%\t Wt gm at 3m$$WL WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18,1899. The Sumter WatcAman was toundea io I860 and the True Southron in i860. The WatchiRGn and Southron now has the combined circulation and influence of both of thc old papera, and is mani festly the best advertising medium in Sumter. If the Boers succeed is capturing Kimberly and seize the hundred mil lion dollars worth of diamonds stored there they will hurt Cecil Khodes and others who are responsible for forcing the war on the Boers much worse than if they wipe out a half dozen British regiments. D. A G. Outz's dispensary serial is truly a story of shameful prostitu tion of pubtic position. It is so voluminous, however, that few news* papers in the State can give it in full. We'have thus far given but two of the instalments and there are two others on the copy book with the promise of more to fellow. Messrs. Boykin and Williams are the only members of the board of control who have escaped damaging charges, and it is to be hoped that ail of them will sot be proven rascals. Jost What Wa Think. "The square bale and the ronndiap bale have each received a lot of free advertising by the papers throughout the country. It is a battle between two rival establishments each of which is able to pay for the space it gets in the papers. If they want to present their respective merits through this paper, we will gladly give them reasonable advertising rates for our space The papers have unwittingly given too much space to the cotton bale question already." Orangeburg Patriot. At a low estimate the free adver tising the two concerns have received already amounts, to several million dollars, and the public spirited press continues to give week after week thousands.of collars worth of space to corporations that are able to pay. They are simply workiDg the papers and have done so with remarkable success for the past two or three years As news matter the cotton bale fight has played out, and it is time for the papers to quit giving the corporations free advertising. Free State Boers. Durban, Oct. 15.-Afternoon - The following official statement has been published : "The general offi cer command i og at Ladysmith issued forth Friday morning with a strong flying column, and occupied a posi tion covering Ladysmith. He re connoitered for the enemy, who showed no disposition to advance. They are reported to be inside j of ttie Berg, at the foot of Tintwa Pass, io force, with a second command at Olivers Hook The troops have returned lo their quar tere. It is reported from Glencoe that a large command, believed to the Free tate Boers, under Commandant Yiljoen, is at the foot of Bothas Pas3, one and one-half miies on the Natal side of the border. Tbe Transvaal flag has been hoisted at Charleston and Commandant Vii jeon has sent a message to New Cas tie saying the Boers will hoist the Transvaal nag there Saturday, but that the people need not be afraid, everything the Boers take will be paid for They want to slaughter cattle Few peopie are left at New Castle, iociuding women and chil dren A train of wagons five and six miles in iengtb was seen decending Molls Nek toward Dornkop, north of Wools drift. Working Night and D j. The busiest and mightiest littla thing that j ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills, j Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, i that changes weakness into strength, listless- j ness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health, Only 25c per box. Sold by J. F. W. DeLorme. Druggist. 3 The Augusta Chroniole grows face tious and perpetrates this: "The dispensary managers are at Outs. The superintendent says ho will be able to explain satisfactorily all charges against him, but the public seems to Doutbit." - mnm ? ?#-taio and eodorse ! the roan who thu? acts i have now I j passed tbe whole matter up to the j governor and the people await bis i action D A. G. Onzts. Three Doctors m Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin. 1 When you are sick, what you like best is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place; what experience tellsyou is best, to be cboe o in the second place; what reason (i. e , The ory) says is best to be chosen in the last place. But if you cac get Dr. Incliaation, Dr.- Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a consultation together, they will g'ua you the best advice that can be taken." When ycu have a bad cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy becanse it is pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Experience would recommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Reason would recom mend it because it is prepared on scientific principles, and acts on nature's plan in re liveiog the lungs, opening the secretions and restoring the system to a natural and healthy condition. For sale by A. J. China'j drug store. .- mm -????- -? mm MAGNOLIA ITEMS. Magnolia, S. C., Oct 16 - Mr3. John R. Keels, daughter of Mr. Jacob Keels, after a lingering illness, died on the 11 tb inst, and was laid to rest on the following day io the old family burial ground at Friendship Church. Rev. W. . McKay, pastor of Bries: Cbcrcb, conducted the funeral services. Mrs. Keels returned from Bowling Green, Ky., about three months ago, and was thea con sidered in the last stage of consumption. She wa3 an excellent lady, and gave full assurance of her readiness for the fine' seoa ration. Miss Bessie Pennington is extremely ill, but her condition today is a little improved. Drs. Darbv and Palmer are attending her. Dr. E. F. Darby performed, what now ap pears to be, a most successful operation ou a son of Mr. E. V. Anderson last evening. The little fellow was looking quite bright thi3 morning, and the father greatly relieved. The Methodists of this place have a pro tracted meeting, which cotcmesced yesterday evening-services twice A day. The protract ed meeting at the Baptist church was of short duration in cons quence of the sudden illness of the pastor, Rev. Peal. We are giac to report bim better. He is very popular nere with all denominations. The patrons of this school will meet Wednesday, the 18:b inst., to elect a teacher. There will probably be several applicants Tbe cotton crop in this section is about out. We made about GO per cent, of a full crop. Tbe unusually light trade on last Saturday was quite disappointing to our merchants, who were prepared for a big day's work. The Wallace Shows got the coon These shows are a fia ancial calamity on the coun try, and hundreds of people spent all the money they could rake op at it, and got only bitter experience for lt. And strange to eay, few profit by such experience, no more than a gambler does by defeat. Our efficient railroad agent Mr H.S. Toon, Is visiting" relatives in North Carolina. The negro whose foot Dr. Darby amputa ted a few months ago is entirely well. Miss Mattie Scarborough, of Bishopville, is visitmg relatives ia this neighborhood Mrs. C. E. Timmons, of Nortb Carolina, is 8oending some time with her father, Mr. B. F. McLeod. Occasional. The health-restorer and healtb-maintainer, Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine strength ens the nerves, makes you plump and comely, and enriches the complexion with nature's choicest colors. W. A. Dycbes, Whaley, S. C, writes: Hara used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine 10 years for indigestion, bad colds and tired feelings. One dealer said me Zeilin's saying it was the same, but I will not be fooled again. AT GRAHAM'S: Car load extra nice Kentucky driving and saddle Horses. Native Red Rust Proof Oats. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Sept 27 Cotton Seed Wanted. Having severed my connection with the Sumter Oil Mill Co., I am now prepared to pay the highest cash price for cotton seed at the old C. S & N. depot. I am oho handling meal and hulls. See me before selling or ex changing your seed. W. B. BOYLE. Sept 15-tf There Is No Shortage. County Superintendent of Education Rem bert informs us that it bas been found that no shortage exlst3 in bis office. This fact was discovered during the process of settle ment between the Comptroller General aod the County Treasurer, County Auditor and other county officials. It was found that the shortage was apparent, not real, and that all of the money called for by the books of the County Superintendent of Education is on deposit to his credit in the haods cf County Treasurer Scarborough. The apparent =bort age was caused by ao error in one of the reports last jear which made it appear that there waa lees money to the credit of County Supt. of Education by nearly $1,100 than there really was. As soon as this error was detected it was seen that the books of the County Superintendent were correct. Mr. Remo?rt is naturally very much grati fied to find that there is no shortage and that his books are correct, and he is now prepared to pay all school checks from school districts that have money to their credit The attention of the foreman of the Grand Jury has been cailed to the fact tbat the ap parent shortage has been explained by tbe detection of the error in the report. Court Proceedings, The following civil cases have been dis posed of: Kolb va. Jones. Verdict for plaintiff Kolb v3. Rich. Verdict for plaintiff. Brown vs. Murray. Verdict for defendant. A. B Stucaey. Admn. vs. Atlantic Coast Line. Verdict for plaintiff, $15,000. Ver dict set aside by Judge Klugh and amount fixed at $5,090. Jno. B. Ricbardsoo et al vs Washington Strong and E. W. Moise. Verdict for plain tiff. W. B. Boyle vs. Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co. of S. C. Verdict for plaintiff. The First National Bank of Sumter. S. C , vs. P P. Gaillard. Consent ver ici for plaintiff. Tho Compress at Work The compres? began work Thursday and 200 baies were compressed for export on the trial run. Everything started off smoothly and the machinery ive-s perfect sat-isiaeiion. Today 350 or more baies will oz compressed and from now until the close of the season the big press will be kept busy. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. I have just filled ic my stock with a com plete line of Fall and Winter Mil linery. The latest novelties in shapes and trimming, aaa the newest effects ou St eet Hats. * Weean famish a stylish bit at the lowest price, and guarantee our work to be neat and up-to-date in every respect have a Northern trimmer who bas been working in large cities for ye*r3 Since our j opening we have been so busy that it keeps ^ ! four haods busy wah the work all the time. Call in and see us, and you cannot fail to^""" be pleased out of our large assortment of i tricDmed hats, and complete stock of goods. Yours truly, Mrs. L. Atkinson* Oct 18 SUMTER, S. C. ( The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER. By T. V. Walsh, Esq, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, RUFUS C. WACTOR, Ja , made suit to me to grant bim Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of MES. MARGARET D WACTOR, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tbe said Mrs. Margaret D. Wactor, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be held at Sum ter C. H., on November 1st, 1899, next, after publication thereof, at il o'clock in the fore noon, to show cause, if any tbey have, why the said Administration should not be grant ed. Given under mv hand this 38th day of Oc tober, A. D. 1899. THOS. Y. WALSH, Judge of Probate. Oct 18- 21 Walsh's Shoe Store Again in 1 -'full blast," NEW SHOES ARRIVING EVERY WEEK FROM HEADQUARTERS Ail shoes that were on shelves . August 1st sold regardless of what they cost Walsh's Shoe Store Under City Clock. Sep 27-v NOTICE TO TAXfAY T ' UFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER SUMTER COUNTY, j SUMTER, S. C., Sept. 29, 18S9. < 'VJ'OTICE is hereby gives that I will be in my office in the County Court House at Sumter from October 15th to December 31st, 1899, inclusive, for the collection of taxes for the fiscal year 1899. The levy is as follows : For State purposes, 5 mills. For County purposes, 3i miils. For School purposes, 3 mii 3. Total evy, 11$ mills. Also the following special school levies : School District No. 1, 2 mills. . School District No 16, 2 milla. School District No. 18, 2 mills. School District No 2>J, 3 mills. Mt. Clio, 2 mills. Concord, 2 mills. Privateer, 2 mills. No. 5, 1 mill. No. 17, 1 mill. Commutation Road Tax for 1900 is also * payable at the same time. H. L SCARBOROUGH, Oct 4 Treasurer Sumter Co. Claremont Loto Ho. 64, A. F. M. THE REGULAR MONTHLY COMMU NICATION of Claremont Lodge, No. 64, A. F. M.. will be held .on Thursday Evening, Noven;her 16, at 7$p. m. Brethren will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly B. J. RH AME, W. M. Attest-H. C. MOSES Sec. 4 RELIEF CAME. J .3 JU 3 I ? HXy^Lr- ^Salubrity, Ga., Aug.^ ^nky^tf]^ Sib, 1S98, writes: Ben-gr . qjfflFaraSp^ edicts has certainly jj J ,ueen a Messing to )L j, s/( ^SVr&c niy sixteen yearC iMraWN^-ftll^. ,:'<' daughter. She*" rW '^oHl v;ns *n wretched r ir health und had J ? 9 ^iK;%j |py missed ourruonths j * Two bott 1 es of Ben w edicts have entirely restored her health.t ' The monthly periods have returned P * and are now painless and regular, lr 4 _ > ii h n Do you suffer from Painful, Irregular* i "Monthly"Reg- 5s 3ulatlnprPills s nt for ldc. in stamps.a ^Address. Woman's Ih'partm.mt. New ip ji Spencer Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. Mention this papa'. w jj - V^S ivold by Htghsou-Ligon Co.