The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, July 05, 1899, Image 5

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k Mmhwm ailis ^mtkm. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5,1899. E itsred ai the Post Ofije at Sum: 0., as Second Class Matter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. White Sewing ilachice J. Rjt;- ?oberg & S053-lUre Bargain?. Bank of Somier- Quarter y Statement. PEESQSTAL. Capt. T. H. Dick 13 ia the city. Mies Theo. Gregg i3 visiticg relatives in Florence. Mr. E. A. Lowry 13 spending some tice in Florence. Mr. Marx Cohen i3 at home from Florence for a week. Mr. G. G. Cooper, of Mayesviile, spent Saturday in the city. Rev. J- W. McKay, D. D , of Goodwill, waa in the city Monday. Mies Marguerite Richardson is visiting relatives in Colombia & Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ramho are spe \ding time in Laocaster. Miss Wessie Roach .has gone to Salada, N G.. to spend the sommer. Miss Bertha Wergle, of Angosta, Ga., is visiting Miss Moneta Os teen. /The Misses Solomons have gone to Ashe ville, N. C., for the sommer. Miss Marcia Diokins bas gone to Hender son ville for several weeks stay. Mrs. Bon cher DeLorme weot to Bennetts ville Friday to speed several weeks. Mrs. S. R. Alston, of Hagcod, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Graham. Mrs. C. A. Rvans and children, of Smith ville, are visiting relatives in this city. Miss Kate Moses is visiting Miss Fannie Smalibones at Wrightsville Sonad, N. C. . Miss-^Lydia Lee, who bas been attending school in Yirginia, is at home for the sommer. Mr. Charley Yoong has accepted a position ia Georgia and left for that State yesterday. The family of Col. D. P. Duncan has gone to. Saluda, to speod the remainder of the Sommer. Mrs. C. W. Kingman has gone to Balti more, ber brother, Mr. Catlett, having died os Thursday. Mr. Emile Moses, wio has been in New York for the past two months, returned home on Saturday. Mr. John Reb Drake, aoctiooeer for the new tobacco warehouse at Darlington, was in the etty Friday. Mr. R. S. Hood and his daoghter, Gussie, left-yesterday for Tocsco,'Arizona, where they will make an extended visit. Mrs. C. S Stobbs, Mrs. L. A. Mood and Mr. Alston Stobbs left Monday morning for Brevard, N. C , where they expect to spend several weeks. Mr. Perry Moses, Jr., and Sir. Jackson M. Harby, who have been s indents at the Geor gia School of Technology for the past three and a half years, were graduated last week, with the degree of Mechanical Engineer. They are at borne to spend a few weeks. Miss Yirginia Anderson, of Statebarg, is visiting ber sister,' Mrs. Mark Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Aadersoo, after a six weeks stay in this city, left this morning for their home ia Birmingham. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., write: "One M nate Cough Core saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup."-B ugh oo-Ligon Co. Qjite a number of oar people were oat of town yesterday attending picotes, fish fries, etc. Da Witts Little Early Risers benefit perma nently. They leod gentle assistance to na ture, causing no pains or weakness, perma nently coring constipation and liver ailments. -Hagbson-Ligon Co. The Board of Health will meet tonight The election of Health Officer will take place at this meeting. The closing of the stores yesterday gave the clerks an opportunity to celebrate the Fourth io th3 way that best sotted each. "Wbat might have beeo"-if that little cough hadn't been neglected-is the sad re flection of thousands of consumptives. One Minute Cough Cares cooghs and colds. Haghsoo-Ligon Co. There was a light fall of hail is Privateer township Thursdar afternoon, bot the crops were not injured. It is said that some hail also fell in the lower part of this city. " have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy io my family for years and always w;tb good resolte," says Mr. W. B. Cooper of Ei Rio, Cal. "For small cbiidren we find it especially effective." For sale by Dr A. J. China. Street Commissioner Tribble bas been busy trimmiag the shade trees on the streets dur ing thc past week. The Missionary Society of the Magnolia Street M. E. Cborch will bold its monthly meeting tonight at 8 30 o'clock. A Tery interesting programme is promised. The public is cordially invited to attend. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers expel from the system all poiscooos accumulations, reg late the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They drive away disease, dissi pate melancholy, aod give health and vigor for toe daily rootioe. Da no : gripe or sicken. -Bogbsoo-Ligon Co. Coroner Motes held ao investigation last Wedoesday over the dead body of Bossy Cobla, a negro child who died the day before without having received the proper medical attention. The death was the result of natu ral' ca ates, and tbe coroner, therefore, issued a burial permit. Gno-sbot wounds and powder-burns, cots, braises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, tastet stiogs tod ivy poisoning-quickly healed by De Witt's Witch Hasel t a! ra. Potttively prevents blood poisoning. Be wart of coeottrftitf. "Dewitt's" is safe and tart -fiagbsoo-Ligoo Co. Four tod a half miles of the Northwestern Railroad btvt been graded tnd about t half milt of tbs track bas been laid. Tba road will cross tbe Providence poblic road oear Stephen Bradford's blacksmith shop, which point bat beeo reached by the grading force. Complaints art made tbtt the drains 00 Main nd Liberty streets are not cleaned oat and flashed as frequent!y as they should be to keep dows odors aod preserve sanitary conditions. A diseased stomach sorely undermines health. It dolls the brain, kills energy, de stroys the serv os system, and predisposes to insanity std fatti diseases. AH dyspeptic troubles are qaickly cared by Sodol Dyspep sia Core. It bas cured thousands of cases aod is coriog them every day. Its ingredi ents are ioch that it can't help caring. Hagbson-Ligon Co. Telephone connection with the towns in the Pee Dee section would be a welcome and popular improvement io the telephone servies of this city. All of the nosiness mea favor ii and (xpres8 the opinioa that tbe Sumter Telephone Company ebould make an effort to secure a connection with the Pee Dee sy3 tts. MABKIAGS. i Mr. vT L Stannard V isa Reba Stibbs, tba I eldest daughter of Mr. 0 E. S ub'03. were mar j ried at tee .Ve b.d M Cbtircb" a3t \Ve ce3d>iy ni'bt atter tbe rtgu ar tracer meeting rr ' vice, Rev. J. A C i! on officiating. Tbe ; attendants were Vr. J .nias N. Spann and ! ii::-3 Alice Siebes. DEATH ! Mr. William Heathiey Wilson, of Combee I Nc-:!, T.xis, a brother of Mr. Si. R .V;' OD, [ of tnss city, died os Jase 25tb. Mr Wilson j was a native of this county and removei tu i tex*s a^out fifteen years : go. Mr. H. D. Long received information this mcrning, that bis sister, Mrs. E. E. Eif tmsn nee Miss Sarah Elizabeth Long, psssed quiet ly away at Pcrtlacd, Me., June 28, 1S93 Florence Times, July I E F. Kenemur, Pickens, S. C , writes: Dr M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine has for 10 years greatly befitted me and many others I think it a better medicino than Black Draught ; use it in preference as it is milder, yet more efficient. " After the concert Monday evening the mem bers of tbe Sumter Club gave a dance to their lady friends. The dance was largely attend ed and was a most enjoyable affair. Thomas Rboads, Ceaterfield, 0., writes : 'I suffered trom piles ;5even or eight yea:s No remedy gave me relief untii DeWitt'3 Witch Hazel Salve, less tbao a box of which permanently cored ms." Soothing, bealing, psrfectly harmless. Beware of counterfeits. -Hoghaon-Ligou Co. There are a ba f dozan or more candidates for Health Officer, the position having been vacated by Mr. E. I. Reardon, who resign ed to accept a place with the State Board of Health as sanitary inspector and smallpox expert. AU of the candidates are working and their friends are workiog for them so that there is a pretty stiff race for tbe place that at one tia e went begging. .'During the bot weather last summer I had a severe attack of cholera morbus, De capitating my leaving my business," says Mr. C. A. Hare, of Hare Bros., Fiocastie, Ohio. "After taking two er three dosa of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I was completely relieved and ia a few boers was able to resume my work io the store I siocerely recommend it to any oas effiicted with otomach or bowel trouble." For sale bj Dr. A J. China. A few people went over to the Hampton home fund entertainment at Wedgefield last Thursday evening. The entertainment was a decided success and was thoroughly en joyed by ihe large audience that was present To arouse a dormant liver and secure per manent regularity of the bowels, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Ladies ej,onized by female disorders should avoid unpleasant examinations, and at once cure themselves with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The new picker room at the Cotton Mill bas been completed and the first car load of new machinery bas arrived. Tbe balance of the new machinery bas been shipped and will be here this week Wben the new machin ery bas been installed the mill will have 4,000 spindles and will use 40 bales of cotton a week. Between twenty five and thirty additional hands will be needed to operate the-new spindles, and tte pay roil will be increased about twenty p r cent. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in the experlecce ot Mr. W. M. Busb, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, Providence, R I. Be says : "For several years I have been almost a constant sufferer from ciar- I rboea, tbe frsqaeot attacks completely pros trating me and rendering me unfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.- Much to my surprise and delight its effects were immediate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the disease I would fort fy myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The re sult bas been very satisfactory aod almost complete relief from the effT.ctioo." For sale ! by Dr. A J. China. Coroner Mcse3 belo au investigation Friday morning on the bedy of Ecboi Gregg, a col ored woman who died on Thursday night. The circumstances developed were that she bad cot recovered from recent confinement; ate heartily of green3 and bacon last night, was taken witb cramp colic, from which abe died before medical a d could be obtained. The danger of a rr alaria 1 atmosphere may be averted by occasionally taking Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. To core depression of spirits, falling cf the womb and weakness of back usual to change of life, take Simmons Sqs.w Vice Wice or Tablets. Mr. S *J. Newman, of the Lewis Chapel neighborhood. Concord Township, who was io the city Friday, says t.aat there bas not been sufficient raia at one bis vicinity j since March, to be called a good season. Ligbt showers have fallen that have kept cotton io good growing condition, but gar dens, and corn nave 8Lfie:ed severe'y from tbe lacs: of rain. Be thicks that the dry may prove a blessing in one respect, as there was a large crop of grass seed matured last year that have not been able to cause any trouble so far. oar stomach is one of the first symptoms of a coming billious attack. Cure il with a few doses Dr. M A. Simmous Liver Medicine. Remove causes of menstrual suppression, exaggerations and irregularities by taking Simmons Squaw Vise Wine or Tablets Maj. H. F. Wilson will not resign the office of Mayor until bis bond as Master baa been approved and accepted by the Bot^d of County Commissioners.. Under tbe la ;. the Master bolds the office anti! bis sacctssoi bas been appointed and qualifies, therefore (r. W. H. Ingram will coa ti nae to d'i charge ie duties of the office until Maj. Wilson que ries. Maj Wilson will prob bly resiga trot \ tbe office of Mayor of tbe city at tbe next regular meeting of Council wbicb will bf beid on the second Wednesday of this month. Sick headache, wind on the stomach, bil liooeoe , naose-t, are quickly cured by a few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Convulsions, cramps, chronic female dis eases and hysterics are eared by tbe 03e of Simmons Squaw Vine Win Tablets. Tbe plan to establish telephone connection between Sumter, Columbia and the towns of the Pee Dee section is taking bape, and, ac cording to tbe Columbia State, negotiations are now under way between tbe Sumter, Co lombia and Home Company of the Pee Dee section. As the Sumter CompaBj now has a line to Providence, something more than a third of the distance to Camden, tbe addi tional line needed to connect with that place will not te more than twenty miles, there fore, if tbe arrangement to exchange service is made, the Sumter Company will have less than forty milea of line to build. On this extension there will be a number of subscribers who are now anx ious for telephones, and the n*w lines will prove a source of income from the star? in stead of * dead txpense. Tn? people cf this C>tv war.t connection with ether towns, tir-d ;be patrons of the Sumter Telephone Ex change f:il hope that the managers of that company will do H11 that lir; within their power to secure connection wiih both Co'.uaj oia and Timmossville. SUMTER'S NJEW MASTER. Colsmbi . S. C , June 30. - Governor ! KcS reeney h-3 appointed II. Ftank Wilfcn j tu M ici?r in Equity for Suinter County, j vire ograra rvs g-.ed. Tbe appointment wss made in accordance ! with tba recommendation of the couct7 dele I gniioa in ire Geuera Assembly. The Bank of ibe Q3--r er:v statem '.nia ' showing i'S conditioo at the c cs* of bn-sr-ejs j June 30 is publi bed in \h<.$ paper to day j Aa wi!! bs seen r.y reference to it, the r ank i? in ?o.r.i condition, and makes a good sbow ! ing-especially so for ice mi -su3 tc -r. Fourth Observed. Tbe following merchants and business firms of this city suspended business Tuesday. July 4th : Levi Bros, Diamond Racket Stir?, Stubbs Bros & Cottino, R F Hoyt, Cash Grocery Store, Knight Bros, W H Vales, Crosswell & Co, D J Chandler, B J Barnett, L B Durnnt, W B Burns, Kennedy's Book Store, A Be li raer, Miss McDonald, Mrs L Atkinson, Witherspoon Bree & Co, H G stren b Co, Suster Dry Goods Co, Ducker & altman, Bartow Waleh, A A Strauss & Co, LE Le Grand, Bultmann & Bro, John Reid, L W Folsom, S Segal, Schwartz Bros, Corinna Miller, Freeman Office, J D Craig Furniture Co, F B Grier, L W Jenkins, B W Hood, Richardson Grocery Co, T C Scaffe, O'Don nell & Co. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for ye rs by the chains of distase is the worst foim of slavery George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how tuch a slave was made free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that shs could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bettles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness ileepless ness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and di?zy spells. This miracle working medi cine is a jrodseiid to wenk, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. Sojd by J. F. W- DeLorme, Druggist. 6 Sumter Club Concert. The first concert by the Fourth Regiment Orchestra r.t tbe Sumter Club, which was given Monday evening, wa3 a marked success. The orchestra bas, io the short time that it bas besn organizad, attained an ease and fin ish of exention that would be creditable to an older and more ambitious organization, and the programan last night was applauded most heartily by a discriminative and music loving audience. The orchestra was ably assisted by Miss Bessie Jervey, Miss Bessie Lee, Miss Alma DeLeon and Mrs. H. J. Harby io filling ont and making complete the programma. Mrs. Harby never sang with greater sweetness and brilliancy and the ' Nightingale's Trili" wss enthusiastically encored. The programme was as follows : Overture-Poet and Peasant-Suppe-Or chestra. Vocal Solo-Love's Serenade-Mawson Marke-Miss Bessie Jervey. Concert Wal:z-Blissful Dreams-Herman -Orchestra. Recitation-Romance of Tire Rose-Mis3 Bessie Lee. Piano S0I9-Madritena Fantaisie Espag nole-Wachs-Miss A'ma DeLeon. Flower Song-Hearts .md Flowers--Tobani -Orchestra. Vocal Solo-The Nightiogale'3 Trill Garz-Mrs H. J Harby. Minstrel Overture-Beebe-Orchestra. Our baty bas been continually troubled with colic and cholera infantum since his birth, and all that we could do for bim did not seem to give more than famporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain's Cbolic Cholera aod Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giving thet remedy be bas not beea troubled. We want to give you this testimonial cs an evidence of our gratitude, not that yen naed ii to ad vertise your meritorious remedy.-G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa For saie by Dr, A. J China. Meteorological Record. Tbe following 3 a report of observations of the weather taken at Stateburg, by Dr. W. W. Anderson, for the 14 days ending Sun day July 2, 1899: Temperature. Ci a 9 i x 5 ; w\ ll Condition IS 85 20! 87 21 93 22 92 23 90 24 90 2c 88 26 87 27 89 28 90 29 90 30' 84 1 85 2 87 5 61 63 67 69 09 c7 70 68 71 71 68 62 61 70. 75.5! 80 f 79 I 76. c 79.f 77. ! 78.5 78 f 80.5 8Q. 76. 73 [ 74. w-vsl .00 3 .00 E\v IT race K ! .00 ss 1 .00 SSE I .00 s .00 s-vfl .00 SE .40 S TVA Cf sve .45 SSH .00 E .00 SE 1 .00 Clear Clear *Cloudy C car Cloudy Clear ^Cloudy ?Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear * Partly cloudy. Crops are all looking well io this vicinity. Gardens are improvirg, also pBStores, but more rain will soon be needed. Bismarck' Iron Nerre. Was the result of his splendid health. In .iomitable will and tremendous ec rgy are not found whore Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at J. F. W. DeLorme's Drug Store. 2-6 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. The regular semi-monthly mestiog of the City Council was held last Wednesday night, with all members present, except Aldermen Epperson and Delgar. Tbe minutes of the previous meeting were redd and approved. A petition, from residents of Ward 3, was presented asking for the location of a fire hydrant at the corner of Church and Bland iog Streets. The petition w 3 referred to the Commit'ee on Fite Deparment Nothing can be done until fail, for it is against the aw to put down waWr mains during the summer moo tbs rhe nppointaeot of Mr W. M. Grahnm HS a member of tbs Board of Health wa? con firmed. Dr J C. Spann W S elected to succeed Dr. S. C. Baker, whose term has ex pired. Paper Dolis, crested jr otherwise at H. G. steen & Co's. Telephonic Ties I to Bind the State. i ARRANGEMENTS FOR LINK ING OF SEVERAL SERVI OKS. Colombia maj; in the near future be bie to talk to ever? town cf any im portance in eastern Sru'h ar.d North Carolina. The Hcn>e Telephone Com pany, a chartered institution, under the management of Mr. E. L Moore, with headquarters at DiiloD, has been in successful operation for some time. This system connects the towns of Marion, Mullins, Rowland, Dillon, Latta, Clio. McCol], Red Bluff, Gib son, Blenheim, Bennettsvilie, Cheraw, Chesterfield, C. H., and Fayetteville, N. C. All of these towns are beyond the Pee Dee except Che - Florence, Darlington a J Timmons ville arc now connected, and a line is beiDg constructed from Cheraw to Dar lington, via Society Hill. The Sumter Telephone Company has linea reaching out from Sumter io every direction, its eastern terminus beiog Elliotts, a distance of about 12 miles from Timmonsville. This short line between these two points will soon be built, thus connecting the two systems. The Sumter Company has arranged to build to Camden, a distance of 30 miles, ia order to be in touch with Kershaw, Lancaster, Chester, Rock Hill and Charlotte, N. C. The Columbia city council recently granted a charter to Messr9. J A. Helvin, Robt. Moorman and H. J. j Simmons to establish and operate a I telephone system in this city, and it is their purpose to perfect an arrangement with the Sumter Company, and through them connect with the Home Telephone Company in eastern Carolina. It wili only be necessary to build direct to Camden, a distance of 27 miles; Sum ter ro build from Elliotts to Timmons ville, a distance of 12 miles, and from Sumter to Camden 30 mile3, and then Columbia can talk to Dearly every town of importance, to say nothiog of the hundreds of private residences between here and Fayetteville, N C. Negotiations are DOW in progress be tween the heads of tbs three systems, and it is probable that an arrangement may bs made between them-not for consolidation but for an interchange cf service. It is not probable that aoy arrangement will be made with the Beii Company, and it is the disposition of various independent companies in the State to act in concert. . The value of such an arrangement to the business interests of Columbia can hardly bs estimated. This is all the more true when it is said that an effort is to be mads to get a line from bcre to Newberry, connecting the Hel vin plant witb the towns of the Pied mont country If the plan indicated above is carried out then at DO distaot day one may expect to see two of the most importaot sectioos of tbe State talking with tbe capital city and with one another.-The State, July 3. NERVOUS WOMEN Do you feel like screaming just before and during the monthly sick ness? Are you easily irritated ? Do you get the blues and wish some times you were dead ? If your answer is 44 Yes" to any of these questions, you should lose no time in taking BRADFIELD9 S FEMALE REGULATOR It will overcome and cure every form of irregular menses, leuccr rhoea, falling of the womb and other uterine trouble. $1 st Druggists. THE BRADFIELD RECULATOR CO., Ailsnta. Ca. QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF THK CONDITION AND BUSINESS OF The "ML of Suter," Suter, S.C. At the close of the quarter eoding Jone 30, 1899, published in conformity with the Act of the General Assembly. ASSETS. Loans and Discounts, $202,679 29 Furniture Fixtures, and Vault, 1,975 91 Bills Receivable, 615 67 Bonds, 12,000 00 Cash in band and in other Banks od Bankers, and cash item?, 27,472 63 Total, $2;4,743 !0 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid m, $ 75.C0O 00 Deposits, 133,531 fj7 Due to other Banks, 92 93 Rediscounts, 14,993 00 Dividend payable on and after Jul? I, 1899, 3,000 00 Undivided surplus, 18,126 44 Totai, $244,743 50 STATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, \ SUKTKR COUNTY. j I, WILLIAM F. RHAMK, Cashier of "Tbe Bank of Sumter," do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the beat of mv knowledge and belief. W. F. RH A ME, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia Brat dav of July, 1899 MARK REYNOLDS, [r. s.J a Notary Public tor S. C. Correct -Attest. W. F B. ll AYN'S WORTH, President, i. Directors. J. S. HUGHSON, f MA ION MOISE, j July 5 The Kind You Have Always Bonyit, and which as beea in use fov over 30 years, lias borne the signataire of rt - and lias been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children-Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of He Kind Yon Haye Always Bough In Use For Over 30 Years. _ THC CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Quick Sales. Prompt Returns. SAVANNAH MARKET CO., Wholesale Produce and Commission Merchants. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Oniorff, E*rly Vegetables, Fish and Garne Write for dai;y quotations, ehipping tags and stencils. Special attention given orders from the trade. pE igrliost cas i prices. We ara beidrjuirien '"cr Poultry, regs and Dany Products, Country Prodcce, Fruits and Melons. Corresrondence and consignments solicited. June 28-4: No 242 West Broad Street, Savannah, Ga FEC AL NOTICE. We have opened up now in a larger building, on corner of Main and Republican Streets, and are better prepared to serve customers than we have ever been. at mill prices, at lowest prices, at 7 c; 8-Jc a d 9|c per tb. at 28o, 30c and 3oo per lb. ess than packers prices. 200 barrels Fiour, Rice. Meal, Grit*, Bacoo. Sugar and Lard, 100 bags Coffee, in bags lots, 100 box Tobacco, Tomatoes, Saimoo, Sardines, Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere Crosswell db Oo.f Telephone 53. The Cheap Cash Grocers. June 7th, 1899 C T LOCUgo FREE I THIS HQ CATALOGUE CONTAINS I !20 PAGES is 9x12x2 inches in size, contains o ver ltW.WO quotations, ;o,C00 Illustrations, the largest, most complete and lowest priced catalogue ever published. NAMES THE LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAGO PRICES CN EVERYTHING, including everything in Groceries, Urn? , Dr j c:->o< s, h o ti oes, Clothing, Cloak , Dresse , Boots and Shoe , thatches, Jewelry, Boos , Hardware, Store*, Agricultural implement*, Furniture, Harness, Saddles, Baggies, Sewing Saehlncs, Crockery. Organs, Pianos. Susies] Instruments, Forniiblng?oods, Guns, Revolrers. Fishier Tackle, Bicycles, Photographic Goods, etc Tells just whatyour storekeeper at home must pay foreverything he buys and will prevent him from overcharging you on anything you buy; explains just how to order, how much the fr tent, express or nail will be on anything tc your town. THE BIG tSCK COSTS US MEASLY $1, the potage a!one is 30 ce n ts. tr\Blt9 STi PPrt&TPPSl Cut this advertisement out S sB rmiCC: vrr&tT. and send to us with 15 cents in st; mps to help pay the SO cents postage and the Big Book will be sent to you FKEE by mail po tpaid. a::d if you don t say it is worth 108 times the r> cents you send, as a key to the lowest wholesale prices of everything, say so. ami wewin Immediately return your 15 cents. WHAT THE PRESS SAYS ABOUT THIS CATALOCUE5 "It is a monument of business information."'-lLinneapo:is (ilinn.) Tribune "A wonderful piece of work."- Washington National Tribune. .'The catalogue is a wonder."-Manchester ( N. H.) Union. "Sean , Roebuck <& Co. is one ol the largest houses of its kind la _. Chicago."- Chicago Inter Ocean. "The big catalogue forms one of the finest shopping mediums that could possibly br sent isto a district.' -Boyce's Monthly, Chicago. "Their catalogue is a vast department store boiled down."-Atlanta Constitution. "The catalogue ia certainly a merchandise encyclopaedia."-Chicago Epworth lierai J. "A law should be passed compellingthe use of this catalogue in all public schools."- The Hon. O. A.Soui toua. -J TT eo u ld quote thousands of similar extracts. SEND 15 CENTS AT CXCE and jon will n-ccite thc 4-lb. book bj retara aaH tsdress, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.(inc.), CHICAGO, ILL.. U. S. Ag Sumter Warehouse For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. _SU 1TEK, S. C. ? Having leased the above Warehou&e for a term of years, we wili, about August 1st, open our market With the advantages Sumter offers, and our past experience, we feel assured no market in South Carolina can offer better inducements than Sumter. We will have a full corps of buyers, with orders for ail grades of Tobacco, and the highest market price guar anteed on every pile. Our motto will be fair dealings and good prices for you. We are yours to serve, Aol 26-T HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT COMPANY AND COUNCIL OF PHYSICIANS. Will Cure at Home Blood Poison in all Stages, Scrofula, Cancer and Rheumatism. Cures Guaranteed. If curTering from any form of contagious or inheri* \ Blood Poison, Cancer; llheuaistirui. Paralysis. Private Disease*, GoDorrb Gifef, Weakness of Or gans, you can be cured at home with perfect safety at small cost. You caa secure the combined skill of a btzft of eminent physicians and specialists with a large exp rience and obsetvition in treating such diseases at Kot Springs. Any case they accept for treatment who faiibfuiiy complies with directions without a cu;e iii be eotitUd to free board, room and treatment at their institution until cured. No nostrum* or cure alis used, hu- special remedies for eaeh parttcolar case, and to sui' the particular s a^e of the disease. Honest, expert treatment is wh; : you r,'ed A bor-k cf full particulars with question blanss cent sccUf3 from obseivation on receipt of - cont stamo for postage Address HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT CO., or P O Box 110. June 14-0 HOT SPRINGS, ARK.