S?attlroraH w? Baut jinm. WEDNESDAY, NOV 8.1899. The Sumter Watchman was rounden jo 1850 and the True Southron in i860. The Watchman and Southron DOW has the combined circulation and influence of both of thc old papers, and is mani? festly the best advertising medium io Sumter Industrially considered Sumter is in a better condition than it has been in years. ?t"seems then that tbe time is ripe for making oar city a manufac? turing town, certainty more so tban it ?8U0W. We need a large cotton fac? tory and there is no good reason why we should not bave it. The factory that we have is a email one ; but it has made money and bas only reoentiy been enlarged and improved. Even with iis present capacity, however, this faotory is no; nearly so large a one as our town should have and were it ten times its sise we oould still afford an? other. If the need for a large factory seems so apparent, why haven't we ooo ? Simply because each ose of. us, how? ever anxious io heart, bas besn hug? ging the delu>ive phantom of hope until the links of our chains of inactiv? ity have become so strongly rivited than it is bard for us to brake loose. This is a sure method for not obtain? ing a factory or anything else and that is to set with arms akimbo for it to come of its own accord. We must realize the benefits that would accrue to the whole town if we bad in the midst of us a we!i regulated factory with a large pay roil and big dividends. Other towns are growing rich on account of industrial development, why not Sum? ter ? Let us come now to a practica! solu tiou of the whole matter. If some gentleman of Sumter in whose business ability and integrity the people have confidence will subscribe $10,000 and will volunteer to accept the presidency, ve fee! safe in saying that our citizens would increase this to $50,000, and this amount would be quickly doubled with outside capital. Io this way we would soon have a hundred thousand dollar factory, and others would follow. Does the solutioo seem infeasible ? Study the history of other oities. Io .our vaults today we have lying idle over a bait million dollars Surely , this eapital could not be put to better j use than in the industrial upbuilding of our town Let the Business Lsague interest itself io this matter. Thick of some gentleman with sufficient capi? tal, with business ability and with in? tegrity, persuade him to invest $10, 000, induce him to promise to aocept the presidency of the factory, and the success of the undertaking will be assured. Japan and Russia, San Francisco, Nov. 6.-The Asso? ciated Press correspondent at Yoko? hama sends the following, per stealer Doric, under date of Oct. 21 : Judging from the tone of the native press to commenting upon tbe Masam pho affair, i; would not be at ali diffi? cult just now to arouse ag-iiost Russia the lateec war spirit wbicb has beeo gathering force and depth ever since the retrocession of tee Tara Toa penin? sula. A: every s-age of the rapid prog>e?s of her nava! armament programme the ? cofcseioasaeas of her growing streogib i is affecting ibo (tattoo, wo ii? at tb? sam? time the onvicioo '.ha', with toe ? comp? ?rico of the Siberian raliway, tbe ! hour tor Fuaceasfttl revenge will have j pas*?d makes Japan morbidly sensitive j a: thc wu of any fresh encrochtuent? I of the Kassians io nor:hea>: tb* laster government io Rus j Sta's driamd tor the Ma^ampho site, a | de&a?i2 which was a*most an ultima j tum, simply referred tua applicant to JaL?ii for whatever arrangements we-e de&ircd Couac Ssterhazy Sentenced. Par's, S j7 6.->isj Count Kster hazy, (he reputed author cf tho bor? dereau, which brought about the COJ vic-too cf Alfred Dreyfus on the charge of treason, was sentenced today by def-uic oo bis cousin's Christian's charge of swindling, to three years imprisonment and to pay a fine of 50 francs. He was also ordered to refund the 05,000 francs claimed by Christian. lt is said that the eons o? ail the Boer high officials who have any sons, are lu the field fighting. A 15-year old son of General Conje in serving with his father. One prominent Citizen baa fifty seven relatives in the army. Master's Sal BY VIRTUE of a Decree of the Cou: Common Pleas for Sumter County the State of South Carolina, in the ? of Hannah Harris. Miriam Ester G mau, Frymet YVygand, Fessa Mar Gente Costinski, Esther Sandgrot Wolf Abrahams, David Abrahams, Fa Prezestrzelski, Hakka Gitla Arenw Itel Fenikshiein, Michael Cohen, Rj Szklarz, Mickle Marve Parzonew Hyman Cohen. Miriam Ester Wig? Richla Kowr.lk, Annie King, Wolf Col Israel Geller ; and William F. B. Ha] worth and Marion Moise, as Adminis tors of the Estate of Joseph Co Wilson, deceased, against Solor E. Samplin. Laye Natalowitch Morris Cohen ; I will sell to the higl bidder, at public auction, at the Cc House in the City of Sumter in s County aDd State, on Saleday in Dec< ber, next, being the 4th day of s month, during the usual hours of Si the following described Real Estate wit : 4? FIRST. -AU that lot of land in the G of Sumter, County of Sumter and St aforesaid, on the North side of Libe Street, adjoining lots now or formerly A J Hennagan or James Barrett, Trust estate of D J Winn, Matt Brooks a others and being the lot of land convex by Esther L Moise to J Cohen Wilson, deed recorded in the oflice of the Clerk the Court for said county in book V, page 297. the said lot having a front Liberty Street, of fifty-seven and rt dej of 110 feet, more or less. SECOND.-That tract of laud couta; ing ninety acres, more or less, bound North by land now or formerly of R Cain. East by land of J W Holliday, Soi by land now or formerly of Miss Mary McCall and West by laud of I M Nicho all of which is fully shown ou a plat the same made by I M Nichols, survey? and dated December 10th, 1874 : that bei; the tract of land conveyed to J C Wils? by D J Linam by deed recorded in sa office in book V, at page GOT. THIRD.-That tract of land contain!] two hundred and five acres, bounded 1 lands now or formerly as follows : Nor by lands of 11 Moore, East by lands of and M B Haynsworth, South >by lands, J H Nichols and West by lands of I Moore and being the land conveyed to J Wilson by Frean Mellett' by deed record? I. said office in book G G G, at page 535. FOURTH-All that tract of land in sa; County and State, coutaining ninety-fr acres, on Frog Branch, and bounded I lands now or formerly of the followin persons : North by lands of J and M Haynsworth, East by lands of J C Wilso] South by lands of D J Linam and We: by lands of Fred Brails ford as shown on plat made by I M Nichols, surveyor, date 21st January, 1878, and being one of tl: tracts of land conveyed to J C Wilson b Moses Levi by deed recorded in said onie in book Z, at page 455. FIFTH-That tract of land in said count and State composed of fonr adjoining lot containing in the aggregate two hundre acres, bounded North by lands of Joh: Moffatt, East by lands of John Nettle? South by lands formerly of William an Joseph Nettles and West by Cain's Mill a shown on a plat of said lots made by J. E Mcilwaine, surveyor, and dated 29th Au gust. 1894, the said land being divided OJ this plat into four lots as follows : No 1 containing 47 acres: No 2, containing li acres: No o. containing 56 acres, and N< 4. containing ~>'> acres; being the land con veyed to J C Wilson by Joseph R Robersoi by deed recorded in said office in bool A A A. at page 152. SIXTH-That lot of lani in the City o; Sumter, measuring on Liberty street tw< hundred feet and on Harvin street on< hundred and eighteen and one-half feet and bounded North by Liberty street. Eas by Karvin street, South by lot formerly oi R P Monaghan and West by lot of Sara! Jane Webb and being the tot conveyed it J C Wilson by W B Smith by deed record ed in book BBB ai page 20">. SEVENTH That lot of land in tilt City of Sumter in said County whereon William Haynsworth resided at the time o? his death containing two acres .*; roods and lo poles, more or less, bounded on the North by Liberty street and measuring thereon four hundred feet and eleven inches. South by lot of J J Ronsard and measuring thereon two hundred and nine? ty-two feet and one inch, and West by Harvin street and measuring thereon four hundred and four tect and eleven inches, and being the lot conveyed to J C Wilson hy W F B Haynsworth, executor, by deed recorded in said othce in book A A A. ;it page 177 : ies>* a strip of said lot convey? ed by J C Wilson to the City of Sumter by deed recorded in book H H H. at page .">()'.> in said office. EIGHTH That tract of land in said County and State, containing four hundred ? and fifty i47?0! acres more or less, formerly j of the estate of Willis Spann, bounded : North and West by other lands of the es ! tate ->f Willis Spann. East by the nm <>:' J Cowpen Swamp. South by lands of Mr?. ! Punch and of ll T Abbott and being com j posed of five parcels, represented on a plat ? made by -1 S Bardin. surveyor, dated No I vember. t87i>, as Lots number <".. 7. S and . and hoing the land- conveyed by Anni-, i W Earle to .1 <' \\ ?sou by deed recorded in ! said office in book il i> 15: al pnge NINTH All that lol of land iii the City of Sumter, measuring ixty-thre? feet and ! eight inches <>n Liberty street, and having ! a depth of one hundred read twelve feet. ! and bounded north 1>\ ><>; now or formerly of Patrick Moran. w< : h; lol of -I C Wil? son, east hy Lots formerly of Brennan, and j south hy Liberty street, and being the lot conveyed to J C Wilson by Patrick Cm by deed recorded in said office in b< B B B, at page 278. TENTH-That tract of land in s County, containing twelve acres bourn on the north by the run of Frog Brar east by lot formerly of R P MOnagL south by lands now or formerly of J Wilson and west by lands formerly of siah Haynsworth, and being the land c veyed to J C Wilson by A J China by d' recorded in said office in book DDL), page 185. ELEVENTH That lot of land in City of Sumter in said County contain: ont -eighth of an acre more or less at ' northwest intersection of Liberty and H vin streets and bounded on the north the lot next described, east by Har street, south by Liberty street ?and west lot formerly of Mary Harney, and me uring fifty-nine feet on Liberty street a one hundred and ten feet on Harvin stn and being one of the lots conveyed tc C Wilson by B G Pierson by deed recorc in said office in book D D D. at page ? Also that lot of land in said City a County, bounded on the north by lot of W A Bultman and measuring thereon o hundred and sixty-nine feet, east by H vin street and measuring thereon thir three feet, west by lots of A J Reard( Mary A Epperson and J C Wilson a south by the lot above described: this bei: the other of the lots conveyed to J C W son by B Cr Pierson by the deed aforesa TWELFTH -That tract of land contai ing ozie hundred and fifteen acres, bein^ part of the ti act of land conveyed by G Richardson on 15th January. 1S5S. to Ii Bracey as containing one hundred ai forty-six and one-half acres, bounded ( the north by lands formerly of R Ii Cai east by the estate of Perdriau. south 1 estate of Jesse Nettles and lands of Jo! Nettles as shown on a plat thereof ma< by W L Brimson, surveyor, dated 10 May, 1818, recorded in book V. at pa; 634: said tract of land being that whi< was conveyed to J C Wilson by Thomas Nettles by deed recorded in said office : book D D D, at page 4~>0. THIRTEENTH-That lot of land in tl City of Sumter, fronting on Liberty stre 47 feet, bounded north by Liberty stree east by lot of J C Wilson, south by 1< formerly of R P Monaghan and west L lot of Sarah J Vaughn and being the 1( conveyed to J C Wilson by Hannah M Ci sick by deed recorded in said office in boo H H H at page 513. FOURTEENTH -Thatjlot of land in th City of Sumter, bounded on the north b lot formerly of Phillips, east by land no' or formerly of Johnson, south by Calhou street and west by lot of Yeadon, an measuring ninety-eight feet on Calhou street and two hundred and forty-seve feet in depth, and being the lot conveye to J C Wilson by Marion Moise by dee recorded in said office in book III. at pag 112. FIFTEENTH-Those two tracts of lan in said county, conveyed to J C Wilson b Sarah O Newton by deed recorded in sail office in book B B B. at page 275 as follows A-That tract of three hundred and twen ty-seven acres bounded north by Bradfon Springs tract and estate of Colclough, eas Ly h'nds of R C Wactor, south by lands o R C Wactor and estate of Jones, and wes by the Camden Road. B-That tract of ninety-one acres bounded north by lands of M J Smith south by lands of R H Rem bert, east bi lands of John A Colclough and west b^ lands of Sarah O Newton. SIXTEENTH- Those two tracts of lane conveyed by the Master to J G Wilsor by deed recorded in book Y. at page 378 both being in said county, and as follows A That tract of sixty-four acres or 11 arvin's bay. adjoining lands now ot formerly of Mellett. Nesbit and the Public Road. B-That tract of four hundred and forty five acres, adjoining lands of Barclay, Bos sard. Kolb and others, LESS the tract of 335 acres thereof, conveyed by J C Wilsou to J M Kolb by deed recorded in said office in boM. The residue of said tract of land being one hundred and four and one-quarter acres, bounded north by lands ot* estate of I Cohen Wilson, east by Harvin's bay, the run being the line, south by lauds now or formerly of Lynam and west by lands of Kolb. fully set forth on a plat made by John R Haynsworth, surveyor, dated Oct. KL ISiKl. SEVENTEENTH All that parcel of land in the City of Sumter, containing one acre more or less, bounded on the north by Liberty stieet. east by lands of ( ^Donnell, j south by lands of Bossard and west by I land of Cohen Wilson, and being the lot conveyed to J C Wilson by John S Rich? ardson. Master, by deed recorded in said office in book F F F. at page .Mo. EIGHTEENTH That tract of land in said county containing acres on the south side of Fro^ Branch, bounded on the north by land now or formerly of R ii Cain, east by land now or formerly of Vi' F Redding, south by laud of W F Bed? ding and by land now or formerly of Ben? jamin Legare and west by hinds of -J (' Wilson, j NINETEENTH Those two ?acts of Laud in said Conni;, and Stat?', conveyed by W li ingram. Mast' r. to W V B Hayus worthand Marion Moise, trustees, together I containing ninety-two acres, and together .bounded as follows; north !-;. lands of A ; A Monaghan, east by lands of A A Mona ghan, south by lands of Henry Butler; (Jainley. Bradford ano estate O?' Nettles, j and west ?-y ( ala** Mill Pond on Nast;. ! Branch. j That under said Decree any <>[' said lan.is offered for sale as aforesaid ma\. I nuder the direction .:in~; i; .II; ? ; I ; f K J [? th.? back-, hips :::?'! ^disappear: ?r -i SoM bv''SH'-T)'n:rsi?r?5 or sent 5>ost-pni>r W? .?]. \ 'ic" o??? ^i?'!it?riv" RvsoiariTt-s filis n>? . .?>I-i?: < <>II:I> ? ii-ui. ?-'Aiili . :t?-!i i.. Pt ! ADIES BLUE BOOK cn! ?rco :?> any ad- --L - : t rt. A sample box r>?"^lonthly" i?e??-T vuiatln'tf IMlls seni for IOc. In stamps.x '. vddress. Woman's Department. New v* Spencer Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. & .*S ?knitout/i^pnptr. W H;*.';>" .' r :r- ;v?5? v Soli hy Hvghaon-Ltgon Co . Miss ?fie Donald Aspires to make all dealings with her customers mu? tually pleasant-and that she succeeds in almost every instance, is found in the fact that scores upon scores of her patrons recommend her establishment to their friends. You may always feel sure of getting full value for every dollar you spend with her. Miss McDonald Is prepared to fill all demands made upon her in her line of business, and gives every* order her personal supervision, her chief object being to please. Ladies residing in the country and not finding it conven? ient to visit the city, will have their written orders rilled accurately, and satisfactorily. Hats at all prices. To See is to he Satisfied. NOTICE. For Sale, 40 Horses. I wish to say to the public foat I have added to coy business Live Stock, and will keep 00 band at my Scabies, a nice line of youog and weii-broke Horses and Mules, for saie at the lowest prices. Give me a trial and be convioced tbat my price? are as iow as the lowest. ARE THE THING Ait