w uon mboay, iov ?Tisa?T" It* Tbe $*mi*r Wa4c\w*an wu touudeo I960 %od the IVnr SotfArow id 1866 rv'ufcAwta* o?(. .Smuarow now has emOieed airoulittoo and iofluunoe both of the old papers, aad in maoi jr the boat advtrttaiog median io r ledertrlally ooaeiinred Sootier io ia a boater ooeditioo taaa it baa been io It aaetaa teea thai iba tirae io fee saahiag ear eity a maoafae towo, ear tail I? more to Ibaa il ?wov We load a large eoltoo fee 1*1 try aad there io a<> | ood reaioe why i We shceld oet bore it The faeterj \ that wo bare ia a set?U eae ; bat it boo Re*** rrteey aad bai> oaly recently ? beeo enlarged aac i at proved. E?oa I witb tie preeeet e a easily, however, thie ;. teetof y io eot atariy to large a oao ao !>?)?? i#va ohoald have nad wore it too HNno ito tree we eoald otill afford ao lv**?r. If the teed for a lar|;e fac ory eeeoao apparent, why hi ven't wo ooe T ieataJj heoaaae oooh ?ee of. no, bow aanooi ia hoorl, hoe beeo hug f the dslosive pbiotom of hopo ! ?he ttuka of oar eieioe of ioeotiv ajry wave boeeote oo ttroagly rivited ;o the Maeeaa affair, it woald aot be at all dim OajK just aow to eroau ag?ioat Russia she letrai war epirit *b?ot> baa been gateruag foroo aad depth ever sino.e the ratroeeteioa of too Taro Too peuio At every otage of toe rapid progiese ?f bar natal armament programme the ?ei.eeioe*eco* ?<* bar gr>??iof strength la efajnag b> eauoo, wbila at ib?* aatiM ii.ua the (Dun* mo tbe', wim the awetp) mo* of the Stbenoa railway, tbe beur n?r saae???fiil rati ng- will have paie-i taakra Japao eacrbidiy seosiutc at lb r??wa j ttenoo ef Alfred Dreyfus oo the obnrge of troaeoo, waa aeoteneed today by default oe hie eoatio'e (/hrioiiao'e ebarga of awiadliog, to three yoors itapriooesteot aad ?o pay a fine of 50 fraaeo. He was sleo ordersd to refund Iba 35,000 fraaos eloioaed by Christian. It ie eaid that tbe s >na of all tlss Boor bigb offioieia who have any sons, aro in tbe field fighting:. A 15 ytar old sou of 'eneral Cooje in serving witb bie fetber. Ooe prominent titizeo bee fifty eeveo relatives io ibe Blaster's Sale. BY VIRTUE of a Decree of the Court of Common Plea* for Sumter County, in the State of South Carolina, in tho case of Hannah Harris, Miriam Eater Gold man, Fryinet Wygand, Posbs Marcus, Gent* Costinski, Esther Sandgronnd, Wolf Abrahams, Darid Abrahame, Faigel Preaeetrzelski, Rakka Gitla Arenwald, Itel Fenikehtein Michael Cohen, Rytke Szklarz, Miokle Marye Parzonewski, Hyman Cohen, Miriam Ester Wiggon, Riohla Kowalk, Annie King, Wolf Cohen, Israel Geller ; and William F. B. Hayns worth and Marion Moise, as Administra? tors of the Estate of Joseph Cohen Wilson, deceased, against Solomon E. Sam pi in, Laye Natalowitch and Morris Cohen ; I will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the Court House in the City of Sumter in raid County and State, on Sulrday in Decem? ber, uext, being th? 4th day of said mont.i, during the usuh.' hours of sale, the following deeoribed Real Estate to wit: ?e FIRST. -All that lot of land in the City of Sumter, County of Sumter and State aforesaid, on the North side of Liberty Street, adjoining lots now or formerly of A J Hennsgan or James Barrett, Trustee, estate of D J Winn, Matt Brooks and others and being the lot of land conveyed by Esther L Moise to J Cohen Wilson, by deed recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Court for said county in book V, at page '297. the said lot having a front on Liberty Street i f fifty-seven and n depth of 110 feet, more or less. SECOND. -That tract of land contain? ing ninety acres, more or loss, bounded North by land now or formerly of R B Cain, East by land of J W Holliday, South by land now or formerly of Miss Mary E McCall and West by land of I M Nichols, all of which is fully shown on a plat of the same made by I M Nichols, surveyor, and dated December 10th, 1874 ; that being the tract of land conveyed to J C Wilson by D J Linam by deed recorded in said office in book V, at page 607. THIRD.- -That tract of land containing two hundred and five acres, bounded by lands now or formerly as follows : North by lands of 11 Moore, East by lands of J and M B Haynsworth, South [by laud* of J H Nichols and West by lands of I I stoore and being the land conveyed to J C Wilson by Frean Melle tt by deed recorded in said office in book G G G, at page 53a. FOURTH?All that tract of land in said County and State, containing ninety-five acres, on Frog Branch, and bounded by lands now or formerly of the following persons l North by lands of J and M B Haynsworth, East by lands of J C Wilson, South by lands df D J Linam and West by lands of Fred Brailsford as shown on a plat .iade by I M Niohols, surveyor, dated 21nt January, 1878, and being one of the tracts of land conveyed t o J C Wilson by Moses Levi by deed recorded in said office in book Z at page 455. FIFTH -That tract of land in said county and State composed of four adjoining lots containing in the aggregate two hundred acres, bounded North by lands of John Moffatt, East by lands of John Nettles, South by lands formerly of William and Joseph Nettles and West by Cain's Mill as shown on a plat of said lots made by J. D. Mcllwaine, surveyor, and dated 29th Au? gust, 1894, the said land being divided ou this plat into four lots as follows j No 1, containing 47 acres; No 2, containing 45 scree; No 3, containing 5ti acre*, and No 4, containing 52 acres; being the land con? veyed to J C Wilson by Joseph R Roberson by deed recorded in said office iu book A A A, at page 152. SIXTH That lot of land in the City of Sumter, measuring on Liberty street two hundred feet uud on Harvin street ouo hundred and eighteen and one-half feet, and bounded North by Liberty street. East by Harvio street, South by lot formerly of R P Monaghau aud West by lot of Sarah J.ine Webb and beiug the lot conveyed to J C Wilsou by W D Smith by deed record? ed in book BBB ut page 205. SEVENTH That lot of land in the City of Samter in said County whereon William Huyusworth resided at the time of his death contaiuiug two acres ;> roods and 13 poles, more or lens, bounded on the North by Liberty street and measuring thereon four huudred feet and eleven inches. South by lot of J J Bossard and meastfriu^ thereon two hundred and nine? ty-two f?et and oue inch, and West by Harviu street aud measuring thereon four hundred and four te?t and eleven inches, and being the lot conveyed to J C Wihou by W F I Haynsworth, executor, by deed recorded m said office in book A A A. at page 477 ; less a strip of said lot convey? ed by J 0 Wilson to the City of Sumter by deed recorded iu book H H H, it page Ml in said office. KIOHTH That tract of laud in said County and State, containing tour hundred and fifty (450> acre* more or less, formerly of the estate of Willis Spann, bounded North and West by other land* of the es t?te of Willis Spann, East by the run of Cowpeu Swamp. South hj land* of Mrs. Punch and of 11 T Abbott ami being com posed of live parcels, represented on a plat made by . 7. H and 9 and being the leads eonvr\ed by Annie W Karle to .1 c Wilsosj b) deed recorded In ml olticc in book IS IS IS; at pugs ->'>-. NINTH All that lot of land in ihr City of Sumter, saoasariag ditj Ihres feel and uight Inches on Liberty street, snd having A depth of one hundred ami twelve feet, and hounded north b) lot now of lormerlj of 1'atrick Morau, wetd bj lot of J C VVil son, east by lots formerly of ISrenn in, aud south by Liberty streit, and being the lot conveyed to J 0 Wilson by Pa rick Cusick by deed recorded in said office in book B B B, at page 278. TENTH -That trnct of land in said County, containing twelve acres bounded on the north by the run of Frog Branch, east by lot formerly of R P Monaghan, aouth by lands now or formerly of J C Wilson aud west by lands formerly of Jo siah Haynsworth, and being the land con? veyed to J C Wilson by A J China by deed recorded in aaid office in book D U D. at page 18?. ELEVENTH That lot of land in the I City of Sumter in said County containing one-eighth of an ncre more or less at the northwest intersection of Liberty and Har vin streets and bounded on the north by the lot next described, east by Harvin street, aouth by Liberty street and west by lot formerly of Mary Harney. and meas? uring fifty-nine feet on Liberty street and one hundred and ten feet on Harvin street and being one of the lots conveyed to J C Wilson by B Q Pierson by de ed recorded in aaid oflice in book D D D, at page 338. Also that lot of land in said City and County, bounded on the north by lot of E W A Bultman and measuring thereon one hundred and sixty-nine feet, oast by Har? vin street and measuring thereon thirty three feet, west by lots of A J Reardon, Mary A Epperson and J C Wilson and south by the lot above described; this being the other of the lots conveyed to J C Wil? son by B G Pierson by tho deed aforesaid. TWELFTH -That tract of land contain? ing one hundred aud fifteen acres, being a part of the tract of land conveyed by G 1? Richardson on 15th January, 1H58, to R M Bracey as containing one hundred and forty-six and one-half acres, bounded on the north by lands formerly of R B Cain, east by the estate of Pe-rdriau, south by estate of Jesse Nettles and lands of John Nettles a9 shown on a plat thereof made by W L Brunson, surveyor, dated l?th May, 1818, recorded III book V, at page C34; said tract of land being that which was conveyed to J C Wilson by Thomas A Nettles by deed recorded in said oflice in book D D D, at page 450. THIRTEENTH- That lot of land in the City of Sumter, fronting on Liberty stroet 47 feet, bounded north by Liberty street, east by lot of J C Wilson, south by lot formerly of R P Monaghan and west by lot of Sarah J Vaughn and being the lot conveyed to J C Wilson by Hannah M Cu sick by deed recorded in said oflice hi book H H H at page 513. FOURTEENTH ?Thntjlot of land in the City of Sumter, bounded on the north by lot formerly of Phillips, east by land now or formerly of Johnson, south by Calhouu street and west by lot of Yendou, and measuring ninety-ei;*ht feet on Calhoun street and two hundred and forty-seven feet in depth, and being the lot conveyed to J C Wilson by Marion Moiso by deed recorded in suid oflice in l>ook 11 I, at page 112. FIFTEENTH?Those two tracts of laud in said county, conveyed to J C Wilson by Sarah O Newton by deed recorded in said office in book B B B, at page 275 as follows: A?That tract of three hundred and twen? ty-seven acres bounded north by Bradford Springs tract and est at ? of Colclough, east by lands of r C Wactor, south by lands of R C Wactor and estate of Jones, and west by the Camden Road. B?That tract of ninety-one acres, bounded north by lands of M J Smith, south by lands ef R H Rembert, east by lands of John A Colclough and west by lands of Sarah O Newton. SIXTEENTH Those two tracts of land conveyed by tho Master to J C Wilson by deed recorded in book Y, at page 378, both being in said couuty. and as follows : A That tract of sixty-four acres on Marvin's bay, adjoining lauds now or formerly of Mollett, Moabit and the Public Road. B -That tract of four hundred and forty - five acres, adjoining lands of Barclay, Bos sard, Kolb and others, less the tract of 888 acres thereof, conveyed by J C Wilson to J M Kolb by deed recorded in said office in book I 1 I, at page 537. The residue of said tract of land being one hundred and four and one-quarter acres, bounded north by lands of estate of J Cohen Wilson, east by Harvin's bay, the run being the line, south by lauds now or formerly of Lynain and west by lands of Kolb. fully set forth on a plat mado by John R Haynsworth, surveyor, dated Oct. 10, 1899. SEVENTEENTH All that parcel of land in the City of Sumter, containing one acre more or less, bounded on the north by Liberty ?treet. east by lands of O'Donuell. south by lands of Bossard and west by laud of Cohen Wilson, and being the lot conveyed to J C Wilson by John S Rich? ardson, Master, by deed recorded in said othce in book F F F, at page 610? EIGHTEENTH That tract of land in said county containing 153 acres on the south side of Frog Branch, bounded on the north by land now or formerly of R U Cain, cant by land now or formerly of W V Uedding, south by land of W V Wed? ding and by land now or formerly of Ben jamin Lsgars ami weal by lands of J C Wilson. NINETEENTH Those twu Iraeia of land in said Oooiit) and State, conveyed by Vi H Ingram, Master, to \\ V B Hayns? worth and Marion Moiae, trustees, together containing ninety two acres, and together bounded as follows; north hj lands of \ \ Monaghan, saal by lands of A \ Mona glum, '?oath bj lands n Na-t\ Branch. That under -aid Decree an;. rk Jk.A wVwItjbVjI jg RELIEF CAME. [ f M rs. E. C. COLYER J of Salubrity, Ga., Aug. Jr 8th, 1898, writes: Ben? edicta has certainly been a blessing to my sixteen year old daughter. She was in wretched health and had )jf missed four m< mtlisA Two bottles of Ben% edicts have entirely restored her health.'w The monthly periods have returned j? and arc now painless and regular.? ? f Do you suffer from Painful, Irregular W or suppressed Menstruation? Benedicta ? hascurod many su*T<>rlmr women ami will cure you In * t tie privacy ot yourF homo, without tbe necessity or physbb jjS?? IIP* SMjJg s. jlnlnc or- If ou we-rtMAlt ? f?n?? 7 ^'HfillfcaTOR > ?y thens them so that the monthly i>crtods |k , may be rsixulnrnml palnh's?. lTradarh?\ ? tioixxlness, Nervousness, that dragging r ? sensation those tsrrlble pains In a atli? \-.\cu, Mips mid abdomen iniekiy * ^disappear. |M Hohl by all Drupel ,; ?r ?ent ixwt-p?M fnrfll ^?1, a box of "Mmitlily" ItoKUlatinii Pills tofj In connection, Ih with eaeh IniiHc v LADIES BLUE BOOK cut free to any a\ <\ in stamps. iL *B Address, Woman's l>epartment, Ncwtr Spencer Medicine Co.. 0hattanoO(Ol,Tenn.)L . Mi nfioit fAis paper. W wye ?y? W HI" SB/i ryfc mjjk BBJI y%p qjg 8oli hy Hvghson-Ligon Co . i ? ?##.\\s JUcDonald Aspires to make all dealings with her customers mu? tually pleasant?and that she succeeds in almost every instance, is found in the fact that scores upon scores of her patrons recommend her establishment to their friends. You may always feel sure of getting full value for every dollar you spend with her. Miss McDonald Is prepared to fill all demands made upon her in her line of business, and gives every order her personal supervision, her chief object being to please. Ladies residing in the country and not finding it conven? ient to visit the city, will have their written orders tilled accurately, and satisfactorily. Hats at all prices. To See is to be Satisfied. For Sale, 40 Horses. I wish to say to tbe public 'oat I have added to a> business Live Stock, and will keep oo baod at my Siabiee, a oioo line of youog and weil-broke Borsea and Mules, for sale at the lowest prices. Qivo me a trial and be ooovinoed that my price? are as low as tbe bwest. Geo. F. Epperson. PRICES ARE TJHLE THING And we have the prices. Our entire stock was bought when cot? ton was at low water mark, so our cus? tomers get the benefit. We will sell at the same old price all goods bought before the big advance. Of course when our present stock is exhausted and we have to replenish they will cost you more. Hence, a word to the wise is sufficient. Buy now while you can buy what you actu? ally have to hatre at prices that mean big savings to you. You know who wc are, and that every article of goods sold by us has to be as represented or your money is here for you. In other words if you can't come yourself send your child and if things are not as we represen t them you can get your money * back, every cent of It. Every stock is a complete "store in itself. OUR DRESS GOODS STOCK is just exactly right, all the new things to be found here?all styles, and all prices. OUR STOCK OF /TRIMMINGS is in keep. ing with our Dress Goods, you will find a new and very desir? able line of Silks, Velvets, Braids and all the Novelties of the season. OUR DOMESTIC STOCK is full up, anything you want most, to be found here. Outings, Flannelettes, Piques, Ginghams, Satines, Percales are here for Waists and Dresses, also, several new lines in cotton goods. UNDERWEAR STOCK-A peep at our Under wear Stock for ladies' and children will be enough to convince you of the line carried by us. Infant to mother is the way it runs All sizes and styles of cotton and wool Underwear to be found here. Prices will convince you that you more than get your money's worth. Do you need Bed Covering? If so. we are the people. BLANKETS, COMFORTS and WHITE QUILTS. Just like the rest of our stock, all bought before the advance. You will have to buy them, so take our advice and buy now. If you need a Wrap for yourself or child, see our immense stock before you purchase. You will find al1 the new styles in our very complete stock. Are you one of our Shoe Customers? If not you are your own enemy, Complete line of Shoes for one and all?man or woman, girl or boy. Complete Hue of Infant's Shoes. We are still the sole agents in Sumter for the justly celebrated Douglas Shoe. Spare a few minutes in our Shoe room, it will pay you. Last but by no means least, Our clothing and Furnishing Departments Here you will find as complete a stock as you can lind in those purls. All the new things to be found here, In our Clothing Department you will find every? thing lor man or boy. Prices the same as when cotton was 5c La>t but not least, is our Grocery Department, which is a separate store in itself. There yon will find a complete line of fancy and staple Groceries, at prices which invite comparison J. RYTTEHBERG k SONS.