COL NEAL'S BOND. ay be That Suit Will Have to be Instituted. It is likely that the attorney gen eral wi! have to eater suit against 5^ CoL Neales bondmen, or at least some, ; bf them Col Wilie Jones bas an nounced to the attorney general that 7. he is ready to pay when called npo.i lo do so. Mr Scott Pope, another of the bondsmen, asserts that be will not pay unless a jory decides that he must, and he wiU allow snit to be - entered against him and judgment secured before hs will pay. He holds that the directors knew of wrong . doing and that under such circu a stances when bondsmen were not - informed they cannot-be held respon Each bondsman is liable for the y whole amount due the state. The committee has pieced that amount / at $11,000 and the attorney general \ w B stick to that. If any one of the bondsmen pays up the whole amount j then the state's claim will be satisfied lind no snit will be instituted. So ; f r as the pro rating of the amount . between bondsmea themselves is concerned the state has nothing to ' do. If they divide the amount J :cqnallly among themselves ancj turn . k over everything will be ali right. If net snit wi l be made for the amount against either or all of them. The case cannot come op natil the October term of court, and there is no special hurry about issuing the necessary papers. The attorney gen eral is giving bondsmen all due time i to consider what they are going to |g|^;/!fcboat the matter.-Colombia THE YELLOW FEVER SITUATION. g Jackson,. Miss., Sept. 20.-Not glover six or eight towns in Mississippi maintain quarantines against Jackson and I! trains are running on schedule time The secretary of the State board of health advises interior . towns to let down their lines at once and allow traffic to proceed as there ;js no longer any further danger of glnfectioD from this source Frost s ^^red cted for tonight Reports re ceived at the board of health offices from Mississippi City are not encour aging Dr. Gant writes that the . fever has appeared on the outside of " the original cordon and while the C cases are very mild, he fears a gener : a spread will occur. NEW CASES IN KEY "WEST. v Key Weat, Fla , Sepf 20-New - cases of yellow fever reported by Dr Porter for past 24 hours, 45 ; ' making a total to date of 438. No deaths reported today- The totai -deaths to date have been 17. THE NEW ORLEANS RECORD. New Orleans, Sept. 20.-The board of health tonight reported two new -caaes io the same locality as the first case. HUBBARD'S COTTON LET TER. m New Y*>rk, Sept 22.-Eoormous realizing was io progress tn both Liver pool and Nev York at the opening, supposed to be for the account of the metal syndicate who bad bongbt cotton v- heavy tu August. A report was also current- that Mr. Neill bad reiterated his bearish views of the yield ia Liver pool today. This combination caused an easier market io L:verpooi and a weaker opening ce.-e, but the . markst bas become such a broad ene taat al! tbe offerings we;e absorbed and the ma: ker steadily advance oo.ii eents as paid for ,the January delivery. Heavy realizing at " out tbis prue brought a reaciioo, with the iicai trade taking profits and loos ios for a further decline The movement, however, dots not seep pace with be large crop views, and prices par^ i the sooth for spot cotton are away beyond aoy pirity cither for this market cr Liverpool. Aftt r the morn iog re&Hz'.og w*s io order and portions of thc improvement was lost but there is oo obaoge in orop or trade coodi tiona. Tbe traders are looking for a reaction and have sold. Hubbard Bros & Co Decrease ia Births. Tbe influence of present social con ditions in tb ia country upon the birth rate is begi n o iog to attract attention, for the reason that the size of the average American family in steadily decreasing. This is especially true in New England, where the average fam ily has been reduced from 5 15 io 1850 Jo 4 57 at the present time, but the tame thing is trae io a reduced degree sf the whole nation. Io 1850 the size of the average American family was 5 55 and it has BOW been reduced to 4.93. We are still maintaining a healthy birth rate, but conditions that tend to restrict the railing of families and to reduce tbs number of births ean not bs said to bo desirable.-Columbas Press-Post. CUBAN OIL. cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Kheuma tism and Sores. Price, 25 cts. Sold bj HvgoWBoLigon Co. BOOKKEEPER O TZ SUSPENDED. Looks as if Another Upheav al is Imminent at the State Dispensary. Ac the State dispensary another op beaval seems to be impeodiog. For some days Messrs. Haseideo aod Rob inson of the State board, a committee appointed for the purpose at the ooo oiasion of the recent investigation, have been bard at work investigating the state of affairs in connection with the contraband room. What these gentlemen have found is not jet known, bat their work is not yet done. It is known that they have obtained some material for a report that will be very interesting. Yesterday Chairman Miles of the board arrived in the city. While it ia. not known exactly upon what he acted ic is understood that be heard some thiogs as to the work of tbe committee, and last cveniog be issued an order SQspendiog until the next meeting of the beard Mr. Outz, the bookkeeper of the commissioner. Inquiries made of the committeemen elicit the information that Chairman Miles acted in chis matter without any recommendation or suggestion from them. The committeemen say. that they propose to make a thorough inves tigation of the matters entrusted to their bands, and will make a full report of everything wheo the board meets the first week in October. Chairman Miles is still in the city, but is keeping his own ooaoaei -The State, Sept. 23 THE SCHO L"P NDS. Recently the comptroller general called opon county officials of the several counties for reports upon blanks sent them for the purpose of showing the deficits, if any, in the school funds of their respective counties, so that be could go ahead accurately with the disbursement of the dispensary profits turned over to the schools under the constitutional provision. The reports have begun to come in and so far the showing is quite grati fying. The counties reporting deficits thus far and the amounts for each are as follows : Deficit. Greenville, $ 844 00 York, / 90 47 Dorchester, 72 61 Marlboro, 47 90 Marion, 449 25 Lexington, 1,338 42 The counties of Charleston, Rich land, Union, Greenwood. Sumter and Beaufort have had no deficit. The comptroller will probably send out checks on the fund for these de ficus as the worn reports come in. When ali such deficits are made good, the remainder of the fund ie then divided among all the counties on an equal basis -The State. Labor troubles still continue to dis turb the mining interest of West Virginia and Illinois. The boee of contention in the former State is be tween capital ^and labor over the mat ter of wages. The miners demand an advance of wages which the mine owners refused and the men bave gone out on a strike. In Illinois the trouble seems to have arisen over an attempt on the part of the mine own ers to supplant white - labor with negro labor. Race riots are of fre quent occurrence and the negroes have suffered bodily injury and loss of life at the hands of their brethren in white A strange feature about ine rBCe riots which occur up north is the painful silence of the northern press concerning them There is no wave of indignation ; no word of condemnation, and no white fanatic in petticoats rushing to the scene of murder and adding fuel to the flames by incendiary speech and action But let some white man in the south shoot a brute who had invaded the sanctity of his home and insulted his women folk, and at once a howl is raised up north over a southern out rage-Lexington Dispatch. - mam i -awi TYPHOON IN LUXON Washington, Sept. 20 -The war department received the following dispatch today : Manila, Sept 20. Adjutant General, Washington : Typhoon prevailing Rainfall forty eight hours, eight and two tenths inches Last twenty four hours six and three tenths Delay shipment of volunteers. Iowas probably sail tomorrow. Tennessee detained south by storm. Story or a Slave. To be bound band and foot for years by the ebaias of disease ii the worst form of slavery George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich , tells how Mich a slave was made free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that shs could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cares nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medi cine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Oaly 50c. Seid bj J. F. W* DeLorme, Druggitt. 6 Newspaper Advances A Quarter of a cent. Greatly Increased Cost of| Pubiist ers and Profits for Trust. New York, Sept 20.-Newspaper has gone up a quarter of a ceDt a pound within the last three weeks. The newspaper of new York city, according to an official of the com pany which supplies ail but two of the papers printed in this city, use 400 tons of paper daily at a cost of two cents a pound The recent sharp advance means $2,000 a day more to the newspapers, or $730, 000 a year over the price which has heretofore obtained. The cost of consomption is now $18,0u0 a day. ''The tendency is to raise the price still higher. The advance is due partly to the drought cf last summer, which seriously impaired the water power of the paper mills. Book paper has also gone up a quarter of a cent a pound, aod letter paper from three quarters of a cent to one cent a pound. The price of shoe leather has.gone up from J to 5 per cent, within the last week owiog to the scarcity of cowhide material. Shoe manufac turers have signed contracts with wholesale and retail shoe houses which will not expire for months to come aod so the patroos of retail nooses will not feel the advance until December. Io the meantime the manufacturers who have bound themselves by contract wiii be the sufferers from the rise in price A shape advance has beeu made in the price of crude sole leather For two months the cost bas been steadily going np and yesterday it had ad vanced six cents per pound above the market price paid in Augnst Still higher prices are looked for by manufacturers The increased cost is due to scar city of cattle as compared with the demand The information that the postoffice department has not entirely abandon ed the project of delivering mail io boxes along star routes without expecs3 to patrons will, no doubt, be received with a great deal cf pleasure by a great many people. Farther than the statement published elsewhere, we are not prepared to say anything definite on the subject just at this time. The readers of thc Enquirer remember very well the splendid fight that Dr Stokes and others m?de for thc neces sary sppropriatico during the last congress in ocr opinion, it was the best a i; d most intelligent fight that southern representatives have been able to put up in reoent years. It was not, it will be remembered, a pretended fight "for baocombe but a real fight, which ail but overwhelmed the cold blooded seeate committee which would have agreed to the appropriation had it not been for the enforced absence cl one favorable member But it seems that Dr Stokes was cot satisfied with that. He has minaged to per 02de Postmaster General Smith to take an uaosual step on his own re ppocsibiiity and call for bids for the necessary service, e?eo without express authority from congress Ic does not necessarily follow that this free de:iv cry system is yet to be adopted. Thtt will depend largely on the result of the bidding ; but the chanoes of success are good. However, whether contraots are let aa indicated or not, Dr. Stokes has performed good service for the state, and in the name of a large number io this section we take it upon ourselves to return to him especial thanks -Yorbville Eoqairer. id - To run a woman crazy, let her censtura tions be eitber too frequent or too much et one time Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets correct tbi tron le. To rat with appetite, digest with comfort and slef p wiib iracqaility, take a dose of Dr. M A Simmons' Liver Medicine occasion ally. - - i .atm - .?--+mmmw~ Judge Benet Home Again. Judge W. C. Benet has returned from his trip to Europe The judge looks remarkably well. He spent yesterday io the city. He found bis aged mother who is oow 91 years old, quite well at her borne io Scot land. Judge Benet says that be foond the weather intensely hot io both England aod Scotland, aod there was a great rosh for summer resort places Judge Benet's mother told him she coosidered the summer the warmest ehe had known io Scotland since 1826 -The State Studying the direct causes of fires io the United States for the past year, we find that there were 14 dust explosions, 622 fires caused by electric wires aod lights, 500 caused by firecrackers, 1508 forest and prairie fires, 295 caused by friction io machinery, 6891 incendiary fires, 3479 fires caused by lightning, 210 caused by mischievous children, aod 94 caused by natural gas Oil stoves were responsible for 397 fires, opeo fireplaces for 410 ; sparks set 5296 fires, spontaneous combustion caused 1179; there were five fires oaosed by the sun's rays passing through window glass, and one fire oaused by the rays passing through a glass bottle ; tramps set 755 fires, not incendiary, and 12,204 fires had no assignable causes. The Drug Store ki nt* but price the same as ordinary brands. Druggists buy Anvil Soda in bulkands ll it at fire cents an ounce. Grocers sell it in packages at 10c. a pound or 31 >ounds for 25c. St is Exaotfy the Same SosSsa o get the best you must insist cn packages pu! ap by the manufacturer with the 3 ANVIL BRAMO TRADEMARK, -AS PREMIUM^ I colportage l Si^ Librar/ j ^aB, J *^ *^ I '| rc=J POPULAR BOOKS' ' L3=d FOR GENERAL 3-:_! READING torios, Acercases. Poetry and Sermons Each book a Complete l mo Volume, contain ing about 5.25 pajres, printed in Large dear type, UEd is boun in Attractive paper covers. Ail ia the n ;L h, and a sr">od selection also in the berman. Swedish and l>ani:>h-Xorwegian langnage?. 15 cents each, two copies fer 5 cents, or tea copies for Si. X postpaid. See Partial List below. ORDER TO-DAY 1 Way to God. D. L. Moody. Aloa in Louden. Hesbs Pl Mure and Profit in Bib- Stretton. ieScncy. 1). L. Moody. Secret ot Guidant. T.B, Licht on Life's Duties. F. Meyer. B.Meyer. Spirit-FiKed Life. Jons Point and Parp se in Sto- MacNeil. ry and Sari DC. Overcoming life. D. L, S:>vdngand :caping. D.L. Moody. Moody. Jessica. Eesba Stretton. Chri tie"s Cid Organ. Mrs. Possibilities. Pres.J.G.K O. F.Walton. MpClure. .Pasman the Syrian. .. B.' Heaven. D. L. Moody. Mackay. Prevailing Prayer. Lost Crown. J. W Chap- Weighed and Wanting. ann. L. Moody. Cre^ of the Dolphin. Hes- John Ploughman's Taii ba Stretton. C. H. Spurgeon. Meet foi the Master's Use. Temperance. , V. B. Meyer. Moody's Anecdotes. '}ar Bible. Cha.-:. Leach Drummond'sAddressee* R. A Torrs*. Select Poems. New subscribers to the WATCHMAN AND SOUTHRON, or old subscribers not io arrears, who pay for one year in advance, will be presented with any book they may select from the above list. The book will be delivered postage paid to any address in the United States, Canada or Mexico. BOARDING. HAVING TAKEN tbe Sense on Main Street second door seato of tbe Nixon House, I am piepared to accommodate a lew aegular boarders, and also lodging and meals to transient customers. Terms reasonable. Mas. W. B. SMITB. Sept. p NEW MAN IN TOWN. Blacksmith, and ' Wheelwright. IHATE OPENED ON LIBERTY Street near corner cf Karvio Street, and solicit any work in my line and guaraciee sstiifac tion. Horses Shod for 30c. all round, if Hors; is is. good condition-Cash or Equivalent. General repair work of all kinds done et correspondingly iow prices I have references from best people of Mayes vilie where I work?d ibe p*3t jear and from Camden, wbere I did b'jsin; 3 for 17 ye*ra. Special promptness given to work for physicians and cases of urgency. W. T. HALL, Wheelwright aad Blacksmith. F b 2 i-o Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in til9 Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ff . - culation of any scientific journal. Terms,<$l; a year : four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Bro3dwair- New York Branch Office. 625 F SU Washington. D. C. ARE YOU NEEDING AN IRON SAFE? HAVING BEEN APPOINTED GEN ERAL AGENT for ibe Alpine Fire and Burglar Proof Safe Company. I am prepared to offer liberal terms to those wbo are in need of a good safe For prices and terms address J. A, RENNO, M b 24 Sumter, S. Probably you use if Nearly everyone docs, and if so you know all about how far superior it is to either baking soda or baking powder. Leaven is the latest advance in baking prepara tions, and if you don't use it you should. It Is Better Than Soda because it will make biscuit just righi every time. No more yellow spots or .soda taste. lt Is Better Than Baking Powder because it is half as strong again and one heaping teaspoonful will do the work of two rounded teaspoonfuls of the best baking powder ever made. It Don't Spoil but is so prepared that with ordinary care it will retain its full strength for years. We do not have to pack it in tin cans like baking powder, and this saving enables us to give you better value for your money than you ever had before. "..1 little leaven leavsneth the whole lump" t- ounces Cor cen cents.--S ounces for five cent* m m FIRE ! FIRE ! is so ominous sound to the mao wbo isn't insured, wheo be sees bis home disappearing in fi mes and *moke. We can hardly have any compassion on him, when it is so easy atd at such a small outlay to provide against such loss. A policy in the Hartford losur acoe Co. costs you bot a small sum wheo we draw it for yoe, and gives you security as safe as the Bank of England. A, C. PHILPS CO j Gen'llnsarance, Agents, Samper, S. C Mcb 15-o ; DICAL WORK EN. FREE SEKD MO MONEY. 5 y sew revised scientific work creasing on every weakness and disease pe ca Iiar to men ie jost frota the press. Every man. no rr. Kt ter what his occupation or position in life, will lind this work unlike anything ever published. It is of vital interest to the married or unmarried; to the healthy and strong or to the weak and broken-down. While the edition laste I will send H copy socu:e y~sea od in a plain wrapper, post ego prepaid, to every man whe writes for it. Thia edition is limited and those desiring a copy mast write promptly. Address B. M. Boss, M. Pub lishing Departnsnt O. 175 Clark St., M. E. Cor. Monroe. Chicago, Illinois. tala El ision R. fl Schedule No. 2-Io tuect 12 Ol a. m , Son day, June ISth, 18S9. Between Camden S. C , and Shelby, . C: [ ~Ea7t~~*32 1st Class. West *33 l3t CI 8S. EASTERN TIME, STATIONS. p. m. 12 05 i2 25 12 37 12 50 1 15 1$0 1 40 1 55 2 05 2 20 2 3J 2 fO 3 05 3 12 3 25 3 40 3 52 4 C2 4 25 5 GO 5 05 5 15 p. m. Camden Daka io Westville Kershaw Heath Springs Pleasant Kill Lancaster Riverside Springdell Catawba Junction Leslie Reek Hill New Port Tirzah Yorkvilie Sharon Hickory Grove Smyrna Blachsborg Earls Patterson S ricgs Shelov a. m. ll 45 1 12 ll 00 10 45 10 30 ! 10 25 10 05 9 50 9 40 S 30 9 20 9 10 8 38 8 32 5 20 8 CO 7 45 7 30 7 10 6 0 6 40 6 30 a. rn. Between \ Blacksburfr, S. C., and Marion, N. C. West *ii j 2d Class, j EASTERN TIME. STATIONS : East *12 j 2d Class. a. m. 8 10 8 30 8 40 9 20 IO 00 10 10 10 25 10 50 11 15 ll 35 11 45 12 05 12 25 12 50 D. m. Blacksbarg Earl3 Patterson Soring* Shelby Lattimore Mooresboro Henrietta Forest City Rutherford ton MilJlwocd Golden Valley Thermal City Glenwood Marion p. m 9 10 8 50 3 3S 8 30 ! 7 30 7 20 T CO 6 ZJ 6 05 5 50 5 35 5 30 5 05 4 45 p. m. West. *Gaffne7 Branch. East 1st Class. 15 I 13 EASTERN TIME. STATIONS. 1st C1 8S. 14 j 16 pm am 4 30 5 00 4 50 5 20 5 10 5 40 o ru am Blacksbarg Cberokpe Falls Gaffney a m 7 00 6 46 6 20 a m p m 6 30 6 10 5 50 p rn Daily Sunday. Trains Nos 32 and 33 connect at Blacksbu with trains on the Gaffney Division. Tr::in No 32 leaving Shelby at 6 30 a m, connect* ac Blacksbarg with train No 36 on the Southern Ryt gi-'ing North, with twenty minnies for transferring, etc. Fas.-engers leaving aiiy points on this line between Shelby and Blacks, burg can go lo Charlotte, N. C., and return the same day, having three hours and twenty five minutes for the transaction of business in Charlotte It connects ais with the Vestibule on the Southern going South, and connects at Yorkvilie, S. C.. with the North bound tr :a on the C & N \V R lt, with thirty minutes margin for transferring, and connects at Hook lliil i with train No 33 on the Southern Ky, going j South, with ample margin of time for trans ferring, etc. The best connection this train makes at Catawba Junction with the SAL, going North gives eleven hours lay over, geing South, twelve hours and forty-three minutes, but nearly all the lay over is in daylight. Connects at Lancaster, S C, wich trains on the L k C R R, for Chester, with a lay over of a little over thrae hours, and connects at Cam den, S C, with the Charleston Division of th Southern Ry. for all points South. Train No 33 leaving Camden at 12 05 p tn, going North makes close connection at Lan caster, S C, with the L C R R, for Chester, S C. Connects with the SAL, at Catawba Junction, both North and South, with a lay over |of about six hours. Connects at Rock Hill with train No 34 on the Southern Ry, going North- This gives a lay over of five hours in daylight at Rock Hill, which will prove a pleasure to passengers. Makes con nection at Yorkvilie with train on the C fc N W R R, going South, and makes close connec tion at Blacksburg with train No 12 on the Southern Ry, going North. Als with the Vestibule train on the Southern Ry, going North. Train No ll, lesving Blacksburg at S 10 a m, will get passengers from the South from train Nv 36 on the Southern Railway forall, poiuts between Blacksburg and Marion, N |C and will connect at Marion. N C, with the Southern Ry, both East and West, Train No 12, leaving Marion at 4 45, after thc arrival of the Southern Ky train from the West, makes good connection at Blacksburg with the South ern Ry in Loth directions. SAMUEL HUNT, President. A. TRIPP, Superintendent. S. B. LUMPKI&, Gen'l Passenger Agent. A FINE PIANO. At a Eigh Price Is Easily Foand, Bot Fica PiaDOS Like the At cur prices, are only found in oar ware rooccs. They pr senta happy combiuation of excellence, im possible to surpass elsewhere. Catalogue &cd ook of .Suggestions for the asking. TER^S ACCOMMODATING. SECOND H .A ND P ANOS. [TUNING, REPAIRING. ' CHAS. M. STUFF, Wardrooms, 9 North liberty Street. Factory-H lock of E. Lafayette Ave, Aiken and Lanvale streets. Mee of mW The State of i?ooth Carolina-Sumter Coun ty-Office of Supervisors of Registration, Sumter County, Sumter, S. C., February let, 1899. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with aD Act of the General Assembly, and in conformity with the requirements of the State Constitution, the books for the registration of all legally qualified voters, acd for the ispoing of transfers, tts,, will be open at tbs" office of Snpervisors of Registration in the court house, between the Doors of 9 o'clock a. ra . and 3 o'clock p. m., on the first Mon day of each month, until thirty days before the next general election. Minors who shall tecome of age daring tbat period of thirty days shall be entitled to registration before the books are closed, if otherwise qualified. The requirements for a qualified voter are that the applicant for registration shall be able to read and write correctly, or possess in his own nance property to the amount of three hundred dollars, upon which be pays taxes. E. F. BURROWS, 7. D. DuBOSE, J. M KNIGHT, Supervisors of Registration Sumter Co. Mcb 1 Tte Lanes! ail 1st U Mw MI Geo. S. Hacker & Son, co CO co CO co -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS. SASH. BUNDS, Moulding & Building Material. ciuce and Warerocms/ King, opposite Can non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. .^y* Purchase our make, which we gu rante superior to any sold Sontb, and thereby save money. Window and Paney Glass a Specialty October 16-o Fire Insurance Agency, ESTABLISHED 1866. Represent, among other Companies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE) HOME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capital represented 75,000,000. Feb 2S. Order Your PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES FROM SO. f. STEFFENS & SON Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S C -T-Agents for MOTT'S CIDSE BED SEAL CIC-ASS, AND DOVE HAMS >T75 BOX RAIN CO J "BACfcWTOSH FOB $2.75. Send No Phoney. 2dS dt> stale your beigat and weight, state number of inches around body at briant taken over Test under coat close up under arms, and we .-iii send you this coat b> express, C C. .!>., subject to '.lamination; examine it on at your nearest ex pi e and if found exactly . presented and the most won derful value you ever saw or heard of ai>d equal to any coatyoucanbuy for 13.00. par tbe expresa agent oar special flVr price, *2. 3. and express charge*. THIS MACKINTOSH fa late* ISC<$ >?: vie. matle from hearj waterproof* tVn eol r, genuine DartsCorertGoth; extra lone, double breasted, Sager velvet collar, fancy plaid Tining, waterproof sewed, strapped and cemented seam , suitable for both rsi or overcoat, ano truaranteed greatest Tain ever offered kbv us or any other house. F rlr* CiotS Samples of Men's Macintoshes up to $5.00. and Made-to-Meature Sutta d Overcoat! at from .C0 to 110.00, write tor fte. ^ARs!^0E8UCK & CO., CHICACO]JU~ ^a Jr r Eo.bB a*Co. ara thowegaly r*Uaele.-MIUr.> SEND US ONE DOLLAR %4ft S cw ISM patton kigk-grade BSSEBYOtB COAL ABB WOOS COO! 8IOVB, by freight C.O.D., subject to examination. Bxamine it at your freight depot and if found perfect ly satisfactory sad the greatest Store BAB. 6AJB you ever saw t er heard the FBBIwHT A6KNT ar SPSCIAIt PRICB, $13.00 less the tl .00 sent with or der or 12.00 and freight charges. This stove is size No. S, oven is 16.^x18x11, top is 4-*i3; made from best pig iron, extra large flues, heavy covers, heavy linings and grates, large oven shelf, heavy tin-lined oven d x>r, handsome nickel-plated ornamentations and trimmings, er*ra large deep, genuine Stand Uh porcelain Hood reservoir, band some large ornamented base. Best coal borner nade, and we furnish FRBB an extra wood grate, making it a per fect wood borner. WT. ISSUE A BINDOO il A R.\ \ TKK with every stove and g jaran toe safe delivery to vour rail road station. Your local dealor would cbarsre you 825.04 for such a stove, the freight is onlv bout tl.OO foi each 500 miles, BO we sa re jroo at least # 1 . rn . Jross. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. SG.) CHICAGO, RI JJJaera, Beebee* AC , re thotwogklr reUaMe.-Sliter..* WRITE FOR OUR BIG FREE STOVE CATALOGUE.