ho suffered. "Volcanic Eruptions. Are grand, but Skin Eruption? rob life of joy. Bncklen'a Arnica Salve cures them : nl?o Old Running and Fever Sore?, Ulcers, Boils., Felons, Corns, Warts, Cut*. Bruises, Burns, Scalds. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Best File ! Cure on earth. Drives <;ut Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold b J. F. W. DeLormc, Dru"" 2-6 Suspected of Cattle Stealing Sam Evans, colored, who claims to live near McRae's Mill, drove a fine bull imo town this morning ?nd sold it to Mr. Perry Mose3. He did not give a satisfactory account of himself and was arr?sted and committed to the guard bouse. He claims to be a son of old Jesse Evans of the McRae'a Mill neighbor? hood, but several well known citizens ofthat section, who are in town do not koow bim, and be bas been unable to establish his own identity and right to sell the bull. Harmony Presbyterian. This body?roet, pursuant to adjournment, i n Sumter, S C , on tbe 14tb instant. At its meeting in Manning last mooth, cer? tain rumors were rfported to it injurious to the character of Rev. J. E. Dunlop, atad although nothing was brought forward that could prove them, yet Presbytery appointed a commission to visit tbe place where they originated, tak?v testimony, and report back to it. Judge T. B. Fraser chairman of the commission, with Rev. X. W. Edmunds. D. Di Rev. W. J. McKay, D D , and Rev.' W. W. Mills, members of it, visited fndiantown, and spent four days io patiently taking sworn testimony of a number of persons, white and colored. At the late mtetiog io Sumter, Presbytery received tbe report of this commission, and beard ail of the testimony read, and then by a vote of 27 to 3 adopted a p.iper containing a oreamble aod 5 resolutions, tbe two last of which are as follows : "Resolved 4th. That the confidence which Presoytery has, and has always had, in the integrity and piety of this brother, would in itself, and especially in the face of his eolemn oath of innocency, lead them to believe ibat a satisfactory explanation did exist even though it could not te given ; but in addi? tion to this, they feel convinced that the ex? planations tbat have been given by bim, are conclusive, not only in removing all pre? sumption of guilt, but also in producing the Strongest conviction of innocency. "Resolved 5th. That io view of the con? victions thus arrived at, Presbytery sees no cause to pursue the investigation farther, but rather to congratulate our brother in bis ability to thufi vindicate bimse'f, and to com? mend bim to the renewed confidence and fel? lowship of all, whose faith io bim, may have been affected for the time by these rumors." Tbus has this ootde and faithful servant of God been exonerated by an overwhelming majority, every one of bis min!sterial breth? ren, and most ot the ruling elders present voting for the resolutions, while only three elders voted against them. Presbytery by its vote, even congratulated biro, on bis vin? dication. J-ime? McDowell. Manning, S C , Nov. 20, 1S93. The Thanksgiving holiday. We agree to close our places of business on Tb*cksgiving day. Nov 33. 1893 : O'Cocneil & Co. C F McFd-idm, Schwartz I Bros, Crosswe?l ck contain? ing million* ct feet of lecher. Four schooners the docks were towed awr;v j ?et in ticuc to prtvpnt :'n^ir burning Too total loss is ?94,500 ; insurance, ?87,600 The origin of the fire is urjkoowo The Philippine Campaign. Chief City on Second Island cf Philippines Occupied. Manila, Nov.. 20, b" 55 a. m -Only fragmentary reports reach Manila of the o ra ti ODS icrth, which, when the story is knowe, wiil prove to have boen the mos!; remarkable campaigning the Philippine war has known Gen Law? ton's division is spread thinly o?;cr tee territory beyond San Jose, crhere :'ne telegraph ends. Gen. Young's two rc-2i a; en rs of c-ivairy nrc continuing their rap;d sweep into thc new iowne, and the infantry is h:*icg shoved for? ward :o bold the towns th? carairy takes, all in a country who.=e natura! difficulties are increased indescribable hy trcp'.cai rains making rivers out zi creeks and swamps of fields Wagon transportation is supposed to have been practically abandoned, the A menean troops living oo captured supplies and the little produce thc iosurgeric levies have left. Maj. Samuel M. Swigert's squadron of tbe Third cavalry is reported to be engaging a greatly superior force at Pozzo Rubia, northeast of Dagupan. Tbess troop? have fought three engage? ments and are now holding their posi? tion, waitiDg for reinforcements. Ic is believed at headquarters this Filipino force is covering the retreat of the insurgent leaders to the Binguet moun? tains, that th3 insurgents planned to I retreat northeast, along the Tayug road, which is stocked with storehouses, which the Americans have secured, to draw npoo eu route, and that only the insurgent advance force had passed Tayug before the American occupation, the maio body of Aguinaldo's army baing within our lines. The majority of these insurgents may disorganize and pose as amigos when the Ameri? cans overtake them. 10.30 p. m. Thirty insurgents, under a major, escaped from Bayambaog yesterday about ten minutes before the Americans entered. Others, it is said, threw their guns into the river and now play the role cf amigos Many Span? ish prisoners escaped from the Filipinos, and ara at Bayambang, among them tbe former governor of the provinces of Tarlao and Zimbales. There is also quiet a large colony of former insurg? ent officers connected at that point, in? cluding Maj. Ortiz, who acted as inter? pretor for the FilipiDO commission, healed be Alejandrino who visited Manila io September Ortiz had don? ned the amigo clotbiog aod announces that he bas abandoned the insurrection. The Spaoiards say that a new in? surgent capital is Bengaet, and that tbe American prisoners are at Camitin. They reported having seen Lieut Gil? more and his party in the north. Gen. MacArthur's reconnois3nce en cered Dagupan this afternoon. The Americans found that co insurgen's had been there for four days The Thirty-third infantry was probably in Dagupan yesterday leaving last nigh?. No insurgents have been seen any? where near the railroad and it is be? lieved that the only armed force of any size is in the mountains in tho province or Zimbeles, to the west, altbroogh there are reports of insurgents concen? trating at San Miguel de Camiliarjg west of Panique, and at Magatrom (or Magalaroo) west of Bayambaog Geo MacArthur is prepared for the attrack, his forces beiog disposed betweeo Durbao, province of Tarlao and Dag? upan The Twelfth infantry, a battal? ion of the SeveoteeDth iofaotry, and two troops of cavalry, are with Gen MacArthur below Dagupan. Self pronouncing Teachers' Bibles, full con? cordance, maps and heips, for sale by H G. 03teen & Co. Cheaper than ever before in consequence cf the fight between Bible pub lishere. i RELIEF CAME. MES. E. C. COLYER jf of Salubrity, Ga-, Aug. p* 8th, 1S98, writes: Ben- f edicta has certainly & been a blessing to t my sixteen year w oki daughter. She F was in wretched lr health and had ^ missed fournionthsA Two bottles of Beo-f edicta have entirely restored her health. W 2The monthly periods have returned** T? and are now painless and regular, w 4 -' \> ~ Do you suffer from Painful, Irregular lr ?3 or Suppressed Menstruation? Benedicta ji has cured many suffering women and y . will cure you In the privacy of your W 4$ home, without the necessity or physl jj clan's ex- k ^ laminations m ]lf*j^F]p|?]IJ^^'? [f iits i?arvei- / \ f MwMwL im ? ?Sous action & i^l!^ h jon the dis- I y'/r^ANTRS ? Jjlnlne or- f 0R; ^UMAlX & Jj thens them sot li?t the monthly periods ^ :. may oe regularand painless. Headache, ? '. Dizziness, Nervousness, that dragging!? 4scnsarion and those terrible pains Inp, ; t'?" back, k:i>< and abdomen ?ru?ck?vC fl i a " & ^disappear, v r'/: Sold-hv all Dri:?rrists or sont post-pai'l for & ; A ?K?S ?>f "MoMtHly' It-rnl.-.:.!?:: Lilis tb* ??. us?? in connection,is.witli eaclvbuitle ?"? . LA??!ES BL?H ROOK s.-nt fr,-- to any ad- fe. . A snmp'e lx>x ol**"Monthly" ',U"X w\ii wi-: Pl ls serti for in.-, in stamps.^ '.. vfc/ili'ju thi* palter. ?? I? ?;." . .: T.. *5F I Sold by Hvgbson-Ligon Co. De.M??rriins: Man. j "Did you ever notice." he asked, "that ? j it is always the homely woman who j ! wants a pug dog? The pug is so hide- j j otis that it makes her seem good look- i j ing by comparison. Still, the ruse is so i v well known now tliar the possession of j a pmr is stii?icieni" j "Who's going to buy a pug?" sheask ? ed. "Who ever thought of getting ! j out?" "Why. ii'.y one. ot* course, my dear." ! j he answered, for he was too wise a j j man to admit that he had heard her ? ' telling a neighbor that she thought J ! she'd get one.-Chicago Post. Modoo Will Stand ?he Season m Sumter -AT Boyle's Stables, i Chestnut Stallion, foaled May j 1392'; bred by]Maj. Campbell'' Brown, Ewell Stock Farm, ; Tennessee. "MODOO," sired by MeEween. 2,IS*; fir3^ lam badr Radota; registered irr Vol. 12, Americas Stud Book. He is one of the Soest bred stallions iu the state: bred for size Btjle, beauty and speed. Hej3 of kind and ?entie disposition. A ?ure foal gelter. Anyone sending a sketch and description may outckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica? tions strictly confidential. Handbook on TatentS sent free. Oldest ncency for securing patenta. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in tbs Scientific American. A-handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir? culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. *3 a year: four month3, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Broadwa>- New York Branch Office. 625 F SU Washington? D. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE North-Eastern R. ?. of S. G CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH Dated No. No. Ko. No. Nov. 19,?'99. 35* 23* 53* 51* i sn pm am Le Florence 3 25 7 45 9 40 l^e Kingstree 8 50 Ar Laces 4 33 S 13 po ll 03 Le Lans3 4 33 9 13 6 20 ll 03 Ar Charleston 0 03 -0 50 SOO 12 45 _ ?_ _ TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. No. No. No. 73* 32* 52* 50* am pm am pm Le Charleston 6 33 4 40 7 00 4 CO Ar Lane? 8 03 S 14 8 32 5 39 Le Lane? 8 03 6 14 5 39 Le Kiogatree S 20 Ar Florence 9 20 7 20 7 05 am pm am pm *Daily. t^aiiy ezcep: Sooday. No. 52 rans through to Colombia via Cen? tral R. R. of S. C. Trains Nos. 78 and S2 run via Wileen and Fayetteville-Short Line-and make close connection for all points North. Trains on C. & D R. R. leave Florence daily except Sunday 9 50 a rn, arr*ve Darling? ton 10 15 a m, Hartville 9 15 am, Cberaw ll 30 a m, Wadesboro 2 25 pm. Leave Florence daily except Sonday 7 55 p ra, ar? rive Darlington 8 20 p m, Bennettsville 9 17 p m, Gibson 9 45 p m. Leave Florence Sunday only 9 30 am. arrive Darlington 10 05 a m Leave Gibson daily except Sunday 6 00 a m, Bennettsville 7 00 a m, arrive Darling? ton 8 00 a m, leave Darlington 8 50 a m, ar? rive Florence 9 15 a nr. Leave Wadesboro daily except Sunday 3 00 pm, Cberaw 4 45 p tn, Hartsvilie 7 00 a m, Darlington 6 29 D m, arrive Florence 7 00 p m. Leave Dar liugtoa Sunday only 8 50 a m, arrive Flor? ence 9 15am. J. R. KENLEY, JN'C. F. DIVINE, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Ss?'t T. Si. EMERSON, Tracie Manager. S. ? EMERSON. Gen'l Paes. Agent Atlantic Coast Line MM Company of Ssl Carolina. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ID effect November 19tb3 1899. SOUTH. NORTH. No No No No *35 jol f56 *32 8 02 Lv Darlington Ar 8 05 8 45 Lv Elliott Ar 7 20 9 25 Ar Sumter Lv 6 40 3 56 Lv Somter Ar 6 03 4 59 Ar Creston Lv 5 15 5 45 Lv Creston Ar 3 50 9 15 Ar Pregnalls Lv 10 00 5 29 Orangeburg 4 48 6 12 Deurrark 4 17 am am pm pm ARE Ti^IE THING And we have the prices. Our entire stock was bought when cot? ton was at low water mark, so our cus? tomers get the benefit. We will sell at the same old price all goods bought before the big advance. Of course when our present stock is exhausted and we have to replenish they will cost you more. Hence, a word to the wise is sufficient. Buy now while you can buy what you actu? ally have to have at prices that mean big savings to you* You know who we are, and that every article of goods sold by us has to be as represented or your money is here for you. In other words if you cant come yourself send your child and if things are not as we represent them you can get your money back, every cent of it. Our Dressmaking Department is conducted by Mrs. M. J. Brunson and daughters, whose reputation has long been established. A trial will convince you of their perfect knowledge of the art of making dresses. Every stock is a complete store in itself* In our Clothing Department you will find every thing for man or boy. Prices the same as when cotton was 5c Last but not least, is our Grocery Department, which Ls a separate store in itself. There you will find a complete line of fancy and staph- Groceries, at prices which invite comparison.